I want tip for fat loss
- Don't we all, hehe

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Woke up this morning, and got a bit of a great GRIP workout in wrestling with my water machine.

Water purifier, I should say.

It’s one of those bulky machines with a filtration “cone” on the outside that takes a hell of a long time to open to replace the “filter” inside, and while it can be easily done with a tool I recently ordered online, it still took a bit of a gripping on to open it – then tape the damned thing up – and CLOSE it back up again.

Filter was all choked with sediment. And to think we had been drinking that water for a while. Ugh!

Well, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, to be honest . . . anyway, on another note, I bought a new jump rope yesterday.

Yes, the HEAVY one!

You on my list will recall me writing to you about buying a weighted jump rope and instantly as I did my workouts last evening, I FELT It.

Within 15 minutes or so I was torched – and I did less than 500 reps (with breaks and stretching in between).

Believe me, weighted jump ropes add a WHOLE NEW dimension of difficulty to your workouts, and in terms of fat loss, they’re right up there with what I offer in Advanced Hill Training (and given the popularity of this BEAST, I’m going to probably come up with volume #2. Be on the outlook for that!).

And on that note, here is an email I received (which I responded to while waiting for the water purifier to fill so I can empty it out again and start finally using it) –


How are you?

Can we talk??

I am not available in office, this email is sent from mobile phone.

Uh, OK . . . . . . . . ??

Subject line was “I want tip for fat loss

The email was sent from someone who doesn’t appear to be a native English speaker, and given the amount of trolling that’s been going on lately, my first intention was to IGNORE the email.

But something told me to double check.

I did.

And the dude apparently is working with someone that owns a martial arts based business. Cool!!! I’ve actually corresponded with plenty of these guys before (not the same company, but in the martial arts biz). Great guys, and I almost damn near built a website for one if I recall right . . .

Anyway, my response.

Dear Hasnat,

Thanks for your email. I’m fine, and trust you are as well. With regard to your query, please be more specific in terms of what you’re trying to achieve and we can go from there. You may also (if you haven’t already) want to sign up for our free newsletter here – https://0excusesfitness.com/free-newsletter/ – the tips we send out on a daily basis often contain very valuable “nuggets” of info on getting fit – and specifically, weight loss as well.

Aside from the above, the following two pages might be of assistance.




Rahul Mookerjee

And that’s that for now, my friend. Along with what I told you above in this here email – and what I told Hasnat -there seem to be plenty of tips for fat loss embedded in this one comminique. Whether or not you use ‘em is up to YOU!

Last, but not least, please do try and be a little verbose in terms of WHAT you want and what you’re looking to achieve. Might be very helpful – both for you – and me!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Another course I forgot to mention to Hasnat was Corrugated Core – but I’ll mention it to YOU, my loyal readers – here is where you can take a gander at this little BEAUTY of a course – truly one of the very best in terms of losing that pesky FAT around the midsection – –https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/

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