Man, this heat is something ELSE!

Dear Reader,

Man oh man oh man. As it says, this heat here in “here neck of the woods” is something else altogether – – and something unlike anything I’ve felt for years.

It’s this dry, “dry-sticky” sort of desert heat (mixed in with more than a fair degree of pollution) and the temperature is touching 45 degrees Centigrade on a regular basis these days – – and thats shade temperature from what some people say.

Man oh man. Even sitting at home without the air-con on all day makes me feel like I’m a chicken being broiled – or roasted (alive!) – and thats saying something, since I’ve been in China for years, and the heat is pretty bad there as well.

And while the humidity was certainly more where I was a month or so ago, this dry heat is the undisputed KING when it comes to sapping your energy quicker than you can draw a nice long breath.

And YES – I’m still working out – hard and regular as usual, but even I’ve had to make some adjustments to my “crazy” (not really, hehe) workout schedules due to the heat and conditions outside (and even indoors).

We don’t have air-conditioning in all the rooms here (something which for whatever reason seems to be a staple here in India for the most part) so even a quick ‘n’ dirty 0 Excuses workout will make me FEEL it – BIG time  – way, way more so than I felt it WITH the A/C on back when I was shooting the videos with Cindy.

(The 0 Excuses Fitness workouts can be gotten right here – –

First off, it’s important to remember that late riser though you may be (I am), anti-morning person though you might be (I am), “relax at night with a few …” person though you may be (I am, though not in the sense you’d associate with the term), now is NOT the time to pay heed to those preferences.

When it’s as hot and oppressive as it is both indoors and outdoors it’s far better to train either early in the morning – – or late evenings – – or even at NIGHT, crazy as that might sound.

I tried the morning routine. Didnt work for me. But there’s no way I’m going to go back to my preferred time slot of 11 A.M. workouts in this heat. No way, Jose!

I’m working out late evenings these days – and though it’s taken me a while to adjust – I’m doing fine even with the changed time etc.

Second, it’s important to know that staying hydrated is of paramount importance – even more so NOW.

And as I’ve written in the Simple and Effective Diet, Coca Cola, coffee, sugary “cold” drinks, common iced tea and other such drinks are NOT the best way to stay hydrated.

Plain ole water works best – in HEAPING quantities, my friend.

A couple of other “local” delicacies I’ve been trying here are sugarcane juice and spicy buttermilk – – both GREAT options – – nourishing and refreshing at the same time. You may not be able to find freshly squeezed sugarcane juice where you’re at – but if you can – I highly recommend you give it a serious shot.

Ditto for the buttermilk.

I’ll have more on that in the future, but the third thing – now is not the time to wear “body hugging” clothing when working out. Allow your body even more space to breathe. Wear loose, comfortable clothing – – or even better (if you’re a guy) – – do what I did in China, which is to work out “topless”.

NOT for “show” – – but it just feels a heck of a lot better – and those that have done it know what I BE yellin about.

Last, but not least, remember that workouts now more so than ever need to be short – sweet – and BRUTALLY effective.

Hot weather conditions are NOT the time you’d want to experiment on the latest “50 reps x 100 sets x 2000 cool downs” workouts the bros detail in the muscle mags.

You want to keep things short and sweet. You want to get the max bang for your buck in the time you workout – and believe me, you’ll have only so much energy to devote anyway if the weather is as hot as it is here in your neck of the woods.

And 0 Excuses Fitness workouts are the BEST workouts you can do in this sort of weather, my friend. Partake of any of the workouts detailed at the end of the manual — or simply follow along with me in the 250 pushup workout vid, and you’ll know what I mean!

Well, my friend – that’s IT for now. I’m off to partake of some A/C myself now, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

My daughter’s “gorilla grip”

Dear Reader,

Had the most awesome and refreshing drink last night – something I’ve had before as well, but a lot more since I’ve been in India.

It’s hot as heck here. The mercury be touching 45 degrees – or more – and thats the SHADE temperature from what some folks say.

Whatever the actual temperature or reading, it’s way, way hotter than it used to be in Southern China where I was – though not nearly as humid, so it’s about the same in terms of feeling at the end of the day.

It’s a dry heat here though – the kind that saps you the minute you step out of the house, and this drink aids a LOT – if drunk sparingly and at night on occasion.

And what is it exactly, you ask?

Well, my wife made it – so I’m not too sure- but it’s basically vodka mixed in with lime – – or should I say a “dash” of vodka mixed in with lime – – as well as rock salt, and a few other simple but “effective” goodies.

My wife claims she’s learnt it from someplace – but I’m not so sure – given her already awesome culinary skills, this might just be something she concocted up – and boy is it refreshing.

The lime and rock salt are what make all the difference, and what we generally do is we crush the lemons beforehand to get the juice out, and that, my dear reader, in case you’re wondering is where the connection to my little girl’s grip comes in.

“Papa, I want to do it! I want to do it! ” were the excited shrieks we heard as we were preparing this “adult” beverage – and soon enough, my little girl rushed into the kitchen.

“I want to squeeze them! I have a GORILLA grip!” were the exact words she uttered –  or should I say bellowed – as much as a four year old can bellow, hehe.

“I want to do it!”

“Ok, honey. You do it. Here is how you grip the thingy … and … squeeze hard!”

“Okkkkkkkkkk! I have a gorilla grip, Papa!” and as she said those words, the effort in her face and the muscles moving up and down her tiny little forearms showed me that she WAS indeed putting EVERYTHING she had into it.

“More! Squeeze harder! Gorilla Grip!”

“Ugggggggggggggghhhhhhh” and so she did!

Later on that night we had a “handshake” competition – I’m trying to get her to develop that “unnatural  pull in her grip” that I speak about so often.

And guess what – she damn near crushed my left hand – or at least did her best to.

I actually felt it on my thumb – if you recall, that thumb was injured in a most nasty fashion in early January, and I still “feel” it on occasion.

Anyway – the point of me telling you this is … ?

Well, because it’s an uber-important tip I cover in Gorilla Grip – and one you SHOULD use if you’re even remotely interested in developing a cast iron grip – – that being to grip HARD – – grip like your life depended upon it.

Don’t just hold the bar like the guys at the gym do. Grip that sucka as if your entire life depended upon it and squeeze it until it literally either “bends” or squeals for mercy.

Neither one of this will happen of course, but you get my drift.

Most adults just listen to this advice, nod their heads, and then do exactly squat all.

Case in point being a guy in the park I was coaching on pull-ups – and though he did take my advice on board in terms of gripping the pull-up bar HARD (this is yet another tip I cover in the course) – he didn’t actually do it.

“That’s damn hard” he noted.

“Sure is, but it’s what builds real strength”, I replied.

And that was the end of that.

Not so with kids. Get ’em involved in any activity — and they partake of it like their very life depended upon it.

Vim, vigor and gusto indeed – and thats how it SHOULD BE!

So that’s today’s tip, my friend. Don’t just grip – – grip HARD – – SQUEEZE hard – – and watch your results skyrocket!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And in case you thought that the initial Gorilla Grip course is all we’ve got in terms of gripping material – – well — think again. The ADVANCED course right here blows what I’ve said in the initial course right out of the water – – and here is where you can grab it – –

4 year old does handstands

Dear Reader,

It’s been a blast ever since I got back a few weeks ago. Truth be told it’s only been like 2 and a half weeks, but it feels like a lifetime!

Anyway, one of the first things I was interested in doing was getting my 4 year old to do handstands – – supported in part by me, of course – – and this was something SHE was interested in doing as well for a long, long time.

Funny how that works, eh? The vast majority of kids these days are interested in little else other than their smartphones and cartoons on Tee Veeeeeee – -and yet here is my little one practically begging Papa to get her to do handstands.

That isn’t to say she doesn’t do the usual kid stuff – she does – but anyway, it’s been a blast. She’s doing supported handstands nigh perfectly as of now – – I dare say even better than me, hehe, as it’s just so natural!

The kick up, the “fluid” motion, and the kick back down, all so natural and fluid …

Anyway, something we’ve ALL noticed is that kids never tend to put on weight (well, before the age of 6 or so – – and I’m talking “real” kids as opposed to those raised on a diet of chips, cookies, fast food and Tee Veeeeeee) no matter what they eat.

I mean, my four year old can literally gorge on chocolates ALL day long – – and she won’t put on a lick of weight despite that.

Tummy problems, yes – – but weight? Any excess fat? Forgettttt about it – – in fact most folks are calling her skinny – though she’s NOT — she’s fit as a fiddle – – as four year olds should be.

And lest you think gymnastic movements, handstands and stretches are the only keys to “kiddie fitness” (something which we ALL need as adults, btw) – think again.

It’s not by a long shot.

Sure, the movements help. Sure, they’re the movements YOU need to be doing – and doing DAILY as well.

But more than that, it’s the speed at which kids do stuff.

Right about now, my daughter is about 55 minutes or so into her “one hour allowance” (morning allowance) on the smartphone. And she’s sitting so quietly that you could be forgiven for thinking she’s a statue.

Still as a pillar. Not a single muscle moving except her eyes.

But come time to grab breakfast – or her favorite treat – and what happens?

She’ll literally BOUND out of that chair she’s in now – with NO warm up – and she’ll RACE like her life depended upon it to the kitchen – and that too without thinking!

And once she gets what she wants, it’s back to “el coucho”. or “el chairo”, hehe.

Ever notice toddlers move around? Ever notice the way – and speed at which they move?

It’s RAPID, my friend.

A toddler doesn’t “walk on to the kitchen” to get his treat. No – he/she RUNS there – and runs back to enjoy his treat – – and despite long periods of sleep and inactivity, when it’s time to get the job done, they sure get it done QUICK!

Even if it’s a simple run to Papa to ask me something – she’ll do it FAST – and this without me “goading ” her in any way to be quick. It’s just natural for her – and is natural for MOST kids (until lazy parents snuff out the instinct).

There’s a lot to be learned from this, methinks.

As adults, WE would benefit greatly from doing things the way kids do – and THAT is one of the central tenets, along with the deep breathing in 0 Excuses Fitness.

The routines are quick ‘n dirty BLASTS that will literally incinerate fat from your frame in 15 minutes or less a day – and guess what? Most of that 15 minutes will be REST when you first start.

‘Tis true, my friend. ‘Tis so true …

So if you’re like the vast majority of folks today that is packing on way, way too much flabbage around the midsection despite long sessions at the gym and yoga class – – well, fret no more.

Sprint on over HERE, and be prepared to open a whole new Chapter in your life – – a newer, more energetic, fitter – and STRONGER – YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you aren’t following us already on social media, what are you waiting for, my friend? Instagram would be a great place to start – – @0excusesfitness  …

P.S. #2 – As for getting better at handstands – and handstand pushups – thats something most of us want to do, but don’t have a clue as to how to. Good news is this – – there IS a course that’ll teach you how to do it – – and do so QUICK – –

“You’ve got a sexy back taper which women love!”

Dear Reader,

Since I’ve been writing about clothes, and clothing sizes in the past few emails, today’s email (or the subject line, at any rate) should come as NO surprise.

We hear about the “V” shape quite often in terms of fitness, don’t we?

The broad shoulders and muscular, sinewy “bat wing” like lats spreading out to form that “fan shape” along the back – – which is basically what gives you that “V” shaped upper body and torso.

But something NOT talked about a lot – and yet (oddly enough) something that most people crave is the “X” shape.

That basically means your body forms an “X” – – with everything and more that’s included in the “V” shape – – but with a trim and toned core and muscular thoroughbred LEGS to boot as well (and yes, the calves do count!).

THAT shape is what you should be aspiring towards, rather than simply the “V” shape as it’s basically what’ll give you the “droolworthy” (or “beach body”) that most people crave.

I should know. Ever since I’ve returned to India after a long, long “hiatus”, I’ve been having people come up to me and stare at me in amazement and make comments like “Wow! You’re looking like a different man altogether!”.

“You’re looking STRONG!”

“You’ve got that sexy back taper which women love!” (N.B. – That was NOT one of the reasons behind my working for that X shape, but I suppose it’s a welcome side effect!).

And most recently, about half an hour or ago ago, my wife slapped me heartily on the shoulder blades – – a tad bit harder than usual, hehe.

“NOW you’re getting stronger!”

This deserved a riposte, given I’ve been into fitness for years, and I riposted almost immediately.

“Huh? Just NOW? What about last year when we saw each other? I was banging out 100 pull-ups per workout then and …”

But as I said this, I knew she was right.

As of late, my triceps and shoulders have grown in size, strength and solidity – – and my traps have grown enormously as well.

What HASN’T grown though is my midsection – – hence my emails over the last few days about clothing sizes.

And hence the “X” taper which YOU can get too, my friend – – and one of the secrets to getting this taper is NOT what you’d think it is.

It’s NOT doing pull-ups, though those help for sure.

Handstand pushups are great, but there’s plenty more you need to work at for that “carved” core and lat spread/shape.

(Side note – – the handstand pushup course is a  must have though if you’re looking for those “shoulders like boulders” that complement the “X” shape perfectly – – and here is where you can get it – –

And I’ll give you a tip right here – – work on the REVERSE pushups mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness – – as well as the best darn exercise there is – – BEFORE you start cranking out pull-ups etc.

(You can grab 0 Excuses Fitness right HERE – –

Believe me now and trust me later, done correctly and with the right breathing/from this ONE exercise has the potential to turn you into a fitness machine that you never dreamed you could be – – and quickly, at that.

It’s not uncommon to hear folks reporting dropping waist sizes within a few DAYS of trying out this one exercise along with a few others, my friend.

Anyway, that’s it for today from 0 Excuses HQ. It’s been a relaaxxxxxxxeeeed day, the highlight of which was watching my four year old have a mini-wrestling contest with a few of her classmates at basketball class.

Apparently they weren’t passing her the ball, and guess who got punched straight in the thigh after class, hehe.

If you guessed yours truly – you’d be right – but hey – I’m teaching her to box – so I’ve got only myself to blame!

Well my friend, that’s all for now. I’ll be back again later!



P.S. – Damn, I almost forgot to ask you what I’ve been meaning to over the past few days. I’ve been talking a lot about X shapes, pull-ups, and everything under the sun – – but over the next few emails, I’ll do something a little different. I’ll try and answer YOUR questions – – and what I want to ask you is this – – WHAT is your biggest fitness challenge right now? WHAT are you currently struggling with fitness wise – – or perhaps even “life wise”?

Write back in this regard – – with any questions or comments you might have – – and I’ll try and cover ’em in the next few emails!

P.S. #2 – Still haven’t got the handstand pushup video down. Bear with me though – it’s definitely on the “to-do” list!

“Contentment is contentment, but fat will wear XL”

Dear Reader,

Oh my. Right about after I sent you that last email, I saw something on a contact’s social media that I just had to share with you.

That contact being “Emily” – a real estate agent that’s helped me in the past, and a contact that is (unfortunately) putting on way too much weight around the midsection than she should.

Now, at this point a lot of you will probably be asking me to “hang on to my hat” given the “XL” size I posted above.

After all, a size XL isn’t that is it? Especially not in the modern day world and many “developed” nations where XL seems to be viewed as skinny while the lard asses packing their gargantuan bellies into “large size” (read clothes made for ultra-fat people – as if we needed more of that!) T-shirts seems to be viewed upon as normal.

But it is – at least for Emily – as she’s a Chinese girl – taller than the average Chinese girl, but still fairly fit when compared to most of the “outside” world – though not in her eyes, and probably not in mine either.

She was probably a trim 25 or so around the midsection when I First met her, but when I last met her, all the danger signals pointing towards “lardassianess” were glowing brightly.

Expanding midsection, “thunder thighs” (that admittedly didn’t look too bad, hehe), and the rest – but anyway, the pictures and caption she posted on social media were of her and her friends (I believe) gorging on street food and stuffing their gullets with all sorts of unhealthy delicacies – especially at that advanced hour (from what it seems they were gorging way past midnight).

Now – – admittedly I had to translate what I told you in terms of “contentment being contentment”, and as y’all know the translation doesn’t always work accurately but the gist is clear enough, eh?!

Especially when accompanied by some “sigh” and “fed up” emoticons.

The message she was posting was loud and clear.

Eat up – drink up – be merry – and do no exercise whatsoever while living a highly unhealthy “modern day” lifestyle – – if you’re content to stay unfit.

And for her, a size “XL” means what a size “XXXXL” would to us, hehe.

Sad part is, that post actually got a lot of likes and “commiserations” in terms of her having a busy schedule, hectic lifestyle etc.

Fiddlesticks, I say. What this lady needs is a good dose of what I mentioned earlier on this morning – that being quick, intense and RAPID bursts of exercise done the way I teach in 0 Excuses Fitness.

The squats by themselves will ensure those thunder thighs melt away and the midsection gets chiseled down to a trim “M” instead of a “XL” as she’s currently lamenting. And that’s just the squats.

Work in the ab work and the pushups, and she’ll truly had a body she can display proudly on social media – – clad in “M” size clothing, hehe.

OK – so that’s it for today. If you’re content to balloon in and out of your clothes, rapidly advancing towards “super obese” peak, well, no problem, my friend. That’s your prerogative, and I support your right to live life as a beached whale.

But if you’re like Emily – who is at least aware of the situation and (looks like) she’s trying to change herself for the better – well  – I’m right here for ya!

Here is that link then right again, my friend – –

It truly WILL change your life for the better.


Rahul Mookerjee

My constant battle trying to “fit into” my clothes

Dear Reader,

Yes, you read that right.

Yours truly – fitness fanatic – pull-up and sprint maniac – a guy that climbs hills in his dreams (and wakes up to them apparently as well as I did today in a certain regard) – and a guy that pounds out pushups and dips by the dozen or more has the SAME issue as a lot of other people do.

You know what I’m talking about, dont you?

What do I  mean by the “constant battle trying to fit into clothing”?

Well, for most people, this translates into trying to fit into size 32 – or 34 – jeans – and not quite succeeding.

Or perhaps putting on that body hugging slim fit T-shirt you had when you were 20 or so, and having a few buttons pop off instantly.

Or perhaps just a battle trying to shop for clothes to camouflage the “expanding girth” around the midsection.

I’m sure we’re all familiar with all of this, eh?

And as for me?

Well, I’ve got trouble fitting into my clothes for sure – – but in my case, it’s the OPPOSITE.

I bought a couple of T-shirts the other day in India. Size XXL.

They fit fine around the traps and shoulders (a tad bit tight, but all good) – – but thats about the ONLY area they fit fine.

South of chest and “north of knee”, it looks like I’ve got a bloody tent on to be honest.

I mean, for real. The darn thing is billowing around me as I speak as if a tornado had turned it upside down – and as for pants?

Well – – my wife bought a size “L” pair of shorts the other day – – and she literally had to take a needle to it to ensure I could wear it.

That darn thing wasn’t no L – at least not for me. I could pull it up all the way to  my chest and more, if that tells you anything!

Funny part is, the reason clothing manufacturers make clothes like this is because THIS is what people “need” and this is what sells.

In short – and in a nutshell – clothing manufacturers these days make clothes for fat  – or obese people – and the small minority that actually believes in staying fit – and doing what it takes?

Well, we’ve got a battle on our hands for sure!

Anyway, the fact is that most that are battling to fit into clothes they haven’t been for years would like to end this battle pronto – and the good news is this – there IS hope.

There is SOLID hope – and there are ways to whittle down that midsection quicker than you thought or believed possible.

Quicker than the gym bros tell you it can be done. Quicker than taking “magic pills” that don’t work.

Quicker than going on fad diets that do the exact opposite of what they promise.

Yada, nada, schnada.

And how do I know all this?

Well, I’m living proof of what I say, my friend. I’ve got plenty of pics and vids out there on social media — as well as right here on the site and the products – – and if THOSE don’t tell you the entire story, I don’t know what will.

Without further ado then, HERE are the two products you need to start whittling down that waist and chiseling them abs and upper body – –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System – a must have for anyone serious about fitness.

(Available right HERE – –

Advanced Hill Training – – routines that will quite literally TORCH the fat off your body so efficiently that you WILL be able to eat and drink more – and STILL end up losing blubber all over your body at breakneck pace.

(Note – – the routines can be done on flat land as well as hills – – but you DO need to build a base first – – and 0 Excuses Fitness gives you that base. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can jump straight into the “Advanced Hill Training” stuff without prior conditioning. You can’t).

And that’s that for today, my friend. I’m back to wondering how exactly to “whittle” this tent down, hehe. Maybe another needle? We’ll see!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I might actually come out with a few T-shirts of my own down the line. 0 Excuses branded – – Just do it — NO excuses tolerated! Sounds cool, eh?!

My grandfather’s training philosophy

Dear Reader,

Many moons ago, a young lad of about … um, say 6 years of age – or perhaps even younger – I’d say around 5.5 years of age or so, woke up at the crack of dawn during summer holidays in Kolkata, India.

That’s right – the crack of dawn during summer holidays.

The time was about 4:20 A.M. or so when the alarm clock rang – and it was one of those old fashioned “shrill” alarm clocks that you turn off with a thump to the top – – but the only thing was, the darn thing rang SO loudly the first time that you really had no choice but to get up as soon as it rang.

No “sweet melodies” playing on the cellphone back in those days, hehe. We didn’t even have the laptop back then – – or computers as we know ’em for that matter. Did have the old “dial” phones tho …

Them were the days, eh?!

Anyway, this young lad would wake up each day of his summer holiday – and he’d go swimming with his grandfather – come rain, sun, shine or hail.

‘Twas about 5 A.M. when we set off from the house in an old “Fiat” car – – and we’d sometimes stop by my cousin’s house as well to pick him – or THEM – up.

Funnily enough or perhaps not, neither one of my two cousins usually ever woke up in time for the morning swim.

We’d swim in a wild lake – so wild that water snakes and other “creepy crawlies” would float by us as we swam.

In fact, I used to be terrified of getting into that lake – which by the way was a man made lake opposite a swimming pool, and we’d often swim laps in the pool after swimming to a certain point in the lake.

And after that, we’d towel off and go home – him off to work, and me doing “holiday homework” supervised by an often cranky mother, hehe.

Now, the point of me telling you this is not to draw parallels between modern day living and “way back in the day”.

My almost 5 year old daughter wouldn’t wake up at 4 in the morning if she was offered a truckload of chocolates, brownies and all the other treats she loves – and during summer holidays? Not a chance in hell.

Point of me mentioning this is to say this tho – my grandfather, at the time I’m mentioning was a sprightly 73 years of age, and – get this – worked a full day AFTER his morning swim.

He was a doctor – one of the best, and his shifts often lasted until 10 P.M. or so, but did that mean he’d miss his morning swim?

No way, Jose!

He’d be up at the crack of dawn no matter what – – and even funnier, I would willingly be up as well – – even though I’m NOT a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.

Those times were some of the best in my young life, my friend. Those memories can never be erased, and I learned several valuable lessons from these (and other similar) experiences.

What are these? Well, many, but for starters …

Well, one is the power of HABIT, and to DO something daily.

Both of these are things I talk about all the time in my fitness books and courses, none more so than 0 Excuses Fitness.

Do something – anything – and do it daily with passion, and you’ll be surprised at the results that follow.

The second?

Well, it’s something that I’ve been talking about ad infinitum over the past few days – but I’ll talk about it again now.

And that being – – if a man of 73 can do it – – then so can YOU! There are literally no excuses my friend – NONE whatsoever.

So when you feel lazy the next time – – or don’t feel like waking up at the crack of dawn to work out – – or just feel like skipping it altogether – – think of the men that do OTHERWISE.

Think of my grandfather – or the almost 70 year old Brigadier I’ve referred to in past emails.

Or, in “another life”, and as I’ve told you in 0 Excuses Fitness – think of yours truly – making it a point to get up that darn hill no matter how late I’d get home from work.

The point is this – – amidst all the other many lessons you CAN and SHOULD be taking from this email – – do SOMETHING – – and do it daily – – and do it WITHOUT fail.

And don’t make excuses.

And the water snakes, you ask? What price the man made “wild” lakes and 4 AM boxer like routines?

Well, good news is this – you don’t need to wake up at 4 AM if you don’t want to. Neither do you have to swim in a lake full of snakes – – or other creepie crawlies, hehe.

All that I ask of you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System is this – your own body and 10-15 minutes of your time (more if you so choose).

That plus the dedication and habit I’ve mentioned above.

And that’s all you need to transform yourself into a super fit version of yourself – – fitter, leaner and stronger than you’ve ever been in your entire life.

Give it a try TODAY, my friend. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – My advanced course on pull-ups seems to be garnering quite a bit of attention as well on social media. Here is where you can grab your copy — 


Do YOU inspire others?

Dear Reader,

Just got done with some Hindu Squats, pull-ups, and sprints – – followed by a long, long walk around the ‘hood, and I be feeling GREAT, my friend.

I feel absolutely great – on top of the world – and while completing my last sprint, I saw the retired General (who I referred to in an earlier email) out and about on his morning walk as well.

Turns out this gentleman does a walk on the very same route I run – and also turns out that his doctor has told him that “gentle” running (or jogging) is best for his knees as opposed to sprints which I do – mostly because of pre-existing knee injuries as well as his age.

Well – can’t say I agree with the good Doc there – most “gentle” running is exactly what aggravates pre-existing knee conditions, shin splints etc – – and why?

Well, for one, because you don’t go full bore – or anywhere near it when you’re pounding the pavement, my friend – and can thus “go for longer” – but does that make it better than rapid all out bursts of exertion?

Not a chance, my brother. Not a chance and yet that’s NOT what I’m writing to you about today.

I was engaged in a conversation with the gentleman while doing my pull-ups – – and one of the things he told me today was this  “I hope to inspire others by my workout routine!”

And my response?

“You already do, man! At your age … and considering everything you do, and HAVE done … well … ”

I paused, and looked around.

“Take a look around you. Most of these people are way, way out of shape – and they’re probably less than half your age. Always on their smartphones yakking away, doing all the wrong things, and …”

He nodded.

“I agree. It’s sad in a way”.

“It sure is”, I said, as I moved away to do some pull-ups, and I meant every word.

It IS sad that people ignore the ONE thing they should NOT be ignoring – that being their body and therefore their mental state as well.

Anyway, the ex-General’s routine sure DOES inspire me. If I’m feeling lazy some mornings – one thought of this “young” 70 year old man running every morning WITHOUT fail is enough to give me a virtual kick up the backside , and I’m raring to go again.

I wrote earlier about the old man in China who climbs that hill DAILY – come rain, sun, shine or hail and not only has a cast iron grip, but a set of abs that would put most gym bubbas and “young ‘uns” to shame within the space of a few seconds.

And so forth. These people are (sadly) few and far in  between, but boy are they sources of inspiration for me!

That’s what I try and do too, my friend.

I aim to inspire YOU – and others through my daily emails, writings, books, courses and personal training (for those that have opted in) to aim towards – and ACHIEVE – a fitter, leaner, stronger and better YOU.

I aim to inspire ALL reading this to rise UP and ABOVE their present conditions, no matter how “depressing” or unsavory they might be.

I am writing this to tell you that it IS possible -and it IS very doable.

And last, but not least, and most of all, I’m writing this to tell  you about two of the gentlemen – another being my 73 year old grandfather who I’ve written about previously – that  have inspired me greatly, and continue to do so until this day – if just in spirit.

Ok, my friend. That’s it for now. If the above doesn’t inspire YOU to get off your duff, and bang out some Hindu squats and pull-ups – – I don’t know what will!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System contains my own personal tales in terms of HOW I got as fit as I did and the steps I took to get there. Crack it open NOW and read through it (yet again, if you’ve done it once or even twice before) – – I bet you’ll find it just as inspiring!