Living “as if”

Dear Reader,

A couple of years ago (in 2015 to be precise) a series of events occured in my life that I never “consciously” thought would occur – but occur they did.

I’m not talking fitness – or money – or anything of that sort. I’m talking life – and I’m talking emotions as powerful as man can experience – emotions that quite literally “took me to another plane of living” in many ways.

This rollercoaster ride lasted a while, and at the end of it, for various reasons and although I did NOT know it at the time, the “final” phase of my fitness journey to the goal I had in mind started.

I say final in quotes because it’s the journey that counts. And though I’ve achieved the goal I set for myself – I’ve set more, and continue to work towards those.

That’s just how life is, my friend. There’s no”stagnation” – both physically and mentally.

The minute you think you’ve “arrived” in whichever sense and figure you’ve got to do nothing else is the minute you start sliding downhill – FAST – and usually to a place that is BELOW where you were when you first started.

This a truism, and holds true for life as well as it does fitness – and I’ll bet those of you that are reading this agree with me. If it rings true, well – – it probably IS true, as they say!

Anyway, I was spurred on to that final phase by yet another emotion that drove me as if I was possessed.

At the time of achieving this fitness goal I had for myself, I never once saw myself (in my mind’s eye) as anything BUT haven’t achieved it.

I never saw myself as “not being able to achieve it”. There were no ifs, no buts, no maybe’s – – and while yes, getting down to brass tacks and actually DOING were the physical actions that transformed my reality – the mental aspect of this cannot be understated.

Lots of folks start out with good intentions, and stay on track for a month – or two months – or perhaps more – but unless that fire is brewing within – unless you’ve really got a passion for achieving whatever it is you set out to – chances are you’ll “slow down along the way”.

And thats not good, my friend. The key, or one of them, to achieving any goal is to keep the fire brewing – to have that WHITE HOT flame of desire percolating underneath your desire at all times – and boy was that case with me at the time I’m mentioning!

And “living as if” is one of the ways to keep the enthusiasm high – and to make yourself believe “internally” that YES – you WILL accomplish the goal.

Once you start living “as if”, and work on getting the right pictures to your subconscious – a “new you” takes over, although  you don’t know or see it as yet.

The beached whale may look like a tub of lard on the outside right NOW – but make no mistake – the minute he sets his mental programming on the right track is the minute he ACTS differently – and physical results start to follow soon thereafter.

Tangible, physical results.

When I cranked out my squats during that period, I never thought of “500 at a go being tough”.

I didn’t think of the hikes at 530 in the morning (and I ain’t a morning person by a long shot) being “impossible” or that “I wouldn’t wake up”. In fact I didn’t even need an alarm to wake up most of the time, such was the intensity of that DESIRE.

When I set a goal to accomplish 100 or more pull-ups in a workout, not for a minute did I believe I would never do it.

Yes, I didn’t know how to initially – but I always knew I’d find the way – and find it I did – and HOW!

And so forth.

So that’s today’s tip, my friend. Live “as if” – both while working out – and in terms of life in general. You’ll be nigh amazed at what you’ll accomplish if you incorporate this little gem into your routine.

Ok – thats it for now. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – A huge, huge thanks to all our readers for reading – – and an even bigger thanks to those of you that have been customers and continue to do so. It was the one year “anniversary” for this particular site yesterday, and we’ve come a long, long way … Speaking of which, it’s also the sixth anniversary of my old fitness site which I’m not currently working upon but will. Got big plans for that one – stay tuned!

P.S #2 – And for you workout maniacs out there – there’s literally no better way to celebrate this festive occasion by pounding out a few of the quick’n’dirty routines I give in the System. They won’t just get your heart and lungs pumping to the max – they’ll get you BELIEVING – and you’ll get a helluva workout to boot as well. Check out the System right here if you so choose – –

Why you should choose your personal trainer carefully …

Dear Reader,

Was at the park today, and I saw a personal trainer training a couple of folks out there – a guy that I had seen last week too, I believe.

The trainer himself was one of those big, beefy sorts that looked like he spent quite a lot of time working his arms and chest – – but as is the norm with a lot of gym goers, pretty much nothing on the upper back and legs.

While he didn’t quite have the “pelican leg” syndrome, his legs were nowhere near the size or shape they should be in – and he had the hint (more, actually) of a beer belly poking out under his shirt.

All good considering he was doing a lot of things RIGHT in terms of training the guy and a young lady training with him.

For starters, there was no nonsensical gym equipment. It was bodyweight training, and although it could be done better – FAR better – for FAR better results, at least it was a start.

There was no nonsensical preening and posing either. I remember a gym I visited once in China (termed “Muscle Beach Gym”) and there was a female trainer literally “massaging” her client – – not AFTER a workout – – but while she was doing overhead presses (seated, at that) with little pink dumbells.

I got more than a few cold stares when I guffawed loudly as well as a snide “we don’t want Crossfitters here”.

And my response?

“Cross fit sucks. I can do things with my body that neither you or the vast bulk of Crossfitters can”, I said, while looking the meathead straight in the eye, and after giving me the “up and down” once, he figured “discretion was the better part of valor” in terms of this particular argument.

Hey – don’t doubt it – I’d put him on the pull-up bar with me on a jiffy and prove it too! Hehe …

But anyway, back to the trainer at the park.

Normally, this dude doesn’t have the couple do any pulling exercises whatsoever. He has them do modified burpees as well as a light jog in the park, and some light rope jumping along with a few stretches, and that’s that.

A slow ass 45 minute workout that our 0 Excuses Fitness brethren wouldn’t even break a sweat doing.

And judging by the looks of the couple, it wasn’t doing much in terms of either fat loss or increase in strength / stamina.

After the instructor (and the couple) saw me pounding out pull-ups and doing monkey bar work by their side, they decided to incorporate it too into their routine.

Gal was asked to try the monkey bar swings, and she gave up without even trying. Trainer wouldn’t even goad her into trying to do it. All he did was smile and say OK …

Guy jumps up, and furiously flails about on the bars before a) gripping it incorrectly and b) kicking so much with his legs that I was wondering if he was in an elementary TaeKWondo class or doing monkey bar work.

Probably the former in his mind!

And sad part is, the trainer himself probably had NO inkling of the fact that he was gripping it incorrectly – or that he shouldn’t be kicking around. He did mention something about his “turn not being correct”, but thats about it.

In Gorilla Grip, and Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks – – I go into both these issues as well as more issues that personal trainers for the most part do not address, and are usually unaware of. Issues that not only hinder progress – – but also cause injuries in the shoulder area, especially when swinging oneself around.

Crowning point of all this, of course was when they got down for their burpees.

The couple barely bent their arms during the pushup, and the trainer did one ” to show them how it was done”, and that was that.

And that was that for the session. There was some discussion about fees, but that, for the most part was that.

Huh?? You call that training? I wanted to ask the couple this, but didn’t …

Aside from all the other stuff, in the 0 Excuses Fitness System I don’t just TEACH you how to do the exercises.

I don’t just tell you to “drop and give me a 100 – or 250”!

NO – I pound ’em right THERE  WITH YOU – as it should be DONE!

A true personal trainer should be one that can DO the exercises with you, or at least do ’em enough to work up a good sweat with you.

A real personal trainer should motivate and inspire folks that can’t do a certain exercise to GO FOR IT – with vim, vigor and GUSTO rather than just say “OK”, and be done with it!

And of course, a real personal trainer should know what the hell they’re on about when it comes to training.

None of this, of course is anything against the trainer himself. Nicest guy possible from what I could tell, but his methods were WAY off. Maybe I’ll  offer to help him out a bit the next time – or maybe not.

We’ll see – stay posted for further updates on that!

In the meantime, remember that if you’re looking for real life, no nonsense fitness coaching that WILL get you in the best shape of your life – – then apply here and we’ll have you sorted ASAP.

But remember. This is only for serious trainees who TRAIN HARD – with NO excuses brooked or tolerated.

If you’re part of the “Oh, let’s just do the easy stuff” – then this probably ain’t for you.

If you’re part of the very large majority that is satisfied with “ego boosts” as opposed to real personal training – – then this sure as heck ain’t for you.

But if you’re truly interested in getting in the best shape of your life – both mentally and physically – then guess what. I’m right here for you!

Here is that link again –

I look forward to serving you.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget to check out our products page (new and revamped) right HERE – –

The story of the hungry caterpillar

Dear Reader,

Well, well, well – we’ve had some great feedback in response to Marc’s very motivational story I shared the other day !

I’ll share some of the feedback here later, but suffice it to say that we’ll be hearing more good stuff from Marc “by and by” as we go on. He’s got plenty to share with y’all, and ALL of it is just as much fitness related as it is life.

Going on from that though – from gorilla grips and “gorilla like shoulders“, hehe – we go to the perhaps the exact metamorphical opposite – that being the caterpillar.

What gives, you ask? Am I coming out with “caterpillar fitness” next?

Nah – not quite as yet – but it bears saying that right about after I sent that last email out, my little girl approached me with a request.

She had a story in mind (at the age of 4 and a half – go figure, eh?) and she didn’t just “have it in mind”.

No, she wanted to put it on paper – despite not knowing the words to do so with – and unwittingly or not the story she told me (and that I wrote in CURSIVE) has a direct cross over to fitness.

In fact, and to be even more specific, it contains a very important key not just to getting fit – – but to also “avoid falling off the fitness wagon” – a key that I cover in the Simple and Effective Diet as part of the rules I lay out, but a key that is oft missed by readers.

By the way, that little manual is FREE – FREE when you invest in the 0 Excuses System as part of the package – so you may want to grab the entire “shebang” right HERE – – Believe me, it’s the best investment you can make in your health and fitness — so do so today!

And once thats done, check out my little girl’s story for yourself – – and let me know if you can find the “secret” – – it’s right there under your nose if you look!



Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – We’ll be sharing more fitness stories as we go along – – so stay tuned. And if you haven’t yet gotten yer paws on the System – which in itself is one of the MOST motivational fitness manuals you’ll EVER read – well, here is where to do it – and do it RIGHT NOW – –

P.S. #2 – Why did I write in cursive? Why not type on the ‘puter? Well, thats a tale for another time – stay tuned on that one too!

An African Silverback Gorilla speaks

Dear Reader,

Well, while we’re on the theme of gorilla grips – and bite marks, hehe – let’s talk about a man who in terms of physique resembles an African silver back gorilla minus the hair far, far more than he does “home sapien”, hehe.

This man is an accomplished boxer and martial artist, as well as a GOOD man overall – – someone whose always willing to go the extra mile (of his own accord, mine you) to help someone that really, really needs it – and believe me, I’ve been in those shoes before (really needing it). Oh YES, I have …

Other than his obvious physical skills and the twin lumps of brawn on his upper arms he calls “shoulders” (I call ’em cannonballs, hehe) – – he’s also dabbled a bit into writing, and today’s dispatch will be from HIM.

And as promised in the last email – – it’ll be HIS success story. Raw and uncensored, and straight from the horse’s … ok, gorilla’s, hehe, mouth.

Here goes!

Well, I’m no writer like Rahul is but I’ll do my best to convey some experiences and motivation.

I used to race road bikes, unsuccessfully mind you but I loved it nonetheless. When I relocated to Asia, more then 7 years ago, I stopped riding. I made all kinds of excuses for it, it’s too dangerous, there’s too much pollution, I don’t have time, blah, blah, blah… Excuses excuses excuses…

I’m sure all of you readers know what I’m talking about. At that time, I really believed myself that those excuses were valid and warranted.

But one day, for some reason, I decided to get back on the saddle. I set my alarm for 5 am and reluctantly got up, pumped air in the tires, filled the water bottles and out I went. I then discovered a beautiful ride in a park only a few km from my house. I hit the wall after only 15 km and limped back home. For those of you not familiar with cycling, hitting the wall is when your muscles are depleted of glycogen and you are solely relying on oxygen to generate power. It sucks, every pedal stroke is torture. Needless to say, I was out of shape and needed to put miles in my legs.

There’s something special about cycling. It’s highly addictive. I don’t know if any of you like role playing games but cycling is a lot like playing a RPG and leveling up your character. Every ride you log in makes you stronger and faster. I have a natural affinity for the sport and I usually improve extremely fast.

I have high blood pressure and prior to starting to ride, I lost 10 kg and was able to cut my dosage in half. Since I started riding, only a couple of months ago, I am now almost off the medication completely. I am averaging over 30km/h and almost 300 watts and I’m just getting started. I am so used to getting up at 5 that I barely need an alarm anymore. It’s part of my routine. They say it can take between 6 months to a year to make changes become a permanent part of your life but it can be faster.

So all this to say; at the end of the day, we all have tons of excuses to not do what we wish we could do but in the end, the only person stopping us from doing it is ourselves and the only way to get it done is like Nike says so well, Just do it. I know it sounds oversimplified and it really is that simple. If you want to do something, just get up in the morning and get it done. Make the time for it like it’s your new religion. Workout like someone is watching you and finally, just keep at it. You will be surprised how fast your body adapts and changes. Take your small victories where you can take them. You won’t beat records every day but you should beat your own limits regularly.

And the most important of all, have fun.

Take care


My response: –

Marc, my BROTHER

This is great, and congratulations on your multiple achievements!! Getting your weight down the way you have is no mean feat given the other issues you’re dealing with, and what you say about no longer being on blood pressure meds – – well – – KUDOS to you on that achievement as well!

Two things about your email stand out – – 1) ZERO excuses and 2) Your statement about “Just do it”.

There is damn good reason behind this site being named “0 Excuses Fitness”, and an even better reason for the “Just do it” tagline (which I changed over the last few weeks as a test, but is, curiously enough BACK now). One of my Italian students that used to learn English from me (a former army man and wrestler) loved it as well – – he took one look at the site and nodded his head knowingly.

As Emerson said, do the thing and you shall have the power. You’re part of the rare breed that doesn’t just “sit and dream”. You formulate goals – and then put them into ACTION – and the results are showing!

Your email also brought back some very pleasant memories of me waking up at 5:30 A.M. in the mornings in China to go hiking. ‘Twas so dark on the hill I’d be using my smartphone for illumination, hehe … until dawn broke, by which time I’d already completed two rounds and was raring to go for a third before my pull-ups.

Last, but not least, this was an awesome piece of writing. Keep at it, and like you say – – you can only get better and better at it!

Thanks again for sending this in – – I’m sure our readers will get mucho inspiration from YOUR story!



Indeed, my friend. Indeed!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’ve got inspirational stories of your own to share – send ’em in – and I’ll post ’em in my daily newsletter!

P.S #2 – Marc as you might imagine is still proceeding on his fitness journey. He’s well aware that accomplishing one goal doesn’t mean sitting back on his rumpus and “being complacent” about it, and I’ve no doubt he’s trying to better P.R.’s as I type this. As he should. If you enjoyed this little dispatch from him – – let me know – – and I’ll pass on the feedback to him so he can keep updating us on his fitness journey!

What is Success?

Dear Reader,

It’s one of the often discussed topics, isn’t it?

We hear the world success all the time – but what exactly entails success? Money? Power? Wealth?

More “bling”? Being able to keep up with the Jones? Being “high and mighty” and attempting to “lord it over” the have-nots?

All of this, and above is what is commonly thought of as one, or the primary hallmark of success, and I’m here to tell you today that it ain’t so. In fact it REALLY ain’t so.

Real success is actually the polar opposite of all the above …

What IS it, then?

Success is being willing to dream – dream BIG – but more importantly, LATCH on to that dream for dear LIFE – and NEVER BE WILLING to let go, no matter what!

Success, in other words, is to grasp your DREAM – no matter how insurmountable it might seem – BELIEVE in yourself – and then latch on to that dream with a bonafide Gorilla Grip (which, incidentally is the product that sells, and has sold the most for me – go figure, eh?).

On that note, I’ve got bite marks on my right hand today. My little gorilla got overzealous with her gorilla grip today, hehe, and I had to take my hand away or else she’s probably have taken a chunk out of it much as a real gorilla might, hehe.

Success is having an iron will – and about knowing that important as willpower is your IMAGINATION is truly what conquers the world.

As many thinkers over the ages have put it – – the greatest nation on Earth is none other than you IMAGINATION. And it’s true, my friend. It’s true. And success is being able to – or willing to – imagine – and then BELIEVE in the power of that imagination.

Success is staring failure in the eye, and giving it a liver shot – – and doing so over and over again until  it STAYS down.

As Rocky said, “it’ll beat to your knees no matter how strong you are, and it’ll KEEP you there – if you LET it”. That’s straight out of Rocky Balboa, and it ‘s a quote to remember and live your life by, my friend.

Success is seeing zeros in your bank account and knowing – nay – BELIEVING – with an iron will and cast iron mind – that better, much better lies ahead.

Success is about ignoring those who laugh at your dreams and say you’re a fool (or worse) for believing in them – and about setting out to prove to the world that dreams DO indeed come true.

Success is about remembering the following line “Tell the world what you’re going to do – but SHOW them first” (Napoleon Hill).

Success is about ignoring friends and family members who “know it won’t work” and carry one nonetheless.

Success is about NOT giving up when all seems lost. Success is about NOT giving up when it seems like it’s the point of “no-return” (and indeed, the greatest success often occur at this point).

Success, my friend is about all this — and about a lot more — but it’s NOT just about accumulating riches – – or the latest fancy Lamborghini. Sure, those are great – and don’t get me wrong – we’d all love a Ferrari or two, but they aren’t by any yardstick the only measure of greatness or success.

And much more, but talk to any successful person in any area of life and chances are they’ll agree and more.

In terms of fitness, the same thing holds true.

The person who is “naturally thin” (or a beanpole) ain’t any more successful than someone whose slogged for ages to get the weight off – and KEEP it off.

The person whose got “good genetics” isn’t any more successful for his or her 12 pack than the person whose sweated it out galore to GET those abs.

In fact, external trappings of success only last so often if the internal you doesn’t believe you’re a success – or if you haven’t ever taken any action to be successful (case in point being “rich kids” – the “spoiled brats” as it were –  and God knows there’s plenty of them where I live right about now, hehe).

‘Tis fact, my friend. ‘Tis fact, and I’lll close on that note.

But wait – before we go – I’ll bring you a real success story tomorrow – fitness wise, that is – from my buddy Marc.

He’s been attempting to lose the extra flab around his core and midsection for a while now and generally get into overall better shape – – and I’ll share part of his story in tomorrow’s email.

I’m sure it’ll inspire, just as this email did – so stay tuned!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – More such success stories – and success philosophy is mentioned in the 10 Commandments of Physical Success in the 0 Excuses Fitness System and I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if any ONE of these stories don’t inspire you to become a better YOU today, my friend. Grab the system right now, and see for yourself – –

When someone says “never”

Dear Reader,

I cannot count how many times people have told me (either directly or indirectly) that “it’s never going to happen” – – and it HAS.

For instance, I’ve always had a dream of working for myself – doing my own thang – and yet, over the years, EVERY time I’ve announced this dream to someone I’ve got the same response.

“It’ll never happen”.

“You’re better off doing what everyone else does”.

Yada, Nada Schana.


The vast majority of people “do what everyone else does” because deep down, they believe they don’t have a choice – even though we ALL have a choice.

Ever wondered how the great achievers of our world achieved what they did?

They didn’t sit around waiting for “others approval” to do it. They didn’t “ask for permission”.

They weren’t in the least bit concerned about what others thought of ’em.

Edison was branded a failure practically from the age of 6 or so – and yet, years later, his dogged persistence and his refusal to “accept the norm” led to him becoming one of the most celebrated inventors in the whole world.

Ditto for Napoleon Hill, whose by far one of the inspiring figures I’ve read about (and continue to do so). Hill went through several years where everyone “doubted” him – included his own family – and was urged repeatedly to “take the safe option”.

Yet he didn’t. He persisted. And look at the results today.

When I first started writing my books, EVERYONE told me it wouldn’t work.

Even those that were supposed to be the closest to me told me “it was an useless pursuit”. That “no-one will buy from you”.  You’re better off doing it as a “side thing”.

And if I had ever announced doing what I do now – which is to work from home – they’d probably fly off the rooftops in shock.

‘Tis astounding, but the negativity (either intentional or unintentional) you get when you announce your goals to others is so strong that you’re better off NOT telling anyone what your goal is.

I highly recommend this if you have goals that “scare” the average person deep down inside. Goals that they’ve never achieved – and yet see fit to lecture others about.

As Napoleon Hill said “Tell the world what you’re gonna do – but SHOW ’em first!”

In terms of fitness, what does all this mean?

Well – simple – if you’re currently 400 lbs and  at beached whale status, the LAST thing you want to do is tell the world how fit you’ll become (well, other than those you really trust and those you think won’t impart negative momentum to your journey – but its still best to keep such goals to yourself).

Believe me, I’ve been there. If I had told the doubters what I was going to do “back then” – I would have received nothing but scorn and derision.

Not that it would have stopped me. It never has – but I’m about as a stubborn in these matters as Jonah’s mule (I believe it was Jonah? Hehe …)

If you’re currently at the stage you cannot do a single pull-up, for instance – here’s what you do – you take ACTION.

You crack open “Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD within a few weeks” – and you implement what’s been written.

If you’re currently obese, then start with 0 Excuses Fitness, and quietly begin to  IMPLEMENT what it says.

Before, and along with implementation make sure you have a mental picture in your mind of what you want to achieve, and keep revisiting that mental picture OVER AND OVER again in your mind whether or not you think it makes any sense or not.

Believe me, this visualization works. ‘Tis something I talk about often, and with good reason – and you can use it in ANY area of your life.

As for the naysayers?

Well, use their negativity as a force to propel yourself towards what you want.

When I get a negative comment, I often raise my hands to the ceiling afterwards and let out a whoop of joy. This was something highly recommended by Dan Kennedy, master marketer and public speaker (amongst others) and it is something I recommend YOU do as well, my friend.

And after this, I continue on with whatever it was that I was doing – with vim, vigor and GUSTO – and utter disdain for the naysayers. Let them “neigh”, hehe.

As Emerson rightly said, “nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm”.

‘Tis true, my friend. ‘Tis true – both for the physical self as well as other accomplishments.

Ok, thats it for now. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If this email fires you up and has you “raring to go” – well – congratulations. You’re officially in the very ultra rare group of DOERS whose willing to brave any and ALL obstacles and do what it takes to achieve your goal. Fitness wise, here are the tools to do it with – –

250, 1000, 500, 250

Dear Reader,

Well, though I’d love to put a few more zeros and a couple more $$ signs behind those numbers up there and tell  you you won the “unexpected lottery”  I can’t do that in good faith, can I? Hehe.

Nah- those were my workout numbers today and what a workout it was to be sure!

I did pushups today, sure – some of them straight out of 0 Excuses Fitness, but they didn’t figure in the numbers above. In fact I only did a measly 50 pushups today before I collapsed and called it a day.

What did I do, then?

Well, I did about 5 HARD rounds on the heavy bag, for one. I hit that sucker HARD and heavy for 5 minutes bouts, and between that?

I did an old favorite of mine – something I used to do way back in the day. Something that strips oodles of fat off anyone who does it for any length of time. Something that is WAY better than “long slow distance” cardio.

And what that BE, you ask?

Well – jumping rope, my friend.

Jumping rope is one of the most effective, yet most overlooked training exercises out there. One of the best investments you can make in yourself (fitness wise) is to buy yourself a good quality jump rope.

Believe me, you’ll have the workout of your life – once you get in good enough shape to jump rope for any length of time.

Most folks would be hard pressed to pound out 25 regular jumps in good form and cadence – let alone multiply those numbers by 10 – or 100, for that matter.

And when we’re talking backwards – forwards – diagonal jumps – and many, many more styles – well, I could literally write an entire BOOK on this, and still think of more ways to utilize this excellent piece of workout equipment.

So  if that is something y’all be interested in, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. It’s currently NOT in the works – but all depends upon the feedback I get on this one!

Now in the meantime, what if you don’t know the different variations (and believe me, there’s tons that are NOT readily apparent) – or aren’t in any sort of shape to jump rope to start with?

Well, simple.

You put an image in your mind of what it is you are trying to accomplish. The end result. In this case that’s a fit YOU. A svelte, fit YOU!

Then you crack open the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and get started on the following – –

Hindu Squats, regular pushups, “table pushups” and the bridge.

Start by weaving a workout around these exercises. You might not be able to do very many when you first start out, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the flab will start flying off in record times. In fact, it’s NOT a stretch to say you’ll be literally “attracting” fitness when you bear the above in mind, and do the right exercises!

Or (bearing in mind the subject of this dispatch) should I say you’ll be attracting the “bling of fitness”, hehe.

Pretty soon you’ll be in such excellent shape that when you DO get that jump rope – a 100 or so at a go won’t  be a big deal at all.

So take the first step now, my friend. GET in that sort of shape by following what I mention in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and write back – and tell me about your fitness journey – I’ll share your tales with the world!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And yes, the System contains several sample workouts that could also be termed as “ball busters”. Your heart will feel like it’s raced several miles by the time 10 or 15 minutes are over – and you’ll get benefits far OUT Of proportion to the time you put in. Check it out now, and find out for yourself right HERE –

“Let’s see him take one to the gut”

Dear Reader,

Back in Feb 2018, during Lunar New Year ’18, I was at my friends house eating dinner.

Was a good ole chicken and rice dinner – – “butter” chicken was what my buddy (he of the Marines, I’m sure you know who I’m talking about!) had prepared.

Now this is an Indian delicacy – NOT one I partake of a lot as if there’s ONE food item that adds lard to the midsection within minutes of Advanced Hill Training taking it OFF – “butter chicken” or “chicken tikka masala” as the West knows it is IT. 

But he did up a pretty good meal, I must admit, and as we ate, we spoke about core training.

As we spoke, a friend of mine came up – a guy who I admire greatly, and who has background in a variety of martial arts, wrestling as well as boxing.

He’s a big strong guy that loves the gym, but strangely enough for one that was involved in a lot of said sports, he’s not much of a one, if at all, for bodyweight exercises.

And his gut shows it. He’s got one of those massive “hard” guts that don’t jiggle when you hit it – which  may sound better than the “jiggly” bellies in theory but it’s not – that subcutaneous fat is a walking invitation to heart disease down the road.

‘Tis something you often see amongst gym goers and bodybuilders alike, along with the “pelican” sydrome as well (teeny weeny chicken legs and a gigantic overdeveloped torso about to topple over like a house of cards on fire).

“He can hit hard, I agree”, I mused. “But he’s way out of shape for a boxer, I must say!”

My friend nodded.

“Heck yeah. Let’s see him take one to the GUT!”

I then invited my friend to “take a few shots” at my midsection.

“Nah”, he said, shaking his head. “I’d be wasting my time!”

Now just so you know, and those reading these dispatches for a while know, my friend from the Marines ain’t no slouch himself. He’s the next best thing to “Giant Gonzalez” (at least judging by those battletank shoulders of his) – and he TOO has background in boxing.

I’ve heard he once punched straight THROUGH a heavy bag and kept going. Ouch!

But he was right in a way.

The Average Joe, and gym goer alike (notwithstanding the fact that most folks that fall into these categories do NOT know how to throw a punch correctly) would be hard pressed to even hurt me if they hit me in the midsection.

In fact, and as I noted in a prior email, it would likely hurt them more than it did me.

This was something emphasized by all the old timers, none more so than Martin Farmer Burns, old time strongman and wrestlers – him of the “hangman’s drop” and 20 inch neck.

In his 1914 mail order course “Lessons in wrestling and physical culture” he wrote that his own abdominal muscles, while soft enough when relaxed were so well developed that when “set” a man could hit with all his force, and he would hardly even feel it.

He also emphasizes the virtues of deep breathing in this and other regards – something I highly advocate as well – so much so that it’s a staple in most of my courses. And if you don’t see it in any one of them – let me know, and I’ll have it put in.

THAT is the goal I had for my abs – a goal I achieved, and a goal that is never ending in terms of how much I can progress further.

Now, I’ve told you before that reverse pushups are one of the BEST ways to develop that set of abs – as well as ab strength from Cain – and I’m not backtracking on this.

In fact, the exercise above is something you need to get cracking on asap, and do so the right way (believe me, a lot of the literature out there on it is utter tosh) if you’re even remotely interested in a set of washboard abs with REAL strength.

But there’s more to it. Far more to it, and in my new course “Corrugated Core“, I give you not one – but FIFTY different exercises, all of which by themselves are excellent for developing the entire midsection and giving you the sort of strength in the core thats mentioned above.

Not only that – remember that muscles by themselves are good, but are invisible if covered in a layer of fat.

And Corrugated Core covers this as well. You’ll literally be sweating off the flab as you go through these exercises – and no, you’ve NOT seen the vast bulk, if any, of these exercises before.

Don’t believe me? Think it’s marketing hype? Well, take this for starters – one of the exercises involves virtually nothing but stretching – on your stomach – and the amount of fat you’ll burn just doing THIS is tremendous, my friend.

That’s right. Just stretching, and thats just ONE of the exercises.

So if you’re even remotely interested in a solid, punch proof core – well, delay no  more, my friend. I’m currently offering this for a measly $54.99-  jump on it while the offer is GOOD!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is that link again –

I could eat a couple of Lieutenant’s for lunch

Dear Reader,

So, was chatting with one of my old friends the other day, and he made this comment.

He’s a retired Master Sergeant with over 20 years of experience, and we all know what that means, eh?

The gruff taskmaster. The “stern disciplinarian”. The “crank out 500 or else” kinda guy. And of course, a guy that chews broken nails and young Lieutenant’s for lunch …

And yet, curiously enough the guy I’m referring to is really none of any of the above.

I met him by chance through a website (which is probably no longer up) in 2003 in China, and this association culminated in us forming a website which at the time the city we were living in hadn’t seen the likes of.

In fact, the city  itself was in a nascent stage. If you were to compare “then” to “now” – you’ be nigh shocked at the transformation that has taken place. In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say you’d barely recognize the place at all …

“My life didn’t get this way until about 40 or so, Rahul … Your time will come … perhaps earlier …”

As a 23 year old (which is how old I was when I first showed up in China), I wasn’t doing too badly over there either.

Straight out of college, around six months of so of work experience, and I got catapulted into the world’s fastest growing economy – with a pretty decent compensation package to boot.

China back in the day … ah, it was VERY different from what it is today! Although I love China now too, the sheer sense of adventure back then was something that can possibly never be replicated on such a large scale anywhere in the world today – or at least, I’m yet to see it done anywhere else other than China.

Anyway, my buddy used to work for himself.

“My life these days is very relaxed, Rahul… Most of the time I wake up at 11:30, and do what I like …”

Note I’m quoting from memory. These were all email conversations – – and I do NOT have a history or logs – but those lines stuck in memory  – for a reason.

Though I was doing pretty well too, I had jobs that I HATED going in to, and was naturally curious as to how my buddy made his living.

I still remember a picture from the “old days” showing him with a huge grin on his face, about “12 sheets to the wind” if you get my drift at a local bar.

More than the drink or anything else, it was the sheer JOY – the EXHILARATION – the relaxed “I’m enjoying life” vibe that impressed me the most, and till date, 15 or so years later, I can still remember that picture as vividly as I could the first time I saw it.

My friend might not have realized but he was either consciously or unconsciously using the “law of attraction” – and the law of ABUNDANCE as well – which attracted abundance to him in all it’s shapes, forms and guises – and I’m talking financial abundance here.

And it wasn’t as if some genie had dropped money in his lap either. No sirreeeee ….

More on that later, but fitness wise, what does this have to do with YOU?

If you had told me in 2004 (when I was supposedly at the peak of my fitness) – – that I’d be in the sort of shape I am in today, I wouldn’t have thunk it possible.

I was fit back then sure – but couldn’t get rid of the man boobs. And my waist was nowhere near the 28 or so it is today. Sure, 32 ain’t bad – but 28’s better!

If you had told me this same thing in 2010 – or 2012 – or heck, even 2014 – I’d have laughed in your face and asked you what you were smoking.

And yet, here I am today – the fittest I’ve ever been, and going strong. As the guy on Facebook said the other day “A complete transformation”.

Most astounding part of all this is this – the MAIN transformation part took place in less than 3 months. Sure, there was “before that” and “after that” – – but the back of the fitness “challenge” was broken in less than 3 months to be honest.

And the exercises contained in Advanced Hill Training – and Pull-ups – STUD to Super Stud – played a massive role in this three month period.

Now, there’s plenty to take away from today’s email, folks. I’d suggest you read it once – then twice – and perhaps thrice – but the MAIN takeaway is this – dream, and dream BIG.

Never let anyone tell you what the “limits” are. There are usually none, and the ones that are there are usually self imposed and worthless.

Never let anyone distract you – or dissuade you – from trying to do what you REALLY wanted to do. If there is ONE person that introduced me to the concept of “work from home” as I do these days, it’s my buddy I referred to earlier – albeit unknowingly, and albeit the fact that he’s in a completely different line of work than I am.

And that’s that for today. Fitness wise, I’ve put the gauntlet out there. I’ve told you to dream – dream BIG. 

Dream of having not just the body you’ve always wanted – but MORE – and BETTER than what you wanted – and dream about it constantly.

Forget the derisive looks and snorts and glances behind you when you start implementing the exercises in Advanced Hill Training (which by the way CAN be done on flat land too). You’ll get those, and when you’re the fittest you’ve ever been, that derision will change to grudging admiration.

Dream – and then take action. And only you can take action and click that “order” button,  my friend. Here it is right now – –

I can’t do it for you. If you really, really want it – you’ll do it. If not, well, all good for me either way!

And before I end – – this email wouldn’t be complete without ONE thing – – Much respect, “General” Michael – – You’ve been an inspiration – – albeit unknowingly – – and we’ll meet up soon for a few cold ones!

Until next time, my Brother!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Oh, as for the “eat lieutenants part”? Well, you know how it goes … pulling rank and all that .. we were having THAT discussion!

P.S. #2 – “It’s a long and lonely road to the top … but boy is it WORTH IT!” – – Rahul Mookerjee, 2017.