Why lazy phat phockers have way less common sense than you might “think” …
- It showl isn't that common anyway.

There seems to be a direct correlation between (in most cases, the “herd” anyway as I was telling a certain Paula) how FAT someone is i.e. how much someone has let themselves go, and is unconcerned by that gigantic belly hanging over their pants – and how STOOOPID these guys are.

Or, how stupid they ACT I should say, and how good they are at making excuses about damn near everything, even not fitness related topics.

Which common sense isn’t that common anyway, but let me back up.

I was discussing this with my daughter the other day.

“Honey, I dont know how people let themselves go like that”.

Literally, walk around any big city (and Asia isn’t an exception – go to India for one!) – and cast your gaze around, you’ll see nothing but FAT people all around you (unless you’re in a specific area or something).

And not just fat.

The men have HUMUNGOUS bellies hanging over their belts – yes, in Asia too! (so much for India being “poor” hehe) – and pants that look like they’re XXXXXL – and they parade it around like a badge of honor.

Women don’t get off scot free – while the bellies aren’t that visible – the derriers are just as bad in many cases. UGH!

“Just how can someone live with themselves that way” I keep thinking – and then of course, if I say it, the usual PC BS gets shot back at me about “body shaming”, “making people feel bad about themselves” and so forth – but look, if you’ve let yourself go that much – you deserve it, no matter what – unless you’re on some extreme medication or something, and most people are NOT.

Ask David Goggins for one, who fell into the phat phocker category years ago – and then became the phenom he is today.

Ask yours truly as well – but even me, I was fat “all over” – but not the kind where you have that gigantic belly protruding like you’ve never done a lick of exercise in your life, or even walked two steps, or …

That brings me to my central point – if a package is for the first floor, should the delivery guy not go up to the first floor to deliver it?

This afternoon, yours truly on the “ground” as they call it in Asia – I prefer first, hehe – floor opened the door for yet another fool who was hankering away nineteen to the dozen on the goddamned doorbell that I’ve never put in any of my apartments … I hate bells! And being disturbed all goddamned day long…

… was a package for the folks upstairs, I told him to ring the bell there.

He did.

Took a while for them to open.

They finally did.

“Come up”, lady said.

He stared at me (delivery guy).

“Oh, whatever, give it to me” I said impatiently, waiting to get back to my work – I was doing affiliate links. . .

“I’ll give it to her”.

And then he said something had to be signed.

“Then go up, goddamn it”, I muttered, impatience getting the better of me.

He stared.

“do I have to go up, Sir”, he queried.

You’d think he was an idiot for asking that, eh.

I mean, if a goddamned signature is required from the people upstairs, you go on upstairs, you fool, the pen wont fly down on it’s own.

I retorted in my usual tart manner. He laughed, went up – but then I got it.

That belly!

He was basically asking “sir, do I need to carry my bulk up those stairs”?

And literally it’s like 10 steps, thats all. Literally, and easy peaasy.

People are so goddamned lazy these days, I dont get it!

I really don’t, my friend – HOW can someone be so lazy?

But they are.

HOW can someone let themselves go like this?

Yet, the herd does – the masses do.

Paula and I were talking about her many question for the affiliate center on the other site which I encourage – it shows she is truly interested, and not just some wacko signing up to “see what sticks”.

She has so many questions even I dont know the answer to one – hehe.

But we’ll figure that one out (I just dont know it as yet because it involves a third party website I do not have access to).

But she said the following to me last night (amongst other).

5.And if I am your headache with many details, can you get an aspirine? It’s a joke!


I told her to keep the questions coming, and dropped in a bit about head massages. hehe.

I also told her how I rarely fall sick, and if I do, I NEVER take any medication for it – including even basic paracetemol etc – I just drink plenty of water and “work the bugs” out of my system (and it’s true, thats what I do).

And about the massage on the head, I am sorry, I think it will never happen. Not all that we want
occur us. Ce la vie!

HEhe again.

I love this girl ..

Her work is superb too, as I’ve said before – on my other biz, of course. Maybe we’ll work with her here too, we’ll see, but anyway –

I then said she was probably not the sort of person that takes medication or even KEEPS it in her closet.

You are right, I do not drink medicines. I believe that if brain is always working to stay alert. It is
sufficient. Of course, for the others is disastrous, but they are looking for that. Isn’t it?

And there it is, another sign of a true DOER.

On one hand, people happily let themselves go to a point where they attract nothing but health issues, and on the other hand, they have a closet full of meds “waiting for it to happen”.

Do these fools have a mind full of workouts to do today?

Or, if “I’m too busy, how do I get a mini workout in”?

Or, “lets be TOUGH!”

Or, “its just something minor, you dont need to pop pills for that”.

Ah wait, I’m speaking Farsi aren’t I- hehe.

Anyway, how people can be so lazy and unmotivated is utterly beyond me …

For those that aren’t, for those are SICK OF being obese and attracting nothing but health problems (ladies, you aren’t exempt from this either with all the stomach problems and what not!) … for those that actually want make some sort of positive change in their lives, well, I’m there for you.

And the 0 Excuses Fitness System is where you need to start – today.

No exceptions, no excuses.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

My thoughts on injecting testosterone, using “muscle pills” – and more!
- I believe I said this before, but...

I cannot recall exactly when I spoke about this before, but I think I did.

Cliff, a mutual contact of – well, a somewhat long term friend of a certain Chuck and even the Bozo – and someone I knew online – in china at the time I knew him was not only a bodybuilder in the true, classic sense of the world with the build – and the (unfortunately) injuries – shot out knees being one – used to sell the latter i.e pills and other sort of “muscle supplements” which of course, as you might expect sold like hotcakes.

I dont know if he sold testosterone – I think he did.

But I remember a conversation I was having with him once about sprinting and leg strength, and that is where I believe I  learned about his (at least at that time) shot knees.

Anyway, this one isn’t about the many and legit perils of bodybuilding (note – that is different from “weightlifting” – although I Dont advocate lifting weights in the traditional sense in general, it’s still far more preferable to puff and buff stuff “bodybuilding” which is about as unnatural, and DYSFUNCTIONAL as dysfunction can be – ugh!).

This is about the big T …

Something many men take – both those who work out – and those that dont.

Sometimes, it’s doc’s advice, either right or wrong which causes these guys to take it – sometimes other reasons (yes, vanity and “I want huuuuuuuuuuuuge arms” is a part of it too!).

My friend Marc the African Silverback Gorilla, I still remember the first time he showed him his bottles of testosterone.

I was surprised.

“Why do you need those”, I asked.

I mean, I knew he worked out, did some weightlifting, did the machines, more than any of that though – he trained boxing regularly, which gives you all the T boost you need and then some (and trust me, he could knock your damn lights out too as my buddy from the Marines once told me. Heh).

I cant remember what he replied with, but more muscle and “its more help”, I believe is what I said – though I might well be wrong, but I think that was the gist of it.

I shook my head.

Live and let live, so I Didnt say anything – but personally, me?

I wouldn’t take it.

Not just because your body tends to get dependent on such artificial external boosts for one – and then when you stop taking them, you find that regardless of your workouts, your body isn’t producing near the amount of T it used to BEFORE you started to take external shots, or pills, or whatever it is.

Your body is nothing if not adaptive, a learning machine, and if it can make it’s own job easier, it sure will my friend.

But mostly, for me, because you dont NEED ’em in my opinion.

Ditto for most of these other pills and junk you see that people sell – a lot of it is useless as well, mostly fancy “gym style” marketing with buffed up bodies on display and so forth, but you don’t really need ’em.

Let me tell you, my friend, combined deep breathing with rapidfire bodyweight or Hindu squats for one done in high enough numbers, and you’ll be producing more T than you can handle.

Sprints, squats, swimming, all of it … hitting the heavy bag, even!

Same thing for solid grip work – pull-ups – or other heavy duty lumberjack work – in fact any sort of activity that really makes you huff and puff and exerts the muscular system over a period of time fits the bill here.

Not to mention, there are so many OTHER ways to increase your body’s supply of testosterone – HGH – and so forth … without resorting to external measures.

I dont even mean looking at female butts, hehe. Thats one way, I guess!

But there’s other ways – for instance, extended fasts, something which people think “make you weak” – as I’ve written about, usually have the OPPOSITE effect – including the sheer RUSH you feel on day two of an extended fast, going into day three – when the body’s natural survival instincts really start to kick in – I’ve compared it before to the power boost you get from driving a stick shift when you go from second gear to third …

Or, certain forms of stretching …

Dont get me wrong, there’s doer that take supplements and T boosts and things like that – Sly Stallone himself was once in a bit of a deep water when entering Australia I believe, because it was technically illegal to carry in “HGH” supplements or whatever it was “Rambo” was taking at the time. Hehe.

But long story – personally?

I wouldn’t take them – not to mention a lot of the negative side effects that can occur if you do things wrong – hair loss being one of them …

But mostly because in my own honest opinion, if you’re training hard enough, I dont think you NEED them in the first place.

And that, my friend, is that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get all the T boost you need with the exercises, routines and workouts in 0 Excuses Fitness and – definitely this one – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

The staples you do in EVERY workout.
- And they're damned important. Mark my words.

Theyre important, my friend  and we all have them – so we should.

Much like the staples in everyone’s DIET, depending upon what sort of diet you follow.

For years, that used to be meat and beer for me. Hehe. Veggies too to an extent but mostly the above – and these days?

Although food in general, I’m no longer a huge “foodie” like I used to be, food in general isn’t something that I worry too much these days – or obsess over – not that I ever did anyway.

These days, the first staple I think of stocking upon – green tea. Hehe. Not that there is any shortage of that around, but the brand I want. Ideally “hong cha” as well, which is Chinese for red tea, except the tea is actually black, but when you brew it, you get a reddish color to the tea. Damned tasty I must say!

Back to workouts – what is that one exercise you do in every workout?

Or, if I were to put it another way – – the one exercise combo you do in every workout?

Or, the body parts you simply MUST hit every workout?

Put it in any way you like, you get my drift my friend.

For me, if I had to choose two staples – or even one – well, if it’s one, would be a tough choice, but two?

I think two staples per workout is a good number, it’s the bare minimum of “number” of exercises that you need to hit the entire body efficiently.

No prizes for guessing mine – pull-ups – and squats.

Body parts that are a staple – or exercise type?

Well, I simply must STRETCH (as a form of exercise, not to loosen up like most people which I do not use stretching for, neither do I really advocate it –  if you want to stretch, I’ve always maintained doing it as part of your workout or AFTER it) …

And grip work – and leg work!

There’s other exercises I’d highly recommend which could be a staple – or “close staple” or even primary movement in your work.

Some of the work with implements that I teach you in Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – truly a “lodestone” gem of a book you MUST get your pre-order in for – NOW. This book just keeps getting more and more mammoth – I thought 0 Excuses Fitness at 300 plus pages was something, but THIS book, well… Hehe.

Animal Kingdom Workouts is another behemoth – and some of the movements in them – ditto. For many, the tiger walk could be a staple – or the BEAR crawl.

Or, any of the animal movements – or pushups for that matter (highly recommended).

For me, if nothing else, even if it’s a tiny workout day, I’ll drop down and do at least 5 squats even if I’m too sore to move. Hehe.

Then I’ll do 5 more, and even on my rest days “complete rest” which don’t happen often at all, let me tell you (neither should they for you) – a minimum of 50 squats is about par for me, if not more.

Pull-ups, at the very least I’ll do timed hangs, and usually burp out a set of 10 as well. Hehe.

(kidding on the burp part!).

Anyway, those are mine, you should definitely have a staple movement – preferably TWO – for every workout as well, if not MORE than two.

But two is the bare minimum, and enough, I feel – but go for more if you so choose!

And thats that.

In the 0 Excuses Fitness System you’ll see me give you a huge variety of movements that along with the other books above ensure you’ll never ever get bored.

And if there is one system that should be a staple in YOUR workout routine, it is the above…

OK, out for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Sly, you’re a bloody genius. Hehe.
- As if there was any doubt!

Not that there was any doubt over this, hehe – or in mind – his “sly genius” – pun both intended, and not!

I still remember my friend Rueben once telling me a long, long time ago …

“That man is very smart! I bet you he was planning Rambo III while Rambo II was a huge hit!”

And thats how it works, my friend.

Once you GET to the top – you got two choices – one, waste all that hard work, blood, sweat and tears by “relaxing” and letting it all go. I’ve been there.

As Claude Bristol rightly said, success is a fickle bird, the minute you pause to rest on your laurels, the minute it flies away and …

… you go downhill, usually to start all over again at a spot lower than where you began.

There’s plenty more waiting to take your place, my friend.

And I’ve said this numerous times, youlll probably find it inscribed on my non existent gravestone.

What do I want to do with “myself” when i pass?

My answer – I could care less, at the young age of 26 or 42… Hehe.

Too much to do still!

And too many mountains to scale – both literal and figurative.

Anyway …

Stallone’s got some interview out as of late – which MOST links to it are “down”.

Thats part of the genius (maybe unwitting there), but in it he says he regrets being an absent father, he regrets not spending more time with his family, doing his own stunts and so forth.

I could almost hear the man laugh as he said that.

Look, bottom line.

Sly did exactly what 99.9999% of the world doesn’t do – went through unimaginable hell and high water to get to where he is today – he burnt all bridges and then some – and thats what you gotta do.

That single minded focus, I’ve said this many times before. Horse with blinders on is putting it lightly.

Napoleon Hill puts it best in Think and Grow Rich when he tells you the story of the general who was (when far outnumbered by the enemy) facing imminent DEFEAT.

What did he do?

Not sail back, as would have been the prudent choice.

He ordered his men to BURN the boats.

I’ve spoken about this many times!

He had two choices. Win – or perish.

And they won.

Thats what you gotta do, and as I posted on Twitter, far easier to DO it first- then ask for permission later – except I didnt ask Uncle Bob for permission to use his quote here.

I’m sure he’s nodding approvingly from the heavens, that man was probably one of the few ones I’ve known AS stubborn and principled as I am!

Anyway –

Lets pause for a minute and think.

If Sly hadn’t done what it took (which what he mentions, every real doer – yours truly included – has had to do it) – and then today, was NOT where he is not – I doubt the world would care two hoots what he says, no matter how politically correct and keeping in mind the times etc.

Far easier to succeed first – then say it!

And I suspect Sly more than anyone else knows this.

Legend, respect as always, nothing but that!

Anyway …

Success wise, Zero to Hero! is a book you simply MUST have – if you dont have it as yet, get it NOW.

Truly, you will learn about a lot of the secrets – the REAL secrets to success the “gurus” (so called) will never tell you … (for fear of losing their own sales, hehe).

ANd fitness wise?

Look, horse with blinders and single minded bloody focus and gumption no matter what is what it takes.

Ask Sly, Herschel Walker, Iron Mike, Michael Phelps, ask anyone truly fit – ask yours truly – hell, ask a host of REAL doers on here, they will all tell you two things.

One, you can’t get to super fit (and beyond) status any other way.

Cut it whichever way you like, wimpy approaches work – in terms of turning you into a whimpering WIMP.

Real man approaches work – to turn you into a real man or woman.

Simple as that – and #2, you ask?

Well, they’ll all tell you the 0 Excuses Fitness System is by far the most important tool you should have in your fitness toolbox – starting NOW.

Therefore, decide which category YOU fall in, my friend.

And act accordingly.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Chup”, movie reviews, reviews in general – and more.
- Life showl be a trip

Life’s a trip, eh.

Yeah, thats some trippy ass shit, Holmes!

But happens that way with me all the time Hehe.

Anyway, last night I believe I told y’all about a girl whose been roundly pestering me despite me blocking her many times (she keeps messaging back from different numbers) – asking for money – and being very aggressive about it (when she won’t give me a reply to anything else I’ve been asking her for months, all business related).

She was supposed to be doing a credit card for me, which she never ever did, and till date I dont have a reason as to why not. Hehe. Of course, when she wants money – it’s an incessant barrage of messages which I called her out on …

Like Chuck once said, “when they need something, just wait for the MESSAGES TO flood in!”

When I called her out, the usual happened.

“You bloody fool!”

“Leave dont massage me!”

Honey, it’s cute , I wanted to tell her, the way the Chinese and Indians both apparently equate “message” with “massage” … Hehe.

But I reiterated the facts, like, look, girlie, I done blocked two numbers for you already, I can’t help it if you keep coming back for more and messaging me from different numbers.

She was furious at being called out.

Which Nazi feminists often are – and her response mirrored – right down to the language – that of my wife when pissed – or some other fools that have been pestering me.

Indeed, the Indian term “aukat” – (social standing) – not that I believe in that tripe, but the wife herself once said “it shows, everyone here knows what the level of the other person is”.

I then told Gorilla Girl about it.

Predictably her response was this

“You’re being dominating and bullying for her weak response!”

Which was basically what I told the chick i.e. dont attempt to threaten me when (upon not getting the money she wanted) she descended into vile obsceneties.

Which I didnt mind, but it’s funny, the way people choose to ignore fact, yet those very facts drive them insane and up the wall, and anyway, point of me saying all this?

Well, Gorilla Girl was tutoring me about how “females are always right, no reason” and other tripe like “since her mother is at home, give her flowers and run away!” …

Past the chuckling – I downloaded Harry Potter for my little girl last night (one of the movies, I believe the first), and then another for myself I had wanted for a while, a Sunny Deol, him of the 2.5 kg hands, hehe – starrer.

Sunny’s lost a lot of weight – kudos Sir! He’s always been an actor I liked, and his understated performance here is superb, the movie, well, so so (I’m through half of it) – but it’s not a bad movie to be honest, none of the Bollywood BS that you so associate with movies from there, song and dance and so forth.

Anyway – it’s about a serial killer – who – ahem – runs a flower shop, delivers flowers, does precisely what Gorilla Girl wanted me to do.

Interesting how that works out!

And the girl he’s romancing is a movie critic, while this nutjob – his thing is to off any and all movie critics, and not just the ones that give the flicks a -ve review – even the ones that rate it positive when NOT warranted. Hehe.

Truly, a man after my own hear t in terms of brutal honesty minus the cutting and slashing, of course, hehe.  (and he says it too – “the audience is going to be fooled anyway, why do you critics help that process. Thats your JOB!”)

And she wants to be a movie critic…

Anyway, I haven’t seen the full movie as yet, but the great Indian actor Amitabh Bachan makes a cameo in the movie, and they ask him about reviews, and are they really required, useful etc (before asking other movie producers etc).

And throughout the movie, reality speaks i.e. if the audience likes it, thats all that matters at the box office.

Which is true, critics dont neccessarily make or break a film either way.

Often times critics will pan a movie that turns out to be a resounding success, and vice versa.

BUt anyway, Amit said something very true.

Along the lines of “but we still need reviews. HONEST unbiased reviews. Everyone loves being praised, but true learning occurs when you get NEGATIVE feedback about something that is truly -ve”.

And that brings me to … well, reviews, yet another reason I keep asking YOU to leave them – other than your 10% auto discount you get anyway if you leave a genuine review.

It’s not to twist them into positives for me, although most of the trollish reviews, yes, I do just that because they deserve it.

And yes, damn near all the REAL genuine reviews are 5 star, and they are well deserved too.

But I’ve got plenty of suggestions from well meaners, plenty of recommendations etc – which I take on board – every time!

Right down to what the great John Walker said last year, which you on this list are well aware of!

John – I hope you’re well these days! (and “thriving”).

So thats another reason right there, now they said it in the movies.

Anyway, this nutjob in the movie cuts people up in a manner eerily remniscnet of the wording of the reviews they post.

“First half of the movie was so so, second a mess”.

And there you see movie critic splayed out on the railway tracks, lower half of his body run over, upper – perfectly intact, and more.

Right down to “his heart in the right place” – they find it where it should be. Hehe.

Not a bad movie, actually – not thus far.

Anyway, yours truly – he wont cut up up or run after you for reviews, but he DOES want you to leave them, and leave genuine ones at that. Hehe.

Enough said, I believe.

So, go ahead and get the 0 Excuses Fitness System now if you have not already, and leave a review. I’ll be waiting – CHOP CHOP!



Rahul Mookerjee (phew, that was long and quick!)

(back to my movie now, hehe)

(I got that from Gorilla Girl “back to movie”, except I dont gaze at inanity half as long or even 1/0.3333 as long as Madam does, lol)

Gorilla Girls Jump Rope Workout
- After she...

She has this annoying, yet cute habit of “not reading messages” – then claiming “they’re too long to read” – and then reading them anyway, and not replying.

Sometimes she doesnt understand them all.

Maybe I’ve truly forgotten that writing daily, over 10000 words per day usually these days has ramped up my logical faculties to an extent most except Jeff Bezos would be hard pressed to understand – or counter.

Speaking of which, and thinking of which, as I message a certain company back – for what seems to be the nth time saying “please READ what I am saying before replying” (dont you just hate it when people reply to just the last message, they dont even bother to read everything else you typed out so painstakingly – and this is business, if you can believe that!) … I gotta give it to Jeff.

Till date, and this is yet another reason the only company I really do biz with is Amazon in all regards, I’ve met not one single company that can read my page long emails, answer my questions intelligently, and not just answer them, provide counter points with DOCUMENTATION attached.

Sometimes support at Amazon fails, but they’re always glad to learn, which I’ve not seen anywhere else.

Speaks tomes to why I keep saying amazon is the company to watch for the future – regardless of what is happening now.

Most will pooh pooh this, which is fine, of course, and focus on other idiocy – like a “former CEO from california” did.

This idiot got laid off, or quit, one of the two, then he got depressed sitting at home doing nothing, then claimed “to do something different I joined an Amazon warehouse”.



Bottom line, you had no money left, which I get, but be honest dude.

And of course, he started complaining a while later bout how the “stairs on the ladder” are marked “do not sit” – and how his fingers cramped every morning upon waking up – “because I lifted so many packages every day”.

Some Asian dude, the level to which people molly coddle themselves these days, complain and have let themselves go to – it never ever fails to astound.

Gorilla Girl and her dependence upon dumbphones is another example.

Anyway, she keeps “checking back to see if I hadn’t deleted her” for whatever reason.

You see, I apply the tips and techniques in “How to not only COMBAT and WIN AGAINST – but PROFIT (big time) from the Nazi Feminist DISEASE plaguing modern day society.” to her almost daily.

I could change the title on this one, muck a few words around and it would be the bestseller on the other site – y’all in the know know which one I be referring to. Hehe. ????


I keep testing her, even when she doenst know it – and even when she does.

And after calling her out on some BS she was talking about (including another gal who was pestering me to lend her money, yet wont respond to anything I ask her) …

alright, I go rope skipping, ttyl

Hehe. Now thats what I love to hear, Sophia, is what I told her, and then …

even tho it isn’t rope skipping. cute, heh. Anyway, we can talk later.

I love that Chinese English of hers. ????Chinglish, I believe it’s called, though a lot of Asian countries aren’t a lot better either in that regard.

I’m sure she loves equally my Chinese. Hehe. Rudimentary at best.

Anyway …

I asked her how many she could do, she replied with “1000“.

At one time, I asked her?


100 at a time, she replied. Then rest for a few minutes. 

And then I told her what to work up to.

300, stop for 15 seconds, and repeat 3 times.

Unfortunately if you do this, your boobs might reduce.????????

But it’s OK , I wrot e a book on this, so telling you…

The squealing that followed, I shouldn’t even get into it here. Hehe .

But anyway … size of her mammaries is something she herself wanted to increase at one time.

Now, decrease seems to be the mantra. I’d rather the former. Hehe.

Anyway …

That above bit I told you – 100 reps at a time – normal rope jumps, that is, not some of the more advanced variations I lay out in Jump Rope Mania! a nigh forgotten course around here – is a good goal to have starting out, and it’ll take a lot of you a long time to get there.

But you know you’re getting somewhere, or starting to, when it’s “300 at a time” – or preferably, as i do, 500 at a time.

When you can crank out 500 at a time and do them for sets of 5 without dwadling too long in the middle is when you know you’ve got something going.

Wonder what idiot at Amazon warehouse would say, his legs would probably cramp thinking of it.

Anyway – Sophia might well buy Jump Rope Mania, but she doesn’t need to.

I’ll happily give her some free info from it, provided she uses it, much like I did y’all in this email.

Now – remember.

There are FAR more advanced variations to jumping rope than the simple rope jump, which yes, you could do that, and as Sophia does, along with handstands, you could stay pretty fit the rest of your life if you do nothing else at all.

But to really learn “Iron Mike’s secrets” if I might put it that way – or the routines elite boxers and wrestler’s follow – to really get into that sort of top shape by jumping rope primarily and all else after that – well, you’ll have to get the book for that.

And thats that, my friend. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The paradox of the cucked male looking DESPERATELY to break free…
- Of the SHACKLES.

Though the title of this email may seem to be completely at odds with what I am going to say below – or maybe not – it is also one of the prime reasons why so many people are nigh “obsessed” with Rahul Mookerjee – despite roundly and outwardly professing to hate him, saying (and thinking about) the nastiest things you could possibly say to him -and so forth.

It all boils down to this.

People follow leaders.

It’s a vibe that you cannot fake.

And part of this lot that I am referring to as desperately trying to break free of the shackles is the “looking for approval syndrome”.

Like someone makes a comment, moves on, but these idiots will think about it, obsess over it – even though it doesn’t do them a smidgeon of good to do so.

Trouble is, of course, they cannot forget what was said because well, “it has the ring of truth to it” as my friend from the Marines often said about what I say.

And, brutal honesty – well – it has a ring of its own!

I mean, if youre a real leader, a real man, it will show – no amount of shirtless pictures, videos, or “triple chins” will get you there though.

Probably one reason why Ive never done shirtless videos, despite some of my customers wanting me to (one of them was a couple of years ago worried about my health and well being) …

“I dont blame you for not wanting to make a show of yourself”.

And it’s another reason I dont buy into the video craze that is so prevalent these days, the thinking being “if you dont do videos, youre not doing the right thing”.


People follow those that “know” anyway.

Videos or not.

I could stop writing this instant, and people would still be emailing me, buying from me …

Then you have the Bozo Schofield’s who constantly send me totally idiotic and insane messages about “I did this…………….!” (when they never did).

It’s the “looking for approval syndrome” – and that is one prime reason why these nutjobs are never successful in their own lives at what they do.

Of course, they “want” to be.

They want to break free of the self imposed shackles but dont know how to … and therefore, they keep haunting this place – that a real man runs.

Like only he knows how to. Hehe.

What these sorts really want is for you to “agree” with everything they say – or do – even if they tell you they flew to Mars and back today. Hehe.

If you do that, you’re the best person, all is fine and dandy in their make believe worlds (until it rudely shatters, which it always does).

Minute you point out some hard to hear facts though, the whining – and obsession (after you say it) starts.

You could tell these loonies how to improve themselves, how to better themselves, all of them until the cows come home, they’d nod their heads and listen, yet, do NOTHING – my friend – or one of the former ones, at least, “Ricky” is a prime example, all they want is meaningless conversation and approval, and “someone to talk to”, and thats it.

And it’s this lot I try and keep away from my list as far as possible. (and I do a pretty good job of it for the most part too). Ugh. Non doers, nothing is more aggravating…

I dont know, this applies to Nazi feminists as well, my wife keeps writing some tripe about (and it’s always lying there in full view of everyone) “you are always looking for approval!”

And some nonsense about when she was a kid – and how tough it was for her, and other horse manure that as a customer once rightly said (about someone else) “This guy is truly pathetic if he feels the need to whine about how tough life is, we all have our own cross to bear. Live with it!” ….

True, she was a “second child” sandwiched between an elder sister and younger brother and as is often the case in these cases, somewhat “unwanted” – but look, sweetheart, get the eff over it, that’s life, it happens!

And it manifests in weird ways, she’ll watch a video, then someone comes up to her for normal conversation, and she will be like “dont ask me that same question again!” in a mean and nasty manner – which really – it was just normal conversation, I mean kids do it all the time for one, my wife has this tendency these days to get “irritated” at the drop of a hat “because the gurus told her to set LIMITS!!!!!! What you will tolerate and what you wont!” – and other nonsense.

The bottom line is this – if you’re a needy SOB, the vibe will show, nay, shine through for miles…

And way too many people are.

Anyway, to stop being a cucked male and turn the sword of Nazi feminism against the very people that use it – without them even knowing it in most cases – without you even saying a WORD in many cases – well, go here.

And fitness wise, turn into a real man by following the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

They both go together, my friend.

And thats that – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Sometimes, I do honestly believe the spam filters do a good job – a great job. I really shouldn’t be manually checking them months later … Hehe. Ah well, all in good fun.

Spending more time in the splits – to get better.
- and more ...

Its blindingly self explanatory, isnt it? But how many people actually do it?

Not too many, certainly not regularly from what I can tell.

Lets take fitness as an example – although what I am saying can be applied to everything, life, writing, business, sports, swimming, even “in bed”, hehe – everything.

To get better at something, you put in the practice. No two ways around it, including the “10,000 hours” rule which states you need to put in at least 10,000 hours of solid work at anything to get – or start to get – someplace at it (note I said “start to get someplace”).

(because you never attain full mastery of anything, no-one does). (you can come damned close though!)

JCVD comes damn close when it comes to flexibility and the splits (his signature move) – truth is, and he’d be the first to admit (for a man who famously once admitted during the making of the movie “JCVD” – I’ve done NOTHING in this life until now, NOTHING!) … well, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who does ’em better than JCVD yes, but there’s plenty of people that do ’em just as well.

Anyway, when I want to meditate these days – I often do so – one way with the secret tool I’ve mentioned so often, yet few people get – but second, in the splits position.

Not necessarily because I cannot do the splits – obviously I can.

I wouldn’t have written Advanced, Profound Flexibility and Isometric Training if I couldn’t and I wouldn’t have shown you how beginners look when they first do it!

Truth is, the splits – bridge – and the “Rahul Mookerjee patented Asian squat”, or the Asian squat in general (see Isometric and Flexibility Training for more on this)  are some of the HARDEST for people to do – period.

Most people can’t do ’em worth a damn, yet, while it might seem odd if you’re currently struggling – chances are if you focus on your breathing right – and if you simply relax into the position – and if you spend TIME in it daily – you’ll get better at it far quicker than you imagine now.

When I first started bridging, I thought it would take me years as it has some people to get my nose to the ground- yet for yours truly naturally extremely inflexible, it took me like a week.

No kidding either.

The front bridge took a bit longer – my hamstrings are naturally tight from all that sitting I was made to do as a kid…

They still are.

So getting good at some of the stretches in “Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training” for me took a lot longer than some other people – as did getting good at the squat mentioned above.

Once I did though, bingo, it’s now second nature, I cannot imagine not being able to drop down into a butt to ground “ass to grass” squat within less than a second and stay there, move around etc for one …

Same thing with the bridge, splits.

You spend time in it daily, my friend – a lot of time.

Sure, you can get a workout in – – a great one within 10 minutes or less, and so you should.

But it’s the hard yards, the roadwork if I might say so which really count, which really get you someplace.

And spending long periods of time trying to get a pull-up – or get better at stretching, and it applies especially to stretching, the more you do it, the quicker you’ll get better at it, thats just how it goes.

Elementary Watson (pun intended for those aware of the other two biz’s) – you’d think.

But few people do it …

The next time when you have 10 minutes to kill, try getting down into whichever stretch you find hard now.

Focus on the muscles, focus on stretching out in that position, focus on a whole host of other things that I’ve spoken about – focus on breathing – most of all, just focus on STAYING in that position and going as far as you can while you do so.

Splits wise, some of the things you can do?

Focus on keeping the CORE – not just the abs – tight and straight – you should be feeling it all along the BACK and lower back, not just the abs and groin if done right.

Keep the legs STRAIGHT – tough for those with weak hamstrings, I know. But you’ll get there.

Stretch forward and sideways as much as you can each time you do this, merely BREATHE and hold …

Believe me, if you do it right, each of these stretches can be turned into a full body (with emphasis on CORE) workout themselves.

There are many other tips to this (and yes, you’ll have to read the book for more on it and pictures etc), but I wont get too technical in this email, for now, I will say this – when it comes to stretching, focus on BREATHING – the “internal” i.e. not just the external muscles and the “being” is what is really key – and time spent in it.

All else follows.

Well, my friend, I’m off to spend some more time in the splits I love so much.

And I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Those of you that want these two great courses in ONE compilation format (yes, Keith, we do have paperbacks for this too!) – Go HERE.

What MGTOW is – and what MGTOW isn’t.
- A bit of a lesson on it.

It’s one of the most commonly misunderstood terms out there, except most of the misunderstanding, of course, has been spread around by Nazi feminists whose entire intention is to, first and foremost “gaslight and obfuscate” the logical and reasonable to a point where you push most men to a state of frenzy and rage “because I’m a woman” – and then end an argument with insults a man cannot respond to – or won’t “because he won’t smack you one in the head, while she has carte blanche to do so” “because she’s a woman”.

You hear a lot about mgtwo guys being “incels” – involuntarily celibate, that is.

You hear a lot about MGTOW guys “hating women”.

And the most misunderstood of them all “they can’t get none” – or they “get none”.

Actually MGTOW is not a movement either, as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once rightly told me (though all of the other stuff I knew for ages) – – “its a philosophy”.

Which it is.

And the number one book … ah, but wait.

What MGTOW is –




Against squandering resources, no matter plenty or little.

Doing the right thing.

Against this concept of LGBTQ and “all men must want to be women” and vice versa.

Neither is MGTOW against gays, lesbians, or any of that bunch – provided you dont shove it down our throats my friend.

MGTOW is simply men like you and I my friend at the end of the day.

Or more accurately, as a customer once put it …

“Most men are content to lead lives of quiet desperation. You on the other hand seem to have figured out how to live life on your own terms!”

Which I have, but it did not come easy.

Truly baptism by fire X 100 – much like my fitness journey my friend.

But anyway – yours truly MGTOW – let’s see. I get plenty. Women hanker after me all the time. And get pissed off at me big time all the time. I dont particularly have any financial issues or problems.

And most of all, I have my freedom, I do what I want, when I want, as I please, with no-one that can tell me otherwise.

I Dont live my lives based upon the whim of some woman. I tell them to go find someone else if thats their thing.

(Unfortunately for me, most dont).

The MGTOW philosophy, my friend, if you’re a real man, is highly worth it – and definitely something you should learn about if you do not know much about it as yet.

And a book every real MGTOW enthusiast should have – and that has not been written as yet (believe me, there are plenty of books on the philosophy itself, perhaps that is why I did not write one as yet, and have no  plans of doing so) … is not just about the philosophy, but about taking the ATTACK to Nazi feminists in a way they can neither combat nor dream practically possible – is THIS ONE.

It involves NOT the physical, nor mostly the verbal, unless you know how to do the latter right.

It’s mostly, believe it or not, MENTAL techniques that affect the enemy subconsciously.

And if you want any proof as to how well they work, well, yours truly and a host of other MGTOW dudes not mentioned here are living, breathing proof of it.

And that is THAT.

Get the book NOW.

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

The nothing and nobody that everyone salivates over anyway …
- Hehe .

I drive people – the losers, that is – up the wall, dont I?

Part of the words I sent over to my daughter for “English practice” (which my idiotic wife somehow believes writing 5 words a day is the “magic potion for success” or some nonsense, perhaps some idiotic tripe her self help gurus told her, hehe) – included the following.



I would have put “bratty” in there along with others, but I finished off with “Lunatic”.

She’ll get the hidden message. She says it herself, except not out loud of course…

Sad that a kid’s gotta grow up with a Nazi feminist mother …

Anyway, my lovely – not – wife threw a hissy again this afternoon.

That was to be expected, as of late it’s “one day good mood” – three days bad – which is going on.

And as she showed up complaining about her goddamned scooter YET again -which apparently I’m supposed to be the mechanic – as well as the guy that pays for it – but never gets to use it (when I care to – which is not often) – and of course, after she herself sent it in for repairs where I told her not to – it escalated into nonsense as usual.

Which I responded to do with facts, calmly and cooly, much like Ben Affleck in “Dirty Water” – that drove her up the fucking wall. Hehe.

(Difference between him in that movie and me – I’ve actually told my wife to divorce me, or do what it takes to get that lovely life she so dreams of, except she won’t do it – even when I pay for the damned divorce, which of course the lawyers take a pretty penny for).

And it descended into the usual gaslighting, nonsensical blaming etc and “no goose and gander” – and emotional so called blackmail that women are famous for, especially Nazi feminists.

I can’t help but chuckle a little.

A woman that writes down “my husband will give me millions of dollars!” – goes to bed with it playing in her ears (quite literally) – that watches motivational videos spouting crap about “I’m a modern woman!” – and “I’m rich” – and all this other nonsense – which leads to her calling me a “nothing and nobody” – yet shows up for everything money related to this nothing and nobody – and his parents, when the former approach fails.

And she curses all three of us roundly.

Now, my own relationship with my parents – y’all know all about that.

But I’m writing to tell you – or give you – just another example of this crowning lunacy that Nazi feminists pride themselves on thinking “is logical” aka “entitled to an extreme”.

Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla once wisely spoke about “extreme case of gynarchy” at that house.

Given how my mother is, and wife has become, he was right. Hehe.

Except, I benefit from all this in ways these people dont even know is possible.

It would be easy for it to descend into a shouting contest – which is what women want.

But if you can remain the “factual” person – well, and do it the way I Teach you in the book on not just combating – but BENEFITING from Nazi feminists at a level hitherto you didnt dream is possible – well, then you got it made, my friend.

And you’ll actually welcome this sort, as I do. Hehe.

Much like I welcome the trolls, Bozos, fatsos, non-doers, all of whom can’t resist writing me long emails to point out idiocy  which I could quite frankly care less about. Hehe.

So much for the nothing and nobody, eh.


Anyway – I often wonder what my wife would have done with no support which she gets in spades, big time.

That bed she sits on all day doing exactly F all might have to be auctioned, come to think of it, I can’t figure out who’d buy it.

Maybe Bozo Schofield, but thats it, hehe.

Come to think of it the two make a nigh perfect couple as well – of course, with Glyn’s “nether regions” status these days, who knows.

It’s also interesting how those that have done – and accomplished exactly zip all feel the need to Tom Tom and brag the most – something, which oddly enough the wife spoke about the other day about “other people doing” (in terms of politics, countries etc).

The lunacy continues, eh.

Anyway, if you want to see how this nothing and nobody can get you in the best shape of your life in a way few others could even begin to (and damn, that workout yesterday, I’m still recovering from it!) – then the 0 Excuses Fitness System is your best bet, my friend.

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee