Why I’ll never ever be a run of the mill pussy trainer – and more on BATTLETANK SHOULDERS!
- And much more!

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Well, well, well.

Last night I was thinking of Charles Mitchell, a great customer of mine, who I had not spoken with in a while (at the time I was chatting with John from the UK – another great guy!) . . .

And as so often happens with Charles and myself, thoughts – TRANSMUTED – big time!

Ya’ll on the list might not remember, but the last time we chatted – same thing.

I thought of him, and then bingo – I received an email from him a few hours later.

Great minds – and SOLID trainees – do think alike!

Anyway, I spoke about Battletank Shoulders too the other day, did I not?

And about “email” aka “the Mookerjee Inbox Infestation” being temporarily “out of commission for a while”?


It’s not an infestation, as y’all know. I am being facetious in explaining the “overdeliver while underpromising part” – but I do that for my books- in life – and while ya’ll signed for one email, ya’ll get at least 4 a day, usually 8.


And hence the quick boot to price shoppers etc (yet another reason).

Anyway, this is yet another one of those occasions where my own words don’t do justice.

So, let’s hear what the MAN himself had to say about Battletank Shoulders!

(Including more on Pushup Central as well and those “infamous” fingertip pushups).

Yep, they sure as hell do hurt the fingers! But I don’t think they damage them. They just hurt like Hell, which is why your training and workouts are not for the faint of heart! I always thought that knuckle pushups done on the first two knuckles like they teach you in karate was the be all end all until I found your fingertip pushups! These make the knuckle pushups look and feel like amature night.

I have barely been able to reach 10 before crying UNCLE, but my grip strength never felt so good. Anyone who can do 25 or more deserves fear and respect!

I just finished your Battletank shoulders book, another masterpiece! Anyone who can do the workouts at the end of the book has to be part human and part gorilla!

Few can master these workouts right out of the box, but it is certainly something to aspire to. If and when you are able to complete one of these workouts, you know you have achieved something special. Something that probably less than 1% of the population can do.

Most people who look at or even try your workouts say “Fuck That!” and give up which is probably why you don’t have as much money as Jeff Bezos(ha,ha). Anyway, the next book of yours on my wish list is the Isometrics and Stretching one.

Maybe if I get some of that good Biden stimulous money I can pick it up. Don’t ever become a run of the mill pussy trainer just so you can sell more books, and keep challenging us to exceed our limits!!

Whew! Now thats some more good stuff, BRO!

Hey Charles!!Great hearing back from you – you know, like the last time I spoke to you, I was thinking of you last night – and typing this email out – and now here I am, doing it. Hehe. So much for the people (not you, obviously) that claim “visualization” doesn’t work …

How are things?? HOw’s stuff “plague wise” (I’m chopping part of this here since it ain’t applicable to the email HERE).

Now, money? The main reason I don’t have “as much as Bezos”, hehe (I greatly admire the man though and do everything I can to do biz with Amazon!) is because (and I think I mentioned this in an email prior somewhere) is that (for the fitness part of things) – I wanted to DO first, and make damned sure EVERYTHING I sold WORKED.

That took years, as you might imagine, which is fine, but it’s also another reason I get pissed at the idiots complaining about price etc – I mean, knowledge is priceless, especially that one works for “without pay” initially if you get my drift (and thats not even getting into the other costs like servers, laptops, time etc) ! But I DID set financial goals a while ago – and I’ll get there – but – I’ll keep that cat in the bag for now until I do get there, hehe. Remember what Napoleon Hill said about telling the world what you are going to do, but SHOWING IT FIRST! Hehe.

Of course, he meant the Doubting Thomases, which you aren’t. So, you’re definitely not the world, but still – as I’m sure you might imagine, I’ve always played my cards close to my chest on everything, hehe.

Now Battletank Shoulders– HELL YES – those are some damn tough workouts! Modeled after what I did out there in the blazing heat and sun – those “150 rep” workouts I so often did, hehe and then of course I tinkered with them to make them perfect.

And fingertip pushups – (knuckle is good too, but yeah – fingertips are the BOMB) – they do them all the time in karate too (I think I sent an email a while ago about a Korean dude I knew who did 50 of them on his fingertips in sets – he was into martial arts too) . . .

And back to me? Run of the mill pussy trainer? HELL NAWL – hehe. If I wanted to go the “easy” route I’d have done it a long, long time ago “just for the money”, but easy money never lasts. What lasts is VALUE in all regards, and that is what I deliver – more so than ANYONE out there – and I’m damn proud of it – and this here “cowboy from Texas” as I’m always called “ain’t never changing” regardless of the money I’m making, did make, will make, or what not! Hehe.

All about staying true to onself at the end of the day, and sleeping easy at night knowing you did the right thing – and the rest takes care of itself!

Thanks again for the email and great review bro – much appreciated!! I’m on a brief hiatus from emails (the daily emails) – – due to reasons out of my control, so for now, check out the blog since the latest emails are always posted there – but you’ll be hearing from me again multiple times a day “InBox Infestation”, hehe, in a good way!

(Email thing – don’t ask – but it’s “one of those things” – we’ll get over it in a few days most likely!).

Keep training hard!!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Fingertip pushups are one of the BEST things you can do for your overall finger health provided you do ’em right, and combined with pull-ups, you’ll quickly get a grip like a MONSTER if you do it right!

PS #2 – Along with isometrics, do pick up the book on “advanced pull-ups” – you – will – LOVEEEEE IT!

PPS – Haven’t kept up with politics ever since Biden was “sh-voted” in, hehe. I’ll have to check and see what the deal is on the stimulus. Latest I heard was a veto, but I’m not sure! And remember – a GREAT discount is waiting for YOU – so email me – and we’ll take care of it!

Well, my friend, thats it for this one. More soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Emails are down temporarily, but yours truly ain’t – and 0 Excuses Fitness is ALWAYS open for biz. In any case, the “faithful” know emails are posted on teh blog too, so all good – but we’ll be getting back to daily emails very soon. (though you NEW sign ups should still be getting ’em).

(don’t ask – glitches etc)

PS #2 – And DO pick up the courses above if you’re in any, shape or form serious about any sort of training. REmember, anything over $350 – and there’s another flat discount – check it out NOW.

PPS – And yes, for you that orders PAPERBACKS – I can’t do discounts directly on Amazon, so contact me here and we’ll get it taken care of if applicable.

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