The secret key to bullet proof and PAIN free shoulders. . .
- It might not be what you're thinking!

No, I’m not going to start this one with something about my Lumberjack training, or Shoulders like Boulders! training – all of that is well and dandy, and all of that, along with my other routines I keep pushing, will continue to do so, and rightfully so – will build Brahma bull like shoulders and traps that pack more of a punch than you’ll ever get hoisting weights in the Jim.

Trust me on this one.

What I’m going to talk about is painful shoulders – or creaky traps – or “hamstrings that never quite stretch all the way” (if you’re like me) … and so forth.

And what I’m going to talk about is not just feeling great once those things are resolved, but a pain free upper body – and IMPROVED performance at – get this – your strength training.

I’ve told y’all the stories of the Chinese massuses digging their thumbs deep into my shoulders – this was when I was a “big guy” (read “fat”) … and me yelping with pain (which was a source of great amusement for them).

Ditto for my quads (OUCH!) – and my calves – and my feet (the soles).

I’d literally CRY out loud as they used their elbows to work all the kinks out in my muscles.

I dont know if it was coincidence, I dont believe in those, but though I wasn’t obese or anything – I could barely run around the block without collapsing – or climb the stairs to my fourth floor apartment without panting up a storm.

My training methods (pumping weights) and lifestyle had something to do with it, sure.

But the other issue was something I did not know about until MUCH later – even after  I put out 0 Excuses Fitness and such.

When I first started jumping rope, I noticed something odd.

Despite being officially obese at the time, my calves and thighs never really hurt or burned (dont get me wrong, I felt it, but those areas were never really sore the way hill climbs made them).

It was my HAMSTRINGS that were sore, if I really noticed.

It was hard to walk after a great jump rope workout – no long strides as I usually take – which was a direct result of hamstrings “too sore and complaining”.

This, my friend, is what I am talking about with regard to your upper body too.

A lot of you are studs at the regular pushup, for one.

But when it comes to reverse pushups, bridges and such – not quite.

A LOT of that isn’t necessarily your strength quotient not being up to par.

It is LACK OF FLEXIBILITY in the shoulders – and upper body – especially with reverse pushups and such (ditto for lower body).

You might be shocked to know, my friend, that a lot of my prep for the 10,000 jump rope in QUICK time (I dont plan on an hour long workout) – involves not rope jumps or quad work.

It involves STRETCHING.

Man, the SIGHS I let out upon stretching a muscle fully – the sheer bliss – cannot be explained in mere words!

There is a reason I wrote about “I’d prefer isometrics over an orgasm”. Hehe.

It’s true – not entirely, but you get the point!

My isometrics that I teach you in the great book “Isometric and Flexibility Training” (I use the term “my isometrics” because no-one out there teaches them like I does, I’ve not even seen it in any other books or manuals) … they dont just make you feel like you’re on Cloud Nine.

They lead to improved performance in jumping rope (that example) or reverse pushups – or any other exercise you choose.

My friend, if there is one course you really must pick up here – it is the book on isometrics.

Along with that …

Most of you have placed pre-orders for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness for “size and strength” and “massive upper body”.

Strong chest.

Corsucating grip.

The RUSH and THRILL that comes from hoisting heavy stuff – or pulling out – REAL heavy stuff, strongman style.

I get  it.

Hey, there is a reason they call me an Ironman!

But what you’ve likely missed is what I keep talking about on the sales page, and everywhere else – FLEXIBLE shoulders, traps, chest, and upper body.

THAT – my friend, is one of the huge benefits of training with clubs and maces for one.

The way you move your shoulders through a wide range of motion, circular motions and such – simply cannot be beat – or replicated – with other movements (even the Hindu pushup).

And the clicking, clacking, and all that you hear – even on my videos – its stuff realigning, getting back into condition, and making you feel GREAT.

As an aside, right now, I keep trying digging my own thumb into my shoulder joint with all I can muster.




Far cry from back in the day, though I loved those days too! (for reasons other than fitness if you get my drift)

So if you have not placed a pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness as yet, my friend – NOW is the time to do it. Along with that, be SURE – damn sure to pick up Isometric and Flexibility Training too!

Start building your bullet proof, PAIN Free shoulders today – that alone, my friend, should be incentive enough!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Dont even get me started on the boobybuilders that can barely lift up their arms to put on their shirt, or have heart attack while hanging paintings up or what not. Ugh. All covered in the Shoulders like Boulders! page.

This is an awesome book if you want to build grizzly bear like “raging bull” strength you CANNOT and will NOT be able to build from any other movement, period. Read the reviews, and get it NOW.

PS #2 – If you want to go ADVANCED – Battletank Shoulders is the ticket. You will literally turn into “part gorilla” if you can even do 1/4 of the workouts I give you at the end of the book!

PPS – For those of you interested in freestanding handstand pushups, another massive shoulder and upper body builders (and fat blaster) – THIS is the “bridge” you must pass first before you get there.

Gentle workouts … Tough workouts… in the middle…
- And more!

Dear Reader,

I’ve been going FAST AND FURIOUS Over the past few weeks – literally – and I’ve been amping it up as we hit the year end.

Part of my goals is 10,000 rope jumps in ONE workout – and for it NOT to take forever.

Given 2000 currently takes around 13-15 minutes for me, that isn’t as astronomical a goal as you might imagine!

But, baby steps.

I didnt get there over night.

And daily, to get to that goal – I haven’t been hitting max and going for broke daily.

I do 1500 one day, 3000 the next, 2000 another day …

One day, the magic number will come – when it comes – I’ll be ready for it!

But thats a personal goal for me …

Anyway, with this jumping rope routine, you can imagine I dont need much, or any cardio at all – but I still get in my Eat More – Weigh Less workouts – I even put out a brief video on that the other day Ie showing you how to go in reverse, and how it can give you a great , great workout, and the incline on which I do it.

That park is an oasis, quite literally!

Along with this, I’ve been doing some advanced bridging – on which I plan on putting out another book.

Bridging, I’ll have y’all know this RIGHT NOW, my friend – is a FULL Body workout!

If you follow what I tell you in 0 Excuses Fitness, you KNOW this already.

Believe me, when you add gymnastic bridging, and some of the other variants you’ll see in the book sometime next year, you’ll quickly realize the truism of “focusing on ONE exercise” and MASTERING it fully – be that the pushup – or pull -up – or even jumping rope – or the bridge – and therefore, NOT needing much of anything else at all for the whole body.

If you want to place a pre-order for that book, contact me – sales page ain’t up as yet, but that will happen soon too.

Then, of course,my regular pushups, pull-ups, club training, and more …

So the days have been rather full in that regard!


But today, while out there, at the end of my workout, I felt the need for … less.

Not more, less.

And I walked away from the workout area to an area with a lot of trees etc, an area which is almost “forest like” in that the sun doesn’t quite penetrate the foliage, and there I was – just sitting there, doing nothing, blissed out for a good half an hour or so.

After this, I walked around SLOWLY again – just a slow, gentle walk – nothing else!

Sometimes, my friend, you need the time – and space – to zone out – especially given all else going on around us.

That doesn’t mean you stop doing what you normally do, your workouts etc, but you ZONE out a while.

Upon returning home, I got something to eat, and then again – laid down to rest, doing not much of anything at all.

This was supposed to be written a good two hours ago… All OK, it happens when it does, so to speak!!

So ying and yang, my friend.

You mix in the slow and relaxed with the Fast and Furious.

Same thing with workouts, I’ve been saying this forever.

Sometimes you go HARD.

Other days, you just do SOMETHING.

Yet other days, you do “normal”workouts.

Sometimes, you might do two or three short workouts over the day, sometimes one long one …

And so forth.

Key lies in switching it all up and the variety that makes it possible, and 0 Excuses Fitness, my friend, provides that variety.

As an aside, I’m really disappointed that some of you, especially some of you that are my most loyal supporters have not taken advantage of some of the great offers we have going on.

These offers are for YOU, my friend, I would not put in the time and energy needed to create them or think about them if it wasn’t for you ..

And your support is always required, and invaluable, my friend.

You guys have been great overall, and I dont see that changing, but some of you – well, it’s time to (or, its WAY OVERDUE) “do the thing” as it were.

And I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps – Place your pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness HERE.

“When she SEES it – she is going to WANT it!”
- So said Lilly, hehe.

Lilly was (and still is)  a great friend!

Rueben John Lilly is his name, and we were once discussing – gawd, I dont know – I think girls, sex, what not – and how he was advising me to “do the deed first yourself” before doing it with her – LOL – as if I needed tuition on that one (that was typical guy talk on “lasting longer” at the good ole “horny” age of 19 – lol again) …

And I kept deadbatting it all back with my thing about “I love girls, but end of the day, I’d rather stay to myself”.

Curiously enough, of course, this approach has netted me more women without even trying than most men achieve in several lifetimes (which is NO, that is NOT me bragging, it is just an example of … well, how you can GET what you want without overly consciously struggling or trying – subconsciously, you do the work, the results come!).

Zero to Hero, and more – believe me, there is a REASON I keep giving you this book to buy, my friend.

Please, if you’re not satisfied with your life the way it is – and I mean REALLY, deep down inside (saying “No Rahul I’m happy!” – and then following it up by saying “but half my life is gone, no use!” will not cut it – that is a NO) – then GET this book – along with Gumption Galore, it’ll give you the ballast you need on your most down days to – get up – DO – and achieve.

Believe me, I speaketh from the trenches.

Anyway …….

He then spoke about girls constantly calling me up etc (on the good ole PHONE, we didnt have dumbphones back then).

I replied in the affirmative, but I told him I didnt really entertain most of them.

(dont get me wrong tho, them Southern girls were GORGEOUS!)

(and no, this hasn’t got anything to do with the size, shape, color or texture of my wang doodle – a certain guy “Jeremy” when pondering just how I was so “successful with women” made the comment about “because you’re …” (well, I best not go there) – and then of course, my great friend TEMB made the comment about “you got the HAIR! ” – LOL “Habib got all the girls!”) …

He harrumphed.

“When she sees it, she is going to WANT IT!”

True dat.


Even my phat phocker days, though back then I was a skinny runt I believe, swimming several laps in the pool daily, and ladies coming up and saying “swim one more for me” (when I was fixated on their mammaries more than anything else, haha).

Now, just what the hell does this have to do with fitness, you might ask.

A lot.

I’ve been asking yall about the courses you want to see, for one.

Lot of you have gotten back, lot of you not.

But hear me out – before I put out Pushup Central, for one, I asked people galore about whether they’d like to see a book like this, truly the best ever on pushups, going DEEP where NO-ONE else did.

How many responses did I get?

If you’d guess “5-what I can count on one hand” – you wouldn’t be far off!

Yet, I followed my gut and put out the book.

Same thing for Kiddie Fitness. 

Same thing for Battletank Shoulders!

Now, SOMETIMES, you guys know what you want – and it’s right on target – the book on isometrics, for one, came bout through a lot of “goading” from several people.

Which is great!

But a lot of times, you only really see it first, and then you want it – and that the key to visualization I keep saying – you have to see it first – to GET IT!

You have to believe you can DO IT!

When Jeff Bezos asked his customer about Prime, before he launched it, no-one responded – not because they didnt want it.

They did not believe it was POSSIBLE.

So he did it, and, well, the results are there for all to see …

Same thing for your fitness.

My products SHOW you – right down to the LOOK – in terms of what you’ll GET – and WANT.

Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness shows me in a “bulk up” mode because that is what you guys WANT.

(those that want that course).

(and no, you dont HAVE to be fat – or bulky – or both – or “bigger” – or have huge muscles – to be strong as heck. The look ain’t important. Results are. Personally, I prefer the lean and mean look, but since so many of you want to see “what is possible” – 3000 plus – well, I’m SHOWING YOU!)

Ditto for my other courses. Basic course on pull-ups shows me as a phat phocker, so YOU know YOU can do it too.

And so forth… (Eat More – Weigh Less shows me in that avatar) …

Point is this, friend.

Lots of you want to get in better shape for fitness and health yes, but also to be attractive to the opposite sex, not necessarily “do anything”, but just … you know…

Or, some of you want the LUMBERJACK look – which has got nothing to do with women, you just want people looking at you with the “strongman!!!!!” look!

Or, the Corrugated Core look.

Point is this, again.

See it – FIRST.

And you’ll want it, like most of you want my products!

Last, but not least, remember that “simply wanting”  doesn’t cut it.

True, when Bezos started Amazon, he had the internet – and growth on his side, but that alone didnt cut it, did it?

When YOU start on your own fitness journey – which might seem an Amazonian one – when yours truly did – you have to see what you want – then you have to do.

Part of that doing involves learning, my friend, from someone that has DONE it before. 

That someone is ME …

And that, my friend is that.

Get your Christmas shopping done NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.- Remember, I dont know if I said this before, but there is a special offer waiting for those of you wanting Animal Kingdom Workouts.

But, you have to email me and TELL Me you want it – and get it you shall.

Flat discount basically, no other Terms and conditions – period.

Can’t beat that, I think – so if you’re a doer, and WANT IN, then EMAIL ME NOW – and TELL ME!

New books – YOUR thoughts?
- Your input is invaluable, friend.

So as I’ve been saying for what seems like months now – Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness WILL be the next book out.

If you have not yet placed your pre-order – PLEASE do NOT delay any longer, and place your pre-order HERE –

I keep finding new stuff to add to this great book!!

(Not to mention the kettlebell section needs to be finished; I’m having FUN doing both clubs/bells in the same section!)

(not the sort of fun Glyn in Brum would think of when you talk “clubs/bells”).

But, thats the next one out – for sure.

Now, along with the videos for that book – and for Jump Rope Mania (high on the list in terms of videos) – I’ve got the following books “on the table” …

Advanced Plyometrics

Advanced Bridging (although some of this will be WAY too advanced for y’all, its a great yardstick to work up to!).

At some point, you’ll see me put something out on one arm work – and probably muscle ups too.

My question to YOU though is this …

Aside from all that – what would YOU like to see?

i.e. do YOU have anything SPECIFIC In mind?

This is not a “rhetorical question”, my friend.

This question is directed to YOU – the “rabid” 0 Excuses Fitness supporter.

And all it requires is your input, because after the first couple of books up there, I am going to take YOUR feedback into account in this regard.

After all, that is why we do what we do – getting YOU in the best shape of your life.

So write back – tell me – let me know!

We’ll go from there.


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I’d rather run uphill anyday over flat land running.
- I really would!

It might be tougher, yes.

It might next to “kill you” when you first start.

It’ll cause your heart to THUMP out of your chest, and it might even injure you if you’re not ready for it (I talk about NOT jumping from a perch on the couch for years – uphill sprints within one day).

It’ll cause weight loss like you NEVER knew, and you’ll build slabs of muscle ALL over your body, including your entire upper body – especially them traps – and the CHEST too.

There are so many good reasons behind it, but my main reason …

Is it’s intense – and …

… even for super fit people like me, it’s a lot less stress on the joints etc – which is applicable to YOU here, my friend.

When you run uphill, you get all the benefits of running x 100, if the slope is good.

And because it’s so tough, it’s hard to “over do it” (though it’s easy to sprain something – again – read Eat More – Weigh Less very thoroughly – it tells you how to go from start – advanced!).

But it’s a lot less boring as well.

I remember a guy once telling me about his weight loss, where he “pounded the pavement” for hours every day.

“It really works”, he told me.

It might work, yes.

But there are better ways of losing weight than that – he looked like a prune for one, all dried out.

Again, his weight loss was commendable, but I wonder about his joints, his internal health etc – from all that pounding on the pavement, most of all, the FEELING!

When you do quick sprints, especially uphill, you FEEL like a billion bucks!

Like nothing you’ve ever done before, and this feeling, my friend – lasts ALL day long – with a few MINUTES of exercise. Literally!

And to me, that alone is worth it.

Give me Herschel Walker/Walter Peyton like hill sprints any day – preferably with tyres around the waist. Hehe.

That sort of thing is going to be covered in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness as well in case you did not know, and if you’re still being a “mooch” and still have not placed that pre-order, then you dont have a pulse, my friend – I have to say it.

This will truly be the best course ever!

Oh, and for now, remember to pick up Eat More – Weigh Less – and start getting in super shape while you’re at it.

Back soon!!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why “reverse training” is an absolute must if you want to get better at PULL-UPS!
- & many of y'all do ...

Actually, doing pushups regularly, and getting damn good at pushups is an absolute must.

I’ve included the main sorts you simply MUST work in “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” – that you simply MUST work in order to get good at pull-ups, period.

And EVEN if you’re, you know – already pretty good at pull-ups – you’ll want to work these exercises into your routine anyway. Remember what happened to me – the pull-up stud “bonafide” after about a year or so of not doing very many pushups at all?

You dont want that to happen to you!

The reverse pushup i.e. a variant, but NOT the “best darn exercise” is included in the book, and for good reason.

But the OTHER “reverse style” pushups are a must too my friend if you want to get better at pull-ups, and quick.

First thing you know, you better get damn good at the BRIDGE – all it’s variants.

The regular bridge – front and back.

Way too many people ignore the front on this one – do NOT do that, period.

The wrestler’s bridge – front and back.

(in 0 Excuses Fitness I tell you the bridge is part of the BIG THREE – there is a reason why!)

And a much ignored style of bridging that even super fit people struggle to do – and hold – the GYMNASTIC bridge, as I teach in Corrugated Core.

The “table” pushup as well.

All these work so well, why?

Well, some of you might answer – they strengthen the core. You wouldn’t be wrong there!

Some might say lower back, and you would not be wrong there either – these are the BEST ever for the lower back – a huge weak area for most people.

Isometrics are a GREAT way to strengthen that lower back, by the way – – especially some of the movements most people think do not target that area!

Then, y’all may say upper back – which is true too!

But the MAIN reason other than stretching and strengthening the entire back – posterior chain and buttocks beyond belief – even stretching another even more important area, the hamstrings is this – and it does apply to pull-up mastery – LOOSENING!

And, reversing the Hunchback of Notre Dame effect most people have from spending too long at the computer, or desk, or whatever it is . . .

Even you FIT people might suffer from the “hunchback” syndrome to a degree and not even know it.

And one prime sign of that – the MID back – the muscles along the SIDE of the mid back – another weak area for most people!

Bridging, and reverse work strengthens, stretches, and loosens all this beyond belief.

If you want to improve at pull-ups QUICK, my friend, then get good at these – get DAMN good at these.

You might be surprised – some of you will improve your pull-ups using these techniques within a DAY or so – or a workout or so – and that is NOT an exaggeration.

Well, my friend, I’m back from a studly pull-up workout – and reverse work, so I feel qualified to write to you about this, and my gorilla grip.

“Rahul, what the heck!” a friend of mine went when I gripped his hand out there.

But I could feel it.

He’s the same guy I said yesterday that has started on pushups . . .

I could feel it, post workout!

I encouraged him a bit too.

“You’re getting stronger bro. KEEP IT UP!”

And I hope he keeps it up, doesn’t do what he did with pull-ups i.e. do ’em for one day, never again.

Alright, enough for now.

Get all the courses above, and get cranking on pull-ups, one of the truly very best exercises you can DO, friend.

I look forward to hearing about it!


Rahul Mookerjee

“If you’re like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, “

Dear Friend,

As I sit here, writing to you – sopping wet with sweat – belly expanding in and out (secret of Eat More – Weigh Less, along with the breathing if you look between the lines for you that GETS IT!) … WITHOUT my glasses, I’m still breathing hard and heavy.

My God!

As I sit here having blasted through previous bests in a 1000 jump rope and 100 regular squat workout?

My oh my!

THIS review (for Pushup Central, but what he said, how he said it is the most important) from the “immortal” (training wise) John Walker, still going strong at 64 plus – came to mind .

The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world’s oldest and “most diverse” exercise.

If you’re like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training “brutally effective” training.

Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.

The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it’s absolute best.

Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.

The title was –


Now, this is from a former Samurai, a man who knows a thing or two, and then some about training, a real man that trains regularly hard and heavy, a real man that schedules his training into the time when he won’t be bothered with idiocy from the Missus and the world in general – early in the AM, my type of guy, does ONE solid workout a day, again, my type of guy (though I’ve been known to do 10-15 minutes busts too) …

What his wife once told him came to mind too.

“Stop , or you’ll give yourself a heart attack”

This lady doesn’t understand his fascination with hard training and Rahul Mookerjee’s fitness routines in general.

Ladies never do, do they.

These routines are the BEST thing, period, you can do for that HEART!

Your body benefits, and I’ve said this so many times before FAR more with it’s valves being BLOWN WIDE OPEN – and taken for a SOLID FAST RIDE than “long slow distance cardio” BS for “old fogies” and Bozos.

“More interested, like Sandra, to stop and smell the roses”.

But as I felt my heart THuMPING out of my chest, that was the last thing I did.

I could barely breathe – at a certain point I damn near collapsed.

Yes, me, the bodyweight fitness guru, the Stella Artois of Fitness!

It was THAT brutal, the workout – and I’m off to do pull-ups and reverse training now.

Including the best darn exercise.

But John’s words kept playing in my mind, and got me through the workout.

“If you’re like me, when the body quits, but the mind refuses to let you quit” …



Your body can do so much more than what you “think” (consciously) it can.

Little old lady lifting the car off the person, I’m sure y’all all heard that one.

This doesn’t mean she could think and lift 10 of them off, of course.

Keep it in the realm of “not idiotic” i.e. if you spread your wings and jump off buildings attempting to fly like Glyn once almost did (I know, I know! And I’ll be putting out a video on him and dealing with trolls, and profiting from them very soon – and a BOOK too ,much like the book on Nazi feminism where Bozo gets lots of mentions) … then you won’t be able to do it, period.

But strength and fitness wise, you only really know what you’re made of once challenged, once you put yourself to the TEST.

My training ain’t for pussies (thanks Charles). 

But it builds real men from the inside out.

You’ll see me doing these in the breathtaking videos, two as of now, that I am putting together for Jump Rope Mania.

For now, pick up the course – eithe rin digital or paperback, or even for you passionate Rahul Mookerjee fitness fans, HARDCOVER.

The perfect gift for Christmas, I’ll say that much, if just for yourself.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee


​The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined,

(John is truly my brother from a different MOTHER!)

(The one I wish I always had, hehe). (I’m sure so does he!)

Strength, agility, speed – and FAT LOSS – and more – with Jump Rope Mania!
- Indeed another old timer secret


If there is one course I’d recommend you to get along with Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness to train “old school” style WITH IMPLEMENTS and not just bodyweight (though remember, friend – bodyweight is KING. You can do all the mudgars you want, and you won’t necessarily get any better at pull-ups, the reverse is not true!) – it is the much ignored (or perhaps “left by the wayside”) course I put out last year – Jump Rope Mania. 

Not only is this one of the most affordable courses I sell, I mean, think about it – like $50 or so??? Peanuts, I should really price it higher! – Actually, I should say not only is it one of the most reasonably priced courses I offer YOU – but it’s worth its weight in gold and then some.

Jumping rope is an old time strongman training secret – period.

It builds strength, health and fitness – from the inside out.

It builds speed.

It builds AGILITY.

It builds flexibility, and perhaps most important to you?

It is a GREAT tool for fat loss – and RAPID fat loss while building stamina. 

Not all of you can do my Animal Kingdom Workouts – so this is a great place to start, friend.

10 minutes of rope jumping is far better than 30 minutes of running (not sprinting, but running) per day.

That bit of wisdom, along with “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is TRUE.


There is a reason the old timers, even those that were not boxers or wrestlers all jumped rope regularly – there is nothing better for the lymhpatic system for one.

And the balls of your feet, the pressure points connected to them …

Anyway, I put out a very basic video on jumping rope yesterday – along with some club work.

Many of you liked it!

But what I am going to do NOW is this – I am going to put out a NEVER SEEN BEFORE video – on jumping rope alone – with the movements shown in the course in great detail.

Some of you have expressed great interest in the “jogging” and scissoring movements.

Some in the “letter” workouts in the book.

And I’m going to show it all to you – along with a semi-basic workout as well.

Meaning, it’s more than what I show you on youtube (which is more than enough to fry most people anyway). . .

Something you can do daily, and the real kicker to this video, although youll see me doing pull-ups, handstands and all that – or some of it, whatever I can “do” at the time – and film – you will see me training in reverse as well.

Thats right, friend.

And you’ll see me do advanced grip work while jumping rope too – trust me, the rope will FRY your forearms if you do it right, combine it with other Gorilla Grip movements, and you’re truly on your way to “unnatural kung fu like grip status!”.

Just trust me on this one (I know you do).

I’ll have a pre-order for the set of videos out soon – right now, I’m raring to get my OWN workout done.

And for ya’ll, if you ain’t yet picked up Jump Rope Mania, please do so NOW.

Heck, it’s even one of the most reasonably priced books out there – for what it offers – pure streaming GOLD – I really should be pricing it higher and I will soon, but for now, the price remains at what it IS.

Get this NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

10 kg mudgar provide MORE than a solid workout – for most of you.
- Start - SLOW!

If there is one thing I keep repeating in the videos – much as I do with breathing in the 0 Excuses fitness system, it is THIS.


I know the gym goers and “so called gurus” and “look-see’s” in general will scoff at starting with 5 kg or less – as I advocate.

Even yours truly, bodyweight guru par excellence trains with 10 kgs most of the time, and 20 a couple of times a week.

For maces, I’ve gone 25 kgs, but no more – as yet.

You dont NEED MORE than that.

And you won’t be able to DO MORE than that, trust me, workout wise when you first start, EVEN if you’re a seasoned athlete – swimmer – triathlete – wrestler (well, maybe then) – or boxer (maybe then) – or martial artist – or whatever.

The clubs, and maces – have a way of HUMBLING the giants, my friend.

Due to the distribution of the weight, they just FEEL different, and you’ll see what I mean – especially when you workout not just with clubs, but using them as part of a routine with other bodyweight exercises or other implements.

Trust me.

Higher weights may sound cool.

But much like in the gym with “bros” injuring themselves left right and center piling on more and more weight to the bar to “show” God knows who they did it – much like those banging out shit pushups and claiming they did a 100 – see Fast and Furious for more on that – there is no point.

Check your ego in at the door.

This week, I received an email from someone in the Ship (I’ve been posting some videos there as well NOT accessible for “free” as on my You -Bube Channel) ..

This was before I made the public vidoes that I have.

This gentleman did not heed my advice about BEING DAMN careful with these, and the swings when TIRED. (see the video on Boob Tube for more on that).

No boobs,hehe.

He didnt listen to me when I told him to start with 2kgs.

“Humph!” he went. 

“I’m not so weak!” 

And all the talk in the world wouldn’t dissuade you would it, my dear Peter.

Thankfully it was a bump, and he got away with a bit of a sore jaw and nothing else, but it could have been far worse.

Folks, again, please.

And this is yet another reason I’m putting out some videos for ALL of you to see for FREE – START – SLOW AND EASY!

More weight is great, ONLY WHEN YOU CAN do a lot of stuff with, i.e. MASTER – and that’ll take some of you a lifetime – the “lighter”clubs!

Same thing for maces – and kettlebells.

Now tyre flips and chain work, thats a different story, and one I’ll talk about in the book, and coming emails.

For now, PLEASE – again – heed my advice.

And place that pre-order, folks.

For some of you, it’s long overdue, so get it over with and DONE – NOW!

I look forward to serving you with the very best!


Rahul Mookerjee

From “Baithinda” to Texas, hehe.
- And more!

And, jumping rope – and Indian clubs – and a combo there in!

Before getting to that, if the world class fitness videos in 0 Excuses Fitness have ONE flaw – if it can be called that, it is this.

The workout video shows me in a typical 0 Excuses Fitness workout.

Lots of pushups, squats, and I even throw in bridging at the end fo ryou – and a handstand or two.

And wall walking – and you’ll see me do the BEST darn exercise ever.

Yet, while this sort of thing will get you in the best shape of your life, there were many people at “rank beginner” level for whom following along was nigh impossible.

Now, in those vidoes I tell you – do what you can i.e. START someplace.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Neither was “Bhatinda” – that is the right way to pronounce it, hehe.

I pronounced – and apparently spelt it “Baithinda” up there!

But Rome wasnt built in a day, so do what you can – and yet, I always regretted not putting out more “beginniner” level videos.

Perhaps with my level of conditioning, what I would do for beginners would still be too much for most people!

I dont know,but THIS morning, my workout went straight from Punjab to TX to China, hehe – or maybe the other way around.

I even flew my own plane everywhere, evading the lockdowns and such.


Not really. Hehe.

But those Indian clubs I speak so highly off, there is a guy in Bhatinda in Punjab that makes CUSTOM clubs i.e. custome weight, grip size etc – believe me, there is an art and science to this, and we export them to China and elsewhere.

Now, thats a different business altogether.

But, those clubs were used by the Gama, Indian wrestlers of yore, and even strongmen globally – that curiously enough all learnt it from India, yet were “invited” to India to train the weak Maharajas in their own art!

Sometimes, the grass is indeed greener on the other side.

Hilarious. Hehe.

The TX part, well, lumberjacks, lodestones, you get it – and the “Baithinda” which I ended up pronouncing it as – my Hindi ain’t the best, hehe.

To China, well, “Chandini Chowk to China” – ’nuff said there, hehe.

But anyway …

Mr Tan took the pictures for Battletank Shoulders, and did a great job there!

Yours truly has a friend who took the video today – a GORILLA GRIP video,a short one – but that one’s not up as yet – watch for it soon.

What IS up is my OWN video which I took myself.

What a lot of you have been hankering after!

HOW to swing the clubs – and I show you how to do it in yesterday’s video, but today’s video shows you how to do it – in a workout – along with some basic jumping rope.

To me 700 odd reps and 30 odd swings, or the other way around is child’s play, and anyway, I was getting late for my pull-ups. Hehe.

But that brief workout – around 15 minutes or so, I believe – that I put together will put most advanced trainees to shame if you do things RIGHT.

And, I’ll be doing more such videos up for Jump Rope Mania! – a highly underrated course – and of course, the five great ones for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness.

For now, enjoy this workout – it’ll show you that you truly need NO MORE Than 15 minutes to to get in shape – and stay there!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to place your pre-order for Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness NOW.