If you TRULY believe in it, then FIGHT FOR IT!
- Keep fighting the good fight - but always - LEGALLY !

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And no.

Before the nutzos jump up and down about inciting violence and such and other associated horseshit and crap their panties trying report me to the FBI or what not – well – hear me OUT.

Once and for all.

One, I just got this idea in the shower and HAD to write – now.

Another one of those “nekkid” posts, hehe. TMI I know, but whatever.

And two, I am NOT in support of what transpired at the Capitol.

Never was. In fact, I’ve gone on record telling my few close friends (one or two actually) that refused to believe that Trump had lost that while he might or might not have lost legit (I believe the latter) – it was time to either put up or shut up.

The COURTS decide, bro. This ain’t China.

And if the courts decide Biden due to lack of evidence or crap for evidence provided by the Trumpinaor’s legal defense, then so be it.

However, I WILL say this.

I have ALWAYS been a very staunch Trump supporter, and will continue to be. Regardless of what happened at the Capitol.

If YOU wish to draw lines and say “that means I support it” then by all means think and say so, but your saying doesn’t mean I DO.

Just like your saying that you think the sun will rise in the West tomorrow, or not at all doesn’t mean it does or doesn’t.

Proof, boyo.

Uncle Bob, whom I’ve often spoken of fondly once told me that (and this was China related, so I get it) “the nail that sticks out often gets hammered the first”.


Some truth to what he said …

But other hand, he prefaced it by saying “I come from a long line of anti authority trouble makers and RULE breakers (not law – rule!)”.

So he did …

I don’t.

My “lineage” is decidely and unfortunately the opposite.

My family had a hissy when they found out about my marriage in the newspaper of all things. Yes, that infamous Delhi 2009 case!

And if they were to get even a whiff of the fact that I’ve fired firearms?

They’d probably have a collective coronary.

For something as simple as that, but such are people with the opposite and extremely so mindset!

Anyway …

In 2004, I had an issue with a job that I was “canned for” (I had an issue with the way it was done and their reasons).

I looked up the law in Hong Kong.

Wowed to fight it.

“You can’t fight it”, my father said when I told him. “Are you really goin gto spend your whole life fighting?”

I didn’t answer, but fight (or try to) I DID. A technicality in the law prevented me from doing so. I had to be employed for two years before I could invoke the clause I wanted to, and they fired me just before that. Smart guys, and good on them, hehe.

They thought of it, at least!

Next job, when I quit, my mother told me “she was scared because they could come to my house for the work permit I hadn’t turned in”.

(I had mailed it in acutally, but there was some silly thing I had to sign or what not)

Um, Mom.

Even if they did, so what?

I’d probably sign it, and if I didn’t want it, well, we have fists for a REASON.

When the police created a fictious case against my (newly wed) wife and yours truly, I never expected any support.

But I certainly didn’t expect EVERYONE I knew telling me to “drop it”.

To the credit of my wife, at least she wasn’t in the mood to drop it.

We fought it!

WON. Handsomely.

Because we were RIGHT.

And curiously enough after that, the very people telling us NOT to do it changed their tune and became vociferous supporters.

Funny how that works, eh.

Most recently, I asked Charles (or discussed) about a payment issue I’ve been having with Amazon.

The friend, not the customer!

His reply?

“I’d forget about it”, and thats all the importance he ever gave this, or anythign else I ever discussed with him.

From a person that was the FIRST in line, overseas at that, to get Trump’s aid for the China plague (and he doesn’t even support the Trumpinator, preferring to support CHINA!!!) … to say my issue was too small because it was money in my pocket and not his?

Not on, in my opinion!

I’ve NEVER done that to someone. If anything, I’ve discussed their ears off if anyone really brings anything up to me, but then they say “too many audios”.

I give up. Hehe. Which is why I’m writing to YOU, the sensible and discerning reader on this list about it …

Point – is – SIMPLE.

Very much so.

If you believe in something, fight for it, or it’ll be TAKEN away eventually.

And people will ridicule you for NOT fighting.

How did Nazism spread ?

Mass brainwashing for one, and fear, but also people not DOING anything about something they KNEW was wrong (yes, everyday Germans knew it was wrong!).

And so forth.

And when I say fight, I don’t mean fight with weapons necessarily.

You do it the legal way.

If you believe the election was stolen, you provide PROOF.

And you don’t back down until you’ve either exhausted all avenues, or there IS NO proof!

It’s that simple, bro …

Fitness wise, same thing.

I will never shy away from saying for instance that boobybuilding and modern day weight lifting “shate lifting” (one and the same thing pretty much) is NOT good for you.

It’s HARMFUL for you.

Proof is in the pudding with bodybuilders literally dying after a brief walk up stairs, boobybuilders unable to hold their piss in at nights, and so forth … (or crap) and MANY other things.

What exercises do REAL men do, my friend?

REAL fighters.

UFC guys. Boxers. Wrestlers. The Marines and special forces throughout the world? Cross fitters? Tri athletes?

You got it.


And though I’ll be in the minority for saying all this, I WILL say it.

Guess what.

You gotta be grateful for what you have, and fight like hell for it, because you never know – if you don’t – one day it might not be there any more!

And thats what I get off my chest for now.

I’m about to freeze.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The anti free speech bozos obviously don’t understand “goose and gander”. Much like my friend who told me not to post anything critical of China because “he didn’t like it, or others might not or some such nonsense, or some thing about “I’m bored” (right – I wasn’t – it DID hit the spot tho, much like the post on pull-ups did!)) … THAT company I worked for actually had the gall to send me a half baked legal “shegal” notice of sorts via email for “stealing” a client that guess who BROUGHT in in the first place.


Weird how all of that works, of course for these people. They can, but you can’t.

Screw that.

Keep fighting the good fight, but as a friend told me last year (and staunch Republican to the core) – lets not descend to THEIR Level.

Let’s not become the pig THEY are.

Let’s do it – lets show ‘em we mean biz – and lets do so LEGALLY in all regards, fitness included!

And let’s show them via results. Solid proof and results. Yes, fitness included!

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