A post thanksgiving workout

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Dear reader,

If you’re like most folks reading this, you probably had a whale of a time during Thanksgiving – as it should be, of course.

Of course, this “whale of a time” involves eating – and a LOT Of eating at that, hehe. While I didnt quite stuff my gourd to the levels I sometimes end up doing during Thanksgiving I did eat a fair bit on Thursday night – but curiously enough, or maybe not so – it doesnt feel like I ate anything out of the normal at all!

Contrast that with the “stuffed to the waistcoat” feeling a lot of y’all are probably experiencing right about now.

You know the feeling, don’t you?

That “ho hum” feeling of sinking back into the sofa after having gorged on some turkeeeeee and associated delicacies, and that feeling of “being unable to move”, or perhaps “feeling slothful to the extreme”.

And if that’s you, and it might well be – well – guess what – NOT TO WORRY!

Here is a modified “mini-workout” from the 0 Excuses Fitness system that won’t take long at all, my friend.

(Do this in the AM if at all possible, but afternoons work well too, or evenings for that matter).

Wake up in the morning. Stretch backwards and forwards as you would in the Hindu pushup position and HOLD each stretch for at least five seconds in each direction.

Slowly increase the time you hold each stretch to 10 seconds, and repeat 10 times.

After this, roll over onto your back and slowly “ease” into the bridge (yes, I know, hehe, it’s tougher after the “pounding” you’ve put your digestive system through over the last couple of days, but you’ll get there).

Rock back and forth as described in the System, and finish off with a timed hold, both in the back bridge position as well as front. Shoot for a minute, or if that is too much for now, try for 30 seconds or so.

After this, go out for a brisk 15-20 minute walk (or if the weather is inclement, jump rope for the same period of time, although believe me, a 5 minute rope jumping session can get far more intense than a 10-15 minute walk!).

All this shouldn’t have taken you more than 20-25 minutes tops.

Come back home, and pound out 50 pushups, either at once, or in sets. Don’t “dwadle” after your walk – jump straight into the pushups!

Finish off again with the back bridge held for time.

30 minutes all in all, and I bet you feel a helluva lot better than if you had spent the same time sinking down into the couch “lamenting” the Turkey Day excesses, hehe.

And that’s the way to do it, my friend. We all have our “occasional excesses” – key is to make sure “occasional” doesnt turn into regular gorging – and the other key is balance it all out with the RIGHT form of exercise.

In the 0 Excuses Fitness system (newly released, by the way!) I give you plenty more workouts that’ll get the blood pumping and the heart roaring, my friend – or was it the other way around?

Either way, it’s just what the ole doc ordered for a “post Thanksgiving” cure, hehe.

Grab your copy NOW!

Best, and happy (belated) thanksgiving again,

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is that link once again – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


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