Hot, sweaty “poor” Indian women doing backbreaking labor, carrying buckets of water on their heads while their lazy well massaged husbands sleep until noon …
- And more

At least, thats how he made it sound.

Let me back up though. Its interesting how I manifest things almost instantly – right down to sales – I was talking smoking yesterday, and today, my daughter spots a red goddamned lighter laying on the road.

I tell her to stay away from crap on the roads, today the way she did it “Dad, can I look at it” – and then, “Ok, I wont” without me telling her about it – and it was sorta clean too, so I said OK, take a look.

Showed her how to use it, of course, first thing she did was try and “burn someone’s hair” with it – which I told her not to do. Always a lesson to be learnt.

But it’s interesting, and I videod this, she often wants to carry her own bag, walk back home herself, all things I’ve been thinking about as of late, since she’s old enough to do it.

Thoughts truly transmute if you do it right – right down to the wife sneakily cooking what I want to cook for her and … well, last night the peas situation. She loves ’em. I’m going to try and make another batch tonight. Hehe.

IF I can find more peas, that is, apparently this place is “seasonal” ie you only get what “grows” in that season and there’s no supermarkets, so …

The country that’s supposedly the next world power after China … ? HA!

Anyway – that image the headline of this conjures up in your head reading this.

An old man stopped me today while I was talking to the daughter, and asked me if I’m her Dad.

I said yes.

Then he said he sees “my wife” (no-one knows the ex status as yet) daily, at 730 AM with my daugher whose always late.

He asked me what I do, I told him – then I told him I’m very lazy, I sleep until noon and just start functioning around 1 PM or so …

“Yes, your wife is very hard working lady”  he went.

“Your daughter though doesnt wake up, and she’s always late”, he continued.

And so forth.

Nice enough guy, but the way he said it, made me think about what Vince Mac Mahon once said – for the common man – perceptions are reality.

I wonder if he knows how many emails I write behind the scenes, that I work till 4AM, my extreme work ethic, fitness routines, and managing all that with two businesses, people I work with, managing them etc …

I wonder if he knows my wife is hardly the overworked “maid” at home she makes herself out to be, and the maids she hires that actually do work are fired – to be replaced by fat prima donnas who are too fat and lazy to bend to pick up hair off the floor, and wont do it despite being told to do so …

And all that.

Poor lady, wakes up early while the tyrant sleeps, full of beer and food – if only they knew the reality. HA!

Ah, perceptions my friend.

They’re indeed reality aren’t they?

I use ’em to sell successfully at the very highest levels.

And, for other business success as well – and LIFE.

Zero to HERO! – and 10 Commandments of Successful Sales covers MORE …

I’ll be back.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – His daughter, the lady I often speak to when I see her, she never made one single comment along those lines – Mary Kom’s trainer. Just goes to show ya, thinking …

The iconic Rahul Mookerjee pose – no, not THAT one …

Its not the one on the cover of the 10 Commandments of SUccessful Sales, that – along with some comments I made were termed as iconic by a certain Michael Harding who once reviewed the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

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has been added to your cart! (Remember, a one time Ship membership gets you access to all digital downloads, period). 

Remember to check out our ongoing REWARDS page for special offers, discounts etc applicable to YOU!

That is simply ONE of the iconic photos, fitness wise, there’s two more – one being the cover of “Pull-ups – from DUD to Stud – within WEEKS!”

Everyone, especially fat boys who cannot do the pull-up and find every excuse in the world to avoid it, the sorriest crappiest one being “I’m big, so I can’t do ’em” – bullshit.

Steve Austin when asked about his home gym pointed out his pull-up bar, and said he struggles to get his ass up there too.

Hey, thats being HONEST.

And he ain’t fat by a long shot.

Fat boys who couldn’t do a squat in proper form, have man boobs and bellies that spilleth over making all kinds of excuses to avoid real man workouts – its pathetic, thats all I can say about that.

Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD
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has been added to your cart! (Remember, a one time Ship membership gets you access to all digital downloads, period). 

Remember to check out our ongoing REWARDS page for special offers, discounts etc applicable to YOU!

has been added to your cart! (Remember, a one time Ship membership gets you access to all digital downloads, period). 

Remember to check out our ongoing REWARDS page for special offers, discounts etc applicable to YOU!

The one I really want to talk about though is this one –

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Remember to check out our ongoing REWARDS page for special offers, discounts etc applicable to YOU!

has been added to your cart! (Remember, a one time Ship membership gets you access to all digital downloads, period). 

Remember to check out our ongoing REWARDS page for special offers, discounts etc applicable to YOU!

Pull-ups from STUD TO SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!

THAT is really another one EVERYONE wants to do.

Its the most viewed product, and most abandoned one too.

Once you can get in this position and hold, your getting somewhere – IF you do it in proper form.

Once you can get your legs to the BAR, and move clockwise slowly, then counter clockwise, then repeat for reps, youre progressing.

Once you start doing pull-ups in that position, you’re really starting to go places.

And then you have all the other advanced versions of pull-ups in the book – includng the “swami pull-up” which will whip your ass QUICK – and which you can’t find nowhere on the planet except in this damn book – guaranteed.

Look, we all know everyone – including the lookie lou’s WANT this book.

Simply looking wont get you in the sort of shape you need to be in order to become David Goggins, or come close to the great man’s ability.

You have to learn from one thats been there, done that, continues to.

There’s a reason my customers routinely tell me “people buy your product because you can do stuff they can’t. You’re in the 0.01% of the population on …” (he was referring to handstands, but of course there’s more there).

Sometimes pictures speakth a thousand words, so I’ll leave it at that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Doers do, thinkers keep thinking and get nowhere. Be a thinker yes, but back that shyt up with action. Get the above products NOW, and start getting into the most illustrious shape of your life today. Be the best you possible – starting NOW.



The rule of 10,000
- So they say

It takes 10,000 tries to – or practices, whatever, to truly achieve the level of mastery most people never will (even those masters keep learning)- – so say wise men.

Bruce Lee said that about kicks and martial arts.

Millionaire writers that have been there, done that say that about writing – emails, books, novels, newsletter, you apply it to what you want.

10,000 hours of practice is a bare minimum for most looking to make it at an elite level in sports.

And so forth.

So that got me thinking.

With my four hours – min – of hiking the hill in those conditions I told you about, just how much have I hiked in my whole life? till now?

Well, for two years, it was 4 * 365 – often 6 x 365.

I tell the daughter all the time to multiply in her head.

I’m a lazy son of a gun right now, so I’ll pull out the calc.

I remember an average of 30 k steps a day though just during the workout, and then I was walking all day at work, running to work and such …

1640 + 2090.

  • 3730 (I did that one in my head)

I left out the parts in the first year when I did 6 times a day.

Remember, that hill was steep as heck, 900 m or so, it was like a 1000 steps up, 1000 down.

Then you have all the years of hiking 1-3 times a day up and down it.

which is like 8 at the least

You do the Math, I wont.

But I’d say I’m over 10,000 hours or close to it very easily at that …

Now, lets take emails.

I dont send 20 or 40 emails daily. But I do send a min of one a day for all my businesses, no matter what. I’ve been doing it for years.

And most are posted here.

This is #2760.

The other site has … lets see, … 1057, maybe more because the count messed up when I moved servers, but lets leave it at that for now.

Then 398 + 1466 emails on the other biz.

Bear in mind these are the public emails.

These dont take in account the very substantial amount sent to the Ship and such which will never be posted publicly.

Then, all the writing I’ve done and products I’ve created.

On the other site, you can multiply whats here in terms of volume by 2.5.

Emails alone are well over 5500… so even by that yardstick, man, I’m well there … or on my way?

You decide, but I speak from a place of knowledge and achievement my friend.

Nothing beats daily practice.

The Law of practice and persistence is not one Tom Tommed because it dont sound pretty, but it, like water, wears everything else down ultimately.

And thats that.

Back soon.

For a fitness system that will build gumption in spades and turn YOU into a doer and achiever beyond your wildest dreams, and imagination – click HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Writing, you ask? Dont forget all the emails and writing I did for other clients not mentioned here when I Worked for others, at “that” job, and all the foruming I did before … like tomes upon tomes there too. I’ve always been a writer au extraordinnaire. I’ve only now taken it to the extremest next level and I’m just getting begun.

More on why sugar is an addictive and indisious little bastard, and why it’s nigh AS, or more possibly addictive than Coke-aine…
- And it is brah, fact

I’ve been having the dickens of a headache all day.

I wondered all day why, I’ve worked out, I haven’t fasted (though I never had headaches when I fast, longer I go without, the better I fuckin feel), I have not worked out too much, I stretched – I even took two gentle walks and stood in the setting evening sun, I did all I normally I do, worked a full day and night and continue to, I slept till noon yes, thats not “too much” given I was working till 5 AM and thus forth …

Couldnt figure out why – the answer hit me after a dang shower.

Before that, I took a quick look at the cookie I filled, and instantly raided the other night, hot damn, that shit smelt good, I was tempted – even yours truly – I will freely fuckin admit it.

Yet, the aftermath

I put back the jar – for another night.

My stomach wasn’t near as tore up as I expected it to be after gorging on that many, but it wasn’t in the best of shape either, and it wasn’t the pickles or heapings of fruits and veggies I ate either.

It was the processed junk that tasted so good – still does.

Which is why I so dont want my daughter eating it.

The honey I gulped tonight, not completely natural, but a far cry from the processe cookies etc – that damn flour, preservatives and crap caused it.

A shower normally cures it, it has not this time, and it aint that i’m hungry. Sometimes a hot shower does it to me – I rarely take hot showers ,but I took a cold one tonight…

I got it though, drying myself off.

It hit me, thats why I opened the cookie jar out of the blue!

Man, if there’s one thing I stress and tell everyone to avoid – its that damn it sugar.

In all its forms, its the worst thing you can put into your body unless it’s like natural, like raw sugarcane juice and such.

You might as well be putting coke in your body – either the drink or the drug. And the drink has been, the diet version of it, proven to corrode insides of car engines when poured down it – think of what it does and the long term havoc it wreaks upon human beings in general physically and mentally.

I’ve never had these sort of headaches even after quitting smoking that I wrote to you earlier about today.

Maybe a little the day after, maybe a longing to smoke, but and damn, I smoked two packs a day, that was it, in a couple of days it went away.

But this, I haven’t done this for years, then one time I do it – haha – if you needed more proof – there it is for you.

And day after the sugar was another fast, get this – to get the crap out of my system. This is THREE Days later..

I’m well aware most reading this email will nod and go on stuffing sugary crap down their throats anyway and get fatter and more slovenly, internally more miserable than before while Tom Tomming their so called delicious birthday cakes or what not on Shitter – Twitter.

And thats your choice, not my business to say otherwise.

I’ve said what I have to.

More in the Simple and effective Diet. 

I haven’t yet started the book on fasting, but I will if there is enough demand, so write back – and let me know. Dont be a bump on a log, many of you are – oh, and … crowning glory of all glories –

To “Tobias” from somewhere in SA he requested to keep private, so I wont reveal the exact precise city – who wrote back with an unsubscribe request saying “I sent 20 emails the other day, and that he might have “considered” buying but its “getting to be too much” – it seems he’s suffering from overdose or withdrawal or both – not me.

Hey, riddiance and good luck friend, and I mean that. The list is for hard core doers, not lookie lous or fence sitters, those that want to help me out by asking to be removed, thank you very much. It’ll be done – and has been done in your case T. The link was right there if you wanted to quietly click it, so clearly you didnt really want to go, you wanted to whine and have your voice heard, I’ve granted that request too. Thank you again for the applause brah. I’m glad I’m doing so superlatively well in turning the non doers OFF, and the doers ON. Thats my intention! Always has been, except I’ve upped it (the ante) and taken things to unseen levels as of late, and it’s only just starting. You ain’t seen nothing as yet pal. 20 emails is the start. I’ve sent over 40 once when I had a sale!

I dont want if then’s, has been’s, maybe’s, the real maybe’s remain silent and talk after doing, or dont whine at all on the list – bottom line.

And thats just how it is.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

You aint lived till you drank HONEY out of a bottle – hehe.

And I mean raw honey.

I was going to tell the daughter that, but she hates all healthy food -despite the sweet tooth for all the crap.

I told her anyway – but she wasn’t having none of it. Hehe.

That tiny bottle of honey you saw the other day is gone.

I love honey – REAL maple syrup too, the kind you find in Vermont.

And, obviously Canada.

I was asking her to try some peas I cooked first, and she tried ’em, first reaction – she loved ’em.

I asked her if she wanted more, all the while she was nervously looking towards the bathroom because Mama apparently on the quiet told her “not to help Dad when cooking” (true story – because I once asked her to Google something – what a fruitloop my ex is and remains) …

… and, because she can’t say she likes anythin I cooks or else there’s a huge hullabaloo.

Then they complain and whine about “he does nothing for his daughter”. Cant win for losing, hehe.

Anyway, I told her to be honest, she did tell me it was too spicy … which I Get. My daughter isn’t yet huge on spice.

But the way she’s scared of my ex, man …I hate that shit, but say nothing about it – NOW.

I dont need to, actually, even my mom openly says “shes petrified of her”.

And she is, except Mom forgets to note she’s even more petrified of Granny’s non stop lecturing than Mama’s yellin …

Honey, you ask?

As I drank it out of the bottle and sat there savoring it today, two things came to mind …

One, my buddy Vincent telling me (not the same Vincent – not the Marine) about how “Ive done that MANY a times myself” when I told him about how I was too drunk to either cook or order out last night, and passed out.

He had passed out of colleg though I believe by the time I once ordered pizza, I was drunk as a skunk and fast fuckin asleep by the time the damn thing arrived, guy rang the bell, I got several messages on the phone (answering machine – mine used to say “you need me, I need you, so spit it out” – no kidding even) , and long story short, they did all they could to get in touch with me, couldn’t, refunded the next day. Hehe.

I’m not EVEN gonna get into the tale of Vincent and how I once called – though drunkenly 911 on his ass… luckily they did not come. Hehe. And luckily I Wasnt arrested for “prank” calling!

Anyway …

The things we’ve all done. Eh?

Tonight I decided to let me food cook a lot longer than I normally would, wife turned it off.

Now thats good intentioned despite what it might sound like, she didnt want the food to burn although she said “I dont want you blaming me” .

Which is ludicrious, I’m cooking, why would I blame her if I forgot, which she doesnt know I didnt…

Sure, she turned on the damn oven,  but she was using it before that, so I left my ingredients in it, I would have turned it on, but she did it anyway …

Anyway, I then had the honey – I dont want to gorge on cookies again, though I might yet, we’ll see. Probably NOT though. Damn!

And the peas, I’m trying to make a quick roasted snack though it takes forever to make, and I’m almost there. Damn that shit tasted good tonight.

Anyway ….

You aint lived till you drank honey out of a bottle, during my lean days, I’ve done everything I needed to survive with one immediate goal in mind – hang in there, better days are there.

And they always were.

Most people aint got that gumption.

They give up long before…

Gumption Galore! is meant for a very select bunch of doers truly interested in improving their life. Though this list contains doers, and after all the culling I do, and will continue to very fuckin ruthlessly – doers only, even all of you reading this wont and have not, and some still will not buy the product and thats fine. Not everyone is interested in reaching rarefied levels of success, and most people including those on the list who never get the “life” products thinking “I know it all already” (no you dont pal) (you dont until you’ve LIVED it) simply wont make it big. 

Again, thats fine. To each his or her own, but to end this email a few other things that came to mind that jive with the general tole – and title of this email…



Imma leave that one be!

Anyway, four more things off the bat

One, people dont like the truth (fat boys reading this that are in complete denial, bozos that claim to do things they haven’t in their wildest dreams, scammer, copy artists and such – and all their ilk- listen up).

They like it even fuckin less when it’s pointed out BRUTALLY via writing and verbally, as a friend once said ‘its not what he says so much as HOW he says it’.

Truth, friend.

And I make SURE, doubly triply sure to make my stuff hits home – hurts when warranted, and bad – because a true doer will recognize it for what it is, a kick up the ass for him or her to improve their shit – or two, PRAISE in heaping measures when warranted, no and never any in betweens there.

It’ll always be that way – on this list, my business, my products, if someone reading this doesnt like it, they’re free to jump off a cliff for all I care. Thats me, thats always gonna be me …

Vince McMahon said as much during a very controversial podcast, but then again he ultimately made millions doing just that.

You get deep into the pysche of people and you be HONEST OVER ALL.

And no matter how much people deny the truth it’s staring them right in the mirror, or BANK ACCOUNT for some people – and that truth doesnt go away, friend.

And they know it.

My honest writings are the #1 reason why scores of people hate me, troll me, and will do anything to see me completely fail.

They’ve failed thus far, they will continue to. And I’ll welcome their trolling!

It’s also why folks love me, no-one gives it to you fuckin straight like I do. It wasn’t for nothing my friend told me it wouldn’t be foregone conclusion in terms of whose more brutally honest – me, or Donald Trump.

Second, jacks of all trades aren’t necessarily the losers in life. True , specialized knowledge works wonders, you need it, but you need brain and street smarts over all, especially the latter, to succeed and go where no-one has gone before you. Someone like Sly Stallone is a great example, not a boxer, not a wrestler, not any of what he potrays in his movies, yet he, like Mc Mahon, can connect with the common man – “Americana” and globally – and therefore, his success.

Third, listen to your audience, and not critics.

Critics have panned movies that turned out to be complete hits. Sleeper hits at that. Books etc.

They aren’t always wrong but you gotta take what they say with several pinches of salt.

Fourth, and I’ll end this one here – when I get on calls with folks and ask me about “how to really commit myself” and then tell me “I’ve done that already” when I tell ’em some ways how – I ask them this.

How many times you have failed, failed big (sometimes after succeeding, lost it all), and then come back again grander and better than before?

It’s a question everyone needs to ponder, life wise, fitness wise, business wise.

Until you’ve failed, been damned proud of it, and failed fuckin big, you aint lived or tried, and thats the bottom line I’ll end this one on!

Fitness wise, hard hitting advice that truly works in all my books and products. 

Start with the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 


Rahul Mookerjee

You never really change who you are at the CORE
- Way too many people dont acknowledge this.

You dont.


You can’t take the man out of the man regardless.

Might sound like gibberish, but it’s true.

Like you can’t take red out of redneck, no, I dont consider that derogatory, but an argument made by someone on a forum, if you consider the n word derogatory why not this? He was right…

Anyway – way too many people dont acknowledge WHO they are at the core, therefore, they dont know what they WANT out of life – truly – and lives unsatisfied lives of pure, utter mediocrity. I’ve got examples right in front of me right now!

Anyway – in the 2008 hit movie Jannat, a movie I watched in the hall with my wife, a movie that shook me deeply, I loved it so much I didnt kiss her ONCE (and we were HOT then) in the damn theater – and that catapulted the actor to stardom, the villain makes a remark of “Insan ki phidrat kabhi nahi badalti”.

Which translates roughly into the title of this email.

Story of a small town boy with an uncanny sixth sense that helps him predict outcomes of cricket matches, then he starts to bet, makes huge money, gets noticed for and starts working for the mafia (justifies it by saying I dont do anything other than fix matches – which he didnt, true) … and the love of his life tries till his last breath to rid him of his gambling habit as she puts it – which brought him fame, riches, money – more than “Croseus”, so much so people were comparing it to Alladin’s lamp – but can’t.

The villian knew this, thus he kept enticing dude to come back to work even after he quit “for the girlfriend” – but wasn’t happy inside.

See story of my own father “quitting smoking for the mother” and no other reason a few emails back. HA!

Now, movie wise, it didnt end well for dude in the movie, but it made him a superstar in real life till this date. I love the guy – though my favorite movie of him is a gangster movie he made in HK – I remember the streets of HK (at the same time) so vividly every time I see that damn movie (2003 flick).

Real times, real movies, not the crap we see today. most of it is crap, anyway – though real is starting to return, way too slowly for my liking …

Anyway. McMahon in his podcast talks about how you never really change who you are when Steve asked him about their classic chemistry (if you’ve seen the Attitude Era, you kno what I mean!) – that was a head and shoulders above already solid chemistry and a massively popular show otherwise.

Even in places like India, three weeks delayed RAW on Star Sports… I remember when they came here, damn, I had to go see ’em!

Mom was complaining about “those drunk guys there” …

Luckily I managed to go. Hehe. None of the pyrotronics you see in the WWE – even in those days, but the technology simply wasnt there in Pragati Maidan then!

Anyway …

They were an attraction, broken toilet seats, gulping down bottles of Bisleri in one gulp (Big Daddy cool Diesel – hehe) and such …

But back to it, his answer to this was – despite my current money etc, I never forgot where I was from.

In a party, the bartender is the one I identify with the most.

And with self professed redneck Austin, well, Vinces brilliant mind did the rest!

And thats that my friend.

It’s a key success lesson to learn.

Hope you did!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why I never worked jobs even when I needed the money and why you gotta be all in or NOT.
- If you truly wanna make it big

I dont know – after talking about that Vince MacMahon podcast, another thing that came to mind was what he said bout good ole JR (Jim Ross, good ole boy, BBQ Sauce and such – haha) leaving the company, what caused it etc, how ultimately JR left of his own volition. Classic commentary along with “The King” Jerry Lawler I must say!

Those two were together for years, they will never ever be replaced!

Classic, just classic,

Anyway, Vince talks about how JR “finally” needed a break, and he took one – permanently. Some know when thats time. For the Undertaker, Vince had to sorta tell him that 30 plus years as a legend was more than enough time, his injuries, and a lot more (look at how massive the Undertaker was back then and how though he’s still a big dude, certainly nowhere near that shape) …

Still a damn good REAL fighter though, UFC style, damn quick strikes!

Anyway, Vince spoke of letting JR go because “you have to be in it all the way or not at all. This is a 24/7 thing, not “sometimes”, or most of the time”.

You simply cannot create greatness without it, which is a fact.

A vision of greatness is what Vince had, though he’ll never admit it – after years of work, he got there and how.

Now, when I – back in the day – desperately needed money etc, family support and such, of course I never got it.

All I got?

Was “work a job”.

Which is fine, dont get me wrong, for most folks.

But for me, I could never stay long enough in a job for a reason, and thats been explained before in my emails.

And plus, to create something long term and lasting (you guys ain’t even seen the first of it here) – you gotta be in it all the way.

A job wont let you do that – period (especially these days) – and especially some of the bottom line crap my Mom recommended “so long as he works a job we can tell others about all’s well” – ugh.

Recently, while doing audiobooks on the other site which are no longer sold since the Amazon mess – pity – the ones here still are though – I remember I’d wake up in the middle of the night till May.

I was working with folks all over the world on various schedules.

Didnt matter if I got an email at 4AM.

Like Vince says about Steve Austin calling him at 2, you gotta answer the phone.

I dont have a multi million dollar biz as yet, and dont HAVE to do that – so you might say.

To me, I do HAVE to do that – and I happily do it.

And thus my strong work ethic everyone speaks of.

Alright, thats enough prattling for now.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Phock, I forgot to plug Zero to Hero! 

Ok, done that now.

Why you shouldnt – and I never have – worry about competition
- Competition is good.

Napoleon Hill is fond of saying “no-one succeeds alone. You take others with you”.

And it’s true, my friend – ask any real achiever in any field that – they will tell you.

Goddawg, as I write these damn emails, I realize I’m writing another Gumption Galore! 

Well, actually Vol #2 of Zero to Hero

But those 51 tips are actually 101 – if you read between the lines.

THESE might be 201!

Or more…

But anyway, someone just (just now) asked me what context I was referring to in my last email in terms of Vince making the “keep something in the backpocket” statement.

Well, friend, he was referring to when he bought the companies out – which wasn’t a direct plan, it just happened – and how he said it was a question of who would burn out first – us or them.

They did.

They ran out of creatives, talent etc – Vince always kept something in the back pocket.

From someone that grew up rough in a trailor, those lessons die hard.

Lots of other useful tips he gives without meaning to in that podcast, including reinvesting everything he had in the business – I do that till this date though you dont know or notice a lot of it (very long term).

And, how when he BOUGHT out folks – before he did that, people laughed at the “kid with no money” (he had literally nothing then, those guys were multi millionaires) having the sheer audacity to even TALK about buying them out.

Thats Vince MacMahon saying that, mind you.

Look at what persistence got him.

It can get YOU places too, if you so choose.

I Can tell you personally and attest to firsthand the value and importance of persistence, and have in all my emails.



Competition, eh?

Lots of folks here anxiously scan my site – even the trolls and nutters to see “what he’s been up to”.

and, his new means, ways etc.

They repeatedly sign up for my youtube after I block ’em … Hehe.

And its like clockwork, I put a video out, some idiot will put one out on JUST that topic tom tomming his ability to do it better (hint – most can’t even begin to do what they ape).

Which is fine.

You can attempt to copy Mozart all you like my friend. Its a badge of honor to be honest to have a long list of folks trolling me and copying me, I dont mind it, I make money off ALL of it, and will continue to watch movies all day and wake up until noon if I so choose, because I can. Hehe.

But bottom line, and Jeff Bezos said this too.

Its far better to focus on the CUSTOMER – in Vince’s case his audience, than the competition.

A trick most people miss, despite claiming they dont.

Know your OWN audience inside out and what THEY want.

And thats the ticket.

Politicians in their emails dont market or email lukewarm prospects.

They do to THEIR – RED HOT – base. I mean those so into them that they’d storm the Capitol if asked – literally.

There’s a lesson to be learnt there, no, not the actual storming itself.

The success of WWE, Amazon etc stands testament to this fact.

Persistence, and focusing on their customers got them to where they are today.

To the point a lot of Amazon customers, myself included for years, wouldn’t buy off other sites if paid to, despite me knowing the subconscious programming they “put on me”.

I enjoy it.

Same thing with my base here.

And my own business mentality.

Doesnt mean I Dont occasionally check out what “competition does”, but either for chuckles, or just to mentally pat ’em on the back – way to go friend.

I’m not, and never have been in the least bit worried or lose sleep over competition, including the hordes selling at way lower prices than I do.

Not in the least.

My prices are going up even now and they will continue to.

So, if you want to buy a product before the price rises again *ouch – hehe* – nows the TIME.

Last, sure, you can’t have a crap product, but I’m secure in the knowledge mine stand head and shoulders above all else in the fitness segment. IT’s neve been about what I can do better than the competition, though thats obviously part of it, but way too many idiots that dont sell less than a fraction of what I do, if even that worry about “he’s doing that, look, Mama, I did this better!”

It ain’t about that. They wouldn’t realize it though if a brick fell on their fat heads to tell ’em that (fat as in sense) – or if I wrote it out plainly as I am here.

In the other one, there’s no real competition even …

And thats that. (no I didnt buy the competition out there. I did not put them out of business. They simply aren’t doing it, I have been for years. ).

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Always have something in the back pocket…
- Amen, Vince.

In his award winning book Shantaram, the tale of an Aussie expat and his (illegal from a visa standpoint) adventures in india for like over 20 years, I think? And that was just the start for the mofo named Greg Roberts … he talks about how a street fighter always has SOMETHING he keeps in reserve.

He dont mention what that thang is.

But, beaten to a bloody pulp in a brutal Indian prison (they’re as brutal as they get till today) – starved almost half till death (literally) – he got into a fight with another inmate, and gave it his all.

He was whipped till he almost died.

True story with some embellishments as Roberts himself will tell ya.


When he finally got out of jail – where he was put in for NO crime, held without bail for months on end – he looked at himself, made a vow to himself “I aint never gonna let no-one do this to me again”.

Thats actually what I wanted to write about initially, hell, and this will be music to the ears to the trolls who complain my tips books are “nothing but emails I send out” (fuck – do that make the value any damn less? I no think so my friend!) (could be me speaking, emailing, so what?) (as a reviewer once rightly said, Rahul’s life travails make for a great learning experience) – anyway, maybe all this will make it to Zero to Hero – Volume Two!

But thats one thing.

I done made that vow to myself years ago, many moons ago (no I wasn’t thrown in jail or beaten to less than a pulp).

I actually took the cops to court and won.

Anyway, thats different – Vince Mc Mahon, owner of the WWE, a man I very much admire, was on the Steve Ausin podcast years back.

And I remember listening to that SOB (the podcast) (I do many times, Austin has some great shows) and how Austin was saying “you bought out all the damn entertainment, now, the talent isn’t quite what it should be, the show isn’t, yet, people have no choice”.

he was right.

But, Vince was right(er) in his two responses.

One, there will never – although folks are STARTING to get real again – be another Attitude Era anytime soon

That era, our generation brought up in the roaring, rip roaring 90’s was SPECIAL.

Right down till the movies we watched – which I watch till this day.

We had that X factor, a lot of us.

And as Vince said, a lot more ambition than folks today.

despite folks having social media etc today which can help them immensely, that generation achieved way more than millennials etc.

But anyway, company wise, he made the sage remark “we dont have competitors in sports entertainment – but we do on TV”.

He’s right again.

Think about it – till this date, they compete, and successfully so with pro football, and many other things on TV, and come out on top.

Wrestle Mania is still a thing…

Old school.

Though Vince, like any smart businessman has “adapated to the times” as it were. Different time now, as he says.

Anyway – the comment I want to talk about?

When he was asked about no entertainment SPECIFICALLY in the “wrestling” if I can call it that, niche.

He agreed.

But then he said this.

“I always kept something in the back pocket, Steve”.

I had to!

And, though the context is wider here – including how he bought the company on the dollar (the competing company) and such I remember thinking “street fighter” when I saw that.

same thing my buddy Aaron and others have said about me over the years.

And, “youre a goddamned survivor”.

Proud to be one, friend.

Remember one thing, my friend.

Life wise, fitness, ALWAYS have something in reserve – that X factor, even when all seems gone, you have SOMETHING you conjure up.

Which saves the day.

The Russians did it in WWII …

And fitness wise, when it comes to gas in the tank that never ever runs out, the 0 Excuses Fitness System will build exactly what I’m talking about above.

Become a winner in the game of life and FITNESS, and lets face it, BOTH go together TODAY, my friend.

And thats that – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

What constitutes REAL selling.
- Most dont know that.

Selling isn’t half as easy as most make it out to be – those that have never done the damn thing, as usual.

My father used to bitch about sales all the time “cushy job” he claimed.


If that were true, most CEO’s wouldn’t be focusing on one thing above all – sales.

Sales, my friend, is the lifeblood of anything – and we sell each other daily on things whether we know it or not – every fuckin interaction you have with someone is, guess what, a SALE in a way.

At THAT company I still remember executing botching everything I sold spectacularly well, which is a gripe I’ve had for a long time, thus I finally just quit IT “jobs” and started my own company there too – long story.

I shoudl say, my sales and biz development jobs which had many perks as well… (in IT ie web dev).

But the way most people think “put it out there and they’ll come” aint the way.

My former publishers on the other biz are probably till this date guilty on that one (hey, they are great guys tho!).

Neither is throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks – thats outlined clearly in our affiliate applications for a good reason. That pisses a lot of wanna be’s off – so be it.

I dont – we dont – want that type around here.

Selling isn’t putting something – then something else – then something else – on some site, and then claiming “you sold” when something “finally” sells.

Selling is MAKING the sale happen actively.

Want another example?

I had my products on Amazon for years before the current imbroglio with ’em, and other than paid advertising which I did like a sum total of three times, and not ONCE for the other business, my sales have been fine there – and rip roaring for the other business, without doing – get this – a shred of “direct” marketing on Amazon.

I shit you not.

Amazon’s customer base and their reputation – or should I say, customer feeling which they’ve spent over 20 or more years dinning into their most loyal customer’s subconscious is the reason those sales, or most of ’em happened.

Some of those guys wouldn’t buy any other place than Amazon if they were PAID to do so. Hard as that might sound to believe, it’s true.

Yes, my other efforts helped, but they weren’t the main driver – THERE.

Now here on MY Site, all mine yes.

Until I become as well known as Donald Trump that is. Hehe. Or, as rich as Bezos!

Until then though, all my efforts here…

And thats real sales.

Like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once remarked about me, a guy that has built multiple brands for him from scratch, fallen, risen, rinsed, repeated (we were talking about women) …

Without sales, and learning on the trenches, or in – getting hit by plenty of “live fire” – sink or swim – I’d never have made it past first or quarter base…

This isn’t me putting operations down. You have to have a good product as well.

But SELLING it is the hard part.

And throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks isn’t the way, as those that do have no doubt learned.

I show you what to do in each of the lessons, stories, whatever in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, which actually contains more than 20 lessons if I were to completely flat out honest.

Have at if you so choose.


Rahul Mookerjee