“I was hugging the floor” … or was I??
- ... well, it got me in great shape - and it will YOU as well!

A while ago, a friend of mine saw a picture of me doing a pushup … that looks anything BUT a pushup, and yet gives you so many overall benefits from ONE movement that I could literally call it a super pushup instead of what I do call it, which is …

… an arms, but hey, while the 0 Excuses Fitness faithful know which type of pushup this is, before I spill the beans – –

This pushup is a type of pushup that I did this morning – and felt like a TRUCK ran over my core (specifically my core) after about 50 reps (not consecutive).

Although yes, 50 consecutive reps of this movement is doable for this style of pushup, it takes guts (literally speaking, hehe) – – and this is just the basic version of the movement.

In Pushup Central, I detail the basic AND the advanced variant of the movement – and note I haven’t even gone one to variants with ONE ARM!

As Charles, a regular reader of this email once noted, once I DO come out with the one arm exercise course it truly will “build indestructible human beings”.

That is still in the works though, and given I still do NOT have high speed internet for (yes, believe it or not) reasons more in my control than the company who is supposed to be providing us with said service would think, it will take a bit more time – but in the meantime, if you want to be an INDESTRUCTIBLE human – not to mention have core and lower back (and shoulder) strength in “matching” degrees, then guess what.

You get down and start floor hugging – – figuratively speaking of course.

‘Tis funny though – my friends reaction reminded me of a “tree hugger” post I once did (I don’t have the link right now, but I bet you’ll find it if you search on the blog) … but for now, floor hugging via this exercise will

  • Give you abs you never imagined possible – especially LOWER abs (and especially definition).
  • You’ll feel a new sense of solidity and stability around your entire core as you do these – and if you combine this with “reverse” movements such as the bridge, well, watch out – those spinal erectors will start to resemble twin boa constrictors crawling up your lower back and FEEL the same too!
  • You’ll have greatly improved digestion and that six pack you so crave …
  • Last, but not least, you’ll be getting in a fantastic trap and shoulder workout while you’re at it – – and a forearm workout which even ADVANCED – yes – ADVANCED trainees will be hard pressed to do once they first start. When I first started, it was all I could do to STAY in this position without collapsing in a heap – or onto my chin, hehe.

And all of this, my friend – – with ONE wonder exercise.

I call it the “arms extended” pushup, but the reality is, and hey, I’d probably market it better that way is the “floor hugger” pushup.

Or perhaps “floor hugger pushup mania”, given the amount of these I do regularly.

Or perhaps even “Jack La Lanne” pushups, given the great man did these regularly too – – oh, but wait – I DO call them that in the book! Hehe.

In these times of lockdown, weight gains and UNCERTAINITY throughout the globe I’ll tell you one darn thing.

You’ll be lot better off if you incorporate pushup workouts into your daily routine. In fact, as the “survivor” days draw near and NIGH (remember that email from a while back? Well, I’m pretty sure those of you with even a bit of foresight can see that “prediction” take shape BEFORE YOUR very eyes) … those type of workouts will be all you’ll really be able to do – and all you’ll need.

And mix the floor hugger pushup in there too, my friend. It truly is worth it!

For more on HOW exactly to do this, and get great RESULTS – well – check out Pushup Central right here https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Along with the floor huggers, make sure to grab the book on pull-ups – the more complete compilation on pull-ups ever – – right here  https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/

“Keep going, honey. Keep going, don’t stop!”
- - and no - it aint what you're thinking!

At the outset … well, NO. No, no, and NO.

It ain’t what you’re thinking.

Get your mind OUT of the gutter (for those that thought what … ah, but you know what I mean!!)

This PG related email comes to you from 0 Excuses Fitness but while our communication is often “

PG” – it is never “A” if you get my drift!

Anyway, jokes aside, I almost got into an arugment with the wife this afternoon.

There she was in the kitchen, and a yelling contest started between my daughter and her – about finishing a writing task that my wife had previously set the little one.

Now, funnily enough, this is something I approve of – when it comes to English.

Being they’re in India at this point though, and for good (or bad, given certain occurences and the general trend of things in that country) … Hindi is what they are emphasizing a lot more in schools these days.

That being national language #2, or #1 depending upon how you look at it, of course!

“When school restarts after the break, you’ll be in second standard!” went my wife. “There’s be MORE pressure!”

And I piped up.

“Well, isn’t English the lingua Franca of the world?”, I replied, and with seemingly good reason. It is – and will remain that for the forseeable future (yes despite all the hoo haa about Chinese becoming the next global language – nah, I do NOT see that happening!).

My wife looked at me meaningfully.

“Did we not argue this last night”, she said.

“uh yes, but ….” (and then I paused).


Because I THOUGHT of something  – – and although I was right – – this was a time to admit I wasn’t right.

What do I m ean?

Well, for starters, my wife was right. Although yes, English is the language we BOTH want our daughter to be proficient in, there is a) nothing wrong with picking up a new language especially if it’s the national language of the country you’re in and b) it will help her get the “stars” and “scholar badges” she so covets – – both in terms of English and Hindi!

But getting my daughter to sit down and write anything … well, you might as well try and stop Niagara falls as it flows all over the place – – except if she’s on the dumbphone to which she stays glued to for hours without even drinking a drop of water, so it ain’t ADHD for sure! Hehe.

The same thing happens when eating if you recall.

And today after lunch we sat her down, and took turns to keep her going – – writing first Hindi – and then English. A page of each, and believe me it was no easy task to get her going continuously – but we managed it!

There’s an important lesson – two, actually to be learnt for all reading this, including one that yours truly needs to REEMPHASIZE. Hey, I’m human too, aren’t I??

One, that sometimes – – just sometimes – – we have to do what we don’t like (or think we don’t like) in order to get to where we WANT to be.

Exercise is one key case in question.

Wanna lose that flab hanging off the midsection? Well, get going on them squats daily – or the hikes – again daily – and keep going – – although you may not “like it” at the time!

Second, finish what you started. Key life lesson there. Do NOT give up before you start!

Exercise, again, is a key example here.

When you get on the System, for instance, you don’t just give up after seeing no results after the initial workout. You keep going – and then some!

And believe me if you do so, you will see results – yes, you WILL – far quicker than you ever imagine – if you just keep going!

Started a new project?

Started a new book? Or working on a new goal?

Well the key – – or one of them, at any rate, to achievement in any sphere is to finish what you decided to start – – without exception (or very few).

This is something personified by all achievers of yore – Edison with his 10000 tries until he finally got the “light bulb”, for instance.

Or Ford with his 8 cylinder motor (I have mentioned this tale before).

Or steve Jobs and his famous obdurateness!

And so forth.

Two important life – and fitness lessons there and again, lessons we can all learn, my friend – and if we already know ‘em – – well doesn’t hurt to reemphasize them, does it now??

And that, my friend is that for today. I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Fitness wise, you do NOT approach a workout with a view to taking 10 minutes breaks between sets of an exercise. You – yes – keep going – and hard as that might sound, it’s doable – and I show you how to keep going and pump out 250 odd pushups in less than 25 minutes in the workout video in the System. Grab it right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


“Focus on what you want! Give it the time it deserves!”
- If you do it - do it WELL!

As I was watching a cartoon with my daughter the other day (or I believe I was doing the laundry or something while I heard it play in the background, hehe) – I heard a line that stood out.

“Focus on what you want, kiddie! Give it the time it deserves!”

This line, for whatever reason – and good reason stuck in mind.

Kids shows often give us pearls of wisdom that kids, sure SHOULD learn and follow – but that we as adults often times have a lot to learn from.

And as I filed this bit away in memory, another line came to mind – that being, ENJOY THE PROCESS!

Back in the day, when I woke up at 530 A.M. on cold wintry mornings to go hiking it wasn’t so much that I “wanted” to do it.

It was NOT that I “wanted” to wake up at that ungodly hour and run in a park without any sort of lighting (well, they have it, but it isn’t turned on that early in the A.M.) with cold winds blowing galore.

Blustering, I should say!

There was a period when I woke up around 8 AM and did this hike … and this was in SUMMER.

Remember I live in a sub tropical area and along with the periodic rains it gets hot, hot, hot. Sort of like a LOT of rain one moment – and then the next minute your shirt starts to stick to your back – not because of the rain if you get my drift!

And while doing all this, I was often called “crazy”. I was often called “nuts” for doing what I wanted to – and yet, I stuck to it – and did it – day after day, month after month, and so forth.

And what I focused on during the SLOG was NOT images of the actual slog, but images of what I WANTED – images of why I DID it.

Images of a fit me. Images of a fit me walking up the hill. Images of a fit “person” at times walking up that hill with music I liked blaring out in the background.

Sometimes it was me slowly, but SURELY, getting up that slope (for the 4th or 5th time, hehe) with an “Undertaker” like slow and MEASURED walk ….

Believe me, visuals can be whatever you make them, and as I slogged up the hill – – either in the cool/cold AM’s, or hot and sultry DAY … I had those visuals at the forefront of my mind all the time.

Is it any wonder then, that the results are what I WANTED – and then some?

It is the same thing with business – or any other endeavor you engaged in. Take writing, for instance – when I write books, what really allows me to get into the flow is me focusing on the IMAGERY of what I want to put on paper, and I then just do it.

This is a hall mark of all successful writers, bar NONE – and the same thing applies for success – in any field!

Focus on what you want – and give it the time it deserves, my friend. Above all – enjoy the process – it truly is worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Have you picked up a copy of Pushup Central as yet, the course that is truly the MOST comprehensive out there on pushups? Getting rave reviews too, and if you haven’t grabbed it as yet, now is the time to do it – –https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

The value of GOOD customer service
- ..cannot be over emphasized..

Do you know what annoys me MORE than anything else when it comes to customer service – or communication in general, but especially customer service? 

It isn’t so much the issue as the WAY it’s handled. 

A long, long time ago a friend who couldn’t handle my brutally direct style and had a misunderstanding with me (which he didn’t at the time resolve face to face) had this to say – “It’s not WHAT he says – it’s HOW he says it!” 

(That above bit told to my ex girlfriend at the time, and while we’re good friends again – shortly after that misunderstanding occurred, actually, the point stands). 

While in my case the brutally direct nature was probably what set the cat amongst the piegons (unsurprisingly, hehe) what I’m talking about today is different.

It’s about customer service reps that seemingly and willingly IGNORE what you say – willy nilly, almost, and to add insult to injury respond to your carefully crafted messages with a “stock” copy and paste response that not only looks like it’s been copied and pasted – but like a third grader wrote it. 

And while I am NOT saying what I am about to to be discriminatory, the fact remains that a lot of unsatisfactory customer service reps I’ve dealt with are based out of … you guessed it. 


And it isn’t just customer service where this issue occurs. Remember, I have worked in I.T. companies both large and small here in the past, and MOST clients (in both types of companies) had ONE MAJOR recurring complaint and although it was sometimes about the quality of work, that wasn’t always the main thing. 

IT was about not being listened to. Their emails being ignored. The points they spent a good bit of time crafting (especially when it comes to BPO projects etc) being IGNORED. 

This afternoon, I sent the customer service of PayTm, an Indian payment app modeled on Alipay (and indeed funded by Alipay as well to a large extent) – – oh, and for those that don’t know, Alipay is a payment giant in mainland China – them of Alibaba.com, as it were – -and the customer service was (as expected) – – less than satisfactory – – and that is me being polite. 

It was a simple enough issue, to be honest. 

I emailed them about it (the issue was basically about “linking” an account – standard stuff, don’t ask) and received a stock “Hi Rahul, we’re looking into your issue” response. 

OK … 

A few hours later, I received another one of those aggravating responses. 

“Hi Rahul. Can you provide us with a screen shot of the error you’re facing?” 

Huh? Error? I hadn’t even mentioned any error in the comm I Sent these guys! All I asked was why it was taking donkey’s years to “link” the account, and I did so in far politer and more “professional” language than I just used, hehe. 

They clearly hadn’t even bothered to read what I said – – and if they did, they didn’t understand – – and while its no wonder that PayTm is losing money by the DAY and is neck deep in debt etc – – it isn’t by any means the only company in India that needs to improve the level of it’s service. 

There are a few diamonds in the rough everywhere of course, and Paytm isn’t an exception to the rule. One of the reps I’ve been dealing with has been nothing but proactive, friendly and RESPONSIVE … but he is the ONLY one. Vijay Shankar, if you’re reading this – listen UP! 

I used to call the company out on Twitter in the past, but quickly realized it was a waste of time. They just don’t care. It’s as if they’re saying “a  billion people or more than it are forced to use us, so we could care less about service!” 

Big big mistake my friend – and SERVICE is the one of the reasons I use Amazon for everything when it comes to online shopping. 

It’s not so much because I admire Bezos overall style – or the inspiring rags (garage) to riches story – – it’s Amazon’s customer service – and over all the years I’ve been with them I can confidently say that Amazon is the #1 company when it comes to customer service GLOBALLY – by FAR! 

THE VERY BEST – keep it up Bezos and team – -and that, more than anything else (and even the prices, yes, I’m being honest) is why I will ALWAYS be an Amazon customer … 

And now, what is the point of this rant, you ask? 

Well its this – that customer service is one huge huge reason why a lot of companies — – or brands – – succeed – – or fail. (the other being poor marketing, but we won’t get into that here!). 

Por ejempelo, Gautam, a customer from India once contacted me words of HIGH praise for the initial rahulmokerjee.com website, and asked me a few question about the “then” version of the book on pull-ups. 

Actually, he didn’t just ask me a few questions. 

He asked me a LOT of questions – detailed ones – ones that I wouldn’t normally answer in great depth – – but coming from this person, I could see he had really put his heart into – – and was a GENUINE customer (or was genuinely interested, at any rate). 

Not only did I take the time to answer all his questions about Fast and Furious Fitness – – as WELL as the book on pull-ups – – I even worked with him on price – – something I NEVER EVER do for most people (unless there is a damned good reason behind it!). 

Compare that to an email I got last year – – I think it was from the UK. 

“Why are your books so expensive” was the sum and substance of this email. 

You can guess my response, hehe. Actually you don’t have to guess. Its on the blog somewhere – – I posted about it, but the point remains – good customer service not only makes the sale – – but it also earns you GOODWILL. 

Gautam benefited a lot from the book on pull-ups – – and he not only gave me the testimonial on the site – – but also TWO on BOTH our facebook pages! 

And those three testimonials themselves have pulled in FAR more sales for that one book – so much so that a compilation of the advanced and initial book now exists – – at a price point far, far higher than what I sold it to Gautam for (although admittedly that was the 2013 version WITHOUT the additions I made in 2017, but still!). 

And if that doesn’t tell you the value of good customer service – and going the extra mile for genuine customers – – well – – I don’t know what will, my friend! 

OK, that’s it for now. I’ll be back again soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I don’t know why, but it seems the best customer service I’m getting these days from companies in general is either back Stateside – – or those with reps based out of Eastern Europe as opposed to Asia. Common culture or something?? No, I’m NOT Slavic! But … hey, who knows! I sure do hope India picks up it’s GAME in this regard though – with their billion people, many of whom have a decent command of English – – certainly far more than in mainland China, they could really make a killing if they applied themselves just a little! 

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you haven’t picked up the book on pull-ups do so NOW – right here — https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/


Am I justified in becoming a “hermit”?
- ... the one legged kind,maybe, hehe.

Several people have written in over the past few days inquiring (curiously) about the status of … my WIFI, hehe.

The email I sent out on no WIFI seems to have been a very popular one indeed judging from the responses, but they weren’t the only people asking.

Friends and contacts on my Wechat and others lists (that I’m looking to scale DOWN, by the way) have been asking too.

The overriding questions seems to be WHY.

Especially when (for the most part) – the “no WIFI” status is basically one of my OWN choosing and one I could probably end at this very moment if I really, really wanted to.

Well, my answer is simple my friends.

Because the world is slowly turning into a politically correct and overly sissified version of what it used to be – – ah, but wait. That’s been going on for a while now, you say.

Well yes. It HAS – but this recent pandemic has done nothing to improve matters.

If anything, the “moron” (sorry, but it’s true folks) level seems to have gone UP a notch or two – or SEVERAL, depending upon which country you’re referring to.

I recently got into a political debate with a dude on Twitter – something I do NOT do – and should NOT have done based upon the response.

What I was essentially telling him is that PRECAUTIONS and not PANIC is what is needed to combat this bally virus (the SCARE created by the virus is actually a bigger virus than anything else, but I digress!) – and NOT lockdowns for sure.

I mean, how bloody obvious is this, my friends.

Lock a country down, and you literally RUIN the economy … and then some. And no, I’m not being “overly capitalstic” either (the guy on Twitter said this).

And these lockdowns have been taken to giddy limits – with the expected RETARDED results. And people still keep getting scared.

In India, the country was given FOUR hours, no more (four hours for a country of over a billion??) for a nationwide lockdown – – which included no alcohol and tobacco sales for one, and if there ever was a more utterly USELESS and ASISINE decision taken by any government out there (other than South Africa which seems to be in the same boat, except with a 2 day notice apparently), I’m YET to hear it.

I mean, really.

You’re on lockdown. You have billions of people in the country – – NOT all of whom are alcoholics or even drink regularly – – but a small fraction does, and those suffering from withdrawal symptoms etc … well, guess where they end up. The already overburdened hospitals in the country.

Not to mention that prohibition of ANYTHING does NOT work. Speakeasies, bootlegging anyone? And judging by the chaos in India (people jumping off rooftops because they aren’t getting their daily tipple – – people smuggling it in milk cans near OFFICAL residences no less), I don’t think that’s working out too well, or will!

But why just India?

In the good ole U.S. of A, we have a clown that attempted to run a train into a naval vessel specifically intended to help those suffering from the virus (so much for the Trump haters again, hehe).

We have GUN SALES rising through the roof. I mean, really folks. Whats next? Shoot the darn virus with weapons?? Lets get REAL here.

And the U.S. isn’t even on lockdown like many other countries are – – at least NOT on a countrywide scale …

And so forth. The craziness is sweeping across the globe. The most recent footage I saw was some ass clown in mainland China sneezing on watermelons that he then SOLD to people.

Why? I’ll let you figure it out?

And in all this lunacy, all we hear is one thing.

The bally VIRUS.

Folks- GET REAL. Viruses have existed since the beginning of time, and will continue to until the world ends, which it likely won’t!

Anyway, all of this leads me to the central point.

I think I’m better off for now with no high speed Internet, hehe. In fact given the way the world is going I might just do what my wife once told me to do … that being stand on one leg in the Himalayas for years, hehe, during an argument.

“You prefer solitude and can’t relate to people”.

I didn’t respond, of course …!!

Anyway, madness aside  – – good news is this – – I’m not planning on becoming a hermit anytime soon, hehe.

Plenty of new products to release – – once I get down with my own version of the “lockdown”, hehe … and on that note, the LAST thing I want to say is this – pick your battles.

I’ve been guilty of breaking this rule – especially when discussing with the guy on Twitter (which I absolutely do NOT do in most cases).

Pick your battles. Work on yourself – as opposed to buying into the madness outside – and you’ll be doing yourself, and the world – a huge favor!

Take precautions – but do NOT panic.

Continue to workout. My 0 Excuses Fitness workouts ensure that you get the workout of your lives without leaving the house – lock down or no – and right now, I really think that is what the world needs more than anything else.

Oh, and I also read about the Indian police supposedly making folks do pushups and squats for violating the lockdown.

I have NO idea if this is true, but it looks to be – – but hey, I could probably give those portly policemen a lesson or two in terms of how to do pushups – – not to mention be a little less brutal with the public – – ah, but here I go again.

Off my soapbox now, but the rant is TRUE – – if you stop and think about it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Good news also is this, you do NOT need to become a hermit and stand on one leg to get in the best shape of your life. All you need is some “hermit time” alone in your living room – and you’re set. Find out how exactly I did it – and how YOU TOO can – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/ 


My workouts in the TORRENTIAL downpour …
- Indeed "one for the road", hehe

(This one was written a while back, but for some reason I did not send it out when I was supposed to. Am doing so now while on “no WIFI” mode, hehe – seems apt, given the nature of what is being discussed -ENJOY!)

The last couple of emails featured a few trips down memory lane – – and today I’ll continue on the same vein, hehe. 

By the way, if you enjoy these sort of emails – – then my “The Old Man I met in China” series will be of great interest to you – – search on the blog, and you’ll find those posts somewhere in the “annals” as well. 

And now, it’s on to the torrential downpours, and outdoor workouts IN those downpours on occasion! 

Often times as I’d climb the hill – – either in the morning, or evenings, the sub tropical part of China that I was in meant that rainstorms and indeed typhoons etc were a common occurrence. 

It was not uncommon, for instance, to see the sky DARK as night – – at 9 AM in the morning due to HEAVY rain – literally as pitch dark as if it were 9 PM! 

And back in the day, I’d be climbing the hill … when I’d hear THAT rustle in the leaves .. .

That wind, ever so slightly cooler … and that FEELING – – the indescribable feeling when you KNOW rain is on the way, and as the winds would start to pick up – people would scatter all over the place, looking for shelter. 

Within a minute or so, the rain would start. 

It would start as a drizzle, and then turn into a torrential downpour so quickly that if you weren’t near any sort of shelter at the first “warning” – – you were – – to put it somewhat politely, or maybe NOT – screwed. Hehe. 

(by the way – for those interested – you can see PICTURES – in all their COLOR and glory, hehe in Eat More – Weigh Less – which you can grab right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/ )

Now, being this was a regular occurrence, and being that was my primary workout at the time, this was quite a dilemma. 

No-one wants to work out in torrential rain, but often times, I’d do it. I’d climb up the hill in that downpour – – my shirt literally DRENCHED – – my entire body, actually – – shoes and socks “squelching” out water as I climbed – – and while I wouldn’t always do it the second time around – – if the rain abated for a while – – I would! 

Now, while this might sound hardcore (and it was) – – in reality, it FELT anything but comfortable. 

Your clothes STICK to your back – a mixture of sweat and polluted rain. Your shoes squelch out water. You are drenched – big time – and wiping the sweat off your face does no good, as it’s replaced by more … rain! 

And it wasn’t necessarily cooler either when it rained, so that was another issue! 

And of course, the shoes weren’t any better off for it. I remember having FOUR pairs of hiking shoes – – and they were ALL in a state of ruin at the end of a few months of this, hehe. Still remember them lined up outside my first floor apartment at the time, waiting to dry. 

But it’s the tough things that get us in shape, my friend – -and indeed, not just in terms of fitness. 

Do whats “uncomfortable”, and make it the new “normal”, for instance, in your LIFE – and watch your life change so quickly you’ll be left wondering what exactly happened. 

And that is precisely what happened to me – – in terms of fitness – and my gains! 

Now, last, but not least, before I end this, NO – – I am NOT telling you to go out and exercise in extreme weather like I did. 

Not everyone is that “crazy”, hehe – – and plus it could be DANGEROUS for some of you. 

But I have to admit, there is a certain sort of primeival feeling of accomplishment that comes from getting in workouts like this – day after day – month after month. 

A sense of achievement that CANNOT be matched – or surpassed – by anything else – and on that note, I’ll “leave you be”, hehe. Maybe I’ll write about the times when I hiked that hill – – when I literally felt like I was “breathing fire” hehe. 

But that’s a tale for another time – stay tuned! 

All for now – – back later! 


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If the above sounds too extreme, well guess what – it IS – and that is yet another reason I put out the 0 Excuses Fitness System where you can get in workouts that achieve much the same as what I did – in LESSER – FAR LESSER – time – and do so all in the privacy of your living room! Find out how right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/ 

“But Mommy, he NEVER seems to gain any weight!”
- Sage indeed - and true!

“But Mommy, he NEVER seems to gain any weight!”

… no matter what you do, ah, but WAIT!

For those not in the know, my six year (soon to be 7, heh – – my how time FLIES!) daughter made the above comment.

She has plenty of friends in school, and of them is a young tub of lard that lives right next door to us – – well, a few houses away and a fine young man if I might say so in many regards.

Unfortunately his parents have ensured either wittingly or unwittingly that he’s turned into a bonafide lard ass, and for those that think I’m being cruel when I say that – well – mea cupla – – maybe NOT.

I’ve been ranting about child obesity and how ADULTS are the real culprit here, but while a lot of people listen, there is still WORK to be done, and going by some of the tubbos I’ve seen as of LATE – my daughter’s friend looks positively skinny (and he ain’t either, hehe).

Now, whats the point of all this, you ask?

Well, one, so I can UNABASHEDLY and UNSHAMEDLY promote my newest product Kiddie Fitness – a program that’ll have even the most stubborn kid exercising within minutes if just because it’s FUN – so much FUN – and doesn’t even feel like exercise – but it IS!

In fact I could give the book to the average lard ass ADULT out there, and I’ll be a monkey’s uncle and horse’s ass if some of the workouts included in the book don’t have them huffing and puffing and then COLLAPSING in a heap on the floor – all within a few minutes.

Think what you like my friend but its true.

Yes, you heard me – it’s TRUE!

And now, on with the story.

(You can grab Kiddie Fitness right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/ )

As we sat around the lunch table this afternoon (a few minutes ago), I was (we were, actually) finishing off a nigh SUMPTIOUS meal of Indian flatbread (replete with BUTTER – the CLARIFIED sort) – – kidney beans (plenty of spice!) – – and a few other dib dobs.

And my daughter piped up.

“Mommy, is he going to eat all that?” she asked, looking at the Eiffel Tower (again, my daughter!) of flatbread in front of me.

“Yes, he will! You want me to make him fat, don’t you?”

Hey, what can I say. Every little girl wants a TUBBO for her beloved Dad so she can “play with his tummy” as they do in the cartoons, and truth be told, I’ve been asking my daughter if I’ve gotten fat ever since this COVID madness started – and the answer is always a resounding NO.

‘Tis true, of course, but … again … on with it!

“But Mommy! No matter what you feed him, he NEVER GETS fat!”

And as my little girl said this , she might as well have been referring to the neighborhood HOG who despite hogging food galore never seems to put on a lick of weight. Or perhaps the stray dogs, or perhaps …


You may think and rightfully so that the next product I’m going to PIMP here – again unabashedly and UNASHAMEDLY is my book on Eating more – and Weighing Less (which you can grab right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/ ) and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

Except I’m not.

I’m simply telling you this because I haven’t done a lick of hill climbing since January
I have NOT been watching my diet. I have NOT been working out for more than 15 minutes, if at all that per day.

And the secret to my staying lean and trim is NOT what you might think.

And no, butter isn’t the secret either. Hehe. It’ actually one of the WORST things you can eat – cheese is far better – but clarified butter – now that, my friend is another story altogether!

Whoops! I’m letting the cat out of the bag so I’ll stop here, but for now, what was my workout today?

250 Hindu squats, and I didn’t even “make time” for my workout. After writing the last post about no WiFi, I simply dropped down and did ‘em – and that was that.

And that, my friend is what today’s post is all about.

He never gets fat – and if that sounds like manna from heaven to YOU – well – rest assured it can be true for you too!

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up the Exercise System that truly IS THE BEST out there – and will allow you to gorge away like a “stuck” (sorry, I’ve spent time in the South and loved it, hehe) pig and NOT gain weight (lose, mostly likely!) – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

The No WiFi experiment!
- Indeed a novel twist, hehe

One of my favorite and TRUE Napoleon Hill sayings is this – “Every adversity, every heartache, every failure carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit”.

This saying rings SO true and is SO NECESSARY for any sort of real success in any endeavor – fitness included – that you might as well print it out and put it in a place where you can LOOK at it daily.

What we look at daily – repetitively – is what impresses upon our subconscious minds the most, and there are very few better things to impress upon your mind right NOW, my friend – especially given the current mess the entire world seems to be in (of it’s own creating, I still maintain, but that is a different story!).

And on that note – – here is our recent “no wifi” experiment!

Something that was seemingly “forced” upon us in this here neck of the woods – and something that we could probably have avoided – – to an extent – – and something that …ah, but I’ll let that be.

Let me just say that things started out with an increasingly unreliable Wifi connection this Monday – – and come this Friday – – or Monday late morning, actually, we were left with NO Wifi.

It gets better though!

We live in an area where the mobile signals rarely, if ever get through due to the tall buildings surrounding it and therefore the phone doesn’t work either – unless you step out of the house – and I mean REALLY step out of the house to a wooded area (such as the park, for instance! Well, maybe not quite that far … but you get my drift).

And with a wonky 4G signal as well – – well – – over the past week it truly feels as if we have WELL AND TRULY isolated ourselves in the midst of a concrete jungle – and while it was annoying as heck first, we quickly realized the UPSIDE to it.

More REAL time spent with family as opposed to one hand being on the dumbphone checking notifications.

More time spent READING – and WRITING – and avoiding the utter bullshit being spread about on social media etc (I referred to a lot of that in the last post!).

More time spent doing what matters. More time spent working out – be on the outlook for a new product soon as well, hehe.

More time spent … but hey, the MAIN thing here is this – -I’ve written before about this year truly being the year of the SURVIVOR – and given how things are proceeding according to prediction, it wouldn’t be a bad time to switch off and get back to basics for a while, albeit voluntarily.

Trust me, the world still revolves without social media notifications.

Trust me now, and believe me later (was it the other way around?? Hehe) – – you’ll live just fine without knowing where your friend’s dog crapped this afternoon .. or without checking the latest selfies on
Wechat (a software that lends itself to a super fast connection more so than other social media – at least this has been my own observation).

You’ll survive. You’ll get back to BASICS.

And while I’d be lying to say I don’t miss it at times – and indeed need a reliable high speed connection to put out products etc, I think Im doing just fine for the nonce “isolated from the world” to a degree, hehe.
It’s not gonna last, of course, but in terms of fitness – how this relates is simple.

Get rid of the fancy crap that doesn’t and hasn’t been working, my friend.

Get rid of the razzmatazz, the silly machines that sit there gathering dust – – and that gym membership you rarely use.

Get rid of your “spandex” too for those of you that have it. Jane Fonda videos. The ab rollers. The “tummy crunchers”. The latest Martian crunch machine … you get my drift!
Replace with a rope and chinning bar if you MUST – absolutely MUST – and if not, NO PROBLEMO!

Get down on the floor – and start cranking out the basics, my friend – an area where most people miserably FAIL.

Not only will you get in the best shape of your life OVERALL – – but you’ll also be WELL prepared for any and ALL eventualities in 2020 – – something that will NOT happen by sitting on your butt on a padded seat in the gym- – or making idiotic observations on doomsday scenarios on Facebook, hehe.

Not to mention you’ll send the COVID19 crap for a toss – and if ONE thing was SORELY required in the here and NOW – it is that!

Try it out – let me know how it works for you!

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Getting back to basics is what it’s about – with astounding results. And Eat More Weigh Less is SOLID PROOF of the ASTOUNDING WEIGHT LOSS results YOU TOO can achieve when on a program such as what I advocate. Grab this little gem right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/

P.S #2 – It goes without saying though, that before switching off the Wifi and high speed internet (if you so choose) – you best ARM yourself (and no, I’m NOT referring to “live ammo” here – more on that later, but the recent spike in gun sales in the good ole US of A has left me scratching my head, for one. Virus? Kill it … with a weapon?? Jeez, they come up with new ideas daily don’t they??!) .. ah, but getting back to it – you better ARM yourself with the best darn fitness program out there. Who knows – maybe a week without WIFI is ALL you need to start getting into the best shape of your life. Grab my program right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Take a stance – – a constructive one!
- And stop the endless WHINGING!

Dear Reader,

Todays email is about the HATERS – – and it’s a bit of a lengthy rant – – so – – with that said – – full steam head!

I wrote a few emails back about haters of “Gorilla Grip” (back when I revamped it in 2017 and put it out) – and I wrote about how senseless some of the comments where.

“The information is available for free!”

“The exercises don’t work!”

Free? OK, so why did you even BUY the book to begin with if it’s that readily and freely available?

And second what qualifies you (and I’m talking about the reader who wrote that comment I referred to) to decide if the exercises work or not – without even trying ‘em?

Funnily enough or maybe not given the brain power (Im being polite, hehe) a lot of “haters” have – – the SAME person stated that the exercises DID work for the people I mentioned in the book – -all well known in their own fields …!

I mean, is there any limit to the sheer stupidity?

And in terms of what is going on TODAY with the COVID-19 virus, and the political wrangling that is going on – as well as the extreme polarization of the world, I feel compelled to rant on it again.

And this time, it’s about people that choose to stay in a certain country – and RANT about it galore – so much so that the sheer HATE in their words is nigh evident.

It’s one thing to point out facts, my friend, and it’s quite another to hate. The two are different, but when you build an obsession – – a very unhealthy one at that by connecting the above two – – well- – its time to DO something about it.

For instance, the anti-China brigade that has been getting more and move VOCAL over the years – – and especially now.

Now, before you dismiss me as an apologist or “leftist” – – rest assured I am NONE of the above two – or anything of that nature.

YES, there is VERY GOOD REASON that the anti-China brigade is gaining traction – but that good reason stops with pointing out FACTS in a constructive manner.

Everyone (with half a brain, hehe) knows how the current crisis was first covered up, then mis-managed, numbers mangled or under-reported, et al. That much is common sense actually, or at least it is to me given how things function in the mainland, but funny part is this – a very vocal part of the anti China brigade are those currently IN CHINA … and those that have no plans to leave.

And those that mix in FACT – – with EMOTION – – and HATE- – a recipe for disaster (think what happened before the world wars, for instance!).

Sure, there are some – – a lot, perhaps – – of things NOT good about China – – but on the other hand, there ARE SOME good things as well.

Every coin has two sides, so to speak …

And what I really don’t get it is the people that continue to stay in the nation – – and continue to COMPLAIN about it galore – – as a significant portion of the anti China brigade seems to be (and again, do NOT get me wrong – – I have no vested interests in either side of the argument – – I’m just calling it like I see it).

Napoleon Hill (in Think and Grow Rich) had this to say of those that criticized the capitalistic system that has made America the great power it is TODAY …

“If you don’t like this country – – well – – you have the privilege of CLEARING OUT!”

I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the sum and substance of it, and I AGREE.

At least have the balls to vote with your feet.

And don’t get me wrong.

Everyone likes a good rant every now and then, but when that turns into an unhealthy obsession it becomes completely counter productive to the ORIGINAL reason the rant was supposedly made i.e. to “improve matters”.

Amazingly enough, if you ask these people for constructive suggestions during the current crisis – – you will likely hear CRICKETS – – and that don’t surprise me one bit.

Again, and for the third time I am NOT saying all is well when it isn’t (with certain nations).
What I AM saying is to stick to fact – and to vote with your feet. If you truly don’t like a certain nation – – well – – nothing, not even teaching English for a living is compelling you to stay there – – and that is a FACT, my friend.

And of course, on the other end of the spectrum we have the “all is well” crowd … who are equally laughable, if just for their sheer IGNORANCE of facts (I’ve written about those people before, so I won’t mention it again here – for now, hehe).

Whatever happened to a rational analysis of FACTS – – and compromise – – and then working on finding SOLUTIONS as opposed to needless hankering about problems and “gloating” over said problems (if they don’t affect the individual in person)??

Personally, I will say this much. I came to China in 2003 and have spent the vast majority of my adult life there.

While there are certain things I do NOT like about the place, and have spoken about them in the past, the same holds true for ANY country. Difference in my case always was when it “got to be too much”, I just up and moved to a different country (more on this later, but those familiar with my 2018 move to India KNOW what I’m talking about).

I didn’t just sit there and complain. I followed my heart – took action – and that’s really what I’m trying to say.

Take a stance – – a constructive one, my friend – – in ALL aspects of life – – and you’ll be surprised how things start to “open up for you” once you do so!

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In terms of fitness, it’s time to take a stance NOW, my friend. Dare to BREAK OUT of the rank of the chronic complainers, tyre kickers, lookie lous and perennially unfit crowd – NOW. Stand up, and be counted – and take CHARGE of your life – and fitness – TODAY. And the best way to do that fitness wise is to get STARTED TODAY on the BEST DARN fitness system out there – which you can and SHOULD grab right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

“It will all be a bad memory”
- A very powerful visualization trick indeed..

So, was browsing through the internet (and yes, I’m back to my “trusty” 4G connection – don’t ask!) – – and saw the following written about the current COVID-019 scare (and that is precisely what it IS as I’ve been saying all along – a SCARE) …

“When it all passes, and it will, this will be nothing more than another bad memory”.

There was MORE, of course, but that was the sum and substance of it, and if there is ONE very powerful VISUAL that I can share with you in these “trying” (so called trying – I personally think most of this “trying” period has been manufactured by our own minds!) times – it is THIS.

Indian actor Rishi Kapoor (he of the “chocolate boy” look way, way back in the day, hehe) made a similar comment on social media a while ago about the lockdown in India.

A country of over a billion people, placed on COMPLETE lockdown … with less than 4 hours notice.


I’ve written about that before as well so I won’t get into it here – – but the point is this – he made this comment “when this passes – and it will – every kid will be GLAD to go back to work”.

“When this passes – and it will – every office worker will be GLAD to return to work!”

And so forth.

BOTH the comments above (all 3, actually) are paraphrased, but they make perfect sense, and tie in perfectly with what I keep yammering about in terms of visualizing the END goal – and the FEELING behind it!

I’ve written about my own trying times (from a personal standpoint) in 2018.

Today, barely two year later (less than it actually!) … I hardly even THINK of those times.

When I do, it’s one of those “bad memories”, but that’s all the attention it gets.

Truly in the grand scheme of things, defeat is TEMPORARY (as Napoleon Hill was fond of saying) – – and for those of you truly ATTUNED to what you really want – – really, really want deep down in your CORE – in EVERY FIBER of your body – with or without knowing it – you KNOW what I mean!

Setbacks WILL occur. You WILL be tested – – multiple times.

As Hill correctly stated in Think and Grow Rich, there seems to be a hidden guardian whose job it is to “guard” the gates of SUCCESS fiercely, and hurdle potential ASPIRANTS over seemingly insurmountable obstacles galore … and problems that seem HUGE at the moment, but in the grand scheme of things aren’t really worth a lot – and actually make SENSE.

Along the way, you’ll also notice small miracles happening – if you are attuned into them – and you SHOULD be grateful for each of these, my friend.

And that’s the best way I can think of to encapsulate the current madness – – but wait – – a final spanner in the works before I bid adios!

My fitness journey – – or rather, the steps I took over the years to get where I’m at now has been anything BUT what most people would consider comfortable.

My routines have been called extreme (though they really aren’t). Madness (waking up at 530 AM Mike Tyson style). “Crazy”( me working out in a torrential downpour – – often times in freezing cold weather).

And so forth.

Yet, if you were to ask me – would I give ANY of that up – or classify it as a bad memory?

Would I classify the time spent chained to the keyboard hammering out novels and fitness courses to be “bad times”?

Heck no – no way – I enjoyed every minute – and that’s how it is when you’re truly attuned into LIFE, and the many MIRACLES it has to offer, my friend … if you only LET it!

And that’s that for now. I’ll be back soon!

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System is not only the BEST overall fitness system out there – – it is also the most enjoyable. Believe me, those “trance” like photos in Pushup Central were NOT an aberration. Here is where you can pick it up – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – And once done, don’t forget to grab your copy of Pushup Central as well – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/