An idiot wrote back on Grizzly Power
- A complete fool and joker.

Powell, he was – or is, depending upon (his email nick seems to change frequently) from … I dont know where, really, the only feedback this dimwit sent in on Grizzly Power, which he recently purchased?

“This author repeats material in his books”.

Ive never understood, my friend, despite trying this grouse- one of many these nitwits and nimrods have  – just why I shouldn’t “repeat material” in what is clearly marketed as a compilation of books and IS one – more importntly, how I’d make a compilation without repeating anything?

I’ve never quite understood the logic behind buying it and then complaining (it’s one thing if its marketed as something else and you fall for it) – if you knew it was a compilation then buy it if you want a compilation, or if you dont have the books in the series.

Nursery grade logic, maybe second no more no Powell?

Really, some of the idiots that show up around here …

Second and as stated before I’ve never had this fascination that most people do with reinventing the wheel “everything must be new and unique”.

I’ve been a trailblazer on paths rarely thought about, much less blazed with PASSION AND FEROCITY like none other “tiger like”. I’ve been very successful at it, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yet, part of my success comes from knowing when and how to reinvent, and when not.

And the majority of times I dont reinvent the wheel.

I simply turn that wheel 10 x times better than ANYONE out there – por ejempelo, on pushups, and Pushup Central – and Pushups Central – the TIPS! 

And all my books around here, really.

End of the day, business is about the money rolling into your account, no-one’s giving you brownie points for being an idiot my friend (ie reinventing when it’s not required).

I didn’t invent any of the exercises I teach you in my books and courses, yet, fact is this, and it’s simple as that, clear as daylight- NO-ONE teaches you these exercises better than I do, no-one.

I realize that might sound like a tall claim.

A confident one.

And it is both, and it’s TRUE, hence I’m called the Bodyweight Exercise Guru, my friend, because it’s true.

And thats that – please, if you want to be an idiot, stop haunting this here place (I know you won’t, hehe).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – That compilation is one of the best ever – get it now if you so choose.

PS #2 – David Quiros writes in with a question about Fitness Pioneer – Vol #1 (so apt I’m bringing it up here in terms of trailblazing!)

Long email, but this is the relevant portion –

I also have to ask – Tip #47 or #48 talked about a superfood to prevent bloating, but didn’t tell the reader what the food was – any secrets you can share


Of course I can, my friend! I didnt put in there purposely to see how many doers actually get back to me (for instance, Panourgias got back to me about the DEEP BREATHING section on the 0 Excuses Fitness System VIDEOS which is NOT there (the same way) in the book- which shows he’s paying attention – doer!) and thats the sort of customer I want, not someone who idly reads the book, never uses the info in it. If you’re that sort, I dont want your money regardles of how much you have. (and are willing to cough up).

Yours truly –

I will have a look – but I believe APPLES are the superfood I was referring to my friend. There is good wisdom behind the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” – and having an apple 15 minutes before a meal REALLY helps with digestion (as does not gulping down a ton of water before or during food – which most people do – the correct time to drink water is an hour before eating, and two hours or at least an hour after – not set in stone, but approximate – you get my drift). Other than this, let me look at the tip now, lol – youve got me curious as well …  (and yes, ask all the questions you like my friend, I love ’em!)
… Presto, would you believe it? It’s not an apple obviously since I wrote not a fruit, I bet it’s something the wife once used, of course she’s forgotten it “bad mood” (enough said? LOL) – and stupendous though it might sound, so have I my friend – but no worries, I’ve instructed the subconscious mind to find it – and find it I will, and I’ll get back to you as soon as you do! I know it’s something somewhat – AH! I got it – it is BUTTER MILK!
Buttermilk I believe is what it was – known as “lassi” in India – have that with meals, and you say goodbye to a lot of the digestive issues people suffer from! Hehe – the power of the subconscious eh. I’m writing in the flow again as you can likely tell! Curd is another great alternative …

And thats that! ???? There you have it, as it were… Enjoy, three freebies for YOU!

The PERFECT combo of Squats and Isometrics I just did!
- AND THAT you should do too.

MAN, as I write this, my hips, thighs and lower back are vibrating with ENERGY, PULSATING WITH SHEER ENERGY Like I ain’t never felt before!!!!

Not “smashed” or hammered sort of energy.

But ALIVE sort of energy, loose, flexible, animal like!

What do I mean?

Well, the kind you get with isometrics, done after some heavy duty workouts – in this case squats.

Hence the title of this, which I’m about to write now, hehe “the PERFECT combo of Squats and Isometrics I just did!”

This focus on areas MOST people require loosened up – and stretched, and strengthened, MAN – I’m VIBRATING LITERALLY!

I know that sounds strange, but it won’t ,your lower back and core and physically (including your “P spot” as a man – more on that later – sacral chakras and such) connect you to the very CORE OF THE UNIVERSE, and spirit, energy, all of it, and putting your feet FLAT on the floor is part of it, as your ASS too.

Stretching out the HAMSTRINGS is another huge thing here, most people neglect this area in favor of the thighs. Man, my thighs had that sore, yet not so sore in between feeling to them, now?

They’re feeling, solid, loose, flexible, and VIBRANT!

Literally – I know I refer to them as human in my language, but thats how I feel, thats how you will feel too when you get on these routines.

What I did – normally I use isometric workouts as a sort of warm up cum workout before my strenous workouts, but today?

I did 150 squats.

Note I took slightly longer than usual, I was going at maybe 87% of my capacity, so it took me around 4 minutes to do em when it should be less.

Regular squats, not Hindus.

I really warmed up the upper body while doing so!

And thats another lesson, breathe deeply, dont always go full bore – but always DO the thing – daily. I’ve said this before, I’ll say this yesterday, for me it was full rest yesterday, but that involved splits – and hanging on the chinning bar – remember, I did SOMETHING.

Today, after this, I sat in the splits for 15 minutes – MAN!

Key to getting the splits and most of the stretches I teach isn’t physical – its nigh mental.

IMAGINE yourself in the position first before doing it – you’ll see this works wonders.


And then – this is most important, focus on the BREATHING.

If you don’t breathe right, youll never advance into any sort of isometric to the level you could, and your potential as a human being for these is LIMITLESS, BOUNDLESS – nigh boundless!

You inhale INTO the stretch, you exhale out of it, you do so with control paying attention to each deep breath, you do so in all positions, from all angles, and slowly, surely, the entire body loosens up – especially the CORE.

And hamstrings.

I then did the Hindu pushups downward dog isometric.

For about a minute. I could go longer, but then I did the Rahul Mookerjee patented Asian squat.

Then I did some touch my toes and calf stretches, which I do in a way most people don’t – stretch, strengthen, REJUVENATE – I actually did a bit of these after the squats, but I really got into them here.

Then, I Was thinking doing the pushup – plank – but then I thought clubs.

I did neither.

I went over to the chinning bar, executed a dead hang for 1 minute straight – no thick grips, no pull-ups.

goal here is to – was to – STRETCH.

The lower back and sides started shaking uncontrollably after a while. The upper back really felt “opened up”.

And here I am, writing to you, ready to go down some H20 and then some more tea. Hehe.

Life’s good!

And so it will be for you health wise and “all wise” – when you get on my world famous – literally – courses Isometric and Flexibility TrainingAdvanced Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

Remember, folks, the AUDIBLE versions of these are selling like MONSTERS< , even hot cakes!

Or both.

There is a reason.

GREAT narration by Rich and Janet Clare are part of it.

Content is part of it.

And the way you FEEL once you get on these workouts is MOST of it.

Well, that and listening to Madam’s stridence while working out, hehe.

Confidence – and done RIGHT!

Rich- same thing!

You’ll want to pick up the digital and paperback versions of the book NOW – and then the Audible versions – in that order.

and that, friend, is that, I’ll be back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

The daughter monitors my pushups to check if I cheat!
- Except not in the way you'd think, hehe.

Most people CHEAT on pushups, then call ’em easy.

You’ll see idiots not go all the way because their fat tummies touh the ground first, or their chins.

You’ll see nuts pumping them out jerkily – horrible!

You’ll see nutjobs doing them with arched backs (note for Hindus and variants, these are great – not so for regular pushups – the body stays in ONE LINE, period!).

And so forth.


Anyway, this afternoon while doing pushups the wife sent me an email.

“Dad check your email”, trilled the daughter.

I said I’d do it later, of course, I had to do it NOW. Hehe.

“It rhymes with female”, I grinned back at her.

Then I checked, but before that I asked her to wait for at least 5 more pushups.

I gotta complete tiger bend pushups, I told her. I keep getting interrupted today (as I wrote about before).

Whats a man to do.

Maids, roaches, a gaggle of beauties all around me – and well, you get the drift.

And ORDERS to buy something “now”.

Which I did.

After checking the email, before that the daughter –

“I’ll count”.

To make sure I didnt cheat, ie do MORE than what I said I would which I’ve been known to do. Hehe.

So at 3 pushups she got bored and looked away.

At 5 she said “2 more left”!

I said no. 3 more!

She wouldn’t have known the difference.


I got up, and didnt cheat.

But thats the level of dedication and FOCUS that martial artists have, that YOU my friend would be well placed to INCULCATE so you can accomplish any and all goals in your life, bar NONE.

And Pushup Central shows you the way.

Get it, YES, NOW – DROP what you’re doing, and get it NOW. It’s that important.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A spankin new, yet extremely popular course is flying under the radar – check it OUT – HERE – Pushup Central – TIPS!

I got demoted from 500 pushups to 20!

I was closing the door for the wife with my usual pre-prepared responses ready for anythign that might come (never know when a missile might be lobbed my way, hehe, and it ain’t from Russia either. ;)).

I love Russia – hehe.

Point is this – with WOMEN – you never know, my friend.

And so I always have pre-prepared responses ready in my mind to even the most outrageous and illogical things she does – dont ask – all starting with “oh, I know” or “oh, I dont know, but thats fine”.

Equally illogical, but brick walls only hammer back – hehe.

Anyway, it ain’t all women like that – certainly not, –  the vast majority of folks I work with and am exceedingly happy with are – get this – women – including women my wife previously hired (the maid whose apparently my girlfriend now -???) (;)) – and is now dissatisfied with – the rational male will know why. LOL.

Anyway ……….

“I’ll be back in 5-7 mins”

So she said.

Within a min there was a knock on the door, less than a minute – no doorbell.


I didnt know who it was, got up from pushups to check , it was her, she claimed to know “why I locked her out”.


I was so into pushups I looked at her happily and grinned anyway.

“But I just did 20 pushups, you said 5-7 minutes, it ain’t even been one” I quipped.

We’ll christian you 20 pushups from 500, she trilled.

OK …

Yesterday it was “the 100 squats guy” as they (wife and daughter) “made” me knock ’em out in front of the kitchen where I made a joke about what if farts potentially escape – 1) explosion, hehe 2) there’s a Goddess – one of many my wife supposedly worships – right behind me.

Oh my, went the wife.

She’ll kick my ass, I grinned.

Do you know where’ll you land, she hollered back

Likely at another Goddess’s feet with the plethora all around, I grinned back.

I can’t help it. Hehe.

500 pushups – 100 squats – 20 pushups (made so tough even I was out of breath doing ’em and felt super good!).

All in a day’s work, my friend.

All in a day’s WORK!

And Pushup Central shows you how.

Get it NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – No, I am  NOT going to let you back on the list unless you give me a damn good reason to do so (those reading this know who this is targeted at). I hardly ever let people back in once I make the decision to let ’em go, sometimes I do, but only if they prove themselves WORTHY. Prove being key. Actions speak louder than words, friend.

Ps # 2- And then I got interrupted during 80 pushups to …


Kill a roach.


My mom can’t seem to stop attracting houses teeming with them, the wife, well, I was supposed to be the one “dead scared” “petrified” of them, curiously enough I Do the killing … LOL!

Ah, my bachelor pad which I’m going to return to soon which I got sprayed before moving in or putting down a cent in deposit – for some reason, these women (and apparently the man paying for some of it – one of them, or two –  at least) dont believe in it. UGH!

Why us monkeys truly need to strengthen ALL Links in that chain!
- I mean it my friend.

Ive always had long levers – monkey arms if I may, and it makes it all the more difficult to do pull-ups – yet, I’m a pull-up champ. hehee. That alone should explain it all – in case it doesnt, well, its a running joke that other ‘Pull up Champ Papa‘ and Mr Handstand pushup, I often call myself a monkey when I talk to my daughter.


It’s a compliment especially when I monkey around the monkey bars (some of the toughest workouts you can bar none – and monkeys, nature literally follows along- yes I aint kidding ya!).

Indeed a trip, so I told my daughter “thats why the monkeys dont jump at me, they see another monkey there!’.

If all you did was be a monkey that way the rest of your life you’d not only be in great shape, you’d ENJOY life and be playful and achieve more in one day than the pissers, moaners, groaners do in years.

What does this have to do with training, you ask.

Well, plenty my friend. PLENTY!

I’ve spoken often about the importance of strengthening each weak link in your chain – youre only as strong as your weakest link – for me that has always been chest and GRIP – and other parts, but upper body wise – and lower body, hamstrings.

Suffice it to say those are some of the strongest parts of my body now.

It matters NOT how much you can bench.

With a weak grip, I can pull you to the ground and keep you there.

Ask the mountain of muscle that is my buddy from the Marines, he’ll tell ya

“once you get him to the ground, he’s yours!”

OK, with a bit of ji jitsu he truly is. Hehe.

But I dont have that – as yet.

Anyway – I’ve often wondered during club workouts why clockwise swings are tougher for me than counter.

Only when my RIGHT hand is dominant – when the left is, both are easy peasy.

I’ve often wondered in the past why the pull-up bar at home slopes slightly down.

Answer – my left hand is somewhat longer.

This also means on certain exercises like pushups, the RIGHT works harder.

And is therefore stronger by a degree.

Now, this isn’t rocket science, but to truly get to elite level at anything, you must strengthen all weak links and make them your strength as I have all my life – or someone will notice and POUNCE upon them weak links.

This might mean doing staggered grip pushups. *not covered in Pushup Central – will be there in Vol #2).

This might mean doing staggered grip pull-ups, or doing MORE one arm club swings with the weak hand (curiously enough on tricep work, my right arm is stronger – as I told you above!).

Tho my left is way more vascular…

And so forth.

I interrupted my 200 swing workout to write to you about this, so i’m back at it now.

But before I leave, remember to place the pre-order for the much delayed, ONCE IN a lifetime course Lumberjack LODESTONE Fitness now – I truly bring you forgotten info on clubs, kettlebells and a hell of a lot more that all old timers will appreciate.

If Grimek and Hepburn were looking at this, which I believe they are – they would approve!

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Clubs are one of the best full body exercises you do bar none. Kettlebells have their place in the sun, sure –  but nothing beat true Indian clubs/maces.

Clubbells have their place too in terms of high rep workouts, and Ill write more later, but the same can be achieved with low weight clubs – hence what I keep sayng about “dont just say it’s too easy and jump on to the weight train”, these have a way of humbling even the strongest man out there, they will bring YOU to your knees if done right.

Trust me, you’ll feell it all the way down to your calves and feet if done right (barefoot!).

When Carol giggled up a storm about me not being able to pass between two cars.
- And I wasn't even that phat then!

It boggles the mind, literally how fat, unfit, lazy and “in denial” people are these days – despite more and more fitness options being available, literally speaking, the reverse is happenin results wise – except those on the 0 Excuses “back to basics” train of course.

Part of that means fitness is a lifestyle.

You do a chin up or pull-ups or dead hang every time you leave the house – and enter. I do. This time I did a pull-up to the pelmet above the doorway, which is my version (at home) of a sternum pull-ups I’ve shown you in the past.

It means doing the splits when you feel like doing nothing, or holding the plank or doing “just 10 pushups” and see where it goes from ther.e

People are lazy and fat, and they’d rather slop down on the couch though (and a lot of women fall into this category too – UGH!).

Anyway —

I remember back in the day Carol and I were climbing the hill – this was towards the start of that most definitely steamiest relationship I’ve ever had (and thats saying something – MY!!!!!!!!!) – and two cars were parked around the entrance to the park.

Little space between them.

She passed through, I remember stopping for a minute “I wonder if I can pass through them”.

Giggle, and then giggles galore of course.

That became a standing joke, today, I noticed a fat woman – two, actually, watch me squeeze in behind a SUV in space you’d think even a mouse couldn’t, except I went in easily.

Get this tho, pally, and the real point of me writing this, most people yours truly calls out for being fat and lazy – well, at the time I was SLIM compared them literally, despite a bulging BELLY and fat hanging off me. Quite literally slim! (which shows you how pathetic most people have gotten this i.e. their physical condition and lack of care to it).

My troubles these days are more with doorways. Just why the heck dont they make ’em broader?

My friend, lots of you reading this will whine about being “big” but not fat – but you’re wrong, if your tummy bulgeth, and if it does  and you can’t see it you need mental help – then you’re FAT, not big.

And if you claim “you don’t want the X taper to your body, the corrugated core”, the movie star look, the TV personality look, I could go n and on and on – and I just did, hehe- then you’re flat out lying my friend. (I switched links up there in case you noticed. Hehe)

Trust me, when you get on the exercises in Corrugated Core, and a few months later you see how far you’ve come, you’ll start to think differently.

And I know, and why?

Been there, done that, and I still proudly display the T shirt!

And thats that, folks.

FACE Reality.

And get on the best damn fitness system out there NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – List has been culled yet again to remove some particularly pernicious non doers, who just weren’t leaving. Ugh. I feel MUCH better now.

Are weighted pull-ups really necessary?
- Hmmm...

This afternoon, I had 10 minutes or so before picking up the daughter, 2 of which were supposed to be used to get ready, 2 of which were supposd to be used to do some pull-ups before leaving the house to face that BLAZING heat – my! Reminds me of those days I climbed the hill several times in that heat, not quite mentally that stressed then in some ways, but still – it was SOMETHING, doing that day in and day out, I remember how I’d be soaked, fatigued and more – much like I am getting my daughter chocolate and “hiding” it from an overly aggressive mother, and much  like she cautiously inquires about and hopes about Mom’s “mood today” .

Ugh, I wish she’d stop giving a shit. Maybe she will when she grows up.

But shes right, when the wife is pissed, she yells even more, not that she doesn’t do a lot of that anyway – meaningless. And she gets even more pissed when she sees me taking pictures, videos etc (but for her to do it’s OK apparently?  LOL the lunacy of Nazi feminism and how to combat it).

Anyway, so I’ve been wanting to pack the bookbags up and do some weighted pull-ups with them.

I’ve been thinking of getting my “girlfriend” to sit on my back while doing pushups too, and she’d gladly do it – in front of the S.O who wouldn’t say a thing. Hehe.

But as I did them easy peasy, two stories came to mind as I thought, and said “man, I’ve never done these” (starting at the age of 42 plus!).

One, the story of the gymnast who NEVER did weighted pull-ups, just regulars for years, then one day he was tested, and he did them with  like literally 40 kgs on his back. LITERALLY.

Second, tons of tales I’ve heard of folks doing bodyweight alone for months, then they return to the gym to test themselves, and they can bench/pull more than ever before.

All true stories.

And lots of guys place emphasis on weighted pull-ups, is this bad, unncessary etc?


This pushup workout – I did mostly fingertip Jack La Lanne pushups, and tiger bend pushups – two of the toughest, along with archer pushups – for most folks to even think of doing correctly.

(on that note, a SPANKING – no pun Glyn – new product out is this one – Pushup Central – TIPS! You’ll want to check it out now – especially if you think “its a newsletter, and not a book”. Ugh).

((but really, check it out now, currently being narrated on Audible too, the guy doing it cannot stop praising it and why? Because it’s got the same personal vibe everything I do, say and write does, including newsletters!)

Then, the tough(er) pullups.

And while I’ve no idea what I’ll do next, waiting for the “girlfriend” to show up- hehe – maybe its not a high rep day today, but boy that don’t mean I’m not getting in a workout!

And truth is this, higher reps (bodyweight) will do an equally good job of conditioning you for weighted pull-ups or pushups as doing them with weight will, except perhaps in a slightly different manner.

I’m living proof of this in terms of pushups, and pull-ups too. Remember, it was probably around 7 kgs extra weight, if I was going to school back in the day like 10 – I remember my bookbag being so stuffed even carrying it was a chore, my fourth grade teacher glaring at me because I took the whole period to take the right book out, then in college toting that damn thing all over campus before I figured out “studies” weren’t the ticket, as Bruce said “you’re here to get high and get laid”. LOL. Never been an issue there, eh)???? But I could probably knock ’em out in sets of 10, only prep being the bodyweight stuff I do …

And so it goes, my friend.

So it goes.

One of our most popular courses is Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD WITHIN WEEKS!, and it will truly get you to stud level at pull-ups when done right.

Get this course NOW, my friend, lots of you are putting this purchase off, I don’t know why, if you know why other than if you’re a cheapskate who won’t spend one red cent on anything – then write back and tell me, we’ll do what we can to help out!

Back soon –


Rahul Mookerjee

PS #2 – in that order – its easy to add weight to bodyweight exercises, if you so choose, and amp the difficulty immediately. Thicker grips, bookbags, people on your back, I could go on and on, weight belts etc etc…

PS – Whats it with idiots (selling things) – you take their numbers for an emergency, then they start pestering you daily. Ugh!

Why you can’t fake VIBES.
- I've never met anyone that really could.

You can’t, my friend – its that simple.

Great marketers and chameleons, culturally or not – I can think of a certain guy named “Rahul Mookerjee” here – hehe – who “giggles” too – can put on different hats, coats and suits at will, almost. I do so damn near daily, I’ve been doing it all my life – hence my success no matter what I choose to do, because I play the part first either consciously or not, and then I DO the thing, and it happens. Simple.

Most that try and ape me fail because they dont get it, and wont learn.

Anyway, last night I was telling the wife about how she yells far louder than I do, despite everyone claiming (because she’s a woman – of course she’s right for these idiots) that “Rahul yells louder”.

I could say nothing, and they’d still hammer me. Hehe.

Fact, Jack – and she responded as I heard the next door neighbor respond when yelling loudly at 1AM in the morning (when her husband was arguing yes, but I could barely hear him). . .

“You boom like a foghorn!” (she used Hindi to describe it).

Now, that is completely untrue – if I really yelled, the entire house would have collapsed by now, given how rickety this place is anyway.

I’m being serious here.

But women, of course, try telling them that – but its funny – I then told her what she FELT was my VIBRATION.

And she’s not understanding that.

My vibes are so strong, when I dont like something, others think I truly hate it.

When I love something, watch out – that something is there before I can think “manifest”.


And though the wife is into following a ton of bearded pards who teach “vibes”, she didnt get it.

She made some silly jokes about the noise a vessel makes when it drops to the floor.


It’s vibes you FEEL when you talk to a person.

In the last communication, I mentioned “K” – Chuck’s (well, at the time) girlfriend.

When she was talking to me, I kept noticing how she “picked up on” Chuck’s way of saying “def”.

This isn’t about me and Bruce Clark back in the day discussing who was a “definite” or not (pothead. Hehe).

Its about the short form.

Chuck uses it, it’s “natural”.

she does, it’s “cute”, because it’s somewhat unnatural.

Chinese English is cute as well …

And “disguising something or trying to disguise it” does NOT work unless you’re a Master, or Mistress chameleon.

Even then, VIBES dont lie.

It comes across.

JCVD is a PeRFECT example of this.

He has a thick accent till this date, yet, look at him, you’d think “American”.

Because he doesn’t “fake it”.

It ain’t about accents, or anything else, or language even. Or even what you do so much as HOW you do it, what sort of FEELING you put into it.

Vibes dont lie, my friend.

And therein lies the key to most of my success, if you can pick up on it.

Watch the 0 Excuses Fitness videos, you’ll FEEL it.

I dont care how many new fangled gadgets come across, or “toys” (That was interesting Toy – Toyshika!) people invent.

Nothing will replace feeling and vibes – ever. Nothing CAN.

It’s how we function, its how the world functions in general, even without hearing or seeing the other person, you “feel” a certain something when you read something written by someone – and so forth.

Those who get it will, those who dont will not … so be it.

Ultimately its not just the cream that rises to the top, its the REAL bunch that do  – the “Cream” usually keeps it real.

Yet another reason why “poor paedo” Schofield (ugh, what an ass clown) gets found out each and every time despite the very convincing Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde shows he puts on … Ultimately, he’s not real.

And there it stands.

And thats that!

Back soon.

Rahul Mookerjee


A Blue Light Special Bo(o)zo reviewed 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections.
- Another one of these penny pinching jealous bozos.

I’ve spoken enough bout these wankers and penny pinchers before, haven’t I?

They scream “price, price, price”, but the fact is this, they’re NON DOERS and utter fools who exist to troll and wank (perhaps both together) and like a certain Bozo Schofield wanking as he reads this, you could give them a product for free, and they’d still whine .

In came a review for the great and inspiring book “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections” – and this is more proof that I dont just post the good stuff, of which I have them in SPADES, but I tell you EVERYTHING my friend, including the one star reviews which this one was (bear in mind as you read, this idiot used a “free credit” on audible to get the book – not to mention the book itself costs like a buck or so – hehe).

But before we go there, a word on “Madam” (I gotta call her that, that VOICE – MY!) Prajakta Talele from India, currently in the US and her fantastic narrations for all the books she’s done for me.

My, that voice is nigh perfect, the Indian accent so clear, the American influence showing up sometimes, the way she NATURALLY mispronounces certain words, the way I urged her to leave her accent in, the mispronunciations etc – and best part, she took my advice on board about doing the other business too (hehe – although I didnt think she would, but yours truly does marketing quite well – enough said there. ????).

And I couldn’t help but burst into loud laughter when I heard how she pronounced Schofield. It was PERFECT! Hehe.

(as “show field” which given all the hockey stick slobbing he so wants to do – LOL . Perfect!)

Thank you, Ma’am – you’ve done a superlative job on everything, and like I said, there’s books in the other business reserved for YOU – though you said you wouldn’t do it as yet, you’ll do it soon, which we both know. Hehe. ????

Thank you! Thank you to ALL my great narrators, including Janet Clare – superlative again – and UBER PROFESSIONAL! – David Quiros – John Eaton – the list is too long to list here!

Anyway, here’s the review from the fool –

This is a collection of Newsletters written by the author. This is not an actual book. Regarding the audio, it was so distracting to hear all the giggles constant hehes at the end of almost each sentence.

I cannot help but chuckle when I receive these kinda review – no, despite what Bozos will claim, Im not going to have it taken down even if I could, which I can’t.

I’m going to promote it as another towering monument to “not quite Glyn Schofield level, but “def” (Chuck/K…actually, “K” uses that more – cute hehe) getting there” stupidity …

I mean, where is it written in stone that content in a book cannot be used in a newsletter, or vice versa?

Thats his main grouse. He probably saw some of it on my site, and he’s whining about “if it’s out there for free” “how dare he sell it”?

Well, gee whiz pal, I wrote the damn words, I dont see why I shouldn’t be selling em?

Further – I see no reason why every bit of writing has to be “original” like so many people think.

The writing itself does yes, but you can reuse, repurpose, repackage – why reinvent the goddamned wheel?

Bozos wont get it.

Bezos WILL.

Amazon didnt invent the post office to send out all those books, did they?


They used it – repetitively – do till this day.

More –

When you do pushups daily, is each style of pushup “new”?

I dont think so.

It might be different, each workout is, but I dont think you said “I did this yesterday”, so I wont do them today – or do you?

Repurposing is what the smart man (or woman) does – and the Bozos of course “love” it. Hehe. So do real doers…

This same stupid argument applies when people tell me “that info is free”.

First thing you know it aint. Info when taught by someone in the know is always different, and never free – second, if someone has actually packaged all that together into an easy to read format, I see no reason why he or she should not be fairly VERY well compensated for his or her work?

Do you?

I thought not.

I mean, I’d invite this idiot to find the newsletters I so called wrote that he claims I did and put it in the book… I really, really would, my friend, FIND it, post the URL, and then talk … HA!

I’d roll out the red carpet too, hehe. With giggles.

And that should be enough answer for this idiot whose probably too drunk to read it anyway …

Get the book now – you’ll LOVE IT MY FRIEND!

And thats that. Some serious marketing lessons in here for those that choose to learn as well!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The book in Digital format is available HERE .

PS #2 –  I SO feel the need to “giggle” a bit more. Hehe. There. I did it.


Do BOTH fingertip pushups and regular pushups
- that goes double

Double or nothing, eh? Wel,l not really.

But it might sound strange given what I said the other day about – or the last email about fingertip pushups being the Mecca and Medina of pushups – they are that, btw.

But thing is this – though they blast the grip and build strength in a manner nothing else will – including farmer’s walks, pull-ups and so forth and kettlebells, clubs – all that is great, should be done – but these build grip in the opposite direction – cannot be replicated! – they don’t tax the body the same as regular pushups do.

Now, that dont mean they don’t tax the body in an intense enough manner. Of course they do, and anyone that claims otherwise is a fool that hasnt done ’em.

But they tax the FOREARMS a lot more – and because of the extra elevation, you might get more “dip”  downward, but they’re not as taxing on the triceps and chest.

I can’t explain.

Do ’em both, you’ll see – ditto for chair pushups, which combine everything the regular pushup and the fingertip pushup (if done that way) give you – but in a different manner.

For those still thinking “I can get by without pushups” you’re living in an utter fools paradise, or fitness world, whichever the case might be, nope, you cannot.

Pushups are the dig bog of fitness as mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness, and no, I’m not going to correct the occasional Taipo, I’ll go to the market to point it out even.

Tai Po market in HK in case you didnt know. Hehe.

Lots of Tai PO’s and pan’s there, NO pun intended.

Anyway …………….

Pushup Central was written with many reasons in mind none of which at the time of writing it involved sales.

Literally, not a single person said they wanted it – but none KNEW they wanted it, much like with Amazon Prime, it took time to take off, once it did, well…

The real purpose was to WHIP you, army style, into the best shape of your damn life, my friend.

And thats enough for me, if youre a doer!

Back soon – do BOTH styles of pushups, to end this, and every other I teach in the book and the ones in Volume Two.

Off to work on that, and Advanced Plyometrics!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee