Diet “Shyt”

Dear Reader,

A few weeks ago, I sent out an email about a meme — an email titled “2 foot layer thick fat or more”.

That email received more than a few interesting responses, and one of them is was via my LinkedIn account – and I’ll share a bit of that with you here.

Note that the person responding was someone I’ve known for a long, long time – ever since I went to University, for that matter.

Here is what the comment said “Hello from Emily and Percie You can be proud of Emily she has lost over 80Lbs by cutting out carbs. Lyrica caused the weight gain. Do you know about ketogenic diet? Send me a message about how to contact you”.

You can view my response right here – –  – but for now, let me “reiterate” what I said.

First off, I’m not a fan of any diets in particular. I don’t believe they’re necessary – and I certainly do NOT believe calorie counting, or “watching what you eat” is as important as the “schmexperts” make it out to be.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to gorge on beer and pizza all day long (or every night, for that matter, for some of y’all out there) and lose weight at the same time. It ain’t-a-gonna happen.

However, “watching what you eat”, and going on all sorts of fancy diets is hardly the best solution either.

My first boss way, way back in the day went on a ketogenic diet, and from what I heard, it left him feeling weak and “somewhat depleted” after a month or so of following said diet.

Fructarian you ask? Surely “just eating fruits” can’t be that bad? After all, isn’t that supposed to “purify” your body?

Isn’t that what the yogis, sanyasis (read “holy Babas with long, matted hair standing on one leg in the frigid Himalayas” – well, not always, but you get my drift!) do?

Well – I have THIS to say – I know a couple of people that went on said diet, and they looked like hell frozen – and KEELED – over after just a week or so of following said diet.

Ditto for “starvation” diets, and other such fads that are “trending” these days.

They’re the lazy man’s solution to weight loss and fitness and believe you me, they do NOT deliver the results they promise over the long term.

I got in the best shape of my life by NOT following ANY sort of diet. If anything, I did the exact opposite of what most folks advocate – including the pot bellied experts and “those in the know” with man boobs hanging down to their “man bits” – – and yet, I’m in the best shape of my life regardless.

And it ain’t just external. I recently had bloodwork done, and the doc was amazed.

“Your bloodwork was off just a few years or so ago! What have you been doing?”

So I told him.

“I’ve been hitting it hard and heavy”.

“Oh. Gym, you mean? I’m sure you lift weights?”

(This is a comment I get often – more here – )

“No I don’t”.

And I went on to tell him what I do – I basically gave him an outline of my 0 Excuses Fitness System and the workouts therein, and he stared at me with a mixture of bewilderment and amazement.

And he finally shook his head.

“No, No, no. You need to do cardio for at least an hour a day, and …” his voice trailed off.

“Uh … ”

“Yes, Doc?” I smiled in response, giving him my best “Cheshire” cat grin.

“Uh, look man, just do what you’ve been doing. It sure works!”

So THAT, my friends is the real secret.

It’s NOT fad diets – ketogenic or otherwise, which are far more harmful than the experts claim. I’ll post more on this later, but for now, suffice it to say that “dieting” and “calorie counting” is quite literally the LAST thing you should be thinking of if you’re currently at beached whale status – or even “super fit”, hehe.

Instead, do what works. And keep doing it.

Make a start, and get on the gravy train right HERE, my friend. You’ll never regret a minute!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place – and I don’t care how tough you are ; it’ll beat ya to your knees and KEEP you there  PERMANENTLY if you LET it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life – and it ain’t about how hard you can hit – it’s about how many hits you can TAKE – and keep moving forward. That’s how WINNING is done!” – – Rocky Balboa, 2006. 


An alternate reality

Dear Reader

Back when I created the initial “Fast and Furious Fitness” website (YES, THAT book was the initial iteration of the new and revamped “0 Excuses Fitness System)”, I had no inkling of how I’d actually proceed in that biz.

It was the first time I had ever really seriously considered doing anything online.

I had heard all the advice about putting a site out there. Putting a blog out there, and doing justice to it in the form of great content. Building a subscriber base. And then selling. Et al.

And yet, other than the writing and fitness part, both of which seem like talents (amongst a few others) that I was seemingly, but not really “born with” – – I had little experience doing the rest of the stuff.

My initial goal was to build a list and start from there, and despite having all the resources at hand, incredibly I didn’t take any major marketing actions due to a variety of reasons.

Even more incredibly, my list GREW – without me doing much other than blog about it.

And it grew at a pretty rapid rate – and a few of you on this list KNOW this. Heck, I’ve been through several iterations of the site/products since – – and some of you have repeatedly found me – – and signed back up for the newsletter — so I was quite obviously putting out stuff folks liked!

Yet – even more incredibly, I did nothing to promote back then, and the biz fell by the wayside (sort of) to be replaced by other concerns.

Fast forward to NOW – – and I’m still doing the same thing – – except I’m doing it full time now, which is something I enjoy greatly, and am therefore going “all out” – – but the key again is that most of my major successes even with this biz happened WITHOUT me actively trying.

Note this doesn’t mean without actively DOING anything – not at all. That is just not possible but hold on – let me veer off a bit on a tangent.

In 2015, a personal incident occurred to me, the “emotional after-effects” (NOT scars, tho) of which persist until today.

And as a result of this, I started doing MORE of what I was already doing fitness wise.

I was on a mission. The goal was to get the fittest I had ever been – challenge the “limits”, and knock ’em all out of the ball park – – and I DID.

Now lest you think the key to all this was “mere” effort,  think again. There have been times in my life I’ve applied myself galore to a certain task – only for NO results to materialize, or NEGATIVE results for that matter.

The key, my friend – was that in BOTH the cases above, I knowingly/unknowingly created an alternate reality in my mind.

When I first started, I had no idea on how to attract customers – yet I knew I would – and I did.

When I ramped up my fitness goals from “good” to “super” and then “supreme”, I didn’t know how I was going to accomplish said goals – but I did.

Both the “effort” and “mental” parts of this have been shared in the 0 Excuses Fitness System – – and I highly, highly recommend you to read the 10 Commandments of Physical Success I mention therein – – even if you are NOT interested in getting fit.

In the meantime, what if you’re currently at “super slob” level, but have a goal to get super fit?

Well – GREAT.

What if you constantly “see the reality” in front of you as you train, and get discouraged?

If you’ve got a 45 inch waist, for instance, and are 5’8″ – – chances are you won’t be able to do many pushups, if any at all.

Key here?

Well, try –  for one – but TWO – imagine a new and fit you in your mind as you do the exercises.

SEE yourself the way you want to be – SEE – – and “feel” the flab stripping away at record speed in your mind’s eye as you train.

This, my friend is key to achieving anything of note – and though I’ve spoken about it at length before, today seemed to be a good evening to bring it up once again, and therefore I am.

Last, but not least, lest you think yours truly doesn’t need a reminder on this every now and then – think again.

I’m human – just like you – and a conversation with my buddy Vincent, amongst other things led me to tell you this — as well as implement this philosophy into ANOTHER area of my life that for whatever strange reason I’ve been neglecting to thus far.

Ok, so those are today’s tips. Create an alternate reality for yourself in your mind’s eye first — and you’ll see the physical results materialize soon enough!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – While I speak of the mind’s eye in the email above, ONE of my products allows you to literally – as in physically – SEE – and FEEL the flabola DISAPPEARING off your midsection, arse, and all other problem areas in RECORD time – – AS you do the very exercises. And yes, it’s true, my friend. It’s true – – and you can learn the exact exercises that brought me to realize what I just told you right HERE – – 

“Mommy I crushed Papa’s grip!”

Dear Reader,

My daughter spent some time with her grandparents last night, and then marched on home thereafter.

Instantly upon returning, the first thing she did was to clamber on to my lap – kind of like a baby monkey would with “Mama” monkey,  and I didn’t mind that at all, though I was working upon something.

Daily routine as it were, and unless I’m writing – – or pounding out one of my books (or novels – – more on that in a separate post) – – I don’t really mind the disturbance.

In fact, I welcome every opportunity I have to observe my daughter growing up. Being that I was in China for the majority of the past two years, this privilege is something I do NOT want to take for granted if you get my drift – and neither should any parent IMO.

Now the grip part, you ask?

Well, the first thing she did upon clambering onto my lap was give me a “high 5”.

Whack! As her little palm smashed against mine, it felt like a ship crashing into my palm – – she high fives with GUSTO, just as she’s been taught.

“That was a monster blow, Papa!”

“Sure was, honey!”

And then it was on to gripping.

“Papa, can I give you the GORILLA grip?”

“Uh, sure … ” (I was pretending to be scared).

“Oh, don’t be scared, Papa! …”

And as she grabbed my hand with all the enthusiasm and raw energy a 4 year old could muster, I was silently grinning to myself – BIG time – – though I wasn’t showing it.

And the yells emanated.

“Mommy! Looooook … I’m crushing Papa’s GRIP! Gorillllllaaaa grip!

And she literally did every thing she could to crush  my hand – with BOTH of hers, and a foot thrown in as well for good measure, if just to show that she was putting her WHOLE body into it.

But that’s not all she does though. She routinely practices her jabs (seemingly her favorite punch as of now)  on me – – and though it had very little force to it when she first started – – it’s a different tale now.

I literally have to ask her to tell me to be ready when she “gives me one in the midsection”. Whew! Can just imagine what she’ll be like at around 7 or 8 years of age.

Contrast that to yours truly, who though he was seriously interested in all this when he was growing up, didn’t really have any sort of environment to either learn – – or practice the skills in.

THIS, my friend is key.

Give your kids the environment they desire – – what they really, really want – – and they’ll “flower” and “bloom” naturally without you even trying (as is the case with my daughter).

Other hand, force the environment upon them that YOU wish for them to grow up in , and chances are they’ll  do none of what you want them to do – – or if they do it, it’ll be done in a half ass, half hearted, despondent manner.

‘Tis just how it works, my friend – – and NO, kids do NOT pick up “bad habits” if left to choose “what they want”.

Kids learn by watching – – they learn by example – – and parents by virtue of their “authority” positions are in the very best position to SET that example for them.

I’ve spoken about that before, of course. One of the reasons the average kid these days is a gigantic tub of lard is because, well, – – his parents are the exact same.

If the parents come home from work and pop a six pack (or a bag of chips) and plonk down onto the couch – – well – – chances are the kid will grow up and do the same as well, if he isn’t doing it already.

Back to environment though – – your kids will “see the reality you show them”. And THAT, my friend is the biggest takeaway from this email – – although there are others as well – – see if you can find ’em!

In the meantime, there’s this – I haven’t put out a course on fitness as yet that involves the heavy bag, but I might if there is enough demand. However, my 0 Excuses Fitness System has MORE than plenty to keep the average person busy for his/her entire life – – so if you haven’t done a lick of exercises in years, but are looking to shed unwanted flabbage – – well – – get started NOW.

If you’re a seasoned gym goer – – well, this System might just give you the change and impetus you need for better results as well!

And if you’re an athlete – – or train like one – – well, this will be RIGHT up your alley!

Grab 0 Excuses Fitness right here – –

There’s something for everyone in this as it were, and I’ll close on that sage now. More later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget to pick up my internationally acclaimed “Gorilla Grip” while you’re at it. Research has shown me that THIS product is what most go for right after their 0 Excuses purchase, and with good reason. This combo will truly make you an unbeatable man – – or woman, for that matter, my friend. Grab the opportunity NOW – and watch a whole new world of health, strength and fitness open up that you NEVER knew could exist.


Zero Resistance workouts

Dear Reader,

As I progressed through my heavy bag routine this evening, I felt a sense of exhilaration – – mixed in with CALM –  dawning upon me.

It was a great, great workout, and the BIGGEST takeaway from my workout was not the actual workout itself – or the sweat fest (I was dripping sweat galore even AFTER the routine) – or even the upper body benefits.

The biggest benefit by far was the sense of “peace” and “all is well with the world” that descended upon me after this workout, and though this often happens to me after my 0 Excuses Fitness workouts as well, today was even better – and just that little bit different.

You may find it strange that a workout as intense and “aggressive” as a boxing workout would leave me “at peace” once done, and yet that is precisely what happened not just after the workout – but towards the end of it as well.

As I hit the bag over and over and over again, it was like an ocean wave splashing up across the shore.

Back and forth, back and forth, each wave contained full of graceful, coiled energy – not unlike a coiled spring – or depressed accordion – or what have you.

I could almost hear the waves crash against “my” shore as I continued with my routine, and curiously enough, although I was focusing upon FORM for most of my routine – – I was hitting the darn bag harder than ever before, and in a fluid, relaxed, calm sort of motion.

It didn’t even feel like I was punching half of the time. The arm just “sprang out” and “sprang back”, which is good technique – but most of all, it just felt like a “natural extension” if that makes any sense.

Now don’t get me wrong. The workout DID contain several bits where I went all out, and power was the focus – – but this was only PART of the workout.

Not the entire deal by far, and while these intense boxing workouts are admittedly not for the beginners, or even intermediate or advanced level folks if you’re not used to it – the fact is that one of the best “in the flow” or “zero resistance” workouts you can do doesn’t even require a heavy bag.

I’ve often mentioned the analogy I mentioned above (ocean waves) with regard to Hindu pushups, a great, great exercise unto itself in my writings, blog posts as well as the videos in the System.

The picture on the sales page shows me doing a Hindu pushup, and it is with good reason that I chose THAT particular image to place on the page.

The exercise itself resembles an ocean wave cresting and receding, back and forth, back and forth … and while there are other visualizations you can use for this type of workout, I find the ocean one to work the best for me.

Folks have often asked me why I have that silly “Cheshire cat grin” on my face after doing the reverse pushups – and the best darn exercise ever (specifically the latter).

And the reason is mentioned right here in this email. The feeling you get from doing just that last exercise I mentioned properly is INDESCRIBABLE (especially when you combine it with proper breathing).

Blows runner’s high, or the “gym  pump”, or any other such feeling right OUT of the water, my friend. You’ll feel – and look – and act high – NATURALLY high as opposed to a 4:20 A.M. high feeling if you get my drift, hehe.

Now, as for a workout that makes you feel on top of the world like I just mentioned?

Well, try a workout consisting of NOTHING other than Hindu pushups and reverse pushups – and the best darn exercise ever – all done in proper form.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll probably plonk out after 5 or 10 reps combined. Even intermediate / advanced folks who haven’t done these exercises before will be hard pressed to get to 25 reps – if even that.

Believe me now, and trust me later, it’s NOT an easy thing to pump out reps of the best darn exercise ever like I do in the Videos – – and yet, once you master this skill, you’ll be all the better off for it – and will FEEL like a billion bucks as well.

If you’re interested in feeling this way, then my course on the “best darn exercise” ever is the best thing that happened to you since sliced bread. Grab it right here – –, and get cracking ASAP.

Try an “in the flow, zero resistance” workout today, my friend – and experience the feeling for yourself!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I was feeling kinda down before my workout today and was certainly encountering “resistance” in various shapes and forms before commencing the actual workout. Good thing I noticed these signs – and then did some visualization to BANISH said resistance – and – well, the rest is history! BTW, one of the most powerful visualizations you can do in terms of fitness and life as well is mentioned in the 10 Commandments of Physical Success in the System – something you absolutely must learn how to do – and you can learn by grabbing the System right here – –

P.S #2 – Quote of the evening – – “Let things happen. Transmit your desire to the Universe – – and let things FLOW thereafter”.

P.P.S – Quote #2 — “I am not blessed because everything went right. I’m blessed because cause I got FIGHT!”.

Improvise, adapt – and OVERCOME!

Dear Reader,

My post on “meat cleaver forearms” the other day seems to have attracted quite a bit of attention, as does the original Gorilla Grip book itself.

For some reason, although I’ve put out an advanced course on grip training as well – stuff that would knock the pants off even the most experienced of preeners and posers at the local “meathouse” – the ORIGINAL course is what most people like the most, and what sells the most as well.

Just goes to show you that “getting back to basics” is never ever a bad thing, hehe. And truth be told, you could work on the exercises mentioned in Gorilla Grip ALL your life – and still NOT master even one of them fully – so tough are the exercises mentioned therein.

Here is where you can grab your copy – –

Now at the beginning of that course, I mention a conversation – an actual conversation I had with my buddy Vincent, an ex-Marine – a man that’s done over 25 years of service in the Marines, and a man who … Well, those of you that are regular readers of this newsletter know who  I’m talking about!

That was one conversation, of course, and we often chat back and forth about various things – life included – and when strange problems crop up – or when “the unexpected occurs”, he’s naturally one of the persons I “bounce” stuff off a lot.

My own motto is this – “Expect the unexpected” – – and this “There is NO such beast as coincidence”.

If you’re running into the same person over and over again – or facing the same issue over and over again – or unable to get past a sticking point no matter what you do – – there is a REASON behind it, my friend.

And one of my buddy’s favorite lines – and one of mine as well, come to think of it is this – “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome”.

I’ll never forget the number of times we’ve “raised a toast” to this motto.

For those “not in the know”, U.S. Marines, and special forces in general all over the world might have a chain of command and definitely DO have a hierarchy, but this doesn’t mean that direct orders are always issued.

They have to deal with a broad spectrum of issues which requires decision making – and swift decisions at that – on the SPOT – without time to “ask one’s superiors” about every little detail.

In short, a Marine knows BOTH how to follow orders – and adapt/improvise as required when IMPLEMENTING those orders.

And this one skill, my friend is something we’d ALL do well to pick up and use in our daily lives.

We often (more often than not) end up encountering the unexpected. Plans don’t always go “according to plan”. Things happen. And so forth.

Always be ready. Always have a back up plan. Improvise – then ADAPT them plans – and finally, overcome that obstacle – or sticking point – and if there’s one takeaway from today’s email, well, this is IT.

Now, the great part about all this?

Well, fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System requires you to bear that above philosophy in mind – but the easy part is you do NOT have to “make new plans” if the gym is closed.

If you don’t feel like doing regular pushups, there’s always another alternative – and it can be done right there in your living room.

If it’s hot and humid out there and the “sticky” weather makes you want to stay home in air-conditioning all day long, well, I understand – – but there’s an option to get your cardio in ANYWAY at home if you do it right.

All the plans you need to improvise in terms of workouts are laid out for you in black and white in the System – – and the videos give you further instruction on how to further “customize” or “improvise” (and then ADAPT) according to your own situation.

The System is available right here, by the way – –

So if you’re currently at a sticking point in your fitness regimen (and I know many of you reading this are) – or if the gym “just ain’t getting the job done” (and again, I know many in that boat) – – well – – improvise, and make a change.

I’ll say it again – improvise – – adapt – – and OVERCOME!

That is really all there is to it, my friend.

Ok, I’m off for some victuals. I’ll be back again later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Meat cleaver forearms are great, and are something most men want, and the first step to obtaining them is to train the RIGHT way. And the exercises you need as a baseline are mentioned right here – –

Grab your copy today, and start building those sledgehammer like forearms that’ll have Popeye’s “eyes” bulging in wonder, hehe.

P.S #2 – Quote of the day –  “The function of fear is to warn us of danger – NOT to make us afraid to face it!”.

Another day, another dollar … for YOU!

Dear Reader,

I like that above saying so much that I use it as a “whatsup” status in many of my IM’s – WeChat, WhatsApp, Skype (on the rare occasions I use it) and so forth.

Another day, another dollar … INDEED!

With the above in mind, here’s something else I’d like to inform you about – BEFORE it goes out through social media and other channels.

I’ve been getting some inquiries as of late about folks wishing to promote the path breaking 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Being that I’m the type that prefers to go it “solo” and full bore (of course!) whenever possible, I didn’t really give this a thought – until now, that is after I received yet another email from someone that is interested in this type of promotion.

Hey, might as well try it, eh. I never EVER thought I’d get on social media – – but now – – look where we are in that regard!

So this is yet another “trial” – – and a live one at that. If you’re interested in becoming a 0 Excuses Fitness affiliate, and earning high commissions on each sale you promote (currently we’re doing this for the System, but I’ll add other products in as well soon) – then go HERE to apply for the Program.

Once you’ve applied, we’ll get back to you ASAP – and if you’ve been approved – HERE is where you can login to your affiliate account – –

These links are accessible via the bottom “blue” footer area of the site as well for those of you that aren’t that good with URL’s (myself included!).

Ok, so that’s the evening update for now. Be back again tomorrow with more!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – For those of you that prefer applying via email, you can do it via [email protected].

P.S #2 – Thought of the evening – – “Do what the average fear – – and success will be NEAR!”


Motivated by the fear of being average

Dear Reader,

I was browsing through my Instagram account this morning, and saw a quote from an account I follow and it was so darn inspirational that I just HAD to share it with you.

It’s mentioned in the subject line of this email – and I’ll say this – it rung true with me the MINUTE I saw it.

It truly fits my life philosophy to a T – right down to my workouts, interactions with others, my work – my writing – and literally everything else I do in my life.

Settling for second best or “sloppy seconds” as they like to say has never been my style, my friend.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the Sylvester Stallone flick “Over the top” (one for you arm wrasslin fans out there) but big ole Bull Hearley says something in that flick that resonates with me equally well.

“I arm wrestle, drive trucks and break arms for a living. That’s what I do, and that’s what I do best. There ain’t no second place. Second SUCKS”.

I still remember some of the workouts I partook of last year – 0 Excuses Fitness stuff, but get this – accomplished a) at the top of the hill I talk so fondly of and b) done in the hot, humid summer heat of Southern China.

Why didn’t I choose a better time to work out? Well, Ms. Mao, her of the English teaching that I wrote about a few emails ago had scheduled me in for the afternoon, so the only possible time to get my workout done was either early in the AM or before the classes.

Being I’m NOT a morning person in general, I started at 10 A.M. and the sweat FLEW off me as I climbed the hill.

It POURED off me as I did my squats. I’d either do 5 sets of 100 or 10 sets of 50 – or something in between, and the kids would be staring at me in bewilderment as I went “up and down” rhythmically – and a crowd would gather every time I got down to my assortment of pushups.

Now the reason I mention all this to you is this – my reason for working out at that time and location wasn’t to “show off”. Certainly not, and I’ve written in the past about how folks getting in my face, or asking for selfies etc annoys the heck out of me when I’m training.

No – it was to do something that the average person – or even “above average” person will NEVER do when it comes to fitness.

To do that thing day in and day out without fail – year in and year out, I should say, actually.

And the results speak for themselves, methinks.

So that’s basically the lesson for the day, my friends. If you do “what the average person does”, well, expect average results – both life and fitness wise.

If you do what WINNERS – and achievers at the highest levels do – well – expect results at a certain level as well.

You get what you put into it  – and I’ve mentioned this in 0 Excuses Fitness too, except I’ve couched it in different terms. There’s no two ways around it. That’s just how it is.

(By the way, there are plenty of other “life lessons” mentioned in the System – available right here –

In the meantime, for those of you reading this, I realize there will be a substantial majority that is content to “sit back” and “browse away” (or progress down their Inbox) and take literally no action at all.

These are the folks that are content to do long distance cardio for years, and then complain about shot knees, saggy skin, and weight NOT at optimal levels regardless.

These are the gym bros who preen, pose, pump and tone galore in front of mirrors after doing “side lats from Mars” and accomplishing “striations from the moon” and God knows what else, and yet stare on enviously at the “non-descript” guy at the far corner of the room pumping out handstand pushups in sets of 10.

And so forth.

That’s fine, if you’re in the above category. It ain’t my biz to tell you how to live your life,  my brother.

But if you’re part of the rarefied group that WANTS – and AIMS for success in damn near everything they do, fitness included, well then you’re in the right place for sure.

Click on over HERE, and start doing the very exercises that top fitness supremos pound out on  a regular basis.

Do what the best do – and settle for NOTHING less than the best, my friend.

There truly is NO other way to live!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Handstand pushups are a great, great way to build the upper body, but the problem is that there is too much junk floating about on the Internet about these. One common bit of foolishness I hear on a regular basis is that “handstands are unnatural and dangerous”. Well, golly, fancy that. Doug Hepburn for one would disagree – and as they say, pictures speak a thousand words or more – and if you’re looking to build shoulders like the Almighty Doug had, well, do what he did all day long in sets!

P.S #1 – Quote of the day (imagine a tiger prowling as you read this) – “The aim is to balance the terror of being alive with the wonder of being alive”. Amen to THAT!

Meat Cleaver forearms

Dear Reader,

A year or so ago, I met someone outside a local high school in China – someone I’m good friends with until this date – and someone that did something that was quite surprising and a novelty for me as well.

What was this something?

Well, he took my hand in his massive paw to shake it and to be honest it felt like I had put my hand inside an industrial grade cement mixer to be honest.

Woah! I hear some of you saying. Aren’t you the gorilla grip guy? Aren’t you the guy that has very proudly proclaimed on multiple occasions that his gorilla grip exercises gave him a grip of steel – all without doing a single pull-up and a grip that routinely has most folks – including most gym rats – shaking their head in bewilderment as if to wonder how the “slim” guy packs such a punch in his grip?

True, my friend. True. I do indeed have a gorilla grip – hence I penned the manual – but THIS guy was more than, or at least a  match for it.

We jostled back and forth a bit doing out best to “pull” the other towards ourselves – something which was instinctual not just for me – but for him as well.

Seasoned readers of this email list will know who I’m referring to, but for the uninitiated?

Well, it’s a 6’1″ giant I’m referring to – a good friend of mine who I have the utmost respect for – a man that has served in the U.S Marines Corps for over 25 years – and a man who naturally has been into bodyweight exercise ALL his life.

A man who a herd of crazed, charging rhinos would think twice before messing with, especially given those lumberjack shoulders he’s got (hey, now THAT’s a good idea for a product, ain’t it? hehe) – and forearms that look as if they belong on an ironmonger.

And a man who features in Gorilla Grip as well, hehe. I couldn’t leave him out of there – especially not after the comments he made about my grip – all of which are true, by the way. No B.S. in any of that, as is the case with me in general as well as all my writings.

‘Twas this guy that sent me a strange looking photo the other night – strange looking at first glance, at least.

It was one of those photos “doctored” by the dumb phone with special effects. You know what I’m referring to, don’t you?

It was a normal picture – but “blurred out” and converted to “slatish grey” or some such color, and a silhouette was all that was visible – well, a man working on a laptop, but upon close examination I  knew who it was instantly.

What gave it away was the size- and shape of those FOREARMS – which try as you might, you cannot disguise.

Meat cleaver forearms as the case are, and those forearms in question belong to the friend I’m referring to – and once I saw those bulging forearms, there was NO question in my mind as to who was the “star” in the picture, hehe.

As I told my friend, “There ain’t no doubting who those meat cleavers belong to!”

Anyway, I haven’t caught up with him in a while, but the point of me telling you this?

Well, first off, this – that brawny, huge forearms that look like they belong on a butcher-blacksmith combo – and mammoth shoulders literally bursting with power are something that every male wants – but precious few actually end up GETTING.

And in terms of a strong grip, other than all the practical benefits, here’s one more for gym rats and pumpers/toners alike – the forearms, along with the neck are a part of the body that will ALWAYS be visible, no matter what type of clothing you wear.

You can try and disguise your belly by wearing loose fitting clothes, though it’s not going to disguise it fully.

You can try and disguise the “flamingo” look that many gym gorillas sport i.e. a massive upper body and reed like legs by clothing – and again, although it’s not really gonna work, you can at least try to some extent.

But the forearms and neck stand out no matter what.

You cannot conceal a pair of well developed forearms, my friend, and try as you might, the same goes for underdeveloped forearms.

And MOST, if not all of the exercises I note in Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (advanced) are exercises my buddy swore by when he was in the military as well – exercises that work just as well for civilians, btw, and exercises that have kept him in the sort of shape that he is today at an age where most would call him “way past his prime”.

Exercises that you, my friend, would be WELL advised to take a look at, and try if you’re serious about developing grip strength – and judging from the reaction I’ve got from my previous grip training emails, it seems plenty are!

I’ll close this out with a quote from the book and sales page itself.

“I’ve never met anyone that grabbed my hand naturally with a kung fu grip like that!”

You’re right, my friend – and neither have I – so mucho respect in that regard, amigo – you truly DO know – and HAVE – that gorilla grip I keep referring to!

Last,  but not least, always remember that I state in Gorilla Grip, optimal results can only be obtained if you use the exercises in Gorilla Grip along with the regimens in 0 Excuses Fitness as a baseline.

You cannot do it any other way, my friend. You can only develop your grip to the fullest if you have a solid base to build upon – it just don’t work any other way.

Oh, and for you meatheads out there — there are actually a couple of exercises in there that are NOT bodyweight only – but they certainly aren’t “sitting on a bench and doing wrist curls” either.

No, the few “non bodyweight” exercises in there are the REAL deal – that build REAL men – and exercises that few people care to do these days. Dare to be the exception to that general rule if you so choose, and you’ll benefit in proportion too!

OK, thats it for now. I’ve been “putting out fires” all day as it were, and now I’m off for some more firefighting. More later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Believe it or not, my friend whose got years and years of experience doing bodyweight stuff was most keen to learn about the Hindu pushups and squats I mention in the System – both exercises he has NOT done before – but exercises that he’d love to try nonetheless. Fancy that, huh? A man who you’d think would “know it all”, but has the exact same OPPOSITE attitude. My hat off to you, my brother – and as for you folks reading this, if this doesn’t motivate you to get off yer duff and try out what I’m talking about – – well – – I’m not sure what will!

P.S. #2 – I’ve been getting my daughter to work the heavy bag these days (as I mentioned in a prior note) and boy is she getting into it!  More on that later as well …


Them hard decisions …

Dear Reader,

Years and years ago, I think in 2005 to be precise I made a tough decision. A REAL tough decision – and one that eventually proved to be an exercise in futility in many regards (hindsight is always 20/20 though).

That tough decision was made after carefully considering several factors at the time – and it was to leave a country which I loved – that being China – and a country that I’ve had more than my fair share of “good times” in if you get my drift, hehe (and YES, you’d have to be an old timer to understand this one!).

I still remember that excruciatingly HOT, humid day as I was walking back home after my climb.

Those were the  pre-sprint days. The pre-0 Excuses Fitness days — but I was building a base even then (though I didn’t know it).

As my T-shirt stuck to my back, and my track pants felt about double or more their weight, I remember looking back at that deserted park and saying this at the entrance – mentally – I’ll be BACK.

And funnily enough, my “departure” was never permanent. I kept returning – to China – but mostly to the almighty HILL – a hill, and a park that will always hold a special place in my heart, which made the initial decision to leave that much more poignant.

A couple of months ago I made a similar tough decision, and some of the emotions I experienced at that time are mentioned here – – 

And funnily enough, it now appears that (as per the norm) even that decision isn’t working out for the best in a few regards (all non business related though).

As I’ve said ad infinitum on other blogs of mine, “you can’t get away from who you are really are”.

What you REALLY, REALLY want at the core of your heart (whether you know it or not) will find a way to  you in your life, and will find a way to “chase” you down whether you like it or not.

But anyway, back to tough decisions – we often need to make tough decisions in our lives – decisions that need to be made nonetheless.

And when it comes to fitness, there is NO question that the vast majority  of folks out there need to give themselves a good ole fashioned ass whopping and seriously question their attitudes towards fitness – and life in general for that matter.

The bloated bellies, the saggy asses, the bingo wings on display just about everywhere I go — and most of all, the gluttony I see around me on a regular basis.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the picture, no?

ALL these folks need to make a hard decision – a decision to get fit – and be DISCIPLINED in their lives, and do so the right way.

Hard decisions rarely ever feel good. I’ve spoken about one of them above. Yet another one was during my leaning out phase when I woke up at 5:30 A.M. daily and climbed that darn hill about 3 times in the morning – before showing up again in the P.M. to do twice again.

I’m not a morning person, by the way, but what had to be done HAD to be done at that point, for reasons other than fitness as well (and that’s another tale for another time).

It’s not going to feel good initially when my 0 Excuses book tells you to drop the excuses. You’ll feel outraged when you read what I’ve said about weightlifting in general – – and what former bodybuilders have told me as well.

And you’ll feel the need to turn me upside down as in “who the hell does this guy think he is”, hehe.

And then you’ll probably figure “hey, I made this purchase. Let’s just crank out a few reps and tell this guy how useless his stuff is”.

After doing so, and after noticing how you’re barely able to walk after your first 40 (20 for most people) Hindu squats, you might think “this guy might have something after all”.

Once you see your belly receding before your very eyes as you do the best darn exercise ever, and once you FEEL good in the way only that exercise can make you feel – you might even start to wonder why you questioned it in the first place.

And so forth – and laugh all you like, my friend – but what I’ve said above is true, and more than a few customers have actually written to me and told me about it (much like the former bodybuilder did!).

So that’s today’s tip. If a hard decision has to be made – MAKE  it – and then get on with your life with no “ifs and buts”.

Nothing is perfect, and nothing ever will be. Hindsight is always 20/20. All we can do is live in the present and react to it – and the same holds true for fitness, my friend.

Make the decision NOW. Roll on over HERE, and be prepared to be blown away by what you download shortly thereafter!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – By the way, we’ve been encountering a few glitches on the site – – but should be all ok now. Some of the older blog posts aren’t showing the main nav bar on the site, but all good there as well – -simply use the bottom nav bar or the “next/older” post at the bottom of the post.

P.S #2 – Have you followed us on social media as yet? If not, get on the train NOW.

P.P.S –  What did a former bodybuilder tell me? Find out right HERE – –

Fitting exercise into your daily schedule

Dear Reader,

Many moons ago, 2008 to be precise, I believe, the onlookers and travelers at the New Delhi subway stations were greeted by a strange sight indeed.

An unique sight if I might say so – and that sight was a slim 25 year old something laddie rushing up the subway stairs, long hair in full flow (that was back when it was down to my waist) – laptop in tow – and most intriguingly, in full formal attire, right down to business casual shoes.

That young lad was me – and I had a long, long commute either way to work, most of which was accomplished by subway.

And naturally being the fitness fanatic I am, I made full use of the limited time I had in the subway to get in a CRACKER of a workout – that being stair sprints – and those are hard enough done by themselves – but when you pack on a hefty ass laptop? Whew!

I still remember the stares all the “tired” and “defeated” office goers used to give me as they trundled along on the escalators …

A stare, which quite frankly was a mixture of curiosity and downright bewilderment (i.e. WTF, hehe).

This despite the numerous signs posted on the subway station’s walls literally exhorting people to climb the stairs if not sprint for heart health (amongst others) …

My workout took like less than 2 minutes to be honest – but was I PANTING at the end of it?

I used to do my pushups before work – and believe me, 500 odd pushups followed by these sprints and then a full day of work will make you feel it, my brother – and the reason I’m telling you this is that there literally is NO way you cannot fit exercise into your schedule no matter how busy you are.

I wrote earlier about visiting my buddy Marc for a few beers back when I was in China. I wrote about the elevators in his house not working.

And I wrote about tackling the 20 odd flights of stairs to his house – something that was a breeze for me, even with beer bottles in tow, but something that wasn’t that easy for him – but something that he DID – to his utmost credit – with NO excuses made!

These are but two examples of why I blanch (and thats being polite) when I hear folks complain about “not having enough time”.

Huh?? You don’t have even 2 minutes – or 5 minutes to spare in your day?

I don’t believe that, my friend – and if you honestly don’t have even that much time to spare – well – then I suggest you take a step back and re-evaluate what you are doing with your life and how you’re living it.

On another note, NOT everyone is ready for stair sprints – – or even climbing TWO flights of stairs to begin with, let alone 20.

I mentioned a true testimony given by a former bodybuilder (that thankfully saw the light) on the Shoulders like Boulders page, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that many a bodybuilder have dropped dead from a heart attack simply from doing daily, mundane activities (such as raising one’s arms to hang a picture, for instance – and yes – that’s true!).

And he certainly wasn’t in the sort of shape to sprint stairs, for one.

But why just him? The average person is so out of shape that he starts wheezing uncontrollably after climbing two moderate flights of stairs to his apartment – and less if he’s got groceries in tow.

And so forth.

A great place to start though are the pushups – or squats – or even the back bends I’ve described in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’ve given you detailed instructions on how to do all these exercises – and no, again, it’s “not just pushups”. It’s far, far more than that – far more than you ever imagined you could get even from pushups, for that matter.

These workouts don’t take long at all, my friend. You can fit in a 15 minute block in the morning to jump start your day – or the same at the end of the day to “banish the blues” as it were.

They’ll get the heart pounding – the muscles working – and will give your entire system a tune up from the inside out – the way it SHOULD be – and you’ll feel like a billion bucks thereafter.

Most of all, there’ll be no more excuses left in terms of “having no time to workout”.

Ain’t that a good thing, my friend?

I sure think it is. Give it a try today, and let me know how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Was  a sight indeed to see Mommy and Daughter sprinting on the way to school this morning to see if they could “outrun” Papa. Indeed a sight, and indeed great to have a daughter that does this of her own accord damn near every morning! That’s what I mean by setting a good example – the benefits are manifold – not just for you – but EVERYONE you come in contact with. And following the 0 Excuses Fitness System religiously is one of the best examples you can set, my friend. Grab your copy right now, and get started!