Neck strength and more…
- Along with forearms...

While watching a recent (mostly quite forgettable) movie on survivalists in the jungle (I wont even get into the story, it doesnt seem anything remotely worth telling you about at this point) I noticed something… well, that I already know.

And you should, as well.

As is to expected from people living entirely off the land, like ENTIRELY – candles made of tree wax, eating worms and meat they killed themselves, and having such an aversion to modern humanity apparently that they worship weird funguses, and (this I agree with hehe) smash any and all dumbphones they get their hands on before calling them “monster!” .. as is to be expected, these people live on the bare minimum.

Bows, arrows, wooden mats to sleep on, rattan “blankets” and so forth, and with all that bare minimum, they’re SKINNY as heck – you’d think.

Most would call ’em skinny .

Yet, you look at the muscles on their frames.

Compact muscle, strong muscle, SINEWY muscle – literally an example of steel and whalebone!

If you’ve ever wondered how certain African tribes living in the jungle have legs of streaming steel despite probably not doing a single squat – well, this email is for you.

Amidst all this, well, one of the survivalists I’m talking about is an older guy, another a younger one.

And the first thing you notice about the younger guy – if you do (other than his attraction to the girl in the movie who seems to be there just for “show” ) ?


Again, most would call him rail – or bone – skinny.

Most idiots would at least…

But you look at that neck, it’s anything BUT skinny.

It’s not just you know what’s that are the biggest often for skinny guys. Hehe.

“Pang ren qui dian”, fat man have small penis, well, thats an ancient Chinese saying, and it rings true, but they should have made one along the lines of skinny guys with thick necks too!

The neck, my friend, along with the legs and forearms are a sure shod sign of health – vitality – and STRENGTH.

And as I am sure you know much like with those other body parts – you cannot hide it – or the lack of it if I might say so – in clothing – even if you want to.

Neck development and forearms – one of the most lacking amongst most modern day men, my friend.

And here’s the thing – pathetic neck development for most modern day men aside, what do you DO to build a bull neck – traps of steel – and so forth ?

Well, it isn’t necessarily hours and hours of bridging as you might expect me to tell you.

Dont get me wrong, the bridging is an excellent, superlative exercise, but it ain’t the be all and end all of neck workouts.

In fact, I’ve found the best workouts to be those that really get you HUFFING and puffing – that really build the chest from the inside out (again, via the proper deep breathing) – those being LEG and back workouts.

If you work the legs and back right, it’s almost impossible to not to have strong, muscular traps and a bull neck – or at least a strong durable neck that is VISIBLE.

Dont get me wrong, bridging – yes, you need to breathe deeply while doing this exercise, but other workouts I’ve found – squats, pull-ups, a lot of the other stuff – even lumberjack workouts – and losing WEIGHT in general – all these help far more in developing a strong neck for the average male – or female, hehe – than any amount of “neck shrugs” or “focused neck work” will.

Thats my take on it, anyway.

And I’m out.

Remember to get the 0 Excuses Fitness System, the closest and best thing to a “survivalist” mode of fitness – which I can’t say is a bad thing entirely!


Rahul Mookerjee

What a cooking enthusiast thought about our great book “Dish Delicious!”
- And we're only on Volume ONE!

I really got to get the wife in a better mood, so we can come out with Volume Two of that book.


If it ever happens.


I know thats my job … I’m admittedly very lax in that regard as well, hehe.

Anyway – just got this great review in for Dish Delicious from a Portugese reader in Brazil, Helena Loureiro.

The book is amazing and as a cooking enthusiast I can’t wait to try those recipes myself.  I’ll actually try the fried spinach recipe for meal prep tonight and I’m looking forward to try the spaghetti with meatballs (using chicken as well!) soon!
And you know if a cooking enthusiast says it – it’s GOOD!
(not to mention, and no, I ain’t being chauvinstic, I’m being REALISTIC – when a woman praises “another woman” – or God(dess) forbid a man) Hehe.
Actually the “praising other women” part is noteworthy, if you dont agree, you dont really know women well enough. Haha.
And she is NOT the only one either.
A book every culinary enthusiast MUST HAVE.
(that was a reader from India, name withheld upon request!)
Anyway, yours truly –
Hi Helena,
Thanks for your comments on the book – truly super much appreciated! Yes, my wife is a damn good cook hehe – those recipes all came from her. Hopefully she will be in a “good mood” sometime soon so we can continue with Volume Two of the book as well, hehe…. (probably my job to put her in that good mood? LOL).
Anyway – yeah, lt me know your feedback on the recipes – I’m most interested to hear that, and will that pass that on to my wife as well … <rest chopped>
My wife once demanded to know “which girl will cook such delicious food for you!”  – that was during a battle to “cut my hair” which of course you guys probably know the outcome there. Hehe. Since childhood, the one thing Rahul Mookerjee (well, one amongst many) has NOT done, or not wanted to do at all I should say – cut or trim that luxuriant wild mane.
Much like my nature, it is what it is. It shall REMAIN that way.
Anyway, I could name several that would.
Maybe it would be prudent NOT TO. LOL. Maybe the wife is dead on right on this one.
Sometimes, often times, I know which battles NOT to fight, or even engage in. Hehe.
And thats that, short one for now.
With all the interest in FOOD going on, this one might be one y’all want to get NOW.
No pre-orders for Volume Two as yet, that will happen “by and by” as it were…
Best ,
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with the “Simple and Effective Diet” (Volume Two on that out soon too) – I might just put these into a giant compilation. We’ll see, for now, remember, The Simple and Effective Diet is also a must have, and yours GRATIS with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System (digital download).

Why so called girly workouts are sometimes the BEST.
- Glyn, you might wanna read this... LOL/

Ever notice that Bollywood, at least as of yore -had all these “song and dance routines”?

I dont know why, but people in India in general seemed to love ’em that way – sometimes songs that make no sense, completely meaningless…

With utterly drop dead GORGEOUS women of course. Hehe.

Which is probably (the women) why a lot of Indians so watched the songs, both male and female.

But while yours truly as WELL NOTED before is NOT a Bollywood fan – I’ve watched some of their most recent movies, and they’re alright too, but less singing and dancing, perhaps the industry has at long last finally progressed beyond that but given how every damned movie these days be it in Hollywood or Bollywood is a repeat of something they made years ago … well!

Or, repeats of Tollywood in the case of Bollywood.

I dont know why – actually I do know, that WAR movies are on the rise, world wars and such renacted. Given what is going on in the world – HA!

(if you can’t spot it you’re a prime fool and bozo to be honest).

But anyway.

one key feature in those lovely “thumkas” as they call ’em in India?

The women moving their hips – literally rotating them! – sort of like in China, where a favored workout for women is to take a hoopla ring (I believe they call ’em) – and use ONLY the core – read the hips and CORE (read Corrugated Core for a true description of what core is) …

The gyrations aside, that is workout unto itself, my friend, and it ain’t how most people do it either. …

You do it from the HIPS – much like the “girly workouts” a certain Angel once told me about.

Trust me on this one. Those sort of workouts are very popular in China too …  China has no Bollywood, but girls often do similar things, rotating a lovely hoopla ring around them for what seems like forever, and really – it’s a lower back and core workout bar none if you start from the ass and do it RIGHT.


Ahem. Glyn? Hehe.

That brings me to the point of this – it isn’t just a workout to strip away fat, make your entire core region stronger so you can take more dong, hehe – it isn’t just to improve digestion and so many other things that people say fitness wise (mostly true) – it ain’t to make you a “Silence of the Lambs” pyschotic nutjob like Glyn Schofield (that guy, ugh! is), gyrating naked in front of the mirror while plotting his next move… (against women. Ugh).

(Glyn of course with his insanity and micro you know what would love that sort of thing – he keeps parading the former everywhere anyway as if it was a badge of honor – ugh – and the workout, well, he wouldn’t be able to do it anyway, that lower back would collapse with that mammoth belly of his before he could think or utter the word “sissy” that apparently this fool so loves. Ugh, just ugh, these rainbow loving lunatics…)

Actually, yours truly was doing just that today – except it wasn’t in front of a mirror. And it was to do with the movement itself, nothing else, certainly no Glyn stuff going on – I remembered for one when my lovely wife and me would work out together.

Those days long gone now, obviously. Hehe.

But she’d often giggle at my attempts to do the Asian squat right (I was too fat) – and how I gyrated my hips wrong, again, I was so fat, truly “phat phocker” status back then.

Anyway, happier times as one person said recently, as evidenced in the book above – as well as “Fast and Furious Fitness“, “Dish Delicious” and so forth (and no, my wife wan’t always a card carry Nazi feminist, she was far better when I met her, then again, at that point she got what she wanted, always, especially $$ wise so obviously…!).


Anyway, a variant of this workout is shown in the first book above, and let me tell you, like some of those other workouts in it – it is a lower back and core workout like NO other.

Point of me saying this is simple, my friend.

Some of the girliest routines – and workouts – are some of the toughest ever.

Like dancing, for one.

Ballet. (ask Van Damme).

Or, what I’ve mentioned above…

It’s worth it to sometimes remove “labels” and just do the thing – a lot of so called big guys that are fat and pump away at the gym or home while actually doing nothing worthwhile would do very well to learn from … well, the “thumkas”. And “jhatkas” and matkas. Hehe.

Basically hips, twisting and turning and such … TORQUING.

Anyway, thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And, also because most people have NO understanding of what the core really is, or why a six pack really dont matter, and the muscles that DO matter…

(no they ain’t just the obliques or what you think either. The REAL muscle that matters -no, it aint down there either – is something most would never think of, yet it is the one that REALYL COUNTS!!!!).

It ain’t your brain either, though damn skippy that does COUNT for a hell of a damn lot. Trust me, you have NO clue until you read the book.

Like a tiger, and how my programs can help you get there…
- Big time, minus maybe the roar. Hehe.

If you can see the subtitle of this email (some readers dont allow it, which is fine) – you’ll see what I wrote was “minus the roar”.

Yet, as I think about it – roar?

You’ll roar even louder, as much as you can if you digest what I’m about to tell you and APPLY to your own training (and if you aren’t a cheapskate).

I’ve made my feelings very clear in the past about this “lion being the king of the jungle” crap that for some reason stuck in the English language.

True, the Brits probably invented English, the English lions and so forth notwithstanding, hehe – the TIGER, my friend, is the REAL king of the jungle.

The lion doesnt even live in the jungle – does it?

And it’s a lazy ass in terms of hunting, at least the male lion (females, different).

That tiger is stronger, more agile, physically far more capable – perhaps the reason yours truly likes it far better than the lion is the mystical look it has about it.

Not to mention tigers are far more intelligent than every other big cat, jaguars (my other favorite big cat) included.

All of what I’ve said above can be proven by fact scientifically.

Or, “experience” if you’ve ever seen lions and tigers fight.

The tiger is ferocious, and does NOT go for the “long haul”.

The lion on the other hand does, and is built for just that.

Which ain’t entirely bad, but with the amount of stealth, speed and cunning – and backed up by way more weight and muscle than the lion has – not to mention the X factor (as Jim Corbett once wrote “there is no more of a gentleman in the forest than the tiger. If you’re sleeping and let the tiger be, it will pass you on it’s own and do nothing at all to you – this was said to a young boy walking about in the forest with tigers, perhaps Corbett himself when young!) …

… The tiger wins nine times out of 10, if not TEN.

Bottom line.

Anyway, big cats in general are awesome.

Cat like speed, strength and agility is what I promote…

The other day, my wife JUMPED – and almost hit the ceiling (which she often does).

Why – well, she went into a fully lit room – and there I was.

Doing nothing, but staring into the distance on my tippy toes.

Ruminating, thinking ,meditating as I so often do …

Goals, the lot … and she’s used to me, remember.

And the squeal she emitted, and then the look I gave her, the look that she gave back, the two subconsciouses talking – enough was said.

Then, the conscious took over.

“Am I even uglier than before” I quipped.


I had to!

“You scared me! I knew there was monkeys outside, so I didnt want them to jump on me, but you?”

(India, for whatever reason, monkeys, dogs, cats, all see fit to walk about in the cities as they see fit, apparently no-one thinks the civic authorities should put ’em in a shelter or something, apparently no-one gives much of a flying fuck either) …


That part of my training is more mental than physical.

But physcially, if you had that tiger like speed, stealth and agility – flexibility too?

Well, here’s the things.

MOST of the workouts I advocate – especially the big 3 – all done on your tip toes like a cat.

MOST of them, if not all, done QUICK – with the right breathing and mental focus.

Heck, in Animal Kingdom Workouts I even give you the exact way to walk like a tiger – or pelican, for you booby building lot out there, hehe – or ligers (nah, I didnt put liger in the book) – or … well, the mighty bear.

The Grizzly and the Tiger, now that would be a battle and a half, I couldn’t even choose my favorite animal out of those two!

But end of the day, nine times out of ten, I’d say what my buddy from the Marines said about it.

“Nothing can beat a grizzly!” 

I agree.

That brute force, that clubbing, it would likely WIN. Even with a Siberian Tiger in ole “Rossiya”, hehe.

But I dont quite agree with what he said about the lion winning battles against the tiger…

But anyway, he saw that one case when it happened! Hehe.

According to him lions are pack animals so they fight a lot more than the solitary tiger, therefore, the fighting “instinct” is there.

My take on it, the X factor and STEALTH – and KILLER instinct is there far more in the tiger “because to do it alone, you gotta develop those attributes along with the physical”.

Anyway – strength of a grizzly?

If you want to develop those clubbing paws, my friend, you do it the way the grizzly does.

Flat footed workouts, which I teach you as well, and of course, the bear crawl in Animal Kingdom Workouts.

Most fitness “experts” teach you one way to do it, and I dont blame them, thats all they’ve learnt and known.

But there are MANY ways to do it, my friend.

And I teach you all of them (no, tippy toes isn’t exactly the only alternative either).

My programs my friend, can truly help you get to the levels of strength, fitness, health and agility you so desire and DESERVE – not necessarily in that fuckin order either, if you get my drift.

Now, it’s up to you. 

(as the wise man said in Rambo II, “This time it’s up to YOU!” – and it IS).

(taking action boils down to You, not me – I can but show you the way, the rest is up to you, you and only YOU).

And thats that. Truly the bottom fuckin line…did I cuss enough already? Hehe. I love doing it – snowflakes globally truly get so pissed off by my language!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The workouts in Animal Kingdom Workouts (and the reviews back it up) will truly CATAPULT you to super human status, and pack slabs of muscle onto you PRONTO – not to mention get the chob off right FAST.

If thats your cup of tea, and judging by the interest in this stellar and outstanding book you MUST have on your fitness (or even life) bookshself – then stop doing what you are – right NOW – and get the book. 

More on the height of hypocrisy
- I must admit, I had completely forgotten about the dude (or dude'ette, hehe).

I had completely forgotten about this guy, to be honest.

And while Ive named him here in the past again I wont again – but – and the reason I’m not naming him again is there are plenty of apes like him (and I dont mean ape in a good way here hehe) doing precisely what he does, be a hypocrite – and THAT more than anything is what I Cannot stand.

I dont really give a crap if someone is a cheapskate – unwilling to learn from those that DO and know – someone with no goals, no vision, someone that hasn’t done F all in his whole life other than troll and run his mouth (the name “Glyn Schofield” strikes a MASSIVE bell there) or anything really.

But if there is ONE thing I can’t stand, it is dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Hell, I dont give a shit about stupidity either.

If you, as a certain lady I know think “worshipping your moon sign” leads you to bounties, happiness and joy then by all means keep thinking that while the results show otherwise.

If you, as so many dudes I know think “I gotta do this when the planets align” – well the fact is, they WONT align, and Saturn being out of whack or some crap has exactly F all to do with it either.

Youd be amazed, or not, at some of the excuses, some of the most pathetic bloody excuses people find to avoid “doing” – anything.

I mean, really.

Take a look at this –

“my budget doesnt permit, but I’m certainly getting it next month!”

Followed by “do you mind giving me one of those coupons you so graciously provide to the Ship members?”

My answer was to remove him from the list. This ass has been on it for years, saying the same damn thing, and apparently “he doesnt make a business decision until the Moon, or sun, or Venus, or Mercury, or some B.S. of that nature is in the “right alignment” – whatever that means – his exact words, not mine).

To put this in perspective, this is the same dude who a few months ago whined about the Ship membership being “too expensive” because he had to pay his Netflix bill.

Bozo Central basically. Or Lunatic Central, what have you. I’ve got plenty of experience dealing with both.

But even this crap, I dont really care. I just block, delete, end of story.

Hypocrisy though, I cannot stand, a close second being lying and I’ll go to the ends of the planet to call that out.

Now, where was I before all the clucking, moon worshipping and whistling (going on around me) distracted me a bit.

Ah yes …

A prime example of a hypocrite is one who claims to be fit, but is too fat to climb a flight of stairs without collapsing – or do one single pull-up – or do anything in proper form – what he or she can do.

Not to mention call people out by name, yet, later, follow those very same people, do their best to steal their ideas, and – and this is what really caused me to write this – send other people – to stuff that doesnt work, period.

In his case, and I wont name him again – I recently came into contact with a third person he had once sent to some seminar which he later claimed (person did) was an utter, complete and total waste of time (But fat boy claimed it was “the bomb” or some shit).

… these sort of people make it worse for everyone.

Of course, takes all types, if you’re gullible enough to fall for that BS then well …

… But anyway, another example?

Some ass clown (again, who I had completely forgotten about) allowing comments on their site, then after those comments point out something -ve, they look at how others do it, and …

.. .since they’re “soooooooo nice” they dont follow the other person completely and remove the ability to post comments, but they “moderate” it.

In short, dude only allows what he likes.

Like dude lives off his wife, vibe was clear from the get go, other results all staring everyone in the face (gyno central basically, both mentally and physically), and the commentors pointing those things out, he allows first, then after people notice it, he blocks them, just freaking stupid and hypocritical for the most part.

I mean, look, dude, either allow them fully or dont. “Monitoring” and allowing what is convenient for you makes you look like a grade A not just Jack and Jill braying ass, but a HYPOCRITE AS WELL (which is again, really why I’m writing this, well that and the other reason)…

But what do I know. . .

Anyway, end of rant.

There’s a couple of fools that will probably read this, get their knickers in a twist and so forth, but hey – two things. First off, all true pally, and second, if you can’t back your shit up, which you obviously can’t (aint just me saying it now either is it – never was) – then … well, you dont get a leg, fat or not, to stand on.

And thats the bottom line .

Man, I cant stand hypocrites.

Anyway ………………..

The best, and most results producing fitness system is right here – take action NOW if you have not already. The dumbphone enabled videos, even one of them are worth the price of admission.

“you have such a sexy chest”. 

NOT for idiots like this, but …well, you get my drift.




Rahul Mookerjee

PS – While I admit my routines and mindset have me looking a movie star, TV personality and what not, truth is this – I dont sell to you as that sort of a “personality”.

(but hey – results … speak. hehe. more proof).

Im the average, or less than average cave dwelling Joe whod rather dwell in his cave, hehe.

And if I can do it, so can YOU.

And that should be all the motivation you need to take action NOW, boyo.

If you got a pulse, that is..

Why that FIRST step is what counts.
- And it does.

You visualize all you want, my friend – everyone does it whether you know it or not.

You worship your sun sign all you want, believe in hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo about (curiously, as I’ve said before, all this crap really came to a head in 2020 “when the shoe started to pinch” hehe) “how you listen to this guru and that and eat this and that to achieve your goal on auto pilot” and all that …

But nothing, I repeat nothing happens either constructively or not until you take MEANINGFUL action.

Life, biz, fitness, all of it.

This morning I was thinking about sending you an email, my friend.

And then I was wondering what to send, and without revealing too many of my writing secrets, I sent one, just ..I just sent it.

And that one morphed into, almost instantly, six for my other two businesses.

And of course, a host of unsubscribes from idiots and morons who signed up for the list but never, for years, have any intention of buying anything – I mean dont get me wrong, if you’ve just signed up, thats different, but if you’re on a list since bloody 2017, and wont spend one red cent on anything, then you dont need to be on the list, period. Much like with this biz here, you can always get (most of my) free updates on via bookmarks etc (speaking of which, anyone that bookmarks the site – and isn’t on the list to start with – sure shod sign of a penny pinching bozo that will NEVER buy anything, hehe) ..

I mean, and again.

Dont get me wrong.

There’s two ways, to me, of running your show – one “be nice” and spout crap about how “experienced you are in terms of fitness” when you’re really a hypocritical fat Bozo (I ain’t even getting into the Schofield part, hehe) who can’t do a pull-up properly to save his or her life, and when you do ’em you take the easy way out with hammer grip.

Spot crap about how “amazingly awesome” you are, when the reality probably is the polar opposite, and surreptiously copy techniques from the DOERS (dont get me wrong, there ain’t no copyright on ideas, but hypocrisy is what I cannot stand!).

And thats perfectly fine if you gotta be that way, friend.

But the second way is the practical way.

Nothing survives without money.

Results speak.

And here’s the bottom line – I’d put my results up (both fitness wise and otherwise) against any of the do gooder crowd – open challenge!

CAN you back your shit up?

The answer would be no, and the second way, to me, is to be upfront, very much so, about the fact that while I do believe in providing value par none, thats only for doers who understand life and everything in general ain’t “free”.

If you want something, you do what you have to get it.

You make whatever sacrifice you have to, if you really want it you go through hell and high water to get it – be that my products, anyone’s products, fitness, life goals, whatever it might be.

And Id rather just sell directly in my emails as opposed to hypocrites who can’t sell worth a damn so publicly spout the “I’m giving this to you for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” nonsense while in the background their beady little minds (is there such a thing, hehe) are working ferociously and unsuccessfully to make the next big sale.


Where did that fuckin rant come from. Hehe.

Come it did, perhaps from last night… long story. Anyway – two ways, and so as I wrote all those emails, its now #8 and back to –

TAKING that first step, which was a mundane first one for me (to be honest I’m never out of ideas, but I was doing other things then so..) …

But it led to a host of others.

Look – a journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step, to break it down an keep it simple, you can only eat a bear a bite at a time (or an elephant) – if I had not taken that first step – nothing would have happened for a while … capishe?

Hopefully THAT is simple enough, youd think so, but most people – well, you gotta explain it that way!

Same thing with fitness

Do that first doggone squat, do – or TRY – that first pull-up – do – or GET into the pushup position or so forth.

If you’re a businessman, and unsure where to start, TAKE that first step no matter how scary it might be…

Hell, if I hadn’t, you would not have the 0 Excuses “Rolls Royce, world beating” Fitness System at your fingertips NOW…

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I forgot to add if you write back with rants about “value” then (and you’ve read these emails) you’re an utter fool and moron who wouldn’t know the meaning of “value” if it smacked you in the ‘nads – SQUARE!

(which is fine too, hehe, takes all sorts eh).

PS #2 – You Podcast and Alexa fans (I love the latter) – check out our podcasts as well, make sure to put the link in your favorite player

Falling asleep on the toilet, and then some…
- Hehe

I can hear you snickering already, I wouldn’t blame you.

And a lot of you, I can hear you (if a certain Dave is reading this, which he probably is not, or if his girl is reading this, if she is, I’ve no idea) – or any frat boy in general (I’m no fan of frats by the way, and Dave I doubt was a frat boy – he used to work hard labor back in the day – but then morphed into … well, fat x 100000000 and more) (happens if you run a successful bar, hehe) (he’s a great guy btw) … anyway, I can hear a lot of you thinking “hmm, been there, done that”.

The drunken night out, and you wake up on the toilet – either butt naked or not.

Falling asleep on the toilet was something Dave’s girlfriend often ranted about (in a nice way) on wechat groups and such back in the day, he was hardly the only one either with those “wild” (again, in a good way) parties going on.

Pity the dude didnt mix more common sense into his activities, doing what he did in China while ultimately landed him in the slammer for years – not necessarily a good thing, and he ain’t a China newbie by far either.

Case of bribes gone awry I suspect, and more, pissing off the wrong damn people.

Anyway …………..

How did I think of this “memory from college” – if you have it, along with streaking down naked hallways, not because you want to, but because for some reason you’ve ended up butt naked on the toilet (luckily WITH your room keys in hand, hehe) (all true stories from a certain somebody, and really, tame compared to a certain Glyn Schofield who literally showed up to work drunk and took a dump once in a class – at least these guys, it was the usual “boys night out”) …


Well, I was sitting in my perfectly patented “Rahul Mookerjee style squat” in Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

And so relaxing it was that along with the strange “in between weather” outdoors, yours truly fell asleep – almost.

I was thinking. Ruminating, Must have spent over 10 minutes in that position (most people can’t do it to start with, let alone sit like that for ages) …

And all in my room, and suddenly?

I felt myself falling over.

“Good thing I didnt fall into the commode”, I can hear myself snickering to my little girl, if she was there that is, which she ain’t, but she’d have laughed uproariously.

The wife of course would have made a face going “what a poor joke” or some nonsense.

Such is life.

But really, that squat, my friend, that isometric – it loosens you up beyond belief, it makes you feel like a billion bucks, it is one of the best hamstring/hip workouts ever, it lends itself to meditation, you cure yourself of health problems aplenty in that pose, and well, along with all the other great poses in the book – the EXERCISES that the old timers and old time strongmen used to build their incredible strength and power (remember, all in the ligaments!) … it is a MUST to get good, damn good at it.

And you wont learn this sort of thing anywhere else, trust me.

And that, my friend is that. Back soon!


Rahul mookerjee

PS – Already have Isometric and Flexibility Training – already getting better?

I hear ya…

Well, get Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training then, truly taking isometrics to a new level.

And, please dont email me asking “how to buy” when the links are right there.

hey how how can i buy this!!!!!!

went a certain somebody  I aint even gonna name here.

Like dude, just click the damn link, is it that damned complicated? I doubt it!

Pea brains aside though, SOMETIMES there is a legit reason for asking that kinda stuff – like what happened once, a “pre-order” now button wasn’t there on a sales page of mine, of course, luck would have it the dude who asked me a question on that one wanted to pre-order just THAT product. Hehe.

Classic case of always covering all your bases – your weakest link needing to be strengthened (in a way) – remember, that dude ultimately paid me over $2300, and hes still a member of the Ship …going strong!

Anyway, thats that.

Banshee Central
- Oh boy

Some of the lecturing my wife does to me, when I’ve asked something completely UNRELATED to the issue – it never fail to make me giggle internally and go “wtf”.

Like when you’ve got people that have never started or run their own show give others lectures about “how tough it is to run businesses”, and how X and Y guys work soooooooooooooo hard because its a family business (like a certain Ricky who was basically given it all – I mean look, I’m not judging, but the fact is simple and this – the FOUNDER is the one that really goes through more hell – and happiness than many other, it’s that simple – it;s one thing to run and continue an already successful biz, it’s quite another to start it from scratch with the odds and deck STACKED – big time – against you).

Fight that all you like, my friend, but it’s true. Hell, dont even ask me, ask anyone that has done it -myself included.

Anyway, I dont quite reply back to those things, but all I said?

I was commenting on how my sister’s daughter – interesting how I find a long way to say “niece”, hehe loves to apparently yell like a Banshee every time she goes out with her grand mother and in general, and never stops.

And all I did was point out the similarity between my wife’s yelling and my sister’s – at the kid.

To her credit, Granny does all of her yellin at me, always has. Hehe (and sister when younger) – not the two grandkids as far as I can tell.

Ditto for Grandpaw.

But Nazi feminists will be Nazi feminists, my friend, there are no two ways around that, the similarities manifest whether they love each other or hate (no prizes for guessing which) – and if you want to experience the closest thing to a looney tune bin without actually being in one, live in a house with three women of varying ages, backgrounds and such – and two that show up “nosey parkers” or “busybodies” as the case might be when they so choose.


Lots of you dont want it, but lots of you are apparently, from a lot of the comminiques I get – hey, gotta get fancy! – ARE stuck with it whether you like it or not (what Dad’s stance on this, only he knows – actually I DO know – but I wont say it. Pointless, hehe).

Anyway ……

Reason I said that?

I gotta say, honestly, at least my wife’s yelling while more cantankerous and intense ends after a while, my sister’s seems to go on like forever.

Huge … ugh!

I asked my wife why.

Apparently some nonsense about, of course, “being seperated from the father” – of course in that case, “it’s always the girl’s fault”.

In this case apparently my sister’s for staying at home.

Well, the husband must have been with her, I interjected.

Nah. He has a business to run, didnt you know. Hehe.

I was going to mention someone else who was there during birth of his own daughter, someone whose always been there in spirit if not always in person, someone who had to leave and do what he did due to circumstance, but of course.

I didnt.

Would be pointless.

To win against Nazi feminists, my friend, remember this one line Vladimir Putin once famously said “there is no point arguing with women. they take liberties because they are WEAK”.

And by and large, the man was right. He might as well have said what I’ve been thinking for years and years … come to think of it, I’ve been saying it before he ever did, to be honest.

Anyway – fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System is your ticket, my friend.

Life wise, you’ll want to place an order for (or a pre-order, rather) Profit Troll … this book will teach you so many damn lessons on life that I’m surprised I’m giving away the pre-order at the price I am for now.

(if you’re Buttler Glyn reading this, and I can feel his beady little eyes watering as he reads this, Glyn – you MUST get this book – NOW – it’ll teach you things about your trolly self even your own Mama didnt know. Hehe). (you sure didnt).

(poor Mama, I must say. She gave birth to him, yes, but … ugh!) (sometimes, you can’t help but…)

And to win against Nazi feminists, you can either bang your head against the wall – do what they do “rant and rave” – and get nowhere.

Or, you can do what is mentioned in the book on COMABTING and profiting from it – and get somewhere – HANDSOMELY At that.

And thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – This Banshee Central at the ole homestead doesn’t extend to yours truly and men in general, apparently the job there is to be a you know what and just “listen”.

Ah, the lunacy, I so love observing it -not.

A SOLID Brisk – I mean REALLY BRISK! – walk!
- And not necessarily uphill either.

Here’s a simple workout virtually anyone regardless of their current fitness levels should be able do to for SOME length of time (though given a lot of folks, as lazy as people have gotten and as fat and with fitness levels approaching zero, with “fat” being molly coddled and looked upon as “dont body shame me BS” or the slightly less/more shameless excuse of “we’re all built differently”) (hint – it ain’t about build bro, it’s about FAT – PHAT!) perhaps even that is asking too much) …

Put one leg in front of the other, and walk.

Not even uphill if you dont want to, on level ground – except do it at a pace short of power walking, but just short.

Sort of at a brisk pace where you can keep talking as you walk – like maybe someone was cycling next to you at a “slow” pace if you get my drift.

Do this for about 15-20 minutes if you can.

It’s a nice change from weights, bodyweight or not- or home workouts – nice change in general, it’s simple – and believe me, everyone regardless of their fitness level will feel it in their BONES if done right.

I did this today this afternoon for 20 minutes, and I feel … not exhausted, not fatigued, but ALIVE – yet, I can feel I worked out.

And you can do this uphill, of course, but it’s different, the PACE, and maintaining it is really key.

If you do this, and nothing else, lots of you will lose oodles of weight – guaranteed – if you walk the right way (see Advanced Hill Training for more on that) – you might find WALKING – and then sprinting (well, running, then sprinting) becomes your “to go” workout with not much else needed, nothing would be wrong with that either (provided you throw in isometrics, pull-ups and such).

Those of you constipated, with IBS and such (there are plenty) – well, you’ll lose more than just weight if you get my drift, and QUICK. Hehe.

But what if – yes, you knew this part was coming. Hehe. Truth be told I could end the email here, but I wont.

Not just to make a sale either.

What if – you could get that same workout done in way less the time?

Trust me, 100 squats done right get you huffing and puffing, and don’t take more than 3-4 minutes tops done right.

(most people dwadle, lose focus, make excuses, and take donkey’s years to do even 50, if they can even get to that number)


50 by that yardstick shouldn’t take more than 1:10 (since your fresh when you start) – or 1:30 -2 minutes tops, even if you get the same benefits in 2 minutes tops, wouldn’t you be a fool not to take it?

Of course!

ANd thats what is so special about the 0 Excuses Fitness System not taught ANYWHERE else, you get workouts done QUICK – with 10x the result.

You can literally not just see, but feel your body changing in front of you, the PHAT shifting – and thus forth.

Now – ultimate spanner in the works?

Do squats replace walking, and vice versa?

Answer is NO to both.

Walking is a natural activity that you should do regularly for the rest of your life, whether you do anything else or not, the benefits of putting one foot in front of the other as Mother NAture truly intended us to do stretch WAY beyond the physical and even mental.

Nothing beats it, or replaces it, yet, squats?

Same damn thing.

BOTH should be done, and done together, and regularly.

I’ve often said you shouldn’t sprint after squatting – especially high reps.

Whether or not you squat after sprinting is up to you – chances are you’ll be too fatigued though if done right?

But in terms of walking, none of that applies, you can do it together, before – or after, and let me tell you if all you did was nothing but squat and walk briskly the rest of your life, you’d have an upper body most gym gorillas that idolize and worship the bench for one can only DREAM of.

Trust me on this one, been there, done that.

And thats enough incentive to go 0 Excuses, me thinks…

For me, at least!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Pulling with your triceps.
- And more.

A hard enough concept for most people to grasp, yet it’s true.

Much like the REAL meaning behind what Emil Coue, famous French shrink was fond of saying to his patients (not the Glyn-Hannibal sorts of course, those are beyond hope, those WITH hope) …

“Every day, day by day, I’m getting better and better”.

These may sound like mere words (his exact quote probably did not include the first two words).

What he told his patients was to repeat it to themselves daily.

Yet, simply repeating it wont do the trick.

You have to BE it.

Repeating it will help you be IT – if you really FEEL it – and WANT it.

I realize that sounds cryptic, but so be it.

Much like affirmations which the gurus claim will help you dont work – they have the reverse effect, same thing here.

If your a blob on couch right now, simply repeating those words won’t turn you into a fitness freak for one.

But anyway, pulling with triceps?

Yes, that concept I keep talking about when it comes to one of the most difficult exercises to do for most people, pull-ups.

Or, their faraway cousin chin ups, but lets focus on pull-ups.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I say it in my world famous “one of a kind” as readers have said so many times before (and they are right) books on pull-ups …

It’s TRICEP strength, much like with pushups, that really counts.

Dont get me wrong.

Grip, back, all works together, but with weak triceps, you’ll never get anywhere on pull-ups.

Hence, the importance of doing pushups, specifically those I mention in the books to get better at pull-ups (one of the things). (one of the MAN – MAIN – things, hehe).

In Over the Top, that arm wrestling movie, you see Sly in the truck after being released from an overnight stay at the local precinct, hehe – heading to Vegas.

Full on fight mode he’s in, furiously pulling away with his apparatus in the truck while driving, REALLY putting the whole body into it like he told his son to, except his son would not listen saying “uh, boring”.

Thats exactly what you did with the lumberjack swings I promote and write about so much.

Much like when you throw someone, you put the whole BODY into the movement.

You dont just focus on the arms, it’s a whole body, specifically CORE – the power, as in everything, comes from the core – movement.

This same thing, friend, applies to pull-ups.

No, the common wisdom spouted about “triceps push, biceps pull” is only a quarter or less of the real story.

And if Mother Nature had intended for it to be a 50/50 action in that regard, then the triceps wouldn’t make up most of the arm.

Much like the common wisdom of “big biceps=big arms” – no, it’s big triceps that do it – the logic of “pushing is more important than pulling” is WRONG.

If I had to compare both, pulling always come out on top with pushing a close, very close, and equally essential second.

Ask any wrestler or boxer, martial artist, they’ll all tell you.

Much like the back of the body is far more important then the front in terms of training “can you back your shyt up” – that saying is TRUE in more regards than one.

Anyway …

To go from zero to hero at pull-ups – or DUD to STUD – get “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” NOW.

And to proceed to super stud level at pull-ups, a “godly” level most people never get to, but want to, get “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within weeks!” – NOW.

Apply those lessons, and be prepared to be STUNNED.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Think this is just hyperbole? Wait until I share Justin’s story of going to 25 pull-ups in a row (from zero) using the very techniques I outline, underline and OUTLAY in the FIRST book …