Why feminism (veering on NAZI feminism) (honestly) befuddles the beJesus out of me
- But then again, thats what Nazi anything is all about, hehe.

Maybe I’m just getting to be an OLD MAN. Hehe.

(although I ain’t 40 as yet)

But honestly, it befuddles me. I dont get it.

Kangana Ranaut, self professed (or so it seems, hehe) “angry young woman” in Bollywood had this to say about her childhood growing up (on some sort of talk show or the other I believe).

One day my brother got beaten up while at a cricket match and he came back crying. My dad told him that he wouldn’t be allowed to come back if he didn’t beat up the boy who had done this! So, children were taught violence.

Those were toxic ideas of masculinity, but thankfully, a lot has changed in the last 10 years, and not only in my family.


I dont particularly like or dislike the woman. I’m not a fan, or “not a fan”. I hardly if ever watch movies (“Madam” Ranaut as her team calls her is an actress).

But … to say this is toxic masculinity is just DUMB, dumb dumb.

I wonder what this lady would have advised her brother?

Get beat up and do nothing? (I am assuming it was a bully doing the beating up).

Or, just whine about it at home and “Mama would go to school to complain”?

I mean, it’s STUPID .

I Was bullied a LOT at school growing up, and these silly attitude of “violence” doesnt work being drilled into yours truly when growing up was PART (a huge part) of the reason.

Oddly enough, my Dad once did tell me to give it back to the bullies.

But he never SHOWED me how.

When I DID give it to someone that year, and did the Gorilla Grip YEARS later on some clown’s neck that was bothering me unnecessarily, I got the shit beat out of me (by Dad no less).

Quite literally.

And Dad’s proud of that.

And I’m equally proud to say that that isn’t exactly a case of the goose and gander …

No violence, yet violence, and when yours truly got beaten up, no violence (to the person doing it). And of course, the subsequent remarks of my Dad (on another issue) telling the teachers to “take care of him at school by any and all means necessary” (i.e. Rahul can get hammered on and beaten up all day, but how dare he FIGHT BACK!) 

It’s funny. I actually talked to a guy who almost took out my eye in a bully boy fight in fifth grade.

Mama complained about him.

I didnt beat the shit out of him which I should have.

And years later, I asked him what happened.

He didnt even get put in the dog house. It was looked upon as “one of those things”

Which in hindsight, it likely was, but … yours truly didnt have it that easy growing up, hehe. 

Yet another reason on that long list of reasons I never got along with and never WILL get along with family.

(And yet another reason I WILL put the Gorilla Grip again on someone if I have to do it. I dont generally get into fights – I’ll avoid ’em – I’ll even do the black mamba and HIDE if need be to avoid fights (to an extent) – but if I have to, it’s all guns blazing, and trust me, I still remember that mark I put on Bozo moron’s neck years ago, and that was with a WEAK GRIP).

(And no, that didnt by any means stop me from “giving it back” in years to come. Hehe)

My philosophy in life has always been this – DO NO WRONG – and TAKE NO WRONG.

And being I’ve taken plenty, I give it back every opportunity I get and then some.

So should YOU, my friend.

Appeasing bullies doesnt work. I’m pretty sure Ms. Ranaut KNOWS this as well, but its the “curse of Nazi feminism” (not “true” feminism) speaking her.

Look, if someone bullies you, you dont just hit him back.

You give it back in TRIPLICATE so he doesnt bother you again!

Pretty much what is going on now with the infamous Bozo Schofield case, although that makes me laugh to be honest, hehe.

Anyway, to end this.

The story I mentioned in Kiddie Fitness.

My daughter once burst STRAIGHT into tears when I picked her up from school. Some clown who was bullying other kids in the class just slapped her for no reason.


I was there. Kid’s Dad was ther.e

And in front of everyone, I stopped my daughter (then almost 4 I believe).

WHACK him back, I told him firmly.

And I stood behind her, “literally having her BACK”.

Something that was NEVER done for me.


He burst into tears.

And that was the end of that, hehe.

Thats how to do it, bro. And sis!

Another comment I read by this fine lady was how “married men shouldn’t cheat”.


They shouldn’t.

But obviously there was nothing about “married women cheating” (and hordes do).

Apparently Ms. Ranaut thought that “married men cheating with unmarried women is not ok because the woman is not cheating on a non existent husband”.

Right …

But what if the WOMAN KNOWS?

In many cases, she does, and could care less.

(and no, not all women are gold diggers, and NO ,not all men are the type who wouldn’t tell the women they’re married, even when they don’t (ostensibly) have a dime worth speaking of to their name or billions for that matter. Labels and blanket statements do NOT work in REAL life. Shades of GREY – not “black and white” or X and Y …)

Ditto if you reverse genders in the above story.

Point being, goose and gander.

Feminism had this spot on when it STARTED back in the 60’s.

Nazi feminism never did.

And sadly, the world is veering towards the latter …

Anyway, enough on that front. To get the best damned fitness system ever for your kids and get them READY to tackle bullies with VIM, VIGOR, gusto and GUMPTION And a PUNCH TO THE STOMACH – and then some – Kiddie Fitness is your THANG, my brother (and sister!) 🙂

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Even my wife, who’s a feminist to the core pretty much (pretty much also explains why the two of us are like STRANGERS now, what with Mom and her chants of “Rahul is always wrong no matter what!” hehe (which is fine, actually. I’m having fun with it)) says “if hit, hit back”.

Guess not all feminists are on the same page …

PS #2 – This bullies thing holds for FEMALES too. It works both ways – what I Said applied for both FEMALE bullies – and MALE jackasses that do the same. Jillasses and Jackasses, I should say, hehe. And no, to those who will no doubt ask – I’d have told my “son” (if my daughter was “male”) the same damn thing in the same damn manner. Goose and gander – BRO. Ain’t no EXCEPTIONS to the RULE!

PPS – Also, please keep the emotion laden rants on how “I’ma woman hater” away. I’m not, and a quick look at my “history sheet” should give you plenty of evidence to the above but if not, and if someone wants, I’ll do up a thingie on my own view of REAL feminism soon. Come to think of it, I might just do that soon as well! Hehe.

PPS #1 – In the meantime, do check out barnstormer and very ALPHA male (or female) courses on PULL-ups and building them SHOULDERS like BATTLETANKS!

On REALLY setting goals, and then some …
- Just do it!

This morning, I wrote another book (finished, I should say) on another site on a completely unrelated topic.

And I’m already making DOUGH off that book.

Now, this has something to do with fitness yes, so even if you ain’t interested in MONEEEE – hang with me, bro (or sis).

I’ve already made my first FIFTY bucks off it.

I know, this doesnt sound like much does it.

But bear in mind, product was launched a sum total of (and I counted) 3:68 minutes ago.

To a list LESS than a hundred people.

Now, before creating the product I had a goal.

I want 100 people to BUY THIS.

And at 25.99 a pop, thats 2599 US – which is not bad at all (to start).

Now, why do I tell you this?

First, a free lesson in marketing, and life for you …

And second, fitness.

(the money hasn’t hit my account as yet, but I didnt specify WHERE I wanted the sale to be made, hehe. And it didnt happen on my site, which is FINE (more reasons for that)).

FITNESS is just – and exactly – the SAME, bro.

Or sis.

You set a goal.

I want to do 100 pull-ups per workout (or 10).

And you remember that your lack of ability NOW doesnt mean you won’t do ‘em later.

(lack of sales NOW doesnt mean no sales AFTER launch).

You do ‘em throughout the day.

1 per set if thats all you can do.

10 daily.

Soon that becomes 12, then 13. Then one fine day? You rocked out 17! Without even knowing it …

And so forth.

The PHYSICAL gains won’t hit your body just as yet, my friend.

But down the line, those little things you do will turn into one massive steady stream of MOOLAH – income – and HEALTH AND FITNESS (lifelong) which is the best damn return on investment ever (the last).

And now?

I’m off to create another product, but I ain’t gonna tell you my goals for that one.

Just as yet.

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first, hehe.

Nap was my favorite!

And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the mind bogglingly simple and effective and BEST home based fitness system you can partake of that gets result quicker than you “wtf’ing” right HER E- The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Everything is money!
- Indeed it is. If you (are open to) look at it that way!

I was going to add a “pjerorative” on to that last sentence!

But this aint the “other site”. Hehe.

So I haven’t – and did not.

But as I sit here, literally ROCKED after handstand pushups and breathing like a runaway loco train, I gotta say this.

Everything, if you think about it that way, and if you know HOW to (and trust me, if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO!) Is … MONEY.


Nigh on everything that happens in your life from the minute you wake up, take a crap (if you do, hehe), do your work, do the laundry, even do the dishes – whatever.

No, not necessarily because you write a book on the above either. Hehe. Although a book on taking a crap might be useful for a lot of people that BE constipated, hehe (and some that are mentally perpetually constipated like the Infamous Bozo Scofield on public assistance in th eUK who probably cringes every time he sees a new email from me, hehe. Which he doesnt, since he’s been roundly blocked everywhere, so he follows me around like an obsessed little puppy).

I shouldnt say that.

It might turn him on!


But point begets.

‘Twas a wise, wise marketer that once said there is money to be made off selling what you do and how you run your daily life – if you only know HOW TO.

And cut past the BS.

(and no, not because you’re the best at doing dishes or cursing while doing ‘em – I’m not at either, hehe).

But anyway, this ain’t about marketing.

Its about fitness, isnt it?

And EVERYTHING in your life can be turned into a fitness test which most of the bozos that swear up and down, left and right, center and beyond by the GYM SHYM – FAIL.

Por ejempelo, opening a really tight jar of tea which somehow finds a way to get even tighter in biting cold “weather”.

At least for this neck of the woods it’s cold now.

And every time I open it, as I did today, I think grip.

And I think about a sarcastic comment a nutzo made about me a while ago.

“You’re the grip guy! They call you probably when there is something to open at home!”

Not legs, hehe.

(well that too but he meant those hard to open items. Bottles etc. You know what I mean!)

And yes.


Ain’t that something good, bro?

Or, being called mr Handstand pushup when less than the vast majority of people can even comprehend to get into a handstand, let alone knock out pushups in that position?

It hink it is!

And its not just that.

There was a mess made this morning where I normally do my handstand pushups.

I could have complained and bitched up a storm, but I took the opportunity to turn it in to a different exercises and workout – on ONE arm mostly!

Yes, it’s possible.

And you’ll see more about it later in the courses on ONE ARM Work.

Point is this, my friend.

EVERYTHING in your life, or almost everything. Can be turned into a fitness test, if you so choose.

Most don’t.

And I’m off to do some grip work with newly laundered clothes.

Those that I did it for might not like it, hehe. But I’m going to do it anyway.

Actually there is no “those”. There IS a “her” – -ah, but this isn’t the other site, so we’ll get into that later!

Point begets.

And I hope it’s taken.

See you SOON!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I keep thinking bout m y pen name on the other site and almost done signed off on that style HERE!

PS #2 – Be sure and grab the most GORILLA LIKE barnstomers of books on GRIP training that will give YOU a kung fu like grip – right here in compilation format – Gorilla Grip (The Compilation!)

The gift that keeps GIVING …
- The gift of FITNESS!

Last year in May it was I believe (while I was getting ripped off by a certain visa agent in China “Sherry” who is no doubt running around doing the same to others), I checked out my Amazon page.

Amazon for whatever reason was blocked at the time in the PRC (at least for my IP or what not), so I hadn’t checked it for a couple of days.

But when I did check, something interesting happened.

What was this?

Well, someone bought not one, not two, but TWELVE copies of my book on pull-ups.

“Pull-ups from Dud to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!”

(Even Bozo Schofield referred to this as the “jewel in the crown”, so from a certain standpoint, you…. LOL. Well, you know what I mean! Sometimes the truth comes out without us wanting to say it!)

I remember telling my friend (at the time) Charles about it who replied it with “Damn, thats good”.

Which it is, of course. I’ve had bigger (much) “pay days” but that wasn’t a bad sale.

(Funny part, what Charles said about me not providing “value” a year or so later in his silly rant on “you just say just do it”. Well, if I did “just” say that, apparently people do think thats the way to go!)

Anyway, what was interesting was this.

Normally I keep track of and know all my repeat customers.

Even if they haven’t contacted me PERSONALLY, I make it a point to make a note of them … people that GET IT.

And I’ve been a bit lax about marketing directly to repeat customers in the past. I know.

But thats why the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship, forum etc is there, as most of you on there fall under the “repeat customers” category and the advice you’ll get on the forum will NOT be seen anywhere else. Believe me.

But anyway, the guy (or gal) never contacted me either, so I’m not sure who it was.

Definitely a person that GETS it though.

And here’s the point I’m making here, and why I bring this up.

Our products make a GREAT gift to someone, my friend.

The gift of fitness, lifelong health and INSPIRATION.

The gift that never, ever stops giving.

People have written to tell me how “they want to buy EVERYTHING I’ve written”.

And I get it.

Not everyone is spell bound by the moronic ads and pitches from the “gym shym” lot and the bench pressing hoo haa’ers who couldn’t do anything functional to save their lives (literally) other than lie on a bench and … ah, but I won’t go there. Hehe.

The other thing, of course.

A lot of you out there prefer PAPERBACKS (which as of now I’m not offeringon the site, but that might change in 2021 – stay tuned).

What I AM planning on doing is printing a few books off the bat MYSELF … for my MOST popular products, and then giving YOU the choice to purchase either digital or paperback.

Currently, the ONLY option on the site is products served via digital download (and then accessible via your customer account “forever”).

And of course, the Ship. Where if you sign up ONCE for the year, you get everything basically in that price. Digital again.

But in the future, I plan on having a paperback option too – and if enough of y’all are interested NOW – write back – and let me know! I’ll do up a pre-publication offer or something for the books (if enough peopel jump ON this NOW).

And last, but not least, even if I don’t, I still have options for paperbacks if you really want ‘em – so CONTACT me via email or the form on the site, and we’ll see what we can finangle (including some discounts as well for you GREAT guys and repeat customers on this list, hehe).

As a certain Susan once told me, “you’re so lovely”.


I best not go there!

But, YOU guys are “lovely” too – except not in THAT sense.

And thats why I’m willing to go the extra mile for you and then some.

Last, but not least – remember fitness is the gift that never ever stops giving my friend.

Far better than buying someone yet another Bozo-vee, dumbphone, more “sugary snacks” from God knows where, and so forth.

Give ‘em something that will really help ‘em!

And thats what it’s about.

Spread the cheer – and here’s to 2021! YOO HOO!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Mookerjee “Contrarian and Barbarian, foreign DEVIL el supremo (or perhaps el Vampiro, hehe)) Central (can I call it that, hehe) is open for business year around. HERE yo go!

PS #2 – Remember that the “old classic” is still very much here in front of me NOW in “paperback format”. Fast and Furious Fitness will always be DEAR to my heart! In fact, that is how I branded this entire biz wayyyyyy back in the day, and truth be told, it wasn’t a bad brand name at all. I chose 0 Excuses later, but I may create another offshoot Fast and Furious Fitness later. Who knows!

(But you’ll have to email me if you want it in paperback – digital of course you can do yourself).

PPS – That was back when I was working a “cushy”job back in the day – so cushy that I even lost a few blog posts etc when I decided to “stop doing it”. Big mistake, hehe. We all make ’em though. Napoleon HIll made plenty in that regard befor ehe finally got around to doing what he was MEANT TO! More on that later, tho …

The exercises (or exercise, rather) that will make you BROAD – and THICK – and STRONG!
- And the SECRET is in the courses!

Strong like a raging bull I should say …

But first, a bit of a flashback.

My buddy from the Marines and myself were enjoying a bit of beer. Together. And we were talking about the size differential between him and myself, and how that first meeting resulted in me almost pulling him OFF balance grip wise (something that had rarely, if ever happened to him – hence the “unnatural kung fu like grip” comment he made upon meeting me) and how he then reacted on the spurt of the moment doing precisely the same thing (with similar appreciative remarks from me – except said differently).

You can truly tell a LOT about a man by the way he walks – carries himself – AND GRIPS!

Yes, my friend. You can.

Anyway, we were discussing me vs a third friend we knew (who works out in the gym mostly, but needs to lose a bit of weight and then some – though he’s STRONG though).

“He’s strong”, my friend went.

That he is, I replied.

And he’s thick, he replied.

HE’s thick …

And he paused.

And then.

“But you’re BROAD!” he went.

With a sense of finality which seemed to say THAT was what mattered if you’re comparing two people that work out.

Now, for me, “broad shoulders” has always been more important than “thickness”.

I’d rather be Jason Bourne pumping out pull-ups easy peasy on the deck of the boat, for instance, or doing martial arts and running full out sprints (uphill too!) – as opposed to the snarling “lug of beef” on the bench bench scowling, grunting, snarling, and groaning his way through a set, and pumping his “thick pecs”.

That ain’t to say though that thick doesnt matter.

Far from it.

REAL thickness means REAL strength.

Aka Doug Hepburn, and those barndoor like lats.

And pull-ups aside, do yo uknow the REAL exercise that will give you not just the width you want – but the THICKNESS you so crave?

Yes, I hear you say.

Handstand pushups !

And you’d be spot on, but … the way in which most people teach them is not in my own opinion the right way – and more importantly, that style doesnt build near the sort of WIDTH and thickness that will make you EXPLODE out of your shirts in short order .. at least NOT in such a short span of time, and probably not at all.

Believe me, it will be all you can DO to maintain BALANCE against the wall in the styles I teach you, especially when you do the tough stuff, and thats without even getting into Battletank Shoulders workouts!

I’m talking the elementary course – Shoulders like Boulders!

If there EVER was a course that will make your shoulders POP like proverbial Brahma Bull- THIS is the course, my friend.

And the ways and means there in are the icing on the cake, and are what will get you to “stud” status in this regard.

Hurry on over NOW, and become the envy of the gym – and an eternal source of “I wishI could do that” when it comes to the preeners and posers, hehe. And the snarling Bubbas, and so forth.

Truly well worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And if you’re already got the FIRST level in the course, be sure and ramp things up to the second level asap . Battletank Shoulders will truly get you to ELITE shoulder and upper body levels of strength, vitality, WIDTH – and thickness! (and MUSCLE, rampaging brute MUSCLE!)

PS #2 – Really, my friend. I know of NO other upper body exercise that packs on SO MUCH muscle so quick. Grab this NOW.

Why it’s usually MORONS of the grandest and order that demand “proof” for everything
- And there seem to be a crapload of them as well.

Proof, shoof.


Here today, gone tomorrow.

Anyway, hehe . . .

One of the first comments that Bozo Buffoon Schofield (and believe me, he ain’t the only one – though he IS the leader of the pack of nuts, losers, jackasses, wad jobs and NUTCASES in general) had was this.

“Where is the proof you sold a single book”.

Apparently this Bozo didnt look at the reviews section for one.

On multiple sites etc.

Apparently the Bozo thought that his own fake reviews were the only ones (which was hilarious, as he didnt even troll me correctly on that one).

Hey, trolling is an art too … LOL.

But really speaking, these sort of calls of “show me proof” (when you say you’re doing something, or (more often) when you actually DO IT) come from the “prime idiot” category.

They should sell them on Amazon Prime too. Hehe.

Speaking of which I gotta renew my Prime membership on Amazon UK …

Anyway, thats beside the point.

Point is that people who ask this sort of thing first off instead of doing their own research fall into (otthan the joker category mentioned above) the following categories, or more :

those with NO faith.

Those that don’t do the thing and waste time gabbing about it, but NEVER DO.

Those that aren’t buyers (usually the serial refunders or lookie lou types).

And more I dont care to list here, an dyours truly does ALL he can to stay FAR AWAY from these buffoon sorts.

And as for proof?

Bozo Scofield had a whiny rant about “why he blocked on on Twitter” and “Only two people follow you”.

Well, actually it’s 22.

But I could care less, because Idont use the damn thing …

Apparently Sco the Trol missed that one!

He’s missing more than a few marbles up there, thats for sure. Hehe.

All the wrong marbles in all the wrong areas. Dont get me started LOL again.

Anyway … even testimonials, genuine though they might be sometimes dont work as proof, and you know why?

(and every serious BUYER knows this too).

Because what works for one person may or may not work for others. . .

And what’s one person’s cup of tea might not work for others.

Just like sticking one’s long nose into other people’s business works for Bozo Schofield, it doenst work for me.

And put another way, the SENSIBLE people usually don’t do what the BOZOS do.

So there it is. Hehe.

Not to mention how many books I sold or not is none of anyone’s business except mine unless I care to reveal it.

And Gorilla Grip and the 0 Excuses Fitness System are all my time bestsellers, my friend.

Not Pull-ups from Dud to STUD within a matter of weeks! Though I’m sure the studs out there will make it one of them soon enough (actually the revised version hits the spot,a nd sells really well to be honest!).

The JEWEL in the CROWN of my works though or two are these – BattleTank Shoulders. And Pull-ups from STUD – to SUPER STUD within weeks!

Courses that will make MEN out of boys, believers out of Bozos, and then some …

And if you haven’t already got either or both of these, do so NOW my friend. Truly spectacular stuff you ain’t seen NOWHER EBEFORE!

Last, but not least, faith is great.

But sometimes, we DO need proof.

i.e. blind faith may or may not be OK for all cases.

And for these cases?

(I can almost hear them rant now – “show me, NA!” (Na being an INdian “expression”. This was an Indian nutjob that said it).

(Well, first, I already done SHOWED YOU. Second, maybe you’d see it if you stopped sticking your long Pinnochio like NOSE into other people’s business, where it does NOT belong).

(No, Show me first!)

… ….

Anyway, back to “these cases” and showing the bozos, hehe.

Well, Eat More – Weigh Less (another course where the leading picture got the idiot Bozo so riled up that he created one with several chickies surrounding my face. Inane, but odd, considering he claims I’m not a stud. LOL again) has proof, and then some.

So does the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

And Pushup Central (in the book, I believe – if you do the thing you’ll know)

And thats all I gotta say about that, heh.

Have a great holiday folks- and be sure and stay far, far away from Bozo jobs!


Rahul Mookerjee

Speaking in forketh tongues and then some, and more!

I noticed something interesting the other day.

On one of my other sites – a NON English themed site, though I’ve written in English, I send out daily emails (much like this one, more than ONE email a day although thats what I promise there too!).

Under promise and over deliver, my friend, is and has always been my mantra in all regards.

Fitness included!

But anyway, when I write in English, I’ve noticed that some of my emails get a lukewarm response.

But when I write to these people in their “own” language … then I get a far BETTER response.

IN one case, and this happened yesterday, I sent 68 email to a very “select” group of people.


Open rates for this group are usually around 50% or so (way higher than the norm, but again, thats the benefit you get from AGGRESSIVE CURATION, which is what I do on this site as well).

When I looked at the stats this afternoon tho?

I was nigh schoked.

So much so that … I GOGGLED.

Open rates were 98%!

And after analyzing it, I got it. I was speaking in their language to them!

And that got ‘em.

Yes, to the Bozos out there – I DO speak many languages, Mandarin Chinese included. Bet you didnt know that, hehe. Bet you CERTAINLY didnt know the last one either, did you? LOL.

Some things are best kept secret from ALL, including MOST people. Hehe.

Anyway, the reason my brutally honest style just flat out WORKS is this – it HITS HOME. And then makes people ACT – and get RESULTS!

Those that get upset about m e calling them fat get upset because I say it like it IS!

If I had said “they were a bit overweight”, they wouldnt care. Wouldn’t even notice.

But hitting right at the CORE is what gets results, my friend.

And thats one reason why yours truly is uniquely qualified to bring you all these products and courses, and indeed ADVICE in terms of LIFE, ACHIEVEMENT in any sphere, fitness included!!

It isn’t just the fact my stuff delivers, and way better than most others out there. It isn’t so much that I DO the thing – as opposed to a lot of “fitness experts” out there who to be frank are FAT.

Now, am I saying you gotta be in top shape to coach?

Or teach?


But you do have to look like you played the part at a certain point in time, at least!

And some of the so called gurus out there can’t even DO what they sell in their books – which is just PATHETIC to me.

Anyway, I just scrolled up. Lost track of what I was sayin.

But yeah.

Language. See what you can glean from it,and implement in your own BUSINESS – and/or LIFE.

I promise the results will beggar BELIEF.

Last, but not least, in terms of fitness again, brutally honest is the only language that WORKS.

And thats why I occasionally speak in forked tongues, but even then keep it very brutal.

Hard hitting and brutal.

That offends the vast majority of nuts out there.

And that is fine.

Thats me, and I’d rather be this way, and be known as the asshole that gets results as opposed to the nice guy going NOWHERE in life, hehe.

Take that with a pinch of salt in some regards.

But it’s true!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get rid of the unsightly “Bubba like” flab hanging off your midsection NOW, my friend. Do it NOW. Delaying a decision that HAS TO BE MADE won’t work! Get the BEST course on this right now – right here – Corrugated Core.

PS #2 – I know. I got a big mouth. But hey, that mouth (or should I say what COMES OUT OF IT) gets RESULTS! (and no not in the Bozo like way of having it buried deep inside you kno wwhat, hehe).

My sincere request to ALL Of you – for 2021 – actually, starting now.
- Just do it, and no it aint necessarily what you might think upon reading this.

Its that time of the year.

New year resolutions galore and so forth, only to be ignored a few days later after the “Euphoria” wears off.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

Yours truly doesnt believe in New Year’s Resolutions one damn bit but if you do, hey, thats fine. But I’ll bet that if you compared goals you set without a “new year’s resolution tag” attached to them to goals you just “set” – you’d have accomplished far more in the latter regard …

Just guessing.

Was I right?

Yeah. I thought so!

Anyway, that isnt the point. And without any further story telling, innuendos, bashing, or what not – here is the request (second only to the request to leave REVIEWS and genuine ones, or perhaps on PAR with that one).

Start living life again, my friend. Kick back the new normal crap to where it belongs – the DUSTBIN.

Nowehere’s ville!

2020 has been a rough year in many regards for all, and we have the plague that China sent over (along with their other antics – but really – the China plague is #1 on the list by far) to thank for it.

And we also have the PUBLIC that buys into the fear generated by this, essentially just a super flu of sorts to thank for it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. This thing spreads differently, supposedly mutates etc, but really. And I’ll boil my request down into three very concise points.

One, and most importantly, what next.

China done spread this thing, and bailed leaving the ROW to deal with it. Ever wonder why they had such low death rates and COVID in general while the thing is ballooning in the ROW until today?

Because they planned the damn thing for years.

Because they knew the panic it would generate in the ROW, and they knew that communist style lock down shock down would never work in most parts of the world.

Not everyone likes to live at gunpoint, you know …

… china knows!

And now, what?

They spread this thing, so whatcha going to do?

Mask up for the rest of your life? Run scared? Stay home?

Or give it one to the nads and proceed about your LIFE?

I mean, I’d say this to my immediate family first. Most would. But all of the family I “know” has bought into the far left mask wearing hoo haa to the point that they wear masks even when they’re not even coming in contact with anyone.

I mean, it’s RETARDED the number of people I see out there driving cars ALONE – with masks on!

Not that these damn masks stop anything. Last I heard this thing was supposed to be over by next year, but it doesnt look likely now does it?

Not to mention the new variant supposedly discovered in the UK, and of course Boris style lockdowns followed …

Hey, and befor eyou start jumping the gun on “how I’m heartless and cruel” – hear me out.

By no means I am saying dont socially distance or take precautions. If you’re in crowded settings, by all means wear masks if you think it’ll help you. IT wont, really, but if you think so – hey – thats your right to think that way and act that way and I support it.

(But please don’t tell yours truly anti mask to wear one, or you’ll be probably wearing one on the nose) …

On that note, request number TWO.

If you wear a damn mask, at least wear it properly. It’s insane the number of people I see with masks around their necks like some sort of fashion accessory on the INTernet or what not, and it isn;t limited to a few countries either.

OK I get it.

A lot of countries have imposed draconian mask laws and are fining the public obscene amounts for not wearing masks even when there is no chance of the person socially coming into contact with anyone except cops hungry for money that goes straight into the politicians’ pockets …

… Ever wondered though why economies are struggling globally despite all this?

I thought so!

Anyway, so I dont blame these people. NO-one wants to cough up a hefty fine, but still the point begets.

If enough people globally STOP wearing masks unless and until they’re absolutely warranted, these weird laws wouldn’t PASS anywhere. Or they wouldn’t be tolerated I should say.

Hitler only became the nasty evil phenom he did because he brainwashed and scared the public into submission in general.

Guess what the plague from China is doing to all countries globally …

And therein lies request #3.

Don’t buy into the panic, my friend.

Precautions, not panic.

It’s amazing that the leader of the world’s #1 country and many others say it, but precious few listen

I’m not a huge fan of how Trump is handling himself as of late, but overall, you won’t find a bigger Trump supporter than yours truly.

And he’s dead on right with regard to everything he says about the PRC – I’ll tell you that much!

So those are the three requests.

Let’s get back to normal in 2021, my friends (or do our LEVEL BEST). I think we’ve all had enough of this Corona horseshit!!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And never fear, we are open throughout the holidays. Just a mouse click away, NO mask required, hehe. In fact I might put a “mask wearers” not allowed to combat the madness out there in terms of mandating the opposite onto free willed people who believe int hinking for themselves as opposed to the sheeple …

(Nah, I won’t. But you get the point, bro!)

(sincere request this one).

Why SHORT isn’t necessarily better when it comes to that almighty (and almost as important as breathing. Hehe) GRIP training
- My GRIP - BE FRIED - right about NOW!

I can hear ‘em rail.

“The way you talk about grip training makes it seem like it’s as important as breathing!”

He might as well have added on a few choice epithets, which I wish he would have. Would have made the 1112 names on that list swell, hehe (on that note, I promised last night I’d look through the list and see if I could find “el vampiro” on the list, but I couldn’t hehe, so it’s not 1111, it’s actually 1112 NOW. Unless word search didnt work right, but I doubt it, hehe).

This from a guy who said “muscle sticks to Herschel Walker like shit to a stick (or something of that nature, again, this is from memory but I believe I’m right)”.

No it doesnt brah. Walker’s gone on record saying two things.

One, that heavy benching etc and the mindless bozo like “add weight to the bar” in the gym results in little else than shoulder, back and JOINT problems.

(He said it in a more expansive manner, and 0 Excuses Fitness, which said person above apparently forgot to read (why would he, hehe. It’s useless, even though a friend’s HEART and SOUL went into giving the book to him) has the actual quote and the link).

But anyway, here is the point of this.

(oh, and two, Walker has gone on record stating he wasn’t exactly genetically gifted either)

(much like yours truly isn’t and I never tire of saying it).

Now, the point.

From yours truly CONTRARIAN and BARBARIAN and foreign devil aka “gui lao” (and da xing sing aka “Gorilla”, lol) EL SUPREMO – DEMO!

Deeeeeemo, not demo. Hehe.

Deem is egg in Bengali. Just thought of that, and I dont know why. Maybe it’ll “Egg up” in a future email.

But anyway, eggs aside.

I’ve spoken about long workouts being nowhere near as effective as short and intense ones, and actually detrimental to your overall health and well being.

Proof, you ask?

Sunken face marathon runners VS ‘real man (or woman) sprinters.

Insert “treadmill” or “exercise bike” for “marathon” if you so choose … as most use those that wayt!

Yours truly didn’t.

I didnt use the treadmill as a clothes hanger, as a certain lady “Rendy” does.

I cranked it up to MAX elevation and ran SPRINTS on it.

(Yet more PROOF that Advanced Hill Training can be done anywhere!)

And thats … well, thats something I have NOT mentioned in any of my emails so far. Maybe I will.

But anyway, grip workouts.

Are different.

In that long bozo like workouts are actually sometimes GOOD for the grip.

That don’t mean short and intense isn’t. They both are!

And this is yet another reason NONE of my books on grip, but all the others do NOT include workouts.

Sorry for those that like to be handheld, but grip training is highly PERSONAL.

And those that do it know what I’m talking about.

I just got done with the following.

40 Handstand pushups, 40 pull-ups, more than a few dead hangs, three timed bear crawls, and a few stretches.

Took me about 10 minutes.

And my heart was THUMPING like a sledgehammer all throughout.

You may not believe it, but super stud like workouts burn fat like crazy too, bro.

So do STATIC holds.

And Icould barely grip anything about 5 minutes into the workout, so I’m not sure how I finished!

This same thing, of course, for beginners would take an hour, if not hours.

IF they could even do it.

But even if you substitute other exerciss for the ones I did …

… you’d still get a pretty good GRIP workout after an hour of that!

But yes.

Short and intense still rocks .. but grip wise?

When you start – – don’t sweat it if they’re too much.

Do what you can.

Progress from there.

And thats how to go about it. Just do it (yes, yeah, I know. How dare I say that. But I did – again!) .


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – A hidden gem amongst my grip training books is Gorilla Grip – TIPS! (Volume 1). Grab it now. More Volumes on the way too! Stay tuned…

The heavy weights turned out to be easy peasy! (shaped like “jassy’s shoes”, hehe)
- Blue in color, that too. Hehe.

It’s funny. I’ve been writing about something true in the past few emails – a certain lovely lass named “Jassy” who prefers to lift “pink dumbbells” int he gym for training, and then have her shoulders rubbed “pressed” as she calls it after each rep by a likely slobbering personal trainer …


One of the main reasons I could never be a personal trainer. I walked into a gym once and what the person told me there was enough to turn me off right there and then.

“You need muscles that puff!”

UGH. Along with a poster of Mr. Olympia or something with puffy beach boy show muscles … I literally almost puked right there and then and didnt just hoof it out of that damn gym.

I … RAN! As fast as my legs would take me.

True story, much like the silly pink dumbbells we had at home growing up and that I lifted for a very brief while because I didnt know any better, and because my Dad told me that “repetition” was what would build strength (i.e. lifting those crummy things for reps at a time).

And now, we have Rahul Mookerjee, “el fitness supremo” … Hehe.

Funny how these things work, eh.

Anyway, last night, I had one of those vivid multi faceted dreams.

The color BLUE showed up a lot. I’ve written about that on another site!

It’s funny how things work. I was thinking of a certain person before lopping off to sleep, and I dreamt of …

Ah, but anyway. The color blue showed up, and so did BEER.

I’ve been having BEER show up a lot in my dreams as of late. Thrice consecutively, in fact. Three times is a charm? Hehe.

Funny, but I was thinking that too before lopping off …

Anyway, beer, and BLUE, and I dont know if it’s a coincindence, but the bar of soap I’m using is blue too. Shaped like a “dumbbell” according to my daughter who I “showed” it to.

And apparently she uses it too now!

Anyway, brain dumps aside – – so I was being “threatened” by a bully in last night’s dreams.

Puffy muscles bully boy, and I remember saying to myself. Lets go to the damn gym and see if we can outlift him!

So i went .

And picked out the biggest weights on offer.

Which funnily enough turned out to be funnily shaped dumbbells, BLUE In color.

With straps.

Much like ladies shoes!

Much like Jassys, hehe.

I remember thinking … are these weights, or women’s shoes???

And when I lifted them, they were so easy that they might have been nothing.

Now, you the reader might be inclined to pooh pooh this as being a dream.

Well, here’s a true story from 2011 I believe.

When yours truly made the mistake to go to another Middle Kingdom in Arabia …

I was trying to find a pull-up bar in Ruwi, Oman.

And I finally found one of those doorway chinning bars, but on the way home, while waiting for the crappy shared taxi, I couldn’t resist checking out the GYM.

And those huge weights on offer. Ac ouple of puff duffs were pumping away as well on benches, staring at me.

I asked the lady in charge if I could “try” for a brief instant. She smiled, and said yes.

Probably thinking whats this guy doing in here.

I went in there.

Picked up the most massive set of dumbbells, preparing for a strained or pulled muscle, or worse.


IT was EASY!

I mean, it felt heavy yes. But I hoisted that sucker like nothing else, and after doing 10 on each arm, I could barely feel it.

I walked out.

True story.

And the moral herein is this – getting good at bodyweight stuff means you get good at the REST.

The reverse isn’t neccessarily true. Ask Steve Justa, or any of the other illuminaries out there, and you’ll KNOW.

Just like getting proficient at pushups means your pull-ups get better, but the reverse, and this is unbelievable for a lot of people isn’t always true.

And so it goes.

Jassy, the pink ladies dumbbells, and shoe shaped dumbbells, and blue soaps. Gives me a few ideas to pen down. But I best not go there HERE, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – To get good at pushups, an exercise you CAN do during the holidays – and that WILL keep the fat from burgeoning “out of control” (as Tracy likes to say “yours out of control!”) … get on the workouts in the best course ever on pushups – Pushup Central.

PS #2 – And if you plan on gorging during the holidays (hey, I wouldn’t blame ya if you did!) – make sure to get in a good dose of “Eat more – Weigh Less” as well.

PPS – Merry Christmas again! I think it’s “Yuletide” spirit I should be saying, but not sure …