“The Best bodyweight fitness book out there” “Nothing else comes close” – and the ICING ON THE CAKE!
- And - he's spot on as always!

Here is another great review amongst many by John Walker for the 0 Excuses Fitness System – or rather, specifically, the videos.

Now, he got the paperback book FIRST – and the videos later, which of course, the best thing to do is to get BOTH – and get them both – TOGETHER!

They just go together, my friend.

Sort like when you learn how to box – or dance – or do martial arts or what not, and if you learn it online, now these are cases where videos, whether you like them or not are damn essential.

And while you can get the book yes, and make great progress just with the book, it works best if you get BOTH the book – and the videos together!

Here is what John posted for 0 Excuses Fitness – back when he got the book off Amazon a couple of years ago –

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book!!!

I have a few of this author’s books and I’d like to purchase more but unfortunately they’re way out of my price range, i.e. £174 for the pull up book is beyond my budget, if I spent £174 on any book no matter how good it is, my wife would have a fit and I would not be able to justify the expense, which is a great shame but that’s life I guess.

Having said the above in “fairness” I must point out this book is one of the more affordable books by Rahul.

And, he’s right – and he posted about Gorilla Grip as well, which should be got along with 0 Excuses Fitness too.

Getting the grip book without the “meat and potatoes” i.e. 0 Excuses Fitness is like, as he said, putting the cart before the horse.

It just don’t work right…

(and as far as price goes he’s got all the books NOW – I gave him some great discounts, as I am known for doing to ALL the doers out there – THANK YOU, guys!)

And, here is his latest reviews on the videos – the 5 great videos I put out for the course, long ones too!

(the youtube channel has a few snippets of these, and many “medium sized” videos too)


Just thought I’d give you my perspective on your 0 Excuses Fitness Videos.

Now as you know I think the 0 Excuses Fitness Book is the best bodyweight book out there, there is nothing else that comes close but having the videos detailing exactly how each exercise should be performed well, lets just say that it is the icing on the cake my friend, yes, you can have the “cake” without the icing but in my humble opinion that would be short changing yourself, it would be like going out for a burger when you’ve got steak indoors. I highly recommend the videos to anyone who wants to know exactly how it’s done, exceptional work, just brilliant.

Now John, thats a brilliant way of saying it yourself too, if you dont mind my saying so – going out for a burger when you’ve got steak at home – INDEED!

Sage indeed, sage.

Yes, these videos detail how the workouts and exercises in the book should be done, they show and give you excruciating detail on form, breathing etc (including a few secret tips on breathing) that I cannot get into in the book – and much much more!

So if you just get the book, thats great, but remember – thats like the cake – without the icing!

And it’s a damn good icing as well (unlike the cake I had last night – for a change, I hardly eat cake or sweets no more – but the icing last night, ugh, all sugar and nothing else – the plum cake inside was somewhat better tho) …..

Or, the burger – when you’re ignoring the steak you’ve got right there at home.

So true, John – and brilliantly said – and thank you once again – – and, a great discount is waiting for you on your next purchase!


Rahul Mookerjee

How to get your kids to workout (and more) …
- Indeed!

Well, well, well.

Was quite a day -has been quite a day thus far with the daugher’s Christmas workout going particularly well, it seems!

Getting her off the dumbphone is always a challenge, probably the same for most kids nowadays, but once she – or any kid – finally does get off the blasted dumbphone (I can just hear her saying “DAD! It’s a SMART PHONE, not a dumb phone! Gawd, Dad!” hehe) … MIRACLES happen.

She walked like a trooper with me down to the hilly park today.

She did so in a relaxed manner, with no intention of working out or anything (I specifically told her it would be a “relaxed day”for her).

She listened, and before she knew it, the walk she sometimes complained about – turned into easy peasy.

“I can’t believe it, so quick!” she was gushing (at the time it took her to get there).

“Of course, honey”, I laughed. “Do things slow, relaxed, and easy – with the right deep breathing”, and “life just flies away and results just come without you even thinking about them”.

The little one nodded.

Truly a chip off the old block. More on that soon!

“Other hand”, I continued. “if you grimace, think its tough, make a face about it and so forth – it will never get done – like with HW the other day!”

Lesson learnt, hehe.

Anyway, lots of walking up and down mini hills today, and lots of Gorilla Grip work for me – and we met a friend of mine – a weightlifter, except I wouldnt have known it – if for his GRIP!

He does bodyweight too, I believe – he does both.

Quite a slim and strong guy for 50 years of age, and as he gave me the gorilla grip, I noticed it.

“Damn, dude, strong grip!”

And then he told me about his workout, weight lifting etc – whatever he does, and he does it at HOME, free weights – it’s WORKING!

Then we got to the fun stuff, and filmed two videos – by now, both should be on the channel i.e. you tube channel.

One, me showing you how to do fingertip pushps, and working them into mini workouts – and the famed “knuckle pushups” taught in Karate.

As Charles Mitchell, another great customer told me, they teach you those in martial arts, but the fingertip pushups are WAY tougher.

And we’re not even taking fingers away or doing them on one arm as yet!

He’s right, and I agree.

And in the brief videos, somewhat shaky, you’ll see me “pocket pistol”, as the chip off the old block calls me for my “bang bang” intonation while working out and doing the videos” – banging out a few and showing you how to do so.

Then, of course, Kiddie Fitness!

If a certain Lee Lowder is reading this, Lee, a complete workout video for that course is on the way!

But today, on the youtube channel you will see my daugher literally take you through some of the movements in the book – and most importantly tell you the most important thing about fitness, but especially kiddie fitness – its gotta be FUN!

The words were literally flowing out of her as she struggled to speak, out of breath, I had to calm her down a bit, so much was she enjoying it!

“Dad, I never have so much fun at home, Dad, this is why I love working out outdoors, Dad, this is why ….”

And, I coalesced it all into a short audio introduction – much like the video intro for 0 Excuses Fitness, done by my little champ- and it’s free for those of you that have bought Kiddie Fitness i.e. you get it alone with the e-download of the book (those that have already bought the book – email me – I’ll hook you up with the intro too!).

So there’s those two things.

Then, more Youtube Videos on the way for Gorilla Grip (I’ve got one done up I never ever uploaded) – and then today, we did some great ones for Animal Kingdom Workouts, but my damn phone ran out of space, so we had to stop.Hehe.

No worries though, will be done the next time I get a chance …

But key thing.

Get the kids off the dumbphone.

And then get them into the outdoors, dont force them to do anything, just get them walking about, running in the fresh air – and you’ll be amazed at how quickly the “duck takes to water” as it were!

Key numero two, of course, you’ll have to make sure they dont overdo it – little kids have  a tendency to do just that. Hehe.

I cannot tell you how proud I am of my daughter – my friend, in the video you’ll see her present like a little pro!

And, if you like the video – give it a like – subscribe – and leave some comments, because those will help spread the video about!

Great day – thus far.

I’ll keep you posted on the full review for “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!” – and I’ll be back with more soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My apologies for the audio fading in and out on some of these  – gotta free up room on the dumbphone NOW!

As promised – a couple of great reviews for “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD within WEEKS!” and “Profound 70%Gorilla 30% Human Handstands”!!
- Thank you, John Walker!

John Walker is one of my greatest and best customers, and in response to the ongoing calls for MORE reviews – he posted these!

First, for “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD – within WEEKS!

(he posted it on the compilations page, I believe, but thats OK – he’s got “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within WEEKS!” as well!)

This Book Will Transform You.

First, before I get to my actual review of the book I just need to point out that the previous reviewer, one Glyn Schofield is a lying piece of shit that has an axe to grind with the author of this book and his reviews are just idiotic attempts at point scoring.

Unfortunately, Amazon cut his review short at that point due to the “shit” word most likely.

It’s amazing , isnt it?

Bozo Glyn can troll all he likes, and the big social media companies allow the trolls, liberals etc to make merry – while HONEST upstanding individuals like John get censored – as I did on LinkedIn – as President Trump did on Twitter – and so forth.

So, I recommended he remove that word, and re-post the review, and when the full review shows up (he sent me the Amazon “barf” about it so only the part above showed up) – I’ll post it here!

Then, for “Profound 70% Human 30% Gorilla Handstands!

5.0 out of 5 stars Massive Upper Body Strength & Power

(He’s right, too – this book is level #3 in the ultimate and eventual progression to FREESTANDING handstands and handstand pushups, which will truly put you in ELITE league)

This book is “short and sweet” and so will this review be.
If you’re looking to develop massive upper body strength and power you need this book.
Yet another masterpiece from The Bodyweight Guru, buy the book you won’t regret it.

He’s right again!

If you’ve noticed, ALL my books on building brute power in the upper body and SHOUDER and upper body strength – are “short and sweet” (with the possible exception of Pushup Central and Animal Kingdom Workouts).

Thats how it should be.

Short, sweet, and QUICK – and his review reflects this!

A lot of folks confuse this book as being “just another variation on Battletank Shoulders!” – you could NOT be MORE wrong if you believe that, my friend.

The “legs off the wall”, albeit for a few seconds – the cycling movements, and the scissoring movements – ALL of these build a lower core made of granite – and prepare the entire upper body (lower back included) for getting into and doing freestanding handstands, which is the ultimate goal.

And thats that for this email.

Merry Christmas again, and y’all, if you dont have the books above, you’re MISSING out – get ’em NOW.

(I’ll be back very shortly again with another great update!)


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Last, but defintely not and never least, John – THANK YOU for heeding the call to action on REVIEWS – youre a trooper, and then some! Thank you!

And, let me know the other books you want to buy, so I can do up another GREAT discount for you on them – you deserve it and then some!

Merry Christmas to all of you!
- And, best wishes for a prosperous, and HAPPY new year (and holiday season).

So, first off – Merry Christmas, everyone – whether you celebrate it or not?

Keeping in line with my atheist tendencies – I do not celebrate any festival per se, but I’m all for festive cheer, enjoying the holiday – and more “few cold ones”. Hehe.

So – Merry Christmas to everyone out there – and have a very happy and prosperous New Year as well!

It’s that time of the year – or will be soon.

“Crazy year” I can hear many saying – many of these same people were saying “2021 will be much better” at the end of 2020.

Unfortunately, the grand plan was designed to last for five years, I dont think anything will change until 2025 – until and unless YOU, and everyone my friend stops buying into the panic mentality – and as of now, that isn’t happening.

I’ve written enough about it, of course, but lets hear what a great customer from the UK John Walker had to say on this!

There is not much to report, life just seems to have degenerated into one long round of Covid19 mutated variants that the world’s governments are using as an excuse to control and manipulate their populations, the trouble is the majority of these people actually believe that it’s all about their governments doing their best to “keep them safe” from this deadly virus that is going to kill them if they don’t follow their orders and keep getting jabbed when instructed to.

How long will it take before people realise that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of madness???

Now, my own views on this are very well known, so I thought I’d tell y’all what OTHERS are saying – people with sense, people that workout hard, people that have “been in the trenches” as John have – people that have been in Cliffhanger situations – in other words, real men.

Omnicron aint even over, now we got Delta-con, coming up (ok, I know, Demicron, but I couldn’t resist putting in the “con” word there hehe) – I mean, give me a fucking break.

Anyway, he’s referring to Einstiens definition of insanity up there, and in this case, I completely agree.

Try telling that to the sheeple though.

Sometimes, you gotta persist and wait for the fruits of your labor to bear fruit – that is different. You keep doing the thing over and over again in that case too, but you do it differently each time, but mindless lining up to be controlled more and more everytime, as I told John “everything can be earned/gotten, but once freedom is taken away, or starts to be taken away – THAT is a slippery slope to be beware of!” 

Thank “God” for the 2nd Amendment, or whichever it is which gives those of us in the US the right to bear firearms. ‘Twas done for a reason despite what a lot of the rest of the world and Hiden Biden keep squawking about “guns are not needed!” – oh YES, they damn well ARE.

I mean when you have illegals lining up to vote (apparently the case in NY City’s elections!) – and legal folks and citizens are practically barred from owning firearms up there while the criminals run riot – you know something is seriously wrong!

there are migrants arriving here every damn day from there and there has been well over 24,000 this year already and the year is not over yet.

All they have to do is get half way across the English Channel and then call the coast guard to say their in trouble and they’re automatically rescued and brought ashore where they’re put up in 4 star hotels at the tax payers expense and no one seems capable to do anything to stop them.

If you got to France you jump on an inflatable dingy and when you got rescued you could just say that you’re fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan and they’ll let you stay here no problem at all.

Just sad, ain’t it, the way borders everywhere have been thrown WIDE open to illegals – what is happening on the US Mexico “border” (I use quotes for a reason) is a prime example.

Nothing wrong with legal immigration, it helps a country, but the illegals basically siphon off it and destroy it (barring a few rare exceptions) .. pity thats become the norm now!

Anyway – back to fitness.

John’s been watching the Youtube Channel I recently “reinvigorated”.

Despite me saying I wouldn’t do it, I reversed my decision I did it.

Despite me NOT liking videos that much unless and until absolutely essential … despite me hating the dumbphone addiction and so forth … so why?

Well, thats what people are watching!

Videos, pictures, its insane, but if thats what a lot of people want, well, I’ll give ’em that too – so if you ain’t subscribed to the channel, do so NOW. Plenty more great stuff on the way soon.

I’ve seen some of your YouTube videos, I hope you don’t mind me saying this but you actually look quite ill in them, are you okay? Maybe the lighting is not great, anyway are you now going to be doing these on a regular basis? I thought that you were against doing anything on YouTube after you stopped making the last lot of videos a couple of years ago.

Now, that was interesting, the ill comment!

At first I thought he meant “stress showing on my face”, or “haggard” or so forth, but that didnt seem quite right.

Still, I asked him which video he was referring to.

It’s just how pale you look in your videos that had me worried, I mean man, you look whiter than me.



Back when yours truly took the videos, when my wife said “you look 13-15 in those videos!” … 

She said it in a manner that implied that wasn’t exactly a good thing if you get my drift, but if you think about it – a 37 year old man looking years younger than his age, is that a bad thing?

I think NO. Hehe.

That is what REAL training, regular hard training, a “mgtow” life – and a halfway decent living arrangement will do for a man!

Anyway, the “pale” thing – I’ve always been “fair skinned” (to the point Glyn Bozo calls me “ugly Paki”. Poor chappie, Glyn, lol. Last I heard he was found “neck deep” in some rubbish ban outside some bar in Brum, drunk and starving apparently) … and when I did the “13-15 year old videos”?

I was climbing hills on a daily basis for three – four hours daily – in the Southern China sun.

16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections tells you just how HOT it was, so have I in many of my posts. And emails!

Like sub tropical heat, sun blazing down one minute, then the rains pour down, the next minute, sun’s out again, hot, steamy, tropical – just like described in James Hadley Chase’s “The Vulture is a Patient Bird“.

Try working out in that type of weather. It ain’t easy, bro.

And it gets results.

So thats why ..

And perhaps the lighting in the initial videos wasn’t that great, so I looked darker plus the tan …

Anyway, great to hear back from you, John!

He’ll be sending over some great reviews for 0 Excuses Fitness, “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD within WEEKS!” – and “Profound “70% Human 30% Gorilla” Handstands” very soon too – stay TUNED for that.

Enjoy thy Christmas – and make sure to …

Eat more, and weigh … LESS!

Hehe , or should I say Ho, Ho, Ho!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why picturing in your mind first ALWAYS brings results, period.
- No matter what "time it might be"

No matter how tough times might be, no matter how “challenging” things might seem, I have learned two things in life, my friend.

First, there is always a solution for every legitimate problem.

(Read Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil for more on this) – and you’ll understand, but thats the sum and substance of it.

Two, if you really, really want something, you will find a way to get it and GET it no matter what.

(my whole life is an example).

And three, what is the name of that strange force that somehow, unexpectedly, throws its full weight, and lo, what a WEIGHT it is! – behind the person who never stops trying – who is PERSISTENT after the entire world (and then some) has given up on him ?

That power is called the power of persistence.

Read Think and Grow Rich for more on that, my entire life – and Napoleon Hill, whose life my own most closely (not by design) mirrors – is proof enough of this.

We are what we picture, my friend. Same thing for results.

This morning, I wrote a long email to you about being DISGUSTED – and then some.

That email is HERE.

Perhaps one of the reasons that I did not mention in that email I get so disgusted with folks in general is they refuse to follow the “picture it” maxim, instead choosing to wallow in self pity and “times are tough” and other BS.

I mean, lets face it, if your mind alone could drag you out of what you’re in – why not?

But anyway, after that email I wrote another one about why I hate braggarts (buffoon Central in general).

Then off it was for my workout.

A pull-up and Gorilla Grip workout today, when you want to FRY the entire upper body (remember, this was after my jump rope workout, pushups and club work – and stretching this morning) – you do pull-ups, period. BRUTAL is all I can say.

In the middle of that I did fingertip pushups – another hidden secret to crushing, ape like grip strength I keep talking about in both the book above, and also in Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!)

But I also did something I don’t normally do.

I sent emails – quite a few of them – while working out.

Now, yall that know me KNOW I never take the dumbphone with me to workout, but sometimes, as I just told a certain Angel (who really brought angelic news to me!) “Life happens”.

It does.

And to me, my site being down for even one minute is way too much.

I pride myself, much like Amazon does, on always staying online no matter what.

And while half a day, or a few hours might not seem like a lot to most folks, to me it was an eternity.

And that email you got in the park about “Back online!” with no subject?

Well, I was typing on the dumbphone, y’all know how much I cannot do that – and hate to do it, but I had to inform you anyway!

And now here I am, writing to you from the computer again.

The result I pictured this morning came instantly, except not what I had asked for, what I asked for came a few hours later.

But it did come, and in the most unexpected manner.

This is why I keep talking about the power of visualization, my friend, and if you have not yet, then pick up Zero to Hero, and read the opening bit in that book very very carefully. Underline words with a red felt pen if you must, and understand the EMOTIONS behind what I wrote, and you’ll start to get it.

Anyway – my host is the best ever. I cannot praise them enough, as we’re back online with “renewed” hardware and such – all systems GO!

I must also say, my writing businesses – both of them – they NEVER go down, not just because of my dedication to them – but also the super hosts I use – and also because of that little thing of doing what you were TRULY meant to do I keep talking about, but not everyone gets it…

Come rain, come hell, come shine, come high water, they’re there for me, always have been, always will be, so I will I be for them.

So I will be for YOU too, the DOERS – the guys that DO get back to me – the guys that DO leave reviews, the guys that most of all, DO the thing!

Thats what makes it all worth it.

Anyway, I’m off to do up yet another great, great review for my hosts – one of them.

And that reminds me, a lot of you have not done up reviews as yet.

Please do so, I see no reason why the answer should be “no” to that one.

Thank you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Back soon!

As more and more people jump aboard the bodyweight fitness train …
- So they should.

This afternoon, I went for a long, long walk outside – and then in the park.

I had to think.

Like Napoleon Hill, I often get out in the fresh open spaces – or as fresh as can be, anyway – to THINK.

I was walking vigorously nowhere really, then along came the pull-up stand – or the swing set where I sometimes do ’em, rather – the monkey bars, and so forth.

Popped off a few reps of this and that, remember, this was post 1500 jump ropes and 100 pushups at home.

Friend of mine, the same guy who keeps mentioning my core and saying “how attractive it looks” came over.

“Do you still run, Rahul”, he asked me.

I told him I never ran, never did pavement pounding etc, then the conversation moved on.

“Bodyweight exercises are best”, the guy kept saying.

This is the dude who said he could do 40 straight reps on the dip bars – and the same guy that wanted to do pull-ups, keeps sort of complaining about never being able to do ’em, keeps ooh aahing those (like me) that can – but when I tell him HE can do it, he needs to just try – and keep trying  – well, you got it. Crickets.

Another dude came on over, well built sort of dude.

Goes to the gym, runs, sometimes does bodyweight exercises too.

I asked him how many pushups etc he could do.

“80-100”, he replied instantly. 

In one set?? We both asked him.

He paused, giving me the once over.

“Well, if it’s strict slow reps … maybe 40-50 per set”.

Now, all these numbers being bandied about, I’ve no idea if either one of those dudes can DO ’em – or ever could.

Perhaps they could, I dont know.

But I’ll tell you, 80-100 pushups without stopping is super stud stuff, my friend, regardless of which pushup you do or how you cut it.

Provided you do ’em right, strict form.

Personally me,  I do ’em in sets of 25, as y’all know -and have SEEN.

As I say in Fast and Furious Fitness, also in Pushup Central.

“Be the guy that can knock out pushups in PROPER form, not the braggart who claims he can do 100, but all in lousy form. Trust me, I can make ONE pushup harder than a 100!”

A “fact of the matter”, “no nonsense” statement this, and it’s true.

One way to make it harder is how my friend was saying they should be done.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… on the way down”, he went – and then same thing on the way up. 

Not quite that slow, I laughed.

But he’s right, doing pushups SLOWLY is far tougher than bouncing them off half ass in poor form that I’ve seen way too many people do …

(and you CAN do ’em the way he was saying, except that makes it SUPER TOUGH!)

Anyway, it was a great conversation overall.

And the two guys kept coming back to this.

“But bodyweight exercises are the best and toughest. The gym might be good for a bit of toning, but thats it”

One of them even spoke about how strength gained in bodyweight exercises translates over to the Gym.

“But that dont happen the other way around does it”, I laughed.

They agreed.

As well with the fact that during covid, it …

“There is nothing else to do, business is down everywhere, might as well use the time to get FIT!”

True that. Hehe.

Except, yours truly thinks fitness should be done ALL the time – in good times, bad, and in between.

It’s what keeps us sane and healthy … And if you can do your home workout outdoors, in the park , or mountain top or what not – so much the better!

Takeaway from all this – GET the books above.

Two, start TODAY, my friend. No matter where you’re at fitness wise, you have to start SOMEPLACE – to get SOMEPLACE. It’s as simple as that. Gains dont come overnight, my friend.

And three, as more and more people are getting tired of escalating gym costs etc (the two there today were discussing how expensive gyms have become) – and having to go there, finding one near your place, running around there or what not …

… As more people are doing bodyweight only and getting in the best shape of their lives, they’re discovering that sometimes simple is indeed the best, and bodyweight does indeed TRUMP all.

Lots of lessons for you too there, my friend.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – I’ve been emailing the offers out etc lately willy nilly, crazy like a madman, hehe. Please don’t make me crawl through broken glass on my elbows  – or show up in thy living room with a BUGLE, hehe – to get you to take action on these my friend. Visit the rewards page, and check out our offers – and get a few products NOW, because those offers will not last forever. Go NOW, my friend.

The first introduction I did for the 0 Excuses Fitness System – but never put out there – until now.
- My, my, my!

My oh my, how far have we come. Hehe.

I still remember the first introduction I did for the 0 Excuses Fitness System videos – the first video I put out publicly for sale (other than one that I gave Glyn Bozo, hehe, he took that and “trampolined” it all over WeChat and stuff, trolling it, but ended up making me an instant “celebrity” there too, hehe while getting his ass booted from wherever he spammed it).

Me sitting on the couch, talking to you – which for some reason, I never ever put into the actual package you guys get – when you purchase the downloadable version of 0 Excuses Fitness.

The intro I DID put in there – far shorter, and far “crisper” – and a far more “excitable” Rahul talking to you. I still remember that blue long sleeved T shirt I was wearing in Elizabeth’s apartment (mine, I rented it from her) when I created that video at around 2 PM or so, right before I was going to step out for my afternoon workout on the HILL.

But now, years later or so it seems, I’m revisiting the original – taken by Cindy on a nice summer evening in China (August, I believe, or maybe July) – at around 6PM in my apartment.

The first video she took, then she took the rest you see in the System.

Then she took 5 more !

She is a TROOPER – she even edited all the pictures you see in the 0 Excuses Fitness System book – since my phone couldn’t handle it at the time.

A very nice lady indeed, and as she smiled while taking the “lao shi’s” (teacher in Chinese) video (I used to teach her English too back in the day) – it was truly the stars aligning at that point in time – big time.

You can see “grade one term papers” if you look closely, hehe.

That was me creating the list of things I wanted to talk to you about on the back of some papers I had graded for the kids at Balboa school.

I never got around to that list!

I’m not good at speaking from lists, much like a certain Steve Austin isn’t. At his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame, he had this MASSIVE list he wanted to speak from – held in his hand, yet, he barely looked at it. Hehe.

It helps to prepare the subconscious mind, yes, but once you speak, or at least that is how I do it, all scripts, if they were ever there, go out the window.

Maybe thats why although I got called a movie star all the time, still do, I’ll never be one. Hehe.

Too much of a renegade is yours truly!

Anyway …

Check out the video HERE –


And subscribe to the channel, we’ve got great stuff coming for you.

And of course, write back and tell me the difference between the two intro’s – those of you that have BOUGHT the System.

And if you have not yet bought the super lative, once in a lifetime best fitness system ever, then please stop procrastinating, dallyin around and so forth, and get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Glyn Bozo on a trampoline? Poor thing, and I dont mean the Bozo, hehe.

PS #2 – My “adorable fringe” isn’t that prominent in the video up there, but it in the ones you guys buy. Hehe.

More on “fat” VS “truly big”
- A certain Chuck may want to read this, hehe.

A certain “Chuck” may want to read this.

Remember him, the guy who even by his own admission is obese – and once claimed “uphill cycling is easier for his girlfriend” (who ain’t skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but not “fat” either) (at least, she wasn’t when I saw her) “because he has more mass than her”, and … i.e. what he meant was because he is a lot fatter than her, and therefore…

And, the same guy that bitched up a storm about a post on pull-ups and handstand pushups saying “you just say just do it, and that doesn’t help!” – which wasn’t even directed at me.

And, the same dude who claims he could, by virtue of his “mass” pick me up and throw me out of the window (I wonder if he’d still have a lower back left after picking up a wriggling mass like me. Hehe. Thats what I keep saying about odd object lifting in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness for one. It’s one thing to bench, curl, or deadlift while seated on your arse or your back – or standing – and a weight that is somewhat easy to grip and doesn’t move about – its quite another to say, press a beer barrel sloshing around with liquid – and fit human beings that know how to counter the move, well…)

Now, the cycling thing – I basically tried telling him “F= mass x acceleration”.

And if he was truly “big” and not fat as he claims, then muscle x acceleration produced by muscle actually makes you go FASTER – either uphill or downhill or on flat land – than someone with less muscle mass.

I swear, the excuses people come up with.

I debunked all the above very thoroughly in prior emails and you guys on the list have read about it many times – if not, search the site, you’ll find it here too most likely (i.e. those same emails posted here).

But for a minute, lets talk old time strongmen – real strongmen.

Lets talk people like say .. Alexander Zass, who I’ve been talking about all day today!

Him on the cover of my pathbreaking, world famous, much loved and much trolled book on isometrics – secret Russian movements you did NOT know about that will catapult your strength levels and rep counts for one to hitherto UNHEARD OF LEVELS – and boost your overall energy, health, flexibility (YES! most people dont think flexibility, but thats why the book is named “Isometric and Flexibility Training“) – and Sense of WELL BEING, and SANG FROID – through the bloody roof.

Guy that broke chains with his bare hands, bent bars with his bare hands (prison cell bars). (and escaped)

If you look at his pictures, he’s covered in a ton of muscle.

And look at the abs, sure enough, 6 pack ++ popping through .

But, there’s no “slim waist” – or even what you might expect from a “corrugated core” guy.

Yet, dude ain’t fat. There ain’t a lick of fat on him, it’s all muscle.

Reminds me of what my buddy from the Marines once told me when I was aiming for that look. 

“You dont look like you did before, but you’re not fat!” 

(He was referring to the “Eat More Weigh Less” look “before”)

That sort of training gives you a THICK waist, my friend, unless you specifically counter it with more intense cardio – think someone like Jason Statham for one.

Or, John Grimek, old time strongman who had the look down to a T.


Look at Doug Hepburn.

Neither Doug nor Zass would be called “slim” …

And, in some of the pictures, their stomachs look positively distended.

Yet, it’s muscle that is causing that to happen- and lack of intense cardio, but when you lift that much, you GET a lot of cardio anyway.

Trust me on this, if you don’t believe me, fill a 10 kg back with sand and try hoisting it overhead for 20 reps at a go.

Your heart will literally be thumping out of your chest – thats if you can get to 20 in a row, which most cannot.

Thats real BIG guys.

Not guys with bellies hanging down to the ground, not guys with “Dustbin Schofield aka Gyn” like man tits desperately flopping around, not guys with saggy massive butts..

Those guys regardless of whether or not they have muscle are plain ole FAT. Thats just how it is, friend.

Now, if you want LEAN AND MEAN?

Fighting MACHINE?

That look most of us so want deep down inside?

You look at me in Eat More – Weigh Less.

You look at some actors back in the day – Stallone in the 80’s, or perhaps Akshay Kumar, Indian movie star in the 90’s.

You can tell a martial artist by the way he walks – and the utter lack of fat on the chest (that is a huge giveaway area for most men) – and the core in general.

When I say utter lack of fat, I MEAN that.

But yours truly, in my bid to give you the very best – I keep changing looks in that regard too.

In Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, you’ll see a somewhat bulkier – yet still super fit – me.

Because that, my friend is how YOU will get if you do the workouts and routines from just that book, and nothing else.

That don’t mean you should do nothing else.

All depends on your goals…

Anyway, wanted to post that for ya.

Let me know what you think!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you haven’t yet placed the pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – what are you waiting for? Do so NOW.

“Oh so simple” isometrics to build AMAZING LEVELS OF “unheard of” strongman strength!
- Read on - you will love it.

One fine day, there I was in the park around 330 PM or so, watchin the “Evenings” sink in. Or, I should say, watching afternoon turn into evening.

’twas a peaceful afternoon, very much so, and I kept remembering another park – the one I CLIMB the mountain in – the one where I have spent some of the best and more pleasurable hours of my life thus far – and no doubt will keep doing.

In all my travels, I dont know , that park stands out!

Maybe it’s because it’s near where I lived, it’s near where I lived when I FIRST went to China in 2003, maybe, I dont know, the workout is so solid, so severe, yet, it’s not that huge a hill to completely wipe you out for days (although most first time climbers like yours truly with Ann Lee in 2004 – yes, you’ll feel like a Mack truck ran over you the next day).

Anyway …

So I was so relaxed, at peace with the world and so forth.

Suddenly, my eye chanced upon a STICK.

Hiding in the grass, it was one of those “rattan cane sticks x 10” i.e. a short, stout, bamboo stick you could say.

Or, an “extra thick” twig – almost a branch.

Instantly, I picked it up. I knew this was going to be good!

I looked around for its owner. There was none.

No Glyn Bozo around either to shove it in his rear end. Ugh. The movie I saw yesterday, Statham literally puts the end of a gun into a lard ass’s back side while wanting info from him, and “rams it in” – big time!

Crank 2 is truly one of “those” movies. Ugh. Before doing that, Statham even dips the gun barrel in some icky black construction sludge …

The look on his face when he sees Bozo’s ass (I mean, the Bozo in the movie who had man tits flapping down to his ankles like Glyn does) – just priceless!

Anyway ……..

I started doing isometrics with it.

I tried to bend it as hard as I could. Couldn’t!

Then I tried doing it behind my back. Couldn’t!

Then, I employed different gripping techniques. Same thing!

The stick fighting scenes from Rambo III came to mind – I did some imaginary moves (believe me, stick fighting is very real, very deadly too if you do it right).

Then, I took it home with me.

My wife and daughter were at the time in another park, so I ended up going to that other park to “find em”.

First thing my wife said?

“We’re not cows to herd home!”


But of course, as I knew, my little girl, who loves collecting stuff from parks would LOVE it, and she DID.

She appropriated it almost instantly.

Much to my surprise, so did my wife!

She instantly did stretching exercises with it.

My wife grew up in an area where grown men pound the heck out of each other and where “honor killings” etc occur regularly – and they dont use these sticks – they use massive thick BAMBOO sticks – oiled too.

So she knows a thing or two about Nature in that regard.

But anyway …

You, or some of you reading this might be inclined to yawn and say “so what”.

“So simple”.

Indeed, idiots, Bozos and morons globally will say that – some who have bought Isometric and Flexibility Training and complain about it being too simple.

And I didnt even put “trying to bend a stick ” in the book – the Bozos would have coronaries instantly.

Yet, the smarties?

Ever hear of Alexander Zass, who performed feats of strength like breaking thick iron chains with his bare hands, or bending steel prison bars to literally escape from prison during the War?

Or, maybe the Mighty Atom Joseph Greenstein who once pulled a plane by his HAIR?

You might think the above two instances are heresay, but they ain’t either. There’s videos out there on it, and I just watched a couple of them before writing this to you.

Here is one – so spectacular I had to put it here –

Now, a lot of you – even those of you that pooh poohed the style of training above as being “too easy” might love the video above.

I know I did.

But – did you know how these guys all trained?

Did you know the Great Gama did isometrics to build his nigh prodigious pushing strength – and what he did was this – he simply pushed against a massive oak tree for a while daily.

That is all.

If I put that in the book, idiots have coronaries, yet, here we have one of the world’s best wrestlers period, swearing by this, and several other training methods I teach.

“When I can push that tree down, a man will be easy!” The Gama often said.

Now, he never did push the tree down as far as I know.

Neither did I manage to break that branch.

But my grip was singed, my shoulders, triceps, chest, all were worked in a way they were NEVER worked before when I Did this, my friend.

In China, there is a tool which you can actually bend in this way behind your back in various positions – a rubber springy kinda thing, its great. But doing it with a stick you cannot break – far better!

Anyway, so how did the great Zass train?

I commenced now to think a lot about developing great strength in my fingers. Many things I tried, all helping, some of which I will tell you. I bent thick, green twigs with my hands, these being better than dry wood, which would not bend much before it would snap. I practised this a good deal until my hands became so strong that I could bend even small boughs of trees till they broke. Also I tried lifting stones off the ground with my thumb and fingers, carrying them in my grip for some distance.

Or, this –

The Russian Training Secret

Alexander Zass was very innovative and started bending green branches and twigs to develop his grip strength. Perhaps this was the start of his great belief in the application of isometrics and “maximum tension” (a concept that is present in Russian training methods to this day) for the development of strength.

He believed such an approach superior to the use of weights in developing strength. While a POW he continued to develop his strength with the use of isometrics by pulling on the bars and chains that imprisoned him.

This episode and the knowledge that he obtained from it later became the basis of his mail order course which featured isometrics in the form of pulling on chains of various lengths.

Alexander Zass lived a very full and exciting life on many fronts. In addition to being a strongman, he was also an accomplished animal trainer. as well as a superspy.

Again, Bozos globally complaining the book on isometrics is too simple would be well served by reading the above.

And to these Bozos, I wonder – have they even DONE the thing before commenting?

Have you FELT the soreness in your hamstrings with some of the stretches I teach in the book – have you GOTTEN in the patented Rahul Mookerjee squat – have you TRIED pushing against a wall till the back of your arms literally feel swollen and the triceps are screaming out loud?

In most cases, the answer is NO. A resounding NO at that!

Here is one of those silly rants from an idiot in Italy who was apparently ticked off that Sylvester Stallone’s photographer didnt do the photos…


Honestly, one of the worst fitness ebooks I’ve ever read (and I’ve read quite a few); it’s a simple bunch of static stretches and bodyweight exercises. A shallow recommended programming, and the photos quality is simply unwatchable. And never, never all of this for € 46!
Not recommended

’nuff said on the bozos.  (I do not know where he got the 46 Euro figure from – maybe I was offering the book at a discount then – and this is also precisely I price my books high, period to ensure Bozos in general dont get at them).

My friend, this book goes ABOVE and BEYOND what a lot of the greats did.

And I’m just getting started – there is far more to isometrics than what is in this book, i.e. the 51 exercises and then the workouts I give you, but for most people, it is also MORE than plenty to get you in great shape – loose, limber, and improve your strength by leaps and bounds.

Obviously, isometrics are not the ONLY workout you should do – but you’d be amazed at how getting better at isometrics improves rep counts and performance on other seemingly unrelated exercises – like pushups, for one.

Combine isometrics, my friend, with the workouts in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, or any of my other books – and you simply cannot go wrong, period.

Get this book NOW – you will never regret it.


Rahul Mookerjee

“Built like a brick outhouse”
- So they SAID, hehe.

I’ve never quite got that comment directed at me, my friend.

“You’ve got a packed chest!”

Movie star looks – and not just the face – the BODY is what I’m most proud of, and the BODY is what (along with the face) the comments were for.

Maybe my one time wife was right when she said “any movie director would hire you!”.

I dont work cheap though, hehe. (Freddie!).

Anyway, that “built like a … ” comment was directed at Statham in the movie mentioned in the last email, while his character was “rubbing up against a wizened old lady’s ass in public (Glyn, watch this space, hehe, he’s been known to actually do that sort of thing with the ladies he scammed later)” – apparently because as his cardiologist friend (whose license was thrown out for some strange reason, but hey – he did transplant the heart back in the end!) said “static electricity between two bodies ” does a good job of keeping the artificial heart “charged”.

Really, the rubbish people think of, and yet, as Statham then proceeds to make out in the middle of the racecourse with another much younger woman, his muscular rump and her panties on full view, with a nutjob in the audience wearing her panties as a hat – I gotta think – what do these movie makers think. Hehe.

Maybe their target audience was Glyn Schofield, he’d love it!

Not the famous horse racing guy, the Bozo from Brum. Hehe.

But anyway – outhouse?

Built like one?

I dont know, to me – Statham is super fit, lean, mean, kicks ASS – sort of has the same look I had in Battletank Shoulders – which I still have – except I’m doing more Lumberjack training these days; more on that later.

Yes, the “look” sometimes changes depending upon how you train and what you focus on, but the basics do NOT i.e. fat free, very little around the midsection if any, a punch proof core, strong legs – diamond shaped calves – all those things do not change , or should not.

To me, “built like a brick outhouse” would be ole Doug Hepburn.

Look at him, my friend.

He’d put any wrestler to shame with that build, and to think he was born with a club foot and not exactly the most privileged of the lot . . .

And his secret?

There is a reason HE is mentioned on the cover of Battletank Shoulders, my friend. Initially I had a picture of an Abrahams tank, which works great too – but him on the cover works even better.

He typifies what Charles Mitchell, a great customer of mine once said about these workouts.

“You have to be part human, part gorilla in order to do these!”


But he’s right, super tough demanding workouts – and the brick outhouse look… well, you’ll GET it if you train that way.

Ole Doug did handstand pushups in sets of 10 all day at the beach while working as a lifeguard.

In ADDITION to his weight training.

Sure, the weights prepared him for the prodigious amount he pushed and pulled.

But read any interview with the great man, and he’ll be the first to tell you that …

HANDSTAND PUSHUPS are what built that pushing strength, not the weights themselves!

At a bodyweight of over 300 lbs, most of it pure muscle, solid MUSCLE, doing handstand pushups on dipping bars, even my “built like a tank” buddy from the Marines blinked in amazement when he heard that.

Thats another reason I keep telling you about dips, if you want to be able to do handstand pushups on dipping bars eventually, you have to train BOTH exercises consistently, daily – and HARD, hard, HARD!

Well, my friend, I’m out for now.

Battletank Shoulders is truly the course that is turning heads everywhere and if you (which most of you DO) cherish the lean and mean yet “built like a tank” look – well, get this NOW.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The pre-orders for what is possibly going to be my best and most brutal course as yet Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness are still coming in. Place thy pre-order NOW. (if you have not already).