Huff, Puff and BUFF!
- Choose one (and "blow" the house "down" if you so choose, hehe). Hey. ..

Let’s say you gotta choose one out of the three.

No combo.

You either huff. Or you puff. Or you get BUFF for the ladies and bros (if thats your thang, hehe, and many secretly … ah, but we won’t go there on this one ;-)).

Now, I’ll give you two more examples.

Or choices.

Today’s workout for me involved (again) THREE things.

Jumping rope.

Pull-ups (lots!)

And handstands/handstand pushups (not as many).

Thats IT.

It didnt make me “look” any buffer than before, if I ever was “buff”.

I puffed up a storm though, and I certainly huffed.

I didnt puff and BUFF Tho, hehe. No six pack for the beach rubbish!

Second choice, the hour long “pump” workout at the gym.

“Pump them BICEPS, BROOOOOOOOOOO”, I can hear them saying!

Or the idiotic “after a pump” photos.

(A pump that fades away hours later).

(as those of you that puff and buff KNOW, hehe).

Then of course you got the bozos on steroids or “performance enhancers” or “muscle builders” as they call it.

Those mammoth puffy buffy muscles look good in a T shirt on occasion (not to me though – UGH. I’d rather the Greek God picture HERE).

(Or men in general before the 1960’s…)


But anyway, those puffy buffy muscles fade away too, and even more spectacularly once the “enhancing stops”.

I’ll giv eyou another choice here.

HANDSTAND pushups as your muscle enhancer over your ENTIRE body to pack on ROCK SOLID Muscle that does NOT, I repeat, NOT fade away!

That dont mean you can do ‘em once and forget about ‘em.


But it does mean ,it’s real muscle, and muscle that lasts.

As an aside, my daughter is getting on these two – the push up part – and she’s enjoying it. Get ‘em started young as they say, hehe, and LEAD by EXAMPLE – and that holds doubly true for kiddie fitness.

Alright, brah. I’m out for now. The choice is yours (and I’ve made mine, hehe).


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I ROCKED through my 60 pull-ups today using a secret mentioned in Pull-ups – – from STUD to SUPER STUD. Truly a course that gets the bozos (Scofield’s) ANGRY and RAVING MAD (as if he wasn’t a prime candiate for the Hannibal Cage anyway, hehe) – the bros at the gym “pooh pioohing” yet secretly WATCHING, and people in general looking at you in AWE once you do these – and get good at ‘em – which don’t take long at all if you do things the way yours truly does – and once you, and here i sthe point get to SUPER STUD level at them.

I repeat. SUPER STUD.

Grab this now, my man. NOW!

Why handstands by their very nature lend themselves GREAT to isometrics
- What a rush - if you do 'em right!

I dont know if I’ve written about it before, but I do know I’ve mentioned it in the book on isometrics (at least, I believe I have).

Yes. I think I have, towards the end of those exercises!

And handstands and handstand pushups my friend are an exercise that lend themselves to isometrics in a very superlative manner indeed – and in a manner ANYONE can start doing.

And in a manner most miss the “boat” on.

And a manner that builds the forearms just as much as doing pull-ups all day long will … Not to mention traps and shoulders from “Cain” as I say on the BattleTank Shoulders page. Hehe.

My daughter’s been on modified versions of these routines, and her little shoulders (she refers to them as Baby Battletank Shoulders, hehe) are already starting to burst out of her shirt. Literally!

She’s getting BROADER by the day and STRONGER.

And at the age of 7 at that.

Now, isometrics.

When you’re in the top position of the handstand, by its very nature, to HOLD properly, you have to execute the isometric part of the exercise.

Thats fine, you say. I know that. But what’s new?

Well, it’s this – you EXTEND and LENGTHEN the entire body while doing handstands!

You REALLY push into the ground.

You REALLY tighten the CORE and lower back.

And much like the dead hang with pull-ups can increase your height (indeed, at the age of 37, by no means a spring chicken a few years ago, my wife made the comment about me “looking taller”).

She was right.

I was.

Just imagine if you get your kids on a program like this.

Handstand pushups and pull-ups – I wish I had done ‘em when I was young!

But anyway, never too late my friend. For YOU either!

And back to isometrics … really PUSH into the ground. Really STRAIGHTEN those arms – and hold for time.

You’ll see your strength levels EXPLODE through the roof if you work this exercise assidiously – both normally – and in an isometric manner.

Those of you doing overhead presses and the such – watch out – be prepared for major league gains – in strength – and SIZE!

I should know.

The sweatshirt I just ordered is billowing around the waist, but the XXXL fits comfortably around the shoulders and traps, hehe.

Life is GOOD!

Get on a good isometric program now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – While at it, don’t forget to pick up the BEST damned fitness system out there right HERE – The 0 Excuses Fitness System – truly leaves you with ZERO excuses not to do the thing!

My thoughts on FAT gripz … and then some!
- They are damn good, I'll say that! Hehe.

Excuse the typos pleas, more than normal!

I just got done with a mini grip workout – and the brain truly is racing along, but not the hands, hehe.

As John Walker rightly said in his testimonial on Gorilla Gripthe HANDS are connected to your grip, so if j ust for this one reason (sports alone are another matter, and how it literally makes your performance skyrocket in any physical activity you DO) you should train your grip, and hard!

He was right.

And again.

Not a verbatim quote, but thats the sum and substance of it, or the import as I like to say.

And fat gripz are … what you ask?

Well,you gym goers probably know what they are.

Those thingies you (foam things) wrap around the chinning bar at home to make it harder to grip.

And yet easier i fyou do it right!

And while THICK bar work is the super tip I have w.r.t regard to grip, and never get tired of emphasizing it, fat boyz are pretty good too – if done RIGHT that is.

Wrap them around thick bars, and my oh my!

And the feeling you get from doing pull-ups like this is different.

Iw ouldnt say tougher, but it ain’t easy

And grip wise, it lends itself to a super workout too.


Your lats will literally “scream with pleasure” if you do dead hangs and exercises out of Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip Advanced this way!

And your BRAIN will start functioning too, and how, hehe.

Back soon – just wanted to share this one!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Along with Gorilla Grip, make SURE to pick up the BEST damned home fitness system out there right HERE – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

How Hindu squats and pushups help improve MEDITATIVE abilities.
- DO 'em and YOU WILL KNOW!

I’ve often mentioned the trance like state I go into very quickly when I do 0 Excuses Fitness.

And really, if you see the videos, and the way I cycle through the reps finishing off with the BEST damn exercise ever and even a bridge and a handstand just because I “can”, hehe, you’ll know what I mean.

That deep breathing!!

That stretch!


Of being on top of the world and staying there!

Cannot be beat by anything else, and THESE exercises give it to you. Even pull-ups don’t give you that feeling (though they give you a different “feel strong” awesome feeling!)

And back to meditation.

Folk often complain about not being able to CONCENTRATE while meditating, which beats the entire point.

You’re not supposed to consciously think.

Thoughts WILL come to you, but you let them “float away”.

Like I said before, this letting go part is hard for many people! Was for yours truly too …

But meditation done right requires you to think of nothing, and focus your mind.

Perhaps you’ll never get to BoddhiDharama like levels (8 years staring at a wall reportedly, and he cut off his eyelids or had it done so he wouldnt fall asleep).


I ain’t aiming for that!

But really, a bit of meditation throughout the day does you more good than you know.

IF done right and most don’t.

In the future I’ll put out a book on it – MOST definitely.

For now though, Hindu squats.

Staring at the one point inf ront of you while doing the exercise with the right breathing over and over again is more than enough to put you into a meditative state even if you ain’t already.

Ditto for Hindu pushups, and many others I teach (especially the bridge, and the best damn exercise ever).

Do ‘em – and you’ll know what I mean!

Live in the flow my friend.

Truly IS worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System HERE.

When it’s over, it’s over
- STOP clinging on to the PAST - it does NO GOOD.

A mistake I made in 2015 (or thereabouts) was trying to salvage a relationship that was OVER.

And my opposite half at the time did as well. Multiple times.

That relationship was probably doomed to begin with, but as she said, it was a “beautiful relationshup”.

While it lasted.


Both of us learned a LOT from it.

And it was something good for me in the overall scheme of LIFE – and things.

Anyway, point of this isn;t to say how I was “dwadling along before then” in many regards … and how it changed thereafter. I’ve written about that before, I believe.

But the point is to say this.

That when it’s over, it’s over.

Ever seen a husband and wife, or boyfriend girlfriend perhaps try to “keep getting back together”?


As I heard from somewhere, and as has rightly been said …

“Relationships wouldn’t END in the first place if there wasn’t an issue”

In some cases, you might be able to fix the underlying issues.

But in most cases, I’ve found it better to gracefully “acknowledge” and then MOVE ON.

Trust me, the “fear of letting go” holds so many people back from so many things that I cannot even begin to write about it!

The moment you let go of what you do NOT want, or what doesnt “serve you” (and note – the same holds for the other person, so don’t jump up and down about being selfish! Actually, fact is youDO need to think of yourself first and foremost before you can even take care of others like you SHOULD, but most miss the boat there … ) is the moment something else takes its place, or start to.

Don’t like that job?

QUIT IT, and DO what you like. (and ignore the negativity that is sure to abound initially).

Trust me, when you make it and you WILL if you do the right things, those that are the most negative will come around to your way of thinking ultimately!

I’ve seen it happen so many times that I – again – can’t even begin to write about it.

Life, relationships, business, whatever it is.

That hole will be filled before you know it.

Fitness wise, folks make the same mistakes over and over again.

They get on my programs, and they WORK.

Then they for some inexplicable reason get back to their “gym shym”. Yoga shomoga. Tai chi Fai Chi. And so forth.

“I’m in shape now. I can afford to take some time off!”

No you cant either!

As Claude Bristol so famously said in the Magic of Believing, the MINUTE you pause to rest on your laurels is the minute that success takes wings and flies away. It truly is a never ending application!

(thats not verbatim obviously, but close enough)

(a lot has been written about owning a saying by being able to repeat it in your sleep verbatim. Perhaps there is some truth to this – I dont know – but for me, I think the import of what the person is saying and owning THAT is far more important!).

And just so you know, and as I’ve written about so often, yours truly has been guilty of this too.

Anyway, drop what is NOT working my friend.

No excuses, no drama shama, no guilt “filt”.

What takes its place will be what you WANT, and how!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get on the train in terms of the BEST damned home based fitness system right here. So good you dont even need pull-ups if you’re on a steady diet of these! – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

My ladder workout this morning, and why Hindu squats are a great great workout!
- That HEART thumps and PUMPS nineteen to the dozen for one!

Move on cardio. Move over LSD cardio. And move over long strength training sessions at the gym shym!

I just did a brief workout which was supposed to last 5 minutes and leave my upper body ZONKED.

Did I coin that term? Hehe. IT’s a term I use often int he book ont he BEST darn exercise ever, which Ididnt do today …

But anyway, my ladder workout was something I’ve mentioned in MOST of my workout books.

(Except Gorilla Grip, because if you’re working the grip – you WORK the grip – and ANY ONE of those exercises is a grip workout unto itself. Mix and match if you so choose tho!)

But anyway, I did a very simple variant of what I ask you to do (and truth be told, I’ve said in the books – do what you can – and work up from there!)

I did a ladder workout. 5-1 (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) pull-ups. Same thing for handstand pushups.

Now, this was EASY PEASY for me, but I FELT it regardless.

And let me tell you bro, if you can get done with 15 of each in the manner I mentioned going UP the ladder, and then 15 more DOWN, then that “60” is all you need for the day!

And it don’t take long at all.

Yours truly walked around a bit after this.

Felt the need to …

Without thinking about it, I dropped down and pounded out 50 Hindus (squats) which felt so natural!

One of the reasons Hindus are so great is not just the way they get your heart pumping and THUMPING (as my daughter often used to say and says “:I can hear your heart thumping!” )

And it’s what I tell you in my books and courses.

If I cannot hear you breathe – then you ain’t doing it RIGHT!

And they put the weight SQUARELY on your thighs and to an extent the calves where it BELONGS, not the lower back.

Done right, at least.

I finished off with a few stretches from my latest book on isometrics.

And I’m done.

Feeling great.

10 minute tops maybe including the stretches, but I doubt. More like 7 for me!

And thats what I gotta tell you. Quick workouts done right – the order of the day, BRO!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System to read – and SEE (hey, I hate videos, but I gotta do them for this one if just due to the UNIQUE nature of those exercises I teach!) for MORE workouts of this nature you’ll love. Jump on board NOW, bro.

Yet another benefit of HOME workouts – they PUSH you – and make you WANT to do more!

If you ask any succesful person the reason behind their success, at least on a financial front, here is what they will say likely. Or a derivative thereof …

“Give them what they want!”

The masses chant for giving them what they need.

Now, in some cases “need” may actually make the person millions. If you made something that everyone needed, and couldn’t do without … but there comes the WANT.

Sometimes, the “couldn’t do without” means want. Not always, but often!

And need can always be “converted” to a want, my friend.

“I need that set of new jeans”

“I WANT that set of new jeans”.

Subtle difference. Or maybe not?

Well, it’s when need becomes WANT – a deep desire to have and do MORE – is when things start to MOVE.

In any sphere of life (or business, or FITNESS as well).

Lets face it, bro.

Often times, we “dont want” to workout despite out best intentions.

Often times, we want to do the exact opposite of what we should be.

And a kick up the ass is what we NEED at that time.

And this sort of kick makes you WANT to do more of what you should be.

Get the point as yet?

If you’re serious about fitness, that pull-up bar you installed at home, either for yourself or your little ones will MAKE YOU WANT – I repeat – WANT to do more.

Oddly enough, the excuses and “I dont want” will melt right away.

Same for cardio.

Hindu squats will make you WANT to do ‘em throughout the day, or at least a few times (and if they dont’, you ain’t doing the deep breathing part right).

Same for reverse pushups.

Handstand training.

The BEST damn exercise ever.

And its really this WANT which will get YOU and your ASS into high gear, and start doing.

Of course, if you’re lazy and de-motivated in the first place, this may not work at all.

But I’ve seen people that HATE exercise become “converts” and HOW! (after a week or so of incorporating this little tip of home based workouts that WORK).

And so forth.

Get on the train now, my friend. Start right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Watch the flab fly off!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Another GOLDIE in my collection – and should be in YOURS too – is Advanced Hill Training. Truly something anyone in any way shape or form serious about REAL conditioning should have – NOW!

Leading by EXAMPLE!

While pumping out my daily “morning” set of handstand pushups, NOSE TO THE FLOOR! Style – and in MY style, which is far harder and more beneficial than most other ways out there, I thought of this.

It came to me, as that heart BE a pounding.

That being, leading by example.

Many moons ago, I installed a chining bar at home for my daughter.

It was the same one which couldn’t take yours truly’s weight all those years ago when he was overweight.

No problemo. Yours truly headed to the park, and still does! Can’t replicate thick bar workouts by ANYTHING else …

But home “doorway” chinning bars can give you a hell of a workout too, and can be used by ALL ages, but unfortunately isn’t.

I had one growing up, but my Dad never actually “did the thing” (mostly because he couldn’t himself), and so after the initial novelty, the damn thing just “stayed there” until YEARS later when yours truly came from a brief hiatus from China and had some of the best ADVANCED pull-up workouts of his LIFE on it.

Anyway, what do I remember?

When doing handstand pushups, I didnt “ask my daughter” to do ‘em with me. She was 3 at the time, but she thought it was great fun, and jumped in with her little hands and feet trying to do ‘em!

I merely passed on the “how” of how to do these to her.

Which for kids the form is DIFFERENT.

But, the point begets.

That being that she did ‘em, and without any coaxing from my end.

And still does ‘em!

I passed on the tip of “workouts done throughout the day” to her in a whispered “conspiratoral” no-one else knows “whisper to the ear”.

Thats how you do it with kids!

Pretty soon, she was pumping ‘em out while doing her daily dose of dumbphone videos …

And hence Kiddie Fitness, hehe.

And lest you think this works for kids alone, think again.

I was giving my wife some basic safety techniques on the doorway chinning bar a while back (because it collapsed once with my weight – but to be honest, that was YEARS ago) …

“I know you won’t do ‘em”, I began hurriedly.

After all, everything Rahul does is stupid, hehe. Why would she.

The answer stunned me, to be honest.

“Of course I will! If you can be a monkey, so can I!”

I must confess I was left GAPING.

My wife doing pull-ups??

“Sure, you CAN and you SHOULD!” I went. “But I had no idea that I ….”

I left off, grinning.

But you get the point.

And therein lies the point of LEADING – by EXAMPLE.

Do the right thing – and do it yourself first.

DO the exercises first – and do’em yourself first!

And watch the rest of the world JUMP in.

Could be what I described above, or the crowds that chant “Da Xing Xing” and try to join in China.

Inspiration never goes “unnoticed”!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Learn how to get some of the best workouts of your life right in your HOME via the best system out there – right HERE – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

PS #2 – And doorway chinning bars can be a POWERFUL tool even for those of you used to more advanced stuff. Believe me, that thang stares you in the face and dares you to do MORE every time you walk past it!

PPS – I’ve always maintained, and have backed this up with PICTURES (on social media back when I used it) that women can, and SHOULD do pull-ups – as well as many styles of push-ups – and definitely hanstand pushups. NO, you won;t become a behemoth by doing ‘em – but you’ll get TONED and muscular – which is what y’all want anyway. Get on the train NOW, ladies. You have NO excuses either, hehe.

(Give y’all a nice Gorilla Grip for them hecklers, hehe)

What the TRUMPINATOR got RIGHT about Dan Gable -and what (IMO) he got WRONG.

Well, well well.

A man that TRULY deserves it has been awarded the “medal of freedom” by the current US Prez, the one and only Donald Trump.

The Trumpinator, and he couldn’t have thought of a better person to award it to.

A true inspiration.

A man that has always stood for wrestling, REAL wrestling, and has put wrestling on the map (numerous times) globally, not just in America.

Olympic Gold Medalist.

Fanatical about conditioning! I heard he once did 9000 Hindu squats straight…. WHEW!

Yours truly is fanatical, and has been called advanced by most, but 9000! No way, hehe – not as yet at least.

(Not a goal I’ve set for myself!)

I’ve no doubt what Gable would think of my handstand pushup and pull-up routine, of course.

“Just normal”, he’d probably smile.

To him, most likely!

The man with PHENOMENAL grip strength – the “pocket dynamo” with incredible pinning power!

I wouldn’t say he was to the US what the Gama was to India, but he’s pretty damn close!

And I couldn’t have thought of a better person to award this, especially when you hear THIS in his speech …

“Its more important to help others achieve success than it is for YOU to succeed yourself!”

And from a man that has gone through a HELL OF A LOT himself from when he was young (a teenager IIRC) – well – spot on Dan.

And you’re right anyway!

It’s all about uplifting others.

And if Susan, for instance, a busy lady I sometimes chat with often “feels spirit when talking to me despite feeling tired otherwise” – then guess what. Worth it!

And it’s really why I put out the 0 Excuses Fitness System and all my other stuff.


To succeed, both fitness wise and life wise.

And back to wrassling – the real stuff – it teaches you a lot about LIFE.

It teaches you the sheer value and importance of conditioning.

IT teachers you how to take the hard knocks repeatedly, and keep rising like a Phoenix from the Ashes.

It teaches you a hell of a lot about GUMPTION!

It teaches you about how you truly WIN in life.

And much, much more!

But most of all, it teaches you that nothing beats motivation, my friend. And motivating self and others!

Anyway, what did the Trumpinator get wrong?

Perhaps abruptly walking out of the press conference when he was pestered with questions about Biden (which in that setting would seem inappropriate to me …) .

I’m fully FOR him walking out when he’s confronted with other BS like “did the plague come from China”, and other nonsense.

But on this occasion?

Might could have handled it differently, but what do I know.

I do KNOW that the loon job complaining about Gable not wearing masks and being “right wing” and therefore not “worthy of it” are so full of it that awarding them a box of Kellogs would probably “ease” their “matters”, hehe.

And thats all I got to say about that.

Much respect, Sir – you’ve earned it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Wrestling also teaches you the importance of a rock solid, cast iron GRIP. Learn how to build a grip for the ages right here: Gorilla Grip.

PS #2 – Remember to pick up the definitive course on CORE training right here – – Corrugated Core.

The “2.5 kg hand”

Or the hand that weighs 2.5 kgs …

And since I was talking about a Bollywood actress in the last post, here’s one on my (all time) favorite Bollywood actors.

(even though I dont watch Bollywood , Hollywood, Tolly wood, Spanish wood (sorry, hehe) or any WOOD now … )

(I did watch “Get the Gringo” the other day though. Can’t resist Mel Gibson on occasion, hehe).

(And Passion of the Christ! Now that was GORY, and NOT one I enjoyed, but again, the realism .. )

Anyway, back in the day they made this Indian movie about a lady that (insert drama) got thrown into a mental asylum (insert drama) when she wasn’t insane (insert family drama) and (insert more drama) …. and well, at the end of all that she runs into a drunken lawyer.

Played by none other than the inimitable Sunny Deol.

Sunny “Pa Ji” (as people call him. My Punjabi aint up to speed to be honest, but I believe that is “fondly calling”).

Anyway, he was (is) an action “hero” of yore.

Yes, the REAL MAN times.

When men were men and women were women.

When men drank beer and had hairy chests and weren ‘t apologetic about showing off their mamoth muscles either (even though they were built in the gym, hehe).

Not all .. but we’ll get to that soon!

Anyway, some baddies show up at his house threatening him to drop the case while he’s on his fifth or so bot of whisky. (ey).

And, long story short, he sends them packing with the following dialog.

“When this 2.5 kg hand falls on someone, that someone doesnt rise. He “rises”!”

(goes to heaven was the unsaid thing behind the dialog, which I’ve attempted to translate from Hindi).

Now, make no mistake about it – Sunny is a great actor. Sunny did GREAT action scenes. But the real he man of the family is his Dad.

Look at the two, and you can tell which one you would NOT want to tangle with.

A man that built his strength by working on farms, doing pushups (500 of them at a certain point daily) and more.

A man that is every bit as strong as he looks at the age of 80 plus.

He has the look about him!

So does Sunny, but his strength is mostly built (these days from what I gather) via gyms etc.

Which is fine, but nothing beats Clint Eastwood nearing 90, or above it, pumping out one arm pushups!

And Sunny’s Dad Dharamendra could probably knock off a few himself !

(He said Sunny could, and he couldn’t but I’m not so sure Dharam “Pa ji” couldn’t, hehe).

And last, but not least. Sunny Deol. His “Ghayal” will be a classic that lives on forever for me, if just for the TRAINING montage!

A convict in prison.

Breaking stones (apparently India in the 1980’s or 90’s decided to show what was shown in Rambo – II – in the 70’s. Now THERE is a real pioneer – Stallone! Way ahead of his time, and continues to be!) .

Boom. Boom. Boom. The stones break.

Long day.

And at night, while the inmates are resting, the music POUNDS. The beat BEGINS.

And Sunny is seen knocking out pushups.

The next day, he’s seen eating a bare bones meal and then knocking out chins!

(admittedly not my favorite exercises, pull-ups being far superior, but still!)

(I’ve spoken about why in the advanced book on pull-ups)

And in the rain at that.

Brings back memories of yours truly doing just that, hehe.

And end of it all, he finishes off by doing a version of the farmer’s walk …

Truly inspirational are both the father – son duo – both down to earth – both a welcome break from the fake sissified men running around town these days!

Now, what does this have to do with YOU, you ask.

Well, this.

Yours truly might not have a clubbell for a hand.

Or a chest like “Dharam’s”

Or … you get the drfit. 😉

But I DO have my voice, and here speaketh the 2.5 kg voice, yet again.

GET the 0 Excuses Fitness System now my friend. Not only will it build supreme levels of health, strength, and fitness in no time flat, but you won’t even have to leave the house for it – or your bedroom, hehe.

Can’t beat that,me thinks.

So says the “dhai kilo ki awaz”, hehe.

Backed up by results and plenty of muscle too!

And thats that from me. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Don’t forget to pick up 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections while you’re at it. You’ll love it!