What the number of Christ may have in store for YOU.
- Indeed interesting!

At the outset, please hear me out – I’ve said this before, I will say it again – I ain’t, and have never been a religious man.

Not one iota, not one smidgeon, I dislike how people follow “cultishly” religion (Which basically is “God” spoken in different languages and tones to me!) to an extent where they can literally  kill, maim, crusade and so forth over it..

I’m not against religious beliefs or any religion in particular either, neither am I a Karl Marx follower, but I do believe he was somewhat spot on in terms of his famous line “religion is the opium of the masses”.

If you think about what has been going on down the ages, and even today, well…

’nuff said.

Anyway, like I was telling my little girl the other day (she’s 9, but she’ll always be a little baby for me – can you identify, doting dads? Hehe) …

I was trying to explains Signs from the Universe to her, how “cats” – either black or white – are a good thing in general – and much more, and ..

“I dont believe in God”, I went. 

“But there are signs from the Universe, the Universe speak to us all the time, and we cannot ignore it!”

She pooh poohed some of this – externally, but she got my drift internally, I could tell which is what counts (and hey, expecting a 9 year old listening to her old man drone on about this, hehe…)

Although every time I use the term old man she claims I’m “anything but old” …

Anyway – so I’ve no idea why 57 is the number of Christ, but from what it seems it is, or something similar.

If Im wrong, I do stand corrected.

But I saw it in my dreams last night, now I see a hell of a lot of things in my dreams, most that come true later, but when my Uncle that passed away in 2013, curiously enough the only one (along with a couple of others) that really liked me (in our family I’m very proudly “the black skeleton”, hehe, or black sheep, or skeleton in the closet, and so forth) … and 2013, being the year I returned to China after a bit of a hiatus, well, when he shows up in my dreams, and he does so very often, I THINK more.

While trying to decipher the message, a segment from the Bhagwad Gita – and a lot more, actually (my dreams usually have multi layered messages that have to be literally deciphered for hours like code) – came to mind.

Again, I aint a religious man.

And when it comes to India, I’m not necessarily in favor of jettisoning English either like the current admin is hell bent on doing, look, it’s one thing to be proud of one’s own language, way too few Indians are, but it’s another to be AGAINST a language which, lets be honest, is still the only global language out there besides Spanish (ok, if you go to China thats different, but other than China!).

Even Russia speaks SOME amount of English ..

Anyway – I think it was “paragraph 57 – and verse 2” or something like that which gave the definition of being what I call true detachment.

Or, “he who is a true sage” – or seer, as I’ve been called, but lets leave ME out of it, I dont have any plans to start year long meditations any time soon! …

Let me see if I can quote the precise verse.

One who remains unattached under all conditions, and is neither delighted by good fortune nor dejected by tribulation, he is a sage with perfect knowledge.

Or, lets phrase it the way the great Rudyard Kipling did it in his poem –

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same…
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

(in the famous poem “If”) …

You see “enlightenment” (which is what the poem was about) or “detachment” (Which is something all the gurus talk about, precious few of them themselves are truly detached from anything) which is key to #1 – cuts across cultures, languages, religious “divides” and so forth …

Anyway, 57 – I saw a wrestling match and clubs in my dream along with many other things, and a countdown going on, many other things.

I doubt y’all be interested in any of that. Hehe. Other than certain readers on this list who love the spiritual stuff…

But I had to tell you, when my Uncle speaketh from the “heavens” (if you believe in such a thing) then it’s important…

But anyway, this is the same sort of thing you need to master, or get close to mastering when it comes to fitness. Especially when you first begin, but long into your journey as well.

Ultimately, you have to remember this- you SHOW up daily, but you dont FORCE the outcome, or even try to.

You may want to at times, it’s but human to do so …

But it’s when you can show up daily and just do without really being attached to the result or outcome in any way (and I mean any way) – and this usually happens when you’re already at a certain point fitness wise – then you know you’re getting someplace.

It’s one thing to want.

It’s yet another thing to NEED.

And once you decipher the vibes and meanings of these two words, well, I wont need to be lecturing you on any of this. Hehe.

Anyway – plenty of spirituality if you can notice in a brutally hard hitting honest manner from yours truly (if you care enough to notice it, lots notice just the fitness, and thats fine!) – in the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

If you ain’t yet got it, well, as the lovely lady said (I’ll keep her identity a secret for NOW), well, “chop chop”, as they say.


And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why ole Mike Pence was damn skippy sure SPOT ON in terms of not having dinner ALONE with anyone (female) but the old lady …
- And he was.

He, along with a host of other people – or perhaps a couple of that I have not put on there (I really should put Vladimir Putin on there too, given the topic – and I mean it – Putin’s comments and thoughts about women in general mirror my own thoughts so much it could be the same person talking!) …is on the page of the “How to not only combat – and WIN AGAINST – but PROFIT big time from the Nazi feminist DISEASE plaguing modern day society” …

And for a damn good reason.

With it spreading its ugly tentacles damn near everywhere, and even more insidiously these days and a certain segment of the population (read doddering fools and Bozos) believing in it and buying into the crap, I gotta tell ya ….

But first, a story.

I remember a certain Carol and Grace, two students who’d take me out to lunch every Sunday afternoon post English class which was fun to be honest.

The class, that is, the lunch, for some reason they wanted to do that – and listen, it was all completely above board.

Both of them are gorgeous – Carol perhaps more so, but that might just be me.

And as I talk to her today, I remember how I met her the first day …

Anyway, this isn’t about that – so the lunch, it was all above board, but I remember telling my wife about it anyway.

“just go”, she said. “It’s just lunch, a good meal for you!”

Which – to be honest, is a rarity. My wife telling me to do something for myself (something nice involving me) is like the Moon shining brightly during the day, it just dont happen. Hehe.

Some of her thoughts and views, anyone that can put up with them deserves not just a monument, but an engraved plague with the words “world’s most patient and tolerant” person inscribed on it (I’m being polite. Hehe).

Anyway, so this happened quite often, I had their wechat’s – again, for no reason other than they were students, and would habitually show up late to class, which I do not tolerate, therefore, one fine day I messaged Carol saying class would begin without her if she was late anyway.

She came in late. Hehe. What is one to do!

Anyway – that afternoon’s lunch was fun, a “Western Chinese style” lunch which … OK, they chose it, and then Grace dropped me off back home, Carol after that.

In the middle I showed them my wife and daughter (then a few months old) – or, actually … well, two years, I believe.

And they both seemed way more interested in the daughter than the wife. Go figure. Hehe.

All above board, I’m telling ya …

At this point, it might be well worth it to remember Pence’s comment again.

I’m sure everyone knows what it is, eh.

Anyway – next day, out of the blue I messaged Carol, for no other reason than to ask about “if she knew an ayi” (cleaning lady, or maid (Glyn basically) in Chinese).

Not if she knew Glyn, hehe. If she knew an actual maid, I had tried cleaning my apartment, but did a shitty job of it I must say, and the old lady Carol found – gem!

Anyway – I asked her that, one thing led to the other, I’m still not quite sure how it happened, but yours truly “fell in love”, and extremely so for probably the first, or second time in his life – or maybe third – but this, the passion, the emotion, the few months we were together – thinking about it, “rollercoaster” doesnt even begin to cut it.


I still feel a shiver of lust when I look at the girl today, she’s that gorgeous (and it’s been damn near 6 years now). Or maybe 7.

Anyway … this isn’t about erotica.

But it all started with that lunch, a few simple words, communication does indeed rule the nation even without trying if you do it right (without trying, hehe).

And Pence was just being honest.

Look, guys, if you’re telling me you aren’t looking at how beautiful she is, and just her qualifications or what not (nothing wrong with looking at BOTH) – then you’re lying.

I recently saw Jennifer Yu, two times U.S Chess champion, and since women with brains has always been my thang – in addition to LEGS, of course, hehe – I had to tweet congrats and more to her (more on that later).

But if I were to have lunch or dinner with her, alone, then I’d be a lying SOB to tell you “I wasn’t thinking of how beautiful she looked” – even if she didnt. Hehe.

Point being, Pence was just being flat out honest.

And if you think about it, he’s right from the standpoint of being safe when it comes to marriages, far too many break up for the wrong reasons, those which could have been avoided.


He was recently asked if he’d vote for Trump, I loved how he answered “well, I’ll probably vote for someone else”. Hehe.

Diplomatic to a T as always is the former VP, solid, I’ll give him that!

My man is still Mike Pompeo though, if he runs …

Seems “Mike” is a thing for me, right down to my own English name. (that is applicable only for China, of course. Hehe).

“English” names.

Like geez, why even have them (use your own damn name, if it was an English name, I dont know if they’d want me to have a Spanish name “raol”, lol), but thats a China thang, what can I say … Maybe an Asian thang.

Anyway, maybe this has something to do with fitness, maybe not. I’ll let y’all chew it over.

Life wise, it showl applies.

And thats that.

For brutally hard hitting honest info like this from a fitness standpoint – the 0 Excuses Fitness system is indeed your TICKET.

And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

Edit – I realized I left two KEY words out of the title, so I had to edit it.

Why ole Mike Pence was damn skippy sure SPOT ON in terms of not having dinner  with anyone but the old lady …

The two words I left out, ALONE – and FEMALE. Hehe. All corrected now, tho!

Behind the scenes
- is where it really all happens.

Vince Palko last year, or maybe in 2020 made a telling comment about me on Freakbook, which I no longer of course use after Nov 2020 …

“Good to see the old guys still there!”

Something like that, if I recall correctly, but that was the gist.

He’s still looking great, I doubt many, if any at all remember the times he was the “Godfather of Internet Marketing” – hehe.

He still looks the part, at least the Godfather part – big, bulky, solid “linebacker” look …

Anyway, this isn’t about him, or anyone in particular, although I could name a few names – more than a few actually.

I dont know, we spoke about Mike Tyson and Herschel Walker in the last email, so we’ll talk about them, perhaps?

Or a certain Matt Furey who my products keep getting compared to “the next level” in that regard, so say my customers “I’ve never seen anyone with products like yours other than Matt Furey and your workouts are far more advanced” …

Business wise, I dont know, you talk Jeff Bezos, you talk anyone you admire really …

The question I have for you is this – all these guys, when you think of them – you think success, you think “they have it all” – you think MONEY – and more.

You think FAME.

you think they’re popular.

But does it ever occur to you, my friend, there was a time where all of these people had nothing – or next to it (perhaps Bezos doesn’t quite fall into that category, but he certainly wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth!) …

ALL of these people, and these are just a few names that come to mind – ALL of them started off from a very dark place indeed.

Herschel Walker, idiots around the globe claim “muscle sticks to him like shit on a stick”.

Maybe now after 30 years of rigorous routine it does.

But he was fat and chubby growing up, he didnt have a fancy gym to train in, I believe he even fashioned his own weights out of implements and so forth …

Iron Mike, we all know he grew up in what was pretty much the “hood” . . .

I’ve spoken above about what you think when you see these people now.

Yet, and this probably should have been the title of this email “none of this would happened if … ”

you can sit down with any of those people, and they might all, in theory, give you different answers, but “if I had not have FAITH” will be one common denominator amongst ALL.

Cut in any way you like, friend, but every stunning success you see in front of you NOW has failed – sometimes spectacularly – FAR more than he has succeeded, and likely grew up disadvantaged in a host of ways you wont even imagine.

They all went through times far darker than what most people consider “dark” – during the “good times”.

They all had the faith and peserverance to keep going “when the whole world was against them” – and during the many difficult years you’ll rarely hear them complain about, except when they mention it as fact.

The faith they had in their skill – their product – the perserverance, the years and years of showing up daily, the hard slog, there is a reason I praise doers like this so much, because it doesnt show, does it, the work?

But it’s there, behind the scenes.

Show up daily, and do so without fail in whatever you do – keep the faith – and I guarantee you you’ll make a success of yourself at that thing – or pretty damn close, or it’ll lead to another success.

THAT is perhaps what I admire most about all these people, their desire that kept burning until the barriers of success were finally thrown open to them, and how.

The average reader reading this will think “baloney” and “horse tripe – or manure, hehe” – and look away.

The average reader will see the results – not the work that went into creating the results, or the DRIVE that set it all up years ago in most cases…

Which is precisely why (if you feel that way upon reading this) you’ll remain average, and thats fine – nothing wrong with that if you so choose ..

But if you choose to understand and apply what I have to say above – what I just said – well, you’ll go places and thats just the beginning.

My books Zero to Hero! And Gumption Galore! deal with these topics in detail …

But anyway, fitness wise, same thing applies.

You have to show up daily, my friend.

Come rain, hail, sun, shine, whatever you show up – sure, sometimes we all need a break from hard workouts, but you do SOMETHING, you keep moving ahead in SOME manner, even though it might not feel like it at the time or be evident or what not …

It is SHOWING up daily that ultimately brings home the bacon, my friend.

Perseverance, my friend, there is no other quality that is more essential to success at anything, or “persistence” as they say, as Napoleon Hill rightly said in Think and Grow Rich, it’s the one quality that cannot be supplanted by ANY OTHER.


Anyway, if you want to progress beyond the average in terms of fitness, to get to truly “superhuman” or superhero status, then you do what those people that are regarded as such did.

Simple as that, I covered that in the last e-mail didnt I?

And the first step is getting good at the 0 Excuses Fitness System, damn good …

And if you have not as yet invested in this world class “champion producing” fitness system like none other out there, then dont just get it NOW.

Get it NOW – chop chop, as a lady recently said (if I may borrow her words).


Chop chop!


Rahul Mookerjee

Your kicks, MY FISTS!
- So said Iron Mike ... hehe.

In one of the “IP Man” movies (not much to write home about, I admit) – I remember Iron Mike, who plays a somewhat corrupt property developer in the Hong Kong based flick – utter the following to “IP Man” (a world class martial artist) …

“Your kicks – my firsts!”

Then he sets a clock for 3:00 (the same as in boxing, three minute rounds)

And then they go at it!

In the movie Iron Mike is nowhere near as well conditioned as he was when boxing or in his prime – or – most recently when he did the exhibition (well, it seemed like that to me!) match against … well, I can’t remember. Hehe. Wasn’t the greatest, but I do remember Iron Mike’s fights in his prime, most of them, especially watching the infamous Holyfield incident!

Iron Mike was known to have kept pet tigers with him – for a man that is as close even today to a TIGER as you can get – well, it makes “sense” from a certain standpont (though even ole Mike admitted that wasn’t exactly a smart move on his part back in the day. Hehe).

(it actually bit off a lady’s arms too, I believe, one of the tigers).

Anyway, where was I – ah, the movie.

I’d rather Iron Mike in Kickboxer (one of them) or some of the other flicks I’ve seen him in.

This IP man series, some of the fights, I get it, martial arts can look that way, but one man against 10 and winning repeatedly, it just don’t seem real (the IP man fights, watch them, you’ll see what I mean).

But Iron Mike vs IP man was one on one, and ole Mike blocked, did the peek a boo so perfectly for a minute you’d be wondering if he was stepping back into his heyday. Hehe.

Guy’s a legend, bar none. And an ANIMAL – as close to it as he gets, and his lifestyle thus far reflects it too.

I can relate, especially those wild parties with the girls. When you train that hard day in and day out, you need an outlet sometimes! (or a lot – talk about RAGING testosterone).

Anyway …

The peek a boo style Iron Mike used, I haven’t (and I’m not an expert on this by ANY means) – seen it used too often …

Most traditionalists focus on the “phone call” style i.e. left hand next to your jaw as if you’re taking a call, anyway – for Iron Mike, given his relative lack of height – and immense muscular power – it worked perfectly his style.

That style would allow him to weave in, weave out – and with that stunning speed and agility he had (probably still does) – which a lot of people dont notice, the dexterity, the speed, all of it … he’d easily duck beneath the opponent’s usually much longer arms, once he was within striking distance – BAM! It was all over pretty much once he got one in.

Iron Mike was all pure streaming muscle, just a pure physical specimen my friend – with the mentality and gut to back it up.

Same thing for Herschel Walker.

And a host of other doers, and ALL Of them swear by high reps of one exercise my friend.

They do plenty of pushups, pull-ups, sit ups, a lot of things. Swimming. Shrugs. a Lot of things, again, but if you hear about one thing constantly about them, it’s an exercise most lazy asses shun – and most people cannot do in proper form, period.

What is it, you ask?

It is the good ole PUSHUP, known as the world’s “possibly oldest” exercise for a damn good reason …  (although Tarzan and Jane might disagree, hehe, which I get it, hey…)

Look, if you’re not doing pushups in high reps, you ain’t training properly, period.

Pushups are truly the BIG DOG of fitness as I keep saying in 0 Excuses Fitness.

Along with squats (which I really should have called the GRAND DADDY of fitness in the book – but fear not – Squat 101 will rectify this) … you simply must be doing these exercises in high reps my friend.

Herschel Walker once famously spoke about how he “just did it and saw how it felt, if it felt good, he kept doing it”.

So much for the idiots who complain about my “just do it” mantra.

Iron Mike regularly pumped out 2000 pushups a day along with all else he did, Herschel Walker, even at his age now does the same damn thing daily every morning.

Now, you guys reading this might never get into the sort of shape a Walker or Tyson was in – thats fine and understandable, those guys are “once in a lifetime”, and not everyone has that singular minded focus (for that purpose) those guys did, which is perfectly fine.

But there’s no denying if you want to get in top shape, and quick at that – you do pushups and a hell of them – and a lot of different varieties of them.

One of them being the good ole fingertip pushup in all its variants, shapes, and forms.

Charles Mitchell, an ex cop from NY and possibly one of the most fanatical when it comes to doing the things and workouts I mention in Pushup Central once had this to say about the book – the exercise above, specifically – that his karate teacher had them do pushups on their fists (mentioned in the book as well) – but THESE fingertip pushups take them to a whole another level altogether.

And they do.

Charles, if you’re reading this, write back and let me know if you reached 25 in one set as yet – and if you have, I’ll drink an extra beer for you when I do, hehe.

For the rest of you, and all reading this, really – get Pushup Central NOW.

The best ever, nothing like it in its genre – that I promise!

(and remember, leave a review, get a 10% off your next purchase, and so forth…)


Rahul Mookerjee

When thy work speaketh for itself…
- And it does!

This morning I received a couple of requests – one from Helena, who loved Dish Delicious so much that she translated the entire book into Portugese, hehe – actually, I received another email from an affiliate on another business I run (where I sell erotica themed books) this morning, the business with Helena has been going on a while.

Lets touch upon that first, after the great and heart felt reviews she left for the book – all very warranted Helena, and thank you again! – she asked if I could rate her translation.

I did so, then she asked if I would be kind enough to recommend her for work on another site – which I also did.

What I wasn’t expecting was her to ask me if she could add a sample of the book along with the recommendation I sent her – she truly likes it that much!

Of course, I okayed it – and asked her to include a link to the book, which she did.

But it’s interesting, I’ve done up recommendations in the past for people before – Daniela De Luca on another website being one (she is an avid reader and translator for SOME of my books there) … I’ve done up one for the absolutely superlative Paula as well ..

Anyway, Paula is an affiliate on the other site. She also did similar work for other businesses, but she got tired of not getting paid on time, discrepancies with payouts etc (which NONE of our affiliates here deal with – all a very transparent system around here) – and more – so she stopped doing it for the most part.

When I offered her the opportunity to be an affiliate (to make some extra money for her superlative work) she basically wanted to do it, but given her past experiences with a lot of other websites in terms of “fudging sales” and what not (or that was her experience, at least) she wasn’t too keen on it, so (despite the fact both of us love working together) – we let that one “go” if you get my drift.

And thats fine, and understandable – I can understand what Paula is saying, and why she is saying it.

Of course, when you’re an affiliate HERE, you’ve got a transparent cut system ie 25% I believe it is as of now, but if you’re selling on other third parties which sell through other third parties, which then sell through others, then, well, “everyone has to get a cut”, so the end amount is sometimes not that much, so I’m not sure if that was entirely the website’s fault or what it is (probably was) – but again, I understood where Paula was coming from.

Yesterday, she sent me a couple of absolutely superlative reviews for two of my books on that site – you know when a reader reads erotica and they’re not just “turned on” – but they can THINK through the erotica, which is really the whole point, it all starts in the MIND – is when you know the books are hitting home, and reaching the right audience.

I’d rather my books reach an audience TRULY interested as opposed to the masses – that holds true for my books here too.

And so much did her reviews hit home for me as they always do that I responded to her at length, and this morning, she said she reconsidered the affiliate deal (if I understand her right) – and we’re now selling in 24 “local” shops in Mexico as well (and more to come) – and these are shops with not much exposure, not much competition etc …

End of the day, here’s the point.

It wasn’t so much “me” or her that caused this to happen.

It was the WORK.

I’ve been working these things for years, and no matter what you might say about me, my work speaks for itself.

Anyway – thats the other site. But it applies here too, there are people constantly wanting to translate for us, and I’ve even got a guy whose written his book and wants to sell it under our banner – more on that later .. but again, point is this.

When you get to a point where you can look back and say “my work is speaking for itself” – then you know you’re starting to get somewhere.

Same thing with fitness, when you get to a point where you can look back and comfortably and confidently say all those years of hard slog are finally showing results, that you can look back and say “I did it”, and “those pies were baked YEARS back” … THEN you know you’re truly BEGINNING to get someplace.

It’s a journey, as I always say, and always will keep saying.

Where it ends is all up to you.

And thats that on a somewhat gloomy winter like morning around these parts, somewhat philosophical as always…

“Many of your emails have a deep spiritual content!” I still remember Charles Mitchell, a long time customer once telling me.

That they do, my friend.

That they do!


Anyway – my work on the 0 Excuses Fitness System speaks TOMES as well, much like the tomes Paula is currently translating into French, hehe.

And if you’re on this list, if you’re part of the 0 Excuses “faithful” – well, then this is a product you simply must have my friend, it will help you more than any other, so get it now if you have not already.

And remember- leave a review once you try it out!


Rahul Mookerjee

“Good thing brick dont hit back”
- Nothing compares to the real thing.

Gorilla Girl seems to be in a better mood today, I’m not sure if all the messaging I’ve been doing over the past few days for her has helped. Hehe. Probably to an extent …

Maybe it’s the grocery shopping she did this morning in Walmart, all good stuff she’s got, lots of veggies, tomatoes for making pasta etc – even bacon which she asked if I like – like?? Love it! hehe – and a lot more.

And she’s taking care of her fish, changing the air filter, doing everything she could, and in short, well, although she hasn’t done curtains as yet – I had to say … “good girl!”

Nah, Mikey, she isn’t like the first wife who wouldn’t “do curtains”, I still remember “The General” telling me that in 2004. Hehe.

Anyway … I finally even managed to get her to watch a movie.

The two movies I’ve been asking her to watch for a while now – or since yesterday, actually, one being Ben Affleck’s “Deep Water”, and the other being, well, Fifty Shades of Grey, both for no reason other than she’d be interested in the topics (first one about being pseudo cuckolded, second about , well … we all probably know by now unless we’re living in a cave or under a rock, and hey I live in the former, but even I poke my head out sometimes, hehe) …

Which she downloaded, and is on #1 now.

And of course, watching it with subtitles despite me telling her “like Sophia, if you really want to learn English, although I see no practical purpose in it for you, then at least stop using subtitles when watching English movies” …

Of course, asking her to do that would be to ask her to stop using chopsticks.

Which she has on occasion, so I see no reason why subtitles shouldn’t join that list of “stop sometimes”. Hehe.

Anyway – she’s in a decent mood… which hasn’t happened in a while, so subtitles it shall be.

And until now the only feedback on the movie I’ve got is this –

what kind of husband would let his wife has a fair

uber乳房  (which translates into Uber breasts – wtf?)

But where did I start – and why is she in this email anyway – well, the subtitles part, same thing for fitness, at a certain point you gotta accept the pain my friend.

I get it – watching Hong Kong Chinese movies without subtitles can be hard, even though I understand a bit of the language.

With all the idioms, cultural nuances etc thrown in …

But if you really want to improve (I dont want to improve my Chinese for various reasons – no matter how politically incorrect that might sound) then you gotta do it …

Sophia, for whatever reason, despite complaining that the translation sucks, wont do it.

Anyway I didnt recommend Bloodsport to her, maybe I should. Maybe I will.

That remains one of my all time favorite movies, in it, one scene where JCVD is asked to prove he’s indeed the student of a famous Japanese teacher – and he’s asked to prove it by showing the instructors at the Kumite the “dim mak”.

What the hell’s a dim mak, asks his friend.

“Deft Touch”.

And so, JCVD is asked to break a brick for that purpose – and he does, but as he’s about to break the top one on a stack of bricks – the instructors yell out again.

(or the “judges” – but they’re likely instructors too)

“Bottom one!”

And that gets everyones attention that is training there, big, small, in between, karate champs, massive dudes, Chong Li the reigning champ that killed in the last contest and “just watched the guy die” after he kicked him in the throat ..

.. POW!

JCVD does it, brick at the bottom shatters, everyone applauds.

Chong Li glowers.

“Good!” , he goes. 

And then ….

“Good thing brick dont hit BACK!”

And his eyes say it all.

It’s a sage comment, and true in the world of fighting.

Fitness too.

fighting wise, you train all you like, nothing prepares you for the real thing, in the ring, against an opponent.

I dont care how well you train the heavy bag – or how good your footwork is – against a live opponent that is skilled, either equally so or more as I’ve always preferred (whats the point if that isnt the case, hehe) … its a different ball of wax altogether.

Like Iron Mike said, “you can have all the plans in the world until you get punched in the face” (not verbatim, but thats the gist”.

Fitness wise, same thing, you can read all about fitness, but nothing replaces actually doing.

Nothing replaces you feeling the pain as your muscles adapt, nothing replaces the sound of tendons that haven’t been used in years creaking away for weeks until you finally get good at squats, and so forth …

Nothing replaces the feeling how sore your chest and triceps are when you do pushups that you haven’t done in years, decades and so forth …

And of course, nothing replaces the giggle I get – or emit, hehe – when I see trolls relentlessly pursue me with their rubbish, in some cases even their so called “research” copies not just from the exact source I’ve used, but exact topic as well (in this case grip work).

Like Bozo Schofield needs the research anyway, all of it was done as he says sitting on a bus in Nanjing or what not … (replace Bozo with Benny or any of the other trollish sorts that have been haunting this place as of late – speaking of the latter, he apparently likes to be “mocked”. Ugh. Like dude, go to a pro for that…)

Anyway …

Back to the real world – and nothing replacing doing – to last in the ring – you need technique – speed – hitting power – lots of things you can train – but one of the most important, my friend, is conditioning.

Nothing replaces it.

With it you have everything, without it, I dont care how big and strong or even skilled you are you wont last (unless you get one in early which probably wont happen either).

And thats why my products focus so heavily on conditioning.

And there are no other products out there on the market that focus on advanced conditioning like I do – this from the “horse’s mouth”, not me, i.e. those that buy my products, and have bought plenty of other fitness manuals as well – and have said as much.

And the 0 Excuses Fitness System, my friend is the ONE course that will get you conditioned like never before, and ready to last all night like the “Energizer Bunny” as well, hehe.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To the idiot that constantly talks about “having great sex”, at least get the belly down to a point to where you can DO it … Jeez. Trolls, indeed an interesting bunch …

Cutting that gas PIPE!
- I aint even talking about politics

I ain’t even gonna get into geopolitics here, and the lunacy surrounding most of the highly idiotic news reports out there (I mean really, putting Putin’s face, admittedly the dude is a real man and a super swimmer – next to some boat in the ocean and then claiming “he did it” – is hardly even decent trolling – let alone news, but thats what news in general, Yahoo! news especially has “descended to” – just ludicrous some of the nonsense they post).

Anyway …

The other day, I bought a stove for the house after a lot of bitching from my wife about it (she sure finds a reason to bitch up a storm doesnt she. Hehe. Dont they all?)

Apparently the burners on the old one weren’t working or some nonsense, I dont quite know, but I could NOT be bothered to get into specifics, so I just bought her the new one.

Part of connecting that stove to the gas supply (in that house apparently what you and I are used it i.e. Piped natural gas isn’t a thing, apparently it has to be done the old fashioned way with heavy, bulky nasty ass gas “cylinders” or what not) entailed removing the gas pipe from the old stove, connecting it to the new one.

Piece of cake, I thought, laughing.

So would you ..

Yet, it took Mr Gorilla Grip an entire hour and probably more to cut through that damned thing before reconnecting it to the new stove.

Now, admittedly I was using a blunt kitchen knife to do it, with the right tool i.e. axe, hehe – it would be over much quicker.

But I used scissors too on it, I wanted to make it a pure grip workout if anything.

And I truly learned the meaning of the word “repetitive” for the nth time – yet again – as I kept cutting through that pipe, pulling, prodding, willing it to cut loose which it finally did. Hehe.

Super grip workout, not featured in either Gorilla Grip – or Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) – or Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) – but probably will be in future books.

Otherwise, remember the simplest of things are enough to build a monster corsucating grip that will shock the living bejesus out of anyone that dares to grip your hand …

That unnatural kungfu like grip I talk about so (that others have said).

And for more, get the books above.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

An amazing book that reminds us that even comfort food can be an ally – if done right!
- If you do things right!

My friend,

Just got in yet another great review from the lovely Helena on the lovely book she loves so much Dish Delicious … this after the other great reviews she sent in for the book!

Amazing book! It reminds us that comfort food can, indeed, be healthy and a great ally when it comes to fitness and wellness. Try the recipes and you’ll see that “healthy” does not mean “boring” or “sad” in any way. Highly recommend it!

I love the way she uses “sad” – yeah, most people equate “sad and boring” – or “hum drum” – or (insert term of choice) with healthy eating, but I keep telling ya, it does not have to be that way, especially if you combine it with a decent exercise system i.e. the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Remember, exercise is king, but nutrition is queen, together they make a kingdom and you cannot go wrong – as the great Jack La Lanne once said.

Hi Rahul! Sorry for the late response, last week was super busy around here. The  link worked! I’ve just left a review there. Also, you’re totally right! After all, health is wealth and food IS health, right? I mean, while we don’t live to eat, the food we eat can give our lives a whole new meaning, in Gastronomy college we learn that feel good food can even make sick people heal faster and I think that’s amazing, food is amazing! It was great to work with you, I’ll be waiting for Volume 2 for sure!

The “work with me” part, she’s translated the book into Portugese ALREADY – within days of reading it (and trying the recipes) so much did she like it!

And yes – exactly – health is wealth, and food is health – if done right!

Volume Two, I dont know, Madam, depends upon how a certain “Madam” Rachna takes all of this, I dont see that Volume out anytime soon to be honest, but I’ll keep pushing. Hehe.

And thats the update.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Food lovers, get the above books NOW.

PS #2 – Remember, all purchases mean you get a link in your inbox to review the product. Do so, provided it’s a genuine review and not spam, you automatically get a 10% discount off your NEXT purchase – cant beat THAT, me thinks.

PPS  – Movie recommendations this morning for Gorilla Girl, whose depressed (an easy life of doing exactly “F all” with no motivation to better oneself will do that)

“Deep Water” (2022)

“Fifty Shades of Grey”.

Lets see what the feedback is, for a self professed “I love to dominate” girl, she should love both – hey … ah, but I’ll get into that on the other site! 😉

Highly paid doc listens to Rahul Mookerjee
- As always, dont they all ultimately hehe.

This isn’t even about the long game (if you’ve read the subtitle of my email).

But its about – well, the guy who had a nasty fall of his motorcycle a while back – and injured his hand – the tendons, you know, towards the front of the hand …. I wrote about this earlier as well.

He kept asking me to source him a prosthetic glove “robotic” glove from China.

Although doing so would mean some amount of profit for me, I told him NO at the outset – I told him to use rubber balls and grippers to gradually rehabilitate and build the tendons of that area back up.

He wouldn’t do it despite a lot of cajoling, so we found out the cost to ship it to him (in India) – and then of course it was too expensive, he didnt want it (I knew this from the get go) – and then he said he’d go to some fancy physiotherapist in town (Which I advised him against from the get go as well).

Today, after a few weeks, I asked him how that was going.

Nothing doing, he said.

What do you mean, I asked.

Apparently the physio wouldn’t take him on.

“He said it just needs exercise”. 

Although I would have chuckled out loud, I didnt. I’m kind sometimes, I like that guy, old fashioned dude for the most part, which I like.

And then he asked me about it again, and I told him – what I tell YOU in Gorilla Grip for one.

That rubber balls and newspaper crushes don’t just build an insane, awesome grip despite it being “too easy and simple”.

They also rehabilitate and help you recover from injuries.

Lots of people think “its too easy, too simple”. ….

Big, big mistake.

Anyway, as another guy came up to him and showed him the equivalent of crushing a rubber ball with a vegetable, I had to chuckle, but dude was spot on, and old dude instantly said “but thats so easy”.

And in that same breath, “but that hurts me to do it”.

Well, duh.

It WILL hurt a bit, so you start easy.

Anyway, I will give him a whole rep set/how to do this during the day, and if he listens, his injury will be waving him goodbye very soon indeed, I suspect it will start to do so within 3-4 days max of starting my program.

Now, my friend, whats this got to do with you.

If you’re injured, hand injuries are common, its obvious, but even if you’re not – bottom line -the simplest things as I keep saying often work the best. Always do, in fact.

The old timers used the simplest of simple things (like pushing against a tree – Great Gama) to build their incredible strength and fitness levels – tendon strength, ligament strength and health, all of it.

So should you, my friend.

So should you.

And the 0 Excuses Fitness System is the right place to start.

And thats that.

Oh, a bit about Gorilla Girl in the PS after I see what the status of my tea is, I wouldn’t want it to get cold.

(we might ship old dude some tea from China – stay tuned on that front!)


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – So, the Gorilla Girl story (tea’s warm in its tea cosy, hehe) ( love that term “tea cosy or cozie, depending”) …

Well, I quit talking to her for a while – she was getting too damned boring, and all those stupid videos she keeps watching, that nascent spirit of Nazi feminism which unfortunately lies dormant within every woman unless you can nip it in the bud was starting to increase more and more.

So, I just up and deleted her, and forgot about her.

Presto, months later, a week or so ago, she sent me something “why did you delete me!’

Then something about “I wont show you my boobs again!”

Like girlie, after all thats happened, would you need to. Hehe.

Anyway, thats a different issue, but I couldn’t help from chuckling, she’s pissed I wont help her improve her English for free or other immensely boring “simp” tasks like Schofield so loves to do …

And yet, she’s back at it pestering me about why I deleted her.


Anyway, I asked her what she wanted, which I already know, of course.

“I want you to stay quiet and show up when I need you”

Yes, Princess, I went, laughing out loud.

“Oh, just shut up!” came the furious retort… 

Hehe, women, sometimes I like to say CAN win for losing … LOL.

Anyway – more real world knowlege and application of the tips in “How to not only combat and win – but PROFIT – big time from the Nazi Feminist disease plaguing modern day society“.

If you’re, like a lot on this list “having trouble with women” (not my words) then this book will help you beyond belief, so get it NOW.

What people say matters not – what they FEEL does. (and why ole Kapil Dev was SPOT ON)
- A lesson for those of you that care to learn. Hehe.

I still remember a friend Rueben telling me angrily way back in the day – well, he was telling Em, my then girlfriend.

“It’s not WHAT he says. It’s HOW he says it”.

A couple of months later, we were pals again, though I did not make much effort to reach out – long story.

But what I’m about to say explains the extreme reaction most people have towards me – either me in part – or full, and it explains a hell of a lot more if you’re paying attention (nah, I wont give away ALL my trade secrets here. Hehe).

Anyway …

(and yeah, I love it that way. Either you love me or hate me, like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla rightly said about me “with you at least I know where I stand”. Reminds me of the same dialog in Rambo II. A “doer” dialog if any! And i’d rather be that way).

(naturally, at that).

Anyway, my wife was telling me last night I think about “how shrinks are saying even 5 year olds are getting depression now”.

I guess Youtube gave her that “info”.

I sighed loudly.

“Whatever”, i said. “The world in general has turned into pansies, men want to be girls, excuse mongering fools whose (one of them) favorite word is “depression” ;women want to be either butch women or men – apparently 5 year olds are told in school “its alright to switch genders” – if you call fat fools fat fools then they bitch up a storm about their feelings being hurt while ignoring fact, if you call a spade a spade they have to call it a diamond or what not, most of all, logic or any sort of realism has flown straight out of the window to be replaced by molly coddled pansified sissified nonsensical rants about “feelings being hurt”.”

“Everyone’s feelings get hurt, but what do they actually DO…”

Not to mention, I carried on – overreliance on utterly (and dependency actually, I should say) useless medication for so called depression and other issues, what they really need is …

I had to pause for breath then. Even I do, hehe.

She got one in.

“You’re not even listening!” 

I groaned inwardly, as I knew exactly what she was going to say.

“OK, I’m sorry”. 

And then she told me all about the shrinks, and oddly enough – about an Indian cricketer Kapil Dev – one of the legends of the sport, and his rant on what he feels (his heart felt thoughts) about “people being SOOOOOOOOOOO stressed out these days”.

They’ve got nothing to be stressed out over, he was fuming.

Source – https://www.republicworld.com/sports-news/cricket-news/big-backlash-against-kapil-devs-views-on-mental-health-but-its-not-all-one-way-traffic-articleshow.html

Legendary former Indian Cricket team captain Kapil Dev has divided the internet after his remarks on the mental strain faced by athletes during big tournaments. While recently on the show named ‘Chat with Champions’, the first-ever World Cup-winning Indian captain said that he does not understand the terms “pressure” and “depression” and that they are “American words”. He even advised young players not to play if they complain about being stressed.

His comments have left netizens polarised, as many are expressing their disappointment in Kapil Dev for undermining mental health whereas others are quoting him and calling his statements “gold”.

And he’s right, they dont. People whine and moan too much, in the good ole days they’d be GONERS by now.

Truly, that Dunkirk spirit is well and truly MISSING.

And from a guy who’d routinely run into bowl with shot knees – who’d carry a very weak Indian team for years, and never complain about it (compare that to these days when you take a break for the slightest little fuckin thing), a guy who could barely take a day off or he wouldn’t get paid, a guy who literally ran to practice with nary the money for proper cricketing shoes, and more … and just up and DID it, and became one of the greats, I hear him.

I’ve been saying the same thing forever.

And it’s what people FEEL.

And by and large the real majority of people feeling that way are silent.

Its the minority of whiners that keep whining …

But even they deep down inside know what the facts are – as evidenced (in terms of this business) by the “desperate” pleas for private audiences with me (I dont need to name names here if you’ve been paying attention. Hehe).

Why just this biz?

I’ve been told for my writing for the erotica biz that “my words make them… “you know what.

And thats a few words, a few posts.

True, I dont share those here, and there’s no need to.

But thats how they FEEL.

And hence my success in whatever I choose to do whole heartedly, as opposed to the lumpoons and apes who do all they can to ape me – and fall flat on their faces.

Thats one major reason amongst others at least, now whats that got to do with you you might ask?

Good question.

Because it relates to fitness as well, my friend.

And it’s as simple as I wrote bout earlier.

If you’re really fit, strong, if you’re feeling like a billion bucks because … well, fitness wise, you’ve got your game going right – then your words will show it.

Conversely if you’re fat and lazy, always down in the dumps about “people dont treat me nice”, and “woe betide me” and other crap that is so popular for one with the LGBTQ loving nutjobs …… well, its nigh evident how you feel.

Marketing wise, life wise, fitness wise, if you can pick up on – and PRESS home on – how people feel – well, my friend, you’ve got it MADE then in all regards.

Anyway ….

The best damn fitness system is out there for the taking, if you (those that havent as yet on the list) dont “feel” like taking action on it NOW, well, I “feel” you aint a got a pulse. Hehe.

And thats fine….

But you gotta admit, being admired by those that love you is one thing, it’s when even the trolls and nutjobs grudgingly (and important – repeatedly) admit you’re “the God of fitness” – then truly, the term I use here (again, feedback from customer, not mine) “The Stella Artois of Bodyweight Culture” truly makes sense.

Ok, he says “bodyweight exercise Guru”.

But you get my drift, hehe.

Anyway. I’m here to help you if you so choose, my friend, but I’m NOT here to molly coddle or for drama of the nature of “oh, hes soooooooooooooooooooooooo depressed”.

Like I told my wife last night, this BS depression crap people spout, grow a pair, and snap the fuck out of it.

“Is there any other way”,  I then asked mildly. 

And her silence spoke volumes.

I then asked her “well, dont you agree with what Kapil said“.

Of course I agree, she went. I’m just not saying anything …

And that proves that, everyone feels the same way, now whether or not you got the balls to admit it publicly – thats another issue.

Well get back to this later.

But for now, remember, one of the courses amongst many people here REALLY, really want is Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Battletank Shoulders.  (because they dont just feel these courses are even more of the real deal – they KNOW it for a fact. Hehe). (and thats an unbeatable combination, feelings backed up by FACT).

No, the price ain’t going down on either, in fact they will go up, up, and UP shortly, so get your purchase on NOW if you’re looking to lock ’em in at the price they’re offered at NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee