“I am think about how to get fat” …
- .. never do that, my friend!

Dear Reader,

So, over the last few days it’s been HECTIC here again at 0 Excuses Fitness HQ’s for a variety of reasons.

I’ve been involved with many a project as of late – the latest being my green tea business which is going great – on that note, if any of y’all reading this are interested in GENUINE green tea sourced straight from the hills of China – stuff that actually DOES (and has been proven) to help you lose weight – especially around the midsection, then shoot me an email, and we’ll see what we can do.

Believe you me, this is not the packaged green tea you see in supermarkets, and it certainly isn’t the tea bags you see nigh everywhere (which are useless, by the way).

And it certainly ain’t “milk tea” which for whatever reason seems to be a fad these days, even in China.

What it IS though is one of the secrets I’ve mentioned in the Simple and Effective Diet – one of the reasons I’m in the sort of shape I’m in.

Many years ago, Brooks Kubik, an influential writer in the Iron game – and a man who I greatly admire wrote a piece about my workout “Rahul’s hill climbing workout from China“.

At the time I was about 24 – and I was thrilled to see a man like Brooks feature me in his newsletters – and today, that is one of the reasons I’m happy to feature reader feedback etc in my own newsletters!

Passing the torch along as it were, and one of the things Brooks wrote was “Rahul drinks pots and pots of green tea” throughout and after the day – but perhaps I should have mentioned to him that it was the REAL deal!

Anyhow, on that note, on to the meat of today’s post.

In response to my last post, a reader on LinkedIn commented that “he was thinking about how to get fat”.

This floored me, I must admit – for a minute –  but then I realized I’m in China.

In China, “fat” doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing – often times, in the old days, being “fat” was a sign of your wealth – and it meant you earned enough to keep the ole belly from rumbling, hehe.

Those days are long gone, of course – and with the obesity (especially childhood) epidemic fast becoming a PANDEMIC here in China, folks are looking to get fitter than ever before, but this dude is actually looking to “gain weight”.

“Get FAT? Why on earth would you want to do that??” I replied.

“Because they call me skinny monkey. I am too skinny, should I get fat – and then strong?”

The whole exchange can be viewed here – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6489110506912215040/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A(activity%3A6489110506912215040%2C6489388205056593920) – but as you might imagine, my answer was an emphatic NO.

And his question, although it might sound funny to some, is actually a common one – that of wanting to gain WEIGHT.

Many years ago, I was in the exact same situation.

I was the skinny dude at school – fairly strong for my size, but skinny nonetheless, and no matter what I did – or ate – I couldn’t pack an ounce of weight onto my frame.

I’ve written before, of course about the useless advice I’ve gotten in this regard, but something of USE I’ll tell you right now is this – if you’re looking to gain weight – that is great – but you do NOT – I repeat, NOT – gain FAT!

It’s far better to remain a “skinny monkey” than to get fat.

Other hand, gaining MUSCLE – and all along with strength, stamina and conditioning is where it’s at – and for our good friend commenting – my advice would be this –

  • Engage in TOUGH, hard – and intense (not necessarily long) workouts that concentrate on the legs, hips and CORE of your body.
  • Hindu squats and pushups would be a great great example of these. Do these regularly, and drink enough milk – or get enough protein along with your workouts – and you’ll GROW like never before, my friend – and it ain’t gonna be fat either.
  • Don’t forget your cardio. Do VIGOROUS bursts of cardio that leave you in a heap on the floor PANTING like never before – and you’ll find that this tunes your system up from the inside out – and builds lots of muscle – and puts WEIGHT onto your frame as well.
  • The routines found in Eat More – Weigh less would be a perfect example here.

There’s more – tons more advice I could give you – and him – and all of those in similar boats, and I’ll do that in future emails if you so desire!

For now though – stick to the basics as I’ve mentioned above, and you’ll do just fine.

Eric – I look forward to hearing back from you on your progress!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’m finally at a point where I can “pause” and make plans for the much vaunted, expected, anticipated and DELAYED videos for Eat More – Weigh Less. Stay tuned!

Marine Fitness
- ... from one thats been there, done that and then some!

Dear Reader

Those of you (and there are a lot!) that have read Gorilla Grip – or the Gorilla Grip Compilation, for that matter, know that I’m close friends with an ex Special Ops operative – a Force Reconnaissance Marine to be precise.

I’ve mentioned this person in many a post before, of course – and it’s with GOOD REASON that he is mentioned in the opening sections of Gorilla Grip.

He’s also the one that made the comments about the “unnatural pull to my grip” and other similar comments – and coming from a mountain of a man that looks more like a wrecking machine than a human being – and whose about 5 times (well, not really, but you get the drift!) or more my size, the compliment actually MEANT something!

This guy has been in some of the most war torn zones in the world, of course – including, most recently the first battle with Iraq in the Middle East, and the ongoing mess in Afghanistan – amongst others.

From Beirut to Afghanistan to …well, pretty much EVERYWHERE, the man has literally been there and done that – and as I spoke to him today, I was reminded of a “caustic” comment a “somewhat critical” Gorilla Grip reader once made.

The reader was complaining about the price of the book, of course, and I’ve detailed that – but one of his pet gripes was that I “seemed to link my own workout with that of the Marines”.

Now I’ve never ever pretended to be a Marine – but working out like one? 

Hmm – well – let’s see!

Some of the baddest men on the planet do – guess what – as their primary exercise – for reps upon reps upon reps?

That’s right – PUSHUPS! Different varieties and different styles of pushups – and for those of you on the System, I’m sure that strikes a bell or two hehe.

Then we come to my own “100 pull-ups a day minimum” workout – and if there is ONE thing Marines, Seals and the Berets pride themselves upon – it is their ability to pound out pull-ups galore all day long – in high reps!

My buddy once told me that 100 pull-ups was hard for anyone, Marines included, and I laughed.

“They aren’t that hard to be honest. Now a 100 HANDSTAND pushups – – now  if you can knock that many out per workout, you’re on to something!” was my response.

So yes, my dear commenter, wherever in the world you might be – the workouts I advocate ARE what lots of special forces around the globe base their physical conditioning training upon!

Not only that but it brought back the familiar refrain of “oh, bodyweight exercises are too easy” – or “Oh, I need a gym to get fit” to my mind.

Excuses, excuses and more excuses – hey – the Marines don’t need a gym to get fit – and neither do YOU!

Sure, lots of Marines train with weights as a HOBBY – but its NOT something they HAVE to do.

The only weight lifting they do HAVE to do is FUNCTIONAL weight lifting. Think sandbags. Buddy carries. Log lifts. Running with heavy backpacks on.

And so forth. I mention the Crucible on the Battletank Shoulders page, and with good reason – the Crucible (and Hell Week, of course!) are by far some of the toughest phases in an elite forces members’ training career, and that ain’t me just saying it.

And guess what they do to get in shape for that sort of thing.

You guessed it – BODYWEIGHT exercises – for high reps!

Last, but not least, I’ve often said that the most salient feature of the 0 Excuses Fitness System isn’t just the physical strength and health from the inside out that it builds.

It’s the mental strength the routines build. The strength – and the WILL to keep going – the gumption to look “Old man Life” in the eye when things get tough – and KEEP GOING – with defeat not even being a possibility in one’s mind!

And in today’ world, if there is ONE quality that is most sorely lacking in most men and women, it is that last quality.

So if you’re looking to join the ranks of the elite – both mentally and physically – do what the elite do – and follow similar training regimens – and you’ll get great results, my friend. It’s just that simple!

Alright, so thats it for today. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Here is the link to Battletank Shoulders – an ADVANCED shoulder building course if there EVER was one – – https://0excusesfitness.com/battletank-shoulders/

Pull-ups – and activating the LATS!
- Another key to getting better at pull-ups - quick.

Dear Reader,

As I finished off my workout today, I felt great – as I usually do – except I was SUPER sore in my lower lat area today.

Not that I did anything out of the ordinary (for me, at any rate). ‘Twas the usual hill climb – or should I say “climbs” – followed by pull-ups and dips – 100 of the former, and 50 of the latter, and I was done.

But I did something just that little bit different today.

As I was doing my pull-ups, I saw a guy struggling to do the same exercise.

To his credit he wasn’t flailing around wildly – or kipping – or doing any of the crazy things that guys often do when it comes to pull-ups just to “get the numbers” (and neither was he attempting to “show off” in front of the babes, hehe).

He was doing everything right, but there WAS one detail he was missing – something I mention in the pathbreaking “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” – that something being he wasn’t GRIPPING the bar correctly.

Second, he wasn’t lowering down all the way – which is again contrary to lot of popular advice telling you not to do it – and yet this is the very reason he wasn’t being able to get (to) that first rep.

I’ve mentioned the story about the movie I once saw on the sales page for the aforementioned book. I’ve spoken about how the guy went slowly, methodically, and RYTHMICALLY up and down – EACH muscle in his back standing out in stark contrast as he completed each rep, and then slowly pulled up for the next.

That image stuck in my mind at the time I saw the movie – and it’s STILL there in my mind as fresh and clear as if it was yesterday – and so, and given everything I talk about on the importance on having a CLEAR, WELL DEFINED IMAGE in your mind of what you want to accomplish in any endeavor – – is it any surprise that I personally bang out each and every one of my 100 or so daily pull-ups this way?

I think NOT, and therein lies a lesson in itself.

But it’s not the lesson I want to impart today – that being – pull – and do so from the lats, NOT the arms!

When you go into the dead hang position, you do NOT just stop “an inch or so” short of full extension.

If you feel pain – or niggles when doing the full extension – chances are this means you’ve got weak tendons/ligaments somewhere throughout the chain  and you don’t just ignore them – you STRENGTHEN them – the right way!

And once you’re truly in a dead hang, you “feel your lats”, as I’ve written about in the course.

Done correctly, you should feel the pull all the way down from your armpits to the very “sides” of your body – right where the lower lats “insert” into your sides, and if you do it correctly you’ll know what I’m referring to.

Chances are excellent and second to none that this area is a weak area in your body – and chances are also excellent and second to none that if you’re weak in this area, you haven’t been doing very many pushups – and getting good at those FIRST – before attempting the pull-ups!

Well, my friend, I’ve spelt out two very important tips on getting better at pull-ups right here in this email. I’ve actually even mentioned the third – and for those of you that have been paying attention, you’ll know what it is hehe.

For more such tips that’ll get you knocking out dem pull-ups like a true PRO – click on over right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/

Well, my friend, that is it for now. Write back and let me know how today’s workout went!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Also remember that you build a base before attempting to erect an skyscraper. You build a foundation before setting up a solid structure on it. Yada, nada schnada, and the very same thing holds true for pull-ups – an advanced and nigh marvelous exercise, but you gotta build the foundation first – and the way you do it is with the exercise right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Stair climbing VS the “Stairmaster”
- Nothing beats the REAL DEAL!!

Dear Reader,

Well, well well! I just got done with a smashing workout out there in the park – a workout consisting of mainly STAIR climbs today – a few solid stretches, and of course dips and pull-ups to end it off.

50 pull-ups and 50 dips to be exact, and I feel on top of the world now.

The sun BE a shining here – well, at least in my own mind, if not in the grey and dank skies outside – and on that note, here’s an interesting question I got from a reader a while ago – and which I’ll address NOW.


I’ve been reading a lot and with much interest about your hill workouts in China, and the nature of the climb you described. I don’t have hills here in Florida where I live, but I do have the stairmaster at the gym which I use regularly, and which seems to be giving me results – but not quite the sort I want. 

What are your thoughts on the stairmaster? Is it a good alternative to actually climbing steps? If so, why? 

Your thoughts would be appreciated. 


Joe S.

My response – –

Hi Joe

Thanks so much for writing in. My answer to this – in short – will be the SAME as it’s always been for similar questions – the real deal can’t be beat.

In other words, there’s nothing that beats climbing actual stairs and making a workout of it – – and if you have a hill – – a long, steep winding route up a HILL to do it on – so much the better!

Regular readers of the list and perhaps you as well will recall the solid workout that a friend of mine got by climbing the stairs to his 17th floor(probably more in terms of actual height) apartment one day when the elevators were out of order.

And EVERYONE on this list knows the great, great workouts I get out there on the hill – workouts that have been nigh instrumental in getting me in the sort of shape I am in today.

Without further ado, then, there’s nothing that can quite beat the feeling of a NATURAL incline – or a stair climb.

Many years ago, when I didn’t have access to hills, I’d do sprints at max intensity on the treadmill with the gradient elevated to the max degree possible.

These were good, I suppose. I sort of felt it in my thighs and calves later, but were they even 10% as good as sprinting the hill I climb now?

No way – – and results are the proof in the pudding here.

When you’re on a machine, you’re on a machine – no matter how good, and it has its limitations.

One of the things you can’t do on either an treadmill or stairmaster is to change directions – or to climb steep stairs one minute – and then a set of easier ones the next.

Not to mention the sheer impact a natural incline has on your calves and shins – I’ve never quite felt that same impact on a stairmaster or stair stepper, whatever you call them. Although beginners might feel it, you’re far better of doing the real thing.

And let’s fact it. Not everyone has a hill nearby, but we can all find STAIRS nearby!

Subway stair sprints are another great alternative I urge you to consider – that fat will literally be melting off your body the way you DO want it to – – within a few short, intense sessions of doing so.

Last, but certainly not least, the mental aspect of this is very important.

When you’re out there on a steep, steep flight of stairs – lungs bursting, thighs burning, calves screaming – and you’ve still got a few more to go – and the stairs are the “narrow” kind I often kind – well – then – stopping and resting in itself can be a chore when you can barely balance yourself as you walk!

Trust me on this – I should know! You don’t have the luxury of pressing a button to “turn the machine off” – and that to me makes a huge difference as it forces you to keep going no matter what – and ultimately gives you a far better workout.

None of this, of course means that the stair master is utterly useless.

It’s not – and its certainly MILES ahead of some of the other machines at the gym – the lat pulldown being a prime example of the latter – if there EVER was an utterly USELESS machine with NO crossover to the real world – the lat pulldown is it – followed closely by the chest press machine.

Must have taken a genius to design them two, methinks!

So thats the long answer to a somewhat short question – best of luck!



And that, my friend is today’ tip. If you’re doing things – do ’em the natural way.

Trust me, the workout you’ll get from pounding up stairs regularly is way, way different you’ll get on the stairmaster at the gym – and the RESULTS will speak accordingly as well. If you don’t believe me – well – just try BOTH  and let me know how you do on the former!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I forgot to recommend the 0 Excuses Fitness System to Joe, but I’ll recommend it to YOU, my friend and dear reader. Here is where you can grab a copy of the System that has literally changed LIVES – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Bodyweight exercises that burn fat – FAST
- Fry fat off your frame quicker than you could ever put it on with these routines!

Dear Reader,

This afternoon I was out there on the hill doing a series of bodyweight calisthenics that not only caused onlookers to gape in astonishment – but also resulted in more than a few murmurs of “Hao li Hao” (Mandarin Chinese for “excellent” – or a colloquial for it, at any rate).

I’ve mentioned a few of these in my emails before, and I’ll mention one in particular here, but for now, something that bears mentioning is this – so devastatingly effective was my routine today – that 5-10 minutes of it was all it took in terms of upper body work.

I normally get in plenty of pull-ups after a hill climb, but my arms were fixing to fall off after rep #50 this afternoon – and for someone that bangs out 100’s routinely, well, you can tell just how solid of a workout I got in BEFORE I started my pull-ups.

Not to mention the fat burning effect these workouts have on me – and you, as well, if you do ’em.

It’s cold out here – and while it’s not as bone chillingly cold as it was a day or so ago, it’s still plenty cold, and I was literally DRIPPING with sweat and panting like a runaway locomotive as I went through my workout.

All of this, mind you, coming from a guy whose USED to these routines. Sure, I did much more difficult variants today but still – if there is ever a better testament to the efficacy of the exercises I promote in this regard (most specifically in Eat More – Weigh Less) – then I’m yet to see it.

On the way up to the top of the hill, a friendly security guard who climbs this hill daily too stopped midway.

“Tui Tong”, he said, grabbing his thighs during a particularly tough section of the climb.

I grinned as I passed him by, nodding back at him.

“Man man”, I responded. “Man yi dian” (go slow).

Anyway, one of the exercises I was doing out there and that I’ll tell you about here is the bear crawl – which along with the Hindu Squat is perhaps the best exercise there is, or close to it in terms of frying fat off your frame – and building MUSCLE – at record speeds.

Some of you might be saying “sprints” right about now. 

And if you are, well, I don’t blame you – but heres the thing – the above two exercises CAN be done by those way out of shape as well – although such folks will have to work up to them gradually – as opposed to sprints which require you to be in some sort of shape to begin with.

Man oh man, my lats are sore as I type this … and the bear crawl is one of those exercises, my friend that can be done on FLAT ground as well with much the same results.

You can go as slow as you want – a fact that by itself is a mind bender for those of us brought up to believe “it’s only quick that burns fat” – and if you don’t believe me – well – I have this to say – TRY IT!

And THEN, and only then, get back to me!

There are plenty of more exercises that will burn fat off your frame at record speed – exercises you can do anywhere.

One of these would be a much overlooked yet highly effective exercise which involves a “knees to chest” motion – and no, I’m not talking about doing these while hanging on to a pull-up bar!

This, and another great variant of the same movement is mentioned in Corrugated Core. Get up to the point where you’re banging out 250 plus of these per workout, and per set – and you’ll have that 12 pack you’ve been craving for so long!

And of course, no discussion on superlative bodyweight exercises would be complete without mentioning the Hindu Squat – and what’ll really shock you is the UPPER body and shoulder workout you’ll get once you get good at these!

Plenty more such exercises and routines are mentioned in the pathbreaking 0 Excuses Fitness System. Make sure to grab your copy TODAY if you haven’t already – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Well, my friend, that is IT for now. I’ll be back later. Until then – adios – and if you workout today – make it an awesome one!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.  – Here is the link for Corrugated Core again – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/


The most inspiring thing I saw on my 38th birthday
- And more on the power of daily repetition!

Dear Reader

As this “old man” (as my daughter would have it, hehe) – or “that 25 year old” (as a few others would, haha) turns 38 today – he just got done with one of the very best workouts ever – a workout that took place first in my living room, spilled on over to the mountain – and then finished there.

Apt enough indeed as well. If there is ONE place I can lay claim to truly having enjoyed over the past few years – or more than that – and time I can say was truly well spent in “solitude” and “self meditation” (if that term makes any sense!) – it is the time I’ve spent working out here.

It is THIS area I came to when I was down – and needed support – and needed to BELIEVE.

It was the countless number of pull-ups and hill climbs (often as much as 4-6 times daily with no break) I did here that sparked all the books I’ve got out there now on fitness – knowledge that I’m sharing with you that has come from well and truly BEING IN THE TRENCHES!

It was this area where I’ve had the most enjoyable workouts of my life – and where an imperious “Yes, you CAN!” from Ann Lee (y’all remember her, eh?) sparked belief deep within my subconscious – which then sprung into action, and literally changed my entire life forever.

Yet today as I sit here feeling on top of the world after another great one, none of that is the reason I’m writing this to you – and none of it is the most inspiring thing I saw today as I prepare to welcome in my 38th year with joy, gratitude, and a spirit of ever lasting abundance.

It was not as cold outdoors today as it’s been for the past few weeks, but it’s been raining – drizzling, sort of.

Which means the weather here is cold and clammy – not quite the biting cold that had taken hold over the past week, but cold and clammy nonethless, the sort of “cold sticky” weather you do everything you can to avoid.

And the hill was pretty much deserted.

Yet, as I finished up my third climb of the day and stretched out – the bliss I felt coursing through my body can be compared to no other (in a way) – and then I saw something that truly inspired me even more.

I’ve written to you about the old man I met in China many times over, and with damned good reason. If there is ever an inspiration to those of you that would rather make excuses than train, it is THIS man.

He climbs that hill daily – come hail, come rain, sleet or shine – he’s there, and getting it DONE, my friend – and the results show. He don’t look a day over 50 and yet I bet he’s way over 70 to be honest!

As I finished up my stretches, I saw him coming up the hill.

That same slow, purposeful steady gait – not pausing to catch a single breath as he ascended the stairs – that same steady gaze I’ve got accustomed to, and that rock solid, cast iron gorilla grip he’s got.

And as he threw himself into a handstand at the end of it, I truly wanted to “doff my hat” – except I didn’t have a hat to doff at that point, hehe.

Truly inspirational, I’d say. As the rest of the world pisses and moans about getting older – and looking older than they are (and feeling that way) – here is a man that thinks the exact opposite way – and if there was ever a type of man we need more in today’s world, it’s the old man I met in China – and whom I continue to meet daily!

Yet another reason I mention this is the sheer power of doing something daily.

I care not HOW much you do daily – the main thing is you DO SOMETHING daily.

If you’re looking to get ahead at work, do something extra – or learn something related new EVERYDAY. Fitness wise, make sure to train EVERYDAY.

It doesn’t need to be a hard push. Some days, a light push is all you need – other days you go HARD – but it’s the steady REPETITION, the steady “tap tap tap” (if I may borrow a Claude Bristol term) that really wears down obstacles and gets to your ultimate goal, and KEEPS you there!

The bank account analogy I’ve mentioned before holds true too.

And while it’s all about BELIEF at the end of the day, you gotta back up that belief with solid ACTION, my friend.

Sitting around ain’t gonna get rid of them love handles, and neither will downing beers at the local pub saying “I’ll get it done tomorrow”.

And yet, once you have true belief  – you’ll be amazed at how quickly your body springs into action, my friend.

Today as I climbed the hill the first time and then descended, a thought struck me like a thunderbolt once I was down.

Did I even climb that hill fully? I don’t even remember being at the top!

So engrossed in my thinking was I that I actually “forgot” having climbed the hill – and so easy it is for me now that my physical body didn’t quite register it either.

Truly a case of being “lost in thought” in a nigh positive manner – – and I’ll talk about this later.

And of course, truly a case of … the power of daily repetition as well!!

Alright my friend. That’s it for now. I’ll sign off for now – y’all have a great day ahead, and if you workout today – – make it a super one!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Belief is indeed what it’s all about. Along with belief, there are several other principles at work that will help you not only fitness wise – but LIFE wise as well. You truly DO owe it to yourself to read these 10 Commandments – and they’ve been laid out for you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

“I haven’t seen you in a year. You’re much stronger!”
- ...twas actually a few months, but once you're on the right workout regimen ...!

Dear Reader

So, if you’ve been following this merry go around (or should I say “conflagration of occurrences) that has been going on at 0 Excuses Fitness HQ’s for the last couple of weeks, you already know that I’ve been back in China a while now.

While my sojourn in India turned out to be way, way longer than I intended it to be – it was for the better in the long term.

Some of what I experienced during those months on the personal standpoint was probably what folks would term as less than desirable (I’m being polite there!) – but I’m a massive believer in the Napoleon Hill take on “there is always a silver living in every situation”.

I’ll quote the great man himself –

Every adversity, every heartache, every failure carries within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

While I wouldn’t necessarily classify the last few months as any or all of the above – shades of grey as it were – what I WILL say is this – what I learned over the last few months was worth way, way more than any amount of money I might or might not have – and while I wouldn’t want to go through some of what I did during the last few months (from a personal standpoint) – I am nigh grateful that I DID go through it.

I’ll quote Napoleon Hill again –

I would not wish to be again subjected to the experiences through which I passed during that fateful Christmas Eve in 1923, and since, on that eventful evening when I walked around the school house in West Virginia and fought that terrible battle with fear, but all the wealth in the world would not induce me to divest myself of the knowledge I have gained from those experiences.

You’ll have to read “Outwitting the Devil” for more on this – and I’ve actually spoken about this particular section of Hill’s life in emails prior to this, but for now, on to the main “meat” of today’s post!

So, ever since I’ve been back, folks have been commenting – and yesterday I met up with my water supplier – the guy who delivers them large buckets of water to my house.

I’m a bonafide water drinking maniac, as you might imagine, and I go through those 18 liter bottles pretty quickly.

So as the guy climbed up to the 5th floor where I live (no elevators!) with a large bottle in each hand – a superlative way to get a great GRIP and overall BODY workout in by the way – which is something I’ve mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness – we met and shook hands.

And his grip, despite his daily job for some odd reason felt a lot weaker than it did last year.

And then it came.

“I haven’t met you in a year! You’re far stronger now!”

I smiled, and corrected him.

“Not a year. Seven months, perhaps a bit more, but not a year”.

He nodded. “Well, you’re certainly a lot stronger!”

And the reason I mention this?

Well, first to show you just how well the 0 Excuses Fitness System works – – even in a less than desirable environment for working out.

Back where I was in India I had NO hills. I did sprints galore, but finding a place to do them in that congested city was tough, tough and tougher.

I didn’t visit a gym – as I never do. I had to change my preferred time of working out (early afternoon) to late evening most of the time – and I did it – successfully.

And a lot more – and I still made gains – big time!

Grip wise, here is another key – the HIGHER your pull-up bar is located, the better grip workout – and overall pull-up workout you’ll get!

This may sound like a silly thing to say, but the pull of gravity is very real – try it yourself, and you’ll see.

And of course – this wouldn’t be complete without another ode to that great exercise – the PUSHUP.

In Gorilla Grip I mention I hadn’t done grip specific exercises for months prior to writing the course, and yet my grip was stronger than ever before. While this is hard for some folks to digest – and believe – it is NIGH TRUE – and if you do as Emerson once said i.e. DO the thing – then you too, my friend – will HAVE the power!

So that’s the news for today, my friend. If you workout today – make it a great, great one – and let me know how it went!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S – Here is where you can get your paws on the legendary fitness system that has been turning couch potatoes, lardasses and buffet molesters all over the globe into bonafide fitness MONSTERS – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – And if you want to know what this “almost 38 year old” does to look “like that 25 year old there” – well – HERE is where you can get your hands on the info – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/

What “Doctor Rahul” ordered ….
- The perfect "prescription" for life long health, strength and FITNESS!

Dear Reader,

As we charge along into the New Year, I’ll share an interesting conversation I had with a Face book contact last night – or part of it, at any rate, hehe.

I share this not just because what I had to say to this man will be immensely helpful for many of you reading this but also to reemphasize the value of the BASICS done right. Done right, the basics are literally all you need – and they benefit your entire body in ways that you’ll comprehend only after you actually DO the exercises.

And before I begin – disclaimer – as I state in all my books and courses, what is being said here isn’t intended to be taken as medical advice. That said, it’s probably way better than the “pill popping” prescriptions handed out galore by the good Doctors all over the globe …

On an unrelated note, I could never quite understand why folks keep their medicine kits at home full and stacked with all sorts of medicines at all times.

True, it’s always good to be prepared for emergencies, but curiously enough, it is these same people that are constantly afflicted with the sniffles – cold and cough – upset stomach’s – fever – and thus forth.

While I’m not against stocking a few basic essential in one’s cabinet, to pack it full with medicines regularly to me suggests one is preparing to “fall ill” – – as opposed to expecting health!

Yours truly NEVER has any medicines in his cabinet. Perhaps an antiseptic or two for unexpected cuts, but that’s about it – and guess what – I NEVER, EVER fall sick despite my extremely hectic schedule – and my “less than ideal” diet etc.

If anything, it’s the exact opposite. I’m a couple of days away from my 38th birthday – – and I was recently referred to as “that 25 year old I saw”!

If there’s ever a better testament to my workout routine and lifestyle in general (and bear in mind, you TOO can get the same benefits), I don’t know what it is!

With that in mind, and also what I said above, let’s dive in to the rest of today’s post.

What are the some of the best exercises to get in shape, Rahul? A tight body – but not like the gym breds. Am referring to freehand and bodyweight.

My response

The same thing I keep talking about in my posts. Brief, intense workouts that work the body as a whole – and get the heart pounding – BIG time!

Gym bodies are useless. No functional strength or fitness.

Do sprints – run hills – or probably one of the best … Hindu squats and pushups. Plenty more but the latter are a great start for someone that might not have worked out in a while. Just make sure you don’t overdo the squats when you begin!

(bear in mind I’m quoting verbatim here, hence the “conversational” nature of what is written above).

This gentleman then went on to say that he could do squats – but he probably missed the “Hindu” part in there.

I can do 100 or more squats in intervals of 25. These are full squats – not the half ones. But my body is terribly weak in other areas.

My response –

No – I don’t mean regular bodyweight squats. I mean Hindu squats – and not in intervals of 25. Do them in sets of 100 (work up to it). Once you do, try not to go beyond 3 minutes/set. The ultimate aim is 500/set.

But if you’re more interested in upper body – and if you’re as weak as you say – what I’d recommend is different styles of pushups. Not just the regular pushups although those are good, sure …

Now, there is more to this conversation, but what I said above is excellent advice for many of you that want to get into REAL shape (as opposed to “gym shape”) – and is also excellent advice for those of you interested in fat loss, six packs and REAL health. 

It is also the sort of advice I give my clients that work with me one on one – and get results. Of course, that advice is far more detailed and tailored to the individual in question, but for now, a couple more things.

First, there is a WORLD of difference between regular bodyweight squats and Hindu squats.

The former is a good option – but the Hindu squats truly blow regular squats out of the water and then some.

Believe me now and trust me later, these will give you a far more vigorous upper body workout, and your heart will be pounding during the workout – BIG time. Not only that, the swinging motion required with your arms (during the up phase of the movement) gives you an excellent shoulder, chest and upper back workout as well.

And while the detail are somewhat hard to explain in an email – I’ve explained the form in the Videos – so if you aren’t already doing these regularly, start NOW.

Just make sure not to overdo ’em when you first start – – and that goes for you gym monsters out there than can squat an elephant too!

Second, pushups are truly an overall body workout. There is a reason I advocated pushups to the guy in question above – and there is a reason I say pushups are truly the BIG DOG of the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and indeed the fitness world.

Do different style of pushups on a regular basis – and incorporate the deep breathing techniques – and you’ll find your upper body getting stronger after just a few workouts.

You’ll find the “weak spots” disappearing quickly – and you’ll also find that your entire body – including your LEGS – also get stronger from doing pushups the right way!

Last, but not least, make sure to incorporate some heart pounding elements into your workout as well – although if you do Hindu squats and pushups the right way, you will find these give you exactly that effect – and then some!

So that’s today’s advice – and thats “Doctor Rahul’s” prescription for those of you that are open enough to accept it.

Read – absorb – and then DO!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And yes, the 0 Excuses Fitness System truly IS the best fitness system out there on the planet – a system you can do anywhere – and a system that gives you results quickly, and CONTINUES doing so as long as you DO the thing. Here is where you can grab it – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Training – in reverse!
- The first workout in 2019!

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year!! As the mists fade away and 2018 recedes into the background, we’ve got a NEW and ABUNDANT year to look forward to – and as I said yesterday, the very best thing to do to usher it in – or to welcome it, for that matter is to do something you should be doing religiously daily anyway.

That being to partake of a hard, hard workout – a hard,vigorous workout that builds strength and muscle – increases flexibility – and burns fat like crazy  – an all in one workout if I might say so.

Sure, you already know the System that gives you this workout, and here is where … but wait. That wasn’t the point at all!

What I’ve been focusing on the last couple of training sessions, and what I focused upon today was a nifty little trick I’ve spoken about often – most specifically in Eat More – Weigh Less – -a trick which gets results, and QUICK at that – and HOW.

And yet, despite its extreme efficacy in terms of building those parts of the body that are generally flat out ignored during most training programs, this little trick is usually glossed over and NOT incorporated as well.

What is that you ask?

Well it’s this – training – but doing so in REVERSE.

I’ve written about this before, and no, as I’ve said before, it doesn’t mean your results go in reverse. It means you do – but in a good way.

Today’s Jan 1 2019 workout was one of the simpler ones, and one undertaken in pretty darn cold weather, at least by my standards.

The temperature was about 3 degrees Centigrade – by itself perhaps not a lot for those of you used to sub zero temperatures, but man oh man the wind chill made it feel a lot worse!

A lot worse – and I had three layers of clothing on as I completed my simple workout today – which consisted of two things – plenty of hill climbs – and pull-ups – and an “all in one” body stretch at the end of it that I’ve spoken about before.

During this workout, not one – but two layers of clothing came off – so profusely did I start panting and sweating – and a lot of this was due to the reverse nature of my workout.

It’s hard enough doing bear crawls uphill, but try doing them with your butt pointed “topwards” as it were – and THEN tell me. 

Add crab walks and sprints into the mix, and you’ll both see – and FEEL – what I’m talking about. Even most advanced trainees would be hard pressed to complete more than a few sets of these on flat ground – let alone an incline -or a hill.

I’ve been sorer than sore, by the way, in my CALVES over the past few days – as well as hamstrings.

Those two areas, of course are vitally important to train, but they rarely ever get the attention they deserve, while the quads end up getting max priority.

Now there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with quad work. After all, they’re the largest muscle group in your body – but the hamstrings and calves are equally important to train – and STRETCH out as well.

And as I completed that all in one final stretch I’m talking about – one that the old man in China does religiously do – I literally felt ON TOP of the world – both literally, figuratively and MENTALLY.

Believe me  now and trust me later, a good, good hamstring stretch is one of the very best things you can do for yourself!

As for the rest of the “reverse” nature of my workout?

Well, you’ll see plenty of it in Eat More – Weigh Less – – a course you really must have if you’re serious about dropping flabbage and getting the fittest you’ve ever been in 2019 – -and STAYING that way.

Grab the course TODAY – – and as always, let me know how you do with the reverse workouts – I bet you my bottom “RMB” they’ll kick your ass from here to tomorrow in
NO time flat!

Ok, my friend, that’s it for now. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be sure too, to grab Corrugated Core while you’re at it – a book that guides you along to getting that 12 pack of your dreams – yes, especially the lower abs as well! Here is where you can get your paws on this little gem of a course – – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/