Grizzly bear fitness

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Dear Reader,

Woke up this morning to a huuuuggggge hug from my little girl – a “grizzly bear hug” if there ever was one.

As she literally tried to squeeze the life out of me in her own version of the bear hug, the “grizzzzzzzzzlllleeeeeeee” chant was ringing around all over the bedroom – and it was both hilarious and satisfying to say the least.

Other than crushing my paws (her version of Gorilla Grip), she’s been squeezing the life out of me as of late as well – – aka the mighty Grizzly, hehe.

If there was ever a 0 Excuses 4 year old – THIS is it!

Anyway, for those of you on this list, you know that the grizzly is by far my favorite animal, and with darn good reason.

Grizzlies are immensely strong and powerful – and that bulk does NOT make ’em slow either.

I’ve watched grizzlies chasing MICE downhill – and WINNING! I’ve also seen them haul off moose weighing tons in their jaws – while running UPHILL – as if they were carrying a baby within their jaws!

Not only that – bears are intelligent creatures, and closer to home, they’ve been proven to turn over and play with 600 lb plus dumpsters with EASE – much as you might with a beach ball.

Whew – and if that wasn’t enough – I just saw a video of a grizzly waiting patiently by the waterside for the right fish to show up – and when it did – BAM!

That massive body moved like a flash – muscles bulging and entire body “melting” in one, huge, gigantic rocket propelled towards a target – and it was off as soon as it got the fish as well.

In a flash – whew!

Now, I’ve mentioned how the bear crawl can be one of the MOST beneficial exercises out there for you. I’ve mentioned this ad infinitum, and yet the exercise remains one of the most overlooked and oft-ignored exercises there is.

Don’t believe me?

Well, get down on the floor – in the right position, and start cranking out sets of bear crawls. The average pot bellied adult would be hard pressed to even get into the position – and as for the average gym goer – about 20 minutes or so of crawling around in the BASIC position is all it takes.

And as for advanced? Well, let’s just say the advanced variants are what prompted me to create Advanced Hill Training – the exercises contained therein are literally exercises that even advanced athletes have been known to “flop out on” when really pushed!

Advanced Hill Training is available right HERE – –

I still remember the “Xiong Mao” cries of astonishment and wonderment ringing out as I practised these exercises outdoors – especially during “peak” times, such as Lunar New year 2018, which is when this product was created.

Boy oh boy oh BOY – what a blast it was!

I’ve also got the friendly “bao an” to thank for being gracious enough to take the pictures for that book – – along with a friendly restaurant owner who was kind enough to offer me some “victuals” when the entire town was closed – or darn near, hehe.

As for fat burning, rest assured that while the “regular” bear crawl WILL burn tons of fat and WILL get your muscles working in a way that they never have before, the advanced variants are something ELSE altogether.

What I stated on the sales page is NOT mere “hype”. You WILL literally feel – and see – the fat MELTING off your frame as you progress through the routines – and that ain’t no exaggeration, my friend.

Best part is this – even the average couch potato can jump up and do a few sets of these – and get the workout of his or her life within the space of a few minutes.

And if you don’t believe me … well, just check out the exercises yourself right HERE – – and be PREPARED to blown away by what you EXPERIENCE!

Ok, my friend, thats all for now. My shoulders be a sore from all the bear hugging, and I’m off to get some rest.

More later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – – BTW, the “Monday merriment” sale ends SHARP tomorrow. For all those that haven’t taken advantage, check out the post yesterday -and take action NOW!

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