It aint my first rodeo despite never having “been” to one
- Dawg...

For five years of my life, I lived in the Deep South in one of the states that till this date gets a bad rap for racism, and never once – well, other than the time a motherfucker almost ran me over walking back home from school, but I’ve got a feeling dude was drunk, other than when a building superintendent bitched up a storm about Rueben and me swimming in the pool next to a friend’s apartment (technically he was right, but I remember Lilly fuming “he wouldna said nothing if two white boys were here” – Rueben was white btw) … and other than when some idiot stopped me, fire in his red eyes – short stocky SOB that said I was a fucking Afghan and needed to leave, and though Lilly, again present then “got the red ass”, it was all I could do to stop laughing, because he kept telling me dont stare at me, I’ll knock your damn lights out, and I kept waiting for him to do it, he never did, took off to the damn gym where a campus cop *Rueben again – good guy* gave him a dressing down later…

They said I could press charges if I wanted to. I dont know if they’d have given me all that info if it was just me.

I do remember them stopping me once late at night asking me for ID “because”.

I showed them mine, he shook my hand, I went on my damn way.

Luckily I didnt have beer in my bookbag at that time – hehe. I still remember walking across campus toting those damn beers to the dorm like my friend Aaron did …

Then the one time I was arbitrarily stopped “because some Hispanic guy had committed a crime”.

I remember all the black dudes gathering, looking at what was going AWN … Hehe.

10 minutes later, cop says “alright Sir, you’re free to go”.

OK … I could have bitched up a storm, but these coppers try and do a good job at the end of the day, things are what they are my friend.

Anyway – bitch all you like in a similar situation. Scream civil rights violating motherfuckers if you want, defund the police then watch crime fuckin spiral (loons) … your choice.

I simply remember living five plus years in the damn south, having nothing but fond memories, especially the food – not that NY was bad in that regard either. Hehe.

But Southern style soul food, there’s something to it.

Anyway, off the cuff,

I’ve never been to a country music concert. Tho I did make it to Memphis!

Or, a live rap show. Hehe.

I’ve never been to an actual rodeo, strange as dat might sound …

Or, Dolly Pardon’s amusement park…

I’ve never actually eaten chitlins, the smell frying – dang, it was enough to make me SCOOT out of the house where I was at that time …

And lets see, what else…

I wasn’t big on watermelon down south, hehe.

I am these days!

And probably a host of other damn things I ain’t done that most Southerners have, or a lot have (including kill my own meat regularly).

Or hunt game … I’ve always been kinda ambivalent about that!

I dont think it should be done away with it, yet, a balance is needed.


I have done a shitton of thangs you hear a lot of southerners do, including eat a lot at cracker barrel, and dem all you can eat “Barrrnnnnnnnnhill Buffets” down there…

Waffle house and such.

I didnt ever get into the habit of yee hawing either.

or saying ole “Mac” donald. Hehe.



When life throws you a curveball, most people DUCK and play dodgeball.

Thats why you hear all the bitchin everywhere these days. Folks need to get tough physically and mentally.

Me, hell, no matter what it is, my first answer always is.

“It aint my first rodeo”

Thats the confidence a sink or swim live by attitude gives you, my friend, and learning in the trenches.

And thats the spirit outlined in Zero to HERO! And Gumption Galore. 

And as I tell my little girl why I bought my damn a/C right now in the first place years back in China when I didnt even need it…

That look of joy on your face when you were 4…

And that made it all worth it, and I Remember my wife cattily saying “every time she wants something, it makes its way here right quick!”

There’s lessons to all of this. See if you can spot ’em.


Rahul Mookerjee (Edit – or driven a  damn RV … Hehe) ( I do want to someday!)

The nasty details of it all…

One of the things I ain’t never done – well, not fully by my “lonesome” at least?

Pluck a chicken carcass. Defeather it, debone it, and all that – I’ve done it with folks, yes – not alone.

Its however a survival skill everyone should have, along with knowing how to grow your own vegetables.

I ain’t an expert at the latter, but I get by …

Think about it, you grow your own damn food, eat healthy, live wild, isnt that ultimately what its all about?

Anyway – we rarely think about where all the meat we eat comes from, and no, before you start jumping – those that will – I ain’t sponsored by PETA or some nonsense.

I’m just saying, the first time my wife, who had never eaten meat (well, other than dates when she met me) in her life, let alone cooked it learned how to do it – before that she SAW it.

That was in India, 2008.

Butcher shop with blood spattered all over it, guts on the floor (nasty I know, but them places are like that till this date there) … China’s a lot better again – and India doesnt have Walmart etc, so …

Guy reaches in the crowded coop, grabs a damn bird by the neck or someplace, and cuts its throat, dumps it cooly in a blue “vat” or sorts, while the bird thrashes about in its last throes.

Their version of “halal” I suppose.

Which I dont quite advocate, I’m more for killing something so quickly it doesn’t feel it…

But anyway, I remember him telling us “you dont need to see this”.

So we didnt.

But the gory reality was all around the wife, to her credit, she did cook the meat later that night.

Most of that meat you eat at Wawl-mart, or Sams, or wherever – most commerically available meat, yes, even the KFC wings your kids so love are killed equally “cruelly”.

Yet, folks jump up and down about whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands done far more humanely …

Interesting, eh.

My point isn’t advocating animal farms or whale slaughter.

My point is this – twofold, actually.

One – being self sufficient in every way is whats its all about – if possible.

And two, the gory, gritty details are what count.

If you’re stuck in the wild, you kill to eat ultimately, its that simple. could be a wild hog or a snake, whatever it is, you have to do it ultimately.

It might not ever happen, I hear some saying.


But if it does, well …

I’d rather be prepared for all eventualities, practice how to do it before doing it. Learning on the fly is great – if and when you’re not in a dire emergency.

Skills every real man should have, including knowing the basics of how to take apart and handle a gun …

Anyway – thats that from here. how does this relate FITNESS wise?

Well, those gory, gritty detail matter.

And as certain Panourgias noticed, as so many people – in the videos in the 0 Excuses Fitness System I give you little details – the GORY details – that no-one else does, mostly because they dont know ’em.

Those videos are called the ICING on the cake for a reason. Yup, the cake matters, but the icing is what really makes it extra special, no?

As John Walker said about ’em, why would you go out for a hamburger when ya got STEAK sitting at home.


Thats what differentiates me from the rest – one more thing.

That one tip was about how to recover quicker than ever before when you’re out of breath, and no, it isnt just deep inhales and exhales, it aint inhaling through the nose and thus forth, its something I learned on the hill myself in blazing heat, and its amazingly simple, it flat out works. Another is the “secret food” which a narrator once asked me about … that …

Ah, but that second one is not in the System, its one of my other books.

Gory details matter.

They’re ultimately what get the JOB done.

The devil is in the details, and you’ll see why once you get the System.

It will truly change your life forever, that I WILL tell ya now. The rest, well, up to YOU.


Rahul mookerjee

Smoking at home, or not?
- Interesting, the hypocrisy ...

It’s interesting, the grade A hypocrisy some people live by – or are “forced” to live by.

Back in the day, I remember cooking beef patties in the damn oven, or maybe I skillet fried the steak, whatever it was, didnt have no blood coming out of it – hehe – I prefer my steak well done too – and uh, well, Rueben, buddy of mine remarked “the whole damn place smells like holy cow” in here.

I put the holy part in, or maybe he did?


But that was in 99, in MS down south at my pad as it were.

Been a while since I last cooked meat, Imma start soon, but again – back to it – I remember my dad in college telling me in the car on the way home “there’s to be no smoking (regular cigs) at home”.

OK, Dad, I didnt plan on it.

Ok, in grade 11 I believe he almost caught me at it, smelt the damn smoke, even said he did, but Mom wasn’t there, he said nothing and went back to bed.

But at that time, he did.

Before I even thought of or wanted to do it.

Now, my Dad’s Mom told him he could smoke at home if he wanted to.


So it’s interesting, how it all panned out with his own son and him. Are we even son and Dad? I have my doubts, anyway, I Remember him prattling about the fact that he’s proud of till this day “your mother told me to stop smoking and I did”.

Note he didnt quit for his health.

I quit at 24 for my own damn health, no-one told me (when they did before, Dad included “if there is anything at all you want to do for me, stop smoking” is what I was once told) – when they did, I could care two figs less.

He quit when his wife told him.

A spell that hasn’t disappeared until now.

She commands, he jumps.


But I remember him going on and on about how the office ribbed him openly for being a wife’s boy or something “Biwi / Joru Ka Gulam” or some shit in hindi, I dont even remember the term – and him saying it like it was something to be proud of.

Look, if you do something for yourself, or someone else because you really fuckin want to, be damn proud of it, but to me, doing something because she wont like it and living your whole life that way is living like a pussy.

Excuse my French.

To each his or her own. I aint going up to him and tellin him that either, it’s his life.

But its something you shouldn’t let impact your kids, yet they did.

At 19, my uncle who famously once claimed after I left his residence at New Canaan up in CT, I believe – in the middle of the woods, lovely setting, I still remember the foxes “he’ll never come back here again!” true – I didnt – hehe – the same one who calls me a wolf till this day most likely, the only one who knows probably I got married and had a child, albeit through social media (well my maternal uncle, smoker and drinker till his last day does too) … the smoking thing?

He was fine with me smoking on his porch.

Hell, I even asked him if I should clean up the butts from the grass or what not, he pooh poohed it.

He was pretty fussy about SHOES though, and leaving them outdoors – haha.

Hey, his house, his rules, but point is this, you gotta let a man be a man.

Try telling that to my family.

Plus, a father whose own mother told him its ok to do so long as you dont hide from your parents, advice that is SOUND as heck, that old lady was smart, she helped me too – giving the exact opposite advice to his son


My own wife has never told me directly about my drinking beer etc, she’s bitched about it though plenty of times, apparently for her beer is a luxury. Wtf? Coors light, a fuckin luxury?

I’ve no idea how she’ll react to my smoking after all these years, she’s never seen me smoke, but I’m glad to report I truly dont give a flyin fuck at this point.

I know she’ll probably never sign on the dotted divorce line, and thats fine. At the start of this month it was a done deal in my brain, and thats what counts to me.

And no, I aint gonna let the cat out of the bag yet on what sparked it “gave me the damn red ass” as it were (without eating a single spice – hehe).

Not like any broad I’m with has ever cared, or will care, or if I did…


All the advice I give you in Zero to hero! and Gumption Galore! is from the heart, and it just flat out works.

From in the trenches. Ain’t no BS even there.

Back to movie night…

Later y’all!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I get not smoking at home, second hand smoke and that. What I dont get is the hypocrisy. Standing out on Dad’s balcony with a smoke and a beer wasn’t gonna harm nothing or nobody … Oh well.

When I quit smoking cold turkey …
- 'twas ...

Golly, gosh, Jesus, Mary and God – or Mother of God – whatever the saying is.

Or, Jesus jumpin Christ on a pogo stick (interesting they all these axoims on good ole Jesus, but not other religions, the followers of some get uber violent too when fun is made of their religion’s leading figures, albeit in a nice way – no goose and gander eh? Saying Merry Christmas is a fuckin crime, saying “Happy Diwali” isnt…) …

Anyway ..

It must be a grade B “direct to TV” movie night for me – or day. Had no inkling it would turn out that way.

Had no inkling I’d be watching a Banderas flick (I’m not a fan of Banderas overall, no real thoughts either way on him, cool dude when he had his long hair in the first movie I saw him, a Stallone movie) (and the Expendables, pretty cool too) …

… I’m definitely NOT a Bruce Willis fan.

But, he’s got some classic dialogs, like when he asks Sly and Arnie in Expendables One “you two gonna suck each other’s dicks now”?

Men, eh.


Anyway … (must be fuckin movie night tonight, all for a good reason tho)

This latest movie I’m watching is about him, I just started it.

Before that tho – a guy on my list here recently asked me why I dont post near as much to my other list on as I do this one.

The two are seperate lists, and they get some of what’s here, but not all.

Vice versa too.

So if you’re smart you’ll be on both lists, but if I post here continously for days on end, then some of these go out to people there too.

Especially the life related emails …

And so he asked

Good question.

I haven’t planned it that way.

But, that site’s been going since 2010, very slow and steady, so it kinda makes sense how it worked out, this one, fast and furious – no pun – ever since the day of its inception, I still remember booking the domain not so long ago.

Yin and yang apart, this site is much easier to login to in many ways, so the bulk of the “posting” gets done here, emailing gets done there too.

But anyway …

I remember quitting smoking – or trying to at the age of 19.

Failed three times, it was finally in China, at the age of … 24? in a land renowned for smoking that I finally quit, even when surrounded by smokers at my first job.

Everywhere I went peopel smoked.

They’d crush their cigarettes out on plates in the restaurant, I still pity the waitresses who cleaned up after them, apparently now thats “Chinese culture”.

Ok, whatever…

Much like tipping isnt part of the culture, yet the girls were more than glad when I did it. As a colleague Clement from HK wisely said, well, you’re giving them money, why wouldn’t they be happy.

‘xactly, and they’re women. Hehe.

Enough said.

But anyway …

I quit cold turkey, none of the bullshit about non nicotine cigarettes, weaning myself off and such.

And it wasn’t half as bad as I thought. Even when my colleague Clement blew smoke at me (he smoked like a damn chimney, twice of what I did) during a break and asked if I wanted a smoke… The day after I quit!

Maybe as Bruce once told me laughingly “I dont fully inhale”.

Nah, my friend.

I do. The weed, I’ve smoked it, for some reason never affected me, so I never did much of it, but the beer was and is always my thang.

But anyway – my lungs and stamina level then were proof I did inhale, I could barely climb four flights of stairs without sweating/being out of breath at 24.

Fast forward to 42, now, well … I can bound up them without a second thought.

I recently watched a Steve Austin podcast about how he quit chewing tobacco, same thang.

Saw his Dad die of cancer (his adopted father I believe) and decided he was a stupid mofo if he did not quit himself.

And he did.

Cold turkey.

There’s a lesson in that, my friend.

Sink or swim.

And its how I’ve been all my life.

It’s mentioned in Zero to Hero indirectly.

You wont hear the life gurus prattle about it, because it’s TOUGH.

Only the tough survive – survival of the fittest – law of the jungle which just flat out works.

Anyway .

REAL reason I mention this?

I’ve been wanting to smoke dem cigars with my beer for a long goddamned time now.

Maybe this will be the year I “finally” give in. Hehe.

Am I dumber than a box of rocks for doing so?

Hell, maybe.

Maybe it wont be a expensive Cuban cigar like Jim smoked, perhaps a Marlboro Light – or “Classic Mild”.

Light beer, light cigarettes, they’re all as bad. Light’s just a marketing ploy sometimes . Southpaw beer was supposed to be somewhat light (no longer around) but dangit, it wasn’t half as light as it claimed.

But there’s something to be said for two things.

One, living life on your terms, doing precisely as you please, when you want to, waking up at past noon and going to bed at 4 if you so choose with no-one (wives especially) to nag the everliving Bejesus out of ya…

And two?

Well, I know – for a fact – with proof in hand not just on this one, but everythang else I’ve done in my damn life thus far.

I could quit ANY moment I choose.

And secure in THAT knowledge, I do what the fuck I want to, my friend.

Mental strength and physical stamina – or the other way around, or both go together.

The 0 Excuses Fitness System builds the body and mind both – in equal measures, together, in heaps at that.

Click on over and have your fill Today.

I’m back to the B or maybe knowing Willis flicks, C grade flick. Hehe.


rahul Mookerjee

P S – If you’re gonna whine about fitness gurus dont smoke, spare me the crap. The day I get fat, and lousy out of shape – tell me, until then, well …

(Or, be fair and mention the tomes of them that are literally CORPULENT and claim to, and in some cases do, sell a LOT)

Guess why, folks can relate to em.

Be real above all.

And thats the bottom line.


Real men dont cry?
- Whoever said that is a grade A idiot

Growing up, with the kinda shitty upbringing I had – kinda?? – I used to … uh, CRY a lot.

And in situations you wouldn’t expect, not because I was scared, or nervous, but just ANGRY as fuck – frustrated as hell – and didnt know how to let it out.

In a fight with the school bully which I Was reminded of years later when seeing another guy I went to school with in a bar (well, more a cafe sort of thing) in 2008 after taking the “then to be wife” out on her first date (I also remember her saying she’d slap a man who drank in front of her, yet, she was fine with the chicken wings she was eating the first time, and yours truly who drank 4 Fosters – hehe – women!) …

… she did slap my ass away when I groped her ass in the movie theater though- so I guess it wasn’t all false.

The things I’ve done in movie theaters, from accidentally using a women’s bathroom (ok, admittedly the signs were shit and in Chinese, but..) to … ah, but this ain’t about me.

Its about “do real men cry”

At the age of 14 I remember Dad telling me “and dont cry. You’re a man. Men dont cry”.


Out of all the most useless pieces of advice my father gave me, that was right up there with being the most fuckin idiotic.

Not to mention, if he’d have known his son, he was crying out of frustration he wasnt’ even allowed to let out physically, when he was, he was ridiculed, man, those thangs take a toll on kids.

Some have asked if this is my (as of late, the sort of emails going out which really hit home) “come to Jesus” moment or what – nah, it aint.

I am still very much aethist and believe in the Universe,nuttin else, but anyway – I remember my buddy from the Marines, 20 plus years of service, been there, done that, shot more motherfuckers than he cares to remember, buddies getting blown up and shit (and burnt) – and stuff, and the last time we drank beer together in 2019 …

Well, he was crying.

Going through a tough time, I was – but not in the manner you’d suspect, but I believe so was he.

And I still remember him crying, which was OK – fine. Hey, I’ve done it several times, mostly privately, but often publicly too – to be shamed.

Next day, my bud called me and apologized.

“I’m sorry. Real men dont cry like that”.

What the fuck, man, I went.

They do all the time.

I’ve done it all the fuckin time – and the last time I remember doing it with a friend Ricky (no longer a friend tho) ” thats a real man”, I remember him saying.

Not because of the tears, but the fuckin emotion, man.

Lots of folks say its women that are emotional, men are the opposite.

Thats bullshit.

I remember getting emotional and drunk (not to the point of losing all control, but pretty drunk) at an office get-together in Oman once, that was in 2012 I think? Not sure, I was crying, and the so called real men in there all got pissed, and the wife was until the next day too.

What the fuck again.

Letting emotions out honestly ain’t a bad thing.

Being ashamed of doing so is stupid.

Reality is, and you look at Mother Nature and the way animals are as well (which we are at the end of the day), the MEN have emotions, feelings.

Women merely monkey branch onto the next available cash cow – which is called hypergamy.

Nah, this ain’t a MGTOW treatise.

I’m not completely this or that, or Mgtow.

I AM an expert on combating Nazi feminism and benefitin from it, but that ain’t the POINT either.

The point is, men have emotions, plenty of ’em.

We just reserve them (real men) for the right people and right times.

I’m told I’m a selfish uncaring bastard by many.

Maybe upfront.

But while watching the movie “The Enforcer” which I picked randomly (and the rain started right after it ended, how prosaic) – an Antonio Banderas movie (I didnt even know it had him) which was entirely unexceptional and yawn for the most part – Banderas has some pretty good scenes with his estranged daughter which  more than tugged at my heartstrings.

I still remember a former friend Charles once talking about me in China, hardly ever seeing my little girl.

“I dont want you ending up like that years later, man”

Hmm, sometimes life happens, now I dont aim at that sort of thang happening for me, but who knows…

But my point again, emotion.

The Stallone movie Get Carter, I watched it for Sly, movie again was nothing special, the original Michael Caine flick was better, grittier.

But Sly’s scenes with his niece are gems – especially the one on the terrace.

I dont know – maybe I’m biased.

But I first saw that damn Sly movie when I had to leave my then girlfriend back Stateside, move to India and such (dont ask, long fuckin story again) – she’s no longer with us, in the heavenly above as it were, with her favorite “sunflowers” (no doubt, no pun) …

… and the dialog “if I’d been here, this never woulda happened”.

It hit home even then in 2002, long before I met my wife, got married, or even thought about having a daughter.

Couple of years later I’d tell my boss Jim with his family in the office … (he was saying “well, when you get married, Rahul”)

Oh, I’m NOT getting married, I said with a sense of finality to which he just shrugged and grinned, so did his wife.

My, how times change, how we change eh.

I’ve changed over the years in some regards.

For the most part I’m still the beer swilling fuck I was in college – hehe.

Some things never change.

But I learned a lot along the way, and therefore I teach it.

Fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System was built on a lot of things, but emotion is #1.

Its there in all I do …

And that’s that friend.



Rahul Mookerjee

Reproduction is a natural function
- Now, why is that here?

That caught ya attention, didnt it?

Mine too – well, this afternoon walking home from school the daughter noticed some kittens, and apparently they were the same ones my loony ex feeds “bread” to – yet, when that same cat (the adult) acts entitled and bratty, she acts surprised.

She’s got a huge stick to ward the “male of the species” off who shows up too.

I wrote about this before, these are wild, feral cats, why not let them roam as is?

Not like she’s making them a house pet, they aren’t even allowed to enter the house.

Makes no freaking sense, right down to what she feeds them, I wrote about this here … (and if you’re feeding the damn female, feed the damn male?)

I love cats, but wouldn’t have them as pets. I’d have a dog. Dogs are loyal and trustworthy, cats by nature are the very opposite. The word “catty” is out there for a reason – now they have some amazing qualities I’ve written about a lot, but as a house pet? Nah …

Nothing against those who love their “kitties”, of course.

Anyway – further down the road, she pointed out two cats I didnt even see.

“They look just like the kittens”, she said.

I looked.

They did, right down to the color.

And green eyes. The male was the same, the female different (black cat this time, one showing up is a grey cat).

And then I noticed the position the “top” cat was in. Hehe. You get the picture “about to hump”, while the female was staring at us with her emrald green eyes.

I wrote about that, staring with cats or into their eyes is one of the best and most relaxing things you can do!

Anyway – I told the daughter “oh, ok, well, they’re ..”

Dont tell me, she cut me off, giggling.

It is, as the birds and bees were for me growing up – a taboo topic.

Now, she’s at the age where she’s curious. Almost 10, and in a couple of years she’ll be old enough to start understanding things better.

I told her plainly, there’s no need to be embarassed when you see that.

Procreation is a natural function, much like breathing is.

If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be there, I grinned.

And, you look like me, therefore, the big cats look like the kittens, thats why the kittens look like them …

“Papa’s carbon copy” as they call her. Hehe. And she is. Right down to the MIND. (the most important).

Kids need to be told that sex, and other so called adult topics aren’t “taboo” (beyond a certain age) and properly EDUCATED on it.

Note I said EDUCATED, not “watch animals do it”. Like in biology class in school where I remember looking at the teacher with her red … ah, I wont go there as she taught “reproduction” …

Much of the crime happening, well, it’s idiotic adults who want it all themselves, yet act like the topic is “oh my god” when it’s discussed.

I’ve got an entire biz based off sex – for adults only, thank you very much, no, it’s NOT porno in anyway – its more educative, and thats interesting considering the only education I got myself was while playing tennis one day in grade 8 and the Dad furtively asking me on a break “you’re growing up. Do you use your hand in the bathroom”?

I didnt quite understand what he meant… and that was the end of that.

I still remember the horrendous fights at home when the teachers complained about me looking at girls’s mammaries and creating them out of my handkerchief and such. Hey. What can I say, I’m a bad boy!

The puritanical way in which my Mom looked at me, I’ll never fuckin forget it.

She was in tears “those things you do, you’re such a horrible boy!”

Hey, Mama, I’m a normal fuckin boy, I tried to be as normal as you let me. I didnt learn skills like fighting, repairing cars etc other boys of my age learnt because their Dads taught them, mine either didnt know himself or was too scared to teach (Mom) … but that dont mean I wasn’t normal.

I remember my dad trying to explain it.

“Well, it’s pleasurable”, he went. “Else folks would be drinking whiskey!”

The only beer I ever had with my father?

Grade 10, furtively hidden away in the freezer when Mom was away at the grandparents house …

I was nigh shocked he even knew I liked beer (or drank it back then).

Beer and peanuts, and he handed them to me – was “Strohs beer” I believe.

(2 large cans, till this date “two bottles of beer” is one too many apparently. If they only knew. HA!)

(well, they did, in China I remember Mom calling “worried about whether you’re lugging cases of beer up the four flights of stairs that you said you can barely get up” … Nah, Mommy, the girls delivered the beer, I didnt really carry that shit up aside from the first time) …

I dont know, all these things, man, kids are going to see it anyway.

As adults, we’ve got a responsibility to EDUCATE these kids about it – in a sensible rational manner, without being “scared of what Mommy might say”.

And use terminology they wont be scared off by “birds and beeeez” and such…

My wife, fuck, I keep saying wife, I need to start getting used to “ex”, I’ve wanted it so many years, now I’m finally on the road to getting my dadgumit wish …

… when she was 12 or so, had her first period, menses, whatever, her mother slapped her for it happening.

WTF, folks are insane. In certain parts of India women aren’t allowed to enter temples or even the home kitchen while they’re on the rag, men in certain parts cannot cook non vegetarian food at home, if they do, theyre handed a “special bowl” for it.

WTF again, natural goddamned bodily function, yet … (as for the food dont even get me started. Apparently its ok on terrace but not the kitchen – this from the ex’s house).

How dare I say anything, hehe. It’s indian culture.

Ok, I wont.

But things need to change. Some things never have in that part of the world, they never will (China and the far East done moved past all that bullcrap years ago) – anyway …… back to it?

As I told the daughter, grinning.

“You;re Papa’s biggest supporter. You always have been”.

And she has, ever since the day she was nigh born.

But you do it indirectly, like me, hehe, I grinned. Hey, chip off the old block, even my customers say that.

She nudged me.

Of course! I dont want Mommy to know …

And that should tell you the real status of whose relationship is healthy and whose isn’t (with my daughter) …

Its sad adults gotta be this way. Hey. Remove the crap surrounding what everyone truly deeps wants deep down inside as I keep saying on the other website, and the world would be a less dark place, much nicer place, much more open and normal.

Anyway ……….

I could point you to that site now. You’d be nigh shocked and astounded – this “right wing lunatic” as some call me is that far to the left on this?

Yes, my friend.

I’m neither right or left – I’m sane. Some issues I’m on the left, most in the center-right, some far right….

Whats right is right, whats wrong is wrong, that will never change.

And Kiddie Fitness is something that is right. Every kid must be FIT, like we used to be years ago …

Get it now for your kids, best doggone present you’ll ever give ’em.


Rahul Mookerjee

Testing myself after a long goddamn time…
- Damn!

Man, I should have – maybe, but I ain’t been working Hindu pushups and bridging in a while – though squats of every nature, I’ve been hitting them hard as ever.

Despite doing plenty of other pushup workouts as you can tell, for some reason I skipped the Hindus – not sure why.

For a few months, at least – aint got nothing to do with shoulder injuries, not being able to do ’em, nothing like that – I just didnt do ’em.

Lots of folks have this – very – erroneous idea that if they dont train a particular exercise that theyve trained hard in the past for a while, while they focus on another overall body movement (in my case certain types of pushups, pull-ups and CLUBS – and squats) – then they’ll lose progress on the other exercises.

Maybe if you NEVER visit those exercises.

But even then, if you’ve done them at a high level before, chances are taking time off for a couple of months for whatever reason, even if its to focus on other movements, provided those are “whole body” workouts – wont really hurt you.

I was AMAZED at how easily I slipped into the bridge today for instance, I did NOT think I could do ’em that easily after a break – especially touching the lips to the floor – or mattress in my case.

I honestly did not, therefore, the video, completely extempore (most of mine are anyway, but this one more so).

Ditto for the front bridge.

Ditto for the Hindu pushups I did – I didnt think I’d do them in sets of 20 with clubs since I have not done them in a while, but it felt like I could rock out 40, no problem … (I didnt in that workout since clubs are an important part of it too to get to 100 reps) …

Just goes to show you, this notion of losing progress isn’t really accurate so long as you train your other movements hard, and they work the entire body as a whole – as bridging does.

Its an excellent exercise, an entire hour long video on it in the equally excellent and superlative 0 Excuses Fitness System where I teach YOU how to go from “stiffie” (no pun) to “yogi” levels at this great workout.

You’ll want to watch that video, and the other great ones in that system very closely!

Off for now.

Back soon.


Rahul mookerjee

PS – Hit like!

What do you, the office goer – or everyday Joe or Jane – really NEED in terms of their fitness?
- Hint - it aint the JIm.

Can you answer that question definitively?

Most people fall prey to marketing and shiny new machines, the girls, yakking the Bull and what not, and would answer “an hour daily at the gym”

If you aint spending an hour daily at the Jim, you aint getting fit.

Lets face it, most quit after paying the fees, fancy memberships lying unused… (strike a CHORD that??)

Or, if you ask most people?

“we need more Cardio to lose weight!”

Or, this – “To FEEL better!”

And a variety of answers, the #1 excuse people give for not doin the thing – “lack of time”.

Which is bullshit, of course. Folks spend all day long gazing at their damn phones, yet dont have time for quick workouts?

This, my friend, is a myth I have been busting ever since I put out 0 Excuses Fitness.

Workouts that get you super fit within 15 minutes or less, you’ll want to go longer of course, chances are when you begin and even way after that, about 5-7 minutes will wipe you out completely (if you’re the average person).

Seasoned fitness fanatics have reported taking my pull-up challenges and falling flat on their backs while getting that GLOW from inside you do after a superlative workout.

These, and other thoughts struck me this morning as I kept doing my workouts – first, a 100 squats in pitch darkness in the man cave, then stretching, then, well, something I had not done in a while – a long time, I wasn’t even sure I could rep ’em out beyond 5!

Last I did Hindu pushups was a couple of months back.

And so today, repping out 20 – that was amazing.

Easy peasy it felt, and then I took a great little video of me doing this exercise with Indian clubs – a great workout that Indian wrestlers do all the time till this day, and it’ll get you in great shape.

This little workout shouldn’t take you more than 6-8 minutes tops fresh.

It took me more because of all the camera adjustng and stuff, you’ll see…

But dayummmmmmmmmmmmm

It got me thinking, what YOU really need is this – workouts that you can use ANYWHERE – requiring NO equipment (club was what I used, but you can just as easily just do a 100 pushups and 100 squats) … and MOST importantly, get you DONE with your workout in <10 minutes, less than 8 if you’re going at a good clip.

Squeeze that in into your lunch break, you still got time for quick stretching and lunch.

Squeeze that in between writing emails, or books.

Or, simply during the course of the day.

It’s easy to stay fit provided you have the will and know how, my friend.

Its easy to stay super fit as I do!

I can provide the knowhow – I do so right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System (rightly hailed as the best damn fitness system out there).

But you, and only you can provide the WILL.

And thats that. Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

Quitting out of frustration at pull-ups?
- I get it ... Hey. I done been there, done that too!

Pull-ups, man. Everyone wants to be able to do them – in sets, reps, slow and easy, all the way up, all the way down ,yet, most people either cannot do it, or do it WRONG.

And I’ve seen so many otherwise well intentioned trainees who’re doing great keeping their weight down, or trying to, doing great at working the legs etc – just simply up and “quit” at getting better and better at pull-ups.

Hey, I can relate.

Story from my own past – at around the time I wrote “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD – within a matter of WEEKS! – it was tough for ME to get my chin over the bar!

The cover shows you my lack of conditioning at that point, though granted, it wasn’t near as bad as a lot of people, because I kept persisting, but persistence will only take you so far if you dont lose that weight around the midsection, ass and body in general.

But I still did ’em, but I remember what a struggle it was to get the chin over the bar – how people commented “you need to do them better” – and so forth (a lot of these idiots being “lookie lous” who sat on park benches and did exactly F all themselves but someone doing the thang…) …

How the old man in China would keep (well, one of them) making the “cut throat” gesture… (this was when I was already pretty good at pull-ups) and so forth.

For a long, long time my friend, just like YOU reading this email most likely, I was shy – and embarassed about my pull-ups.

I was far more confident on pushups.

Remember, this is the pull-up STUD saying this!

Today, as I can comfortably hold a sternum hold for at least a minute, I reflect back on my learning experiences – which for some part prompted the numerous changes in the book above – the current version is far more “verbose” than the initial version.

Now, what did I do to get comfortable getting my chin over the bar?

Naturally less fat around the midsection, yes, but what else?

The real key wasn’t just the above, although it was nigh instrumental, it wasn’t form, it wasn’t doing slow reps, or ladders, it wasn’t even visualization – all of that helped, yes – but it was ONE form of movement that helped the most, my friend – and that isn’t something you necessarily associate with pull-ups.

Once I got better at that form – or HOLD – and no, it wasn’t just the dead hang – and kept improving, voila – things changed dramatically with me keeping the above factors in mind too.

What that one thing is, Pull-ups – from DUD – to STUD – within a matter of WEEKS! will tell ya – if you’re smart enough to spot it.

The secret lies in pretty much every part of the book, yet, much like Think and Grow Rich said, I dont give it away directly because if I did so, you’d be robbed of much of the benefit you’d get if you discovered it for yourself.

And it’s right there out in the open, actually – if you can SPOT it, or are open minded and prepared to work hard what I tell you to do. Way too many folks want “instant results”, that wont happen, sorry.

But it’ll happen quicker than you thank – hehe – if you do the thing right and regularly.

And, until I incorporated this little gem of an open secret into my training – NOTHING changed for me. Frustration kept piling up, I did not ever quit, but I got the feeling “I’m not ever going to get beyond a certain point at this exercise”.

I know a lot of YOU have that feeling too.

And therefore I’m telling ya.

Once I did what I’m referring to – voila – it was like the FLOODGATES opened…

Read the book, dont just read it once. My manuals are not meant to be read once and forgotten. They’re meant to be read for years, thumbed through repetitively – theres wisdom upon wisdom in the words that will hit you in a new manner with every reading you do, the more you practice, the more you’ll understand and draw meaning and inspiration from what I say – in practical terms, which is what COUNTS.

Ok, all for now. I can relate to the feeling – been there, done that – tossed it away, and so can YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re already pretty good at pull-ups, cranking out sets of 10 in good form – then youre ready for the next level – Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!

Lots want to get this book first. (before the first one).

Please do not.

There’s a reason for the progression. You dont turn into David Goggins overnight, even he did not.

Get good at the basics FIRST. Really hammer those into the ground, and never stop doing so, and only then – then and only THEN – get the advanced book.

Full range on pushups – concentric vs eccentric – and more!
- Do them in full range or not at all.

I have written about this before my friend.

Do pushups properly, slow and easy, full extension up, and importantly, touching the chest to the floor (not your tummy or groin!) (believe me, many people make just that mistake – weak lower back, abs, too much fat around midsection etc) … or not at all.

Dont even get me started on the horrible jerky “get as many reps as you can as quick as you can” thang a lot of folks do out there in parks and such. Ugh, just fuckin awful – ruins your body, and disrespects one of the greatest bodyweight, if not THE greatest exercise known to mankind, certainly one of the oldest along with the pull-up.

Man, these days when doing pushups, I’ve noticed something that even yours truly “Corrugated Core” hasn’t for years.

That being, a non existent midsection!

“Nothing to tense there”, is what my body told me as I automatically went into clench thighs and tense abs mode during my pushup workout yesterday, which was just two sets of 50 – easy for me, but still a damn good workout to do daily.

It literally feels so light around there “there’s nothing there to tense” – though there is, and its more than a superbly conditioned core. I’ve always had that – well for a while, but it’s THIS month, all the fasts and such, intermittent and what not that I wrote about, other forms of fasting that I’ve been doing thats really ripped a lot of the INTERNAL junk away.

Internal fat is what really counts, and is unhealthy my friend.

The fat around your liver, intestines, internal organs – even a lot of so called skinny people have it.

And THAT fat needs to be attacked – FIRST.

Visceral fat I believe they call it – get rid of that – everythang becomes a lot easier post doing that.

And hard exercise plus what some might consider “extreme” measures are the only freakin way to do it, friend.

Anyway …

It got me thinking

So many people do pushups mostly right, but they wont go all the way down, claiming its not necessary to touch the chest to the floor, or “stop a bit short of full extension on the way up”.

Now, no doubt doing either of this will result in more reps.

But it will also result in an overall easier workout.

Do a set of 20 pushups that way.

Then drop down, give me a slow 20 where you touch the chest to the ground, pause, go all the way up – pause, and then rep another one out.

You’ll be breathing a lot differently at the end of that slow chest to the ground set (and all the way up) – I guarantee you that, and you’ll FEEL it differently.

Why wouldn’t you want to stretch the chest out to the fullest extent possible? Those muscle fibers are no different from any other!

And if someone was sitting on your back, would you “stop short” of full extension, or REALLY press into the ground full extension?

The answer is evident, my friend.

Remember, tendons and ligaments are far more important overall than “muscles alone” – without the former, you wont really have the latter – not in lasting form, anyway – and my book on isometrics focuses on just that.

Thats yet another reason form is so important, why its been passed down since ages, why my Taekwondo teacher in eigth grade who gave me hell on the splits and rightly so – I still remember him nodding approvingly “Good!” as I was the only one in class who even back then did pushups chest to the grass, slowly up and down … no-one else would. Or could.

Then you got those who claim “the pushing up part is more important”

Maybe in some ways, but the lower down you go, the more you pushup back up my friend. ITs that simple.

“Elementary, Watson” – no pun even intended for those familiar with the other biz…

Same thing for squats.

While 70-80% of the motion might feel like a better thigh burn, its ass to grass that really builds the lower – and entire – body in its entirety – as you go through them high reps, focus on doing that every rep, and you’ll quickly see the truism of what I’m saying.

Alright, my friend, thats that for now. To get better at squats – something everyone must do – Squat 101 is your baby, and make sure to pick up Squat 101 – the TIPS! as well.

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushup Central is by far the greatest and best book out there on pushups, as readers have correctly pointed out, nothing even comes close to it. Take a gander, and you’ll quickly see how the product can change your BODY – and life – and right quick at that.