A state of mellifluous gratitude

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Dear Reader,

I spoke about a great tip in the last email – something you can and should implement into your daily lives/routines, and now we’ll go one better.

THIS particular tip is probably even more important than what I mentioned above (although don’t get me wrong – that tip I gave you in the last email is so important in its own right I could write tomes on it).

THIS particular tip is also, in part, what allows you to GET into a positive state of emotion/feeling – and start to move mountains almost miraculously.

Folks often look at me with a mixture of bewilderment and amazement when I talk about moving mountains effortlessly, and yet, when your life is in a state of FLOW – when you are vibrating the right way – and in accordance with what you really desire, then things just start to fall into place, my friend.

They do – and I’ve mentioned a couple of instance of this in Zero to Hero as well, and while visualization is of course the #1 key to all this – the #2 key in my opinion – and a close second at that is this – GRATITUDE.

A spirit of gratitude and being grateful for what you have rather than gripe about what you don’t is key to turning “nothing” into something.

Again, I cannot emphasize this enough. Be grateful for everything you HAVE – and you create a natural “suction” of sorts that pulls MORE good things in – towards YOU.

This morning my wife and me were chatting after breakfast, and we were talking about how the vast majority of people (rich, poor, fit, unfit etc etc) go through life with a conspicuous ABSENCE of gratitude rather than the other way around.

And of course, a complete lack of “feeling good” internally as well as a result.

Is it any wonder that the world outside is experiencing nothing but “problems” (at least if you believe the news)?

The economy. Crime rate. Delinquencies. Foreclosures. Everything you read, everywhere you look seems dire – and yet – when you look at what you DO have – and be grateful for it (and consider those that don’t) – then you’ll realize the world is a far better place than you envisoned upon reading the news etc.

Don’t have that fancy car as yet? Well, at least you’ve GOT a car, right?

Don’t have all the money you want? Tired of your middle class life? Well, at least you’ve GOT a middle class life, eh? I’m sure if you told folks in sub saharan Africa that and gave them a choice they’d leap at it, right?

We tend to focus way more on what we don’t have rather than be grateful for what we DO have.

After that conversation this morning I felt so good (not that I wasn’t already) that I immediately sat down and started typing this to you.

My life has been an unending series of ups and downs since as of late, and get this – though I didn’t know everything I do now, and though I’m always learning, the downs never lasted.

In fact, the peaks were even higher than the troughs (and this you can probably glean after reading what I wrote in Zero to Hero).

And so forth …

Point being this – we always have something to be grateful about – and we should consciously acknowledge those things and dem feelings, my friend.

Fitness wise, you might not have the six pack of your dreams – YET – but you’ve got two legs, haven’t you?

You’ve got arms – a working body (albeit one that you might have misused) – and so forth, right?

You’re certainly better off than a paraplegic – or those with amputated limbs – and so forth.

You might not be able to run sprints – YET – but compare yourself to someone without legs.

Right. I bet you feel grateful, now, eh?

So thats the takeaway from this email. Life might turn chaotic at times – heck, it often does.

Fitness wise, you might be going through a down. Hell, you may be going through temporary downs right now overall – but amidst it all – take a cool few minutes or so to be GRATEFUL for what you do have.

Visualize – FEEL grateful – and then DO the thing – the RIGHT way!

Thats really all it boils down to, my brothers and sisters.

Ok – thats it for this particular “sermon” (not really, hehe). I’ll be back later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If anything I’m grateful for the exercises that I myself put in the 0 Excuses Fitness System. And while you might think thats a ludicrous way to “thaaaank” (think, hehe), think AGAIN, my friend.  YES, I’m grateful that the best darn exercises exists. YES, I’m grateful that I got into the best shape of my life with nothing other than pushups and squats. And yes, I’m SUPER grateful for the customers I have – and all of you on this list as well. I’m grateful I have products to sell. And so forth … Again, I could write tomes on this!

P.S. #2 – In terms of “doing things the right way” – – both “the things” and the “right way” are mentioned in the System – which you can grab right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


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