Why they All call me the HE MAN. Hehe.
- And I am, really.

From a young age, I was the “macho man” – except I didnt have the strength or fitness to back it up.

I still remember feeling humiliated when Dad (I was 5 then) asked me to carry his briefcase, and not boxes when we were moving. Hehe.

I still remember him saying at the age of 11 with me wanting to lift everything in sight (groceries, I believe then?) – “Rahul’s a macho man” (along with more caustic comments of “he’s Akshay Kumar and Amitabh Bachhan rolled into one (he thinks)”.

Years later, I realized – I always did, but I wrote about hidden desires that never go away, and I dont mean just in the bedroom either.

Most of my Dad (I’ve never gotten along with him)’s remarks stem from his own inability to be anything like a strong father figure for us growing up … the opposite, actually, driven by a loony Nazi feminist mother …

I still remember him backing down from fights he started by “yelling” at other guys – which he got away with me at home – but outside?

He got his ass kicked – literally.

Anyway – yours truly – he man, well, I’ve been getting comments from women on the OTHER business – where I portray a decidely NON HE version of myself, and do so very proudly and publicly hehe (Bozo Glyn tried to shame me publicly there, hehe, failed, he still tries – hey Glyno, keep it up! – not your wanker, that never … ????) ..


And so I am.

Look, 500 pushups a day and keeping that up over the course of months, and years even is LEGENDARY status.

I dont care what else you can do fitness wise, ask the greats again here, 500 and beyond – I’m at 600 per day these days – is ACE status at pushups.

I’m still a ways behind 1500 pushups and 3000 situps a day. Hehe. We’ll see, Herschel! ????

Anyway – this he man is going to show you a different sort of pushup today on his youtube channel that I have never shown before – that is NOT mentioned in Pushup Central

And look, if YOU as a man want to be a real MAN, and be COUNTED – if YOU want to be called a he man by people that barely know you – if YOU want to look every bit as fit and STRONG as you are – well, you can’t get there by prancing around on Tiktok, social shedia – Shitter, and so forth …

… You can’t get there by faking rep counts and claiming you lift heavy when you dont, and you have to look halfway fit by the way for that to be believable (being a fat ass who keeps trying to adjust chin angles on everything, and so many guys take hours to figure out “the right angle” when I just take my photos and videos on the fly – is just pathetic. You cannot disguise a triple chin and bulging man boobs/stomach no matter what – *giggle* *so sheman like eh* ….

You can’t get there by pounding weights until the cows come home, you’ll get INJURED most likely.

And the proof’s indeed in the pudding there above.

Long story short, to be counted as a great, in the pantheon of long term greats, a TRUE HE MAN – well, if you ain’t squatting, you sure ain’t training.

And if you ain’t cranking out at least 500 pushups a day, you’re NOT on the road to greatness in any which way, shape or form.

Not that you HAVE to be, of course, 100 a day will do the average joe and jane just fine!

And thats that.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Lots of folks on the other business have mentioned my books there would make for great Holly wood movies.

Maybe someday, amigo. Maybe someday! Not a goal for now, but who am I, the movie star, to say NO to a one of a kind Hollywood blockbuster? ????????????Hehe….

PS #2 – Ive been seeing a lot of Indian ladies working out HARD on Twitter! And, “the she-hulk with the incredible BULK (I asked her to use that, haha)” is one of them. We’ll keep the cat MUM on WHO this person is for now. 😉

PPS – Be on the outlook for the special pushup that will TRULY make you com FULL circle, and no, it ain’t moving around in circles either.

When “short” truly permeates every area of your life
- As manifestation - true manifestation often does!

I was recently asked by a lady working on some of my Audible projects if what she was experiencing (an uncanny resemblance between book covers and her FACE – years later – hehe).

I then told her about how I “write things in advance”, then Sharon Style – basic Instinct! 😉 – they come true “sans the murders”, hehe.

And they do, and as of late, they don’t come true in years – they come true within days – or almost minutes as it were – and this includes EVERY aspect of my life.

Including, my style of signing off as “MW” or “RM” – depending upon which biz I’m writing for, and the ladies picking up “MC”, “MW”. etc. No prizes for guessing what M stands for, my friend! Hehe.

And short?

Well workout wise, same thing – SHORT AND INTENSE workouts!

I woke up late, so am pressed for time.

No problem – as David Quiros will tell you in the introduction to Squat 101 – the READER! – squats lend themselves to a great workout, anywhere, anyplace, anytime!

I just got done with 80 regular squats, and 20 “jump” squats done REGULAR style, flat footed.

And I’m BUZZING my friend.

Short ?

Glyn might remember his tinky – tiny – rinky – dinky – LOL – wanker! ? 🙂

That he so loves, of course – and thats that – back soon!



PS – Remember to leave an honest review via the LINKS you get in your download email my friend. And contact us at any time, we’re more than happy to SERVE YOU!

Why conditioning is always your best hold
- And it is - no excuses

After doing 350 pushups and 100 squats, the truism of this – as I do handstand pushups, reverse pushups, table pushups and other movements I have not hit in a while – was brought home to me again.

“I wouldn’t last a second with you in the ring”, I remember laughing at Marc who asked me to get into the ring with the “African Silverback Gorilla”.

He gave me the up and down look.

“Sure you would, conditioning wise!”

Now, it was tough, but I learned a hell of lot that day, and do each time I step in the ring to spar – regardless of who I’m sparring or practising with (usually ass kickers all of ’em that could kick MY Ass in the ring – thats how you IMPROVE).

(I always compete against those BETTER than me in some regard. Haha. Not because I have a Schofield style “kick my ass fetish” (ugh) but because thats how, again, you IMPROVE beyond the best you know!) (and theres always room for improvement).

But it brings to mind a lot of nonsense people spout about “we’re big not fat”, and how “its only strength that matters”.

Sure, if youre looking for a one punch knockout then strength matters.

Even then though – you need skills to make sure the other guy is ready for that punch. Lots of idiots think “I can throw him out of the window” when the reality is picking up another well conditioned human being and tossing him or her around like a rag doll is hardly as easy as they show in the movies – lots of factors there.

And chances are, the well conditioned guy will be a lot better place to get up from that punch and keep whacking you back. Look at the “rope” techniques some boxers use when they “absorb the punches” by leaning against the rope – Muhammad Ali, anyone. Hehe. And more!

SUre, strength MATTERS – you cant be a weakling that can’t do 5 pushups right, but the two – conditioning and real strength that is useful in the real world usually go together, pal.

How many times in the real world – in combat – in sports – in life – do you just lift one thing “once” and then rest, and then lift  a heavier weight in a convenient position?

Or, even worse, do it on the machines?

In boxing, wrestling, combat – NO fight is the same.

You can have all the skills in the world, my friend, those can be taught, but the key lies ultimately in executing those skills repeatedly.

Ultimately, the better conditioned athlete WINS – all else being equal.

Think I’m kidding?

Get in the ring – and find out.

It dont apply  just to combat either.

Try moving house and be fatigued after lifting a heavy sofa once.

Sports, you ask?

In tennis, one of the most physically demanding sports – you can be the best tennis player in the world.

But when that damn game goes to 5 sets under the hot sun, tiebreaker – then beyond a point it’s your CONDITIONING that allows you to keep executing on auto pilot – and win – and have the energy to execute.

Swimming – same thing.

It’s that simple, my friend.

You simply cannot get away from conditioning and the way to best condition yourself is to do lots of DIFFERENT movements repeatedly within a short, or as short space of time as possible.

It ain’t about slow long distance running.

That is great if you want to do it, but it plays hell on your body.

It’s about moving QUICK – explosively – and repeatedly – your own bodyweight, and nothing else.

And thats why those 500 – 1000 pushup workouts are so damned effective, friend, even if you all you did daily for the next year was 100 pushups a day, you’d be in a hell of a lot better conditioning beyond that year than you are NOW.

One of the key giveaways of poor conditioning is a bulging belly, “junk in the trunk” – and man boobs (for men) – and other things, but these are the main things.

Lots of folks will rail against this fact.

Another key giveaway – if you cannot get your chin over the bar in a PULL-up – and NOT a hammer grip pull-up or chin up.

Another key giveaway – if you cannot do table pushups without collapsing, if you cannot do the “Jack La Lanne” pushup, the list goes on and on.

True, it ain’t about looks always.

But the look usually goes with real conditioning my friend.

Find any superbly conditioned athlete, and I’ll find you one with a sculpted chest and corrugated core

It’s as simple as that, my friend.

Fat is fat, and it accumulates around the midsection first my friend, and it will – and does – SHOW.

And you’re best off admitting the fact and resolving the problem.

OK, all for now.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Wait, what, how to resolve the problem ?

Well, get on a decent exercise program first and STICK TO IT, not “flavor of the day” nonsense, and that you can do with the 0 Excuses Fitness system – get it NOW. More later.

When did it become OK for men to become SNIVELING SISSIES?
- Ugh, society these days!

I’ve written about this of course, the decline and demise of the REAL MAN – and of course, slowly, but surely, the wheel coming full circle again as a small, but growing list of people realize that today’s pansified society ain’t in any way, shape or form what it was “meant to be”.

So, this guy shows up whining, uninvited at my doorstep this morning, and the wife shows up telling me “talk to him” (as if I should invite the fucker right in).

I said I didnt call him, tell him to get lost.

Of course, that didnt work.

Now this guy, I’ve done business with him before, but over the past month or so he’s disappeared without notice multiple times, he’s never bothered to answer my messages or calls on what app except when it suits HIM – he’s never even given me a date on when he’ll be BACK.

So I did what I do in these cases, I blocked him.

He showed up whining on the phone “please give me business” (literally, thats what he said) – so I unblocked him “second chances” – which are usually, most of the time, worthless, but I’ve had cases when folks have redeemed themselves, so …

… of course, he roundly ignored all I said after that, so I blocked him again – this time “for good”.

He showed up whining at the house.

I’ve never understood why I have to explain these things to people – basic courtesy like getting back to folks, not being vague about everything, responding to messages etc. It annoys the shit out of me when people dont get back, and … Ugh.

More than that though, the wife of course hates this guy’s wife. So she’ll never do business with him. My wife’s the sort who would happily do business with a woman she likes – as opposed to a woman that looks good and DOES HER JOB – case in point being “my girlfriend” as she put it who did a splendid job around the house, and of course was dismissed in favor of a fat lard ass who can’t seem to mop the floor any better than I myself can …


So I thought she wouldn’t be too “considerate to him”.

But of course, he showed up hot and sweaty and whining “poor ole me”.

And the wife caved in.

If he had shown up like I do everywhere, uber confident, swaggering, SWASH BUCKLING – and HAD a valid point (which he had NONE here) – then even with that valid point the wife wouldn’t give him the time of day “because he has no problem because hes confident”.

WTF. People, do you even fucking THINK?

I’ve never understood one damned thing.

Is it better to be the FIGHTER, the guy that fights on regardless of all, and is always upbeat, STRONG and SOLID – or the whiner who shows up looking to get sympathy (and usually gets it)?

My wife often comments about how “I have it so easy”.

You know why she does that?

Because I’m in superb physical condition (and health, never fall sick, get injured etc) – I manifest “on the fly” – and because I dont complain.

All of these three things are things I’ve worked at -well, the first two, third has always been my nature.

All of these things, anyone can work at. Majority of lazy fucks out there do NOT.

If I was fat, out of shape, couldn’t manifest a dime to save my ass …. oh wait, thats how I was during a few years of my marriage – she’d love it. Hehe.


I dont know when it became ok for men to become SNIVELING, WHINING, FAT, OUT OF SHAPE, COMPLAINING, PANSIFIED SISSIES (outside the bedroom) – but it certainly, even when I was phat and woefully out of shape – never ok for me.

I never made silly excuses about being big and not fat.

I didnt show up whining and crying when I had injuries that took way too long to heal because of my weight.

I didnt do none of that.

Admittedly I took way too long to get in shape, but once I did – voila.

And here I am – kicking ASSIMUS in a royal, regal manner at the age of 40 plus – well beyond 40, and things are only looking up, up and up.

And the mainstay of my exercise routine – you got it.


Pushups, my friend have so many benefits that I’ve gone hoarse listing them all and you can read them on the sales page.

But most of all, they will make you the REAL MAN – or woman – Mother Nature intended you to be.

And that, my friend, is the BEST thing – the benefit that makes it all worth it.

Get on the stick NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Working up to 500 pushups, and then beyond – 1000 or so – is what it’s all about. Again, ask any doer. Of course, ask yourself if you do the former, you wont need me to explain why you need to do the latter at that point!

PS #2 – And all this after I told idiot NEVER to show up at the house no matter what (because I dont want to deal with the wife’s nonsense later). I’ve told him to ask me whatever on the phone, the road, wherever, the damned shop etc …

Ugh. People just dont get it do they??

When you’re a fatass, my friend, everything is a lot tougher.
- And it is. Haha.

I dont even mean the SWAGGER that comes from having a slim, lean toned and yet “muscles rippling the under the skin like a tiger (as I got called the other day)”  … I dont mean the vibe, the mindset, the CONFIDENCE, the attracting results to you willy nilly without seemingly trying – none of that – all of that is worth a and several mentions yes.

But here, as I felt my entire body POP and CRACKLE like never before in the splits, I was reminded of several things.

one, my father who I dont agree with on anything saying one thing (which was admittedly him “not doing the thing himself, and then preaching to me” i.e. a bald man teaching me how to grow hair, sort of) …

“There’s no other solution. Less fat!” (edit, actually he said “lose weight” with a sort of weak smile and a shrug).

He was right. (though of course he never did the thing himself, so I never listened to him much like I never do fat and out of shape docs prescribing every medication under the sun)

An ankle that was SO swollen it hurt to even touch, I went for a run on it, next thing I know the wife was bringing out buckets of warm water for me to dip it in while I howled in pain.

I’ve written about that before, the idiotic doctor in India who complained about me taking my socks off to show him the ankle (wtf?) – and the moron who once turned away from Uncle Bob (Indian doc again) when he had the flu and went to her to get treated, and of course the wife complaining about why I Didnt give it back to the ole Doc, and if I HAD, well, he’d be flat on his back and I’d never hear the end of it either. Hehe. Some things just “are”!

Anyway ………..

Prior to that injury which happened out of nowhere, and went away pretty quickly within a couple of days thankfully – years ago, I was doing mini sprints on a hill.

I felt this twinge in my calf.

Yet, I did another “mini sprint”.


I could barely walk home with what I pulled – whatever it was.

I remember staggering home after the short drive back home, and the wife noticing it instantly.

“You hurt yourself!”

Now, both those injuries pale in comparison to my thumb injury in 2018 I’ve written so much about.

That icy cold night in Dongguan – wet and rainy on the top of the hill, deserted, me doing fingertip handstand pushups and the right thumb popped in and out – CRACK – with my full weight on it.

OUCH x 1000.

I still feel the pain and hear the CRACK – more of the latter – when I think of it, my.

EVERYONE told me to go to the doctor.

Get it splinted.

To rest the thumb.

That the pain would never entirely go away and return in winter.

And so forth.

My thing was basically grab an ice cold Corona that night at my Italian friends house (6’1″ ex army, ex wrestler – ex wrestler? Is there such a thing? Hehe) … who while giving me a web development project for him told me the same thing.

Wait, it was resintalling Winblows or something I think … can’t quire recall – ah yes, Mac.

Anyway – I did none of that.

Birthday was coming up in 2 days, there was no way in Cain I wasn’t doing fingertip pushups which I did.

Thumb healed in less than a week.

Pain reduced by 70% the next day …

Now, why do I bring this up?

Likely this last injury would not have healed if I was a phat phock at the time.

I wouldn’t even be able to DO what I was doing the next day. (other cases, it took me like  a week to get back to normal, and note, I wasn’t near as out of shape as what most people are).

Lesson is this – when you’re a phat phock, everything in the body is under much more strain my friend – your entire system is.

Including your ability to heal, recover.

When you’re in shape, the opposite.

And that, friend, is the lesson of the day.

Take it whichever way you like, but thats hard knock school knowledge that will come in very very handy if you so choose and let it …



PS – To learn how to do pushups RIGHT as a recent reviewer noted “Rahul teaches you how to do them RIGHT” – Pushup Central is your BABY. Get it NOW.

Pushups make you SORER than sore … and get you FITTER than you’ve ever been before!
- Man!


Over the past few days, I’ve gotten back to doing 500 pushups daily – now I was cranking out 200-250 anyway before that, and then 500 before that – but now it’s back to 500 daily – but along with that, it’s MORE squatting than ever before – I’m SO ENTHUSED just listening to the Audible version of Squat 101 – the READER! (and Roberto isn’t even done as yet, hehe ) – I’m SO PUMPED, and so is he (see his earlier feedback) that unless I’m cranking out AT LEAST 500 squats daily, I dont feel right. HEhe.

As I told my daughter, if Herschel Walker could 1500 pushups and 3500 situps, and an assortment of other things as he gets “older” (quotes for a reason) – well, I can crank out a minimum of 1000 at something can’t I?

No excuses, daily, nothing about being sore, needing a break, or any of the BS people come up with in terms of excuses.

You dont stop breathing or eating daily do you?

(well, the latter – some of us smart ones do, but even then – you get my point).

If you sleep daily, brush your teeth daily with the same vigor, why wouldn’t you workout daily with gusto, making each workout TOUGHER than before?

Beats the mind, boggles it, yet lazy asses will find a way to whine and complain about high rep workouts, body types, and other garbage that … well, dude, end of the day, you gotta “just do it” hence the site tagline.

Anyway, where was I.

Ah yes, Audible.

As always, most people neighed and complained “it wont work”.

People want to SEE the exercises, they told me, they dont want to hear ’em.


I’m not saying they dont want to see or read, but we’ve covered those bases already, and continue to – and here’s something you might not know – sales of those books are taking off – big time – people LOVE the narrations (Janet, David, all of you guys – splendid jobs – they ALL took my initial feedback on board, moved on to bigger and better, kudos!).

And I can already see some of the other fitness “so called gurus” sneakily copying what I do and then whining about not being able to achieve the same results.

Try as you might, you can’t duplicate Mozart.

Or herschel Walker, hehe. Or Iron Mike. Or … well, Rahul Mookerjee!

Everyone has their own unique style, the MINDSET is key which most people do not have, and fail to grasp.

Anyway – I woke up and still am hours later – sorer than sore.

I only did 30 super strict pull-ups yesterday, but my back is pulverized, and my shoulders and lats are showing new mass and definition “under the skin” that haven’t been there even when I did the videos and books for Battletank Shoulders.


There is a reason I keep parroting the line about pushups being the BIG DOG of fitness, friend.

Plenty of people rail against high rep workouts (especially bodyweight oriented), yet, the truth is these people can neither do them right, nor have they ever done them consistently for any length of time.

Plenty rant about “bodyweight exercises just build endurance” – I’ve debunked this utter hooey so many times before I wont do it again.

Plenty whine about fatigue and being bored (losers basically with no focus whatsoever in anything – life – and their results show).

Look, listen to the doers.

Yours truly for one.

Or, listen to OTHER doers.

Herschel Walker didn’t moan and groan for not missing a single high rep workout for 30 years, and this was back BEFORE he became college champ and Heisman Trophy winner.

It aint what you do on the field, as Walker said. That’ll come. It’s what you do away from the limelight, when NO-ONE is watching you, there’s no pressure to do well.

Muhammad Ali said the same thing.

Boxing matches are won on the ROAD. Those long, lonely REPETITIVE hours of roadwork which most would call boring etc – yet, those get the job done (think what  I outlined hill wise in Advanced Hill Training and 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections).

Iron Mike didnt complain about doing 500 pushups after roadwork, and a full morning of sparring, exercise bikes and more …

And pushups, my friend – this fallacy people have of “too many pushups will overdevelop the chest” or other nonsense – BLAH.

Yes, maybe if you do just one kind of pushup.

But if you crack open Pushup Central and do the workouts right, you’ll find your BACK and lats are far sorer than you’d imagine with pushups, and LEGS too.

Yes, legs and core too – chest as well, but and again “but but but just pushups, how can that be?”

Ask Walker.

Ask Bruce Lee.

And so forth.

The truth is this, the doers do and get into the shape everyone wants to be.

The whiners, pissers and moaners piss and moan about everything under the sun and make excuses about why they cannot do what they really want to do (because a) they’re lazy – haha b) they’re lazy – c) they’re lazy) and “different body types” and other junk (I mean look, if someone like me for one with long monkey arms – a naturally weak grip, and a propensity to pile it on around the midsection if I dont take care of myself – that are the HARDEST for those looking to be pull-up champs can do pull-ups all day, why can YOU NOT?)

Next time you have a question about high rep workouts, ask the doers, my friend.

And you’ll get the answer you NEED To hear.

Might not be one you want to hear, but thats tough love, friend.

(Dont even get me started on Bozos that claim they’re big but not fat, and massive tummie notwithstanding they claim “she can beat me at sprints because I’m bigger”.

People think of utter tripe to come up with, dude, at least follow the laws of physics i.e. F = M x a, if that M is MUSCLE, then … ah, but why beat ones head against that WALL).

Pushup Central is waiting for you NOW my friend – get it, and start to get into the best shape of YOUR LIFE TODAY!

And thats that.



PS – No, it aint a proper pull-up until your chin is above the bar – if you cannot get it above the bar, you’re weak and FAT most likely. No, chinups dont replace pull-ups – they’re good, but they stress the elbows in an unnatural position we dont use much if at all, and bottom line – again – it’s PULL-UPS that will get the job done there, ask any DOER, you’ll see. Haha.

Janet Clare is doing superlatively well narrating the TIPS on pull-ups I recently put out – have a gander at those HERE.

“I find it infuriating that after years of doing planks, pushups seem impossible …
- ... but then again, I thought I couldn't do situps till the last month!"

So said Janet Clare, whose been VALIANTLY trying to do pushups and situps for a while now, and with the dogged persistence she’s got, she’s finally got situps down to a point -kudos lady!

Yet, pushups are still problematic.

Her daughter *one of them* is in ROTC, and can pump ’em out – no problem – so its a lot of healthy competition there! Hehe.

Now, I’ve gone hoarse sayin that while the plank is not a bad isometric, it doesnt even begin to hold a candle to the top position of a pushup – especially with someone sitting on my back – haha – or on your fingertips.

And it’s TRUE.

And the advice I gave Janet on this one wasn’t just to do that isometric, which she is most likely, but to progress slowly.

Do 10% pushups for two weeks, I told her, then 15% (lower a bit more) – and so forth.

Before she knows it, she’ll be doing full pushups -them tendons and muscles will be strong and flexible by then!

Trust me, a full stretch in the pushup isn’t always about MUSCLE strength alone though thats a huge part, TENDON strength and flexibility is an even bigger part of it.

Dont believe me?

Do what I did, climb hills and do pull-ups for years, get in great shape – then ignore pushups.

And you’ll feel it in the center of your back, in your shoulder blades – and the TENDONS of the shoulders the first time you crank out pushups again after a while.

Nothing replaces pushups, my friend, nothing at all, I’ve gone hoarse saying that – and nothing replaces them done in good form.

And BETTER form!

Always imagine you’ve got someone seated on your back while doing pushups, or maybe a jug of water that NOT a drop can spill from as you lower down, go back up.

CLENCH the thighs, like I say in Pushup Central! 

And, make sure the arms are as close to the waist as possible.

And there you have it, my friend.

Do pushups, do TONS of ’em daily – along with squats, a lot of ’em too!

And thats that for this one – back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Leaving that door OPEN!
- Sometimes...

… is, and can be a very good idea!

I’ve spoken about this galore, of course, but I’d like to say it again – I’m VERY quick indeed to BLOCK people I dont want out of my life, business and so forth.

In fact, I’ve been known (well known) to turn DOWN sales – yes, even in “this” economy as people put it.

If your vibe is shit, and not on board with what we teach, you dont need or deserve to be anywhere near us.

Thats why I always prune my email list too, which I’ve done yet another prune on a while back and LOTS of people were “culled” for being little more than a bump on a log, do nothings, price wankers, whiners, moaners and pissers in general.

And normally I never let anyone back into my life.

Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Yet, the smart(est) men know there is a caveat to everything.

Men and women both.

Or even some in between’s, hehe.

And the caveat here is this – SOMETIMES, for SOME people, I leave the door open.

I dont WELCOME or even invite them back in.

But that door’s open, and for those that have served their punishment i.e. “banished to the wilderness” and then choose to learn from their mistakes and come back – well, I’m here with open arms, a forgiving HEART – and NO ill will whatsoever. Truly, if thats you – we’ll start with a clean slate bro.

In one of the Mowgli stories (a little guy growing up in a jungle) he speaks of “animal forgiveness”.

Animals dispense a good beating when the situation demands it, but they dont obsess about it forever.

Punishment is served quickly, and the crime is then FORGOTTEN. Simple as that.

Same thing here …

So thats that – I wanted to mention it – it applies to some readers here.

Some people are on board with the “once blocked, forever blocked” – for me, that applies to the majority of folks I remove from my life as well, but SOME people, like I said, deserve a second chance, and this leaving the door open policy for them has resulted in sales shooting through the ROOF like never before for one, and results in other spheres of life “instant manifestation” like you would NOT believe.

More in Zero to Hero – Volume Two, but for now, Zero to Hero – volume ONE – will suffice for real life motivational tips that will help YOU get to the highest levels of success you never even dreamed possble in your own life.


Onward – Roberto Berrocal sent me this feedback for Squat 101 – the Reader – his VOICE makes me literally CRY – he’s so on board with what we teach and preach here ….

Hey my Brother from another Mother!        

      I am very excited to tell you that I just uploaded the first to last chapter of the first book on the latest compilation that I am narrating for you right now. I do apologize for the slow and steady churn out of narrated chapters this time around (emphasis on “slower”, hehe). But I have good news! I am putting the lifeguarding gig on the back burner for a bit right now to focus on my desk jobs. So, I’m going to pick up the pace a bit. I know you told me not to worry if the project goes over a few days here and there with its due date, but I pride myself on my professionalism and timely delivery.

      On that note, I must admit that your “sore and cramping” stretching techniques have come in real handy after the last yearly testing with the Lifeguards. Now that is a BRUTAL test of endurance in and out the water (open ocean) repeated times, jogging in between, without gear, with gear, with passive victims and ACTIVE victims, hehe. Not to mention push-ups and ab-crunches to top it all off, phew!

      As always, a pleasure to work with you and I can’t wait to hear your feedback. Please do let me know if you would want me to do any changes or re-record any section. Be well my friend as I am sure that you are healthy and fit as always. Inspiring others to get and stay fit and helping others, me included, recover from strenuous tests of endurance. Thanks again for your wisdom teachings, research and good sense of humor!

And then this –

Hey Rahul!

      I almost forgot to ask for your written permission and that of your publisher, to make some promotional short videos of me and my family doing some of the exercises in the “0 excuses fitness book compilation” and “Squat 101 – The reader” once the audiobook is published (or before if that works for the both of us). We’re planning on having my narration of your book and original music (composed and mixed by my wife) in the background of the videos to promote the audio book and boost sales. Let me know what you think. As always, wishing you and our collaborations the upmost success. Cheers!


Yours truly –

Whats up my BROTHER!!!!!!

Hey man – GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU, and I’ve got a smile as always on my face as I’m listening to your audios, and READING what you have to say! I’ll get more into this later, but first off –

1. Your VIBE is nigh fantastic, I didnt think we could replicate what we did with the compilation, but we have – and are – you’re doing SUPERBLY WELL in that regard, keep it UP!

2. There is a lot of background noise in some of the audios, lots of “squeaks galore” in the disclaimer and introduction for one, but it speaks MOUNTAINS about your professionalism that even those haven’t distracted from the end feeling I get when I hear you – man! (I would normally be VERY distracted/annoyed by those as I know you would too) – so that might be something we need to fix. I’m assuming these aren’t the final audios i.e. you’d run all of this through another tool before final submission?

Also, importantly my friend, are you hearing these on your computer/system? If not, it might be an issue with my hard disk – – I had this happen with another producer with another project, there was a weird squeak that just would not go away in some of the audios, but she couldn’t hear it, and it passed ACX muster – and I do NOT see any “red warning” from ACX on your submissions, which I normally would if there is an issue, so much like the lucky mouse I’ve been seeing in my house as of late, hehe – this might be more good luck signs from the HEAVENS and likely is, but let me know – just in case! 🙂 🙂

3. Hell yes, these routines get you in the best of shape – I’m so glad you’re finding them brutally effective. Now . . . STRETCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I can hear it in your voice, I’m so glad it helps you – there are other books I have (two in fact, isometrics and advanced isometrics) devoted to stretching alone which you might want to “invest” in at some point my friend – those are VERY helpful stretches indeed, these stretches in the book were taken out of the initial book (but there’s plenty more where that comes from! Hehe).

4. I know fully well you’re professional to a T, and like I said – no worries about a few extra days taken my brother. You’re literally the last person I’d worry about in that regard, haha. All good there!

5. With regard to your other email i.e. this “I almost forgot to ask for your written permission and that of your publisher, to make some promotional short videos of me and my family doing some of the exercises in the “0 excuses fitness book compilation” and “Squat 101 – The reader” once the audiobook is published (or before if that works for the both of us). We’re planning on having my narration of your book and original music (composed and mixed by my wife) in the background of the videos to promote the audio book and boost sales. Let me know what you think. As always, wishing you and our collaborations the upmost success. Cheers!”

Hell yes you have my permission bro, you know you dont need to ask there, hehe. PLEASE do send me those videos too – I’ll promote them too “galore” on my Youtube channel etc! Do also include your FEEDBACK that you’ve included beneath – maybe make some ISOMETRIC videos, and if you ever do purchase a paperback for us, you have my full permission to SHOW those in the videos as well. Hehe. (btw, if you ever do purchase a paperback from us – then contact me FIRST, because I’d like to give you a great coupon to use on them which will be titled “MYBROTHER” – hehe).

As far as the music goes, you can put that in the book compilation audio too if you so choose, haha. ACX allows that to an extent …

So yes, long story short – of course you have my permission, do send me the videos or other promo material you guys create, and I will promote them too!!!!! 🙂

And thats that – always a pleasure my brother – – and other than the background noise thing, NOTHING else needs to be changed, you’re doing “fantabulously” (thats a term I really gotta use with my daugher hehe) … keep it GOING !

THANK YOU – again – much appreciated!! ????????????????. Yes, healthy and fit as always as you can see from Instagram – I’m sure you are too! 😉 Inspiring others to be the best they can is what it’s all about bro, and you know this better than anyone! Haha.

And fuck – again – FANTASTIC VIBE BRO! Haha. (apologies for the “cussing”, but I mean it in a very good way as you know!) I love those “ouches” you’ve put in!!!!!

???????????????????????????????????????? BTW, do you have Italian background, or maybe Spanish? My first guess would be Italian, but not sure – let me know! Haha.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Like NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah bro, you’ve GOT IT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dang, that was FRENETIC!

And if you, the reader can FEEL this – then send in your videos too my friend – – you’ve got my full and explicit permission, I’ve been asking for you ages, and that thought has turned into reality too now!

And with a tear on my face, I truly LOVE my customers and folks we then (or anyway) work with-  more than anything else – I’m signing off.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Our audiobooks are going great guns, check ’em out NOW.


From chubby – to SUPER FIT.
- Yours truly again!

Interesting how my thoughts are starting to manifest now – on a damn near daily basis.

Including the wife “hating” me more – hehe, which is fine (maybe this godawful excuse of a relationship will finally end without her ending it – apparently she “wants to stay married” though she hates me and “though I’m useless” – hmmm! If I truly was useless, would she stay married? HA!)

… anyway, it was pouring cats and dogs unexpectedly yesterday – I had to pick up the little girl from school. Of course the bus was 10x delayed, asking them – and telling them that some parents are waiting in the pouring rain soaked to the bone had no impact.

On the way, I saw a lady – without an umbrella – drenched.

I did what I would in China, offer her the umbrella, of course, in India that means people stare holes through you “because the housemaid is not supposed to walk with the “owner” of the household”.

As a friend later told me, some things will never change. Ugh. I’ve never understood this class mentality, the Brits lost it eons ago, good on ’em, India never has, probably never will.

Egalitarian, anyone??

Anyway, in that rain – literally roads turning into rivers, I was thinking of walking with a girl, sure enough, it happened. Hehe.

Nothing if not the ole romantic I am sometimes…

Then a guy in a car came to the bus stop, and something was oddly “similar”, but I couldn’t place it.

Fifteen minutes or so, he got out of the car, we exchanged pleasantries.

And then he asked me if I was “Shristi’s Dad”.

He told me whose father he was, which did not ring a bell, then his name, and then – BAM!

It hit me, two things – one, I’ve been watching a movie as of late where two old friends “meet each other after years”.

That manifested yesterday too!

So that leads to number two, the other memory.

Hey man, I know YOU! I said.

He looked at me curiously.

You do?

Yes, I do, I replied.

“I forgot to get a birthday gift for you in grade 4, and my mother never let me hear the end of it”.

Hehe. With all the lectures of “dont forget to lock the door behind you” – I forgot the gift, door locked, mom not there, it happens, but she didnt let me hear the last of it for bloody WEEKS!

Anshul, the guy, for his part – at his age?

“I’m not greedy!’ I still remember him saying all those years ago. Hehe.

And it was a kiddie mistake, could have happened to anyone, Mom included. Not like I did not buy the damned gift, I just locked the door first and then was stranded!

Oh well. Some mothers aren’t fit to be mothers to be honest. A lot!

I remember jogging by his house in winter, and remembering those days – and today, three months later – we met most unexpectedly, caught up.

Life’s a trip eh. It showl is, friend!

Fitness wise, of course, the comments.

“I couldn’t even recognize you! Your hair, your face – in school you were nothing like the machine you are today! You were chubby, slightly…”

He trailed off, but I was laughing – there was a high school get together at the end of last month in a fancy hotel I never went to, but I was wondering, if I did – all those guys who beat the shit out of me at school – my, how the tables have turned NOW. Hehe.

Indeed, thats the fun of it all – along with fitting into size 26 jeans at the ripe old age of 42 plus … Hehe.

Get on my routines NOW, friend.

And Pushup Central – and 500 pushups a day – is really what has sparked the “sea change”, though all my other books to.

Be sure and check out Audible too! David’s done a superlative job narrating this one!


Rahul Mookerjee

Do I need a hill – or anything – to stay in shape?
- Back to the neighsayers, hehe.

Lets talk about something a lot of you have likely experienced if  you don’t follow the wisdom behind “Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!” – and “only showing it to those that count – i.e. not the idiots” (or showing it to all, but only internalizing feedback from those with half a brain).

All my life, fitness wise and otherwise but lets talk fitness, a field in which I have results that most people wouldn’t get over 10 lifetimes of “trying” (I take that back – they’d get it in this lifetime if they really tried, hehe, but most people are lazy asses) …

… Every time I’ve been in shape, my – well, Mom and wife, lets say have “pooh poohed it”.

So what, they chime.

“You used to be so fat before!”

Well, yes, gee whiz, but you’d think what is NOW counts more than the past?

Not to mention what the person did to get himself “out of that past” – with no “help” – figuring it out along the way himself (or herself as the case might be)?

No wonder these clowns live in the past till this date, and their results show, apparently for them “it’s OK to be fat and out of shape because they “used to be fit before” and because they have kids, so thats why”.

The more I hear this lunacy, and I seem to on a daily basis, I cannot help but cringe MORE.

So, I do what I tell my daughter to do (and she does, hehe) “in through one ear, out the other”.

It doesn’t pass the walls in my mind, but lets talk about “what I did”,

Oh, not everyone has a hill to workout on!


My BEST results never came from “just the hill”.

And it ain’t just them, I remember a girl Carol once sagely pronouncing “you need something more than just the hill, you need to swim, you need the gym”, and so forth.

She even gave me her gym membership – which she of course hardly ever used (another prime example of how gyms benefit off idiots that buy it, never use it – or use very little of what they paid for).

Then she noticed “tartly” that I never used it, and said as much.

I remained silent.

Now, swimming – great idea. I love it.

But really, I’ve long championed the idea of your own body – on land – being all you need to get in top shape.

I was living proof of, and still am of 0 Excuses Fitness, my friend, and that was a long period of experimentation on myself – even before I put the book out (though in fairness, Fast and Furious Fitness was out in 2010 – but then again, that was based upon my own physical shape and conditioning before that which was nigh superb, hill sprints, subway stair sprints and such) …

People love to find EXCUSES.

“He succeeded because he had help, or was lucky”.

My friend, the reality behind any real success is the polar opposite.

Its a lot of heartbreaking struggle, it’s a lot of hardship, most of all, the mental feeling of “going it alone” – having to, or else – and watching the whole world laugh at you AT FIRST (before they join others in congratulating you).

When you point this out factually to people like my mom (or a host of other non illuminaries) they either scoff or start bawling about “dont talk about him! thats different!”

True story, when I educated my Mom on Henry Ford, that was her response.

I dont agree with my wife on anything, but she IS Right about me needing a DNA test. Hehe. I Cannot believe, other than the slight facial resemblance I have to my mother (which apparently drove my Dad insane with “love” when he met her – of course, he never met any other girl??) – there is NO similarity between us whatsoever. Or my Dad and me.

(credit again though, at the ripe old age of 70 he seems to have realized the fallacy of lecturing folks on fitness when he’s never been an iota of fit himself in his entire life)

(although I’ve no doubt he’ll start again if his wife tells him to, hehe).

Hey, the wife is ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS right! (HA!)


Back to it – success – ?

Thats just how it works.

There ain’t no good luck, you make your own – including the breaks you get, and that people think youre lucky to get, including “shortcuts” – there are NONE.

Ask any doer, they’ll tell ya.

Carol didnt want me doing the same thing day in and day out.

My dear lady, and she’s the only one that still causes my heart to “flutter” when I look at that … well, all of her, just so damn ATTRACTIVE, more so than any actress I’ve ever met – sometimes DOING the same thing daily, for hours on end – year in, year out, is what works long term.

Could be climbing hills as I did daily.

Could be doing 250-500 pushups a day without fail as I do. DAILY.


To idiots it might be.

But it brings results more than jumping around from one routine to the other in the name of “it should be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn” will ever bring.

The hard grind ultimately pays off, and brings success in any field at levels you never imagined , friend.

Question is – do you have it in YOU to stick to the PATH?

And thats the lesson for the day.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee