Squat 101 -the WORKOUT! – and more.
- YES!

We’re on a roll aren’t we! Hehe.

The workout video for Squat 101 which lots of you have been CLAMORING for – is now … LIVE!

You’ll be able to access it from the sales page – you’ll see an option to purchase it either with the default download – or with the other options available.

Now, whats different about this video and what we did for 0 Excuses Fitness?

Well, lots of things.

First off, this video like with the Pushup Central workout – shows you that workouts dont necessarily have to have super high reps – so long as you keep going, dont pause for forever between reps, and do TOUGH variants of an exercise (whatever is tough for YOU, not what I or someone else deems easy or tough!).

Thats KEY.

Second, 0 Excuses Fitness focused on the basic Hindu squat, which is fine – here I focus on the bodyweight squat, variations of jumpers, and even give you some isometrics to stretch your thighs out at the end of it all. Trust me, these can make you sore – very sore!

I’m writing this at the time of uploading the videos, but they will be live very very soon – when you get this in your Inbox, they will be AVAILABLE for purchase.

Naturally with this invaluable in person instruction the price will go UP – like I always said it would for my books.

And so, you’ll want to grab this NOW.

Last, but not least, my workouts with Indian clubs on youtube – well, one of the videos generated this question – how much should the person BEND their legs while doing ’em high rep, and without a pause?


Basically in the video you see me going non stop for 100 reps, clockwise, counter clockwise, and I bring the HIPS into it – and I have a slight bend in the knees.

Now, thats one way to do it, but ideally what I do is keep the legs straight – ALMOST – and then torque from the midsection.

That variant blowtorches the lower back and core even more, I’ll have a short Youtube video out on it very very soon indeed.

But for now, remember – when you start, its OK to start light.

And it’s OK to have a SLIGHT – emphasis on SLIGHT bend – in the knees when doing these.

No more than maybe 5 or 10% if that makes sense.

Try and keep them straight if you can, maybe a 2% bend, and you’ll see what I mean by BLOWTORCHING the sides etc.

Alright, back to it.

Get these great videos NOW!

And place the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while the price is still very reasonable given what you are GETTING – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

Pushup CENTRAL – the Video!
- YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beeen longggggggggg overdue for a while, this one video I’ve been meaning to put out – a FULL workout!

So apt it came on a day where I’m even more pressed for time than usual, but then again, so are a lot of you reading this!

The entire point is BRIEF workouts less than 15 minutes long to get the heart thumping, muscles BUILDING and working HARD – with minimal rest, and keep going -without taking lengthy breaks, or breaks at all between sets.

Now, 0 Excuses Fitness has a 250 pushup and other exercises “all in one workout”.

This one is a 100 odd pushups, I thought due to time constraints, I’d do only 70-90. I did 110.

Without further ado, it’s available NOW on the Pushup Central page – now, whats different between this video and the 0 Excuses Fitness video pushups?

First off, you should have BOTH – the good craftsman has ALL tools – valuable tools in his or her toolkit, period.

They’re DIFFERENT, neither is better than the other.

There I did 250 odd pushups in 20 odd minutes. With 250 odd before that (not filmed) – so I had plenty of warmups!

Here, not the case – 110 in all in around 12 minutes flat.

Lots of deep breathing – common!

But what I Really wanted to showcase in this video, and have – you dont necessarily need super high reps of everything assuming you maintain strict form on all your reps, do advanced variations of the exercise, and, most importantly keep GOING without lengthy pauses!

Imagine a whip at your backside while you do so, perhaps you’ve gotta go pick up your daughter from school – something that really cannot wait, anything, whatever it is – Keep going!


And thats how you get a super productive muscle building and conditioning x 1000 galore workout all in one.

Next, I do tiger bends and other advanced pushups like the “floor humper” I did not focus much on in 0 Excuses Fitness.

I’ve left out the easy stuff for this one.

I did pike pushups too!

All stuff NOT covered in 0 Excuses Fitness.

But thats the baseline, with Pushup Central we go advanced – and then some – and we’re just getting started

You’ll want to grab this NOW if you haven’t already!

Do so NOW via the Pushup Central page.

Hurry, because with this great addition the price WILL go up manifold, and I’d be damn well justified in doing so too, and so I will.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m out hurried, harried, but EXHILIRATED. What a workout and a half! Hehe.

The similarities between yoga and 0 Excuses Fitness…. end – HERE!
- And more - enjoy!

This afternoon, while working out at the park, an Indian lady was there before me.

My favorite spot was sort of taken, so I moved beside her, starting my stretches, then my pushups, then taking videos, and so forth.

She was doing yoga.

And she was doing a great, superlative job – especially given her BULK.

She was truly fat – yet, she was doing things most slimmer ladies that are truly unfit would be hard pressed to BEGIN to do.

I could, however, yet, almost feel her looking at me sideways – and asking me – “Wow, you’re in great shape” – as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla, who could knock my lights out in one shot and probably yours too, hehe once said about me.

“You’re in great shape, man! Keep doing what you are!”

And she would have no doubt asked, as others have – if I was doing yoga.

Indeed, although I have never taught yoga and dont plan on doing it, Marc said that too – I wouldn’t look out of place with my long hair as a yoga instructor!

Perhaps I could do it yes.

And yes, there are a ton of similarities between some of the movements I teach, and yoga – yet, which is better?

Conditioning and fat loss wise, I definitely believe and know – 0 Excuses Fitness is your ticket – strength and conditioning, there ain’t no contest.

Dont get me wrong.

Yoga does GET on deep breathing and stretches.

But fat loss?

Like Tai Chi ain’t exactly the best in terms of conditioning/preparing you for real world fights, so is yoga NOT the best for fat loss and overall weight loss.

It builds the bones, builds basic strength, has a ton of other benefits, but if you look at the scores of Uncles and Aunties doing it every morning (dont get me wrong, better than nothing) – and scores of people “walking to lose weight”, yet years later they never do, part of the reason it doesnt promote that heart thumping which really gets the butter burners going.

Surya Namaskars, for one (sun salutations) are superb, especially when done for reps, but they dont hold a candle to the Hindu pushups when the latter is done for high reps with the right form and breathing.

Ditto for most of the movements I teach.

They take yoga to a whole another level.

Sure, iyenegar yoga or whichever it is that makes you sweat like in a sauna, some of that gets the heart rate up, but thats different (ditto for cold weather training).

ANyway, lady was doing great!

And I would have told her, hey, dont cut yourself short on the pushups.

And “I used to be just as big as you!”

Hey, she was doing perfect headstands too – she deserves the encouragement.

With that, a couple of questions I’ve been asked.

One, and this has been asked many times, can ladies do pushups – and follow my teachings in general.

Damn skippy they can – especially on handstands, pull-ups – movements a lot of women do BETTER than the bulked up men out there.

(not that proper bulk is  detrimental – fat and gym built bloat is).

NEVER sell yourself short based upon gender or genetics. Other than the regular pushup, MOST of the pushups I teach are just as suitable for ladies as for anyone else and even the regular one is if you work up to it properly.

Second, an interesting one from J in NEwark.

About using pushup handles.

Should he, or should he not?

This guy lifts weights right.

He’s a mountain of muscle (just goes to show you I’m not against lifting weights right – hey, I wouldnt write Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness if I was!).

It’s the booby building I hate, and no I did not coin that term.

A famous bodybuilder back in the day did, anyway handles?

Well, interesting one, J!

I did a video today about how to strengthen the wrists beyond belief with pushups and three types of pushups specifically targeting the wrists.

For someone with naturally small girl like weak wrists, someone with an even weaker right wrist weakened even by falls out of buses and such (hey, no-one taught me which leg to land on when jumping out of a running bus!!) – to someone with a bonafide kung fu like Gorilla Grip that puts men thrice his size to shame, well, I’m qualified to talk about that!

They’re great.

If you’ve got wrist problems, they help and strengthen the grip a lot – like knuckle pushups done right do – because they give you an extra grip workout while you’re at it. They also allow for a more solid stretch at the bottom part of the pushup which is awesome.

But, I prefer doing ’em on flat hands – and fingertips.

Id rather BUILD my wrists up – and then do these – or do both – but not one or the other, that said, if you’ve got painful wrists from years of weight lifting, then DO use handles until your tendons strengthen to the point you can do them on fists, fingers, or otherwise without pain!

Last, but not least, the DIP, and how far to go – after my recent videos on dips, people have asked me that too.

Go down as far as you can go, as I’ve always said.

Those of you with pre existing injuries, work up to the stretch. Go slow. But never think you cannot do it, or it should not be the goal, a full stretch on everything you do should always be the goal.

Well, my friend, lots to digest there.

Have at – I’m off to digest a well earned meal shortly!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Revisiting the “Brooks Kubik” workout…
- Always one for the ages! Hehe.

When I was young (did I ever age? Hehe) – I was on a certain Brooks Kubik’s list who wrote the world famous email about “Rahul’s hill walking workout from China”, I still remember it so vividly, and despite me and my parents never agreeing about anything telling them about this.

“Wow, he put my story in his list!”

It was a bit late, but ole Brooks loved my tale – true story of course – even asked if I was in the military. Hehe. Little did he know!

Anyway, we often spoke about training.

About me lugging bottles of water up flights of stairs – one 20 liter in each hand – just like its done in China till this day. Builds immense strength and conditioning, if you lug A/C compressors up, that much ignored muscle in your chest might feel a tad compressed too! Hehe.

Brooks would tell me to fill it with sand as I got stronger. Hehe.

We’d rap back and forth about “waist whittling” – something Brooks is probably still huge on.

Anyway – as I “get out” of another one of those excellent, extremely VIVID (poignant too, though the vivid is more here!) dreams – I remember him once writing to his list about the “postman workout”.

Guy brought up in several parcels of his books, at the time he was living at the top of a hill, I believe in Louisville Kentucky.

And the workout was simple – not letting the postman lug it all up the hill. Hehe.

Simple, brutally effective.

Hard training has always been in my blood – even though I didnt always know how – and certainly didnt have the so called genetics for it.

It could be lugging “cases of beer up stairs” – a great workout unto itself – and not one my Mom, or yours would necessarily endorse. Hehe. Interesting, I never told them that, yet that was what they asked! (I was more talking about lugging GROCERIES UP) …

The same Mother who later proclaimed “I’ll never forget you pinch gripping our suitcases and lugging them up four flights of steep stairs, one in each hand”.

And I was actually out of shape back then!

But anyway.

Hills, inclines, carrying stuff up there – unbeatable and simple combo that just flat out works my friend.

Or even lugging your OWN ass up hills…

And Advanced Hill Training was one of those numerous courses written in the flow, chaos and bedlam around me, but the project got done serenely – Chinese New Year 2018 memories.

You’ll want to grab it now, truly has ALL you ever need to know about training on hills – or stairs – or inclines.

You can even port these routines and workouts over to FLAT LAND.

And it’s got a piece of me – from deep down inside, embedded in EACH of the pages.

Look, and you shall find it!

And thats that.

Back soon – oh – you’ll get SPECTACULAR results from training this way, my friend – nigh stunning.

The fat will literally fly off so fast you’ll wonder “looking down” – no pun, hehe – if it ever existed in the first place. No pun again for those in the know on the other biz!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Thank you mucho to tall lady helping out in the dream last night. That was one of the best dreams I ever had, so prophetic too as always!

The power that comes from ONE!
- MAI!

My – or MAI!

Or, Mou, hehe.

My name in Chinese is “Mou Hua The” – and a certain Cindy, her of 0 Excuses Fitness “lovingly” christened me “mai” (for her, that was shortform for Michael, or the “pure relationship we had” according to her, anyway – I did give her a massage once, but thats it, and I had no “impure” intentions anyway – it was done while filming – after filming via dumbphone with her stiff shoulder, doing all the pictures for the book and steadfastly NOT accepting a penny from her “teacher” – that was the least the lao shi could do (lao shi – teacher)) …

Little did she know, of course,a few months later I’d meet a certain Suvi – who is now happily in Tanzania, who got my blood ROARING like nothing before – well, or for the moment anyway – and inspired yet another one of those oh so famous and popular erotica books – a very well received one as usual – and I finished 20,000 words in almost one sitting flat – definitely a DAY.

ONE DAY. One being key!

In Hindi they have a saying “Dus ka dum”.

Means, the power of NUMBERS.

But sometimes, just like that ONE DAY – – – one is all that matters, and is far more POWERFUL, power packed in every damned regard!

That was something.

Truly in the flow, time stopped mattering, everything did!

I remember “holding it in” as well, I had to finish THAT section, the bOOK!

I dont know if any of y’all have ever been in the flow that way, maybe, maybe not but the lovely Paula, y’all all know her.

She’s left some great superlative reviews on all those books.

She cuts past the BS.

She gets to the POINT, she drives into the MINDSET behind the actions – just like I do on everything!

Not to mention her superb translation on the books…

But today – or last night, she sent me a review for the book mentioned above, Madam has truly OUTDONE HERSELF on this one!!


Or, My! Was what I thought when I read – or listened, she did audio – to it!

“One look, one glance, that makes him IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO FORGET YOU!” 


It aint just the case with women or being hit with what they call “thunderbolt” in Italy.

Its the case with everything.

When that subconscious comes into play – one look, nay, one WORD – or even NONE – are the most powerful.

There is a reason the number 1 stands for manifestation and why I keep seeing it.

Because successful manifestation and success in any arena comes from the SUBCONSCIOUS.

THERE IS GREAT WISDOM behind these two sayings –

If you truly want a way to get it – you’ll find that way no matter what.


And it’s true – as is this “whatever the mind of man can concieve and believe, it can ACHIEVE!”


There’s HUGE power, the only power that matters when you take that ONE decision to get fit.

It has to come from the inside, not by me pestering you.

When you truly make the decision, you’ll know.

It isn’t about doing one pushup, and then more following, thats part of it, yes!

But the DECISION – that DRIVES that one pushup, and doing it regularly, THAT IS KEY!

It is how the subconscious does it, brutal, yet effective and the most practical ONE way of doing it!

And Paula, you’re right, I still remember Suvi, and all those women like it was yesterday.

Much like I remember being in a huge spot in 2018 and SO many other times, then that ONE action taken in the flow inspired by the subconscious, and voila, Houdini was free. I remember all those times so vividly like it was yesterday or a few hours back, or today.

Actually, it was – time is but a continuum to me!

sometimes I even wonder if I exist physically. Hehe.

Nah – kidding. I do!

Anyway – I had to tell y’all that.

Those in the know will GET IT.

And back to the physical – that ONE decision you make today to invest in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, my friend, could well put you in the flow and CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER – like Suvi and Joanie did mine in some regards. Hehe.

Invest now.

And start reaping your DUE rewards once you DO.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Thank you again, Paula! Just so APT! Hitting the NAIL ON THE HEAD, no PUN!

My homegrown remedy for them calluses.
- It's brutal, and it just flat out works!

Back when I had easily the most painful injuries, or one of them at any rate in terms of hand injuries – that thumb popping in and out on that cold icy winter evening 6:10 pm (I still remember the time) on a Wednesday in China on top of a deserted mountain (Qi Feng) … I was told to get many things done.

To ice it.

To give it the “hot water therapy” – whatever that was.

To take it to the doctor who would splint it.

It swole up to thrice it’s normal size, and the only thing I did was to hold a cold Corona which alleviated the pain somewhat – the next day?

Believe it or not, I was back to doing pushups.

The day after that was Jan 4th, my birthday.

And I HAD to do fingertip pushups to celebrate, and I did.

My buddy from the Marines told me that pain would never go away, re-appear in winter etc, and he wasn’t completely wrong from his perspective either.

None of that happened though – with a bit of gumption, ignoring pain – and toughing it out “Marine style” – I was back to training within a day – and I avoided the long lay off I would normally have had otherwise.


Hell, I’ve had so many of them split open while doing thick bar pull-ups and other Gorilla Grip work that I almost tell myself, if you ain’t developing new callouses daily and splitting them open on a regular basis, you aint training hard.

Hardcore, I know.

Some might say foolish.

But do grip work regularly the right way, and you’ll see what I mean.

My forearms feel like they’re about to fall off right now – hours after my grip blast today.

Part of it was videoed too …

And this is what happened –

That was definitely an ouch!

Hours later I tried doing regular pushups and pull-ups with it – and it tore.

From the side.

Now, I could have bandaged it, I could have “put the flap of skin back in place” or any of the other things people say “works”.

I didnt.

What I did was squeezed down on it – literally squeezed all the blood out of the area. It was different in color even – stale blood which was clogging up the area.

It hurt, yes.

Then I took an ice cold shower. Middle of winter.

And now?

I can barely even tell I had a callus an hour or so ago …

Them brutal techniques sometimes just flat out work my friend.

Same thing with workouts.

Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) will give you some of the toughest, most advanced (in terms of results, not fancy crapola) exercises you’ve seen out there – in ways you’ve never seen them done before.

Question is, have you got it in you to do ’em?

Or, as a customer once famously noted, “will you be found WANTING”?

Most are…

Annie certainly was, but I’ll give women with soft hands a break.. Hehe.

Men dont get off easy though – regardless of whether or not you’ve got small hands or what not like I do!

Brutal to me works best.

It always has.

And it’ll work best for you if you just toughen up a bit, my friend, and do the thing.

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul mookerjee

PS – Dont forget Gorilla Grip – TIPS! 

Apparently the “longer you dont have sex”- the more you get a “Bozo Schofield type non existent wanker”
- Some of the things I see I swear...

I was uploading some more videos to Youtube this afternoon – for a guy that – a self professed “I HATE VIDEOS!” – a guy whose now started to enjoy them so much that I’m not only getting a hell of a lot better at ’em,  but can’t do without blasting the dumbphone while creating them, hehe – just goes to say. Never say never!

No Tik Tok though as YET. Never say never there as well, but I dont want the See Xi Pee harvesting any more of my valuable data than they already go – flip side, given you’re tracked through WeChat and Alipay from the minute you enter the country – well, they already know more than plenty about me.

Even the beggars there take payment via QR codes.

And given dumbphone usage in China is SO prevalent that if you dont use one, you’re like a fish out of water – many places wont even take cash these days – not to mention the new “virtual RMB” rolled out (different from WeChat money etc) … well, you’re pretty much stuck with it.

But again, another flipside?

They could care two hoots less what you buy, girls or guys included, hehe – or about the number of KTV’s you visit and do what not – so long as you don’t criticize them, everything else is kosher, WAY more open than even in the US or other places. Communist countries have their advantages, I’ve said this before.


So some video that kept popping up on you tube to the tune of “if you as a man dont have sex enough then you get a Glyn like non existent wanker which becomes more non existent by the day”.

Given the pretty face attached to the video – likely done for “likes”

Given the workouts these pretty faces do showing “it all” – granted, they’re flexible as heck but the import of those videos seems something else altogether if you get my drift, anyway, my take on it, and I didnt even bother listening to the video?

Well one, if I was on the other business, I could really write a lot – and ADD more to what Madam is saying, and two?

It’s the reverse for me – if you do it right, sexual abstinence can be such a wonderful thing “once you try it you’ll never go back” – no color puns intended.

Trust me.

Or ask Napoleon Hill.

Ask some of the old time boxers and wrestlers who refrained from weeks before a fight, ask ole Mickey “women weaken legs”.

To me, it’s not so much sex weakens you – maybe temporarily, but thats it but the BENEFITS You get from VOLUNTARILY going without are too numerous and INDESCRIBABLY AWESOME TO DESCRIBE HERE!

Trust me on this one, it plays a huge role in manifestation of ANYTHING does long term sexual abstinence (and it’s a key tool – reverse the game, hehe – hold it over THEM, guys – to bring a Nazi feminist to her mental knees VERY quick hehe – though there are more, this is one key too).

And so … size?

I dont know, to me it’s never mattered either way not because I’m well endowed or not, or I care either way but because – much like with any muscle, the “how you use it” or if you even can without “long you know what plumbing issues” as an ex once sagely told me about another ex or last at all, or what not – all of that plays a far more important role – to me, and to most women I know – in fact all.

When you cut past the B.S, it’s always about FUNCTION first and foremost, friend.

The only difference between, it ain’t gonna shrink if you dont use it long term, the REVERSE might happen if you get on some of my programs.

Whats all this got to do with YOU?

Well, our videos – NO hanky panky in any of them, and certainly no showing off going on.

Just hardcore brutal stuff that like with the series progressions in splits and dips, two of the best damn exercises you can do – get even more hardcore by the day.

You’ll want to check out the videos HERE – or on the channel.

And thats that!

Back soon – oh, the books that I did not link, I believe in the videos?

Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training

Corrugated core.

Have at. ALL of these manuals will have MORE exhaustive videos – paid version, much like with 0 Excuses Fitness, so stay tuned, for now though enjoy the free vids, and benefit!

And yes, I’ve answered a lot of questions y’all send me through email (thanks for doing that!) in these videos too (I’m sure given the subject of this email a lot of nutjobs will send me emails to the extent of “I want girls”. Ugh. Sorry. no dice!).

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of the great videos we put up?

Indian Prison Workout – literally, hehe.

(watch with THIS)

And then of course more splits!

#3 in the core torching with splits series – and stay tuned for MORE.

I’ll arrange them in better order shortly as well. For now, I couldn’t be bothered BECAUSE – the sun is SHINING, and pull-ups BE WAITING!! Hehe.

Back soon.

The friendly neighborhood dentist done crushed my grip!
- He did. Hehe.

So there I was, returning from the park – where I had great fun filming a LOT of new videos – and shorts.

You’ll want to check out the channel NOW – lots of great info – dips, splits, and more!

I seem to be getting better at something I never thought I’d DO initially – hell, I hate videos y’all know that, now I am almost enjoying them (in any case, when Rahul Mookerjee gets to something, he either DOES IT OR NOT! So, professionally done it SHALL BE!).

On the way back I met the friendly neighborhood dentist who does my daughter’s teeth – and damn near EVERYONE in this place I’m at.

In Indian, his name translates into “fluffy oily TASTY … flatbread”. Hehe. The kind that makes you FAT.

Lest you think I’m “dumping on him” – I aint. From the horse’s mouth, as you’ll see, though I wont mention him, but he’s a great guy, as we shot the bull, I gripped his hand, he almost crushed mine.

Now I knew the dude had a strong grip before, but this, damn!

For reference, he’s a huge bear of a man – and FAT – ultra fat – by his OWN admission.

For me, I asked him this –

“Did you lift weights etc at some point?”

He sure has the forearm strength for it.

“No” he laughed, pointing at his stomach – and fat – and then making some comments about the same which I didnt … well hey. He’s being honest about himself, which is more than what I can say for many lardasses globally – kudos to you, Sir!

But that grip, I couldn’t stop myself from mentioning it. STRONG!

“I do swim though”, he said.

Ah, I thought to myself, chuckling. He probably did more than just that – but as he laughed, and told me “I need it for my work”, I was like well – dentistry requires PRECISION, not brute, bull strength does it. Hehe.

I wouldnt know!

Maybe Hannibal Lecter would know.

Anyway – his business is starting to pick up which is great, back in 2020, all down in the dumps as it were.

Maybe we’ll send Glyn Bozo with his yellow stained teeth to him, trouble is Glyn would do exactly what the guy hates and what many here do with him – BARTER, or try to.

Like, when I heard that, I was like fuck – CHEAPSKATE CENTRAL – I mean, who negotiates a dentist’s fee?

Then again, it IS Asia!

And it just goes to show you – strength and fitness dont go hand in hand, but fitness and strength -well, the former usually is accompanied by a healthy dose of the latter, and then some.

All for now!

Be sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’m back to watching the game, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

My chili fetish
- ????????


Its no secret to those that know me that I absolutely love – and cannot do without spicy x 10 food.

Spicy makes it way to the name of one of my businesses too, so much do I like it. Hehe.

I find a way to stuff spice – and CHILI – into damn near everything. And often times you’ll see me eating dinner sweating buckets – with a small bucket of freshly picked green chilis by my side that I just “gorge on” like appetizers or side dishes.

I just bite into it, feel the fiery juices FLOW!!

Some of the stuff they deliver online in that regard – utter crap.

I’d rather buy it fresh from the markets, even though I pay a bit more (or, get it delivered fresh from the market is what I do, actually. Best of both worlds).

I remember a discussion a long, long time ago with Bruce Clark, a friend of mine – we were discussing my love for Tabasco (literally – restaurants in China have been known to HIDE the stuff when I come, knowing they’ll run out – and they have. Hehe) – and how I “found it spicy, but not hot”.

Then we talked about a pepper that is about 100x as hot, and I said yeah, that might be hot as heck – but it’s INDIAN food that’s really spicy. Damn!

With all the spices and a ton of chilis, you can literally set your tastebuds on FIRE with some of them reciepes (dont worry though – I’ve kept Dish Delicious more for the Western palate in that regard!).

China – there is a reason I love the food from Hunan province – and Sichuan province.

Fiery hot, especially them noodles – I remember gorging on them in 2004 when I wasn’t used to China, and then being on the toilet for ages it seemed like – the girl at the bordello I visited that night wasnt quite as amused about it as I was. Hehe.


She was pretty hot herself too!

Anyway – point of all this … Not just my love for spicy food, but let me tell you – spicy food – fresh stuff that is – is actually some of the best food you can put into your system.

Regardless of what the so called experts say about too much hot pepper and chili messing your stomach up and that, if you exercise your core regularly, if you dont go overboard with it (like I tend to, hehe) – it’s also a great way to keep sluggish metabolisms fired up – and digestion moving along SMOOTHLY, as opposed to what “the experts” tell you on that.

I wouldn’t recommend slugging down bottles of Tabasco, of course – or overdosing on Indian spices for that matter.

Personally, me, I love the boxed spices, but I’ve always found the green and red chilis to be far healthier overall, and they delivery the same knockout “spicy” taste as a lot of the boxed stuff does. (which I try and stay away from anyway).

Ah food, food, food … Hehe.


I just got done with a very sumptious dinner of flatbread caked in layers of clarified butter – beans – potatoes – tomato gravy – and of course, my favorite green chilis…

I highly recommend you add some spice into your daily food my friend – it will HELP your health in general, not harm it.

And that, my friend, is the reason for my “chili fetish”.

Yes, its even been linked to weight loss.

But hear me out.

If you’re a lazy ass that doesn’t believe in any sort of real workouts, if your main workout consists of “dinner table – potty walk and back” – then by all means cram chilis down your gullet — but that by itself wont make you lose weight or jump start that metabolism or even keep it going.

Nothing except working out regularly the right way will.

But if you’re already on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, hey.

A few chilis might be just what the ole doc ordered!

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

How to get immensely VASCULAR forearms
- that LOOK!

I remember sharing a pizza with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla in 2017 at his place, or perhaps it was the early part of 2018 – I believe the former.

I remember him looking at my forearms – at that point completely relaxed, yet, you could – can – see the cords running up and down them arms like nobody’s business.

“You’ve got a nice chest, shoulders and biceps!” I still remember him saying.

Now, this guy is a solid boxer. Could knock my damn lights out, and he’s no slouch in the strength department (though when doing dips, I still remember him “quivering” on the bars – but hey that happens when you start with dips – guy’s got some decent strength though!).

But it’s something EVERYONE wants, along with the lean and mean look – it also goes ALONG with the latter, not in place of.

It is also a prime, prime indicator of your health and fitness levels overall, your CONDITIONING levels – most of all, your body fat levels.

And you dont necessarily need to be “skinny” for that sort of thing to show either.

This afternoon, I knocked out a super video on tigerbend pushups and regular pushups.

(I did two, but this one is just super!)

For a guy whose routinely trolled (and I love it, hehe) – for not having Sly Stallone’s photographer or angles or other nonsense, I gotta admit – I did put some “angles” in there , but I did them in a way to piss some people off (who judging by their reaction already done got pissed off, hehe).

But most of all, it’s great doing these out in the winter sun – and it’s a great little tutorial – and one of the Ship members (a fitness phenom in her own right is Madam “L” – we’ll call her) . . .  replied back with this.

“Love the vascularity on the forearms!”

Now, did I train specifically for that?


It’s a result of the type of training I do – if you train my way, you’ll naturally become lean and mean and cat like – so much so that cats will literally materialize out of thin air no matter where you go. Cut me open if you dont believe it, but its true!

Every damn place I go, I see a cat stalking damn near, and I love it – along with the hordes of monkeys, both human and not that I see so often around me.

Semi – jokes apart, this sort of thing is like “abs”

You can train the core all you like, even the right way, but if youre too fat, those abs wont show my friend.

Same thing for vascularity.

Don’t think you can lift a house and be FAT and say “but I do a lot of forearm work”.

That look only comes with minimal body fat my friend – and a decent amount of grip and forearm work done regularly.

Body fat being key, if you’re too fat, it simply wont show.

And theres no other secret to that.

If you want that sort of look, you have to be lean and mean, no exceptions to that rule.

And grip wise, well, Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) are some of the best, if not THE best training courses you can invest in my friend.

Do so NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This morning I got an email from a nutter saying (with regard to a prior email on Corrugated Core) “but more weight helps stabilize me during handstands!”.

Amazingly enough this clown thinks the “stabilization” needs to be done with the “backside”.

I swear, the nonsense people come up with to justify their laziness and “phat”  . . . Hehe. I give up – and I dont do that quite often! ????