The Magic Power of WORDS

Dear Reader,

A few years ago, I was going through an emotional crisis – one of the severest tests, if not THE severest in that regard that I had experienced in my life.

I had no clue on how to process a lot of the feelings running through my mind at that time. At times I didn’t want to wake up to a new day, and the thought of “staying in bed and forgetting it all” would often run through my mind.

I’m not going to get into what exactly caused that here – – but suffice it to say that it was one of the most powerful emotions known to man that was at play here – – big time.

Now, I eventually rose UP and BEYOND that experience, and when I look back upon it, I’m damned grateful I went through it, and why?

Because it made me a better person in all regards.

The “battle to overcome”, and the emotions that POWERED that battle (yes, it’s emotions that win the game, my friend!) made me a better person mentally, physically and even financially – so in retrospect, this trough was a GOOD thing for me.

But either way, today’s email is not about that.

Today’s email is about words – – and the way to communicate them emotions to our subconscious (as well as conscious minds) is through repetition – – both of EMOTIONS and of words.

In fact, if I were to think about it, “words that are emotionalized” have the greatest impact upon our subconscious and our lives – and therefore our subsequent achievements.

Many of my MOST significant achievements came after “troughs” in my life, and though ’tis but  natural to feel down at times, I didn’t let this feeling become “all encompassing”.

In fact, I’d battle the negative feelings every time they sprung to the fore – and the way I did was with WORDS – empowering WORDS.

“You CAN do it!”

“This isn’t you, Rahul! You can get past this – bigger and better!”

And so forth – and every time I’d utter those words to myself, my resolve to overcome just got stronger – along with the mental picture I had in my mind – and overcome I finally DID!

Claude Bristol gives us a few excellent examples of how words can be used to influence entire populations in his bestselling “The Magic of Believing”. From the World Wars to the “repetition of certain words” in religion and ancient cultures  – to the modern day “We can BEAT ’em!” in sports – – and so forth – – words, my friend are the medium via which you  or those around you communicate your mental pictures (in part) to yourself.

Ted Nicholas speaks about the power of words in his great book “Magic words that bring riches” – – a book that has worked for darn near everyone that’s read it – – and continues to do so for those who read it – – and apply what has been said.

And so forth.

Using the right words, my friend –  is AS important to your success as the emotional and mental part.

I’ve written before about how I hate the word “work”, and have explained why. And there are several other words I don’t like to use.

One of those being “spend”.  I’d rather use the term “invest”.

If I’m buying a new phone –  or clothes – to me it’s more of an investment in myself than mere “expenditure”.

If I’m going to a seminar – – or reading inspirational literature – -I don’t look upon the time and money as being “spent”. I’d rather use the term “invested” – – with greater returns to come.

And fitness wise, I’d rather use the term “investing the time” as opposed to “putting in the time”. You invest time – energy and effort – and do so correctly – – and then the results come down the pike. ‘Tis just that simple.

On that note, a lot of you will recall that I spoke about a workout routine from one of my buddies Marc (currently in mainland China) a few weeks ago (I think it was a fortnight or so ago if I recall correctly).

This immensely popular email was titled – “A Silverback Gorilla speaks” – and for those that haven’t read it – do a search on the blog, and you’ll find it. Highly recommended!

Anyhow, that post received some great, great feedback, and Marc wrote back to me as well about it.

Here is what he said : –

Haha! Silver back gorilla! I like it! Thank you Rahul for this awesome introduction.

I have had the luck to meet Rahul in real life and we immediately formed a strong bond. We both share a ZERO EXCUSES life philosophy. Yet, it’s so easy to fall back to apathy. I have done it many times, have these extended periods of laziness and letting myself go.

To the point where I would look in the mirror and wonder who was staring back at me. Don’t think you are the only one living through your difficult times. Everyone else does.

here comes a time in our lives where it’s time to stop playing the victim hood card and take responsibility for our actions. I cannot stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with good supporting people. If your thing is running, join a club, if it’s working out, get a workout buddy. It will get you out on those rainy days.

But I digress. I wanted to share a fairly simple concept with you readers today. Words.

Words have power and energy. Words can enslave entire populations or free your mind. Using the proper words can change your whole energy level and motivate you. One word in particular I started using about a year ago. INVEST. I don’t SPEND time at the gym anymore. I invest time at the gym. I don’t spend time on the saddle, I invest it. Do you feel the energy shift just by using this word? Say it out loud. I choose to invest in myself. FEEL IT. ABSORB IT. USE IT.

Investments give returns. Investments create wealth. They are not a waste of time, you don’t spend (waste wealth), you invest in yourself. Even use it with your friends; “I invested an hour at the gym today”. You will create positive energy around yourself and it will pay off dividends.

Again, such a simple concept and so powerful.

I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming positive feedback about my last participation and if I guided one of you to get off the couch and get things done I am very happy. I hope I can share more inspiring experiences with you in the future. And I want to thank Rahul for giving me the opportunity to share with all of you.

Thank you


My response – 


Thanks so much for getting back to me on this – – ’twas a pleasure to share your fitness journey with the 0 Excuses crew on this list and elsewhere a few weeks ago – – and it’s as much of a pleasure to share your thoughts NOW!

Words definitely DO have a hypnotic and motivational effect, both upon the person that’s said it – – as well as the recipient. I agree – – the word “investment” is far better than “putting in the time” or even “buying” something. That’s what I tell everyone about the fitness products I’m offering – – that it’s an INVESTMENT as opposed to a “purchase”.

One invests in self help. One invests in fitness and whatever physical or other tools one needs to in order to get to the goal. One invests in knowledge (before applying it judiciously). And so forth …

One word I hate is “work”. I love to use the term “practice” – – be that in terms of getting fit or writing or whatever. I’d rather say “put in hours of practice at something” rather than “worked hard” for it – – and why

Well, we willingly practice what we LOVE for the most part – – as opposed to work which is something we “have to do” (for whatever reason). And once we put our hearts and souls into something, whatever that something might be, faith and belief blended in with regular PRACTICE and a VISION of what it is we want in front of us ensures we eventually do get to our goal – – at least, that is my belief, and that is what successful people have proven to be true over the ages!

Regular repetition of anything causes us to BELIEVE, and that belief is indeed what moves mountains. Words are the medium through which that repetition is accomplished – – and therefore, belief (whether good or bad, positive or negative) instilled in the “masses” and this too, has been proven true repeatedly throughout history.

Thanks again for sending this in – – keep the thoughts coming in – – ‘tis much appreciated and I’m sure our fellow crew members on the “0 Excuses Ship” find it just as motivational and true as I do!



P.S. – You might want to “copyright” this one – – “Words can enslave entire populations or free your mind.”. Hehe …

Indeed, my friend. Indeed – and straight from the horse’s – -or should I say “gorilla’s” mouth.

Can’t get any crisper and clearer than that, methinks!

Without further ado then, if you’re interested in getting fit – losing the extra pounds – gaining CONFIDENCE (let’s face it – the better we look and feel, the MORE confident we are) – and generally achieving success in all areas of your life, then the 0 Excuses Fitness System is an investment you simply must make.

Go right here to invest in yourself – – TODAY – –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. –

 The singlemost important activity of your life is the ability to communicate. Unlimited success and wealth is as simple as using the right words as revealed herein. These words work as if by magic!

Ted Nicholas, “Magic words that bring you riches”.

P.S. #2 – Along with words, the right way to visualize – – and the right THINGS to DO are crucial as well. Learn more on this in Zero to Hero available right HERE –

Imitation – the best form of flattery?

Dear Reader,

Ok, so there’s something I’ve been meaning to get off my chest – something that I believe is important to YOU as a reader as well – both in terms of life as well as fitness, and if getting better – and cracking open and blasting past barriers/goals you’ve set for yourself interests you – well – READ ON.

This might well be the best missive you’ve read in the above regard, and I ain’t kidding.

As of late I’ve been noticing something online that I’ve often noticed offline – – that being certain folks “surreptitiously” (yet all so noticeably) trying to copy either the 0 Excuses “brutally honest” style – – or perhaps my marketing methods for that matter.

I’ve mentioned before I have another non fitness related biz, and I keep getting Twitter requests etc from folks with questions – – and many of these people end up changing their avatars etc right after chatting with me – – as if they were a different “facsimilie” of who I am online (or what I’m promoting!).

This has often happened to me in the offline world, but I never really thought much of it (well, I did, actually, but ’tis only  NOW that I’m writing about it to be honest!).

For instance, I mentioned something about accounting a while ago to a certain person who had NO idea about how ’twas done, and funnily enough – while said person didn’t directly acknowledge or otherwise “thank” me for the info – – a few months later he comes back to me, and starts a convo.

What was the convo about, you ask?

Well, this new method of accepting payment (new to him, hehe) – which was supposedly working well and which according to certain other people (I got this from a reliable source, btw) – – he had “promoted” and advised as his own as well.

“Wait a minute” I said, laughing just a bit, but trying to control myself. “I know about that. Hey, I was the one that mentioned it, eh?”

Now don’t get me wrong. All this imitation (and a couple of “pirated” versions of my 0 Excuses book – as well as a few others) don’t really bother me in terms of folks copying me.

Hey, I understand – there are people that would like to do what I’m doing and do it THEIR OWN way (as I do – my way) and in this regard, I don’t blame ’em one damned bit.

But here’s the thing.

If you were to ask me, if (for me) imitation was the best form of flattery – – I’d respond with a NO.

And why?

Because pure imitation, my friend can be seen through – – and is not “real”.

Ok, so I’ll say it like I always do – – and I’ll give it to you straight.

If you’re “copying” someone either online or offline – mostly because of the way the person is – or perhaps because you admire him or her – and conduct your entire biz or personal life the way THAT person is – -you probably won’t be too successful at what you’re trying to do – – if at all.


Well, because the “real you” shines through no matter what!

My style of writing is direct – – and from the heart – – and I’ve often been told as much, but it wouldn’t matter an iota to me if not one single person on this (or other, haha) planet told me!

But when I see someone that copies my – or other people’s styles – it shows through immediately. Insincere and fake is the vibe I get from that post, and if there is ONE thing that makes me click away – it is that.

As Dr. Maxwell Maltz mentioned in Pyscho Cybernetics (I highly recommend you pick up a copy – – and no, I do NOT get anything from promoting that book) “You are YOU. No-one else”

He goes on to state certain universal truisms – – one of which is that you are neither “better or worse” than anyone else. You are YOU with unique talents –  and there is always that ONE thing you’ll be able to do better than anyone else – – again, simply because you – – are YOU!

And thats why, to me imitation is not the best form of flattery – although I must admit it’s kinda interesting seeing folks copy me (never thought it would happen, but happen it is and has been for a while now!).

To me, I’d rather see you SUCCEED. If you were to ask  me, I feel flattered when people take my advice – or buy my products – and then go for their goals with vim and vigor – – and make progress – and ultimately SUCCEED!

THAT, my friend to me is flattery. I realize many may disagree, and thats fine, but ’tis what it is for me.

Now the other side of the coin – which you’ve likely been waiting for.

Is LEARNING from successful people and/or trying to duplicate their methods “wrong” or “harmful”.

Here is the answer to that as well – -not AT ALL!

But you still have to be YOU. There still has to be something different.

What do I mean?

Well, fitness wise, there’s nothing new about writing fitness books, for instance. There’s tons out there – -but none written (as far as I know) with the unique slant I provide (and you’ll know what I  mean when you read the book!).

In Zero to Hero, I mention that you could learn a certain exercise, for instance, from a mentor – – but if you were to blindly promote it as HE or she does – – without developing your own unique slant on it, and letting it shine through – – then it likely won’t work.

There’s a fine line between “imitation” and “adapting an idea”, my friend.

Reverse pushups, for instance, are NOTHING new (although there is not much out there on them – I admit).

What IS NEW though is folks that can bang out 100 plus of the “very best darn exercise there is” (a derivative of the reverse pushup) per workout.

What IS NEW is someone that can do over 200 of them per workout, and still bang ’em out galore beyond that – and make great gains.

You get the point. There’s something unique about it – – a case of the “trainee either surpassing the mentor, or tweaking what is being done until it develops into it’s own “brand”, so to speak!”.

So that’s basically it, my friend.

Long story short?

If you’re looking to get ahead – DO by all means study how people that have “made it” before you or “are making it right now” have done things.

Emulate – – but don’t COPY. And last, but not least, always, always be yourself – and authentic and genuine to a T, fitness included.

‘Tis but one reason why the 0 Excuses Fitness System gives you so many different exercises and routines – – all of which can be adapted by YOU – – as works for you – – and as you see fit!

Incorporate the above philosophy into your life – – and who knows – – YOU might be the next “big” unique thing out there!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – There’s nothing all wrong with having unique goals either, no matter how impossible or improbably they might seem at the outset. Hey, I had one in terms of pull-ups – – that being to bang out hundreds of them per workout. And being that’s a goal YOU probably would LOVE to achieve as well – – well, delay no further, my friend. Get the course that’s been rocketing folks from “Zero to Hero” in terms of pull-ups right HERE – –

P.S #2 – Don’t forget to check out the testimonials page as well – – as I like to say – – real people, real words – and real RESULTS!


When – and how OFTEN to train?

Dear Reader,

Many years ago (’twas the year 2005, I believe), a 24 year old was furiously making his way up the stairs of his favorite Qi Feng hill (or “mountain”, as the Chinese love to call it, hehe) at around noon in the middle of July in Southern China.

Now, I probably do NOT need to tell you that the Southern China can get hot and humid – – and in those days, before it turned into a rainy “paradise” of sorts (which it has over the last few years – climate change, anyone??) there were actually four distinct seasons in the city I lived in – and July was definitely SUMMER at that point.

God yes it was – and I still remember the DESERTED hill – and the sun literally BLAZING down with each step.

It felt like I was breathing fire into my lungs, and exhaling smoke – so hot was it, but I did it at that time regardless.

Just a few months ago though, things were different.

I was working a 9-5 (8??) job at the time, and I had made a switcheroo in terms of routines. I’d do the same thing – except on a CROWDED hill – after 830 PM at night, and return home around 10 exhausted – – but exhilarated – – for having gotten ANOTHER GREAT workout in!

Man, I remember them days …

Fast forward to NOW, and I usually wake up at 11 – and get my workout in – WITHOUT doing any of the things the so called experts on the Internet rant and write looooonnnnnggg articles about with pages of meaningless mumbo jumbo in terms of “proof”.

I don’t ask others – or care about what they think either. Case in point being when I was getting pictures taken for Advanced Hill Training – – if anything, I ENJOYED the incredulous looks on folks faces while the pictures were being taken, hehe. 

I eat nothing before my workouts – – and get this – – I generally work a couple of hours or less before my workouts, so it’s usually noon or so when I start my routine – – a time when most people are either snoozing or stuffing their gullets full of unhealthy fattening stuff.

And yet, despite this unconventional style – – does it WORK? More so than the “traditional” routines most folks follow?

Heck yes, it does – – and why – – because I do it my way – – and that is how each of YOU should do it too!

Hell, I’ve even worked out TWICE a day – – and have felt none the worse for it either. When I was making the 0 Excuses Fitness videos, Cindy didn’t have time in the mornings to do ’em – – so I got my own routine in in the morning – – and then 250 more pushups WHILE I was filming – – as I say in the video, a sum total of 500 for the day (and a combo of pushups which would flatten most gym goers for DAYS, believe me).

So at the end of all this, let’s get to the two questions.

First off, when is it the best time to train – – the answer is, it DEPENDS.

Some people do well when they train in the mornings. Others like me are NOT morning people – and prefer other times – but yet, if morning is the only time we have to train, we wake up at 530 AM in the morning and just do it.

I never asked for “advice” – EVER – before figuring out my fitness routines. I never got into long winded discussions with “experts” on the Internet that claim to know it all. And so forth. I just did what worked best for me – and am sharing it with you now through my System – and you’ll note there is NOT ONE PLACE – either in the book or the video where I lay things down as “gospel”.

You’ll never hear me telling you to train at a certain time – or eat certain things regardless – or even “how often to train”.

What I’ll do is give you the basics – what I’ll do is give you the exercises that work and add VARIETY into your routine, but I’m not gonna lay down the law, my friend.

Ultimately thats up to you – and on that note – how often to train?

Well, here is the stark naked reality of it all – – the MORE the better is what is applicable for the modern day “man” (and I use quotes there for a reason).

As I note on the Battletank Shoulders page, modern day man has turned into a pale, pathetic and sniveling imitation of what he was SUPPOSED to be.

He prefers to be handhelp as opposed to finding his own way – and making his own decisions. He prefers to moan and groan about hangovers – as opposed to waking up and pounding that “hangover” right out of the system.

He sits all day long in front of the computer at work – comes back home (driving generally) and then crashes in front of the couch with a bag of Doritos and six pack before calling it a day (and mentally telling himself “I deserve this. I’ve had a rough day”).

And when it comes to working out, most modern day folks tend to find excuses to workout LESS than they should.

I could tell you work out at least three times a week – but would it make an iota of difference if you had made up your mind to find excuses regardless?

So the answer to that one is this – the more the better. And a more detailed answer is this – do SOMETHING – everyday!

It’s the little things that keep that “bank deposit overflowing,  my friend. Put a dollar in a bank account for 10 years, and watch that account swell before you know it.

It’s the same with fitness.

You don’t go for broke daily (unless you want to) – – but you do something daily – – and what you don’t do this – you don’t get on the Internet looking for advice to things you’d be best served figuring out yourself!

So thats the “long story short” on both those fronts. Hope you enjoyed this little blast as much as I did sending it to you – and be on the OUTLOOK for another blast – this one dealing with yet another misconception that folks have.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for advice on the BEST exercises to do – ones that’ll give you the MOST bang for your back – well – now THAT is a sensible question, my friend. And the answer is available right HERE – –

Click on now, and watch a whole NEW world of fitness open up to  you- one you never imagined possible.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – As Emerson said, “do the thing and you shall have the power”. So do it NOW, my friend. Click on over and place your order sooner rather than later – and get started kicking some MAJOR LEAGUE rumpus rightaway – –

Your BIGGEST success

Dear Reader,

I’ll start off with a question here today – – a seemingly simple question, but funnily enough – – a question that floors most folks when I ASK it.

Here it is then – – if I were to ask you WHAT your biggest success was /is – – or successes were/are – – WHAT would you tell me?

Would you smile at me and reel off your accomplishments – – or whatever you consider to be successes – – or would the question temporarily floor you as you “stop to ponder”?

Would you then ponder – – and then come up with “I don’t know, Rahul. I’ve never really been successful at anything in my life”?

Well, let me tell you this, my friend.

If by any chance you fall into the FIRST category –  you are in the RAREST of rare category of folks right there. A category of people who are well aware of how to visualize past successes, and how to transmute that same energy into future successes in ANY endeavor, bar none.

But if you’re in either one of, or both of the latter two categories?

Fret not, my friend – ’tis amazing, but the vast majority of folks I meet fall into either one or both of these, so you ain’t alone by a long shot!

What’s mind boggling to me is how people can simply up and say “We’ve never had any successes”. Then again, given the negative subconscious programming most folks have been subjected to, it doesn’t really surprise me. . .

And believe it or not – – yours truly used to think and FEEL this same way as well, despite achieving (in many, many areas) what might be considered as “success” or something people “really want, but are unable to get”.

I’ve spoken about some of these before, of course.

From 120 -> 60 kgs – that one is a tale unto itself.

All those sales I made at that I.T. Company, which literally took it, as my next employer termed it, from “Zero to Hero”.

Or perhaps even the story of my own marriage, which I haven’t shared here – but which in itself would make for a pretty good story – – or Bollywood movie, hehe (snicker, snicker, I know!).

Or perhaps the hill climbs. Or perhaps … well, there are SO MANY – but here’s the point – – what I consider to be my greatest success as of today is something I’ve never spoken about on this email list, and something I probably won’t here either.

Paradoxically enough or maybe not, I’m not making a lot of dough off that success – right now – – but does it matter?

Not an iota – – and no, I ain’t referring to anything fitness/sales related here.

What is it, then – well, you’ll have to get to  know me better for that one – – but for now, here’s the POINT of all this.

I speak about visualization ad infinitum, and advise folks to visualize their goals as if they had already achieved it – – and THEN go ahead and actually “git her done”.

Trouble is, while some people can visualize it, they have trouble imparting EMOTION into the image they think about – – simply because, as some people tell me “they don’t know what it feels like – or what they would feel like – once it’s actually done”.

Now this, my friend is a mistake of stupendous proportions and yet one that can be easily corrected by going into your memory banks and retrieving memories of past SUCCESSES – – basking in them – – and THEN visualizing your new success.

Your subconscious thinks in pictures, true, but the REAL key to any of this is positive emotion, my friend.

Positive, red hot, white hot ENERGY – so much so you can feel the steam coming off it as you visualize.

And don’t tell me you’ve never had any successes. Everyone’s had ’em.

Ok, so you made a career change in your 40’s, for instance. You might turn around and tell me “thats nothing”, but it IS, my friend. It IS.

You might have taken up a new hobby as of late and figured out you’re getting real good at it. Is that not a success? Sure it is!

Look HARD in your memory banks, and you’ll find successes – – the small things – – so many of them that gratitude will be POURING off you as you relive those successes in minute detail, and FEEL ’em as well!

Once you’re in this state of mind, go on ahead and craft some goals – fitness related or otherwise.

If you’re looking to get down from 120-60 kgs  – – or the like – – thats an admirable goal, my friend, and a LOT of people need this in their lives as well.

While the 0 Excuses Fitness System gives you the tools you need to make this happen, the REAL key is what I just mentioned above, and what in part is the FIRST Commandment in the 10 Commandments of Physical Success in the System – – or should I say success in any endeavor.

So grab it now – – hot off the shelf as it were, and as you do so – – ponder the question I just asked you.

What’s your biggest success?

Think it – feel it – and GO AFTER it – with positive emotions, vim, vigor and gusto!

There truly is no other way, my friend!



P.S. – And yes, this sort of thing can be imparted into ANY fitness goal you have. You might think it’s not possible, for instance, to go from doing 0 to a 100 plus pull-ups per workout – – but it IS, my friend. It IS. I’ve done it – – and so can you – – using the SAME methodology as I’ve described in the new and updated “Pullups – – from DUD to STUD within a few WEEKS”. Grab your copy right here, right NOW – –

Triceps for life

Dear Reader,

So I was sucking air at the end of my workout this evening – a tough, tough one even by my standards – and capped off with a few Bourne sprints a.k.a Advanced Hill Training.

Do y’all remember the guy that I spoke about a few days ago? The dude who inspired the “if you don’t risk something you risk EVERYTHING” post?

Well – saw him again today – but he was busy on the phone, so didn’t get a chance to catch up and ask about his pull-ups. Rest assured I’ll keep you posted on that front though!

On another front, I met someone else tonight (by chance) who I admire greatly – and who I’ve written about before.

And who might that be, you ask?

Well, the 70 plus year old retired Brigadier General – standing out in the open with his shirt off, clad in a vest and shorts – and I could tell it was him from afar – even with the lighting being so dim that I could barely make out my steps ahead on the road in front of me.

You know what’s the ONE – or I should say TWO things these army stalwarts — guys that have put in the time for YEARS and YEARS – – have in common physically – – as well as mentally?

Mentally, they’ve all (or most, at any rate) got that “extra zip” to them if you get my drift. Now this doesn’t mean “manic energy” – – or “over exercising” – – or anything of that sort.

It’s that “X factor” that I can FEEL – – that many people say I have as well – – and thats what a lot of these guys have too.

And physically?

Well, a strong grip for starters –  – and Gorilla Grip aficionados know what I mean here, hehe. For now let’s just say that if you’re dealing with an army man with years of service under his belt – – be prepared for a bone crusher at the very least!

More than that though, it’s the arms – and tricep development in particular.

The Brigadier is well over 70 – -pushing on in years, and yet looking at him standing there in the dim light – – I for one wouldn’t want to meet him up a dark alley.

Those arms are still mammoth — and the bulging triceps and pectorals speak PROUDLY to a lifetime of physical endeavors and ACHIEVEMENT, my friend.

‘Tis exactly the same with my buddy from the Marines – Vincent – him with over 25 years of service. He’s got the EXACT same “iron monger” (King Kong) build to him – except he’s of course a massive guy naturally, so he’s a lot bigger, but again – – the basic “structure” of his arms is exactly the same!

Triceps for life, as the term came to my mind – and that is what inspired today’s email!

And of course, both these guys look — and act a lot younger than their ages. My buddy i s over 50 at the time of writing this, and yet he doesn’t look a day over 40 – – and sure don’t “act” like he’s over the hill in any way, shape or form – – and guess what – – this thinking manifests itself externally as well.

Ditto for the Brigadier – doesn’t look a day over 45 if even that!

Anyway, back to triceps for life – – a topic which gym goers and casual fitness enthusiasts alike will be much interested in.

What exactly do these guys do that sets them up with these massive arms and triceps – – for life?

Is it pull-ups?

We all know the obsession Marines have with doing record number of pull-ups (a great thing by the way) – but the real secret is NOT that, my friend.

Part of it, of course is pushups – – done in plenty of different styles and in high reps at that. Vincent once told me that he knew a guy in the Marines that could do 200 regular pushups in PROPER cadence without pausing (well, not for long at any rate).


But even pushups,  my friend are NOT the entire answer to their gorilla like chest and arm build.

The REAL key is this – overhead carries – – and presses – – and buddy carries – – wheelbarrows- – and rope climbing amongst other things – – ALL activities that tax the triceps heavily, especially the first two!

Believe me now, and trust me later — not only does it take GUTS to keep going through muck, hell and high water with a massive log atop your shoulders (and your platoon mates’s) – – but it builds STRENGTH in spades too.

It builds shoulders like BOULDERS — and the other exercises that Marines are famous for doing?

Well, handstand pushups – – and plenty of them at that!

Handstand pushups are by far the best pushing exercise you can do for your upper body, my friend.

Not only do you improve your balance and co-ordination by doing a BASIC handstand pushup – – let alone advanced – – but merely holding this position will shock the ever living heck out of your triceps, and cause crazy growth – – and fat loss throughout the entire upper body as well.

They are also by far the closest thing you can do in terms of imitating log carries – – or buddy carries etc.

And THIS one exercise my friend, along with the other styles of pushups detailed in 0 Excuses Fitness WILL set you up with the “triceps for LIFE” look that you so desire – – if you do it right.

So don’t waste any more time looking for the “perfect” upper body fat blaster/muscle builder. Jog on over right HERE to start building the arms and SHOULDERS of your dreams right NOW  – –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re a newbie, I don’t recommend jumping straight into handstand pushups. If you’ve been pounding the weights for years but haven’t done a pushup for ages, you might want to think twice before jumping into these. Ditto for couch potatoes, weekend warriors etc. What you want to do in this case is start with the pushups in the 0 Excuses Fitness System which by themselves will give you an ass whooping workout of your LIFE. Find out how right HERE —


“Go and tell NO man”

Dear Reader,

So, I was engaged in my usual “tete – a -tete” with my daughter last night before she lopped off to bed.

Now for those that don’t know (regular readers of this list know by now!) I’ve made it a habit to talk to my daughter every morning upon waking up – and every night before retiring – and any time I can in between during the day – but the most important of these talks is either the first time or the second.


Well, these are the times, my friend that the mind – and especially the subconscious mind is MOST receptive to thoughts – either positive or negative, depending upon what you “feed it”.

Remember that though our subconscious minds are pliable (in that they don’t have the choice to “reject” what is being fed them) – they certainly ACT upon the input they receive.

Think of it as a computer screen. If you wrote “I’m going to succeed” – what would show up on the screen?

Obviously the same – and the same thing happens with the screen of your LIFE, my friend.

Tell me the LAST thoughts you have before bed – and the FIRST thing you generally think of when you wake up – and I’ll tell you where you’re headed in life.

Anyway, so last night she made a bit of a gaffe, but to her credit, she told me instantly.

“Papa, I messed up … ”

“Hmm, Ok. What’s wrong honey? What did you do?” I asked lovingly. There’s nothing cuter than an almost 5 year old daughter looking at her Dad in that “beseeching” manner if you get my drift …!

Turns out she was on the phone with her Uncle – and a couple of other relatives.

And during the conversation she ended up accidentally mentioning one of my goals – something I shared ONLY with her – and had asked her to keep private.

Something she usually DOES keep private of her own accord – – and something I’ve told her NOT to mention to others regardless of “how much she might want to”.

“Honey, it’s OK. It happens!”

“Papa, but I’m sorry … ”

“Thats ok, sweetie…”

And after a few hugs, I explained it to her.

“Sweetie, as we discussed, the vast majority of times you’re better off telling NO-ONE about your goals. You and me share goals because our minds vibrate on the same levels – – and we truly DO want the same things – – but that can’t be said for everyone else!”

“Yes, Papa, I know … ”

Anyway, all good. Adults make this mistake all the time – and the good part is this – my little one NOTICED the mistake as soon as she made it, and I highly doubt she’ll repeat it – – regardless of whether or not I “tell her not to”.

Claude Bristol was spot on in his “The Magic  of Believing” when he said “the old axiom “Go and tell no man”” still holds true!

Now it might come across as surprising – but ’tis true – my daughter is one of the very very few people I actually discuss my innermost goals – and desires with – and why?

Because she VIBRATES positively – and does so on the SAME plane of mind that I do!

While that might sound overly esoteric, remember this – I talk to my daughter regularly when she’s sleeping.

I’ll tell her positive things. I’ll tell her she can do ANYTHING she sets her mind to – and achieve accordingly. And so forth. Things I believe in. Things close to my heart. And so forth!

And guess what – ’tis astounding, but out of the blue she’ll sometimes make comments like “Dad, you told me this last night”.

And I did – but she was fast ASLEEP – snoring at that – when I said it!

The subconscious is truly an amazing thing – and will work for us BIG time if we let it!

And the way for ALL of us as adults to tap into the immense powers of the subconscious is through visualization – as I mention in Zero to Hero.

Not only that, you’re better off NOT telling anyone your goals when you set ’em – – unless your ABSOLUTELY sure the person is “on your side” (and even so, it’s best to keep them goals to yourself).

Ever notice how you feel “deflated” a lot of times after telling people your goals? A feeling of “lethargy” popping up after that uber-enthusiastic description of what  you want to achieve – and why – to people that “should be” close to you?

Well – it’s a subconscious ENERGY LEAK, my friend – caused by negative energies that are either consciously or unconsciously pulling AGAINST you – and it takes that much work to then “free” yourself of the negative and get back to the positive!

So in terms of fitness, if you’re currently stuck at ZERO pull-ups – or ZERO dead hangs for that matter – but have a goal to do 50 per workout and then a 100 – well – that is GREAT – but …

If you’ve got a goal to go down from 120 kgs – > 60 kgs as yours truly once had – and accomplished via the same methods I lay out for YOU – well, that is wonderful, but …

If you’ve got a goal to hike hills daily without fail at 530 A.M. in the morning, superlative, but …

You see what I’m saying, eh?

As Napoleon Hill said – – and as I’ve now taught my daughter (she’s reciting it like an anthem as I type, hehe) – – “Tell the world what you’re going to do – but SHOW THEM FIRST!”

‘Tis so true, my friend – ’tis so true – and thats just how goals work.

Visualize – set goals – plug them energy leaks and then get to WORK – and you’ll find the Universe automatically pulling for YOU.

There truly is no other way!!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you enjoyed this tip, you’ll enjoy the story of how an English student of mine improved her oral English by leaps and bounds – by using the ONE visualization technique I so highly recommend – a technique YOU too can use in terms of your fitness goals. Find out more in the System, which you can and SHOULD grab right here – –


Fitness and the occasional indulgence

Dear Reader,

Well, so I don’t know if I referred to this in other posts, but the first thing I did yesterday (well, after speaking to the wife and after her comment that I covered in a past email) was this – to gleefully tear open a package I recently received.

What was it, you ask? A special book? A “gift” ? Or what … ?

Well, none of the above – it was a simple little T-shirt I had purchased online – – a white T-shirt which said this — “This guy needs a beer”, and had two massive thumbs pointing towards it.

I loved it the minute I saw it, and along with my “Faith over Fear” T-shirt (which hasn’t arrived until NOW) figured I’d pick it up instantly.

I didn’t even wait to wash it. Threw it on and had a selfie taken with the dumbphone, which seems to be quite popular on Instagram for one.

Heck, the post was doing so well that the software asked me if I wanted to “boost the post since it was doing better than 80% of my other posts”.

I didn’t do so, of course, but other than what was written on the T-shirt, the reason I mention this is … because it’s important to remember that while fitness is of utmost importance, at the end of the day we have to face the fact that we’re human beings and by nature require certain indulgences (so long as they don’t go overboard!).

What do I mean.

Well, I’m a fitness guy. Ripped, six pack, “broad shoulders”, and that much coveted (hey, folks keep telling me!) “V – Taper”, and so forth.

Folks keep showing up to ask me how to do pull-ups. Handstand pushups. How I stay in such good shape despite … and so forth.

And yet, the fact is this – I’m a huge beer lover. I LOVE drinking beer – – and yet, despite this “indulgence” of mine, I’m staying in shape – – super shape, at that – – and thats pretty much why I posted the picture as well.

Results speak, as they say. I’m not one of those “pot bellied” fitness experts who “talks but does nothing”.

On that note, I’m currently in India, and being cricket is one of the most popular sports in India, its naturally always a topic of discussion – but while I’m not a huge fan of cricket at this point, the fact remains that the head coach of the Indian cricket team – a certain “Ravi Shastri” (who from what I glean used to be a pretty good player back in the day) could do with a serious, serious helping of 0 Excuses Fitness — and MORE.

And there’s a picture of him on a popular website “Cricinfo” – ( – – scroll down towards the center of the page past all the “technical stuff” or alternatively, type in “at a practice session” in your browser’s search window and you’ll get there too.

My, my my.

For a coach of a national cricket team that says it prides itself on fitness, the head coach sure don’t look like he believes in what he says. He’s got “beachballs” for abs – – and that’s putting it lightly.

My, my my again. Upon looking at that picture I googled to see if he was having a “one off” as it were – but nah – that seems to be his current status for sure!

Great example – of someone who probably indulges a LOT MORE than he should be – compared with – well, let’s say someone whose got less than a fraction of the resources he does – that being yours truly and the vast majority of readers of this newsletters, and the results?

Haha …

Anyway, point is this – that if you’re working out hard and often – if you’re doing all the right things – if you’re doing short, intense workouts – then it’s ALWAYS a good idea to reward yourself – but do so OCCASIONALLY.

If you want that pizza, make sure you don’t do it DAILY – but by that same token, make sure you reward yourself at the end of the week  with an extra cheese, super large pizza for having several good workouts in a row.

Ditto for a few brews – or ice cream – or vodka – or whatever your poison of choice might be.

Note that the OCCASIONAL indulgence is NOT going to pile on fat around your midsection.

A few brews will NOT “destroy all your hard work” as is commonly thought!

As I write about in the Simple and Effective Diet (which, by the way is FREE with your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System) – your body will forgive you for the occasional “transgression” if you do the right thing 99% of the time.

Super strict diets and really punishing yourself rarely works. Of course, if you’re 400 lbs right now and extremely overweight/unfit/obese – then yes – those drastic measures do need to be taken – but balance them out with rewards as soon as you see progress, my friend.

You’ll find this approach is far, far better in the long run – – and will also keep you motivated to keep going – – and scale heights of fitness you never have previously!

Ok – so that’s it for today. Thanks for reading – and if you workout today – make it a super one!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re the type (like Mr. Shastri presumably is) that loves a “too occasional” indulgence, hehe, well fret NOT. While it’s not what I’d advocate, you CAN eat more and weight less, and I’ve told you the story before as well with actual PROOF. Whats more, I’ve put together the entire shebang in a concise easy to read (and easier to implement!) manual that you can grab right HERE – –

“If you don’t risk SOMETHING – you risk EVERYTHING!”

Dear Reader,

So, I just got back from a great workout – and a bit of a chin wag as well with a fellow trainee.

Now before I begin – NO – as you know, I’m NOT in favor of chit chat or “passing the time” between sets or whatever – – but this doesn’t mean I turn into a complete hermit.

Perhaps 99% – – or 99.9% – – but if I meet someone that’s interesting and can hold a good convo, I’m usually happy to talk to him or her for a bit (especially if the convo includes TRAINING!)

So there I was, on rep #56 or so of my pull-up workout. 100 in all again today …

Suddenly a “voice” piped up in the background – – in Hindi at that.

“Aaj Kitne Set Pull-up kiye?”

It took a few seconds to register that he was speaking Hindi, but register it did and what was he saying?

“How many sets of pull-ups have you done today?”

My “barriers” that I talked about in an email prior to this kicked in instantly – not because of what he was asking, but because, well, I didn’t want to be drawn into a conversation at that point and …

“Why do you ask?”

But as I said this, I looked at the guy, and I saw I had nothing to worry about. He was a fellow trainee alright – could see it in his eyes, and sure enough, this was confirmed as he spoke.

“I’d like to do pull-ups too! I find them mega tough but I have a goal to do X amount by … ”

(I’m not mentioning his exact goals here – but he gave me a number – and a date – both great. Napoleon Hill correctly said that when you desire anything – you have to be AS SPECIFIC as possible, and this dude sure was specific!”

Well, so we talked pull-ups for a while.

“Maybe I find them hard because this bar is too thick”, he mused.

“Yes, but thats the key right there”, I replied. And it is – as those of you who have purchased “Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD – – within a matter of WEEKS!” know fully well.

“But you need to lose the fat around your midsection”, I continued.

Yet another key, and after I gave him a few MORE keys – – all mentioned in the book – – he then said he was unable to lose weight despite sprinting.

“Huh? REally? That’s impossible, man”, I said.

“No, really. I sprint for a minute, then walk for a minute, and then … ”

“Wait a minute”, I said. “When you sprint for a minute – thats NOT an ALL OUT sprint! If you’re going for  60 seconds by the clock, you’re probably hitting 60% or so throughout – and thats being generous”.

And ’tis true, my friend. If you’re going ALL out – – you likely will NOT be able to sustain that pace for more than 15-20 seconds. Heck, even a cheetah doesn’t sprint ALL out for minutes on end, and …

Anyway, none of this is the point of this email, really.

So then we talked about other things. One being a comparison between India and China, and why China, despite the “communist” tag it’s tried so hard to shed is literally LIGHT years ahead of India in so many regards it ain’t even funny.

Now don’t get me wrong. “India fans” out there, this ain’t nothing against the country – – but to be frank, most of the country’s problems are self created, and could be solved with a simple tweak in mentality.

Anyway, then he asked me what I do.

“I’m a writer”,  I said. And then surprisingly enough, or not – – I found out that he used to be I.T. sales too – – much like yours truly, hehe. What a coincidence, eh?

I don’t believe in them coincidences, of course! Everything happens for a reason, and …

And then he said it.

“Of course. You’ve gotta follow your heart. If you don’t risk something – – you risk losing EVERYTHING!”

And this comment rang so true that I literally paused in the MIDDLE Of a pull-up, my friend.

So true it is – and I could rephrase it as such “If you don’t risk it all – – you’ll never GET it all” – – but regardless, his comment rang so true!

Look, folks – if you’re wanting to get somewhere in life – – or fitness – – or anything, for that matter – – you HAVE to be willing to take risks.

You HAVE to be willing to deviate from the path commonly traveled – the “straight and narrow”. Thats just how it is.

With the risks come hits – plenty of them. You gotta be willing to take ’em if you’re truly interested in “going places” and coming out a REAL winner and as Napoleon Hill says, “write your OWN ticket in life!”

Not only that, and as I’ve noted in Zero to Hero (a great read if you’re interested in such motivational tips), the minute you’re “stagnant” in life, or “happy in your comfort zone” – is the minute you start ROARING – downhill, not uphill.

‘Tis a fact. Man is a goal setting and “striving” machine, and anything other than spells disaster.

Fitness wise, what does all this mean.

The person that is 400 lbs overweight “risks” ridicule for even trying to get fit (sound familiar?) and plenty of negativity at the start.

Gym maniacs “risk” disapproval from their peers when they get down on the floor and start banging out pushups, squats and the like.

You’re doing something new basically – and you’re running a bit of a risk (if you can call it that!) – but the rewards, my friend?

The rewards FAR outweigh the risk and if I were you right now, and if the question was posed to me “Risk or Comfort” – – I know what I’d choose.

And I told the dude as much. He’s making a bomb at his current job – – heck, he was in the park the other day complaining to the credit company about what — a CREDIT on his account  – – he accidentally OVERPAID them – – something I couldn’t quite believe when he told me.

“Huh?? Most people have the opposite problem!”

“I’m rich. Haha”, he quipped.

“You sure are” I cackled back.

“But give me the choice, and I’d rather do what I’m doing. I’m making money – – but I live with a certain amount of risk – – but I wouldn’t have it ANY other way, my friend”.

Anyway, I wish the dude all the best in his pull-up goals. I hope he follows the tips I’ve given him – if he does – he’ll be banging dem out like a PRO in no time flat.

So that’s today’s tip(s). In the meantime, if you’re in the same predicament, and can’t do pull-ups no matter what, my course right here is the ticket – –

Invest now – – and be prepared for some scary levels of pulling strength thereafter!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – – Dude above was obviously NOT doing sprints correctly and I pointed that out – – but he’s not in the know about the other fat loss keys either. Maybe I’ll point ’em out to him the next time I see him – but hey, good news is this – you don’t have to “hang around” and wait for me to “point things out”. I’ve already packed all that info into a neat little fat blaster of mine earlier this year – – and here it is — a course you really, really WANT if you’re looking to lose them love handles and spare tires amongst others – –


“You’ve maintained yourself quite well this time!”

Dear Reader,

So I woke up this morning and spoke to the wife briefly about some matters, and she looked at me.

Though what we were discussing was NOT fitness related – here is what she said.

She gave me the “up down” once, and then said this “You’ve maintained yourself WELL this time around!”

Huh?? Maintained myself? What does she mean, I thought.

Remember I’m just waking up as it were …. and then it hit me.

Oh YES, I DO understand now.

But you, my dear readers might not quite get what I mean, so let me explain.

All of you listening in to this “broadcast”, hehe know that I have a fitness (and life) routine that I follow WITHOUT fail daily – – and while the times I work out might change, what I DO doesn’t (unless I’m trying a new routine or something).

So back in China, at this point in time it was a 100 pull-ups, 50 dips and handstand pushups thrown in as the cornerstone of my upper body routine – – with a few extras as well. Plus my hill climb.

Ah, yes, my favorite hill – if there was EVER a tool that I’d recommend to ANYONE that wants to get it – it’s climbing HILLS the way I mention in the System!

And of course, what I mention in Advanced Hill Training – combine the two, and you’ve got literally got a body where you can lard melting off as quickly as you can pile it on – – or quicker, to be exact, hehe.

Now why am I telling you all this.

Well, for a very PRACTICAL reason!

Lots of us do the hard work at the gyms, or the pavement (while “pounding” it), or swimming (great option btw) and so forth.

And while I wouldn’t quite recommend the first two methods – if they work to an extent – and if the person’s mind isn’t ready to accept better things, hey, what I can say.

SOMETHING is better than nothing – but here’s the KICKER.

What when you DON’T have a gym around – that too for AGES?

I’ve known busy folks that end up going on biz tours for weeks, traveling non-stop – and most of the time in places where it’s not that easy to access gyms at odd hours.

That “flat” tummy starts to show signs of escaping from the beltline pretty soon …

What when you go on vacation and end up eating foods you shouldn’t eat – or “treating” yourself a wee bit too much?

Suddenly dem Tshirts don’t quite fit right, hehe. The cargo pants don’t either … and all of a sudden, you feel like buttons be popping off in ALL the wrong places.

And so forth. My point is this – what when you DEVIATE from a routine you’re “used to” and when you DON’T have “tools” around?

Well – in most cases, gains decrease pretty quickly.

Remember, you don’t have to “work” to get the lard back on. It’ll pile on nonetheless, and it means more work ahead to “get it BACK off”.

In my own case, I remember a few instances years ago when I’d go on holiday and end up with a case of the bloat – – or worse – – because I didn’t have my trusty hill nearby. Because I’d be stuffing my gourd way more than I should be.

Because I’d be drinking more BEER than I should be as well, hehe – all things you do when on holiday, and yet, I’d be showing the effects in more ways than one a few weeks down the road.

Now don’t get me wrong. At no point did I turn into a bloated mess – – but yes, I did pack on a few more kgs than I should have in the past, which is what my wife was referring to.

Those on this list know that I’m on a short sojourn away from China at this point. I’m in India right now, and training options are limited and next to none, and yet – does it affect me?

Not in the least, my friend. Not in the LEAST!

The clothes still fit the same. The lean, mean look is STILL there – – and if anything my pull-ups have gotten even better. Cranked out about 120 last night in HOT and HUMID conditions, and felt none the worse for wear after that.

Key here is this – – the reason I’m “cruising” isn’t because I “count calories” or dont have a beer every now and then.

Hey, if anything ’tis the opposite. I just took a picture  this morning with a T-shirt on that says “This guy needs a BEER”, hehe. No idea why I did that – seemed to be the right thing to do at that point in time tho!

The reason I’m cruising though, my dear reader and friend is this – my 0 Excuses Fitness System can be taken anywhere, and the SAME benefits can be gotten.

You can EASILY maintain yourself when on the road – or on holiday – or wherever you might be with NO extra fuss. Just a few square feet of space is all you need to train this way and the results will keep pouring down the pike.

Ditto for Advanced Hill Training – it’s completely portable as well. And once you start incorporating THOSE exercises into your routine, watch out.

You’ll not only be getting compliments like I do regularly –  but your health and fitness will be a whole new level altogether.

You’ll feel confident – you’ll look confident and healthy – and you’ll BE that way. You’ll be ready to tackle whatever life throws at ya with VIM, VIGOR and GUSTO – as it SHOULD BE!!

Without further ado then, here is where you can grab your copy of the System –

Do so now, my friend. It truly is the best investment you’ll ever make!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Wanna read my own personal story of how I got to a 100 + pull-ups per session? Here is where you can get the GOODS – –

Waking up “hopeful” every morning …. ?

Dear Reader,

I just saw, what to me is the biggest crock (or one of the biggest, at any rate) of lies that is being fed to us in the form of “self help” or “staying positive” or the usual “it’s all about thinking positive (hint – it ain’t)” schools of thought.

What was it, you ask?

Well, I was browsing through my LinkedIn list, and saw this “You have to wake up every morning with hope! Hope that today will be greater than yesterday! Hope that tomorrow will be even greater today!”

It was a certain “Doctor” that posted this, and though she may or may not have used the term “hope” erroneously, the entire tone of the post seemed to scream out “it’s not in my control!”

To me, I would never ever and never have woken up purely “hopeful”.  Or purely “hoping” that today will be greater – or better!

To me, it’s all about waking up with a goal – a mini goal if I might say so for the day.

This could be a certain sales figure. It could be X number of pull-ups. Could even be something I’ve been doing for days on end, ad infinitum, such as my climb up the hill, for instance.

Whatever it is – to me it’s about waking up in the morning with a clear GOAL in front of your eyes – and anyone that isn’t doing this daily anyway is NOT priming themselves for success.

A clear goal – backed by a clear PLAN of ACTION – which in turn is backed up by UNWAVERING FAITH AND BELIEF – and I’m sorry to say it folks, and this might not sound politically correct at all – but here it is for you in plain English – hope is NOT a plan of action.

Simply sighing and “thinking positive” and saying you’re hopeful it’ll work or you’re hopeful that today will be better than yesterday ain’t gonna make it happen. If anything, you’ve just ceded control in your own subconscious – and you’ve told it clearly in so many words that “you’re not in control of your life, one day at a time”.

I talk about being in the flow and letting things happen – but this, my friend is completely different from “waking up hopeful” and ceding control to the external world.

If all you do in the morning is wake up, turn over, yawn and HOPE that things will be better today than they were yesterday – and then continue on as before – well, I’m sorry to say it – but it ain’t-a-gonna happen.

This is of course exactly the sort of “feel good” nonsense that modern day self help pundits proclaim works – and guess what it – it does NOT.

A far, far better way to “wake up” is as follows –

  • Before going to bed, program your subconscious to work upon goals for the next day – – or if you’ve already GOT goals for the next day, then program it to work upon problems that may not have been solved TODAY.
  • Visualizing is the way to program your subconscious. Do so the way I talk about in Zero to Hero, and the plan of action will be readily apparent to you as and when it appears.
  • Wake up in the morning, and have an image of your goals right in front of you in your mind’s eye” as you wake up.
  • Spend a few minutes in the “Theater of your Mind” – – get the good feeling GOING – -and then LEAP out of bed, full of energy, VIM and VIGOR – and start your DAY!

But merely waking up hopeful – and continuing on as before?

That just won’t work, my friend. BELIEF is what it’s all about – – pure, strong, UNADULTERATED BELIEF!

Now, I mentioned above that hope isn’t a plan of action  – – and this holds true as much for fitness as it does life itself.

Merely waking up and “hoping” today will be the day that you finally get rid of those love handles (hate handles??) or “bingo wings” – – or double chins – – or what not – – ain’t gonna make it that day.

You have to have a PLAN, my friend. You have to have GOALS.

And the plan when it comes to getting fit is this – choose the path of least resistance and the path that leads to the BEST results with minimal investment.

My 0 Excuses Fitness System not only gives you tons and tons of exercises (and “plans” a.k.a fitness routines) to get fit – it does so keeping in mind that the average person doesn’t have a lot of time to spend daily working out.

And though I’ve used plenty of words in the narrative – – “hope” hasn’t been used even once – – not in this book of mine, and not in ANY of the others I’ve penned.

‘Tis simple, my friend. We create our own realities. Hoping isn’t part of the bargain!

Fitness wise, 15 minutes of exercise is really all you need with my System in order to start seeing results – – results that keep getting better and better and BETTER without “hoping that they’ll appear”.

If you want more, great. If you have more time to spare, great. But if not – thats fine too. My System works great in both cases!

Not only that – – you’ll be able to set plenty of goals as well for yourself!

How about this – – getting yourself to the point where you can bang out a 250 pushup workout (as I did in the videos) with little or no “effort”?

Or 100 reverse pushups at once?

Or partake of all the routines at the end of the book – – one each day for an entire week?

The possibilities, my friend are limitless, and this sort of thing is what will make you BOUND out of bed in the morning as opposed to simply “hoping!”

So quit “hoping”. Quit thinking it’s all about “positive thinking”.

Visualize – set goals – FEEL yourself accomplishing them goals – – and then go for it!

There truly is NO other way to live.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’ve been enjoying these tips, don’t forget to pick  up a copy of Zero to Hero as well right here for MORE such inspirational writing/tips – –