Stop worrying about what they “expect” you to do!
- - do what makes YOU happy - FIRST!

Dear Reader,

There are many things that separate the high achievers of this world from the “wannabes” or “has beens” – – the CREAM of the crop from the “herd” as it were – – the people that conquer all and get to the very pinnacle of their chosen profession or GOALS, and those that “meander along with the stream somewhere in between”.

Yada, nada, schnada. You get the point, I think, and after lack of persistence (for those in the latter category) another prime difference between ultimate success and lack thereof is this – folks caring too much about (and letting it affect them internally) what others “expect” them to do.

A most insidious means of sabotage this one is – – and virtually ALL of us have been subject to this at some point in our lives – -some more so than others.

Your truly fits in the “more so than others category” and for a large portion of my adult life, I did (hard as it might sound to believe at this point!) “sort of” care about what I was “expected to do” and did it … for a short while, at least, before my INNER MAN spoke up – – and naturally, when that inner man speaks – or ROARS – – you listen – -or at least I did!

Case in point being the numerous jobs I worked before going all out on my own. Truth is I NEVER wanted to work for someone else in the first place – – but the looks of astoundment accompanied with “You?? How on earth would someone like you amount to anything on your own?” held me a back for a long portion of my adult like – – before I finally said SCREW it – – and did what my heart (inner man) told me to do!

In “Outwitting the Devil”, Napoleon Hill mentions several instances from his OWN life when he was working for others (again, on the insistence of family and so called other well wishers) – – and in EACH one of those jobs – – despite the seeming outward successes – he ended up either leaving the job – – or the company folded – – or something to that effect.

It didn’t last, in other words.

In the bestselling Pyscho Cybernetics Dr Maltz makes a very pertinent point indeed – – and likes our success levels to a rubber band which is held in place firmly by none other than our subconscious mind.

If the subconscious truly believes that you can attain a level of success, but NOT beyond it – – then guess what – – you’ll attain that level of success – – and you may briefly rise above it – – but the rubber band will snap back to wherever the subconscious “thinks” you belong.

This is a truism that cannot be argued against my friend. If you subconsciously hate something – – and don’t want to do it – – then you may be “made to do it” for a while – – but it ain’t gonna last.

And funnily enough, these tales struck closer to home for me than you’d think. I made a seeming success out of many of my jobs (none more so than the job I refer to in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales) – – and could probably have made a “career” out of any of those jobs – – which is exactly what everyone around me “expected” me to do, of course, and repeatedly pressurized me to do, and yet, what happened?

I think we all know – – and funnily enough, people seem to forget the great truism that is often mentioned in self help books and manuals alike – -that being – – TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST!

And what I am telling you is this – more than just “taking care of yourself first” – I’d say listen to yourself first.

Way too many people, for instance, start a fitness program but end up trying to accomplish goals set by others.

For instance, I would wager a bet than a lot of guys don’t necessarily crave big guns as much as they SECRETLY crave the lean and mean look, and yet – – due to public pressure and perception – – guess who they end up trying to emulate – – and what they end up ACHIEVING.

Someone starting a new venture, for instance, may start off full of enthusiasm  — which quickly falls by the wayside as the repeated admonishments and cries of “You’ll never make it” ring out louder than anything else in his or her ears, and pretty soon that person is back to square one – – or worse.

Tell the world what you’re going to do – – but show them FIRST – – and I just had to mention that here!

Do what YOU want, my friend – both in terms of life – and goals – and FITNESS as well. Stop getting suckered into and DERAILED by the “but you’re expected to follow so and so road” B.S.

And if doing what YOU want isn’t what others “expect”, well, goody – you’re probably on the RIGHT track.

Sure, blazing your own trail takes GUTS and I’d be lying to tell you that its “easy” or that the path is without pitfalls.

As soon as I decided to do my own thing all those years ago (and indeed even TODAY when I embark upon a new venture) – – it was as if the entire world was conspiring against me to “pull  me back into the fold and stop me reaching for the stars” (much like that solitary crab that manages to climb out of the bucket of crabs as the others stay IN).

I was called an idiot – a loser – a lunatic – and several things unprintable – – and still am – but guess what – – I have something that these so called other “successes” don’t – – that is HAPPINESS – FREEDOM – – and PEACE OF MIND knowing I’m doing what I love to do – – and will continue to do so!

Fitness wise, I’ve often been told I overexercise (huh??) – – and this by people that have never once attained any degree of fitness in their own lives!

I’ve been told my methods are ridiculous, and downright asinine (by folks who say that pumping 5 kg dumbbells for 15 minutes on each hand will make muscles sprout – – and those that claim long, slow walks are what it’s about when it comes to fitness).

And yet – the results – can we argue with the results?

I think NOT, my friend – – and that is what happens when you do what YOU want – the way YOU want – WITHOUT listening to the chorus of “bays” from the “herd” out there.

It may not always be easy. It may not always be the path of least resistance, and certainly probably not the path most traveled – and so forth.

But is it worth it??

Oh YES my friend – – and you’ll see what I mean when YOU embark upon it too!

So that’s today’s message. Do what YOU want – – and NEVER get pulled into asinine guilt trips of “doing what you’re expected to do” – – it is nothing but a recipe for failure and that too on a grand scale!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In terms of fitness, the great part about the 0 Excuses Fitness System is that it matters NOT what YOUR goal is. Build muscle? Lose fat? Six pack? Better health and a robust immune system? Interspatial travel? And so forth. We’ve got you covered (ok, not the last one!)- – so fret NOT – – and click on over right here to grab your copy of the System – –

P.S #2 – I was actually advised by another supposedly well meaning family member to “seek counseling” with regard to what I mentioned about jobs before. HA! The subconscious mind always brings to reality what is IN it … and most of the times the opinions of the VERY same people that advocate counseling or other such methods with regard to you doing what you really want aren’t worth the bandwidth we’re spending discussing it here. Trust me on that one!

P.P.S – Oh, and by the way – remember that Kiddie Fitness is well and truly ON its way, my friend. If your kids are going batshit (NO PUNS INTENDED!!) insane during the enforced, extended “holiday” most of you are likely being subject to – well – get them started ASAP on these routines, and boredom will be a thing of the past. Contact me now for pre-orders and I’ll hook you up with a 10% off “special offer”!

“A book without pictures is SO BORING!”
- ... and more on the BACKGROUND behind Kiddie Fitness!

As I walked into the bedroom to ask my daughter what she was saying a short while ago (when I was working – – so I asked her to WAIT – – yes, “Cranky Papa” and his writing where he is NOT to be disturbed, no matter what, hehe…), she asked me the following.

“Dad, when you will finish the book?”

This was the EXACT same question she asked me in the morning when she woke up, and she’s asking me this now while on the dumbphone. Must mean something to her!

“Honey, not as yet. I’m halfway through it …”

“Oh Dad, can I read it?”

“Not now, sweetie. Once I finish”

“Oh, but Dad … “

“Sweetie, I haven’t even put the pictures in as yet!”

“OH!” and it was as if a light bulb went off.

“OK, you do that first Dad! A book without pictures is SO BORING!” she went.

“And now Dad .. let me finish catching the robbers. So many of them …”  and off she was, immersed in the dumbphone again, hehe.

A book without pictures, and especially an exercise book without pictures? Not my cup of tea, and if there is one thing I AM particular upon – – it’s taking PICTURES for my exercise books – – and RETAKING them galore – – not necessarily because they “look good” or don’t – but to SHOW users HOW to do the exercise!

A picture is worth a thousand words, and MORE so when it comes to fitness, and certain types of exercises – – and a video – – well – – lets just say we’re amping the “YES!” factor by about a DOZEN on top of the thousand.

And five videos … well, that’s why I created the 0 Excuses Fitness System with not just a book and pictures (two books actually) – – but VIDEOS as well!

But wait a minute, you ask. Whats this latest book my daughter is on about??

Well, if you haven’t been following me, here is what happened late last night – – a cranky little girl miraculously got transformed into a HAPPY camper – – almost within the space of a few seconds as she dropped down to the floor to do a mini-workout with me – – and on “top of me” as well, as you can see from my social media posts!

Kids are nothing but NOT enthusiastic about exercise – – IF we set the right example. I could have easily done what most people would have at that advanced hour (‘twas almost midnight, hehe) – – but I did NOT – – and the results SHOW.

We sat up until last night fleshing this latest idea out, and yes, it was a “we” this time – not just “me”.

While I got the idea to do Kiddie Fitness – – it was most wholeheartedly endorsed by the “model” in the book – – my six year old – – and some of the exercises are HERS, hehe. Probably not patented as yet, but I will see to it that they are … nah, j ust kidding, but you get my drift!

We took a BARRAGE of pictures this morning – – some of which have to be re-done – – and they will be.

If you’re a parent – – or sports coach – – or a P.E. teacher at school – – or even a gym instructor for kids and adults both – – or simply involved with kids in any way – – then this course will be one you will NOT want to miss, my friend, as it contains exercises SPECIFICALLY tailored towards kids – – some of it stuff I have NEVER, EVER come out with before.

Keep your eyes peeled – it promises to be great – – and in the meantime – – do NOT forget to workout yourself – – by using the very best exercise system there is on the planet – the 0 Excuses Fitness System!

Ill see you on the “other side”, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – YES, Kiddie Fitness is BEING hammered out as I type – – should be out for sale within the next couple of days. Parents – you’ll DEFINITELY want to get this! And all of you folks on my list – if you want a special on this – email me NOW, and I’ll see to it that you’re hooked up.

P.S #2 – Also, and while you’re at it – – those of you that are frustrated about not being able to lose weight during the Coronavirus lockdowns – – well – – take HEART. There is HOPE – – more than it, in fact – find out more here – –

Try THIS one on for “size”!
- ... I bet it will "whoop your ass" hehe...

Dear Reader,

At around 10 P.M. or so tonight, after a full day of WRITING and creating MORE products – – something strange happened – at least for the average person, hehe.

While most people would have “dropped down into the couch” after a full day and then some with a half bot or TWO of something – – I did the opposite.

I dropped down into (what is for ME) an INCREDIBLY relaxing position – that being the “table” position I teach about in 0 Excuses Fitness and Pushup Central, but I didn’t do a pushup.

I simply held the position – breathed – and RELAXED into the movement. As I did so, my six year old daughter – – no longer a “spring chicken” in terms of weight as she was at ONE years of age, hehe – came and jumped smack on me – and stayed PUT for a good minute or so!

Although I was momentarily alarmed, I need not have worried – I was more than able to handle the extra 23 kgs or so.

Now, for those of you wondering what the big deal is – – I’ll tell ya.

Get down on the ground in a table position – – with your back FLAT –  and weight on your arms and legs (legs at a 90 degree angle to the body) and NECK BACK – as you look skywards.

And simply hold.

For the vast majority of you adults out there, you’ll be doing good just to  hold the position for more than a second or so when you start. Believe me, if you’re overweight around the stomach and hips – or core in general – your lower back will start shaking sooner than you expect, and you’ll collapse in a heap shortly thereafter.

And if you’re fit – or think you are – try and bang out PUSHUPS from that position – and then report back!

And if you’re me – – you put your daughter on your midsection for added weight as you hold the position, hehe.

Great “mini workout”, and another reason I’m bringing this to you is that this is yet another example of getting it DONE – – even when you’re “super busy”.

Even when you’re in lockdown. Isn’t it far better to workout – and involve the entire family – rather than sit and moan and groan about what politician are doing globally – – and contribute to all the fear mongering?

Most of all, isn’t it great that you’re SETTING A GOOD example – – doing your bit to end childhood obesity for GOOD – and being a GOOD ROLE model for your kids when it comes to FITNESS, the most important thing of them all?

Your body truly is your TEMPLE, my friend. Far more too many people do anything BUT treat it as such (and before you start jumping, no I do NOT believe in God – – I’m an atheist, but the point STANDS) … bad mistake, my friend.

Set a good example – – and make sure to get them mini workouts in – – they’re well worth it! In fact truth be told although it wasn’t a sweat fest – – that one minute got the heart pumping a bit – – and got me to write this post – and probably more after that.

THAT is the effect exercise done right has – – increased productivity for one – – and I don’t know about YOU – – but I’ll take that anyday or night, hehe.

All for now – back at it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be on the outlook for the new product I mentioned shortly. Kiddie fitness truly WILL be something all you parents will want to invest in – – and yes, if you want a bit of a discount (10% to be specific) email me now and Ill sign you up for a pre-order of sorts.

P.S #2 – Oh, and in the meantime, don’t forget to grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – – truly the best fitness system you can follow – -especially when on lockdown, hehe – –

- ... is key to them abs you so crave!

Many years ago, back when I was a computer science student (and not a very diligent one, hehe) back in school, I had a professor during my senior years known as Dr. Ray Seyfarth.

He taught a course that I believe I damn near flunked – “artificial intelligence”.

Actually, I DID flunk for all practical purposes. The University required a grade of C or above for the course to count towards your GPA, and while I didn’t get an “F” – – I got a D, which meant I had to retake the course.

That darn course postponed by graduation by a semester, and luckily the next prof I had Dr. Ali was benevolent enough to pass me with a “C”, hehe. Perhaps he just got tired of seeing the long haired “Jesus” (back as my cohorts liked to call me, hehe) sitting in class, half asleep. Who knows!

Anyway, the reason I mention this is NOT my own tardiness.

It’s because this guy had a RAMROD straight posture and a demeanor that SET HIM APART in many ways from his colleagues (the other profs).

While most of the other profs had massive bellies and were usually slouched over (with the notable exception of one Dr. Kolibal who I’ve mentioned before as well) – – this man looked like he was straight out of the military, minus the build.

He was slim and wiry, but he was STRONG too. Tall, slim and wiry – – and what struck me, in my lard ass’ian days  (yes, at the age of 19 yours truly had turned into a bonafide lardass!) – – is the manner in which he walked briskly to and fro work, and class, for one.

Ramrod straight upper back, chest out, shoulders BACK … much like my buddy in the military (former military man and an ex Marine) once exhorted me to do when “times were tough”.

“Chest out, shoulders BACK, my brother!”

And while I’ve done a post on that as well, the point is this – proper posture can do more for you than make you look smart ,PROFESSIONAL and IMPRESSIVE.

It can improve your health. It can REDUCE, or downright eliminate back and shoulder pain. It can help with digestion if done right.

And done right, combined with deep breathing it can literally be a workout unto itself.

That might sound strange to y’all, but what will sound even stranger is that proper posture does not just apply when you’re standing or moving.

It applies when you’re SITTING.

It applies when you are sitting and WORKING – as I am now – or visualizing.

I haven’t even had my workout today (though I will later) – – but I feel full of PEP, energy and vigor – -and though I have a bit of a headache due to a LOT OF time spent indoors and at the computer, I’m still banging out products like never before.

And part of this is my upright stance when sitting.

Chest out, shoulders back – feet FLAT on the floor – – and that my friend is a very valuable and SIMPLE tip indeed that those of you sitting for long hours (think office workers for one) NEED TO – without exception – implement in your own life.

Do so regularly, and I’ll bet that a lot of the LARD around your lower back and waist starts to “slip away”.

Combine it with regular workouts – and you’ll leave others behind in the dust as you progress!

Quite literally – just do it – and you’ll see!

And that’s that for now. Back to my product now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Proper posture is crucial to avoid any and all problems related to the core. And there is a reason that I am STANDING UPRIGHT in most of the exercises shown in Corrugated Core – – a very good reason! Grab this bestselling course now, and start implementing what I have to say – – today – – right here – – right NOW! Here is the URL –

“Do it for one hour first!”
- ... Eat a bear - a BITE at a time!

Dear Reader,

So, I’ve been busy pretty much all morning ever since I arose from a deep, dream filled slumber around 11:30 AM or so.

Bright and early as you can tell, and yet another proof behind the FACT that you don’t necessarily need to do it “any one way” to succeed!

Some do it by waking up early. Some late. Some lose weight by pounding the pavement and cooking their internal organs in the process.

Others do it by … but hey, I’m at risk of “losing the plot” yet again, hehe.

What can I say – – I’m a writer! So much to say, so little TIME and PAPER in which to do it, seemingly …

Anyway, as we sat around the lunch table, my daughter was it as usual – NOT eating – and on the dumbphone, which she’s seemingly been on for ages – ever since she herself woke up at 11 that is (thank you, COVID-19 lockdowns – NOT!).

“No more phone, Barb”, I admonished gently. “It’s  been hours. Do some reading … or some coloring, or painting, or whatever…”

“Can I draw”, she replied.

“Of course you can! Finish your lunch quickly, and then go draw for an hour or two” I replied. “It’s good for you, sweetie!”

“Two hours …” she mused, crinkling her nose in that cute manner kids have …

“Dad, how about one”, she riposted shortly thereafter. “Can I do it for one hour? Two is, uh … too long…”

Not when she’s watching videos on YouTube apparently, but I let that slide!

“Do it for one hour first, honey, and then take it from there”.

And as I type here, I’m pretty sure (in fact, I AM sure) she’s sitting there in HER room hammering out a drawing (if drawings can be “hammered out”, that is – I ain’t no artist, so I don’t know that one!).

But here is the reason I’m mentioning this seemingly insignificant occurrence.

It’s because we as adults need to LEARN from this – – and on a daily basis, at that, a lot of us.

It’s because we as adults, again, most of us need a daily dose of “Eat a bear – but one bite at a time!”

Folks have often queried, jaws gape, as to how I get SO MUCH writing done for 0 Excuses Fitness – – but their jaws would literally drop and detach and fall to the floor if they knew I had ANOTHER VENTURE – – which involves about 10 times the “work” (if I might call it that – – it sure don’t feel that way to me!) in terms of writing and putting out products.

And when I’m in the flow – – even my (ex) publishers from that venture would agree that I truly become an UNSTOPPABLE force of nature – – something that most people can only marvel at in terms of output.

Same thing for fitness – – climbing hills – – pushups – – or whatever, and I say this NOT to blow my own bugle, my friend – but to tell you that amazing as it might sound – – YOU TOO can do it – – and surpass me if you so choose!

And the keys are simple. One of course is being in the flow and writing from the heart (alone a book unto itself, since most people CANNOT grasp this concept easily) – -and two, and perhaps more importantly, breaking a task down into small bites.

I’ve got a product to put out this afternoon, and I’ll start with the easiest part. Then I’ll move to the toughest part. Then the part in between.

And voila – – within an hour or two that product will be READY – and SELLING LIVE. Sure, it doesn’t involve pictures etc or it would take longer, but you get the point, my friend.

In terms of fitness, way, way too many people look at the “big” picture first and get disheartened and this isn’t hard to understand, especially when a lard ass that hasn’t done pushups in years looks at the numbers I mention regularly.

Well, how about just 15 minutes, my friend – and that includes getting used to the workout?

How about 10 – or -8 – or even FIVE? Surely we all have five minutes, no?

How about TWO minutes? YES, you CAN get mini workouts in in two minutes as well.

The point isn’t that I’m advocating workouts that last just two minutes. The point is this – you start small, and build from there.

You BUILD momentum as you go along, and that bear gets eaten – bite by bite!

And that, my friend is ONE key to success that you really must emblazon in your mind – or print out, and look at DAILY.

Look at it daily multiple times, and the word “procrastination”- – both in terms of FITNESS – and LIFE – will be nigh GONE from your vocabulary – – and you’ll be destined for one thing and one thing alone – – success – – at whatever goal you set for yourself!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Oh, and by the way you’re confused about the whole “15 minute” or “5 minute” thing – – well – – do me a favor, and TIME the workout video in the System – – and THEN get back to me, hehe. But do NOT skip straight to the videos without watching the other instructional videos FIRST, my friend. Tackle that grizzly – – one step at a time – – and START NOW by investing in the System – right here – –

P.S #2 – By the way I’ve got a new product planned already – – FITNESS related, don’t worry. Hehe. Two, actually. And the FIRST one of this is a book tailored towards kids – especially applicable these days since the COVID-19 shutdowns have started accelerating GLOBALLY. Kids are getting FAT as it is – mine isnt – but the point is we need to fight THIS epidemic as a whole – it’s far more serious than the COVID-19 outbreak IMO – – and the best way to fight BOTH is EXERCISE, as I’ve said many times before.

Without further ado, stay TUNED for a product on KIDS FITNESS – AT HOME – and if you’re interested – notify me – I’ll make sure to give you a 10% discount off the offer price if you email me NOW and place a pre-order!

P.P.S. – Look for this product to be out shortly – within a week or so perhaps – followed by MORE products. YEEEAHH!

It all happens, and the plans are usually perfect – – if you make them the right way!
- ... and more on the GRAND plan

Today’s email may come across as a bit of a shocker – – or even “astounding” to some of that you have been following me – – and if so, well, I understand.

But … hold on to your horses there for a minute, and let me explain first.

When I say “plans are usually perfect”, and (as I’ve said in the past) “it will all happen at the right time”, I do NOT mean that we as human beings are infallible.

Far from it, my friend.

Take any success story over the year, and you’ll see a long, long list of FAILURES – crowning failures if I might say so, before the SUCCESS was achieved.

It may be Edison with his 10000 plus tries to design the lightbulb, or it may be Jack Ma, who famously still says “I learnt way more from my failures than my ultimate success”.

It could be Henry Ford, who was bankrupt twice, and who was nigh ridiculed at for trying to build a motor car in the age that he attempted to do so.

It could be anyone you know. Could be me as well when I first got into writing books and starting an online business – – believe me, most of the comments I received (this from friends and supposed well wishers and family) were NOT complimentary to say the least.

This is why I always say its best to keep your plans to yourself.

As Napoleon Hill famously said, “Tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW them first!

And in terms of imperfection in plans, I’m not talking about the small plans – that we seemingly make.

I am talking about the GRAND plan that the Universe has in store for us – – based upon our TRUE desires – – what we really, really want deep down at our core!

This plan often (and usually does) include failures of a grandstanding and catastrophic nature, but what a lot of folks don’t get it is that those failures are but a stepping stone to your ultimate success!

The Universe lets NO-ONE enjoy great accomplishment of ANY sort without first paying your dues in full – duplicate and triplicate as it were! That “hidden guide” I’ve referred to so often takes great pleasure in tripping you up when you’re finally at the door of success (or so you think) – – and does so over and over again – – until it’s convinced you can take whatever it throws at ya – – and more!

Then, and only THEN do the floodgates open, and you receive whatever it is you TRULY DESIRE.

Fitness is NOT an exception to this rule either.

Let’s break this down a bit. At the age of 19, I was unfit – way more so than I should have been at that age.

At the age of 23, I was in the best shape of my life … or so I THOUGHT. (this was after I was introduced to the hill).

At the age of 26, I was in even better shape. Subway stair sprints, and the like …

At the age of 30 it started to go downhill – – and while I kept working out, I ended up turning into a lard ass.

Following on from that – I got into the very best shape of my life at the ge of 36 – – an age where most people “sigh and give up”. And I’m still going strong – and hope – nay, KNOW – I will until the day I “am no more here in the flesh”, hehe, if I might put it that way.

Now, some may ask – – what if you achieved the success then that you are enjoying now? (and I’m talking purely fitness, again).

I’d say it would be great, but it wouldn’t taste as sweet. Not only that – – I would NOT have the knowledge I do NOW – – and therefore probably would NOT be at the fitness levels I am NOT if it weren’t for all the “imperfect plans”, my friend.

The GRAND plan is always perfect – – provided you really KNOW WHAT IT IS you REALLY WANT – – and there is a reason Napoleon Hill devotes an entire preface to this at the start of “Think and Grow Rich”.

I’ll finish off today’s “here” email, hehe, with another quote from the same author – – from “Outwitting the Devil” – –

I would not wish to be again subjected to the experiences through which I passed during that fateful Christmas Eve in 1923, and since, on that eventful evening when I walked around the school house in West Virginia and fought that terrible battle with fear, but all the wealth in the world would not induce me to divest myself of the knowledge I have gained from those experiences.

Ponder that for a while with regard to what is being said HERE – – and let me know your thoughts!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is garnering RAVE reviews and is flying off the shelves as we speak. Grab your copy right here –

Are we all focusing on the WRONG THING?
- ... fight infection ... with IMMUNITY!!

I don’t know what it is these days, but I’ve pretty much stopped “talking” to the vast majority of folks these days (except those on my list, my customers, family and so forth).

The world, for whatever reason is becoming more and more “polarized” (which is NOT a good thing globally) – – “isolated” (again, a BAD thing) – – and (worst of all, to me) – – logical thinking seems to have all but stopped.

While the signs were nigh years ago (folks laughed at me at that time when I mentioned all this. HA!), the recent COVID-19 going around is basically the “straw that broke the camel’s back” in terms of all this.

Half the people I know on social media are complaining that Republicans are the ones that can get the virus under control. Some are parroting Donald Trump’s initial line about “it being a hoax perpetuated by liberals”. Or something to that effect.

The Dems seem to be whinging about the fact that the “aid package” the government offered wasn’t run by THEM first before introducing it (if it’s been formally introduced to Congress as yet, that is). As if that would have helped anything. HA!

With regard to the rest of the world, you have one half claiming that the virus is literally “nothing to worry about” – – and the other half acting as if they’ve all already been struck down by lightning.

And as lockdowns due to the #covid19 accelerate globally (and as China still hasn’t returned to normalcy fully – not all parts of the country, at any rate) – it got me thinking.

Rather than these extended lockdowns – and “social distancing” (and don’t get me wrong, all of those are precautionary measures we should be taking … but rather than all of THIS – wouldn’t we (as a “globe”) be better off focusing on HEALTH – and FITNESS more than anything else?

This virus and indeed most others only really hit those with weak immune systems – social distancing or not – and the majority of people that contract it – newsflash – ACTUALLY – recover!

I’m not saying that governments around the globe are overreacting – but what I AM saying is this – there are better things to focus upon to stop the spread of the virus (and NOT be affected by it if you come in contact with an infected person – that being HEALTH AND FITNESS).

We keep hearing about “stimulus” packages – – and governments (China is one prime example) “pumping money into the system” to keep things going.

Sometimes that can be a good thing in some regards, but in the vast majority of cases guess what happens – inflation with a capital I when “non-existent” cash is pumped into an already strained financial system.

Then we have the global panic going on – and people stocking up (and fighting over) things as asinine as “toilet paper”. I recently saw a video of two (corpulent, I must say) ladies literally fighting tooth and nail over a 12 pack of toilet paper – – much like happens on Black Friday etc – – I kid you NOT!

And last, and not least – this mask nonsense. I’ve seen pets here wearing masks … and what truly astounds me is that the masks I see most people wearing aren’t even the N95’s that (may) stop you from contracting the disease.

They’re the regular surgical masks which the CDC and pretty much EVERY doctor out there – – and medical organization  – – have very clearly said are a “last resort measure”, if even that. And even the N95’s as far as I know haven’t really been approved for extended use as they’re being used now.

Amidst all this panic buying, “social distancing”, “global shutdown” and so forth – I truly believe we’re FORGETTING to focus on the one thing that is most important – EXERCISE.

Sure, staying at home may reduce your chances of getting the virus – – but judging by what I am seeing and hearing from most people, it does ZILCH in terms of reducing your chances of contracting other health related issue – obesity related issues, for one.

Not to mention falling ill from other issues, as people stay home, NOT moving – – and shoving unhealthy food down their gullet (all the while making excuse about “well, we’re stuck for now”) …

So again, the question begets – are we really focusing on the right thing?

I’ve spoken before about focusing on what you WANT – – not what you don’t – – and the vast majority of folks out there seem hell bent on the latter rather than the former!

Instead of constantly focusing on the virus which seems to have headlined just about every news outlet out there – would we NOT be better off focusing on things like WALKNG, for instance – – which is the best tonic you can provide for your immune system – and not to mention overall health, strength and fitness levels?

Or DEEP BREATHING, for one.  As Farmer Burns famously once said, deep breathing alone made many a sick man weak, and many a weak man strong!

Or, pushups. Do a 100 pushups a day religiously for a year, and chances are you won’t contract ANY sort of virus – – or flu – – or whatever it is for the ENTIRETY of the year – – and no, that is NOT an over-exaggeration whatsoever!!

Again, no, I’m not “criticizing” government responses to this – and I’m not saying it’s not serious. And I’m not even getting into the “whys and wherefores” and (as one reader recently emailed me saying) “airy fairy stuff about the Universe and it’s laws” (no, it’s NOT “airy fairy” – – its actually as scientific as anything else you’ve read, but all good for now!).

What I AM saying is this -we’re focusing on the WRONG things as a GLOBE.

The first thing we SHOULD think of, and hear about upon waking up is our OWN health and fitness levels – -and that, my friend, is today’s message.

Do so – and ignore the “noise outside”- and I guarantee you that you’ll be far, far better off for it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Home based workouts are truly the best, and leave NO room for excuses, and that is pretty much why I put together the 0 Excuses Fitness System – an exercise System ANYONE can follow along with. Grab your copy now, and follow along with ME as I workout in my living room –  –

P.S #2 – Another course that has been getting great feedback is Pushup Central, and here is where you can grab YOUR copy – –


“If you take 100 steps after each meal, you’ll live to 99.”
- Not meant to be taken literally - but it's TRUE for the most part!

Way back in the day, I believe this was in 2008 – – the year of the “global crash” if I recall correctly, hehe – – I was talking to a colleague of mine.

When I say colleague, of course, bear in mind this was when I worked full time – – “back when I still did so” – – at an I.T. company (not THAT one I refer to so often!!).

Boy that seems like another lifetime ago. If there is one thing I couldn’t handle right as of now, it is “working for another person” – – and that, my friend, is a feeling of mine you can take to the BANK – either literally or otherwise!

Anyway, it was after lunch – -and I usually used to, for whatever reason, eat sandwiches at the time, and then go out for a bit of a stroll outdoors to kill time before it was time to clock back in.

Sometimes though, when I was busy, I’d use this opportunity to get some extra work done – – so I didn’t have to clock overtime (ugh!).

And during one of these times, I was gently chided by a colleague.

“Don’t sit down! You just ate!”

“Oh, I’m a little busy right now buddy”, I replied.

He looked at me.

“That’s fine, but remember the saying I told you a couple of days ago …”

Now my colleague was Indian – – and being this was an Indian company I worked for, I learned plenty of “traditional” Indian sayings there, and one of them rang NIGH TRUE to me the MINUTE I heard it.

“Walk a 100 steps after every meal, and you’ll digest your food much much better!”

This struck home for me, especially being I’ve lived in mainland China for most of my adult life. A popular Chinese saying is this –

Fan hou bai bu zou, huo dao jiu shi jiu” (飯後百步走,活到九十九). This translates to, “if you take 100 steps after each meal, you’ll live to 99.”

And while it’s not meant to be taken literally – it’s TRUE.

Walking, my friend is a highly, higher UNDERRATED exercise in many ways.

It builds muscle if done right (ok, not the amount of muscle other exercises build, but still) – – and it burns FAT galore – -all over your body – -if done right.

And in terms of building muscle, I take BACK what I just said as I recall my daily walks in China, and they got me into the very best shape of my life – – lightning quick!

My thighs literally turned into SOLID PILLARS OF STEEL – -and that ain’t no exaggeration after just a few walks up that hill – – think of what happened down the line, hehe.

And even if you aren’t interested in building muscle – walking burns LARD – and tons of it, if you do it regularly, and in a way that pounding the pavement and running on the treadmill cannot duplicate.

And it does so without the repetitive pounding your knees and ankles are subject to during pavement pounding or lengthy jogs – – and more importantly, it does so without “frying your internal organs” (and if you don’t believe me there – – well – – take a look at the dried out skin and overall health levels of those that run marathons regularly).

Now don’t get me wrong. If you want to run a marathon, by all means train for it – – and run that damn thing. All I’m saying is it should NOT be a cornerstone of your regular training regimen.

And last, but not least – – if you’re in the sort of shape that even getting into a pushup position – – or bending backwards a quarter of an inch is an IMPOSSIBILITY (and yes, that is the REALITY for a lot of folks) – well – walking has you covered there as well.

You’ll burn fat, and lose weight … and you’ll get into better condition which will allow you to then build and get in EVEN better condition – – and so forth!

Last, but not least, don’t underestimate the MENTAL benefits.

Some of my best ideas have come while working out – – and walking has always been involved. Books, courses, new exercises – – or new “positions” (haha, I’m kidding!) … you name it, and workouts that involve walking, and a lot of it, have always “inspired” me to new heights of creativity if I might say so, and done right, they will do the same for you too!

In fact, I got this idea (to write this email to you) while taking my “100 step walk after lunch” – albeit indoors, hehe, due to the virus shutdown.

Last, but not least, if that shutdown has forced YOU indoors as well – -and given the state of affairs globally, it likely has – – you still have NO excuses left, my friend.

Walk indoors. Walk around the table. Walk around your furniture.

A Chinese guy recently went viral for “losing weight while running around the furniture in his house umpteen number of times”, and while I don’t know the specifics – – well – it just shows that where there is a will – there is always a WAY!

All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – There is a right way to walk – -and a wrong way. Yes, you heard me. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other has NUMEROUS, MANIFOLD benefits, and it is key to walk the right way. Note – most people don’t! It’s something I cover in Eat More – Weigh less – – and it’s something you really need to learn if you’re serious about fitness and losing weight – – and getting into the best shape of your life. Get this course right here – –

P.S #2 – Heard they recently had a “one day voluntary curfew” of sorts in India. I have no idea what that would accomplish other than PANIC – – something the PM of the country himself was cautioning against – – and yet, here is this curfew, which none other than the PM exhorted the entire country to follow, if just for one day. Now my question is this – what would that accomplish? Virus gone in one day? Good marketing?? OR … I must admit, some of these measures taken globally have me stymied!

P.P.S – In fact, if he’d exhort the country’s citizens to WALK more – something EVERY country should do – then they’d likely be better prepared in terms of immunity against the virus – – and the REAL pandemic – obesity – – would be far more under control than it is NOW! Ah well …

Punch PROOF midsection
- ... with little else other than concentrated deep breathing!

In the last email I spoke at length about a midsection that could take blows to it (delivered with FULL FORCE) and then some … and today, I’ll continue on in the “same vein”, hehe.

I don’t know if you have heard of it, but in 1912, an American wrestler and (originally) farmer) known as “Farmer Burns” came out with a FANTASTIC little course called “Lesson in Wrestling and Physical Culture) in which he explained fully his methods of exercise and devoted entire Chapters to the art of wrestling – – and more (diet etc) – but wait.

Just who is this “Famer”, you may ask?

Well, he’s the legendary strongman of yore that had a 20 inch neck and has been WITNESSED to survive a – get this – SIX foot hangman’s drop.

He was lean and mean well into his 70’s, and wasn’t anyone to trifle with even back then. And he was BIG, as many wrestlers are (or most) on one of the BIGGIES that I repeatedly mention in 0 Excuses Fitness – – that being the BRIDGE and all it’s variations.

This one exercise alone can amp your midsection to the point where you’ll be blow torching fat off so quickly you’ll wonder where it all went – IF you do the exercise right – – and part of that involves DEEP BREATHING.

As the Farmer rightly said, and as I keep saying in 0 Excuses Fitness – – and all my other courses (including pull-ups, which is an exercise most think does NOT lend itself to deep breathing – – but it DOES, my friend – – it does!),

“Deep breathing alone has made many a sick man well, and many a weak man STRONG”.

And while that might sound incredulous, it really isn’t my friend.

Yesterday, I spoke about pull-ups – – and how they can give you abs that you never dreamed of – – but here is the good news, and what I want to mention NOW.

There is ONE exercise – a FORGOTTEN exercise (even by the mystics, so called expert and yogis) out there that will have literally the same EFFECT – and that ANYONE, even if you’re in bad shape – or pathetic – or even if it’s your grandmother we’re talking about –can DO and start benefiting from almost instantly.

It ain’t a pushup, and it aint a crunch or pull-up.

It requires NO equipment, and it is done while standing on your feet – – and BREATHING – – and focusing upon your breath.

And its NOT any of the exercises that is likely coming to your mind when you read this – and the BENEFITS, you ask?

Well, let me quote the ole Farmer.

My own abdominal muscles are soft enough when relaxed, but when I “set” them the muscles are as hard and rigid as the muscles of my arms or legs. … Nothing better for abdominal development than deep breathing and holding the breath.”

Well, well, well.

Note the last sentence. Nothing better than deep breathing, eh? So all of that stuff I’ve been parroting in ALL my courses – – it does have some basis, eh?

Of course it does – I just put that here for added “proof”, hehe, but the point is this – that if you’re looking to build that rock solid, IRON CAST MIDSECTION – – a PUNCH PROOF MIDSECTION as it were, then you simply need to partake of this exercise I’ve mentioned above – as well as another than can be done “sitting” down as it were (but in my opinion, that is NOT as beneficial as this one).

And even if you don’t want a “punch proof” abdomen (and who doesn’t??) or are NOT interested in combat sports – – well – – I’m sure you ALL want that six pack, and less FAT around the midsection, don’t you?

Jack La Lanne once coined the phrase “Your waistline is your LIFELINE. You should never let it get bigger than it was in your PRIME” – – and he was right, my friend.

Imagine the sort of shape YOU will be in if you incorporate this advice into your lifestyle NOW – – and start cranking out the exercises that will GET you there. Hey – I know – – I’ve been there, done that, as I’ve stated so many times before!

What if YOUR waistline gets to the point (like mine did and HAS) – – where you are in FAR better shape – – 10 or MORE years down the line than you were “in your prime”?

Would you not enjoy that? I bet you would, my friend!

And looks aside, note what the Farmer says about the muscles being “soft” normally.

You do NOT want muscles that are unnaturally set or rigid all day long – – unless you want major league problems down the road in terms of energy blockages in your body, and DYSFUNCTIONAL musculature.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. I believe it was Muhammad Ali that said that, but the saying holds true – – and the meaning is much the same as what I’m saying.

True POWER does NOT come from being “tense” – – it comes when your mind, body and muscles are relaxed – – much like a tiger’s in the wild – – coiled, yet relaxed, and ready to spring at a MOMENT’s notice.

And the same holds true for your abs, my friend.

These are but TWO of the great, great exercises I’ve mentioned in Corrugated Core – – a course that has brought great results for my students thus far (I’ll be sharing another testimonial shortly as I did with Pushup Central a day or so ago) – – and it will bring great results for you too, my friend.

Grab it right here –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – – Right here, my friend. Summer’s almost UPON us – – and you don’t want to miss out – – make sure you are in the sort of shape where you’re not embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach, hehe. Grab Corrugated Core right HERE and get cranking – NOW!

P.S #2 – Some of you have written in and told me that the “clock be a ticking”, as it were, in terms of the special offer price the course is currently on – and currently will last for another 40 minutes or so. I don’t know if this price will last beyond that time – so again – jump on it NOW my friend. Strike while the iron is HOT – right here –

“I’d be wasting my time!”
- Those abs can take it!

I’ve spoken before about the ex-Marine I met – – and how we met, and how we became good friends down the line.

I have spoken before of the sheer “impact” this man had on me when we first met. First impressions COUNT – big time – and let me just tell ya, when I met this dude – the first impression was anything but what you get from meeting the “average” man out there.

When I meet the average man “on the street”, what I see in most people’s eyes is the following (to be honest, and at a bare minimum)

  • Resignation – -both in terms of LIFE – – and health – and overall FITNESS LEVELS, and the corresponding VIBE.
  • A “defeated” look in the eye. As a UFC trainer in a Bollywood potboiler once said “Don’t bring this man to me for training! I don’t train dead men!” (this was actually a hit Bollywood movie “Sultan” – – not sure if you have heard of it, but it was one of the blockbusters of the year whenever it came out – – and no, yours truly does NOT know when – – I ain’t a movie buff for the most part, hehe).
  • A flabby upper body – – rolls of fat around the midsection (you know, those unsightly bloated bellies, muffin tops and “thunder thighs” – – and yes, men are as much a culprit in that regard as women are) …and usually a “Pelican like” impression (i.e. gigantic bloated upper body on “stick like” – by comparison! – legs).


And so forth. None of this, of course was applicable when I saw HIM though. This man was as rugged as they come, and had a confident look about him – – and along with that “kung fu” like grip I’ve so often spoken about (man, I still remember that first day when he almost pulled me off balance, something most people are NOT able to do) … a look of having been in the trenches, as it were.

Anyway, we became good friends and I was talking to him one night over a couple of beers.

We were talking about another acquaintance, a guy that’s a damn good boxer if there ever was one, but a guy that is unfortunately also fat and out of shape.

“He could knock your damn lights out”, my friend noted.

“Sure could”, I laughed, and I meant it.

And then I started to say it, but stopped – – but I need not have.

“But yeah, I know what you were going to say” my buddy continued.

“Yeah? What?”

“He’s flabby around the middle. I agree. Soft around the middle, rather…”

“Indeed”, I said. “He is as skilled a BOXER as any, but in terms of overall fitness levels and lard lumps – – well – – he has got some DOING to do, my friend”.

“Let’s see him take a couple to the gut!” my friend said.

And then I asked my friend to “hit me in the midsection”.

“Give me a couple”, I said, laughing. “Let’s see if I can actually take it” (and believe me, I wasn’t sure I could – despite the shape my midsection is in – – I am NOT sure and WAS NOT sure it could withstand King Kong striking it, if you get my drift!)

“Nah. I’d be wasting my time”, laughed my friend.

“No, really. Try it”.

He “felt” my abs a bit.

“Pointless” he laughed. “I’d take you down another way!”

And that, my friend was a TRUE CONVERSATION – – and if a man that is as skilled physically as they come – – and in as good a shape as any – – has that to say – – well – you better BET  it’s TRUE!

And one of the exercises that will get you there is the almighty pull-up, my friend.

If you want a midsection from hell, and a ripped core – along with gorilla like grip strength and traps that look like MOUNTAINS extending from your ears to shoulders – then you need to get DAMNED good at the pull-up, my friend.

And why am I telling you all this?

When I first wrote the “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” book in 2011, I had literally NO idea it would take off like it did.

Folks were going crazy over this down to earth training manual that put to paid much of the misinformation out there on this great exercise.

When I REPURPOSED it in 2017, with ADDED sections – and when I included my OWN EXPERIENCE – well, let me just say that the feedback I got was OFF THE CHARTS, my friend. Quite literally. Folks were getting great results in a very short period of time – and were going bonkers.

I figured I’d stop there, though. I mean, why fix what ain’t broke, right?

But I was WRONG, as I often am.

Although the initial course was extremely successful, there was those that wanted MORE.

There were those that wanted to get from STUD – to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups and replicate MY OWN gains while doing this AWE INSPIRING exercise – in ways they had never dreamt of before.

There were those that like me, wanted to get to the point where they could bang out 100 plus pull-ups in a workout – day after day – month after month – and barely feel it.

And so for these elite folks – – I put out “Pull-ups – – from STUD to SUPER STUD” – – another extremely well received training course. People took a while to get used to the unique nature of the exercises, but oh my – the GAINS??

If they were off the charts before, they were off and into outer space NOW.

And now, you ask – why did I put this compilation out?

Well, some people wanted “everyone in one place”.

Others wanted a “bit of reduction” in the overall price.

Yet others wanted “all the information together” before they started – – and wanted “motivation” to go on and GET ’em – – and they found that motivation via the pictures in the advanced course (hint – yes, yes, and yes – you CAN EXPECT to get in THAT kind of shape, if not better, once you implement the advice in these courses and get cracking).

For years I “vacillated”, and did nothing about these requests. Again, why fix what ain’t broke?

But now I HAVE, my friend. I HAVE NOW – and I’ve put out a compilation on pull-ups that contains not just my two BESTSELLING BOOKS on pull-ups – – but also a BRAND NEW “FAQ” section that alone is probably worth more than the pittance I’m charging for this course.

If you’re a pull-up fan – – in any way, shape or form – you’ll want to grab this NOW – instantly – immediately.

Do so right now and right HERE, my brother – –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – As my daughter recently said, there is NO better time than now, and the same applies HERE. Grab this “once in a lifetime” opportunity to take your pull-ups to the next level and beyond – – right HERE – –