How I seemingly inspired even the ruffians.
- that I do NOT like, hehe.

’twas 1:22 PM, spring’s in the air, summer’s almost here, I was so relaxed you could have knocked me down with a feather, damn near!

This relaxed state persisted throughout my workout – which today was another one of those  rigid form workouts – 90 pushups, 10 pull-ups -the ab movements I showed up -grip work – and walking – and lots of stretching.

Its one thing to touch the chest to the floor and go ALL The way back up during pushups.

its quite another thing to do both of those things, and then some, and only those that DO – and do regularly will “Get it”  and it’s only for those people, truth be told honestly.

Ruffian pauses, “says hi”.

“Now your time is starting!”

I didnt quite understand initially. HEhe. Then I got it.

“Right, I laughed”.

122 PM, 8 minutes to go!

And he’s right in that regard.

I said thank you!

Then he told me how “I should thank you” i.e. he should thank me – which flummoxed me . . .

“I watch you do, now we do every morning”, he went.

You mean, you started after watching me do it – I asked.

He replied in the affirmative.

I’ve no idea if he’s serious, but I believe he is. These vibes cannot be faked, and if I can inspire even RUFFIANS to start doing the thing, well, my friend -those on this list that are still procrastinating, making excuses, hemming, hawing, neighing, naying, whining and so forth “not” to get Pushup Central, or that product you’ve been putting off God knows why- you know the product, hehe – then if THIS does’t inspire you – you dont need to be on the list, period.

And I wouldn’t want you on it. Period.

I’d like people with a PULSE, feeling. Hehe. Hey I’m being flat out honest here!

And thats fine. Horses for courses, to each his own …

Now, why Pushup Central? 

Because my pushups, rather than pullups as you might believe, and given they’re so tough for most people I would not blame you for thinking that way – are what inspire people the most.

Those high rep pushup workouts, one after the other, non stop … Chest to the floor, perfect form, all the way back up …

THOSE inspire.

They always have since childhood, I was always into pushups, my Taekwondo teacher – and anyone with any sense – knew that.

Stretching, not so much – hehe. Thats changed now though.

Anyway, was a great, bliss filled day, and half of it remains. I am truly coming full circle, especially with the Bengali ladies clustered around giggling away, reminds me of HK in 2003, guy stops me in the middle of the road, doesn’t know me from Adam, starts speaking Bengali to me.

Some things, vibes, cannot be faked …

Thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Even yours truly fails to inspire SOME people. Like dude who keeps complaining about wanting to do pull-ups, but is too lazy to try. I’ve long since blocked him out of my life, but I see him sometimes, today I did , I was trying to avoid him, but thankfully he left after a LOSER like comment, truly, this comment spells out the word LOSER – incarnate.

“Always exercising, Rahul!” went in a censorious tone, he reminded me exactly of my mother saying that … right down to the tone.

And his lack of achievement in any sphere of life shows this.

All good, takes all types … Hehe.

“Darun”… the ladies went. Means superlative! Hehe. (yes, I know  way more languages than I let on to . . . )

And, what ruffian said was the greatest honor ever. Thats what this is all about, inspiring, and if you skip a chance after reading this to start not just doing, but inspiring, I mean its one thing to “do” – yet another to INSPIRE! … then, not sure what to tell you except you dont have a pulse. Motivate, uplift through ACTION should be the order of the day, so many people miserably fail at it.

How my HABITS keeps me healthy, as all around me cough, hack, and so forth . . .
- And whats sad, it can all be avoided.

Everyone is coughing around me – including my little daughter, whose been going for MONTHS literally coughing – though in her case it’s more indigestion, addiction to the dumbphone which is just increasing as she grows up -the wife yells at her for it, but thats all she sees, the wife herself is so into the dumbphone! – digestive issues from chowing down on way too much junk and a lot more …

I so miss the handstand pushup days with her – perhaps thats  one reason little Finn, all of three years old and probably that tall too, hehe struck such a chord. I was telling my daughter about him last night, about how she was just a bit taller than him (age of 5) when we first did handstands together in 2018…

Memories, memories, she’s changed a LOT – daily – but given all the influences around her, well, that happens.

Not to worry.

She has her father’s mind.

And she will ULTIMATELY learn – and triumph over all, which is what counts.

But anyway.

Mom’s sick. Dad’s apparently sick. everyone else I see is coughing away “to glory” as they would say in ole school ole Blighty, hehe.


Here sitteth the dude with the so called worst habits, the caveman who was told he’d die by 30 if he “kept it up” – and so forth.

The guy whose medicine cabinet doesn’t even have Paracetemol – I dont even HAVE a medicine cabinet, I only remember getting sick once in 2016, once in 2017 – and then I walked to the store, got what I needed, within 2 days – back to normal!

Same thing most of my life – I rarely fall sick, when I do, its bad, but I recover quick.

Now, how – with my habit – do I stay so healthy while all around me are “falling like spades”?

Or dominoes, depending on …

Well, my HABITS.

Yes, my pushups. Yes, my fitness routines. Yes, my deep breathing. You already know all this though! Yes, the 0 Excuses Fitness System, but what you might not have thought about – my OTHER HABITS!

Mentally for one,  I dont prepare to fall ill by stocking up on meds “in case something happens”.

I expect never to fall sick no matter what – and I dont.

If I do, I’m secure in the knowledge that my MIND will conquer all, I’ll get better if I do fall sick – without medication, with nothing but a lot of water to flush the toxins out.

My sexual habits – yes, ABSTINENCE is something you probably would not associate with me, especially given the other biz, the girls and all that, eh?

Yet, abstaining is something I highly recommend for all males if you can handle it. Ask old school boxers, wrestlers, yogis, anyone you trust about “why” – or ask me – but suffice it to say – you will attract what you want – in all spherers of your life SO MUCH QUICKER AND BETTER – on auto pilot – simply by adding this ONE trick into your lifestyle – DONE RIGHT.

Getting frustrated is NOT the way to do it right, by the way.

That way, you might as well not consider it.

The sheer bliss of abstinence, and the HEALTH benefits, I could and (hey, idea for new book!) write a new BOOK on it.

Let me know if y’all on THIS list are interested, and will do. Hey, I’ve already written one for the other list!

Third, my cold water showers.

Trust me, what doesnt kill you will make you stronger, mentally, there are FEW, if any things – LESS pleasurable than an ice cold shower in the middle of winter -when you’re living in what is essentially (not my choice for now, but it is what it is, until … well, I’ll get into that later) – an unheated “ice box”.

People call me crazy for doing it, wife pretends not to notice, but she does . . .

Believe me, the way it affects your metabolism, the way it changes how you digest FOOD – the way it JOLTS your entire system in a good way, especially immune -I could write a tome on it.

I’m fully aware most of you reading this will pooh pooh it, and say “thats for yogis” or what not, and thats fine, but remember – if you truly want health that is UNPARALLELED in terms of what is considered to be healthy these days (apparently “just a runny nose” is fine!) , then you do things no-one else does.

You put yourself through pain willingly so you emerge out on top – VICTORIOUS. It’s as simple as that. Do the things that make you uncomfortable. Do them daily, regularly, and get good at them to the point you dont even feel or think of them as uncomfortable or if you do, you dont care – and thats when you know you’ve got a ticket to the REAL races – a winning ticket.

My tea – green tea.

And a host of other little things, mental being TOPS which everyone ignores …

Maybe I’ll write a book about my lifestyle!

But y’all know it already.

Probably better to write a book about my much storied life – but I’ve written a lot of that already. Hehe.

Believe me, its been nothing but adventure for the most part.

Anyway – this sort of lifestyle – and the benefits dont come “free” – and I dont mean money.

You have to sacrifice a lot for it, most aren’t willing to take the first step, and again, thats fine.

Now, where does this leave you reading this?

Certainly, you dont have to deprive yourself – and go without your cold beer – or hot showers – or women – or men – or in betweens – or the trusty ole “hairy palm” for some of you, or any of that.

Eat what and all you like – within limits. Simple as that.

I’m hardly a saint myself my friend.

But there are things you can do, daily habits you can form that REALLY help, and you’d be very well served to incorporate some of the above into your life as far as possible – not for me, but for YOU.

Do, and experience, and then get back.

And fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System builds ingrained habits in you that you’ll find hard to break free of even if you “want” to, and that is truly a great, fantastic, superlative thing.

Learn what the fuss is all about here – right HERE.

And that’s that my friend. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS / Edit – Fasting (periodically) is another huge reason. So many more, but sexual abstinence done right for prolonged periods – fasting x 10 and then some, do BOTH … well, you get the drift. I’ll write more on this later, of course.

Why “relentless repetition” is the KEY to achievement – lasting ones – at anything, fitness included. a
- Fitness, life, biz, all of it!

I’ll always remember one of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s quotes – “when it’s tough, what are you going to do? Are you going to be relentless, or are you going to give up?”

Relentless, of course is a buzzword at Amazon and part of their core principles along with “customer obsession” (yes, till this day. Bezos may no longer be handling day to day issues at the company, but he’s still the Executive Chairman (with actual power -unlike some of the other board members – I forget his exact title, but it leaves him a lot of actual power at the company should he choose to return to CEO – and I dont blame him for structuring it that way – his baby basically! – and his thoughts in terms of how the company should be run are still very much being followed from what I can see..) …

And he isn’t the only one that has said this – not the only doer by far.

Henry Ford and his quote about an airplane taking off AGAINST the winds – not “with the wind”.

Napoleon Hill and all his teachings on persistence – and keeping on DOING the thing – which I believe we covered some of that yesterday.

A quote from Pete Lillo, famous baseball player stands out too (not that I’m a baseball guy, cricket more like – haha) –

(I still remember Chris, a friend at USM telling me about “if I wore a Dodgers sweatshirt, then I should be supporting them!”.

I didnt even know who the Dodgers were at that point. Hehe).

Anyway, quote was about relentless REPETITION.

“You cannot go wrong”, I believe was the gist of the quote, if you keep DOING The thing without any second thoughts no matter what.

It’s something that has been repeated often – including in the famous Napoleon Hill story (true tale) and book “Three Feet from Gold” where he says most people fail simply because they give up too soon when the going gets tough.

He includes the actual story of a prospector who is prospecting from gold, finds some initial returns, but then those dry up.

He tries, tries, tries – and eventually gives up, selling the contract or whatever it was to a guy that sold junk for a living.

This guy took it to an engineer, found out that the fault lines for the gold lay like three feet from where they gave up.

He went to work, got the gold, got rich(er) beyond his wildest dreams!

“Young Darby” who was the nephew of the Uncle that initially started the project and gave up “three feet from gold” took this as a learning experience.

And years later, when he became a famous insurance salesman – he had this to say “my experience taught me this – I will NEVER stop asking no matter how many times men say NO”.

And hes right.

Relentless repetition is key to UNLOCKING levels of STELLAR AND SUPERIOR achievement at anythin – fitness, life, biz, whatever it is.

Let me tell you this right now, fitness wise, the HARD yards are what count.

It wasnt easy hiking those hills in hot, humid weather – for hours a day.

It was hard as fuck.

And I could easily have given up in the middle – missed a day – and so on and so forth, especially when there was a chorus of voices around me actively telling me to take it easy and do so.

But I didnt.

I HAD to do it – I was DRIVEN.

One foot after the other, the sweat pouring off me, the sun beating down – sometimes I felt like one of those ancient slaves might have! Hehe.

I remember the Undertaker’s slow and steady walk to the ring as I made my “nth” trek up that hill – and back down and up again – and the feeling of “I did it – again!” – after returning home to A/C, soggy shoes falling apart (it seemed I was buying new shoes damn near every month!) – and cold water, 1.5 liters of it down at a gulp.

I didnt whine about it being tedious, or boring.

At times it was, but I also knew that was what would bring results, and KEEP the fat off long term.

Same thing with my pushup workouts, and why there are so many of them on the channel already in this short timeframe.

I dont piss and moan about it being “too easy” (if it is I make it tougher) or “just pushups” (the simplest things work the best). I don’t fall back on the lazy man’s excuse of “you need more WEIGHT! to build more muscle”. Utter tosh my friend, and the sooner you realize that the better off, and less LAZY you will BE.

I dont whine about it being boring, trust me, there will be days you will be sore, too tired to do the thing – and so forth.

Are you going to wimp out, or keep going?

The answer to this one question will determine where you’re headed fitness wise, my friend.

There is simply NO alternative to the hard yards so many people avoid and try to make excuses for NOT doing.

It’s about relentlessly moving ahead in SOME manner, making each workout better in SOME manner, constantly pumping out the reps no matter what – and going from there.

Relentlessly DOING the thing, day in and day out when no-one else is putting in the hard yards is what ultimately brings home the winnings and the BACON.

As Muhammad Ali once famously said, the match is won out there on the road – Far away from the lights and dazzle…

And he was right. Spot on.

THAT is how winning in any sphere of life is done.

And if you’re a real winner fitness wise, you’ll want to pick up the System true champs all use – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Along with that, make sure and grab some of our other books too – specifically, 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections for a shot – big time – of MOTIVATION – and Pushup Central and Squat 101. 

The above are a bare minimum for anyone claiming to be seriously interested in their health, fitness, and taking it to previously (hitherto) unheard of levels.

Alright, thats it for now.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Horses for courses, and more.
- And then some.

It’s been an interesting day today – right from the start – till the end – the dreams I had that as usual were “premonitive” (is that even a word??) – and all that showed up in dreamland happened a few hours later – like clockwork, when I least expected it . . .

The Ruffians showed up again in the park, but they didnt pester me today. One parked his ass down next to me while I was doing pull-ups, but he quickly scooted off thereafter. Yay!

Anyway – as I watch the much vaunted Aussie (as of late) philosophy of “horses for courses” backfire so spectacularly in the first Test against India – IN INDIA – which is such a tough endavor even for a top team like Australia that they call it “Mission Everest” or something similar – two thoughts ring out in my mind.

First, why the Aussie selectors didnt stick with their time and tested philosophy of playing the best players no matter what is beyond me.

True, horses for courses works – SOMETIMES.

But the best players are always also the ones that adapt best to conditions, foreign and alien conditions as well – while the “horses” might not be the best.

You have to have faith in your best, and stick by them.

And two, I’m sure they’ll bounce back – here’s to a very competitive next Test!

How does this fit into anything fitness wise?

Well, fitness wise, and life wise – so many ideas I’ve had – have been trolled roundly and criticized by all and sundry when I FIRST came out with them (good thing, as I explained in no less than THREE videos on “Tell the world what you’re going to do but SHOW IT FIRST! – I didnt “ask for permission” first before doing it – once I did it – people loved it, and still do!) – and later became extremely successful.

Pushup Central, Squat 101 – people whine a lot about “just pushups” or “different books for different body parts – why” and so forth.

A lot of this whining is trolling and price wanking, so it doesn’t deserve mention, but sometimes, often times, the best ideas are ones even customers dont know they “want”.

Believe me, if I had asked people about “should I write Pushup Central” – the reception would have been lukewarm at best.

Why just me?

Amazon, that megamoth of a company – started out selling books.

One day, Jeff got the idea to ask 1000 randomly selected customers about what they’d like to see him sell – OTHER than books.

Varied answers came back – thick and fast.

One guy even wrote in saying he wanted windshield wipers, because “he needed them like now”.

Lightbulb moment for Jeff, and the rest is history.

Yet – some of Amazon’s biggest money spinners like Amazon Ads – AWS – or even Prime? (#3, #1, #2 – in that order) – were NOT ideas well received or even “recieved” at all initially.

No-one even thought or believed next day delivery was possible until Amazon DID it.

No-one similarly, would believe that pushups are an all in one workout – or, those that want to do “only pushups” (though you should do more!) – can – and still be super fit in all regards.

Horses for courses, choices, more choices for people is the way I see it, is the way I’ve always seen it, and will always see it no matter what.

Plus, you’d have to be an utter fool like Glyn to say “just pushups”.

Truth is I could write a book on each of the different variants of pushups and squats I’ve written about, and still have more to write – there always is!

Anyway – that bit of brain dump aside …

I speak of keeping your cards close to your chest always and often. a

I speak of “tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW it first”.

There are many reasons behind this – energy drains being #1.

Often times, TALKING about it takes the place of doing it. Think about the times you were really excited to do something – you yapped on and on about it before doing it – at the time of doing it, where did that energy go ?

Can we say deflated balloon???

I’ve given you examples in the long talks I did on this today – which got interrupted – both by people and the internet so what was supposed to be “one video” turned into three, and so forth.

Then, the subconscious mind – and the effect OTHER subconscious minds have on you when YOU announce your intentions to the world.

Believe me,  my friend “Go and tell no man” is the way to do it, as Claude Bristol wrote about in the Magic of Believing.

Then, you have those who wonder if its OK to tell their life coaches their goals and all that.

Well, if its someone like yours truly whose actually DONE – himself – what he says he has – and is offering you coaching – then by all means yes.

We WANT you to succeed here.

But we dont molly coddle or tolerate BS like a lot of the other so called “self help gurus” spouting affirmations that dont work (“I’m rich!” being the biggest lie out there) do.

We kick ass and get you RESULTS, any other way simply wouldn’t work – either for us or you – fitness wise, life wise, or whatever you want help with.

It’s hard to know who’s on your side at the best of times. You’d be amazed to find out what best friends – family etc – REALLY think about you.

Jeff Bezos once said your reputation is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.

He’s right, but I Take it one step further – what people really FEEL about you deep down inside, sometimes they dont even know it themselves until it emerges …

Anyway. Lots to watch on the channel today – including a lot of new workout videos. Enjoy!

Sternum pull-ups and muscle-ups coming soon in the future – maybe before even the books are out. Speaking of which I really better make some headway on all the books I’ve got pending – so many of them!

On that note, I’m out – ah, but in terms of getting products here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System, for instance?

Rather than yap on about “I’m going to do it, going to get it” to all and sundry, and then never getting it – its far better to say that to YOURSELF repeatedly until you DO IT – and THEN you tell other people – ONCE you get in the habit of the program.

Remember, habits are hard to break – good ones as well!

And thats that.

Be sure to pick up the System, watch the videos, and as always, get back with questions.

See you guys around !


Rahul Mookerjee

The ruffians that spoke to me at the park entrance . . .
- (today)

It’s interesting that I mentioned Fast and Furious Fitness in the last email my friend.

The sales page for that book makes mention of RUFFIANS – and rightly so.

You know what I mean by ruffians, right?

Those idiots that sit out there in the park with nothing better to do than stare at people, ogle women, make snide comments under their breath, gossip up a storm about “what that dude is doing” – observe people like me like you would a movie star, right down to the color of clothing and type of fuckin shoes I wear, exercises I do (except you know they will never do it themselves, and it irritates the heck out of me, I’ve no use for that kind of person – losers incarante basically).

Sometimes I wonder if these people even do any work or mooch off their wives etc – a substantial portion of men – so called men here – in this area i’m at – do just that!


I put out a video on this a few days back .. .

But anyway, these ruffians are also the sort that show up where you are – the minute you start working out, they show up, guffawing for no reason, hee’ing and hawing, and so forth, and of course – doing the one exercise attracting the most number of ruffians – the pushup (closely followed by the pullup).

The way these ruffians mangle the pushup. UGH!

Three of them were out there yesterday doing their version of buffoonery while I worked out – and kept my distance – and calm – and cool.

The English language was apparently new to them also, and they kept saying “hey man!” from afar, trying to catch my attention, but no dice – not that I showed them.

One started doing horrible pushups as I said on the livestream. Just a disgrace, flopping up and down like a slim version of a beached whale, chest 30% to the ground, and he did “100 reps” that way, his arms moved like an inch maybe in the pushup.

They did all they could to get my attention, when they saw they weren’t getting it, they took off.

Before they did, I couldn’t resist telling them how to do pushups, so I did. a

“You dont do pushups like that, friend. You go all the way up, down”, I said, and showed them.

Why the HELL does the mighty pushup attract so many loon and losers my friend – it’s annoying as heck!

Then again, the way it’s potrayed in movies, common culture, where rep counts hold “sway” – pun intended – over FORM!

They made a biopic on the great Indian sprinter Milka Singh, and while that movie had some great training montages – running uphill with ankle weights (sprints) – plyometric pushups – and more – one scene in which they show Milka pumping off 100 pushups is utterly ridiculous, not even one of those pushups is done slow and steady, chest all the way to the ground and back up.

(apparently it was also a contest to see how much clarified butter he could down after 50 pushup sets. Dont ask!)

Really, get form down pat FIRST my friend. Reps & rep counts come LATER, and are never the most important, form is always #1 and deep breathing!!

Back to the fools though –

They fell silent, and then babbled about “we do them at the gym”.


Dont seem that way, fellas, but what does Mr Pushup Central know, eh.

Today this set of 3 loons cornered me again at the entrance to the  park.

“You’re late, bro!” one yapped.


I HATE it when people call me bro – especially people that dont know me, or barely know me – now my friends and close buddies – thats different.

Pet peeve, but I was in a great mood, so grinned back.

“You’re very observant”, I noted. And they were right, I was late.

I was running around from pillar to post, like a hobo – or homeless man looking for a place to rest his head.

Except, I was looking for a proper place to take some pull-up videos on a regular chinning bar (no thick grips etc) (no thick bar either) … just a regular chinning stand without apes and buffoons following my every move like Mary’s little lamb followed her and staring at me as you might a movie star. Ugh. That gets old real quick!

i found it, took the videos, but it took some time.

Ruffian #2 said I was half an hour late.

“Oh no”, I said. Maybe 15 minutes.

But upon thinking about it, ruffian was right, it was closer to half an hour than 15 minutes.

This of course is a prime example of Schofield like ruffians and buffoons who waste their time on social media, prance around the park talking rubbish to the DOERS – who waste their time observing and talking when they should be and could be DOING.

Just think, if he simply silently followed me from a distance.

There are no words for the great contempt in which I hold such people, do nothing’s, sit around in the park, yap all day, accomplish jack nada.

Outward though I was in such a sunny mood that I almost saluted the Ruffian, and almost said the following –

“You’re an outstanding citizen!”

Inside joke for those that get it.

Anyway, the point of 0 Excuses Fitness is to get in great shape – not to show off.

But people have gotten to such a level that even basic things that EVERY man should be able to do like for instance 5 solid pull-ups, chin over bar in ONE set – and I’m sorry, if you can’t do that, you’re simply not a real man or strong enough … or maybe at least 15 good pushups – preferably 25 – or monkey bar work – are enough for them to stop and gape “oh my Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwd look at himmmmmmmmmmm”.

It’s pathetic what so called men have become, buffoons in general.

Of course, global leaders aren’t any better – just look at the State of the Union address a few days ago where Joe Biden gave yet another prime demo of why he’s the person MOST unfit to be President in the history of the United States of America.

Mike Pompeo, you cannot take over quick enough!

I’m out.

Be sure and be a DOER, not a “sideline gawker” my friend. Pushup Central is the book you MUST grab to catapult yourself to the ranks of elite when it comes to the pushup, and to get good at pull-ups – start with the info given in “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” – and progress from there.

Rome was not built in a week, but you’d be damn surprised at how quick you CAN build it if you stop vacillating, dilly daddling, wasting time, procrastinating and so forth – and rather – just – DO!


Rahul Mookerjee

Drop and give me… 20!
- An age old test of fitness, strength ...

I’ve no idea where that number came from in terms of the Marines, and it being used extensively in terms of the number of reps per set a Marine should be able to do – repeatedly, over and over again – out there in the hot sun (or cold waves if you’re a Seal) – with weight on – sometimes without – when you’re exhausted and haven’t slept/eaten for days – and so forth.

Like the pull-up done RIGHT, a basic test of fitness – even in the Army I suspect.

Today’s workout was mostly – for me – sets of 20 x 6 “Marine style” – or boxer pushups – which I detail how to do those in Pushup Central. one of the most brutally effective pushup styles out there, they make you breathe hard and heavy, and SWEAT – especially if you’re out there in the SUN – and they are likely the ones Iron Mike used to do in set of 40-50, I believe – not the “Tyson pushup” that is commonly attributed to him.

Nothing beats the regular pushup, Ive often said that – lots of people place great emphasis on table pushups, reverse pushups – so you should.

Those, especially the latter, are prime tests of fitness and how long you can go without stopping.

(and fat or lack thereof around the midsection).

But you never ignore the basics, the regular pushups, never ever …

And 20?

While you could drop and possibly give me 50 in perfect form the first time (not most people, but those that can) – the next sets won’t be that easy ultimately. Between 20-25 in perfect form is what you’ll find you can crank out mostly – and while you could do more maybe, that number for some reason, like “500” in terms of overall rep counts is GOLDEN.

I said in Fast and Furious Fitness that EVERY man should be able to do slow and steady perfect form 25 pushups, regrettably very few can. And thats just the basic pushup..a.

Anyway, I got in 201 pushups all in all, this was after filming the pull-up videos, and 20x 6 + I believe … 15x 5 plus a few odds and ends here and there, and there it was.

And thats how to do it.

Day in and day out, hard and heavy – keep hitting it!

And, never lose focus on form and breathing – as you can see in the video tutorials on the pull-ups, breathing is PARAMOUNT. That exhale truly does rocket you up when combined with the mind muscle connection done right.

All for now.

See y’all soon!

Oh, if you’ve STILL not gotten Pushup Central (like some people on this list have not), just what the heck are you waiting for?? Quit being someone whose content to stay on the sidelines or someone content to be a cheapass and let the world pass him or her by, or whatever the reason is, this is truly a book every serious fitness trainee must have on their bookshelf. Get it NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

Where’s Jane?

One of them is still in China, I believe, no longer as rail skinny as she was when I first met her doing yoga like a champ in 2016.

I next saw her in 2019. I knew there was something familiar about the place but I could not place it, neither could she place mine – or so I thought. When I later spoke to her on wechat, she told me “she gained weight so was shy to talk when she saw me”.

Hey, the weight suited her – she was way too skinny before, but she didnt believe me!


Anyway – that memory aside, the question posed in this email has nothing to do with that jane, or maybe it does …

Video explains all, and its one of the very best exercises you can do for the upper body – monkey style – and develop crushing grip and shoulder (and upper body in general) strength to boot while getting a lean and flat abdomen in the process too.

Notice how I swing in perfect form across the bars.

This is an exercise even kids these days are hard pressed to do, and adults – forget about it!

those that CAN do it mangle it horrible, and flail wildly on the bars before dropping down.

You CAN get good at this with practice though, and this exercise is one of the keys to developing that rock solid corsucating “kung fu” like grip men more than 3x my size have told me repeately I have.

“You PULL people towards you!”

“You have the GRIP, once you get him down on the ground he’s yours!”

Anyway – here’s the video –

Enjoy – and remember to pick up Gorilla Grip, Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) – and Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) now (if you’re indeed serious about building a rock solid, world class grip – indeed, grip training is AS important as breathing, my friend – just as important!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you want animal like strength, conditioning, endurance and “lasting power” if you get my drift, then you have to TRAIN like the wild does. You have to make this training a part of your daily life – the way it’s done in the wild. Animal Kingdom Workouts shows you how – get this book NOW if the above interests you in any which way, shape or form. One of the most comprehensive manuals EVER written on the topic, and I doubt I’ll ever have such a comprehensive product out again even on this site. Get it NOW.

100 and counting …
- And way more to go!

It’s day one… yet … always!

They say the journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step.

Boy, for a guy who for years had like 11 subscribers on his Youtube channel, steadfastly swore off any and all videos except the paid ones – and even there there were not a hell of a lot as opposed to NOW – things sure have changed, and quick.

Things can change on a dime my friend. People dont get it. It’s that one thought that when followed through upon counts, that one glance which really penetrates deep – a few words, or even the vibe which really gets things going.

This afternoon, I got a notification from Youtube about something I knew already – we’ve reached a 100 subscribers already within a couple of short months on the channel.

And the email was like “time to shout from the rooftops!”

Not like Mookerjee needs an excuse to do that? He does it all the time?


But it just capped off a great morning replete with plenty of emails and club swings, started a great afternoon off too!

We Instagrammed Live – we Youtube’d too – and though I was going to do Twitch as well “some things must wait”.

Plus, some shameless buffoon was staring holes through me as usual.

I spoke a tome about this yesterday, I spoke another today while doing my splits.

How fuckin shameless can some people get? First thing you know, being in a public area does not , I repeat, NOT give you the right to get in people’s faces, follow them like dogs all over the place (the dog does it, I get it, but humans???) – and stare away while the other person is minding his own business trying to do something – when called out, they dont respond, crowning stamp of buffoonery, shamelessness, and idiocy – I was calling him out on livestream with folks on the chat listening and the guy wouldn’t stop staring.

What an ass!

With people this shameless, there are two options.

a) 9 mm if you get my drift.

And b) move away. Which I did, but the fucker followed me over the place for a while before finally bailing. Ugh!

Other than this – lots of fun both on our Instagram and Youtube channels, so check ’em out NOW.

And here’s to a lot more fun down the road!

Came home to the wife demanding me take the daughter out for chocolate or something, daughter spent a little more than she was supposed to be – like less than a quarter more???? – and the wife started tripping …

such is life.

And thats that.

Pushup Central contains info central to what you saw on the livestreams today – along with Squat 101 and 0 Excuses Fitness, must have’s on any serious fitness enthusiast’s bookshelf.

And thats that!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. (Edit) – Same thing (being shameless) about the copy artists, trolls etc who can’t stay away from me despite being booted, blocked, called out and more. Hehe. But hey. I love you all. Gratitude was the tone of the day today and is everyday – and being YOU help me make $$$ too – hey. By all means, keep at it! 😉

Some people, sick as it might sound, love and get off on the punishment.. so be it.

When going DOWNSTAIRS is a chore. Hehe.
- And it is for some people!

So many memories on this one – starting with “Uncle J” (as I called him, hehe) – an old boss of mine, the “first”, almost – who used to be in the Air Force (interesting how I hang out with these types – I remember “General Michael” – him of the sit at home and making 4x what I was in the office, which wasn’t bad at all either – telling me about (when I first met him) “I’ll be the guy that looks like a bum off the street sitting on the corner swigging a beer”) …

Hehe – I can identify – I’m the same way! Its all about function for me, of course, the girls might have a different opinion but thats … well, hey. Girls love us bad boys!

Ayway – Uncle J?

So one fine evening we got off work, elevator was packed as usual, or not working – China back in the day wasn’t that bad though – that was a good hotel we worked in! (and I took a certain Ann Lee there half drunk too, lol) – and Uncle J took the stairs.

one thing led to the other, we spoke, and he laughed.

“You can tell I get very little exercise when going DOWNSTAIRS is a chore!” 

Uncle J and his cigars. Hehe. And my “China Camels” at the time. All great memories, I still remember complaining about the (to me) “Extra small” helpings the Chinese meals seemed like (which wan’t true – I just didnt know how to order more!) – and Uncle telling me sagely “neither one of us looks like we need to eat more!”


Or, Marc the African Silverback Gorilla, us carrying beer (well I was) up like 18 flights of stairs.

Elevator was out – one of them.

So rather than wait I nudged the Gorilla, those massive arms that can deliver a huge punch – “let’s just take the stairs!”

That we did.

Going downstairs was a chore for HIM after that – I remember his voice telling me the next day “man, I feel wobbly just WALKING!”.


“You’re in excellent shape, man, I could barely hear you breathing!” 

All of that has been chronicled here, of course.

Anyway – I’ve been thinking nothing but HILLS as of late.

Its been a while since I did my long ass hill climb routines, my hikes, and I dearly miss them.

You can do all the pushups in the world, all the squats – but much like nothing replaces those and pull-ups, leg raises etc – NOTHING replaces hills, period.

The sheer BURST of energy you get when climbing steep hills, those endless stairs you see at the very start of 0 Excuses FItness, those endless slopes (but stairs, mostly) – nothing compares.

Not climbing stairs, not subway stair sprints, not step-ups, NOTHING – NOTHING comes close to the real deal, let me tell you that (though they’re all fantastic alternatives that I use all the time) – and for a guy who used to hike for hours a day non stop – well, I know a little something or two about it.

A guy who Brooks Kubik back in the day wondered if I was in the army, such was the ferocity of my routines – if you were on his list, you saw the email he wrote on that!

Us old timers stick together. Hehe.

Brooks was – and is still HUGE on hill climbing – ask him, you’ll see. He used to do it all the time in Louisville KY back then – these days from what I can tell it’s more rugged beach workouts – which aren’t bad – I did them in Oman all the time, but I’d rather hills.

The Indian Himalayas are by far my favorite place in the world to visit – and be. I’ve said that so many times, and as you guys on the Ship know, our other Youtube Channels which aren’t really public knowledge as of now will soon be that – and will have more on all my travels (indeed a very extensive package).

For now, just follow us here – 

And other than that, back to hills – NOTHING replaces or beats them. If you have a hill around, drop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and go climb that sucker – or walk it – or simply get out in the fresh air and BREATHE deeply.

It’s so worth it, all of it, I’ll tell you that.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – My world famous course (apparently even the picture on the book cover is a cause for curiosity – hey, look, man, – it was CNY 2018 at the time, I can’t help the crowds. I dont like ’em, but it is what it is, and the security guard that helped out – xie xie!) (I still remember him shaking his head at the crazy foreign devil doing what I show you in the book. Hehe) Advanced Hill Training contains information on the techniques and methods I implemented “being in the trenches, literally” in China – to get myself in TOP shape. You’ll want to check this out now, and you’ll want this book sitting on your bookshelf. This is yet another one of those ones for which even the paperbacks are flying off the shelf (no hardcover as yet though – but thats in the works!).

(And yes, I’ll be on a hill soon again. Watch this space for more!)

Want a workout from hell? Lets moooooooooooooove!
- So many memories there too!

As of late, I’ve been doing some moving and packing- for the wife.

I packed the daughter’s toys into boxes securely in preparation for an impending move – which is supposed to happen in March, middle of March apparently, so I think all involved are jumping the gun  (indeed, my Mom started packing weeks ago – but then again, she’s got YEARS of junk to sort through hehe) …

Last night, I was carrying tons of cutlery up and down stairs, going downstairs with it was more interesting – not because of the weight (wife said it was heavy – I asked “this? Heavy? Whatever!” – to which she replied “you’re a wrestler, thats different!” lol) – but so the damned things, whatever they are, vases and all kinda shit- did not BREAK.

Heavy and fragile is a good way to put it, I suppose!

It’s been reminding me of the all the times I’ve moved in my life – more than I can recall, more than I can count …

In the dorms back in college, I’d have to move every time semester was out – since I didnt have an apartment or home to go to at the time.

I still remember shacking up at Motel 6, calling an Uncle from a phone booth on the highway – him calling me a wolf with my lifestyle, which I sorta was. Hehe.

Then when I finally moved into an apartment, a year later it was the move to NY.

Then the move back.

Then two moves to two different apartments, then a move to India. Six months late,r a move to China. 1.5 yeas later, back to INdia, and …

well, you get the drift.

Moving – carrying heavy suitcases up and down flights of stairs – boxes – packing – I’m no stranger to any of that.

I dont particularly enjoy it but it is what it is.

The one memory I’ll always have of moving though – my ex, and her Dad. – her Dad, actually.

Good ole Dr Lamar, even at the ripe old age of nearly 75 I believe he’d be at it, jumping up and down with enthusiasm “at getting the job done”.

Lets move, move, move……..!


Emily used to joke about that all the time “Dad’s like this always!”

Well, with a nutty wife and quite a temperemental daughter (that once kicked him square in the nads too) – he had no choice.

Percie was a great guy though- big hearted, always did his best to help me, and for that I’ll always respect him. I was young and wild back then (not that I ain’t now) – and had even less sense than I do now, hehe – but he put up with it. Kudos, Sir – I know you’re reading this from “above”.

Lupus took the ex in 2020 and covid Percie that same year…

Anyway, the moving.

Percie and moving will always be synomous in my mind, he moved a hell of a lot too!

And driving Uhauls or learning to “on the job” as it were (I Still remember the first time taking that big ass truck out on the highway – I had this habit, and stil do, of looking back to reverse the car – like Percie did, hehe – old fashioned, but hey, I prefer that to the gizmos and gadgets in cars these days that tell you how to do it electronically – but with a  massive truck, not quite an 18 wheeler, but truck nonetheless, you gotta use mirrors. Hehe). . .

Anyway ……….

Moving’s a SOLID workout my friend.

If you did nothing all your life but carried heavy, unwieldy stuff up hard to maneouver flights of stairs – you’d be in great overall shape!

I still remember when I was paid to do it by a gentleman at Bond Hall, I got $50 for an hour and half of effort (moving stuff up 4 flights of stairs or maybe a bit more- but he had a dolly, it was easy).

Given I used to make like … what was it? $4.something in the computer labs (min wage), that was good money for me back then. Hehe.

I still remember tucking into the Albertsons’s chicken (is that brand even around now? I suspect not) heartily that evening , telling my parents about “I earned me some money” and so forth …

Anyway, that went down pretty well with them, telling them about the time I wanted to donate blood to make money apparently didnt … HEhe.

Where am I even going with all this?

I could write a tome on the moving memories, the amount of times I’ve done it, and I’m pretty sure a lot more awaits with my nomadic lifestyle.

But for now … fitness memories.

16 Inspirational FItness Recollections has some of the best, most moving, and most poignant ones ever. Even if you’re just into reading what I write and enjoying the writing from the Cave, hehe – you’ll want to get this NOW.

And other than that, the 0 Excuses Fitness System, which keeps you in the sort of shape you need to be in to move all of a sudden. Believe me, weekend warriors get found out pretty quick there!

I still remember ole Percie strapping on a massive fridge to his back while moving, since there were no other guys around to help… (I remember the story my ex told me, I should say).

My, the days …

Those were the days!

And more await. Hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee