“Annoyed when she’s here, and you miss her when she’s not!”
- .. Indeed a conundrum, hehe

A few “moons” or so ago, I remember asking my wife where my daughter was post lunch.

She was supposed to go play in her room thereafter, but turns out she suddenly disappeared.

No “Daddy, Daddy” cries, and as I finished my work, or continued it should I say, I wondered where she was.

I checked the bedroom. Not there.

I checked the living room – -then kitchen. No dice.

“She’s gone to play with her grandparents”, chimed in my wife from behind.

“Ah, I see”, I said. “I was just checking …”

“I thought you were busy, and said (as usual) that you weren’t to be disturbed!”

(and this of course is a point of ongoing debate in the house – Rahul when he is writing does NOT like to be disturbed no matter what – – and curiously enough, the time he writes is the time everyone wants a “piece of him”, and all the doorbells chime, and all the phones – – well, one at any rate ring, and …hehe!)

“Ya, but I was just wondering”

My wife giggled.

“You miss her so much the minute she’s gone, and when she’s here, pestering you, you get annoyed”.

Giggle giggle, and while it might have been the other way around, the point is true – and it STANDS.

Often times, it’s a battle to get my daughter off to school (pre-COVID-19 “cooped up” of course – – post it, she’ll be raring to go herself!) … and once we drop her off, we’re relieved.

“She made it on time!”

And a short while later, as we bask in the “peace and sanctity that abounds as it were” with a rambunctious six year old NOT around – – we miss her.

“Wonder what she’s doing”, I’ll often muse. “Probably up to some mischief!”

And the wife will chime in around 11, which seems to be school lunch time for the kiddies.

“Wonder if she’s eating everything I gave her”, she’ll say, while hunched over her own laptop.

Funny, but those of you with kids know it’s true, hehe.

And fitness can be much the same way.

It can be a BATTLE at times, for instance, to drop down and pound out 100 pushups and 200 squats when you’re busy – or hungover – or don’t feel like it – or whatever.

Even if you’re a fitness maniac like yours truly, getting up that hill multiple times a day takes WORK, and it’s sometimes anything BUT fun when doing it, especially if you’re doing it after a long, long day at work (and I should know!).

And so forth.

But you get it done – – and oddly enough, as you bask in the afterglow of getting another successful and GOOD one in – you’ll wonder about the workout.

“Oh, that third time up the hill was the best!”

“Oh, those table pushups really hit the spot!! Damn, I’m glad I got it DONE!”

And that’s what its really all about, my friend. Getting one good workout in after the other regardless of anything else – – and then “missing” exactly the same thing that was a nightmare a short while ago (not always, but a lot of times!)

And that, my friend is a KEY stepping stone to success in any field – – not just fitness.

Showing up – and just doing it – is half the battle won  – – and I might as well create my own meme on that, hehe.

Ok, my friend. That’s IT for now. I’ll be back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I used to show up DAILY on the hill, and look at the sort of shape I’ve gotten into . YOU TOO can do the same – – and follow the exact same routines I did, which are laid out in a concise, easy to understand manner for you right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – Don’t hesitate to grab that course above, my friend. Its replete with workouts that will get you literally eating more – and weighing less – and if you don’t believe me – – well – – follow what is in there religiously for a coupla weeks or so – and then get back to me!!

P.P.S – For those of you that enjoy my daily stories – – stay tuned for a new product – – that contains MORE THAN a “blast from the past”, hehe. You’ll enjoy that one – – you won’t want to miss it! Again, stay tuned …

Fight – like an APE!
- ... and build APE like strength to boot!

So, I was talking fighting – – and self defense – – and everything related with a friend of mine – – guess who! – – a few months ago.

Yes, the ex-Marine I’ve referred to MANY TIMES – – and while we were knocking back a few brews, we got to talking about self defense, physical training, and just about everything in between.

And soon enough, as we started to get “three sheets to the wind”, as it were, my buddy stood up – – and got into a boxing stance.

And he punched – the cupboard right in front of him – and BOOM – – I would NOT be lying to you that that solid oak cupboard got more than a dent in it, if I might say so.

“Better watch out”, I said, laughing. “Don’t think you want Tracy hammering you after that!”

(The aforementioned lady being his S.O. – – and we all know that if there is ONE person you do NOT want to tick off, it is your significant other, hehe).

Anyway, the topic moved on to self defense, a topic my buddy knows more than a thing or two about!

“Rahul, you need to take advantage of your skills”, he suddenly piped up.

“Skills?” I queried. “I’m no way near a fighter as you are”, I remarked, and it is true, of course, hehe.

“You know more than you let on”, my friend said laughingly, and he then got into a curious “ape like stance”.

“You like doing pull-ups, and you’re good at them – – and you have a grip FEW people can match. While you might not be a boxer or even grappler – THOSE are your strengths”

“Once you get hold of someone, and PULL towards you – – as you did me a year or so ago – – they’re gone if you get ‘em on the ground!”

And there was more to this, but we then got into a fighting stance – – and started fighting (mock) “ape like” – – and if that sounds retarded, well, hear me out.

The style we were fighting in was PRACTICAL – – aimed at “taking the base” away.

Ever watched an ape fight, with those long, loping arms flailing about wildly?

If even ONE of those arms caught you “by accident”- you’d be DOWN for the count – if not worse, my friend.

Chimpanzees, for instance, have been recorded to kill adult MALE CROCODILES – – and if a baby chimp were to grab your finger- – and SQUEEZE – – you’d be screaming for mercy in no time!

Anyway, was a good ole time indeed as we attempted to knock each other “off base” – – and here is the point behind me saying it.

It’s well know than a strong GRIP is one of the things MOST required for grappling – – boxing – – as well as if you’re looking to get good in martial arts – – or – – in day to day life – – carry out activities like lugging heavy stuff around the house without any problem – – or carrying GrandMa up the stairs if she needs it, for that matter – – without collapsing in a heap!

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but many years ago I saw a massive, barrel chested man in an Italian restaurant with those “meat cleaver” forearms …

A waiter he was, I believe, and although he didn’t’ come out of the kitchen, my girlfriend at the time took one look at him and remarked “He is probably the one that does all the heavy lifting back there!”

And the point I bring all this up?

It’s because even if you aren’t interested in SELF defense (and who isn’t these days??) – – and even if you aren’t interested in “looks” or a “strong grip” per se – – training like the APE does can give you gains in terms of both strength – – and fat loss – – like you haven’t experienced before, my friend.

Pulling your own self up through space requires a degree of strength (especially abdominal) that you can’t build from pumping weights in the gym while seated, and certainly NOT on the asinine lat pulldown machine.

If you want the sort of grip – and traps – that will make even experienced men look at you and “nod” with that knowing look – – well – – then you have to train accordingly, my friend.

And training like an ape – – in other words – – pulling – – and doing the things an ape would in the wild will BUILD that sort of strength – – and how, my friend. And how … and the conversation I have just quoted above as well as others in the past, is PROOF of this.

Get them long, strong and FLEXIBLE levers – -with shoulders and traps to boot – – and an upper body that looks like it’s made of steel by following the various progressions I lay out in the courses on pull-ups – – all YOURS in a “compilation format” – right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – These courses will literally take you from a “human” level of strength to EXTRAORDINARY, almost SUPER HUMAN levels of strength. If any of what I’ve said above interests you, and it SHOULD – well – click on over RIGHT NOW – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/

“If the whole world were to stop moving for 4 weeks”
- ... it isnt so much if as it's already happening!

Well, well, well! Woke up bright and early around 930 AM on this here Sunday morning for a change … and of course, what do I see on my phone but some more Coronavirus related nonsense.

Now, some of you at this point familiar with my rants on this might call me out for calling it “nonsense”, and fair enough – but really – like I’ve said before – YES, the pandemic is serious – -but I really do think the entire globe is OVERREACTING ON a very GRAND scale – and this too after the “horse done long bolted”.

Sure, containment is necessary, but what are all the global lockdowns really accomplishing other than fueling mass panic everywhere?

It doesn’t seem like the rates of infection or death rate for that matter are slowing any – – and in China, the one country where everyone “claims” the pandemic is “almost over” – – well, two of the most populous provinces are STILL under lockdown (complete) – – and the rest of the country is pretty much still in a state of “emergency” as it were.

I really don’t want to get into politics here, but Donald Trump’s comment about lockdowns really having the potential to ruin a country’s economy struck HOME. Seems he’s one of the few world leaders that is looking at this through a pragmatic lens, as opposed to a lens clouded with myopia and fear …

And I just heard that cinema halls in China are shuttering again due to a fear that the virus could “re-occur”.

And on that “sage” note, I also read an article this morning where a Chinese professor (Dr Zhang, if I recall correctly) made the comment about the pandemic “might be stopped” (emphasis on might) “if the entire world stops moving for 4 weeks” – – a possibility he dismisses himself as being highly unlikely.

And he goes on to say that if this does NOT happen, then the pandemic will continue – – likely for two years – – and likely “switching between the northern and southern hemispheres based upon temperature changes”.

As for yours truly … upon reading that I took a deep breath, and drank some tea – -and shook my head.

While the good Prof might be right – – or wrong – – the FACT is this folks  – – that the FLU, for one, has been around for ages.

NO, I’m NOT saying the COVID-19 is the same as flu – – obviously NOT – – but the fact is that we lose thousands of people annually to the flu – – which happens every year – – and I don’t see the entire world shutting down or even losing sleep over it??

Again, no, I’m NOT comparing the COVID-19 to the flu, but really – – what have global lockdowns achieved on a grand scale?

I’m all for global “social distancing” for a period, and also for allowing workers in certain businesses to work remotely – – and so forth – – but triggering a global shutdown leads to nothing but PANIC and uncertainty – as it has in India apparently, where the world’s second most populous country was shut down completely on a FEDERAL level (this following STATE WIDE existing measures etc)  – – with but four hours of notice.

I mean, come on. Four hours of notice for a country wide lockdown???

And as for the entire world not moving for four weeks – – well – – – I hate to tell the good Prof, but that is already happening.

Judging by the amount of lard asses out there – a number that is GROWING, amazingly enough – despite folks having TIME To workout  – – and exercise … it would seem that the limited movement that most people engaged in globally (think parking your butt on a car seat, getting up, then on an office seat, getting up, then back on the couch, getting up, dinner table, bed, and so forth …) has been limited even more.

Is it any wonder then that this virus is taking more lives – – as folks mental and physical health goes to utter RUIN?

And amazingly enough, that seems to be “in thing” these days – – for folks to sit around on Twitter and complain about exactly that as opposed to DOING something about it.

My my my. What has the world come to, eh?

As for yours truly, I just got down with a 100 Hindu squats and 75 pushups. A short workout indeed, but one that left me BUZZING – and RARING to go – – and I’m waiting for a WEIGHTED jump rope I ordered to show up, hehe.

I’ll be sure and write about some workouts with that puppy once it DOES – believe me now and trust me later, it adds a LOT of “weight” to your existing workout, hehe.

Alright, my friend. I’m out for now. Stay safe – stay sane – and stay RATIONAL!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I can’t force you into anything ,of course, and neither would I want to – – but if I could exhort you to do one thing – or two – it would be this. One – – MOVE – – at home, and keep MOVING. And two – stop reading the news – – or if you do, read it, and let it simply “pass on”. The world could do with more rational minded and fit folks … if THAT happen in a four week time frame (right!) – – guess what – – it won’t just be this virus that disappears – – a host of other issues will too!

“She used to be known as a bird when she was young”
- ... for good reason!

‘Twas the ETERNAL battle at the dining table the other day.

… what battle you ask?

… Well, the battle between my wife – – and my beloved daughter who along with her many, many GOOD habits – – seems to have picked up a few BAD ones as well.

One of them being dumbphone addiction, but that’s a global problem, affecting kids everywhere.

The other, and more PERPLEXING issue is during mealtimes.

No matter how tasty the food is (and by her own admission, and by MINE – – my wife’s cooking abilities likely FAR, FAR surpass that you’ll see at most five star hotels – – and I am NOT kidding!) … it’s a battle to get her to chow down.

This is a problem that hasn’t affected other kids her age, who seem to eat everything in front of them with gay abandon as kids should … and have massive bellies, saggy asses, and are OBESE, plain and simple … as kids really should NOT be!

But it brings me to a point I’ve often made.

Kids these days exercise – – and MOVE about way less than they should. I’ve often said the T.V is the main culprit, and it IS – – but the dumbphone is even worse.

Anyway, I heard my wife tell my daughter the other day during one of these battles “When I was a kid, I used to be known as a bird!”

“Why”, asked my daughter in a sage maner.

“Because I’d flit from point A to point B, always moving about – -never sitting around!”, she replied.

“And when it was time to EAT … boy oh boy, I’d not only gobble EVERYTHING on my plate – – but I’d snack healthily between meals … and”, here she paused, reminiscing, “I’d often even steal food off my grandpa’s plate when eating with him!”

My daughter giggled, and the conversation went on, but again, upon hearing of this, it got me to thinking.

While my upbringing was unfortunately (in a physical sense) NOWHERE near as “free” as my wife (again, physically – – I was always told to ‘sit down and be quiet and read’) .. it was nowhere near what kids these days experience.

(NB – Reading is fantastic, and is probably a reason I’m writing books today, but believe me, kids need more than just mental stimulation as do adults!)

Kids these days move about SO less that the natural hungry feeling that most kids have is suppressed – -and that’s not good, my friend.

And when they do eat – – what they eat turns into lumps of LARD – – at the tender age of five even I’ve seen…

My, my my. A battle to eat? For us, even myself, it was always a battle to NOT eat! Hehe …

Then again, we weren’t raised in the dumbphone generation.

And while I didn’t have a good example to follow in terms of fitness when growing up (as I’ve mentioned before), my wife did – – and the results are apparent and there for all to see, and that brings me to my last, and most important point.

Setting a good example for your kids is PARAMOUNT.

If you flop down in front of the tube after a heavy meal, belching and farting (and believe me, that isn’t so far removed from the norm as you may think!) – – guess what the kids will pick up on.

If you, on the other hand go for a long walk after a meal, and pick up a book immediately upon your return, or do something constructive – – well – – again – – guess who and what your kids would “ape”.

The 0 Excuses Fitness System, for one is packed with exercises that kids ENJOY – – and that gets adults and kids alike into the best shape of their lives – – you just have to DO it – – and set the right example!

Sadly, in addition to the dumbphone menace out there, most adults do a piss poor job at that.

And while it aint my place to “convince”, it DOES behoove me to tell you my daughter enjoyed pushups from a very young age – six months or earlier!

I’d often get her on the monkey bars when young – – and she’d often do situps on the dipping bars.

She’d often fall into a bridge as a game – -something that will give most adults the workout of their lives …

And the reason she did this was NOT because I forced her – or my wife did – or because we even brought it up.

It’s because she learned – – by example – – and if there is ONE good example you can set for your kids today – it is this – crack open the 0 Excuses Fitness System – – and get cranking on the workouts right there and then in front of them!

Chances are they’ll join you – and be HOOKED – for the rest of their lives – -and at that point, my friend, you’ve not only made a meaningful impact upon your own life – – but the future generation as well!!

And that’s the “lesson” for today. I’m off – – I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the best fitness system there is out there – the 0 Excuses Fitness System – – right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – And if your S.O. (or you) is a GREAT cook – and you’re worried about gaining weight (and let’s face it, we ALL are at times) – – well – – remember that this worry is baseless so long as you’re on the Eat More – Weigh Less routines. Grab your copy – – proof included – – right here!

Triceps like steel BANDS
- ... Are they necessary? Read on to find out!!

While the biceps and shoulders are the first thing that come to most trainees minds when we talk about ARM training – – a very important part is often overlooked.

A part of the arm that literally makes up more than 75% of the arm – – that being the TRICEP muscle.

You know, the muscle at the back of the arm that really gives the arms it’s strength – – and size!

That all important muscle which helps in pushing – – and just about any daily activity – – as well as (and this will SHOCK most of you readers) in pull-ups, that exercise which ALL men want to do, but pitifully few can.

That muscle which tuns to mush the quickest with inactivity … a.k.a. “bingo wings” (that ugly looking flabby part of your arm that “shakes” when you wave goodbye to someone for instance – – IF you’re overweight and unfit!).

Other hand, look at any really fit man – or REALLY strong man (and I mean real strong men – – such as the old timers) – – and you’ll notice modest yet well shaped biceps – – but massive, yet well shaped horseshoe like triceps … literally a mass of muscle behind the arm which gives the arm both its shape and size – – and also it’s STRENGTH!

As Percy Longhurst, old time English commentary legend once noted about the Great Gama from India, who did THOUSANDS of pushups and squats daily as part of his training regimen (and went undefeated in over 50 years, by the way!),

To watch him doing the dipping exercise was a revelation. There was power put into every movement, up and down…It was easy to understand, watching the regular rise and fall of the smooth brown body, the bending and straightening of the rounded limbs, to what extend not only the arms and the shoulders, but the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back and loins participated in the vigorous execution.

One could understand how Gama had acquired the enormous bulk of solid flesh at the back of his upper arms; whence came the wonderful size of the muscles around the shoulders and the base of the neck. Smooth, solid muscle; muscle in bulk; yet again I must repeat that when Gama “set” for example, his arm, his fist clenched, that acute outlining of the individual muscles on which the enthusiastic physical culturist is wont to pride himself, the ‘steel bands’ and ‘hard knots’, beloved of the lady fiction writer, were conspicuous by their absence. All one was saw was a rounded swelling, a smooth prominence here and there.

But there was strength, an abundance of it, in those smooth and supple limbs. Anyone who saw Gama overcome Dr B.F.Roller could be sure of that.”

And if Gama had this look about him … well, I have THIS to say my friend – – while the headline of this email says “steel bands” – – REAL STRENGTH does NOT – I repeat – DOES NOT – come from muscles being tense and “showy” – – read “fake and counterfeit modern day bodybuilder muscles”!

Real strength comes from muscles that are relaxed – – and look relaxed – – and can spring into action as and when required – – such as the Gama’s!

Or perhaps Bruce Lee. Or perhaps Mike Tyson – – or maybe even Michael Phelps. You get the picture, my friend – – none of them have the “boobybuilder” look, and yet, the strength in them muscles – – no doubting that, is there??!

On another note, doing pushups is a great great way to build up the most important muscles in NOT just your arm, but also those over your entire upper body – – but no, despite what you’re thinking, I’m not “pimping” my Pushup Central course here – – not as yet anyway, hehe.

There are plenty of ways to skin a cat, and tonight before dinner my daughter was pushing furiously against a wall.

“Push harder ,honey!” I exhorted her, and so she did, and a minute or so later, she came back – flopped down on the chair – – and took a sip of jasmine “blooming flower” tea!

“This wrestler needs rest!” she pronounced.

And what did she mean?

Well, Kiddie Fitness will make that very very abundantly clear – but for now – – let me just say this – – one of the tool the Gama used to develop his nigh prodigious strength was isometrics – – and as for the how’s , why’s and wherefore’s – – well – – be on the outlook for the course on ISOMETRICS.

That is course #2 “in the offing” after Kiddie Fitness, which by the way is DONE as of now. If you’re a parent reading this – mark my WORDS, my friend – you’ll want to get your paws on this right here – –   https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/

And that, my friend – -is the update for now. I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – To learn more about how the great Gama trained, and the exercises he used, crack open the 0 Excuses Fitness System – – and fire up the ole computer for the videos. Grab the package right here first – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – And again, don’t forget to claim your copy of Kiddie Fitness. Those of you wish a 10% discount on the table will GET it – please just be a bit patient in terms of the refunds as yours truly will have to manually process each of them as opposed to the system doing it ..

Saying it like it IS …
- ... and being UNAPOLOGETIC about it!

Was at it last night until 230 hammering out Kiddie Fitness, and doing a few posts for my other email lists.

Finally got to bed around 4’sih last night (believe me – – when you’re in BEAST mode in terms of writing, your brain refuses to switch off on occasion even after you TELL it to!) … and this morning as I arose around 1130 in the A.M, the first thing I did was to sip some “hong cha” (black tea, or red tea, depending upon how you look at it, hehe) … and get down to some workouts.

I did a brief workout consisting of Hindu squats and STRETCHES (you Pushup Central fans KNOW the stretches I’m referring to! Hehe) – – and I was ready for my day once I got a buzzing … or so I thought.

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t get down to writing and my other projects like I normally do, in “door shut, NO-ONE ALLOWED to DISTURB me or ELSE mode …

And then I did something I normally NEVER do. I got on the dumbphone and social media – – which I’ve often said and still say is a complete waste of time … and got involved in a discussion … about the … yes, you guessed it, the COVID-19 virus.

A discussion that started off with China’s latest decision to apparently ban ALL foreigners from entering the mainland – and a discussion that morphed somehow into “Trump being racist” because he labeled it a Chinese virus … and other related issues.

Now, I normally as I said NEVER get into debates such as this – pretty much because it’s POINTLESS – – especially in the polarized world we live in these days. NO-ONE is willing to even listen to what the other person is saying – – and that is fine by me, hehe. I rarely get involved in politics, and read as little as I can about this darn virus – – and I’m doing pretty well as a result. Hehe.

Anyway, ‘twas a heated debate and just for the record – – is ole Donald “racist” for calling the virus a Chinese virus?

I think NOT, my friend. We call Chinese food Chinese, don’t we? Well then why on earth wouldn’t one refer to a virus that started in China – – and that the authorities did all they could to cover up (by their own admission) as Chinese?

Doesn’t sound racist to me – – sounds like a case of saying it like it.

Now, before you fine folks on my list start jumping up an down about Trump and politics in general – – let it be known that I do NOT particularly care about politicians – – anywhere in the world. All feather of the same bird as it were, and they all flock together at the end of the day, and that is all I’m going to say about it, but I do know one thing – – Trump is a man after my own heart not because of his politics – but his STYLE.

He does precisely what I advocate – – say it like it is – – WITHOUT feat. Freely saying it like it is – is a skill my friend – – and not being affected by what others think of you is an even greater skill. Master that, and you’ll not only become FAR more productive in your daily life than you ever have been – – but you’ll also learn that people will follow you to the ends of the planet to HEAR what you have to say – – even if they don’t necessarily agree with you on everything.

Why – – because you give to them STRAIGHT.

And that, my friend is as honest (brutally honest) as I can get. And that’s what you get from 0 Excuses Fitness – -and ALL our products too.

As recent testimonials for our products show – -they flat out WORK – – and do NOT give you the chances to make excuses – – or be molly coddled (the exact opposite, actually).

Some get ticked off and unsubscribe from my lists, and that is fine. I am NOT everyone’s cup of tea and neither do I want to be – and neither should YOU, my friend. Be real – Be YOU  – – and that, at the end of the day is what really counts!

I did up a post precisely on that a while ago, but I can’t be bothered to find the URL right now. It’s there in the annals of the blog though – – do a search, and you’ll find it!

Alrighty then, my friend – – that is THAT for now. I just warmed up my writing chops with these here 900 or so words – – and I’m BACK at it – – Kiddie Fitness, to be precise.

I’ll be back again soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Given the virus spreading around the globe – – the CALM and RATIONAL amongst us would do VERY WELL to remember that this virus really only strikes those that have LOW immunity. The BEST and only (IMO) line of defense is robust health – and good immunity – – and home workouts deliver all that to you, my friend – – especially in these uncertain times of “lockdown”. And here is where you can find the VERY best there is in terms of home workouts – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – I spoke a bit about marketing and saying it like it is in the social media group I referred to. Funnily enough people responded by saying “No, that’s not how you market. It’s not about eyeballs! It’s about …”, ah, but I can’t quite control my chuckles here. Ill do up another post on that shortly – – stay tuned!

Stop worrying about what they “expect” you to do!
- - do what makes YOU happy - FIRST!

Dear Reader,

There are many things that separate the high achievers of this world from the “wannabes” or “has beens” – – the CREAM of the crop from the “herd” as it were – – the people that conquer all and get to the very pinnacle of their chosen profession or GOALS, and those that “meander along with the stream somewhere in between”.

Yada, nada, schnada. You get the point, I think, and after lack of persistence (for those in the latter category) another prime difference between ultimate success and lack thereof is this – folks caring too much about (and letting it affect them internally) what others “expect” them to do.

A most insidious means of sabotage this one is – – and virtually ALL of us have been subject to this at some point in our lives – -some more so than others.

Your truly fits in the “more so than others category” and for a large portion of my adult life, I did (hard as it might sound to believe at this point!) “sort of” care about what I was “expected to do” and did it … for a short while, at least, before my INNER MAN spoke up – – and naturally, when that inner man speaks – or ROARS – – you listen – -or at least I did!

Case in point being the numerous jobs I worked before going all out on my own. Truth is I NEVER wanted to work for someone else in the first place – – but the looks of astoundment accompanied with “You?? How on earth would someone like you amount to anything on your own?” held me a back for a long portion of my adult like – – before I finally said SCREW it – – and did what my heart (inner man) told me to do!

In “Outwitting the Devil”, Napoleon Hill mentions several instances from his OWN life when he was working for others (again, on the insistence of family and so called other well wishers) – – and in EACH one of those jobs – – despite the seeming outward successes – he ended up either leaving the job – – or the company folded – – or something to that effect.

It didn’t last, in other words.

In the bestselling Pyscho Cybernetics Dr Maltz makes a very pertinent point indeed – – and likes our success levels to a rubber band which is held in place firmly by none other than our subconscious mind.

If the subconscious truly believes that you can attain a level of success, but NOT beyond it – – then guess what – – you’ll attain that level of success – – and you may briefly rise above it – – but the rubber band will snap back to wherever the subconscious “thinks” you belong.

This is a truism that cannot be argued against my friend. If you subconsciously hate something – – and don’t want to do it – – then you may be “made to do it” for a while – – but it ain’t gonna last.

And funnily enough, these tales struck closer to home for me than you’d think. I made a seeming success out of many of my jobs (none more so than the job I refer to in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales) – – and could probably have made a “career” out of any of those jobs – – which is exactly what everyone around me “expected” me to do, of course, and repeatedly pressurized me to do, and yet, what happened?

I think we all know – – and funnily enough, people seem to forget the great truism that is often mentioned in self help books and manuals alike – -that being – – TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST!

And what I am telling you is this – more than just “taking care of yourself first” – I’d say listen to yourself first.

Way too many people, for instance, start a fitness program but end up trying to accomplish goals set by others.

For instance, I would wager a bet than a lot of guys don’t necessarily crave big guns as much as they SECRETLY crave the lean and mean look, and yet – – due to public pressure and perception – – guess who they end up trying to emulate – – and what they end up ACHIEVING.

Someone starting a new venture, for instance, may start off full of enthusiasm  — which quickly falls by the wayside as the repeated admonishments and cries of “You’ll never make it” ring out louder than anything else in his or her ears, and pretty soon that person is back to square one – – or worse.

Tell the world what you’re going to do – – but show them FIRST – – and I just had to mention that here!

Do what YOU want, my friend – both in terms of life – and goals – and FITNESS as well. Stop getting suckered into and DERAILED by the “but you’re expected to follow so and so road” B.S.

And if doing what YOU want isn’t what others “expect”, well, goody – you’re probably on the RIGHT track.

Sure, blazing your own trail takes GUTS and I’d be lying to tell you that its “easy” or that the path is without pitfalls.

As soon as I decided to do my own thing all those years ago (and indeed even TODAY when I embark upon a new venture) – – it was as if the entire world was conspiring against me to “pull  me back into the fold and stop me reaching for the stars” (much like that solitary crab that manages to climb out of the bucket of crabs as the others stay IN).

I was called an idiot – a loser – a lunatic – and several things unprintable – – and still am – but guess what – – I have something that these so called other “successes” don’t – – that is HAPPINESS – FREEDOM – – and PEACE OF MIND knowing I’m doing what I love to do – – and will continue to do so!

Fitness wise, I’ve often been told I overexercise (huh??) – – and this by people that have never once attained any degree of fitness in their own lives!

I’ve been told my methods are ridiculous, and downright asinine (by folks who say that pumping 5 kg dumbbells for 15 minutes on each hand will make muscles sprout – – and those that claim long, slow walks are what it’s about when it comes to fitness).

And yet – the results – can we argue with the results?

I think NOT, my friend – – and that is what happens when you do what YOU want – the way YOU want – WITHOUT listening to the chorus of “bays” from the “herd” out there.

It may not always be easy. It may not always be the path of least resistance, and certainly probably not the path most traveled – and so forth.

But is it worth it??

Oh YES my friend – – and you’ll see what I mean when YOU embark upon it too!

So that’s today’s message. Do what YOU want – – and NEVER get pulled into asinine guilt trips of “doing what you’re expected to do” – – it is nothing but a recipe for failure and that too on a grand scale!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In terms of fitness, the great part about the 0 Excuses Fitness System is that it matters NOT what YOUR goal is. Build muscle? Lose fat? Six pack? Better health and a robust immune system? Interspatial travel? And so forth. We’ve got you covered (ok, not the last one!)- – so fret NOT – – and click on over right here to grab your copy of the System – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – I was actually advised by another supposedly well meaning family member to “seek counseling” with regard to what I mentioned about jobs before. HA! The subconscious mind always brings to reality what is IN it … and most of the times the opinions of the VERY same people that advocate counseling or other such methods with regard to you doing what you really want aren’t worth the bandwidth we’re spending discussing it here. Trust me on that one!

P.P.S – Oh, and by the way – remember that Kiddie Fitness is well and truly ON its way, my friend. If your kids are going batshit (NO PUNS INTENDED!!) insane during the enforced, extended “holiday” most of you are likely being subject to – well – get them started ASAP on these routines, and boredom will be a thing of the past. Contact me now for pre-orders and I’ll hook you up with a 10% off “special offer”!

“A book without pictures is SO BORING!”
- ... and more on the BACKGROUND behind Kiddie Fitness!

As I walked into the bedroom to ask my daughter what she was saying a short while ago (when I was working – – so I asked her to WAIT – – yes, “Cranky Papa” and his writing where he is NOT to be disturbed, no matter what, hehe…), she asked me the following.

“Dad, when you will finish the book?”

This was the EXACT same question she asked me in the morning when she woke up, and she’s asking me this now while on the dumbphone. Must mean something to her!

“Honey, not as yet. I’m halfway through it …”

“Oh Dad, can I read it?”

“Not now, sweetie. Once I finish”

“Oh, but Dad … “

“Sweetie, I haven’t even put the pictures in as yet!”

“OH!” and it was as if a light bulb went off.

“OK, you do that first Dad! A book without pictures is SO BORING!” she went.

“And now Dad .. let me finish catching the robbers. So many of them …”  and off she was, immersed in the dumbphone again, hehe.

A book without pictures, and especially an exercise book without pictures? Not my cup of tea, and if there is one thing I AM particular upon – – it’s taking PICTURES for my exercise books – – and RETAKING them galore – – not necessarily because they “look good” or don’t – but to SHOW users HOW to do the exercise!

A picture is worth a thousand words, and MORE so when it comes to fitness, and certain types of exercises – – and a video – – well – – lets just say we’re amping the “YES!” factor by about a DOZEN on top of the thousand.

And five videos … well, that’s why I created the 0 Excuses Fitness System with not just a book and pictures (two books actually) – – but VIDEOS as well!

But wait a minute, you ask. Whats this latest book my daughter is on about??

Well, if you haven’t been following me, here is what happened late last night – – a cranky little girl miraculously got transformed into a HAPPY camper – – almost within the space of a few seconds as she dropped down to the floor to do a mini-workout with me – – and on “top of me” as well, as you can see from my social media posts!

Kids are nothing but NOT enthusiastic about exercise – – IF we set the right example. I could have easily done what most people would have at that advanced hour (‘twas almost midnight, hehe) – – but I did NOT – – and the results SHOW.

We sat up until last night fleshing this latest idea out, and yes, it was a “we” this time – not just “me”.

While I got the idea to do Kiddie Fitness – – it was most wholeheartedly endorsed by the “model” in the book – – my six year old – – and some of the exercises are HERS, hehe. Probably not patented as yet, but I will see to it that they are … nah, j ust kidding, but you get my drift!

We took a BARRAGE of pictures this morning – – some of which have to be re-done – – and they will be.

If you’re a parent – – or sports coach – – or a P.E. teacher at school – – or even a gym instructor for kids and adults both – – or simply involved with kids in any way – – then this course will be one you will NOT want to miss, my friend, as it contains exercises SPECIFICALLY tailored towards kids – – some of it stuff I have NEVER, EVER come out with before.

Keep your eyes peeled – it promises to be great – – and in the meantime – – do NOT forget to workout yourself – – by using the very best exercise system there is on the planet – the 0 Excuses Fitness System!

Ill see you on the “other side”, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – YES, Kiddie Fitness is BEING hammered out as I type – – should be out for sale within the next couple of days. Parents – you’ll DEFINITELY want to get this! And all of you folks on my list – if you want a special on this – email me NOW, and I’ll see to it that you’re hooked up.

P.S #2 – Also, and while you’re at it – – those of you that are frustrated about not being able to lose weight during the Coronavirus lockdowns – – well – – take HEART. There is HOPE – – more than it, in fact – find out more here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/

Try THIS one on for “size”!
- ... I bet it will "whoop your ass" hehe...

Dear Reader,

At around 10 P.M. or so tonight, after a full day of WRITING and creating MORE products – – something strange happened – at least for the average person, hehe.

While most people would have “dropped down into the couch” after a full day and then some with a half bot or TWO of something – – I did the opposite.

I dropped down into (what is for ME) an INCREDIBLY relaxing position – that being the “table” position I teach about in 0 Excuses Fitness and Pushup Central, but I didn’t do a pushup.

I simply held the position – breathed – and RELAXED into the movement. As I did so, my six year old daughter – – no longer a “spring chicken” in terms of weight as she was at ONE years of age, hehe – came and jumped smack on me – and stayed PUT for a good minute or so!

Although I was momentarily alarmed, I need not have worried – I was more than able to handle the extra 23 kgs or so.

Now, for those of you wondering what the big deal is – – I’ll tell ya.

Get down on the ground in a table position – – with your back FLAT –  and weight on your arms and legs (legs at a 90 degree angle to the body) and NECK BACK – as you look skywards.

And simply hold.

For the vast majority of you adults out there, you’ll be doing good just to  hold the position for more than a second or so when you start. Believe me, if you’re overweight around the stomach and hips – or core in general – your lower back will start shaking sooner than you expect, and you’ll collapse in a heap shortly thereafter.

And if you’re fit – or think you are – try and bang out PUSHUPS from that position – and then report back!

And if you’re me – – you put your daughter on your midsection for added weight as you hold the position, hehe.

Great “mini workout”, and another reason I’m bringing this to you is that this is yet another example of getting it DONE – – even when you’re “super busy”.

Even when you’re in lockdown. Isn’t it far better to workout – and involve the entire family – rather than sit and moan and groan about what politician are doing globally – – and contribute to all the fear mongering?

Most of all, isn’t it great that you’re SETTING A GOOD example – – doing your bit to end childhood obesity for GOOD – and being a GOOD ROLE model for your kids when it comes to FITNESS, the most important thing of them all?

Your body truly is your TEMPLE, my friend. Far more too many people do anything BUT treat it as such (and before you start jumping, no I do NOT believe in God – – I’m an atheist, but the point STANDS) … bad mistake, my friend.

Set a good example – – and make sure to get them mini workouts in – – they’re well worth it! In fact truth be told although it wasn’t a sweat fest – – that one minute got the heart pumping a bit – – and got me to write this post – and probably more after that.

THAT is the effect exercise done right has – – increased productivity for one – – and I don’t know about YOU – – but I’ll take that anyday or night, hehe.

All for now – back at it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be on the outlook for the new product I mentioned shortly. Kiddie fitness truly WILL be something all you parents will want to invest in – – and yes, if you want a bit of a discount (10% to be specific) email me now and Ill sign you up for a pre-order of sorts.

P.S #2 – Oh, and in the meantime, don’t forget to grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – – truly the best fitness system you can follow – -especially when on lockdown, hehe – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

- ... is key to them abs you so crave!

Many years ago, back when I was a computer science student (and not a very diligent one, hehe) back in school, I had a professor during my senior years known as Dr. Ray Seyfarth.

He taught a course that I believe I damn near flunked – “artificial intelligence”.

Actually, I DID flunk for all practical purposes. The University required a grade of C or above for the course to count towards your GPA, and while I didn’t get an “F” – – I got a D, which meant I had to retake the course.

That darn course postponed by graduation by a semester, and luckily the next prof I had Dr. Ali was benevolent enough to pass me with a “C”, hehe. Perhaps he just got tired of seeing the long haired “Jesus” (back as my cohorts liked to call me, hehe) sitting in class, half asleep. Who knows!

Anyway, the reason I mention this is NOT my own tardiness.

It’s because this guy had a RAMROD straight posture and a demeanor that SET HIM APART in many ways from his colleagues (the other profs).

While most of the other profs had massive bellies and were usually slouched over (with the notable exception of one Dr. Kolibal who I’ve mentioned before as well) – – this man looked like he was straight out of the military, minus the build.

He was slim and wiry, but he was STRONG too. Tall, slim and wiry – – and what struck me, in my lard ass’ian days  (yes, at the age of 19 yours truly had turned into a bonafide lardass!) – – is the manner in which he walked briskly to and fro work, and class, for one.

Ramrod straight upper back, chest out, shoulders BACK … much like my buddy in the military (former military man and an ex Marine) once exhorted me to do when “times were tough”.

“Chest out, shoulders BACK, my brother!”

And while I’ve done a post on that as well, the point is this – proper posture can do more for you than make you look smart ,PROFESSIONAL and IMPRESSIVE.

It can improve your health. It can REDUCE, or downright eliminate back and shoulder pain. It can help with digestion if done right.

And done right, combined with deep breathing it can literally be a workout unto itself.

That might sound strange to y’all, but what will sound even stranger is that proper posture does not just apply when you’re standing or moving.

It applies when you’re SITTING.

It applies when you are sitting and WORKING – as I am now – or visualizing.

I haven’t even had my workout today (though I will later) – – but I feel full of PEP, energy and vigor – -and though I have a bit of a headache due to a LOT OF time spent indoors and at the computer, I’m still banging out products like never before.

And part of this is my upright stance when sitting.

Chest out, shoulders back – feet FLAT on the floor – – and that my friend is a very valuable and SIMPLE tip indeed that those of you sitting for long hours (think office workers for one) NEED TO – without exception – implement in your own life.

Do so regularly, and I’ll bet that a lot of the LARD around your lower back and waist starts to “slip away”.

Combine it with regular workouts – and you’ll leave others behind in the dust as you progress!

Quite literally – just do it – and you’ll see!

And that’s that for now. Back to my product now!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Proper posture is crucial to avoid any and all problems related to the core. And there is a reason that I am STANDING UPRIGHT in most of the exercises shown in Corrugated Core – – a very good reason! Grab this bestselling course now, and start implementing what I have to say – – today – – right here – – right NOW! Here is the URL – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/