Flat land sprints – or hill sprints?
- The jury is ... out ?Or not, hehe.

Dear Reader,

Today I’ll talk a bit about a topic a LOT of readers will be interested in. In fact, I’ve received several inquiries about this not just from customers and the like, but also folks in general.

Sprints, for whatever reason lend themselves to a topic of interest to most people – – and even the “bros” and “gym rats” ‘s ears seem to perk up that little extra bit when they hear of sprints – – and why not?

Though all bodyweight exercises – – especially the advanced ones are worthy of awe and admiration – – nothing, I repeat, nothing – – quite beats the sheer spectacle of a sprinter sprinting FLAT out.

Going ALL out – be it on hills or on flat terrain!

NOTHING quite compares to the image that indelibly imprints itself in your mind – – either when you see someone doing these – – or the image of “yourself” doing it (if you’re doing them).

Anyway, my answer to the inevitable “which one is better” might surprise you.

I’ll start off by saying they’re BOTH awesome movements – – and both are advanced workouts. You do NOT want to sprint off a lengthy hiatus from exercise – – or a perch on the ole couch – – and jump straight into doing’em. No way.

And they’re BOTH excellent tools for fat loss and building muscle in the quickest amount of time possible.

That’s why sprints are included in ALL the routines in Advanced Hill Training, by the way – – a manual which is an absolute must-grab if you’re interested in losing fat in record time – and keeping said blubber off permanently.

Now, which is better?

Well, it depends upon your personal situation – – but as of late, I’ve been leaning more towards land sprints, my friend.

This might surprise you given that hill sprints are what most people (myself included) have often spoken off as being one of the toughest exercises you can do – – bar none – – and there’s good reason behind that as well.

Make no mistake – – hill sprints are hard, hard work – – and they WILL get the heart roaring and they WILL keep the blubber burning factory inside of you at work overtime as well.

But land sprints are a different beast altogether, and in a different way. And I choose land sprints these days because of this – – hills simply do NOT allow you to reach your absolute MAXIMUM speed – – and maintain that for more than a few seconds.

Neither do land sprints, of course, but the time you can maintain your max intensity is a LOT higher due to the flat land.

Does this make it EASIER though?

Not a chance, my friend. There’s a reason why Olympic sprints are done on FLAT land as opposed to hilly terrain or slopes ….

No – it does NOT make it any easier, and what’s more – land sprints work the hamstrings (that large and often ignored muscle at the back of your legs) a LOT more than hill sprints do – – provided of course you’re cranking that sprint up to max intensity.

Now, and again, don’t get me wrong. I highly recommend hill sprints in both 0 Excuses Fitness and Advanced Hill Training, and truth be told, it’s probably actually better to start off with jogging up hill than sprinting on land – – simply because the hill doesn’t let you get to a point where you can injure your ankles or hamstrings – – or worse.

But once you get GOOD at sprinting, you’ll naturally want to gravitate onto flat land and sprint more often – -and believe me now and trust me later, the fat benefits will be the same if not even better in certain regards.

Not to mention the mental effects. I just got done with 70% intensity sprints (as part of an overall workout) and everything be alllll goooood, my friend. All good in the hood – – and I seem to buzzing on ALL cylinders now and more!

So thats it for today. If you’re at a level where you can incorporate sprints into your routine – do so – and do BOTH types of sprints on a regular basis. You’ll be amazed at the sheer transformation that takes place thereafter!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And if you’re amongst those that for whatever reason haven’t grabbed 0 Excuses Fitness as yet, what are you waiting for, my friend? Doesn’t ever do any good to “postpone the inevitable” – or procrastinate when it comes to your health and fitness. Sprint on over NOW to grab your copy – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S. #1 – – And once you’re done, don’t forget to pick up Advanced Hill Training as well right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/



My T-shirts are fitting DIFFERENTLY

Dear Reader,

Over the past month or so I’ve noticed a marked change in the way my T-shirts fit.

Though they’ve always been “hugging” me – a.k.a the “bodyhugging” style of T-shirt  (something which I don’t really prefer by the way as it makes it harder for the body to “breathe” when working out), its different these days.

In fact, I wouldn’t be kidding if I told you simply tearing off the sweat soaked Tshirt off my back can sometimes be a workout “finisher” par excellence, my friend.

And the major and most surprising change is this – it’s my CHEST which has grown much larger over the past month or so, and continues to do so with every workout.

It’s this body part – strangely enough, which is the MOST trained for most people – gym goers, jocks and athletes alike, and yet I devote little or no time to “direct” chest training, and yet …

Along with this, my traps have taken on a whole new dimension altogether, though again it’s the chest and shoulders that have seen the most growth.

Now, at this point you might be saying my pushups – or pull-ups or any of the other 0 Excuses Fitness stuff I pound out regularly contributed to this, and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

But there’s more, my friend. There’s more.

And the real key to this growth is something I’ve always known, but I’ve really been “hammering it home” in terms of actual workouts over the past few weeks.

What is it?

Something that might surprise you – or maybe not. I don’t know.

It’s sprints, my friend – and NOT uphill sprints – but LAND sprints that have contributed to this growth.

Sprints, as I’ve talked about before are a full body workout unto themselves, but do them at the end of an already tough workout, and you take them to a whole another level, my friend.

Let me tell you, there is NO feeling in the world akin to that you get both DURING – and AFTER – a set of sprints done at max intensity – be they on land or hills or inclines or even stairs.

NONE at all, and the growth you get in your entire body with these are unparalleled – as are the fat burning effects.

As I said last night, you’ll literally burn fat for up to 48 hours after a workout if done right – – and this without any active workouts in those 48 hours!

Can’t beat that, eh?

Anyway, what I do is at an advanced level – way more than what most regular trainees would be able to handle, but HERE is the good news – you do NOT need to begin at “Bourne Sprint” levels!

What I state in (and constantly carp upon with darn good reason) in Advanced Hill Training will get you started REAL good as well – and if you currently cannot do bipedal sprints – or even running – and there is good chance the majority of those reading this can’t – well – start with the animal movements mentioned therein.

Let me tell you, the bear crawl for one is another highly effective movement for melting lard off your body – and FAST.

And as for packing muscle on to your frame? Well, this simple movement is deceptive, my friend – and amazingly enough you’ll find yourself to be getting a heck of core and lower body workout when you do these – not to mention partake of the workouts in the book itself.

And THIS will build a solid base – and lead to massive growth in your upper body if you do ’em regularly – as I do, hehe.

Most of all though, you can’t beat the sheer feeling you get after doing these, my friend. The sheer feeling of feeling on top of the world. Being able to BLAST through any and all obstacles while looking your opposition in the eye – with the EYE of the TIGER, so to speak.

Feeling like Rocky did after that lonnnnng run and sprint up the stairs – or park, in Rocky II – and THAT feeling, my friend can’t be beat. It’s just that simple.

Still think pounding the treadmill will get the trick done? Still think bodyweight stuff is “too easy” or “useless”?

Well, here’s an acid test – pound your treadmill at “moderate” intensity for half an hour while sipping your latte and watching TV (or ogling the birds). Then get down on all fours and walk – SLOWLY – in the bear crawl position for ONE minute. ONE minute. That’s all. and WALK, not sprint.

Come back and tell me how it feels, and which was harder.

I’ll bet you my Aunt Matilda (not really, hehe) it was the latter.

So get on the stick today, my friend. It’s the best thing you can do for your health and fitness by far!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is the link for Advanced Hill Training once again – – http://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

The 25 floor workout

Dear reader,

Well, well well. Got done with a ball busting, lung thumping heavy duty workout this afternoon – and after sending you an email and taking care of a couple of other things – – it was off to a good friend’s house for a bit of food and a long chin wag as well.

Now, my buddy lives in a gated apartment complex – one of those 20 storey or so buildings – and each of the storeys is actually two floor apartments, so it’s probably more like 40 or so storeys.

Anyway, got there, and found out that the elevator was out of order – – or more accurately, ONE of the two elevators was — and naturally, there was a mammoth queue outside the other one.

And after waiting about 5 minutes for it to show up, I figured I’d take the stairs. What the heck, I thought. Might as well get another workout in (this after my hikes and sprints mind you).

And funnily enough, though you’d expect me to be exhausted after that workout – – it was the exact opposite – – those 17 (or perhaps 25, I should say) flights of stairs felt like NOTHING. In fact I wouldn’t be lying to tell you that I barely had an elevated heart rate after all that – so much so that it actually felt BORING as heck climbing them at a semi-rapid pace.

THIS,  my friend is the amazing effect the sort of workouts I do can have on YOUR system as well!

When you get good at Hindu Squats – and start cranking out 100 or more reps in one set – WATCH out. All of the exercises mentioned in the 0 Excuses Fitness System – including the squats, pushups – and especially the “best darn exercise there is” not only get the blood pumping and the heart ROARING – but they also get you in super shape – and QUICK!

Your cardio system receives a solid boost and a 15 minute or less 0 Excuses workout can literally get you in better shape than long slow “drawn out” sessions on the treadmill or “pounding the pavement” can.

Anyway, we decided to have a couple of beers and a few “slices” as it were – so it was down again to the bottom floor to procure a few beers. And then – guess what.

‘Twas back to the elevator – and the queue.

“Why don’t we just take the stairs … ” and I paused after that.

“Well, on second thought, all good. We don’t necessarily have to do that. We can wait, and …” , I continued, pausing.

Now, my friend is NO slouch in the strength department – but he is overweight though, and he told me his legs felt like jelly the first time he went DOWN all of those stairs (a day when neither one of the elevators were functional).

And hence my comment.

“**** it”, was the response. “Stairs, here we come!”

And off it was to the races as it were, and the two of us clambered up the stairs again.

About a few flights through my friend started to  breathe heavily – and then rapidly – so much so that it sounded like a big ole steam locomotive was going up the stairs, and he collapsed into a chair once we finally made it.

But make it he did – and I applaud him for that. Most people would have given up and waited an eternity for the elevator – but not my buddy.

Though it was hard – though it was difficult – he did it – and I’ve got no doubt he’ll shed that fat off quickly enough if he continues doing it.

Anyway, a great time was had – and we discussed this at the end of it.

“You know, you did pretty well on them stairs”, I commented. “I  mean they’re not that easy for me either, and … ”

“Not easy for you? I could barely hear you even breathe man!” was my friend’s response. “You’re in great shape!”

And no, I’m NOT saying all this to toot my own horn. Nothing of that nature. This is just to drive another nail into the coffin of “long slow distance cardio” and “keeping your heart beating at a target heart rate for 30 minutes” or the “fat burning zone” or other garbage out there.


Look fellas, when you’re doing SHORT, intense bursts of exercises – such as sprints as talked about in Advanced Hill Training, you’re literally getting into fat burning ZONE ALL throughout your workout – and days after.

A 20 minute intense routine can leave your body in a state of “fat burning” for up to 48 hours AFTER the workout.

You CAN literally eat more – and weigh less. Though I don’t do it all the time, I had pizza today with a few beers, and can’t even feel it right now a few hours after all this.

In fact, I may end up snacking a bit more before I go to bed, so hungry does this kind of thing make you!

Such is life, my friend – when you train hard – and when you train the 0 Excuses way.

Life is GOOD – as it’s meant to be!

OK – I’m out for now. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Does this sort of thing ENTHUSE you? Does the idea of eating a cow after your routine and not having it pile on to you belly in the form of ugly lard appeal to you?  If so – and I bet it does – jump on the 0 Excuses bandwagon right now – and right HERE!

Puffin’ and Buffin’
- Huff, puff, not blow the house down!

Dear Reader,

I spoke about “puff’n’buff” workouts a few posts ago, and today I came across a laddie in the local park doing just THAT.

I was out there to complete a set of dips – 50 dips, to be precise – and that was but one part of my workout.

His puffin and buffin routine though included not one – not two – but THREE exercises, all great ones if done correctly – and his routine (or least the bulk of it) ended BEFORE my one set of 50.

What was he up to, you ask?

Pull-ups – except these were done by “kicking” up to the pull-up position in the most awful manner imaginable – going down in a  jerky sort of motion, and then “swinging” himself back. Can only marvel at the fact he’s still got a pair of working shoulders left …

Pushups – done in a bouncy fashion – going about two inches down and about one inch up – and I think about 25 or so “reps” were completed in this manner before the guy took off his black T-shirt and started to flex his (non existent) teeny weeny pecks (and yes, I misspelt that on purpose, hehe).

And the very last exercise on this list was dips – and the way in which he did ’em almost made lost control towards the end of my own set of 50 – done in proper manner, ALL the way up, and most of the way down as I teach in Shoulders like Boulders.

Not to mention the imaginary grunts, “puff’s”, and forced howls he was emitting through the workout. You’d think the guy was lifting Everest by the way he was bawling in between “reps” …

Now at this point you’re probably wondering as to why  exactly I’m so against puffin’ and buffin’.

Nothing fundamentally wrong with being buff, is there? And given what  I say about deep breathing and it’s merits, well, nothing wrong with puffing up a storm either is there?

Well – NO – but here’s the point, my friend.

Puff’n’buff routines, despite their moniker, do NEITHER of what they imply they do.

They’re so easy that you don’t even break a sweat in hot humid weather when you do ’em – and therefore there is no puffing other than artificial “forced” gasps for show.

And consequently, there is no “buff”. To get buff, you gotta PUFF – pant and PESPIRE – and work HARD!

Oh well. At least dude was on the right track in that he was at least doing bodyweight stuff as opposed to something even worse which is the “chrome plated” routines going on most of the chrome’n’fern palaces these days.

Not only are these routines utterly useless in terms of building lasting/functional strength – they’re also DANGEROUS, my friend.

Chrome plated routines are exactly what they say – plated with chrome, but with a hollow core inside. They focus on muscle size to the exclusion of just about everything else – hence all the injuries that occur when doing bench presses, heavy squats, deadlifts, and so forth.

But back to the functional part of it.

Striated shoulders, for instance might look good in the mirror when you’re all “pumped” at the end of the set # XXXXX (and probably oiled up as well), but they’ll do next to nothing for you if you’ve gotta carry Grandma up a flight of steep stairs, for instance.

I’ve seen bodybuilders with massive bloated pectoral muscles  that struggled to carry a couch – DOWN a flight of stairs – ONE flight. In fact, even picking up the darn thing was too much for those muscles – and believe me, I’ve seen this on MORE than one occasion.

Or take for instance, the pumping and puffing going on at the lat pulldown machine – another utterly useless machine that focuses on the exact opposite you should be focusing upon which is pulling UP instead of “pushing down” with your fanny parked on a soft seat.

And as far as bodyweight exercises go?

Well, while you’d think those massive shoulders would breeze through bodyweight stuff, the opposite is true. Those shoulders often collapse within a matter of SECONDS when put through the MOST basic of bodyweight routines – – let alone advanced routines.

The reverse though is not true. Take a guy that can bang out 50 plus pull-ups in the gym – and put him on the lat pulldown – and after a bit of “getting used to the thing” – he’ll be pumping out reps effortlessly – before kicking the thing in disgust and moving back to the REAL deal.

Still don’t believe me? Still think I’m wrong?

Well, take the biggest, strongest dude at your gym – that guy that cranks out lateral raises or bench presses regularly and for enormous poundages.

Ask him to do a set of 10 STRICT pull-ups in proper form and see if he can do ’em.

I’ll bet you my bottom dollar he can’t.

Last, but not least, if you’re part of the gang that (even after reading all this) still believes that puffin, buffin, pumping and toning – with the bros no less – is the way to go, well, no arguments from me, amigo.

I can but take that horse to the water – but I can NOT make it drink.

Other hand – if you’re ready to make the quantum leap into REAL fitness – and REAL strength – – well – then – I’m right HERE for you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Some of you reading this have already invested in my initial course on pull-ups, and have written back to tell me how your pull-ups have increased. That’s GREAT, GREAT news, fellas – but the even better news is that you can improve WAY more. My advanced course on pull-ups “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of weeks” has workouts that’ll make the average puffer and buffer RUN for the hills – and FAST – on a motorized scooter, of course, hehe. Grab it right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/

Wondrous are the ways of the Universe, my friend

Dear Reader,

Those of you that read yesterday’s dispatch will no doubt be aware of the “emergencies” I referred to – and the “counter measures” I took to resolve it.

Well, after I sent you that email, it was back to work for me. Text messages. Finding solutions. Workable ones. Et al.

But though I engaged in a lot of “conscious” effort (“trying”) – the complete opposite of what I did in the morning, of course – the solution didn’t quite come to me.

And at around 7:15 P.M. or so I let it go – and figured I’d let the problem be for now. True, it was an emergency of sorts, and true, I couldn’t “let it be” forever, but ’twas time to step back, my friend – and resume “living in the moment” as it were.

And mysteriously, out of nowhere a solution to the issue occurred around 8:45 or so P.M. – in a manner that I LEAST expected it to manifest.

I’m not going to get into the details here my friend, but suffice it say that when you connect with the Universe via deep breathing and focused thought as I advocate – you do NOT “force” the Universe to “grant” you your wishes in any specific manner.

You make the wish – correctly – and you let it go – and you TRUST – in divine faith.

You TRUST that your goals will be accomplished – though in what manner that accomplishment might manifest is a different topic altogether – and one we “mere mortals” can NOT predict.

Lest you think any of this is an isolated incident, think again. While I was working out outdoors the other day a bird shat on me – something that had not happened for a while, and the old good luck semblances instantly flew into my mind.

But as my “rational” mind dismissed them – the subconscious didn’t – and sure enough, that day was one of good luck – although NOT again in the form you might expect!

So the central dispatch of today’s email is this – breathe deeply – CONNECT with the  Universe – and most importantly, learn to “live in the moment” and “let go”.

Along with that, notice also the subtle signs the Universe is sending you ALL the time – things most people don’t even notice.

For instance, I’ve had birds chirping outside my house all day long today (despite it being a dreary rainy day) and one of these creatures was right outside my kitchen window – something that hasn’t happened in ages – and was chirping SO insistently that it was trying to send me a signal – though of what I have no idea.

We’ll see, my friend. We’ll see. For now, yours truly is living in the moment and resting and recuperating from several strenous workouts and days prior – but he’ll be back at it tomorrow for sure!

Maybe I’ll go get a massage – a.k.a a “0 Excuses” style massage. Massage by the way is a great physical healer and something I highly recommend – so much so that I’ve devoted an entire Chapter to it in the System.

Last, but NOT least, lest you think fitness doesn’t fit into this anywhere – well – I’ve got this to tell you -you’re wrong.

Much of the “miracle” that occured yesterday was down to me “living int he moment” and a huge, huge part of that was deep breathing and my workout after that.

When you’re doing exercises like I mention in the System, you cannot HELP but start to be more connected to the Universe, my friend – and this truism holds even truer when you’re engaged in a focused pushup workout.

None more so than the “wrestler” (Hindu) pushups, reverse pushups, table pushups, and of course the KING of them all – the “best darn exercise there is”.

Dive into all this today, my friend – and start reaping all the wondrous benefits that are out there waiting for you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – By the way, none of this means you don’t need to take ACTION to accomplish your goals. Thoughts without actions are like an empty vessel making noise – NOT what you want to communicate to the Universe. If you’ve got a goal of dropping X lbs from your frame quickly – – or perhaps getting better at pull-ups – – or getting the fittest you’ve EVER been – – well, then – the first step to take to accomplish these and many other goals is to invest in the System, my friend. Do so right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The greatest port in the world

Dear Reader,

Was confronted by a couple of “crisis” situations this morning biz wise and on the personal front – both situations which would probably (and on the surface, rightfully so) send the average person into a state of panic and foreboding.

Funnily enough, or maybe not so – my reaction to these situations was the exact OPPOSITE of what you’d think I’d do in the aforementioned sort of situation.

No “harried” texts to confidantes. No “panicked” calls to family. No “doom and gloom” scenarios (after the initial “shock” of the situation – I simply “erased the doom and gloom off the slate” as it were by using some simple mind techniques).

So no, none of the above. In fact, and perhaps most amazingly of all I did NOTHING other than carry out a few instinctual (and correct) actions – do some deep breathing 0 Excuses style – – and I then headed out for an outdoors workout – – again — you guessed it – – 0 Excuses style.

This accomplished the following: –

One, it allowed me to get in the best workout I’ve had in recent times – despite it being a gloomy, rainy day outside.

Two, and more importantly, it allowed me to continue to do what I do normally which is to “live in the moment”. This, my friend, is key to living life as it SHOULD be lived – in a state of flow – without stress.

Yes, you heard that right – we are NOT – I repeat NOT – “bound” to live lives of stress despite external events/occurences!

Living in the moment is basically how your inbuilt creative mechanism was programmed to respond, my friend – and it is how it reacts BEST.

It can NOT react to what will, might ,or  can happen. It can only react to what is happening NOW i.e. in the moment.

Though I do not yet have the solution to the situation, a number of possible solutions are already popping up in mind as I write this to you. My creative system was freed up to do it’s thing by  living in the moment which of course is the key to activating your subconscious to search for the best solution/reaction to the situation at hand.

A friend of mine, “Uncle Bob” (I’ve mentioned him before in my emails) was once in a situation where he was dead broke, had NO credit and had lost his job a while ago with nothing new on the horizon.

A recruiter called him one day while he was reclining on the porcelain throne, and his wife asked the lady to call him back in a few.

“I don’t have time for that”, was the rather curt response the lady gave. “If he wants it bad enough, he’ll answer now!”

“Honey, this lady is calling …” called his wife out in a state of semi-panic.

And though you might think “Uncle” would rush up from the throne to answer the phone – he didn’t.

“Do I really need it that badly??”

“Is is THAT important that it can’t wait a few minutes?”

That was what he told me when he later told me about it – and THAT is an example of living in the moment and reacting to what is happening NOW.

By doing so, he convinced himself that HE was the master of his destiny – not the other way around!

That’s not to say planning for the future is not required. It is – but in order to do that, you need to reach where I reached in point #3 …

Third, it allowed me to reach the GREATEST port in the world mentally.

What is this, you might ask?

Well, the below quote says it better than I ever could: –

Psycho-Cybernetics is a term I coined which means, ‘Steering your mind to a productive, useful goal …. so you can reach the greatest port in the world … peace of mind. With it, you’re somebody. Without it, you’re nothing.'”

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the renowned bestseller Psycho-Cybernetics

Truer words were never spoken, my friend – and these words hold as true today as in 1960 when Dr. Maltz first published this book.

I’ve recommended this book ad infinitum in many of my emails/posts, and I do so yet again today. If you haven’t already grabbed a copy – – do so TODAY. It literally has the potential to turn your life around in ways you never imagined possible.

Anyway, living in the moment is one of the keys to achieving peace of mind, my friend – and THAT ultimately is what leads to the best response to whatever situation you are currently in/facing.

All the plans in the world and all the reactions are of little use if the person undertaking them does not do so with a calm, focused bent of mind – a mind focused on the DESIRABLE as opposed to what the vast majority do i.e. carry out these actions with a mind focused upon the undesirable.

And so it goes, my friend – and the greatest takeaway I can offer you from today’s email it this – LIVE in the moment – and PRACTICE doing so on a daily basis. I guarantee you’ll never be disappointed.

Last, but not least, where does fitness fit into all this?

Well, the great part about the 0 Excuses Fitness System (other than the deep breathing which connects you to the Universe) is this – you are left with little or NO chance of having crisis situations in terms of not being able to workout.

All you need is you – your body – and a floor – and you’re set, my friend. Doesn’t matter if you’re traveling. Doesn’t matter if there are no chrome ‘n fern palaces around. Doesn’t matter if the dog tore up your yoga mat. Yada, nada, schnada.

The System ensures that you’re ALL good when it comes to fitness – and not only that – the deep feeling of contentment and physical “connectedness” to the Universe you feel after these routines is second to NONE – and anyone that’s done the pushups – namely, the “best” darn exercise there is – KNOWS what I’m talking about.

Give it a shot, my friend – – and experience the bliss yourself!


Rahul Mookerjee

The ex-Marine I met in China

Dear Reader,

Let’s hark back to last year – July 2017, to be specific.

‘Twas about the middle of July IIRC – – or perhaps the beginning – I’m not too sure. Actually, it was probably about the beginning of July.

It was yet another sultry, hot and humid day in Southern China – capped off by the daily evening thunderstorm which made things a little bit better.

And amidst this thunderstorm, yours truly had a biz appointment to keep – so off he went, hoping the Rain Gods would relent.

And they seemed to relent as I arrived at the gate of the place I was doing biz at (or going to, at any rate before I backed out of it) – and I saw a tall strapping “young” man standing at the gate looking around him with an attentive, yet probing demeanor.

He had the air of a man that’s “been there and done that” – – something you can NOT fake, and something which instantly communicated itself to me – along with the sheer physicality of the man I’m referring to.

A 6’1″ behomoth of a man this was – with NOT a shred of extra fat or poundage. If anything he was a lean, mean, actual fighting MACHINE – with the upper body strength and “look” to boot as well, and something clicked in my brain instantly.

Two and two added up, and in a flash I figured out who he was. He was someone I had spoken to casually before online, but it never went further than that – and yet – now that I saw him, I KNEW this was the person – and the fact I had seen his profile picture had nothing to do with it.

It was that “something” that communicated itself to me. That “look in the eye”  – – that EYE of the TIGER that the guy had – and as I moved forward to shake his hand, I spoke.

“Hey, man! You must be <insert name” …”, and I gripped his hand with what I knew was a firm (to say the least) handshake.

“Yes, I am!” came the clipped response, and it wasn’t just the clipped, precise nature of the response that instantly led me to believe this guy was either in the military or ex-military.

No – it was the HANDSHAKE that did!

This man literally did something no-one has ever done in ages – – which is to INSTINCTIVELY respond to my own (admittedly strong) grip with a literal bonecrusher of his own – and an unwitting “pull” of his own in his own direction, and as I shook hands with him, I knew this was the real deal.

And sure enough, as we got to talking – and as we rapidly developed a close friendship I learnt this guy was ex special Forces – an ex Marine, to be exact. Marine Recon.

Other than the few online conversations we’d had before I had also seen this guy jogging up and down the mountain that I myself climb on a regular basis – and done, mind you, at the SAME time I did it at – which was during the afternoon heat/humidity.

This man truly DOES have a Gorilla Grip, and is most certainly the closest human equivalent of an adult male silverback gorilla that I have met for years anywhere in the world – and that is precisely why I’ve mentioned him in the actual manual as well.

As another mutual friend of ours put it “He’s a BEAST!”

And he is – and the reason I mention this is not so much to draw parallels between man and gorilla – but to point out that this BEAST status was not obtained by the methods most people would believe it’s obtained by.

In fact, believe it or not, this beast status was obtained by the simple and rigorous use of bodyweight exercises – done for high reps – and done correctly.

Bodyweight stuff. Pushups. Pull-ups. Climbing ropes. And though he’s carried many a heavy object in his life, dumbells and seated arm curls are probably the last thing on his mind if and when he were to enter a commercial “chrome ‘n fern” palace a.k.a gym.

Amazingly enough, these same exercises are ignored by the vast majority of the populace that treat them as either a “cool down” or “warm up”, the meat and potatoes of their workout being the absolutely asinine pumpin’ and buffin’ that you see going on at the local gyms.

And it’s these same people that then complain about bodyweight exercises “being too easy” – or “not working” – when in reality they’re either too lazy or inept to knock out even ONE rep of some of the stuff that really works!

Marines and special forces all over the world develop that brute strength and amazing physical conditioning NOT by sitting around in commercial gyms, my friend.

Boxers don’t develop that strong punch of theirs by doing bench presses. Wrestlers don’t develop their crushing grip strength and amazing pulling ability by puffing out a few half ass reps on the lat pulldown machine.

And so on and so forth. The list goes on, and on and on.

Deep down inside though, all men aspire NOT to “pump and tone” or “puff ‘n buff” with the bros at the gym. They desire BEAST statusunstoppable brute STRENGTH and power – and conditioning to boot.

In short – a human machine – as Mother Nature intended you to be, my friend.

And the way to get there is to DROP the puffin and buffin routines that most people partake of in the local gyms.

Prancing around after a set of curls and posing for pics with the bros may get you a few backslaps and brews at the local bar, but it’ll do next to nothing in terms of building lasting health, strength and inner vitality.

If you really want that “look” – that “eye of the tiger” – then do what folks that HAVE it do on a REGULAR basis, my friend – that being BODYWEIGHT exercises  –  done RIGHT!

And no, this isn’t just a sales pitch – – this is TRUE, my friend. Nothing compares to the sheer power of these exercises – – NOTHING at all. If you don’t believe, take a gander right HERE and check it out for yourself!

Ok, thats enough “huffing and puffing” for now, hehe. I’ll be back to puff again later and blow the house down!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I DO realize that a lot of folks reading this will be content to go on about their merry pumpin and toning, puffing and buffing ways – and guess what. Thats fine. ‘Tis all good, my friend. It’s ALLLLL good – – so good in fact that I may indeed do a “puff ‘n buff” special in an email soon. Be on the outlook for that!

P.S #2 – In the meantime though, here is the link you need to SPRINT on to right now – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

PPS – So inspirational. I should, but haven’t put this in “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections“. maybe I will in Vol #2!

Who to take advice from – and who NOT to
- Never take sex advice from an eunuch for one. Hehe.

Dear reader,

Many moons ago, I was a young lad of around 14 or 15 – STILL trying to pack on some much  needed beef to my upper arms and shoulders to “match” the other guys at school that were far bigger than me.

And though I did everything under the sun – including follow a lot of ridiculous advice given to me by (in most cases) people that were the complete opposite of the ideal I was hoping to achieve – it never happened.

Case in point being my Dad telling me that “curling 5 kg weights” repetitively for reps would make my muscles much stronger – if I did it for 15 minutes at a time.

I still can’t help but laugh when I think of this – NOT only because he himself has never ever been anywhere near fit in his whole life – but mostly because yours truly accepted that advice, and actually thought it would work.

Did it work at the time? Well, I’ll let you figure it out – but this pattern continued with me for quite a while.

Many of you know that I’m a writer, and have written a lot OUTSIDE the fitness area – and a lot of my work has been done with other publishers.

And guess what – NONE of any of that really allowed me to blossom – or take me anywhere near the ultimate goal I was looking to achieve at the time.

What really turned my life around was reading Pyscho Cybernetics – an immortal classic available on Amazon and elsewhere – a book which quite literally changed the way I think from the INSIDE out.

After that point, one of the things I started to do was reject advice from all excepting those who had DONE what I wanted to do – and I did everything I could to learn from these people – and learn about their lives in general.

And it was only then that things started to work for me and my life started to turn around in ALL areas, my friend. ALL areas.

When it comes to fitness, if you’re tired of not having time to go to the gym – or frustrated by the lack of progress – or are looking for a quicker and better solution – and have thus invested in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, one of the first things that’ll happen is folks that have never DONE any of it will come up to you and start offering “advice”.

“Oh, those squats! I heard those were bad for the knees”

“Handstand pushups! You’ll never be able to do those – and they’re bad for the shoulders!”

“500 pushups does nothing for strength!”

And so on and so forth and other such ridiculous advice given by those who have never actually PRACTISED what they so ignorantly preach.

Would you take advice on learning how to swim from someone that does not know how to?

Would you learn a foreign language from someone that has no clue on how to speak – let alone teach – it?

Would you take advice on diet from someone that pounds six – or 12 packs on a nightly basis?

I didn’t think so, my friend.

Amazingly enough these very same “experts” that dispense advice seemingly freely, willy nilly, ad infinitum on topics they have VERY LITTLE (if at all) REAL knowledge of, will turn away when asked for a logical explanation – complete with experiences – as to WHY said exercises won’t work.

Even more amazingly, these same people harbor desires of doing the very same thing internally – but are actually “scared” of getting to that level – and this inner battle manifests itself in said negativity towards actual doers.

Case in point being handstand pushups – anyone claiming they’re dangerous has never actually gotten to any sort of level where they can claim proficiency and be qualified to dispense advice galore.

Everyone, their mama, and their dog seems to be handing out fitness advice – and you, my friend, would be WELL advised to ignore all but advise that comes from those that have been there and done that.

I categorically state on my site as well as most of the product pages that there was a time in my life I was not only overweight – but OBESE.

“From 120 kgs – > 60 kgs”, and so forth.

You’d be hard pressed to find this stated on the sites of the vast majority of fitness “experts” or “gurus” out there.

And yet, I have no qualms about saying it – and WHY?

Because not only does it show the efficacy of what I’m telling YOU to do – I’m 100% PLUS qualified to tell you to do these things because – I’ve been there – and done that.

So if you’re looking to get past a 100 straight squats, ask someone whose been there and done that as opposed to the gym rat furiously pushing away at the leg press.

If you’re looking to get better at pushups, Jane Fonda is probably NOT the best person to ask, methinks.

And if you’re looking to get better at pull-ups – – well – – again, the person best qualified to tell you how to get there is someone that’s been in the trenches in that regard.

So that’s today’s tip. Be very picky indeed about whose advice you take as “gospel”. It might just be one of the best things you can do for yourself!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pull-ups are one of those topics EVERYONE and their mama has an “opinion” about, but few adults are anywhere near “good” at pull-ups – let alone do more than a few reps in a workout if even that. However, you CAN get to elite status at these – and it’s NOT as hard as you might think if you’ve got the right tools. And the perfect tool in this regard is right HERE – – http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/


When someone says “never”

Dear Reader,

I cannot on both hands and more count the number of times someone has smugly  looked at me and (ignorantly) proclaimed “it will never happen”.

Or, “you’ll never be able to get that”. Or, “you can’t do that”.

Yada, nada, schnada – and though “never” is the most commonly used negative term, you can replace it with any other similar term of your choice – so long as the drift of the statement remains the same.

When I was a young skinny 10 year old desperately trying to pack muscle on to my frame, my mother routinely shook her head upon looking at me (and NOT in a nice manner) and proclaimed “Oh, Rahul thinks he’s so strong!  Look at him!”

“You’ll never be good at soccer”.

“You’ll never be able to run a business. You need to work a full time job!”

And so forth. There were other utterly idiotic and inane statements by NOT just my mother – or family – that I could mention here but one of that sticks out in mind (and that I laugh at every time I hear) is that “he’s impractical”, or  “he’s a dreamer”.

And though I used to get “angry” at said statement, when this happens nowadays I just smile at the person and say “Ok, thanks so much for that bit of wisdom!”

And believe me, there is NO sarcasm involved there – if anything a touch of pity for the poor fella who nary does he know that telling Rahul “never” might as well put a seal of approval on what he / she deemed “never” to happen.

Dreamers over the ages, my friend – are the reason our world is at the state of civilization it is TODAY.

Henry Ford dreamt of motor cars long before anyone else did – and though his dreams were routinely ridiculed and laughed at – without that dream, and the ensuing success many years later, we might still be riding around the world in horse driven carriages.

Marconi was, believe it or not, deemed to be a lunatic when he first proposed and started working upon the idea of a wireless – and was taken, quite literally, to a shrink at the looney tune bin to be examined.

Ditto for Thomas Edison, Napoleon Hill, and ANYONE throughout the ages that’s achieved anything of note, my friend.

And this holds true for fitness as much as it does for life.

When you first start to reach for the stars – or take that first step in terms  of accomplishing your dreams – or goals – the whole world (or most of it) will mysteriously suddenly start telling you “it can’t be done”.

And the more unbelievable the goal is, the more this will happen. Case in point being the Mighty Atom flying outside an airplane by his hair alone. I kinda doubt most would have supported that goal to begin with …


Well, the sheer act of resolving to accomplish any worthy goal – and then DOING it – puts you into a very elite category, my friend.

Most people are day dreamers as opposed to “practical dreamers” – and the minute someone “climbs out of that negative cesspool” they either consciously or subconsciously do their best to “draw you back in”.

And in most cases, it’s people that are supposed to be the closest to you that will act this way.

IMO, it’s best NOT to tell anyone your goals – and if you do – and if they’re met with derision – do NOT make the mistake of expounding negative energy in the form of any angry reaction.

Smile – and nod your head – and move along – and then ACCOMPLISH that goal, my friend!

And so when it comes to fitness, if you’re currently at “beached whale” status, but yet aspire to one day achieve “ripped abs” or “bulging biceps” or “massive shoulders” status – well – guess what.

KUDOS to you for having that goal. It’s indeed a worthy one – but you’re better off NOT telling anyone else about it.

Instead, quietly resolve and make a promise to yourself that you’ll get started on that journey – NOW.

Crack the System open, start implementing what’s been said, and the flab will start to fly off as quickly as the muscle starts to pile on.

And it’ll be at this point that the negativity you’ll face will be at it’s zenith, as the “neighsayers” neigh on, desperately trying to drag you back into the cesspool.

“Oh, those are just bodyweight exercises”.

“Oh, that’s too easy to work!”

“Oh, you can’t possibly get a workout in your living room in less than 15 minutes!”

Foeey. Baloney. Bananas. Fiddlesticks. And so forth …

And once you reach a certain level, my friend – ALL of this will be replaced by admiration – first grudging – and then OUTRIGHT.

There are few, if ANY people today who would believe me if I told them I was insanely unfit at one stage in life.

In fact a recent client of mine looked me up and down incredulously when I said that.

“You?? Unfit?? Oh, come on, man! I know that ain’t true!”

Yet, years ago, these same people would laughed in my face if I said I’d become as fit as a racehorse – and stay that way. Or if I had told them I’d quit smoking cold turkey. Or run any sort of online biz – or – most of all – FOLLOW my passion – and my dreams!

And yet – here we are today, now … and well, enough said, hehe. I think you get my drift?

Moral of today’s story – when someone says “never” – acknowledge it as an impending sign of the thing that was “never” supposed to be happen to be on it’s way.

Ok, my friend. Thats it for today. I just done with a 250 *2 pushup workout plus pull-ups – – and I’m starving right about now. Off for some victuals.

Crank ON!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’ve always dreamt of being able to do 100 or more pull-ups in ONE workout, and bang out that number consistently, but somehow have NOT been able to get there no matter what – well – I’ve got just the course for you, my friend. It’s been receiving rave reviews all over the world, and here it is NOW – – http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/


Godzilla shoulders

Dear Reader,

WHAT a workout it was today – indeed one to write home about – and that is PRECISELY what I’m gonna do here.

Wow. Just WOW. I  mean my forearms are literally zinging with energy up and down an hour or so after I write this – not to mention my entire upper arm, which seems like someone has taken a beating to it – in a GOOD way – especially the triceps, which seem to be swollen to triple their size right about now.

My core feels like it’s been pulverized – hammered – smashed – what have you – especially the upper abs, my friend, and I can still “feel” them with each deep breath I take as I’m writing this to you.

But all of this, my brother, PALES in comparison to how my shoulders feel – and they feel about as close to “King Kong” (or Godzilla, or GORILLA) shoulders that a man can get.

I usually workout with my shirt off, and then throw it back on after my workout – and though it’s always a struggle to get the arms in through the T-shirt – it was NIGH impossible today for a few minutes at least.

I’m not kidding. It felt like I would rip right through the shirt as I put it on, and though I finally managed it, it’s still “sticking” to me in a most “skin like” manner – – and it’ll be another battle to get it OFF if you know what I mean.

(note to manufacturers – – clothes sizes are meaningless for those that workout regularly – – gorilla style – – we need a blend of XXXL shoulders and “S” taper around the waist).

That above bit is never gonna happen, of course – but all of this, my friend – has come about as  a direct result of just ONE workout – workout #1, I believe in Battletank Shoulders.

ONE workout – with mainly TWO exercises – – and believe me and trust me later, these two exercises are NOT the ones you’d normally think of.

And they sure as heck ain’t done the way most people would think they’re done – and NOT as most “experts” (including the vast majority of so called personal trainers at the gym) recommend.

Most trainees, gym goers, and people in general have been sold a big fat bill of goods on what it takes to build the shoulders (and the upper body).

We’re laboring under the misimpression that “lateral raises” done for reps and sets are the best way to build those “striated” and “cannonball like” shoulders.

A massive misconception if I might say so.  This, without doubt ranks right up there with another common misnomer  – that being that the bench is the most accurate measure of upper body strength.

Let me tell you right now, there are few more unnatural movements than the above two – specifically the lateral raise. Can you tell me one single “everyday” or natural movement you make which mirrors the form used in this exercises – not to mention with heavy weights that literally destroy the shoulder joints due to the unnatural angles?

This one exercise is responsible for injuries galore, including, but NOT limited to shoulder/nerve impingement, scapulae issues, rotator cuff problems and trap pain – to name but a few.

And then of course you’ve got the gym bros oiling up, pumping, toning, and taking selfies in front of the mirror after each set – quickly, at that, let the “pump” fade.

And that above bit is a fact, my friend. Most of those unnatural looking pics are taken right after an artificial pump which fades about as quickly as it’s arrived.

Fooey, I say. Baloney. Fiddlesticks.

ALL of that is NOTHING combined with the Battletank Shoulders workout that I put myself through – and that’s just the first one.

It’ll build strength and size like an adult male silverback gorilla – and you’ll retain the size as opposed to what happens in the gym (or once you stopping taking the “roids”).

Still don’t believe me, even after the “eyewitness” account I’ve given you here and in the past? Still think the juiced up monsters at the gym preening and posing got it what it takes?

Well, here’s the acid test, my friend.

Take any of those body(booby) builders – or the average gym goer – or weight pumper – and ask him to get through even ONE round of the exercises mentioned in ANY of the workouts in the book I just mentioned above.

Hell, I’ll go one better – ask the average bodybuilder to even HOLD position – in perfect form – on any of the exercises for more than 30 seconds.

And I’ll be a monkey’s uncle and a horse’s ass if said gentlemen even MAKE it to holding the position – let alone for time – without collapsing in a heap or worse …

… in other words, it ain’t-a-gonna happen, my friend. It just won’t happen.

On the other hand, YOU, my friend – will be the ENVY of these folks as you effortlessly pound out rep after rep of the exercises I mentioned above.

The pumpers and toners will stop their preening and posing, and stare goggle eyed at the workouts YOU are doing.

YOU will develop Godzilla like upper body strength – and be “loaded for bear”, to put it one way – and WILL have the physique to match as well.

In short, they’ll start calling you the BEAST at the gym – – an unstoppable force of nature – – and THAT, my friend, along all the other obvious benefits is worth the entire price of admission methinks.

So don’t delay any longer. If you’re serious about building ungodly levels of upper body strength, then click on over right NOW to get your paws one of the best upper body courses there is out there.

I’ll see you on the “other side”!



P.S. – Along with a Godzilla like core, make sure to strip off every last bit of flab on that midsection too my friend – so that those corrugated ridges of muscle along your midsection will be clearly visible to you – and everyone else as well. Forget the beach boy look. Dump the “six pack” look. You’ll never be ashamed about taking your shirt off at the beach again after you combine with the above with a healthy dose of what is found HERE – – 0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/