Aussie open CHAMP denied the chance to defend his title, just pathetic.
- Cringeworthy, these decisions.

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Of all the lunacy going on in the world, I thought they’d leave sports out of it.

And strangely enough, at least to me, one of the strangest decisions as of late – to deport Novak Djokovic from Australia due to completely unwarranted reasons as far as I’m concerned – occured in a land I highly admire, and always have – including their leadership.


Down under.


Unfortunately, my opinion of their leadership has taken a bit of a battering with this case.

The champ tennis player, I’ll call Novak since I simply cannot pronounce that last name no matter how hard I try – was initially allowed entry into Australia despite their very strict panixation laws ie everyone needs to be panixated, PERIOD – despite being unvaccinated, and publicly so – despite having a valid visa given to him by the Australian embassy in Serbia (which is where the champ is from) no doubt …

He was allowed entry into the country based upon an exemption which he got from an Australian clinic if I understand it right.

He got his visa.

Yet, he was stopped at the borders, and his visa was revoked, because “he’s not vaccinated and rules apply to everyone”.


Where were those rules when his visa was granted – or when he got the exemption?

He’s always been publicly anti panixine, and I dont blame him, as I posted on Twitter.

And while I believe the initial ban was overturned, someone in the Australian ministry of immigration or department, or whatever it’s called, I’m not sure used their “veto” power to overrule the court decision.

Novak appealed – again.

He lost this time.

And his ban is finally permanently, and unfortunately for me and millions of sensible people globally – and especially for sports – or tennis, I should say – lovers – upheld, meaning he doesn’t get the chance to defend his title at all this year.

Just pathetic, the way things are being taken to giddy extremes.

I have spoken before about my admiration for PM Morrison, some other Aussies laughed at me for this.

And sent me a lot on his background etc, politics, and so forth.

Ah, politics. THere is an election coming up in OZ!

And of course, panixation being a contentious issue, Novak was deported – not because of breaking the law, but I believe because of the POLITICS surrounding this whole thing.


But back to Morrison, my opinion of him has dipped a little, I’ll admit it now.

And really, bottom line is this – you allow the guy entry, then you basically say “you were wrong for doing so”, yet the poor chap gets not just deported, but a three year ban on entering Oz???

Just pathetic, I feel.

Anyway … takeaways from all this?

One, tennis is a damn tough sport to play, my friend – sure, all sports at the highest levels are grueling, none more so than boxing and wrestling, but I’ve played tennis and squash both in the past, I know just how they work the entire body and are GRUELING like nothing else!

And two, if someone like that who put in blood, sweat and tears – much like I did on the HILL out there – that iconic picture of the fitness PHENOM on the page speaks testament to the blood, sweat and TEARS I put in – literally – is very vehmently anti panixine, well, that just adds another nail into that coffin – which shouldn’t be there in the first place, its just the most retarded, mind boggling, idiotic, and asinine thing ever.

i.e. you get panixated with vaccine, you still get COVID …

I could bring up several other talking points, I have in the past, but that above one should be more than plenty.

Of course for the sheep hell bent on believing what their governments tell them, no amount of rationale or reason will amount to nada.

And anyway, I dont know, I had to get that off my chest, I have …

Just pathetic.

Shaking my head.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

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