How dare I, eh.

Ever notice that a lot of the vitriol and idiotic, inane comments that anyone gets when he (or she) is dong something that SETS HIM apart from the herd and sheeple comes with a faint (well, not really – a sTRONG I should say) sense of impotence behind the words?

Don’t get me wrong.

Feedback is great.

But a lot of negative feedback is just the sheep crying “mama I can’t do it”, and “how dare he!”

As my buddy recently said the CCP is acting like a spoilt kid that hasn’t got to do what she wants (and then some, and wont get to do it).

And while I’m not going to open that can of worms again (yes, I know, how dare I! ?) the point stands.

I made the case before when I spoke about the ONE crab trying to escape the bucket of crabs that constantly gets dragged back INTO The bucket by the rest of the crabs (or at least they TRY).

And it’s true my friend.

And this impotence isn’t necessarily of a sexual kind either (curiously enough a lot of times the very people that say “how dare you” (Bozo Schofiled being one) DO have that problem but hey, I won’t go there Ugh!) it’s of a MENTAL kind.

The kind where they secretly WANT to be the guy (or gal) “doing the thing”

But can’t.

Or don’t have the cojones to (if we’re talking straight talk).

Or the physical skills to (if we’re talking pull-ups, for one) and are obviously scared to admit that deep, deep down inside they know very well their system of training is NOT getting the job done.

I mean, lets face it.

Why would Charles for one, who claims “bodyweight exercises are useless” rant up and down (and believe me, that drunken rant came from the heart, and I’m glad for it, and I thanked him for it too!) about pull-ups and not being able to do a single one and how (the pull-up expert) should teach (the rank beginner, HIM) how to do ‘em?

Classic case of the instructor being “instructed”.

Much like in ESL, of course, where the “students” decide to tell the teacher how to “teach” (if you can even call that mess teaching) and being my dear buddy is into that as well for whatever reason, well . . .

Musta rubbed him off him! ?

But anyway, the words or even the “how to” isn’t what I’m writing about.

It’s the FEELING behind what he’s saying, the FEELING behind what he FEELS when he says “I talk gibberish” (which obviously does matter to him, hehe).

And it’s that feeling of “how dare he”.

Lest you think Charles and his friend Bozo Schofield are the only ones (he sent me a long email the other day with about a dozen “how dare I say this and that” and assorted drug binge fueled nonsense) – – think again.

Think several times, m y friend.

Then put on your thinking cap and think – AGAIN!

I’ve been hearing this, as my mother so “wisely” once said, “after I was past the age of 5”

(Read once I was actually able to form an opinion of sorts and speak up for myself).

How dare I flirt with girls at school and not do my HW (and more ?.

How dare I say what I do publicly.

How dare I claim that my method of training is better than most of the rest of the junkola out there (it is, but hey, how dare I? ?)

How dare I call out the liberals and lefttards for what they are – a band of thugs and cowards (anyone that sees the recent tweet the ex CEo of Twitter sent out would probably agree) that spread chaos and anarchy throughout the globe (antifa anyone?) and so forth.

How dare I “sit at home” and “not go to office” (believe me, and believe me now, I AM NOT talking about just “Family” that says this. Pretty much most people I “know” do! ?).

How dare I “write”

How dare I not just write, but start a business, and not just one, two, and a SUCCESFUL one at that?

How dare I define success by my own parameters (hint – money ain’t exactly the top priority, although it’s one of them!)

How dare I wake up at 1130 AM (sorry, but I had to say that, hehe).

How dare I drink beer every night.

How dare I NOT be politically correct for once, and especially “in the office”.

Well guess what.


And I WILL DARE to be all of the above and then some.

And guess what.

That brutal honesty is what has really brought me results over the years.

When you cut right past the bullshit, it’s about who you are AT YOUR CORE, and DOING the right things, saying it, and being UNAPOLEGETIC about it, and going to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to back your belief even when no-one else is.

The IMMORTAL Maxwell Maltz said it the best in the bestselling Psyscho Cybernetics.

(I’m paraphrasing)

It doesn’t matter how people you got out there supporting you int eh bleachers.

If YOU aren’t backing yourself, then all the external support in the world won’t do diddly squat.

But conversely, if YOU are the only person in the stands backing yourself to pull it off against all odds, then guess what.

Chances are you will!

And I have, and continue to do so, and fitness wise, there is it my friend.

Unconventional, brutal, but does it work!?

Hell yes it does – and on that note, Ill dare to leave you be. How dare I eh.



RahuL Mookerjee

PS – Dare to dream, my friend. Dare to dream that you CAN get that pull-up you’ve been struggling to get for so long, but DARE to FACE the FACTS that you’re doing it WRONG right now, as you are with the rest of your fitness journey (if you are). And HERE is where you can change your current reality in terms of pull-ups (or I should say HOW, hehe).

The “phat” guy said my fitness advice didn’t help anyone. Wail! Does it?

Well, so I woke up to a rant and a half. A drunken one (or a semi lucid one at any rate from what it seemed), and being I woke up around 1120 this AM, it was obviously sent a while ago.

From none other than my friend (not sure what to call him now! ?) Charles, an avid hater of bodyweight exercises (pretty much because he can’t do ‘em) and an advocate of the “puff and buff” nonsense you see going around.

And no, being able to do a one time lift (if he can) doesn’t necessarily translate into any real world strength my friend. This dude told me he was a high school wrestler which I believed until now, but going by the idiotic and (to be honest) “girl like” rant he sent me today?

Somehow I think he was full of it when he told me that. I mean, a former wrestler wanting to do assisted pushups on their knees.

Really. Man. That’s a disgrace, to be honest! Can understand the part about pull-ups (not really), but other than that . . .

(All of this, by the way was in response to THIS post apparently – and it’s interesting. I mentioned Charles there, but only a line or so. Apparently it got his blood boiling, hehe).

Anyway, here goes with the rant (there were two of them, and I’ll post the more coherent one first).

“It’s about activating the muscles in the easiest way. Pull-ups. Great. But not everyone can do ‘em! Why not advocate negative hangs. Assisted pull-ups on a dip bar with you legs tested primarily on the floor activating a fraction of your weight? Your fitness advice isn’t practical for everyone. Nor particularly very game changing. Yes the pull down machine isn’t great. But assisted pull-ups or pushups on your knees would help a lot more people than your mindless “just do it” attitude honestly. Just my observations”.

There were more of these rants, but let’s address this one first.

Hey, Charles.

You make ONE good point in this entire tirade – that being my fitness advice – advice in general – and Rahul Mookerjee in general – ain’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Take it or leave it. That’s how I’ve been all my life, and believe me, the long list of names I’ve been called and the looooong and ever growing list of haters I’ve got isn’t something that either bothers me or is particularly “ground breaking” (as you say) for those that really know what it’s all about.

Hey, bro.

You can’t do pushups. Despite laying claim to being a former wrestler.

Tee Hee.

That entire rant about “Assisted” this and that sounds like you’re asking for your diapers. Really. Honestly.

Not practical, the advice?

I mean, really, dude.

The U.S. Military for one takes men and women that are unfit (a lot of them) or not up to par, and puts them through their paces like yours truly does.

Just do it, bro. You either do it, or you’re OUT.

You either shape up (stop making stupid retarded excuses about fractions and assistance and what not – really – are we writing a scientific manual or a book on Math here?? I mean, yes, Charless Mitchell once told me he’d buy a Math book too if I wrote one – and coming from an ex-cop, that is HIGH praise indeed, but back to the point…) or you SHIP OUT.

That’s just how it is bro.

Just do it, and last I checked Nike said that too … ?

But wait a minute. I didn’t post the ENTIRE Rant.

“Your fitness advice doesn’t help anyone! You just blag on about nonsense and say do handstand pushups. That’s insane! Nobody can do that!”

… Hmm! Really? I couldn’t either when I first started, but I didn’t become Mr Handstand Pushup by throwing a hissy Charles.

I buckled down, used the progressions in Shoulders like Boulders, and just did it. As for your comments about them being “useless”, well some of the fittest, BADDEST, meanest, and strongest people on the planet might disagree.

For one. But I digress!

“You gotta work in some more intermediate steps”.

Well, they’re there in the books. Nothing for free, bro. (well, except the one book I DID give to you for free . . . remember that? ?). And that book, and all the rest DO HAVE progressions, but of course, that would require you to buckle down and actually open the book eh as opposed to just looking at the pictures.

And thats why I never, ever . . . ah, but I won’t go there. You’re a good man, so I tried. Period. I don’t do that for most people. Anyway, more on this later in another post – but I think the 0 Excuses Faithful know what I mean by what I never ever do . . . 😉

Back to Rant Central.

“Like telling a guy to lift up a 100lb rock. They can’t. Period!”

Well, some guys could. Not all can. But see above comments about progression . . .

“Your nonsense shows no results or gauges the reader on how close they are to completing the said goal”.

No results?

Well, maybe not for pissers and moaners. They seem to show plenty of results for those that actualy buckle down and DO the thing. 120 – 60 kgs for one. Can’t get any more specific than that, and yes, you TOO can do it – if you just DO it.

This entire rant gives off such a pathetic vibe that I’m not sure how to end this.

I mean really, dude.

You can’t do bodyweight stuff because you’re FAT. Admit it.

And there’s no harm in admitting it.

Hell, I used to obese or close to it at a certain point in my life, and I’ve never been particularly shy about admitting either that, or the fact that I still did pull-ups back then. ?

And gained a ton of muscle, strength, but not necessarily conditioning and hence the “you were pretty thick back then” comment you made.

Look, my friend. OR should I say “brah”.

You’re sitting there and expecting magic to happen.

And if lifting weights is your thang, go for it.

But the fact remains that bodyweight exercises are where it’s at.

Herschel Walker, Walter Peyton and the rest didn’t look for scientific formulas when they ran up hills with tyres attached to their waists for one. They just did it.

Walker was once asked about his workouts.

And what he said might shock you.

“I don’t think about things too much! I just choose an exercise and see if it challenges me, and then I Go with it”.

And that’s what workouts – and LIFE – really is all about bro.

Go with the flow, bro.

And just DO it.

The results might just amaze you!!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And Yes, Charles is right. As I’ve said about a bazillion times and as you so studiously ignore, Rahul Mookerjee is NOT everyone’s cup of tea (although a certain bozo that you associate with Charles, ah, but we’ll leave that be. ?). Neither are my products. They’re expensive for one, so if you aren’t really committed to BARE BONES solid training which WILL hurt and WILL deliver solid results, then don’t get my stuff (I know, I know, you don’t, hehe).

But if you’re truly committed and want to see results that will change your life, put you on the list of “person to hate the most” – and get into the best darn shape of your life – then here is where you start, my friend – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

PS #2 – Really, Charles. Assisted pushups?? I mean get real! My seven year old can do a plank unassisted . . .

PPS – Anyway, moving on past that – here is the BEST Damned course on pushups out there that WILL get you in the best shape of your life if you just DO the thing – Pushup Central. As Charles Mitchell said, I hate books that don’t challenge me, and yours does – big time!

So it does, my brother. So it DOES, and so it WILL! OO-RAAA!

PPS #1 – Charles (my friend! ;)) – I invite YOU to a no holds barred ARM wrestling contest, or any other such “contest” which shows off grip strength (I know plenty, but since you piss and moan about pull-ups being apparently useless, you choose!) any place, any time – beer’s on me too afterwards! Lets see what strength them deadlifts have built, hehe. 😉